Why does my stomach swell and hurt after eating? Bloating after eating - causes, treatment, diet, what to do with frequent bloating

One of the common complaints of patients is bloating after eating. The main reason One such problem is overeating fatty, fried and gas-forming foods. In some cases, this sign indicates development serious illnesses.

If your stomach is bloated after eating, then the problem cannot be left unattended. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, and they are divided into two categories - internal and external.

The main cause of flatulence is poor nutrition. Nutritionists and gastroenterologists always urge their patients to limit the consumption of foods that cause the formation of gases in the intestinal tract.

One of the main roles in functionality alimentary canal microflora plays. Even the slightest violation increases the risk of occurrence after eating. This is due to the fact that harmful bacteria are activated and begin to suppress the activity useful substances. Thus, the processes of fermentation and rotting are formed.

The cause of discomfort in some people is individual lactose intolerance. Determining the absence of an enzyme is difficult. Usually, discomfort occurs after consuming dairy products.

Diseases accompanied by bloating

If your stomach becomes bloated after eating, you need to pay attention to associated symptoms. This process can signal the presence of serious diseases in the form of:

  • umbilical, inguinal hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • disturbances of blood flow in the digestive canal;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • tumor-like neoplasms;
  • erosive bulbitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • dysbiosis in the intestines;
  • lactose tolerance;
  • infectious lesions of the intestinal tract;
  • availability foreign objects in the digestive tract.

Symptoms such as bloating, vomiting, nausea, painful spasms, dizziness, belching, and increased temperature values. If the patient has the above symptoms, then you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Food allergies

Occurs after taking certain types of foods in the form of citrus fruits, strawberries, honey, chicken eggs, some types of fish and meat. An allergic reaction occurs not only external signs, but also internal. It affects the functioning of the stomach and intestines, thereby leading to the formation of gases.

The problem can be solved by eliminating the allergen from the diet. Otherwise, the patient develops additional symptoms in the form of constipation, diarrhea, belching and vomiting.

TO additional symptoms include:

  • uneven increase in abdominal size;
  • bowel dysfunction in the form of constipation. With severe intoxication, diarrhea is observed;
  • nausea;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • lack of appetite or, conversely, constant feeling hunger;
  • irritability.

Digestive system diseases

Often in the background long-term use antibiotics decreases protective function intestinal walls. This leads to the development of dysbiosis. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are manifested not only by bloating. The patient may experience loose stools, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, belching of sour contents, and heartburn.

If the patient's gastritis worsens or peptic ulcer, then one of the main symptoms will be a feeling of hunger at night and heaviness after eating. Bloating is always accompanied by pain.

If your stomach is bloated after eating, then most likely the cause lies in lazy stomach syndrome. In such cases, motor function impairment begins to occur. In addition to bloating, the patient complains of fullness in the abdominal area, and oral cavity arises metallic taste and an unpleasant odor.

Intestinal dyspepsia occurs as a result of pancreatic dysfunction and insufficient secretion bile.

Hemorrhoidal disease

The stomach can also blow due to the development of hemorrhoids. Not everyone knows that internal hemorrhoids interferes with the passage of gases and feces. Against this background, not only constipation appears, but also an increase in the size of the abdomen, pain syndrome and flatulence.

This type of disease occurs when sedentary life, pregnancy and childbirth, serious physical activity. If hemorrhoids are not treated, complications arise. One of these is the prolapse of hemorrhoids from the rectum.

Lactose intolerance

This disease is increasingly being diagnosed in patients. It often occurs in children. The disease is characterized by the absence of an enzyme that breaks down lactose. This component is found in dairy products. The main signs of the disease are bloating and colic.

If you do not pay attention to the problem in a timely manner, additional symptoms appear in the form of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Thus, the body tries to get rid of toxic components.

If a child exhibits these signs, then breast milk must be replaced with special mixtures. In the future, as the child grows, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, whey, and yogurt should be excluded from the diet.

Treatments for bloating

The first thing you need to do is find out why your stomach starts to blow. To do this, you need to undergo an examination, which includes:

  • coprogram;
  • analysis of urine, blood and feces;
  • colonoscopy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • radiography.

After production accurate diagnosis treatment is prescribed, which involves complex therapy.

  1. First of all, foods that cause increased gas formation. It is worth giving up carbonated drinks, cabbage, legumes, black bread. With extreme caution and minimum quantity eat sweets and flour products, dairy products.
  2. If a patient is suspected of lactose deficiency, dairy products in the form of milk, kefir, and cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content are completely removed from the diet. If the baby is on breastfeeding, then it is transferred to special lactose-free mixtures.
  3. You need to eat little by little often. The volume of one serving should not exceed 200 grams. At the same time, nutrition should be balanced. It is worth giving up fried and fatty foods, and replace them with steamed, boiled, stewed ones. The number of meals should range from 4 to 6 times.
  4. Don't forget to comply drinking regime. Before each meal you should drink one glass clean water. The emphasis is on the use of fruit drinks, compotes from fresh and dried fruits and berries. You can drink green and black tea.
  5. Refuse bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol.

In addition, the patient may be prescribed medications:

  • enzymes to improve the function of food digestion: Mezim, Festal, Creon;
  • antacids to regulate the composition of hydrochloric acid: Gastal, Rennie;
  • antibacterial agents: Enterofuril;
  • sorbents: Activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel;
  • anthelminthic drugs: Vermox, Nemozol, Pirantel;
  • carminatives: Espumisan, SubSimplex;
  • suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids and constipation: glycerin and sea ​​buckthorn candles, Natalsid, Proctosan, Relief. They are prescribed only by a doctor after examination.

You also need to enable physical exercise, which are aimed at removing gases from the intestines. The simplest exercises include the “Bicycle” exercise, tucking your legs towards your stomach. You can massage clockwise and lightly knead the muscles. Babies are advised to apply warm diapers or heating pads to their tummy.

Eliminate any different stressful situations. In some cases, doctors may prescribe anti-anxiety medications. Eating should always take place within calm atmosphere. Also avoid quick snacks, sandwiches, fast foods and processed foods.

Good help in solving the problem traditional methods. To remove gases use:

  • chamomile decoction. Brew one spoon of dry herb in a mug of water and take up to three times a day;
  • dill water. You can buy fresh inflorescences in the store or buy them dried at the pharmacy. It's easy to brew them. Just add a spoonful of greens and pour it in a mug boiled water. Take each time before meals 20-30 minutes;
  • fresh pumpkin or potato juice. They coat the stomach well and regulate intestinal function. They should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 100-200 milliliters.

As preventive measures can be taken herbal teas from sage, St. John's wort, calendula, caraway, fennel. You can buy them at any pharmacy.

If bloating occurs constantly, then you need to consult a doctor about this problem and undergo an examination.

Unpleasant, heavy sensations in the abdomen, a feeling of bloating sometimes occur even in the most healthy people. They are often accompanied sharp pains and flatulence. Containing gases greatly aggravates the situation. And if you are not at home, the situation sometimes seems catastrophic. What is the cause of bloating? How to get rid of the problem quickly and effectively?

Why is he swollen?

In some cases, bloating may be a symptom dangerous condition. Let's list some:

  • blockage of the intestinal lumen by a foreign body;
  • physical obstruction of the intestine due to the formation of loops, volvulus;
  • dynamic obstruction (spasms, intestinal paralysis);
  • pancreatic volvulus.

If one of these causes is suspected, immediate attention is required. medical care. As a rule, such bloating is not accompanied by flatulence.
Associated symptoms

Trouble, as they say, does not come alone, and other unpleasant disorders may be added to a distended belly:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • frequent belching;
  • stool disorders (diarrhea and constipation);
  • hiccups;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • loud rumbling in the stomach;
  • pain and heaviness, feeling of tension in abdominal cavity.

All human organs are interconnected through the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic and other systems. In this regard, it is not uncommon negative reactions on accumulations of gases and from these organs. Although, it would seem, they do not take any part in digestion. Headaches occur, shortness of breath, mood deteriorates, falls physical activity, sleep disappears, heart rate increases, etc.

Bloating after eating: causes and treatment

If your stomach bloats after eating and this happens regularly, you cannot ignore it. If you do not regularly eat trigger foods, it means you have a disorder. digestive process. It is necessary to examine the gastrointestinal tract to exclude pathology. Based on the above reasons for bloating after eating, treatment should be prescribed after examination. What it should include:

  1. It is necessary to take a stool test for dysbacteriosis and the presence of helminthiases.
  2. Examine gastric juice for acidity.
  3. Do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Pay attention to the condition and position of the pancreas.

It should be noted that if you are prone to bloating and flatulence, a number of provoking foods should be excluded from your diet. These are all types of legumes and cabbage, some dairy products (in particular, ready-made yogurts), raw apples, peaches, radishes, green peppers and some others. Do not consume lemonades and kvass.

Individual intolerance to a product is often observed, although it seems completely harmless. It must be categorically excluded.

Urgent Care

What to do if you feel bloated and flatulent after eating? Which urgent measures can I accept? First of all, try to remove the gases. If bloated belly accompanied by flatulence, and you are in cramped conditions, don’t expect it to get better. It won't get better, the condition will get worse. If you don't let the gases escape in time, it can be difficult to do so later. The pain can become unbearable.

Accept Activated carbon or another enterosorbent, for example, enterosgel, enzyme.
If you feel severe pain, lie down. Stroke your belly in a clockwise circular motion. However, remember that physical activity is better for eliminating gas.

Folk remedies for bloating

In addition to taking sorbent drugs, you can contact folk medicine.
The simplest and most widely used remedy is dill water. To obtain it, you need to brew 400 g of boiling water with 2 tsp. dill seeds. The infusion is kept for at least half an hour. Take 1/2 tbsp every hour. Dill can be replaced with fennel.
Also good effect give infusions and teas using thyme, chamomile, St. John's wort, parsley, oregano and angelica root.

Bloating and flatulence in pregnant women

When carrying a child this problem occurs very often. There are specific reasons for this:

  • weakened production of enzymes by the pancreas;
  • compression of the intestine, inhibition of its motor function by the growing uterus;
  • changes hormonal levels, contributing to the weakening of muscle tone.

However, no matter how natural the cause of flatulence and bloating may seem to you, you should notify your doctor. It could turn out to be much more serious.

Newborn colic

In infants, bloating is commonly called colic. They are accompanied severe pain, the child screams shrilly. There are several causes of colic:

  • swallowing air during feeding (large nipple, incorrect position pacifier, fast swallowing);
  • binge eating;
  • unacceptability of composition mother's milk or mixtures.

It should be understood that infant colic is not a disease, but a common occurrence. But it's very painful, so that's all possible measures to alleviate the baby's condition should be taken.

Preventing bloating

  1. Do not overuse foods that cause fermentation and increased gas formation.
  2. Watch the compatibility of what you eat.
  3. Do not drink more than 1 tbsp at a time. carbonated drink or kvass.
  4. Choose unprocessed, complex carbohydrates.
  5. If bloating and flatulence haunt you constantly, get examined. You can take enzymes as dietary supplements.
  6. Eat buckwheat and rice.
  7. Include it in your morning menu oatmeal. It perfectly cleanses the intestines of “yesterday”.
  8. Drink water. Cup mineral water Half an hour before a meal can in many cases help get rid of the “gas” problem.
  9. Replace fresh vegetables stewed. If bloating is caused fresh fruits, switch to dried fruits.
  10. Avoid overeating.
  11. If the bloating does not go away the next day, provided you have a bowel movement, you should consult a doctor.

So, in order to alleviate the condition of bloating after eating, you should, first of all, eliminate harmful eating habits. Once you understand what led to this problem, you can take steps to eliminate it. Remember that bloating in itself is not a disease, but it can be a symptom of a disease. This means that recurring cases should not be ignored.

Many have encountered unpleasant phenomenon When the stomach swells, a mass of gases forms in the intestines, and flatulence appears. Often, a discomforting state occurs after festive feasts or eating certain foods. If your health is in order, the cause of bloating can be explained simply: in the process of digesting poorly combined foods, gases have formed, and now they are asking to be released. In more difficult cases bloating and other symptoms may indicate a particular disease.

Common causes of bloating

The following are common reasons why the stomach is bloated in practically healthy people:

  • The formation of a significant amount of gases is caused by the consumption of poorly combined foods.
  • Fermentation and rumbling in digestive system provokes excessive consumption of carbonated drinks. When taken in small quantities, gases naturally are deleted.
  • The habit of eliminating with soda. As you know, soda and acid gastric juice- antagonists. If you mix a small amount of baking soda and vinegar will happen chemical reaction with highlighting carbon dioxide. When drinking soda, the resulting gases distend the stomach from the inside.
  • Eating food quickly and impatiently, causing air to enter the stomach. It is difficult or impossible to get rid of it through belching.
  • Often the reason why belly bloating after eating, associated with the habit of overeating.
  • Abuse fatty foods, requiring considerable time for digestion. Fats create a feeling of fullness and provoke bloating.

The stomach is swollen with constipation and flatulence

As you know, with constipation, bowel movements occur quite rarely, with an interval of about 48 hours or longer, up to a week. Feces very dense, which is why the process of defecation is accompanied by discomfort and painful sensations.

It seems that emptying is not completed completely, the stomach and intestines are constantly filled with contents, which causes bloating. Pain may appear along the colon. The skin takes on an unhealthy sallow-gray hue, and a rash appears on the face or back.

The main causes of constipation are considered to be poor diet, excessive nervous and mental stress, and alcohol.

In the case of flatulence, the stomach and intestines swell due to the formation of a significant amount of gas. Appear painful sensations caused by the movement of gases along the intestines.

Flatulence is quite common in young children. IN in this case the stomach is tense, the behavior is restless. Treatment is performed with activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight up to 3 times a day.

Constipation and flatulence are common during... To prevent bloating, it is worth limiting or eliminating legumes, peas, cabbage, black bread, as well as grapes, plums, and juices from them.

Bloating due to changes in diet

If there is a sudden change in the usual diet (for example, in the case of complete failure from meat) the body is not able to quickly adapt and therefore reacts with bloating, distension in the stomach and intestines, constipation, loose stools, and other symptoms. For this reason, changes in nutrition should be carried out with a certain gradualness.

Another possible reason, which causes the stomach to swell, is considered to be a food problem caused by the intake of allergenic foods. These can be citrus fruits (tangerine, orange), peaches, strawberries, sweets, chicken eggs, honey and its derivatives, spices, even meat or fish.

Usually, allergic reaction manifested by a change skin, rashes, eczema. Disorders of the digestive system often occur. The stomach begins to hurt, gases form, the intestines swell, belching and vomiting appear. Diarrhea or constipation, as well as intestinal dysbiosis, may occur.

If in force various reasons a significant amount of harmful substances has accumulated in the digestive system, defense forces the body has to spend a lot of effort to neutralize them negative impact. The result is a rapid onset of fatigue, irritability, frequent illnesses and poor resistance to infections.

  • When severe constipation every other day, eat a salad of grated cabbage and apple, seasoned cabbage juice. You can eat as much as you like.
    The presence of glycosides in the plant is considered a contraindication for treatment with cabbage. mustard oil, they can cause goiter formation. Cabbage should be excluded from the diet in case of pancreatitis. It is not treated for enteritis and colitis, exacerbation of gastritis, increased peristalsis, spasms of the stomach, intestines, and biliary tract.
  • Juice helps relieve constipation and bloating raw pumpkin, consumed 2-3 glasses throughout the day.
  • You can cope with constipation with a glass of milk with 1 tbsp. honey taken at night.
  • Aloe juice, mixed with honey in a ratio of 3 to 1, weakens. Take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach and before bedtime.
    You should not treat with aloe for diseases of the kidneys, liver, or gallbladder if bile stagnation occurs. Aloe is contraindicated for hemorrhoids and pregnancy, as it causes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs.
  • Oranges are useful for treating constipation.
    Oranges are contraindicated for and duodenum, gastritis with increased acidity, exacerbation inflammatory diseases intestines, in case of allergies.

Treat various gastrointestinal diseases, relieve spasms of the stomach and intestines, eliminate fermentation and rotting, and the formation of gases. The plant stimulates appetite, eliminates bloating, expels helminths, and weakens.

Thus, dill helps to cope with flatulence, bloating, and improve digestion:

  • Brew 1 tsp. dill seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take in equal portions throughout the day.
  • Chopped dill, used as a seasoning for food, eliminates increased gas formation.
  • Grind 1 tbsp. dill seeds into a paste, brew a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 40 minutes, strain.

You should know that dill seeds cause expansion blood vessels, which causes the pressure to decrease. Therefore, you should not be treated with this method for hypotension.

For bloating and flatulence, an infusion prepared from a mixture of pharmaceutical flowers (2 parts), as well as leaves, rhizomes of Valerian officinalis, and flowers, taken 1 part each, helps.

  • Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos. Drink a glass of infusion during the day, taking the folk remedy an hour after meals.

You should not take valerian officinalis if you have elevated blood pressure, in this case it disrupts sleep. Valerian preparations increase blood clotting, which is especially undesirable in old age.

Traditional recipes for bloating

Coltsfoot protects the intestinal walls, reduces inflammation, eliminates increased gas formation and bloating.

  • Brew 2 tbsp. coltsfoot leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain.
    Take 1.s.l. half an hour before meals.
  • Brew 1 tsp. dried leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain, add 1 tsp. honey Store the composition in a cool, dark place for no more than two days.
    Take 1 tbsp. immediately after eating.
  • Brew 1 tsp. dried bird cherry fruits with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After 30 minutes, add 30 drops of 20% tincture.
    Take 100 ml half an hour before meals.

Remedy for giardiasis:

  • wash and peel 12-15 g of horseradish and pass through a meat grinder. Pour a glass of vodka, leave for 10 days, shaking every day, strain. Take 1 tbsp. half an hour before meals, washed down with water.

Recipes for cholecystitis:

  • Mix thoroughly in equal parts carrot and beet juice, cognac, honey Store in a cool, dark place.
    Take half a glass half an hour before meals
  • Brew 1 tsp. plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain.
    Drink in small sips within an hour.

Effectively treat the causes of bloating, stomach and duodenal ulcers with cabbage juice or leaf salad.

  • Take 1-2 tablespoons of fresh juice. half an hour before meals, gradually increasing the volume to 1/2 cup.
  • The optimal single serving of fresh cabbage salad is 100g. The leaves must be chewed thoroughly. When you overeat, heartburn and bloating occur.

Regular course treatment cabbage juice for a month helps get rid of belching, inflammation in the small and large intestines.

It has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it is used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines.

  • St. John's wort tea. Brew 1 tsp. herbs with a glass of boiling water, strain after 5 minutes.
    Take 2-3 glasses a day for several weeks.
  • St. John's wort oil. Grind 1 tbsp. fresh flowers, pour 10 tsp. and place in a light glass container. Without covering, leave it for 5 days in a warm place for fermentation to begin. Shake the contents periodically. Then close the container and expose it to the sun until the contents turn red (about 1.5 months). Strain the oil and store in a dark place.
    Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day for mild choleretic action, and also to normalize the activity of the stomach, excited due to nervous shock.

Long-term use of St. John's wort products causes exacerbation of gastritis. With a stomach ulcer, pain and intestinal cramps may occur.

In addition, St. John's wort increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, so after taking the infusions you do not need to be in the sun.

Modified: 02/18/2019

Most people around the world have experienced the phenomenon of bloating after eating. In medical terminology, this phenomenon is called “flatulence.”

It is a mistake to assume that flatulence affects only people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or pathological problems with the organs of the digestive system.

Bloating occurs due to large quantity gases that form in the gastrointestinal tract for various reasons.

According to statistics, From time to time, flatulence bothers about 90% of people around the world.

But only 30% of them have diseases or pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, which are the cause of bloating.

The main causes of bloating in the absence of disease are considered to be:

Foods that make your stomach bloat

Nutritionists claim that often consuming certain foods leads to bloating.

List of products causing the formation gases in the intestines are as follows:

Level of gas formation in the intestines Excessive gas after eatingModerate accumulation of gasesSmall accumulation of gases
  • Peas, beans;
  • Turnip;
  • Cabbage;
  • Onion;
  • Products containing soy.
  • Drinks containing fermentation products (kvass, beer);
  • Carbonated liquids;
  • Fruits (apples, pears, bananas, watermelons);
  • Mushrooms;
  • Carrot;
  • Flour products.
  • Eggs;
  • Milk products;
  • Fish;
  • Potato;
  • Meat.

Dairy products can cause both a slight accumulation of gases and lead to severe bloating stomach after eating. This depends on the absorption of lactose.

If this enzyme is poorly absorbed by the body, most often this is inherited, then strong gas formation in the intestines.

Improper food intake

As you know, to better digest food and reduce the likelihood of gas formation, you need to eat food correctly.

A number of common mistakes when eating food include the following factors:

It is important to know! Disruption of the stomach and the formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract occurs due to factors that prevent the secretion of sufficient gastric juice.

This leads to difficulty in digestion and the body becoming clogged with the remains of undigested food.

Bloating due to changes in diet

Changing a person’s usual diet is always stressful for the body., which entails not only bloating, but also problems with stool and a feeling of fullness from the inside.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter how the diet has changed - to healthy food, or vice versa - including excessively fatty and sweet foods in the diet.

After consuming products causing allergies(citrus fruits, fish, strawberries, beets), the stomach may also bloat, as they provoke increased gas formation in the intestines.

Causes of constant bloating. Physiology or pathology

If your stomach is constantly bloated after eating, experts classify this condition as a pathology. It arises due to poor nutrition or way of life.

The main causes of pathological digestive problems are:

Bloating as a symptom of the disease

If the disease is present, bloating is often accompanied by other symptoms.

For example, Availability loose stool and bloating is a symptom of diseases such as:

Abdominal pain and bloating are symptoms of the following diseases:

  • Inflammation of the pancreas or its exacerbation;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Inflammation of the biliary tract;
  • Peritonitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the large and small intestines;
  • Gynecological diseases.

When bloating occurs simultaneously with constipation, this indicates the presence of:

Bloating and belching are often symptoms:

  • Inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Diseases associated with weak muscles intestines and stomach.

Vomiting and bloating are symptoms of the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • Peritonitis;
  • Complex form of liver cirrhosis;
  • Diseases and chronic exacerbations diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Digestive diseases

Most often, people who have problems with the functioning of the digestive system experience bloating.


When there is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract mucosa (gastritis), inflammation, heaviness in the abdomen, and problems with stool are observed.

Patients often complain of increased gas formation. It is especially activated after taking certain foods.

To alleviate and eliminate bloating, first of all, it is necessary to treat the disease itself. You should adhere to a diet that excludes fried, salty and spicy foods.

Taking medications in complex treatment possible only after consultation with a specialist. As a rule, in this case, “Hilak-forte”, “Omeprazole”, “Spazmalgon” are used.


Pancreatitis is also accompanied by bloating, heaviness and pain in the abdomen.

It occurs due to a reduction in enzymes due to inflammation of the pancreas. As a result, the food is not digested, some begins to rot and release gases inside the stomach and intestinal tract.

To eliminate symptoms, follow the rules healthy eating, take enterosorbent medications(“Mezim”, “Smecta”, “Polysorb”, activated carbon) and seek help from a specialist.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Bloating in irritable bowel syndrome occurs due to pathology of the mucous membrane.

As a result, food entering the intestines leads to spasms and clamps. It accumulates and begins to release gases.

The syndrome is also characterized by pain and heaviness in the abdomen.

To alleviate and relieve symptoms, you should:

Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa

Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is characterized by abdominal pain, bleeding in the stool, and increased gas formation.

When food hits the inflammatory surface of the intestine, it is not completely digested or absorbed.

To prevent this, you should give up a number of foods (including fatty, sweet, canned foods), take only those medications prescribed by the doctor (usually Mezim, Smecta, Flemoxin, Solutab).

Intestinal obstruction (constipation)

Intestinal obstruction is a disruption in the passage of food through the tract. It is combined with bloating, constipation, and abdominal pain. Over time, vomiting and nausea may occur.

In mild stages of constipation, massage, applying compresses to the stomach, physical activity, and gymnastics will help.

In severe cases of obstruction, you should resort to medication assistance (“Duffalak”, “Motilium”, “Cerucal”) or folk remedies(prune decoction, boiled beets).

Constipation is a consequence of poor nutrition; to prevent it, it is necessary to arrange fasting days and eat healthy.


After eating, the stomach bloats and dysbiosis, which is also characterized by:

Dysbacteriosis is pathological condition intestinal microflora, in which food is poorly digested and with the help harmful bacteria the fermentation process begins.

The cause of the disease is a decrease in immunity against the background long-term use antibiotics, frequent use alcohol and tobacco products, fatty and carbonated foods.

To treat it, you will need to change your lifestyle and diet. First of all, you need to give up bad habits, fatty, canned and carbonated foods, lead active image life.

After consulting with your doctor, start taking medications - probiotics, which help restore normal microflora intestines (“Linex”, “Laktovit”, “Hilak-forte”).

Enzyme deficiency

Enzyme deficiency is a disease of the intestinal tract characterized by the absence or insufficient amount of protein enzymes that break down food.

In this regard, products are poorly absorbed and processed.

Symptoms of the disease include:

If you have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a gastroenterologist. He will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe medication.

To prevent insufficiency, one should give up bad habits and mainly observe protein diet and limit your intake of fatty foods.

Celiac disease

Reason of this disease is the lack of enzymes that digest and assimilate plant protein. This protein irritates the intestinal walls, thereby disrupting the absorption and breakdown of nutrients.

If your stomach is bloated after eating, there is no need to delay going to the doctor and treating this symptom.

This disease is accompanied not only by flatulence, but also by pain in the abdominal area, nausea and vomiting, growth retardation and weight gain, depressive state, itching on the body.

The main treatment is a diet without protein foods plant origin (baked goods, pasta). This diet should be followed for 1-2 months.

Gynecological diseases

Often, bloating in women is associated with diseases of the uterine appendages, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy. In addition to bloating, there is pain in the lower abdomen.

In this case, treatment involves directly treating the disease itself. But to remove the symptom of bloating, you can take a decoction of dill or caraway seeds.

Recipe: 1 tsp of seeds poured into 1 cup of boiling water. Take warm after meals.

How to quickly get rid of bloating

Bloating also causes discomfort for quick disposal comes to the rescue special gymnastics and medicines.


If there is gas formation in the intestines, you should take special medications that absorb and remove harmful substances, gases.

Such medications include Smecta, which must be taken after meals, 10-15 g.

Activated carbon

The well-known sorbent is one of the most effective medicines with flatulence.

You will need 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. You need to take the tablets with enough water.

"Mezim" and "Espumizan"

In addition to drugs that absorb toxic substances, it is necessary to use medications that push and destroy gases from the body. These include “Mezim” and “Espumizan”.

It is necessary to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day after meals with water.

Gymnastics and abdominal massage

Special gymnastics includes a number of exercises that help get rid of bloating naturally.

Such exercises include: bending forward, lifting two legs at the same time from a lying position, the so-called “bicycle” exercise.

Helps cope with excessive gas formation exercises with a bend in the lower back while lying on your stomach.

Also Experts recommend placing a heating pad or a compress from a warm diaper on your stomach. Self-massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction also helps.

Treating persistent bloating and gas: Medication

With bloating and gas formation in the intestinal tract, one of the effective means are medications: probiotics, enterosorbents and preparations with enzymes.

The product is one of the popular products not only due to its effectiveness, but also due to its price category.

The average cost of Mezim is in the range from 100 to 200 rubles. The main component is the enzyme pancreatin.

It helps not only get rid of gases in the intestines, but also improve the functioning of the intestinal tract.

Probiotic preparations contain beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli. Thanks to this, the functioning of the stomach and intestinal tract improves and the mucous membrane is prevented from harmful microflora.

Such drugs include " Hilak-forte", "Linex". Their average price category is about 200 rubles.

Traditional recipes and methods of treating flatulence

At mild degree And in rare cases bloating after eating, as well as folk remedies can be used as a preventive measure.

Dill decoction

The most popular is a decoction of dill or caraway seeds. To do this, you will need 1 tbsp per liter of boiling water. l. seeds

Leave for half an hour and take half a glass after meals. You can also take fresh dill as a food supplement.

Mint infusion

Mint infusion also helps eliminate discomfort in the stomach.

For this you will need fresh mint leaves 1 tsp. and a glass of boiling water. The decoction should be taken warm, 1 glass 2 times a day.

Ginger tea

Interesting fact! Daily intake of freshly squeezed potato juice helps to cope not only with flatulence, but even with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Diet therapy

Diet is one of important means prevention and control of flatulence.

Diet for bloating means excluding foods such as:

The following foods are allowed on the diet menu:

  • Meat of chickens, turkey;
  • Fish;
  • Beets, carrots, pumpkins;
  • Eggs, dairy-free cereals;
  • Green tea and clean water.

Important to remember! Helps you get rid of gas and bloating after eating simple rules eating food. It is necessary to eat silently, in a calm environment, chewing any food thoroughly.

On a diet, it is recommended to steam or bake food. Also, you should not simultaneously take foods containing protein, carbohydrates (except complex ones) and fructose. This combination causes the process of fermentation and the release of gases.

Important to remember! When following a diet, you should eat often, but in small quantities.

A sample diet menu looks like this:

  1. For breakfast rice porrige without milk, black or green tea without sugar.
  2. The second breakfast, about 2-3 hours later, consists of cheesecakes with sour cream and a glass of clean water.
  3. Lunch should include vegetable or meat-based broths. Boiled meat and beets, carrots. Compote or dill water.
  4. The afternoon snack consists of a glass of yogurt, kefir and bread.
  5. Dinner - porridge of buckwheat, rice and steam cutlets. Cutlets can be either vegetable or meat. For drinks, it is better to take jelly or water.

Lifestyle changes as a way to get rid of constant bloating

Often, by changing your lifestyle and diet, you can permanently eliminate the problem of increased gas formation.

To the very effective methods improving intestinal motility and restoring microflora, experts include:

  • Food should be taken in small portions, slowly;
  • You should avoid or minimize the intake of foods that provoke the fermentation process;
  • It is necessary to introduce daily physical exercises and gymnastics into the daily routine. Be sure to take a walk before bed;
  • Giving up bad habits and eating while running will bring your intestinal function back to normal.

By following these rules, the stomach and intestinal tract will work in a healthy manner.

Features of bloating during pregnancy

While carrying a child, a woman may encounter problems such as flatulence.

The main causes of flatulence during pregnancy are:

  • Location Features internal organs as the child grows. The uterus begins to increase in volume and puts pressure on the stomach and intestines. As a result, gases accumulate in the stomach and are poorly removed from the body;
  • An increase in the hormone in the blood, which relieves spasms and muscle tension. Including the intestinal muscles. Food gets stuck in the intestines and gases form;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Excessive consumption of sweet, fried, carbonated foods, which leads to bloating after eating;
  • Frequent nervous tension and stress;
  • Decline motor activity and decreased water intake;
  • Wearing tight, inappropriate clothing.

To get rid of this symptom should be taken dill water, activated carbon, the drug "Smecta". Helps warm compress on the stomach and light exercise.

Bloating is an unpleasant phenomenon that may be a symptom of a more serious condition than just increased gas production.

To get rid of flatulence, the cause must be identified, and for prevention, it is necessary to follow a diet and maintain healthy image life.

From this video you will learn why your stomach bloats after eating and how to solve this problem:

This video will introduce you to ways to get rid of bloating:

In our world it is difficult to find a person who does not like to eat delicious food. Eating your favorite dishes and products gives a person one of the most pleasant pleasures. But often tasty food- not the most healthy, and therefore, after eating such food, people often experience a feeling of overeating, and unpleasant feeling and heaviness are accompanied by bloating after eating.

Causes of bloating

Scientists have conducted research and identified products that most often cause similar symptoms. These include:

  • dairy products (milk, ice cream with additives);
  • poorly digestible foods (corn, beans, soybeans);
  • hard nuts (peanuts, walnuts, pine, cashews, pistachios);
  • some fruits and vegetables (pineapple, cabbage, radishes).

In addition to consuming these products, bloating after eating can be a consequence of existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal colitis, erosive bulbitis, intestinal infection, deformation of the gallbladder). It is a well-known truth that almost all organs of the abdominal cavity are responsible for the digestion process. The first organ where food enters is the stomach. Gastritis and ulcers can cause discomfort already at initial stage eating.

Insufficient secretion of pancreatic enzymes(pancreatitis, enteritis) contributes to disruption of food digestion processes and increased load on other organs. Chronic diseases various areas intestines (polyps, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, intestinal obstruction) lead to the formation increased amount gases and stagnation of processed masses. When similar problem We advise you to first consult a specialist to find out more precisely your cause of bloating, and only then focus on methods of treating the disease.

How to eliminate bloating and rumbling in the stomach after eating

If you experience bloating after eating constant problem, try following these simple recommendations.

The eating process itself should be reasonable. Don't eat too hot or too hot cold food. Don't eat too much or too quickly, remember: the feeling of fullness occurs 15 minutes after eating! Minimize your consumption of foods causing fermentation in the stomach (baked goods, beer, nutritional supplements containing yeast). Chew chewing gum only after eating and no more than 10 minutes to avoid getting a large amount of air into the stomach. Limit your diet to salty and spicy foods; it’s better to forget about carbonated drinks.

After eating, especially heavy meals, or when overeating, take walks in the fresh air. If this is not possible, do light gymnastics: measured movements accompanied by even breathing (slow bends to the side, raising bent legs, lying on the floor, etc.), which will speed up the work of the intestines, normalize digestion and gases will be removed by themselves.

Also, to eliminate bloating after eating, drink a mug of freshly brewed herbal tea(chamomile, mint) . This will give additional tone to the stomach and intestines and prevent bloating. It is worth limiting the consumption of coffee, milk, and increasing the amount of fibrous foods. Solid plant fibers (some grains, vegetables and cereals) prevent intestinal cramps that accompany gas formation.

And finally, if simple ways does not help, you can take medications that directly reduce the amount of gas, reduce cramps and relieve heaviness in the stomach. If bloating after eating does not go away even after following all the recommendations, you need to consult a specialist to identify the causes, make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.