A dog whose eyes pop out. A dog whose eyes are falling out. How to prevent this problem - competent prevention

What to do if your dog's eye falls out? When faced with such a phenomenon for the first time, the animal owner panics. Meanwhile, proptosis in dogs is a fairly common phenomenon.

Various injuries and pathologies of the visual organs in dogs are common. A special category is an anomaly characterized by prolapse of the eyeball. There are several breeds, due to a certain structure of the skull, that are predisposed to this pathology. What kind of breeds are these, why is proptosis characteristic of them, what to do in case of eyeball loss?

The main causes of eyeball prolapse

Proptosis (proptosis in Greek means “falling forward”) is a forward displacement of an organ or part of it, the so-called prolapse of the eyeball. The protrusion occurs due to strong physical exertion or some kind of injury - bruise, blow. Blows to the temporal region are especially dangerous. These are external causes of the manifestation of the disease.

Internal factors of proptosis include increased intracranial pressure and other post-ocular processes, under the influence of which the eye seems to be squeezed out from the inside. But the most common reason why a dog’s eyes fall out is, nevertheless, mechanical impact.

Dog Breeds Affected by Proptosis

Any animal can get injured, resulting in a fall of varying severity. However, brachycephalic dogs are most susceptible to this pathology. Animals with a shortened muzzle are called brachycephalic. In addition to snub nose, brachycephalics are distinguished by a flattened head shape and large bulging eyes - the so-called pop-eyedness. The structure of the orbits in the brachycephalic type is characterized by an extremely shallow eye bed and shortened eye muscles. The organ of vision is supported in its orbit, to a large extent, by the eyelids. They are also at risk of problems with the third eyelid.

Brachycephalic dogs are dogs whose eyes fall out. Breeds of this type include: Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Shih Tzu, Pug, Chihuahua (mainly of the Coby variety), Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Boxer, English Bulldog, Dogue de Bordeaux and other types of short-faced Molossers.

Signs of hair loss

You can determine that a dog’s eye has fallen out by such signs as unnatural bulging and the depressed state of the animal against the background of accompanying processes:

  • redness and swelling of the conjunctiva;
  • bloody discharge;
  • increased tearfulness and whining;
  • frequent blinking and light intolerance due to drying of the cornea.

First aid

If proptosis is detected in your pet, you should immediately go to the veterinary clinic. It is absolutely forbidden to correct a prolapse on your own! Before going to the clinic, you need to take a number of sanitary and preventive measures in order to alleviate the condition of your pet and minimize, as far as possible, the consequences of vision loss.

So, what immediate measures can the owner take on his own?

— First of all, carefully rinse the injured organ with saline solution (sodium chloride), a natural substitute for tear fluid (sold in pharmacies) or boiled water. Under no circumstances should you use antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, etc.) or alcohol-containing solutions!

— Apply a cold compress for ten minutes, but not on the apple itself, but on the swollen areas around it. This is done in this way: put pieces of ice from the refrigerator in a plastic bag, wrap a piece of cloth on top of the bag, and apply it to the swelling without touching the open cornea. Do not hold ice for longer than 10 minutes to avoid tissue hypothermia!

— Rinse should be done by careful douching or a piece of cloth (gauze, bandage, cotton material) generously moistened in saline solution. It is strictly forbidden to use cotton wool, cotton swabs or pads! Villi can get on the injured cornea, aggravating the already deplorable condition of the animal with unnecessary discomfort.

- Generously lubricate the wound with a special ointment (ditetracycline, oletethrin, hydrocortisone).

Having carried out all these manipulations, you should exclude the possibility of the animal touching the injury (put on a hard tube collar) and go to the clinic. Of course, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible after receiving an injury that caused proptosis.

Urgent medical care and treatment

If you do not visit a doctor in a timely manner, secondary phenomena develop in the injured organ, such as severe inflammation, suppuration, and severe drying of the cornea. This is fraught with fatal consequences. The protruding eye is supported only by the rectus externus muscle, and is pinched by the eyelids. If the optic nerve ruptures, then, most likely, the visual functions of the damaged organ will not be restored - the prognosis is disappointing, including removal.

After an initial examination of the injured pet, the doctor, under anesthesia, sets the missing eye, sutures the eye muscles and partially (or temporarily completely) the eyelids, and applies a bandage. To prevent the dog from rubbing the muzzle, wear a high, hard collar. Throughout the postoperative period, until the sutures are removed, sanitary and hygienic treatment and other procedures are carried out:

  • washing with saline solution;
  • applying special eye ointments;
  • drug therapy (injections, tablets).

The sutures are removed after about a week (the attending physician will tell you more precisely). Continued medical care may be required for some time after the sutures are removed.


After the operation, you should protect your pet from physical exertion, from falls, from conflict situations with other animals, and from active games. Please remember that the injury may recur.

We can talk about the best prognosis only if there is a minimum period of time from the injury to the visit to the clinic. It is impossible to guarantee one hundred percent return of vision after a lesion, but the risk of complications up to the complete loss of the ability to see is real.

Complications after surgery are:

  • strabismus (corrected by filing the eyelids);
  • corneal sensitivity disorder and keratoconjunctivitis (insufficient corneal hydration);
  • atrophy of the eyeball (the organ must be removed);
  • non-closure of eyelids.

If your dog's eyes are falling out or there is a risk of developing proptosis, cosmetic surgery to close the eyelid incision can minimize the threat. Knowing about this peculiarity of your pet’s breed, you should protect it as much as possible from possible traumatic situations.

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Painfully bulging eyes in a dog are a serious pathology that is characteristic not only of a number of diseases, but also of certain breeds. That is, it can be either a symptom or a feature of the animal that you have to put up with. Even if the cause is not illness, still, when a dog’s eyes fall out, it needs special care to maintain a comfortable life.

Reasons for rejection

There are a number of diseases, the main symptom of which is the loss of one or several visual organs at once. The problem develops gradually, you can notice that the pet’s behavior also changes - it’s not so easy to remain active after being injured or having problems with blood circulation. The following diagnoses can be determined:

  1. Increased intracranial pressure.
  2. Hydrocephalus.
  3. Hematomas after injuries to the temporal region.
  4. Neoplasms of various etiologies.

When talking about injuries, there is no need to assume intentional blows. Small animals easily get serious injuries when falling from sofas or hitting the corner of an open door. There are difficulties with large breeds in that they can hit furniture with their muzzle when playing, or get themselves in the eyes with branches of large sticks, which they probably like to play with on walks.

Chronic diseases, such as hydrocephalus, cannot be cured, but supportive therapy allows the animal to lead an absolutely full, active life, play safely and communicate with its fellow animals.

In which breeds does the problem occur most often?

All dogs are beautiful, it is impossible to stop a fan of the breed, even if his future pet has a list of potential genetic pathologies. On the contrary, knowing about the possible risks, it is easier to prevent problems in advance with proper care. The breeds that often suffer from protrusion of the organs of vision up to their loss include the following:

  • Dogue de Bordeaux;
  • Shar Pei;
  • English bulldog;
  • bullmastiff;
  • boxer;
  • spaniel (mostly Cavalier King Charles);
  • boston terrier;
  • Chihuahua (most often Corby);
  • pug;
  • Shih Tzu;
  • Japanese Chin;
  • Pekingese.

All these breeds are brachycephalic. This is the name given to dogs with a shortened, clearly flattened muzzle. Due to the structural features of the skull, they tend to suffer from respiratory and visual diseases, including proptosis. This is what protrusion of the eye organs in animals is called.

It is not necessary that the Pikinese and other breeds on the list always lose eyes. This is only probable, but not a verdict. Moreover, this condition is treatable. These breeds are simply more sensitive and have a harder time withstanding falls and accidental injuries even during play.

The dog's eyes are falling out photo

How to help your pet?

This never happens in one or even several days; this process is always long, and therefore the owners can identify it at a very early stage. Usually, all you need to do is carefully examine the animal’s visual organ. If it protrudes a little, and the white becomes red and inflamed, we can talk about the beginning of pathological changes.

Inflammation and redness appear due to dryness and injury to the mucous membrane, as a result of a slight displacement of the organ from its “orbit”. Therefore, it is necessary to use disinfectant and moisturizing lotions and gels. It must be remembered that this condition can cause discomfort and even pain to the pet.

If it is noticed that a dog’s eye has fallen out, then the following steps need to be taken:

  • Put a post-operative collar on your pet, which will prevent him from scratching the sore spot with his paw or damaging it on furniture.
  • Rinse the affected eye and skin of the eyelids with hygienic lotion or saline without using cotton pads - this will not only clean it, but also moisturize the mucous membrane, which instantly dries out in the air.
  • If there is a special soothing gel for animals, it can be applied around the eyeball to keep it moist and protected, and also stop the inflammatory process.
  • You cannot give painkillers before visiting a doctor, but you can reduce discomfort by applying cool compresses to the skin of the eyelids and temples, but not to the eye itself.
  • During transportation, you can throw a damp cloth, thin and natural, over the damaged organ - this will protect it from dust and drying out.

Under no circumstances should you try to set the eyeball back on your own; it has a very delicate structure and can be easily damaged. Such manipulations can only be carried out by a qualified veterinarian.

What absolutely cannot be done?

The use of standard antiseptics such as chlorhexidine is excluded. Even such a mild drug can cause irritation; moreover, it dries out greatly, which is extremely dangerous for the affected organ. Owners of dogs prone to eye loss should always have hygiene lotions in their first aid kit to moisturize and relieve irritation. In this case, chamomile decoction is not suitable, as it can also cause dry mucous membranes.

Eyeball prolapse in dogs occurs as a result of injuries, certain diseases, and is even typical for certain breeds of dogs. So, Shih Tzus, pugs, bulldogs and other brachycephalics lose their eyes. This is not a reason to panic in advance. A bulging organ can be cared for, and a veterinary clinic can treat it. The main thing is to provide your pet with proper and regular care.

Eye injury is one of the dangerous diseases in animals, in particular in dogs. Even if it seems minor and mild, its consequences can be extremely serious. One of the most common pathologies in some dog breeds is eyeball prolapse.

Trouble can happen during a fight with relatives, playing with children, while walking, and so on. If help is not provided within 24 hours, the cornea changes color, the retina begins to peel off, and optic neuritis is possible. Untimely and incorrect treatment can lead to complete or partial loss of visual functions and loss of an eye.

Dog breeds that have eye loss. Causes and symptoms

Typically, eyeball prolapse occurs due to injuries and mechanical damage in the head area.

Dogs whose eyes fall out. More susceptible to this problem are: Chia Hua and Japanese Chin. Also at risk for eye loss are brachycephalic breeds (with a shortened skull and raised nose): , bullmastiff, . The injury is facilitated by the structural features of their bony orbit and the fixation of the eyeball only by the eyelids.

Consequences of eyeball loss:

  • Rupture or overstretching of the optic nerve. As a result, the innervation of the eye is disrupted, and visual function may be lost.
  • Rupture of the central retina of the eye. In this case, subatrophy of the eyeball occurs and the organ begins to decrease in size. It could all end in blindness.
  • Rupture of the damaged cornea.
  • Rupture of the muscles of the eyeball. Because of this, strabismus occurs.

Symptoms may vary. The most objective - protrusion of the eyeball. There is eye bleeding, the conjunctival mucosa is hyperemic and swollen. The animal squints all the time, is depressed, and has photophobia. The cornea quickly dries out and loses its shine.

Treatment of eyeball prolapse

First aid

  • Provide your pet with complete rest. If there is a protective collar, it is worth putting it around the animal’s neck so that it cannot reach the eye with its paw.
  • You can superficially clean the damaged eye of dirt and moisten the cornea with saline solution.
  • Lubricate the eye generously with eye ointment.
  • Apply ice to the eye for 10-15 minutes. This will help reduce swelling and reduce bleeding.
  • Cover the injured eye with a damp cloth.

You shouldn't feed your dog, since the clinic will most likely use anesthesia. Do not use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or other antiseptics to clean your eyes. In addition, cotton wool should not be used to wash eyelids and eyelashes - its fibers may remain in the eye. It is important to use sterile swabs and not to clean both eyes with the same swab.

After all procedures it is necessary call a veterinarian or take the dog to him. Only a specialist will be able to determine the extent of the injury and choose the right treatment.


With this injury it is impossible to do without surgery. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. First, dirt and inflammatory fluid are removed. To do this, the eyeball is irrigated with a 1% solution of dioxidine or novocaine. Next, a solution of hydrocortisone or diocide is injected behind the eyeball and the adhesions of the eyelid are cut with scissors or a scalpel.

After a few minutes, the eyeball is set back into the orbit using a napkin lubricated with tetracycline ointment. The final stage of the operation is generous lubrication of the eyelids with antimicrobial ointment and application of bandages.

After operation Antibacterial therapy is recommended for 7 days. After a week, the bandage is temporarily removed and the antibiotic and anesthetic substance are reintroduced under the conjunctiva. After this, the bandage is applied again and removed after some time at the discretion of the doctor. The eye muscles are completely restored after half a month or a month.

The eyeball is returned to its place by lightly pressing it with your fingers through a piece of gauze. This procedure no need to try to do it on your own. Inept actions can lead to irreversible consequences, the worst of which is the animal’s blindness.


Complications possible if the purse string suture is removed ahead of time. In this case, protrusion of the eye may occur, and pigmentation or a granulating ulcer may develop at the site where the cornea is exposed. Another possible complication is a violation of the integrity of the internal rectus muscle, the consequence of which is strabismus.

For severe damage Cataracts and optic neuritis are possible. The cornea may become more susceptible to various types of damage. You can avoid further development of complications if you see a veterinarian for a month or two.


The main reason for eyeball prolapse is the specific anatomy of the bony orbit in some breeds and a wide palpebral fissure. This problem can be solved preventive plastic surgery medial canthus. The eyeball may fall out after surgery, but the risks are much less.

Dogs of small and brachycephalic breeds need protect from blows to the head. They also require careful handling. If you take them “by the scruff of the neck,” for example, the eyeball may fall out due to tension in the skin on the head.

Many dog ​​owners are puzzled by how to alleviate their animal’s condition after surgery. Often, after surgery, pets cannot close their eyes, and owners have to do it themselves. If a pet's eye is removed, some consider it a terrible tragedy and try to get a prosthesis. Do you know such people? Or, perhaps, have you encountered similar cases yourself? Share your stories with our readers.

Many have seen cartoons where eyes jump out of the eyeballs in surprise. So here it is. To some extent, this, however, also applies to our beloved pets – dogs. And in this article I just wanted to talk about which dogs have eyes that fall out.

Why do my eyes fall out?

Your eyes won't just fall out. This happens for various reasons, the main one being trauma to the head. Loss can occur even if you hit your pet on the back of the head. But again, only some dog breeds face this problem. Among them are the Pekingese, Chihuahua, Japanese Chin, Shih Tzu, Pug and German Boxer. Any other breed can lose an eye, but it doesn’t take much effort for this to happen to the ones listed above. This is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the dogs’ skull. In the listed breeds, the bony orbit is shallow, as a result of which the eyes are held almost by eyelids.

Breeds that Lose Eyes

Pekingese. Previously, this breed of dog was only owned by Chinese emperors. After Beijing fell under the onslaught of English soldiers, the dog found its way to the European continent.

The Pekingese is an attractive dog with a flat face, small body and short legs. Due to their shaggy nature, they require daily brushing.

Very susceptible to eye loss. Therefore, any representative of this breed must be kept as the apple of one’s eye.

Pug. Another dog whose eyes are falling out. It is believed that its ancestor is the Pekingese. Only, unlike the imperial breed, pugs also lived in peasant families.

His character is calm and adaptive. That is, if the owner leads an active lifestyle, then the pet will be happy to enter the rhythm of his life. If, on the contrary, the owner is calmer and likes to spend the day lying on the sofa, he will be happy to spend it with him.

Chihuahua. The dog's eyes also fall out. However, this does not prevent the baby from remaining the most sought-after dog among VIPs.

The pet itself, if you do not pay attention to the weakness of the eyeballs, is quite healthy. All this is due to natural origin. Previously, dogs were wild and lived in the forests of America along with the Indians. This is not some artificially bred dog.

Japanese Chin. The type of dogs that have eyes that fall out are Japanese Chins. The exact origin of this breed is not known with certainty, but one theory says that the ancestors of the Chins were the Pekingese. Naturally, they inherited this skull structure from them.

The pets themselves are similar to pugs and Pekingese. The muzzle is also flattened, and the body is small and square.

The pet is very active and loves to spend all day playing. Ideal for keeping in an apartment, no matter how many square meters it has. The Japanese Chin will do well in a cramped, one-room shack.

Shih Tzu. The shaggy canid, which is native to Tibet, is also susceptible to this problem. For a Shih Tzu to lose an eye, sometimes all it takes is a small blow to the back of the head. Therefore, the baby must be taken very good care of.

As one of the legends says, the Shih Tzu is a lion who could take on different shapes and sizes.

German boxer. Another pet suffering from this disease. The German Boxer is a fairly large dog, weighing up to 30 kg. But, nevertheless, he is susceptible to eye loss, like the small breeds described above.

The Boxer has a kind character and loves adults and children. He is also an excellent guard.

Boxers are brave pets, and in case of danger they are ready to die for their owner.

How to prevent eye loss

To prevent dogs of these breeds from encountering this problem, you must do the following:

  1. Check your pet's eyes daily.
  2. Frequently rubbing eyes to remove congestion. A weak tea solution works well.
  3. Do not allow your pet to fight with other dogs, cats, etc.
  4. Walk only with a leash.
  5. Allow play only with small and non-aggressive dogs. Also, you should not allow too young children to walk with your pet.

Take care of your pets, because eye loss is not only cosmetic in nature, after which it will be impossible to take a photo, or it will simply be unpleasant to look at the dog. Loss can lead to complete loss of vision.

In the article I will look at the main causes and symptoms of proptosis, a disease accompanied by prolapse of the eyeball in dogs. Reasons why eyes fall out or fall out. I will explain how the treatment works and what preventive measures should be taken by owners of breeds at risk.

Animals with weak fixation of the eyeballs, held solely by the eyelids, and a short, slightly upturned muzzle, which increases the risk of mechanical damage, are susceptible to proptosis.

When choosing a pet, it is important to take into account all the nuances of the breed.

Owners of the following breeds will have to demonstrate high vigilance:

  • bulldogs;
  • Shar-Pei;
  • pugs;
  • Shih Tzu;

With a shallow fundus, any mechanical damage to the head can provoke proptosis.

Unlike the listed breeds, most dogs do not suffer from this problem due to:

  • correct structure of the skull;
  • deep eye sockets;
  • brow ridges.
Pekingese's eye fell out

Causes and symptoms of eye loss

Although there are benefits, any dog ​​can be affected, so it is important to know the main causes of eye loss and the symptoms of the disease.

The following factors can provoke proptosis:

  • sudden jumps;
  • , weakening or deforming the muscles of the eyeball;
  • an excessively tightened collar or sharp tugging on the leash. Remember that your index finger should fit freely between the collar and the animal's neck.
  • eye injuries caused by contact with a dry branch or blade of grass;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • mechanical injuries to the temporal part of the skull or cervical spine;
  • using the scruff of the neck to lift an adult animal. Only puppies can be carried by the scruff of the neck; in other cases, the animal will suffer a cervical injury. Special attention should be paid to Shar Pei owners.
  • insect bites;
  • high temperatures;
  • stressful situations.

Be sure to contact your veterinarian if:

  • eye bleeding;
  • photophobia;
  • increased blinking frequency;
  • protrusion of at least one eyeball;
  • puffiness or swelling of the conjunctival membrane;
  • dryness on the cornea;
  • anxious and depressed state.

If your pet's breed is at risk, it should be examined if there is any suspicion.

Otherwise, the dog may develop strabismus, lose visual acuity, or remain completely blind.

Small animals easily get serious injuries when falling from sofas or getting caught in the corner of an open door

Treatment of eyeball prolapse

To avoid complications, a dog with a missing eye must be taken to a veterinarian immediately. ,

If this is not possible within the next 30 minutes, then the pet needs first aid from the owner:

  1. Eliminate any extraneous factors. Create comfortable conditions and try not to panic. Dogs are sensitive to human emotions, so it is important for them to feel confident.
  2. Avoid re-injury. Prevent any attempt by your dog to scratch the affected area by wearing a protective collar.
  3. Clean the affected eye. Use a saline solution to moisturize after pre-cleaning and lubricate everything with eye ointment. Choose special lint-free cotton pads. Cotton wool is not suitable as it will get stuck and cause irritation.
  4. Reduce swelling. Wrap ice in a thick cloth and cool the injured area. Avoid hypothermia of tissues. 10 minutes will be enough.

Do not use alcohol-containing solutions and remember that a separate cotton pad is required for each eye.

At the clinic, the animal will need general anesthesia, so feeding is prohibited. Remember that your pet requires urgent surgical care within 24 hours. Otherwise, unpleasant and dangerous complications await him.

During the operation:

  1. The eye is relieved of dirt and fluid accumulated due to inflammation. As a rule, cleaning is done with novocaine or dioxidine.
  2. The eyeball is set after cutting or cutting the adhesions of the eyelid. A hydrocortisone or diocide solution is injected behind the eyeball, a neat incision is made with a scalpel and the missing eye is set with a napkin. Tetracycline ointment is used to treat the napkin.
  3. Apply bandages to the eyelids, generously lubricated with antimicrobial ointment. To prevent strabismus, support sutures are used that require weekly wear.

It is important to properly provide first aid to a dog whose eye has fallen out in order to preserve its vision.

It will take about 15-30 days for your pet to fully recover. During this period, several visits to the veterinarian are required to re-introduce antibiotics and anesthetics, as well as change the dressing.

Do not remove the bandage before your doctor's permission.

If healing has not yet occurred, then such an action will provoke the development of a granulating ulcer, cataract, pigmentation or optic neuritis.

How to prevent proptosis

To prevent proptosis, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid fighting with other animals. If your pet is aggressive, try to walk it away from crowds of dogs.
  2. Remove any objects from your home that could injure your eyes.
  3. Never pick up a dog by the scruff of the neck. The resulting tension is extremely dangerous.
  4. Explain to young children the rules of interacting with pets.

Owners of dogs at risk should resort to canthoplasty.

This operation reduces the medal angle of the palpebral fissure, reducing the risk of eye prolapse.

In the case of proptosis, the critical period is the first 24 hours

In conclusion, I note that when purchasing a four-legged friend, it is important to be aware of the assigned responsibility. Dogs at risk must be protected from aggressive actions of larger animals and humans. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the main features and disadvantages of the breed in order to assess your own strength in keeping and caring for a particular animal.