Will completely giving up sugar improve your health? How to give up sugar? Real advice Abrupt refusal of sugar

I'm sobbing at my desk. My colleagues look at me and cannot understand the reason for my upset. "What happened to you? Are you okay?" - they ask. I went an entire month without sugar and I am absolutely not okay. Recently I gave up at least one sweet dessert a day (usually a chocolate cake or soufflé) and the consequences of this were very sad.

Actually, giving up sugar was my first diet, if you can call it that, and suddenly it turned into an unprecedented disaster. In principle, I have always eaten a fairly balanced diet. My meals consist of carbohydrates, proteins, good fats (of which avocados and nuts are full). Plus, my diet has always included a large amount of fruits and vegetables. I go to the gym regularly and have no problems with being overweight. Considering all of the above, I have never felt the need to diet. Until recently.

At some point, I realized all the bad news about sugar that the Internet and media are full of. This is how I learned that sugar consumption is now at the highest level in history, and even the government is puzzled by the issue of reducing the presence of sugar in products, for example, popular chocolate bars. I was horrified to learn that I am the average adult who consumes at least 15 teaspoons of sugar a day. This may not seem true, but it's less about the pure sugar you put in your tea and more about the sugar you consume in foods and drinks. There are as many as seven such spoons in one bottle of soda, despite the fact that the World Health Organization recommends eating no more than six in a whole day.

We all know about the spread of diabetes in recent years. In addition, one recent study showed that people who consume too many unhealthy calories through excessive consumption of sweets are much more at risk of cardiovascular disease, and therefore the risk of premature death.

All this news and terrible statistics took over me and I began to feel that I was on the path to the comprehensive destruction of my own body. It was then that a simple plan matured in my head - to take it and give up sugar. I went online for moral support and found many celebrities, like actress Gwyneth Paltrow, promoting a sugar-free lifestyle. I supported my decision with the opinions of expert nutritionists, who categorically insisted that I not only reduce my sugar consumption, but, if possible, give it up altogether. At the same time, according to them, the beneficial consequences of such a step for the body will not be long in coming. Well, a healthy complexion and skin was the last decisive reason to take the bitter path.

I stopped eating desserts, honey, and alcohol and started eating more fruits and vegetables (although many experts recommend cutting out the fructose they contain). Sweets no longer had a place in my basket like they used to.

In the first two weeks of this life, I experienced mood swings worse than during puberty. I started getting headaches and felt like I had a hangover every day. Only the soothing sweetness of a beautiful banana helped me cope with this condition, but the thought that the same Gwyneth Paltrow never touched them because of the high fructose content gave me a feeling of guilt.

After three weeks, my headaches and tinnitus miraculously subsided. I quite calmly looked at the pastries and a piece of cake without the slightest desire to throw them inside. Have I really reached the highest point of nirvana, where there is no place for sugar? But no, the thought of sweets never really left me. At the same time, she began to really stress me out. A daily trip to the store began to take twice as long, as I meticulously selected products and studied their packaging for the content of fats, carbohydrates and, most importantly, sugar. Instead of honey, I use rice malt syrup, and instead of ketchup, I use unleavened pasta sauce. My whole life became insipid. At dinner in a cafe, I watch with longing as people eat cake and drink wine, while my dessert is a glass of tap water.

By the way, my colleagues could not understand why I even embarked on this experiment. Just like my friend, a university doctor.

“But... why did you do it?” he asks. I refer to recent research on sugar. “Yes, but why did you completely give up sweets?” - He looks at me blankly. I told him everything I had read on the Internet about sugar being evil and not recommended by WHO. A friend of mine noticed that most of these Internet experts have nothing to do with nutrition. Moreover, the health benefits can be significant not by completely abstaining from sugar, but only by reducing it in the daily diet. Meanwhile, the ideas of living without sugar that have recently become popular can in many cases do more harm than good. They encourage people to give up entire food groups, such as healthy ones like dairy and grains. By removing from the menu foods with what some may think is a high sugar content, you are also removing a lot of useful microelements such as iron and vitamins. Eventually, some fans of the anti-sugar lifestyle become so obsessed that they develop psychological problems.

Serious research on this topic has never suggested that people should avoid all sugar. One of these studies, based on a 7-year study of many groups of people, found that, for example, eating sugar is not the main cause of problems with teeth and extra pounds on your waist. Genetic predisposition, lifestyle, rare visits to doctors - all these are too serious reasons to attribute everything to sugar alone.

“Many people enjoy and enjoy sugar, so you need to find a balance between enjoying it and eating the right quantity and quality,” say real nutritionists. Personally, I'd rather work on my willpower than see the miserable consequences of my sugar-free life and feel guilty that I can't give up apples.

There's really no harm in eating a diet that includes moderate amounts of sugar, especially if healthy foods and exercise are a regular part of your life. Giving up sugar sometimes means destroying your harmony and, it seems, I am an example of this.

Have you also made a New Year's resolution to eat less sweets? In fact, doing it is not as difficult as it might seem. The main problem is that sugar acts on our body akin to caffeine and narcotic substances - that is, it inevitably causes addiction and “withdrawal” when you exclude it from the diet.

But the game is definitely worth the candle, since giving up sugars (with the exception of natural ones found in fruits) will provide you with energy and a great mood, and, in addition, within a few weeks it will noticeably transform your skin.

Another thing is that if you have already tried to cut sugar out of your diet and it didn’t work out, repeating the campaign may be a problem. The mood is not so optimistic, and frankly speaking, you no longer believe in your own strength. As Carlson would say: “Calm, just calm.” We know how to give up sugar once and for all.

Why didn't it work out for you?

First, let's consider a situation in which you have already tried to limit the amount of sugar you consume, and even lasted for quite a long time, but in the end you still ended up consuming candies and cakes. Mindbodygreen.com experts know at least three reasons why this could happen.

You don't understand why you want sugar

Cravings for sweets can arise for several reasons at once, and in order to limit the amount of these foods in the diet, it is important to understand what exactly causes them. Among the most common:

  • Destabilization of blood sugar levels (due to a restrictive diet, lack of sleep or stress overload);
  • The desire to “eat up” sadness, boredom or anger;
  • The habit of always eating dessert after lunch.

You continue to use artificial sweeteners

Liquid sugar, such as soda, is even more damaging than pure sugar (even zero-calorie soda). The fact is that such sugar bypasses the satiety mechanisms - it does not send a signal to the brain that you are no longer hungry, which means you continue to eat even when it is no longer required. The lack of tangible calories leads to overeating, and this, in turn, to weight gain.

Why isn't Diet Coke any better? In fact, low-calorie sweeteners can disrupt glucose regulation and change the composition of gut microflora, which in the long term will make even apparently excess weight difficult to lose. As for the popular stevia today, animal studies show that the weight of rats even increased when they started consuming this additive instead of sugar, compared to the initial indicators. And this is definitely a reason to be careful.

Do you believe in sugar addiction?

Now we will tell you the biggest secret: sugar is addictive, but not so addictive that it should be compared to the effects of drugs. Moreover, scientific experiments have suggested that saccharin (a low-calorie sweetener) rather than sugar should be compared with cocaine. If you feel that you are addicted to sweet foods, then most likely sugar works in combination with fat (oils), causing a stronger addiction.

There is also a psychological point: by recognizing the influence of sugar on you, you gradually convince yourself of this, which means you completely lose control over its consumption. Try telling yourself, “I don't really like sugar that much,” and then believing it. And you’ll see, things will go much faster.

4 ways to give up sugar

Taking into account all of the above, we offer you several ways to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet with minimal damage to your health (including mental health).

Protein breakfast

Eating a hearty protein breakfast can really help reduce sugar cravings throughout the day. So use foods like eggs, chia seeds, pea puree, and lean meats to help you. This way you will be able to avoid a decrease in glucose levels, which usually provokes cravings for sweets. And pea protein, as studies have shown, reduces appetite even more effectively than whey protein, while simultaneously improving intestinal microflora.

Place your bet on fruit

Fruits do not contain sugar molecules, which you should avoid. On the contrary, they are rich in phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber, which promote normal digestion and improve all indicators of health. However, be careful: fruit salad still contains a lot of sugars, albeit natural ones, so to maximize the benefits, try to limit yourself to 1-2 fruits, divided into snacks throughout the day.

Get enough sleep

The best way to avoid sugar or any other overeating is. When researchers asked a group of women to reduce their usual sleep from 7.5 hours to 4.5 hours for four nights in a row, they found that their cravings for sugary foods increased and their overall caloric intake increased by 400 calories. That's why experts advise getting plenty of sleep, which can make it easier for you to quit sugar. Can't sleep? Consult a specialist about taking magnesium, which may improve the situation.

Make peace with sugar

Remember that you don’t have to completely give up sugar and beat yourself up over every piece of candy. Instead of subjecting your body to additional stress, “agree” with it that you will allow yourself sugar indulgences once a week. Whether it's a few slices of chocolate or a piece of birthday cake doesn't really matter. The main thing is that this approach will allow you to normalize your relationship with food and enjoy every bite, so that every day your cravings for sweets will be less and less.

Sugar and sugar-containing products are firmly entrenched in our diet. They improve our mood, give us strength, and have a pleasant taste. But sugar also has many disadvantages. What will happen to the human body if you give up sugar completely?

Not all, but a large percentage of the population does not deny themselves the pleasure of eating something sweet. And not all people with a sweet tooth are overweight, have diabetes, etc. But still, the vast majority of people admit to themselves (or others) that it would be a good idea to limit their sugar intake.

Is it possible to give up sweets completely? What advantages or disadvantages will our body receive if we, clenching our will into a fist, stop eating sugar?

Pros and cons of sugar

The benefits of sugar

Let's admit that sugar has few benefits. But still they exist.

First of all, this is the energy that he undoubtedly carries.

Sugar activates blood circulation and, according to some scientists, reduces the risk of blood clots in blood vessels, although, on the other hand, it contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Therefore, this issue is controversial.

Helps in the functioning of the liver and spleen

Sugar is our good mood and joy.

Cons of sugar

  • Refined sugar is quickly absorbed into the blood, the body spends a lot of effort on its absorption, the pancreas works hard, constantly producing insulin to reduce the concentration of blood sugar. Moreover, when the blood sugar level drops, the brain receives a signal about the need to replenish it. And so on ad infinitum.
  • Other than energy, sugar has no nutritional value. His calories are empty. The surge of strength from eating it is short-term; a decline and deterioration in mood are observed quite quickly. The body begins to demand new portions of sweets. This is how addiction to sugar arises, which does not bring anything good.
  • With a sedentary lifestyle, the calories received from its consumption are not consumed and turn into extra centimeters and kilograms on our body.
  • Sweets do not contribute to the rapid passage of the bolus of food through the intestines, which results in problems with stool and flatulence.
  • Harmful to the oral cavity: it contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel and “loosening” of gum tissue.
  • Weakens the immune system, which is fraught with the occurrence of many diseases, including cancer.
  • Requires an increased amount necessary for the absorption of sweet foods.
  • With high sugar consumption, the natural production of collagen and elastin is disrupted, which leads to deterioration of skin condition.
  • Increased consumption of sweets can lead to food allergies.
  • And a paradox! Sweets, despite the fact that they bring us joy, develop addiction and can lead to nervous breakdowns and depression.
  • Eating sugar leads to increased levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. Therefore, people with high cholesterol need to not only reduce their consumption of fatty foods, but also sweets!

As we see, sweets are not our friends. We would give them up, but what will happen to our body if we stop eating sugar?

If you give up sugar completely...

Many doctors advise their patients to eat as little sweets as possible. This applies primarily to refined sugar and to products containing it: cakes, cookies, homemade jam, sweet desserts, sauces, packaged juices and various types of carbonated drinks. It is proposed to replace these products with natural sugars found in berries, fruits, honey, and vegetables. Such sugars do not have such a negative and destructive effect on the body.

It will certainly not be easy to give up sweets. Therefore, only good motivation will help you decide to take such a step.

What does a normal person need? First of all, health and longevity. And in my opinion, the opportunity to improve your well-being, strengthen resistance to disease, lose weight and thereby reduce the load on all organs - all these benefits can be obtained by first reducing and then completely eliminating the consumption of refined sugar.

Nutritionists say that giving up sugar-containing foods will allow you to lose three or more kilograms in a month.

The activity of the pancreas gradually returns to normal.

The load on the cardiovascular system is reduced. Cholesterol and triglyceride levels improve. And this means a lower risk of developing ischemia.

The intestinal microflora is improved, which leads to better absorption of nutrients. Problems with stool go away, as a result of which the body is not poisoned by its own “poisons”.

Quitting sugar leads to increased resistance to disease, that is, improved immunity.

The skin is noticeably transformed. After all, everyone knows the negative impact of sugar-containing products on her condition.

Gradually, your body will learn to maintain the required level of blood sugar and will no longer be in a stressful state from not receiving the next portion of sweets.

Quitting sugar will put your nervous system in order; Sleep is normalized, pain will pass, and mood will stabilize. You will become less anxious and irritable.

How to overcome your sweet tooth?

But it’s actually very difficult to suddenly give up sweets, and it’s not worth it. Dependence on it is very strong, and a person will literally experience “withdrawal” when stopping including sweets in their menu.

Don’t “throw” your body into a “cold hole”. Take things gradually. We are accustomed to eating sweets since childhood and adjusting to a life without sugar will not be easy.

Reduce your consumption of sweets gradually. If you put two spoons of sugar in your tea or coffee, then switch to one. You will find that over time you will no longer feel that the tea is not sweet enough. When you get used to this concentration, reduce it by another half spoon.

Do the same with candy. If you ate two sweets with a cup of tea, now limit yourself to one. Do not drink tea that is too hot; it will lead to more sweets.

Don't sweeten your porridge! If you cannot eat porridge without sugar, then add fresh or dry fruits.

Avoid sugary carbonated drinks and packaged juices altogether.

Just drink clean water in sufficient quantities - 1.5 - 2 liters per day.

Replace refined sugar with berries, fruits, dried fruits, honey. They also contain quite a lot of sugar, but it is natural.

Don't buy cakes and pastries. As a last resort, bake it yourself. At home, you can control the amount of sugar in the recipe or give it up altogether, replacing it with fruit-marmalade or honey filling.

Don't get carried away with store-bought sauces. They also contain quite a lot of sugar. Homemade sauces are much tastier and healthier than store-bought ones.

Sweets are delicious! And each of us will decide for ourselves: to give up sugar completely or continue to “butter” our brain and taste buds, while loading other organs. Approaching this issue wisely is the most correct thing to do. Gradually reducing the amount of sugar consumed, replacing refined sugar with healthier, natural sugar will be our best decision.

Excessive sugar consumption is one of the main problems of the modern diet. Excessive consumption of sweet foods leads to a number of problems - accelerates aging, overloads the liver, leads to the development of insulin resistance, which leads to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity.

There is also evidence that sweets are addictive. However, if you give up sugar for just 10 days, you can significantly improve your body’s condition and prevent the occurrence of the problems described above.

What changes will happen in the body if you give up sugar for 10 days?

Dr. Robert Lustig, along with a team of researchers at the University of California (San Francisco), conducted a study on the effects of giving up sugar on children's bodies. After just 10 days, all study participants had a significantly reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Experts managed to reduce triglyceride levels by an average of 33%, and low-density lipoprotein by 5%. Diastolic blood pressure was also reduced as a result of eliminating sugar from the diet.

Excess sugar increases the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity.

We get additional doses of sugar not only from the obvious sources - candy, sweet soda, cakes, etc. Yogurts, sauces, salad dressings and similar products also contain sugar.

Therefore, type 2 diabetes and other problems caused by consuming excess sugar threaten not only those with a sweet tooth, but also those who love processed foods, who are also advised to give up sugar.

Here's what giving up sugar for 10 days will do:

  1. The heart will tell you “thank you”

If you manage to get rid of the habit of eating a lot of sweets, you will reduce the risk of heart disease by as much as three times. Elevated insulin levels and subsequent activation of the sympathetic nervous system lead to increased blood pressure and heart rate. After just a few weeks without sugar, your LDL and triglyceride levels will drop by 10% and 20-30%, respectively.

  1. Skin will glow with health

Of course, sugar is far from the only cause of acne on the skin, but quite often it is the culprit in the appearance of acne not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that cutting out soda for three weeks reduced inflammation by 87%.

  1. And your mood will improve

It is very difficult for lovers of sweets to give up their favorite delicacy. However, once they overcome their habit, they notice that anxiety, irritability, and mood swings become less frequent.

To experience the benefits of living without sugar, you only need to give it up for 10 days.

  1. Your sleep will become truly healthy

Just like your skin, your sleep cycle is influenced by a number of factors. However, it is also important to know that sugar makes you feel tired and sluggish throughout the day. Sugar also triggers the production of cortisol, which can disrupt your sleep cycle.

  1. Memory will improve

A study conducted by specialists from the University of California showed that excess sugar negatively affects memory and learning ability. This happens due to disruption of connections between brain cells. Quitting sugar, even if it's just for 10 days, will help protect your nerve cells from damage and keep your mind sharp.

Giving up sugar for 10 days can be a small step towards completely getting rid of sweet addiction. Try giving up sugar today - and in just a couple of weeks your body will feel much better!

Why should you give up sweets? Is it possible to completely eliminate sugar from your diet? What dangers might lie in wait along this path? Let's try to figure it out.

Advantages and disadvantages

It's hard to believe that ignoring sugar will radically change your appearance and lifestyle. Changing your diet in this way means depriving your body of glucose and fructose - products of sugar breakdown in the digestive tract. Glucose is the main carrier of energy in the body, fuel for muscle and brain function. In addition, it helps the liver neutralize toxins. Fructose helps the body recover after physical activity and reduces the risk of developing caries.

However, we consume both glucose and fructose in too large quantities. The recommended daily intake of sugar is 25-30 grams, the maximum allowed without harm to health is 50-60 grams, the average Russian eats 107 grams per day, and the average American eats 160 grams. Most nutritionists believe that this is no coincidence.

Sugar stimulates appetite

In fact, giving up sugar completely is impossible. Today it is used everywhere: in bread, sausage, mayonnaise and other processed foods. The food industry thus ensures constant demand for its products. The thing is that the hormone leptin, which signals the brain about satiety, loses its properties when there is a high content of fructose in the blood. Consumers overeat, but retain the feeling of hunger and the desire to replenish the refrigerator.

As a result, entire nations suffer from obesity and diabetes: in addition to leptin, sugar also causes insulin resistance. The risk of arterial hypertension also increases, which is not comparable to the same risk when consuming salt. Here's what else sweet lovers can expect:

Weakened immune system

Damage to the walls of blood vessels


Decreased brain activity

Leaching calcium and vitamin B1 from the body

Destruction of tooth enamel

Additional load on the liver, kidneys, pancreas

Premature skin aging

Sugar is addictive

The consequences of not eating sugar are getting rid of all of the above and, in addition, the disappearance of chronic fatigue and sound sleep. By the way: scientists have convincingly established that there are no safe sugar substitutes, be they natural or synthetic.

Perhaps the most harmful consequence of eating sweets is pathological addiction. Researchers at the Department of Psychology at Princeton University have been studying signs of sugar addiction in rats for several years. The animals willingly ate the treat and quickly increased the dose, and without the available sweetness they showed all the signs of withdrawal.

The same is true for people. Eating sweets stimulates the production of “pleasure hormones” dopamine and serotonin. Moreover, in order to maintain pleasant sensations at the proper level, their dose, and therefore the amount of sweets eaten, has to be increased. For many, sweets become a kind of antidepressant. If you get nervous, eat the cake. Isn't this similar to what others look for in alcohol or drugs?

Withdrawal when quitting sugar

People with a sweet tooth develop a form of addiction, and the inaccessibility of sweets can lead to nervous breakdowns and depression. That is why a sharp refusal of sugar is inevitably accompanied by withdrawal symptoms. Here are some of its symptoms:

Anger, depression, irritability, anxiety


Fast fatiguability



Muscle pain

Appetite fluctuations

Irresistible craving for sweets

Therefore, you should give up your addiction gradually. This usually takes about 20 days, the first week is always the most difficult.

It is very difficult to get used to the new taste of coffee and tea. And yet, white refined sugar should be completely abandoned. At first, you can replace it with honey or dried fruits. You should also drink plenty of water daily. And don’t worry - you won’t be able to stay without glucose and fructose. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, eggs and even nuts all contain natural sugars.