How to get off antidepressants. Herbal antidepressants. The concept of antidepressants

In our modern world stress, nervous tension and depression many people take sedatives. Sometimes, after stopping the course of treatment, the patient will experience unpleasant symptoms. Antidepressant withdrawal syndrome is a manifestation that occurs in the body when you stop taking drugs that have a psychostimulant effect. Learn more about pathology.

Why do we take antidepressants?

Reach mental health in our time of chronic stress due to the economy, politics, social life is quite difficult. We are not always able to cope with mental trauma and respond adequately to them. We all relieve stress in different ways.

Depression has become a real plague of our time. According to statistics, about 5% of the total population of our planet suffers from this disease, and the number of such people is constantly growing.

You can do it safely:

  • meetings with friends;
  • walks in the open air;
  • reading books, drawing, embroidery and other hobbies;
  • buying some not very important, but enjoyable thing;
  • regular visits to the gym (fitness, Pilates, gym).

All of the above takes time and, most importantly, desire. Sometimes problems pile up so that the body is not able to adequately respond to them. The psyche doesn't work. To relieve the symptoms of mental trauma or stress, a person begins to use any means that relieve excitement: alcohol, cigarettes, excessive consumption of sweets and special preparations- antidepressants.

It's very simple - in case of any conflict, take a pill, and the mood will return to normal. A person easily gets used to such a seemingly easy decision. The question is that after a while the patient becomes so addicted that without taking the drug, issues are no longer resolved, but in principle, normal life- impossible.

Antidepressant withdrawal syndrome, symptoms

Antidepressant withdrawal is your body's response to the absence of the usual pill. Of course, a situation may arise when the body does not react to this situation in any way. It happens exclusively rare cases. As a rule, these manifestations are present. Due to the systematic use, chemical dependence occurs.

The clinical manifestations of OSA can be different, therefore, it is rather difficult to recognize the presence of a problem with a superficial (formal) diagnosis.

Cancellation of antidepressants provokes such symptoms:

  • headache, dizziness, tinnitus, loss of consciousness;
  • emotional instability (temper, aggressiveness, tearfulness);
  • persistent sleep disturbance, characterized by insomnia, heavy dreams;
  • disorders digestive system(nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, alternating stool retention and diarrhea);
  • tachycardia, bradycardia;
  • panic attacks.

As you can see, the list of vegetative-somatic disorders is not the smallest. It is not necessary that you experience everything.

The concept of antidepressants

Examples of antidepressants:

  • Amitriptyline;
  • Venlafaxine;
  • Vortioxin;
  • doxepin;
  • Agomelatine;
  • Trazodone;
  • Phenazepam.

Antidepressants are a group of psychotropic medicines, which are prescribed by a doctor to relieve some symptoms of depression

Their healing effect- cumulative, manifests itself for 3-10 days. Useful action develops due to the accumulation of neurotransmitters at the endings nerve receptors and improve conductivity in the brain regions.

These chemicals were discovered in 1957. Their main function-positive mood, ease of reactions, change in character to a softer side, a significant improvement in the state of the human psyche. Pharmacological properties such substances are different. There are antidepressants that have an inhibitory, sedative effect. There are drugs, on the contrary, that increase efficiency.

Some medicines have a positive effect on brain activity: memory, attention improves, even cognitive activity increases (nootropic effect). Such drugs are used both in psychiatric practice and for the correction of current conditions of vegetovascular dystonia, prolonged pain of various etiologies.

There are no completely harmless antidepressants. If they soothe, then, accordingly, they are addictive.

Duration of antidepressant withdrawal

IN best case your body will respond to the withdrawal of the usual medication for 10-14 days. These terms are very conditional, they depend on the duration of the reception, the state of health, the psycho-emotional state of the patient in a given life situation.

While a person is experiencing a withdrawal syndrome, it is extremely difficult for him to go to work and carry out any of his usual duties, even around the house.

Cancellation of the drug should take place under the supervision of a physician. The medical staff will advise on what scheme to implement this, what symptomatic remedies use. In the worst case, if you act on your own, you will start all the symptoms at the same time and even return the state of depression and melancholy.

Your doctor will tell you how long the antidepressant withdrawal syndrome lasts. After all, it is difficult to answer unambiguously. Each organism is individual, a lot also depends on the drug that you took. For example, Phenazepam withdrawal syndrome lasts from 14 days to a month.

Separately, consider Amitriptyline. This is one of the most famous and oldest drugs. It belongs to the group of tricyclic substances. The main advantage of an antidepressant is that it calms almost instantly. When taking it, you do not have to wait 2-4 days to see the effect. It perfectly eliminates panic attacks, and sleep problems are restored in 24 hours. So effective therapeutic properties drugs lead to the fact that the drug begins to be abused. Withdrawal symptoms of Amitriplin are usually the same as those of other drugs in this group. The only thing is that a feeling of dry mouth and spasmodic pain in the head are added. Amitriplin withdrawal syndrome is recommended to be treated, only then you will not feel negative effects.

Pathology therapy

As mentioned above, the easiest therapy is under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting. It consists of the following activities:

Peppermint, valerian, calendula and hops will help to cope with overwork and relieve nervous tension.

  1. Drip cleansing and restoring the balance of electrolytes in the body (Hemodez, Magnesium Sulphate, Reamberin).
  2. Soothing preparations, mainly herbal (Adonis-bromine, motherwort herb, valerian rhizome, peppermint, hop cones).
  3. Synthetic antipsychotics (only in very severe suicidal cases).
  4. Vegetative-somatic disorders from the side gastrointestinal tract(treated by a gastroenterologist).
  5. If there are heart pains, tachycardia, problems with pressure, then a consultation with a therapist or cardiologist will be required, depending on the severity of the patient's condition. It is possible to take antihypertensive drugs.
  6. Physiotherapy (electrophoresis with bromine, applications from therapeutic mud, sessions of electrosleep and darsonval).
  7. Revitalizing full body massage.
  8. Acupuncture.
  9. Oxygen therapy is carried out both in the form of cocktails and metered inhalation of a special enriched mixture.

How to relieve withdrawal syndrome?

Cancellation of Amitriplin or any other antidepressant will be easier if, in addition to the doctor, you listen to our advice.

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, it is very important to drink enough clean water so that the remnants of the drug are quickly excreted from the kidneys

According to the reviews of patients who have successfully coped with this condition, it is recommended:

  • partially and gradually reduce the dose of the drug;
  • increase your fluid intake mineral water, juices, tea, compotes, fruit drinks). This is how the leftovers go. chemicals from the body;
  • rethink your diet plant food. The fiber contained in them helps the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • do not create for yourself stressful situations. If you have a responsible check or exams, it is better not to change the usual rhythm of life;
  • do not neglect the help of a psychotherapist if you cannot stop the medicine yourself.

herbal antidepressants

Exists a large number of drugs plant origin, the cancellation of which does not cause any syndromes, for example:

  • extract of motherwort, lemongrass, immortelle - increase efficiency;
  • ginseng root is an excellent immunostimulant;
  • honeysuckle and clover flowers exhibit antidepressant properties;
  • hawthorn well helps the work of the heart, normalizes the heartbeat;
  • pharmacy chamomile is a good antispasmodic;
  • calendula, mint - helps with overexertion;
  • leuzea exhibits excellent nootropic properties.

Try these herbs. They are harmless positive impact on the body.

Try to deal with any situation without tragedy. Before you self-medicate, consult a psychologist. Perhaps your problem will find a solution without taking chemicals. If you are undergoing treatment and you are prescribed such medications, do not engage in amateur activities. There is no need to increase or decrease the dosage as you wish. Be sure to consult a doctor.

Terminology issues. This state also called withdrawal syndrome antidepressants, although this is not entirely correct. Appearance With symptoms after P terminations T therapy A An antidepressant drug (SPTA) does not mean that the drug is addictive. Antidepressants do not have addictive potential (Latin "addictus" - addicted; English "addiction" - dependence, addiction, addiction) and do not cause dependence. This is important positive moment, which should be reported to patients, since most people, in case of fear of becoming dependent on the drug, will stop taking the prescribed treatment as soon as possible.

Relevance recognition (detection) in a patient with SPTA. [ 1 ] First, although withdrawal symptoms are rarely life-threatening, they are always associated with discomfort and some degree of psychosocial maladjustment ( ! reduced quality of life). [ 2 ] Secondly, having experienced a withdrawal syndrome, the patient hardly agrees to any psycho-pharmacotherapy in the future. [ 3 ] Thirdly, the symptoms that occur in connection with the discontinuation of the antidepressant can be mistaken for an exacerbation depressive disorder, another disorder of the psyche or nervous system, or a physical illness (for example, if a patient consults a neurologist who prefers not to inform about treatment by a psychiatrist, then the neurologist interprets these non-specific symptoms according to their competence; as a result - unnecessary examinations and possibly even treatment). [ 4 ] Fourth, SPTA can be confused with the side effects of a newly prescribed drug after antidepressant withdrawal, especially when switching between antidepressants with different mechanisms of action (this can lead to the erroneous conclusion that the patient does not tolerate new drug).

Risk categories for developing SPTA. As a rule, these are patients who begin to feel better after a few weeks of taking an antidepressant and are not well informed about the need for long-term maintenance therapy. Women who find out they are pregnant during treatment may also abruptly stop taking the antidepressant for safety reasons.

Clinic. SPTA is observed upon discontinuation of all classes of antidepressants. The half-life of the drug from blood plasma is the indicator that correlates more than others with the risk of developing a withdrawal syndrome. In other words, the shorter the residual effect of the drug after the last dose, the higher the likelihood of symptoms. For example, fluoxetine has a half-life of 7 days, so for this representative of SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) the most low risk development of the withdrawal syndrome. Paroxetine has an average half-life of 24 hours, hence high risk withdrawal syndrome, especially with abrupt discontinuation of a therapeutic dose.

SPTA can be divided into six categories: [ 1 ] sensory symptoms, [ 2 ] imbalance, [ 3 ] general somatic, [ 4 ] affective, [ 5 ] gastrointestinal symptoms, and [ 6 ] sleep disorders:

It should be noted that the symptoms presented in the figure are mainly associated with discontinuation of SSRIs and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. The spectrum of symptoms during the abolition of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) has its own specifics. Thus, in the event of discontinuation of TCAs, sensory symptoms and balance disorders are usually not observed. With the abolition of MAO inhibitors, symptoms may be more pronounced than after the abolition of SSRIs. Patients may experience worsening depressive and anxiety symptoms, acute disorder consciousness up to catatonia.

In the English-language literature, a mnemonic device is used to memorize the SPTA spectrum; the main symptoms are encrypted in the word FINISH: F- from "flu-like" - flu similar symptoms; I- insomnia; N- from "nausea" - nausea; I- from "imbalance" - imbalance; S- sensory symptoms; H- from "hyperarousal" - hyperexcitability, which reflects affective disorders.

Usually, SPTA appear during the first week after stopping the antidepressant; according to studies, on average on the second day. Spontaneous resolution occurs in different dates- from 1 day to 3 weeks, on average, patients continue to experience symptoms for 10 days (note: in the case of PTAS, you can see a rapid - within 1 day - improvement upon restarting the drug, while recurrent depression does not respond so quickly for therapy).

Principles of antidepressant withdrawal(how to minimize the risk of SPTA). Patients should be in accessible form explain the features of the action of the prescribed antidepressant, the rules for increasing and gradually reducing the dose, warn of a possible deterioration in well-being in the event of an abrupt cessation of therapy. But at the same time, the words “withdrawal syndrome”, “addiction”, “dependence” should be avoided, since they can be perceived negatively and cause early termination of therapy. Sooner or later, that happy moment comes when it becomes clear that antidepressants can be abandoned. However, the cancellation process usually takes several weeks, but in individual cases and more long time, especially if the patient's health worsens in the first stages of dose reduction. When prescribing fluoxetine, it is possible to cancel the drug without a gradual dose reduction, although it has not been specifically studied in studies. If possible, you should also discuss with the patient's relatives the creation of the maximum favorable conditions during antidepressant withdrawal. Patients with major depressive disorder, as a rule, do not work and are at home, therefore they are not exposed to external psycho-emotional stress. It is optimal if the patient's close environment tries to create a positive atmosphere and tries to involve a family member in some kind of activity in order to distract from perception possible symptoms cancellation.

If SPTA does occur, explain to the patient that these symptoms are not life-threatening and usually resolve within a few days. If the patient continues to experience SPTA and they reduce quality of life, it is common practice to restart the therapeutic dose of the antidepressant. In the future, you can again try to stop the drug through a very gradual dose reduction. If this does not help, then it is possible to transfer the patient to fluoxetine, an SSRI with the lowest risk of withdrawal, and then cancel it.

used materials medical newspaper"Health of Ukraine", thematic issue "Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy" No. 1(40), 2017, p. 21 (material prepared by Dmitry Molchanov)

© Laesus De Liro

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Statistics show that depression is real problem modern people. Up to 5% of the world's people suffer from depression. The person is oppressed, anxious, arrives in constant melancholy. He also has motor and mental retardation, sleep is disturbed, they make themselves known somatic disorders. In addition to psychotherapeutic methods, a person begins to actively get involved in antidepressants. How dangerous are they? And what happens to a person after discontinuation of the drug?

Features of antidepressants

These are psychotropic medications prescribed by a doctor to relieve the symptoms of depression. When using them, you can reduce anxiety, cheer yourself up, get rid of lethargy, apathy. Also, antidepressants improve appetite, improve sleep, are best stimulant mental activity.

Please note that this group drugs do not cause euphoria - an emotional upsurge in people who do not suffer from depression. Psychotherapists prescribe these drugs with extreme caution. It is believed that long-term use may cause serious side effects.

Attention! Only the doctor decides how appropriate it is to take antidepressants. Latest Research show that antidepressants are not effective for everyone.

If a person has a severe depressive state, it is not worth treating using antidepressants. IN this case psychotherapeutic methods of treatment are of no small importance.

It is worth noting that antidepressants have a number of side effects. One of these is withdrawal syndrome. Symptoms occur after a person stops taking certain types antidepressants. For example, from the group of SSRIs - selective inhibitors: Zoloft, Cipralex. Especially severe withdrawal symptoms are disturbing after a person stops taking Paxil Paroxetine .

Symptoms of antidepressant withdrawal syndrome

When a person stops taking depressants, he begins to develop the following symptoms:

  • Severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Symptoms characteristic of the flu are weakness, breakage in the body.
  • Violent headache. It seems like an "electric flash" in the head.
  • Problems with orientation in space.
  • Pressure surges.

How long this condition lasts is unknown. It all depends on how long the person has been taking antidepressants and general condition health. As a rule, the symptomatology makes itself felt only in the first weeks, then gradually the patient becomes better.

With withdrawal syndrome, a person cannot work, perform their usual duties. To prevent such a situation, it is recommended not to abruptly refuse the drug, but gradually.

Is it possible to avoid the withdrawal syndrome?

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from this syndrome, but you can alleviate your condition. This creates a harmonious calm environment. It is important to follow these basic rules:

Video: Antipsychotic withdrawal syndrome.

  • It is not necessary to stop taking the drug immediately. It is important to gradually reduce the dosage by 1-2 mg.
  • It is necessary to choose the optimal time for yourself so that you can safely refuse the drug. It could be holidays. You must understand that all the same, some symptoms will make themselves felt.
  • The first few days you can not eat solid food. It is best to prefer drinks, soups. It is also recommended to consume as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. It is important to drink plenty of water. So the drug will quickly pass through the kidneys.
  • Immediately after stopping the antidepressant, you need to stop playing sports, training until you feel better. Unpleasant symptoms do not leave you for more than a week? Review your diet and lifestyle.
  • In the event of unpleasant “flares” in the head, it is necessary to take special vitamins, biological additives. Eg, fish fat. It is best not to experiment on your own, consult a doctor immediately.

It is important to know! Antidepressants often lead to overweight, so you need to take supplements that will eliminate this problem.

After the withdrawal of antidepressants, it will be difficult to hold out for several days. If you are calm, provide yourself with a sparing regimen, good nutrition, the symptoms will not bother you.

Medicines containing omega-3 acids will alleviate your condition during this period. It is also necessary to pay attention to fatty acids, vitamin C, which will help get rid of severe headaches, sharp outbreaks in the head.

Video: Lyrica Withdrawal Syndrome

Remember that at first you will be tormented by a strong temptation to take medicines again. Don't hesitate to take them again. Immediately go to a psychotherapist, he will recommend you what to do in this situation.

Antidepressant withdrawal syndrome and suicide

Unfortunately, some people have a very difficult time with drug withdrawal. In the United States, they took a measure a long time ago and wrote on all antidepressants that they can lead to suicide. It is important to monitor those who have finished drinking antidepressants - whether they have suicidal thoughts, how a person behaves.

It's no secret that antidepressants further exacerbate the depressive state, so the patient begins to worry about insomnia, anxiety, enmity, increased arousal. When you notice anxiety symptoms, see a doctor immediately. As a rule, the following conditions should alert you:

  • The appearance of thoughts of suicide.
  • Worsening depression.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Anger and aggression.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Insomnia.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Sudden mood swings.

So, in order not to have to suffer from antidepressant withdrawal syndrome, it is best not to take these harmful drugs. There is so much beauty in life, you just need to look around and everything will change at once. Do not stuff yourself with calming stimulants, otherwise everything can end tragically.

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Antidepressant withdrawal syndrome, whose symptoms can be severe and life-threatening, occurs only when patients voluntarily decide to stop taking it.

Antidepressants are special group drugs that increase the concentration chemical substances facilitating brain communication with nerve endings. According to the classification, antidepressants are divided into the following groups:

  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOs);
  • tricyclic;
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs);
  • norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors;
  • non-selective monoamine reuptake inhibitors.

Self-treatment with antidepressants is prohibited, due to the fact that serious side effects are possible. Also the treatment of depression and neuroses with panic attacks requires dose adjustment in each individual case. The principle of action of these drugs is a cumulative process. This means that the therapeutic effect of antidepressants does not appear immediately, but after 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment.

Treatment with these drugs begins with minimal doses. With good tolerance, the dosage is increased to the required, but prescribed by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The impact of the pills can be seen by how the feeling of fear, anxiety, apathy, lethargy gradually disappears. At the same time, patients observe an improvement in sleep, appetite, a mood and a desire to live appear, and brain activity improves.

Necessary approach to discontinuing treatment

Treatment with antidepressants has one feature. When you stop taking pills abruptly, a number of disorders called withdrawal syndrome can occur. People who do not have medical education, difficult to understand this term. However, not knowing what is fraught this syndrome, you can hurt yourself a lot. This is especially true for those patients who are prone to suicidal thoughts when mental disorders various etiologies.

Antidepressants are not drugs. They do not cause euphoria, a sharp emotional upsurge, but throughout the therapy the brain "gets used" to work under the influence of the drug. In the event of an abrupt cessation, a withdrawal syndrome occurs, accompanied by certain symptoms. To avoid such negative manifestations, doctors recommend that patients gradually reduce the dose of the drug.

In some cases, to avoid withdrawal symptoms, specialists prescribe tranquilizers. Tranquilizers alleviate or completely eliminate negative symptoms when the dose of antidepressants is reduced, so that patients do not have to experience worsening emotional and physical health. Most often, the withdrawal syndrome is observed when taking selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which include drugs called:

  • Rexetin (and its analogues)
  • Cipralex (and its analogues);
  • Zoloft;
  • Symbalta.

As at the beginning of treatment with these drugs there may be an increase in symptoms of depression, anxiety, panic, so it happens when you cancel. Therefore, for any negative manifestations the attending physician must be notified.

Manifestation of symptoms upon discontinuation of treatment

Symptoms that may occur when antidepressant treatment is completed include:

At right approach manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome are weak. The patient may feel a slight weakness, dizziness, mood changes, sweating, restless sleep. With such phenomena, the state is stable, the working capacity of a person is preserved. No additional medication is required. Under mild symptoms manifestations of greater intensity are implied.

A person may feel anxiety, restlessness, internal tremor, intermittent violation movement coordination. Except restless sleep, insomnia occurs, appetite worsens or increases. In such cases, it is difficult for a person to concentrate, to perform daily routine activities. All these symptoms may be accompanied by aggression or tearfulness.

And to severe symptoms that deprive a person of the opportunity to lead a habitual way of life include:

  • headaches, dizziness of varying intensity;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • severe irritability, nervousness;
  • mood swings, depression;
  • muscle spasms;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • disorientation;
  • nightmares;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • strange feeling of "electric flashes" in the head;
  • chills, fever;
  • pain in the joints, as with a cold;
  • derealization, depersonalization;
  • dry mouth;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • blurred vision.

Such symptoms may accompany the patient during the day. In this case, the human performance is almost completely disrupted.

Especially dangerous manifestation are suicidal thoughts.

Therefore, when you stop taking an antidepressant, it would be good for someone from relatives or friends to look after the patient. Especially if the person himself voices his feelings and desires.

How to alleviate negative symptoms?

It is completely impossible to eliminate the syndrome of antidepressant withdrawal, but this process can and should be smoothed out. The first step to successful completion of treatment is to gradually reduce the dose every 7 days. If the doctor has deemed it necessary to prescribe tranquilizers during this two-week period, do not ignore this recommendation.

It is better to stop taking antidepressants during the holidays, when there will be less physical and emotional stress. In the first days of dose reduction, eat light food e.g. soups, vegetables, fruits. Observe drinking regimen so that the drug is excreted from the body faster. Limit or completely refuse from sports during this special period. In case of any disturbing symptoms, contact your doctor.

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It is necessary to get away from such an “addiction” smoothly, weekly reducing the dosage by a quarter (once a week!), and it is better to do this - under the “cover” of a light tranquilizer, with a short radius of action. And since all these drugs are prescription, this must be done with the help of a full-time psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

One piece of advice - go to a psychotherapist and follow his recommendations.

God bless you never have a reason to go to the doctor! And if you have to, then do not delay.

Individual and group psychotherapy for personal growth -

Trainings for anxiety management and successful communication.

Antidepressants do not have a withdrawal syndrome. Most likely, after a dose reduction or discontinuation of the drug, the symptoms of neurosis return to you. Try adding psychotherapy to your treatment.

  • If you have any questions to the consultant, ask him through a personal message or use the \"ask a question\" form on the pages of our website.

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Your question will not remain unanswered!

You write "I drink a quarter in the morning (in bad periods, half a tablet)." Your method of taking antidepressants is simply wrong.

You write “withdrawal is just awful. ". From such a dose of an antidepressant, such a withdrawal syndrome is simply unlikely. Rather, it is a return of depression after the dose of the antidepressant is lowered or discontinued.

How to get off antidepressants?

Advises: Chuvilchikova (Gavrilyak) Tatyana Vasilievna

I've been taking an antidepressant (Zoloft - 100mg initial, 50mg current) for about 3 years, starting with post-natal depression.

During this period, she tried to stop taking AD 3 times (gradually reducing the dose), but after a while the depression returned.

experiencing psychological discomfort from taking AD, planning a 2nd pregnancy and not sure about the consequences of long-term use of AD.

In general, everything is fine with me - loving husband, healthy child, good job stable financial position.

Blood tests are good, thyroid gland, hormones and so on.

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist supervisor

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist supervisor

Dosage reduction has been discussed with family doctor approximately one year after starting AD. She underwent personal therapy during her stay in hospitals, after discharge she did not continue therapy, only consultations.

what were the symptoms of depression? I understand correctly that the doctor did not find organic causes And you don't have endogenous depression?

how long after the drug was discontinued did the symptoms return and what exactly?

Were there similar symptoms before pregnancy?

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist supervisor

I want to get off antidepressants (primary motive - 2nd pregnancy) and eliminate depression. The initial symptoms were: anxiety, melancholy, feelings of desperation, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts. The last few days before the hospital, I could not sleep for several days.

The doctor has not found an organic cause at the moment.

After withdrawal, the symptoms returned after a different period of time - the longest was about 3 months. Two times out of three something happened - the father died, the nanny left. Depression, melancholy, lack of energy and desire to do something, inability to solve minor problems, fear of being alone with the child return.

because, as I understand it, you do not have the skill of healthy living through difficult experiences

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist supervisor

Before pregnancy, there were some symptoms, as I jokingly called "the sadness of the world", but there was no need to deal with this - it was annoying, but did not interfere.

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist supervisor

Thanks for the advice, I agree that AD is a convenient solution to a problem, but not a quality one.

$per session.

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist supervisor

One of them big problems- apart from the temporary one, it is the search for an effective psychologist and the cost of treatment: here it is

$per session.

In this situation, the idea of ​​online therapy looks more and more attractive, I will try to move in this direction.

Does it make sense to start psychotherapy now, or wait for a relapse after stopping AD?

be sure to tell the therapist that you are on drugs and will reduce the dosage

When everything hurts in a person, and, conducted expensive and not very expensive, the tests say that the person is completely healthy, then he is offered to treat his nerves. Vegetative-vascular dystonia does not allow a person to forget about himself at least for a while. Methods VSD treatment different and mostly useless, and the search for them takes up a huge part of the life of a sick person. Offended by everyone and everything, such a poor individual begins to search. A little fed up with doctors and psychics, he finally gets a truly miraculous pill from the group of tranquilizers.

Tranquilizers are drugs that forcefully calm the human nervous system. Therapeutic use tranquilizers is mainly due to their anti-anxiety effect. Tranquilizers are used to eliminate anxiety as emergency drugs. They are not intended for long-term use. As a rule, these can be such as gidazepam, phenazepam, diazepam (sibazon, seduxen, relanium), elenium, nitrazepam, tazepam, clonazepam and others. The group of these drugs is large, but the drugs listed above are used more often than others.

The very first days of taking these medicines remove most of the annoying signs of the disease and increase vitality. Here I'm talking about really sick people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia, and not healthy amateurs visiting entertainment establishments, swallowing trunks and wheels in packs, to achieve breathtaking pleasure.

Phenazepam addicts they use starting with a few tablets and reaching several dozen pieces at a time, they quickly develop addiction to the medicine. The need to constantly increase the dose to achieve the desired state. The drug has a sedative and hypnotic effect. For a drug addict, the fog fills the roof completely and the consciousness looks at the world through a very small window. He has no pain and no feelings at all. Nothing worries him. In this state, he can do anything and, almost always, will remember nothing about it. A sly smile freezes on his face. Alcohol further enhances this effect.

A person who uses phenazepam and similar drugs in high doses has such signs between doses. He experiences very long periods of sleep, increased drowsiness, impaired coordination of movement, emotional freedom, double vision, slow and slurred speech, constriction of the pupils of the eyes. The condition resembles a person who has drunk alcohol in a specific amount. Retribution for such behavior comes very quickly and inevitably.

How to remove phenazepam from the body in case of an overdose?

Poisoning with phenazepam is possible if you take more than 20 tablets of 0.0005 g each. per day or add alcohol to the intake of phenazepam. Assistance in this condition must be provided in conditions medical institution. But, before the arrival of the ambulance, it is necessary to wash the stomach and drink strong coffee. How to wash the stomach at home? The procedure is very simple and accessible, if only the patient is conscious. We heat up about 2 liters of water that is warm to the touch. We throw a crystal of potassium permanganate into this water, stir and wait until the water turns a faint pink color. Then we drink this water until it stops, I don’t want to through it. After we irritate the root of the tongue with two fingers and induce vomiting. These procedures do not cancel hospital care, because the effect of phenazepam begins in a few minutes and increases over several hours.

A person suffering from VVD and panic attacks began and continues to take from one to three tablets, for example, phenazepam, without seeing anything wrong with this. In a sense, he is right. Almost all signs of the disease are gone and the person feels almost healthy. Because of the potential for addiction and drug addiction medicine does not recommend the use of benzodiazepine tranquilizers continuously for more than 2-3 weeks. When there is an urgent need long-term treatment(several months) the course is recommended to be carried out by a dotted method, stopping the drug for several days and continuing to prescribe the same individually selected dose again for a couple of weeks, followed by a break. To reduce the risk of developing tranquilizer withdrawal syndrome, it is recommended that the dose be reduced gradually when the drug is discontinued.

But you should know one important point. Addiction is when you constantly have to increase the dose of a drug in order to get the desired effect. If you are for a long time you take 1 tablet a day, and the dose suits you, then this is no addiction. And there is nothing to fear here.

There is only one concern. If suddenly you left the house and found that you forgot phenazepam, validol and corvalol at home, write - it's gone. Running home until he had an attack.

Cancellation of tranquilizers.

Then, after some time from the start of taking diazepam or phenazepam, constant drowsiness and lethargy begin, attention and memory are disturbed, and sexual desire decreases. All this, of course, is directly related to the dosage of the drug and the duration of the intake. But still, it is necessary to remember that these drugs reduce the attention and speed of a person's reaction. Therefore, they cannot be taken while driving a car and when performing fine work. It is forbidden to take alcohol, which, against the background of tranquilizers, can lead to cardiac and respiratory arrest.

The doctor always prescribes tranquilizers for two weeks to a month. Then a gradual decrease in the dose of the drug and the cessation of its use. Cancellation of phenazepam passes gradually and painlessly. But it doesn't always work out that way. A person takes these drugs for weeks, months, and years. The drug helps - it means everything is fine. When long-term use, there may be a dependence on tranquilizers mental and physical. This condition can be a huge test for a patient with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Mental means that a person cannot feel normal if the pills of this drug are not around. Physical means that a person experiences natural bodily pains and other discomfort, if in Once again will not be able to take the medicine.

If you are reading this article, then you already know. You're just interested in the moment, namely diazepam withdrawal or a state that causes rexetine for withdrawal syndrome. Or maybe another tranquilizer or antidepressant that you managed to get hooked on. After all, the syndrome of withdrawal of tranquilizers is completely similar to the syndrome of withdrawal of antidepressants. Only with the abolition of antidepressants, provided that the dose is correctly and gradually reduced, the possibility of dependence is minimal. Although they write that antidepressants do not cause dependence.

Here I am talking about those who take tranquilizers for several months to several years at a dose of 1-3 tablets per day. That is, the dose is therapeutic, and it was not the doctor who forced the drug to be taken for a long time, but life. Although in many cases, our doctors also prescribe this. After all, benzodiazepine tranquilizers are very cheap and without strong side effects like some of the new bands. The same new drug Zoloft costs exactly 15 times more than phenazepam.

Tranquilizer withdrawal syndrome.

So, let's begin.

Before you stop taking psychotropic drugs, be sure to memorize the prayer "Our Father". Read it several dozen times, in the most difficult periods, day and night.

1 . There is a statement that quitting tranquilizers should be gradually reducing the dose. Imagine that every day you will pour less vodka for an alcoholic. What will be his behavior? If he doesn't punch you in the face, he'll definitely get drunk somewhere else. With a gradual decrease in drugs, a syndrome of withdrawal of tranquilizers can be observed. As the drug in the body decreases, anxiety increases, insomnia increases, etc. All the signs and symptoms for which you started taking tranquilizers are increasing. And you, out of fear for your life, will definitely drink the entire dose or even more. Here you just need to be patient. I know it will be very hard. But there is no other way. You can slightly smooth the condition with a decoction of valerian roots, flowers and fruits of hawthorn, motherwort grass.

2. The second way is to quit immediately. ..

Approximately about a week, the medicine will be excreted from the body, and the condition will gradually worsen. An incomprehensible weakness will grow. This condition is called rebound syndrome. Duration up to 7 days. Common manifestations of rebound syndrome are: insomnia, incomprehensible anxiety, irritability, restlessness, flu-like state (chills, terrible general weakness, a sore throat, muscle pain), painful exacerbation of hearing (any sound causes an unpleasant response in the head), loss of appetite, itching of the skin, especially in the scalp, prolonged and persistent headache. By the way, the body refuses to eat, in this state is not casual. After all, many diseases, including VVD, are cured.

I chose this second way for myself. Stopped taking phenazepam one day immediately and without dose reduction. For several months I was practically unable to work. It was very hard. But I knew and believed that the day would come and I would be better. This belief has always supported me. Today I do not take psychotropic drugs.

For from a week to one month, a syndrome of withdrawal of tranquilizers will be observed. This is the most difficult period in the patient's condition. The symptoms will be so varied that you will not find it small. Basically, there will be those symptoms that led you to take tranquilizers and which you have long forgotten about while taking phenazepam.

After one month of testing, all symptoms should begin to subside.
The drug you were taking has already left the body. The entire period of normalization of the body can take from one month to several years. The situation will be slowly, but all the time to improve. If there is a desire to stop taking diazepam, phenazepam and other drugs that intoxicate your brain, this is already a victory.

Know that you can do anything. From the symptoms that your vegetovascular dystonia with panic attacks, not a single person has yet died. During this period, do not take any medicines, except for valerian tincture or decoction. No matter how bad you feel, endure our dear. And you will definitely win.