Increased amount of uric acid in the blood. What is uric acid in the blood? Causes of high uric acid in the blood

Hyperuricemia is diagnosed based on the results laboratory research blood. Analysis done in a clinic with a doctor’s direction(taken in the morning on an empty stomach, and most often it is complex in nature). Normal values ​​depend on the gender and age of the patient. Thus, a value from 120 to 300 µmol/l is usually for children and adolescents (up to 14 years).

After 60 years gender also doesn't matter the norm is in the range of 210-480 µmol/l. For women under 60 years old normal indicators range from 160 to 320, and for men – 200-420 µmol/l. Reasons to increase concentration uric acid there are several.


Fermentation disorders in purine metabolism may have innate character. Availability specific syndromes Kelly-Siegmiller type or metabolic disorder contributes to an increase in uric acid in the blood. However, such conditions are recorded quite rarely, and hyperuricemia usually occurs against the background of the following pathologies:

  • , in which uric acid is synthesized in huge quantities and accumulates in . If you delay treatment and endure pain, you can provoke kidney failure and problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • Kidney dysfunction, leading to the accumulation of uric acid and the formation of stones, as well as polycystic disease and acidosis.
  • Various diseases(eg anemia or leukemia) and blood disorders. An increase in the concentration of low-density lipoproteins contributes to both atherosclerosis and the acceleration of uric acid synthesis.
  • Endocrine pathologies type of hypofunction parathyroid gland, acromegaly or may also cause hyperuricemia.
  • Dermatological diseases(psoriasis, erysipelas on the leg, eczema).
  • Tuberculosis, pneumonia or typhoid fever.
  • Obesity.

Observed high concentration uric acid in the blood in case of poisoning methyl alcohol . In addition, there are cases of hyperuricemia unknown origin when doctors cannot determine the cause of the phenomenon.

Eating disorders

Very often it is excess food that provokes increased synthesis of uric acid. Fatty and purine-rich foods– main cause of gout and atherosclerosis. In addition, such a bad habit as frequent alcohol consumption, significantly increases the risk of hyperuricemia. Particularly harmful in in this case is beer.

Taking medications

Often, the synthesis of uric acid is affected by drugs taken to treat another disease. For example, diuretics(Furosemide) promote the loss of potassium, which is important for normal kidney function.

Continuous monitoring is required when using such medications chemical composition blood and specialist supervision.

Symptoms of increased uric acid levels in the blood

Hyperuricemia does not have specific signs, allowing it to be diagnosed solely based on the results of examination and questioning of the patient. On early stages The disease most often does not manifest itself in any way, then the following symptoms appear:

  • joint and muscle pain, stomach and lower back;
  • digestive disorders ();
  • overweight bodies;
  • itching and burning in the urethra;
  • bedwetting urine in children.

In addition, hyperuricemia is often accompanied by downgrade or upgrade blood pressure , as well as the formation of specific deposits on teeth(tartar). Additional diagnostic sign in children may be red diathesis spots on the face or hands. However, the only reliable way to detect increased uric acid is biochemical research blood.

How to reduce uric acid levels in the blood: types of treatment

Since the main cause of hyperuricemia is nutritional disorders, the doctor first of all prescribes a diet. Restriction of salt and some animal products in the diet allow you to quickly bring the indicators back to normal. Additionally, therapy is used special medications, removing excess harmful compounds. In addition, if uric acid in the blood is elevated, treatment folk remedies also gives positive result and is often recommended by representatives official medicine. A complex approach using all methods is the most effective method.


Revision of the diet is the main and most effective way normalization of uric acid levels in the blood. Restrictions you will need to enter quite tough, however, the result will not be long in coming. Not only the foods consumed matter, but also the way they are prepared. Necessary completely eliminate fried foods from the menu, giving preference to such types heat treatment like stewing, baking and boiling.

In order to reduce the concentration of uric acid from the diet, you should exclude:

  • Fatty meat, as well as soups and broths based on it. Animal fats themselves significantly affect the composition of the blood, increasing its viscosity, and meat protein is a source of purines.
  • Offal., kidneys, and tongue also contain a lot of purines, causing hyperuricemia.
  • fatty varieties and especially, canned food from it with added oil (mackerel, sardines, trout and others).
  • Smoked meats and various sausages industrial production.
  • Pickled and salted vegetables.

Alcohol is also contraindicated in increased rates uric acid. Beer and wine are especially high in purines.

Restrictions regarding food rich in proteins . Meat and fish low-fat varieties, poultry can be eaten no more than 3 times a week, without using oil when cooking. For the same reason it should use carefully food rich in proteins legumes, mushrooms and. Vegetables are generally beneficial for hyperuricemia, however Sorrel, spinach, radishes and cauliflower should not be eaten often. It should also be significantly reduce consumption of chocolate, cheeses and coffee, as sources of purine.

The basis of the diet during treatment should be potassium-rich vegetables and fruits (both fresh and boiled), with the exception of those indicated above. Useful Also dairy products moderate fat content, various cereals, potatoes and bran bread. You should eat exclusively lean meat, giving preference to boiled poultry.

It is important to limit your salt intake to the maximum: the total daily amount should not exceed 7 grams. Drinking regime also needs correction. For hyperuricemia, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water daily (alkaline mineral water is also useful).

Nutrition during the development of gout (video)

Medicines for hyperuricemia

To reduce the synthesis of purines and increase the clearance of uric acid in the kidneys, they are usually prescribed Allopurinol and Probenecid. Both drugs have proven effective in treating hyperuricemia, but their use requires special caution. Yes, Allopurinol contraindicated with pronounced renal failure and often causes unwanted side effects.

The use of Probenecid is also associated with a number of difficulties: premedication with antiallergic drugs is required, are observed negative reactions for introduction. In addition, the cost of the drug is very high.

Important! Drug treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and requires his constant supervision. Very often, a standard dose requires correction by a specialist, so self-medication is completely unacceptable.

Uric acid in urine and its breakdown products are highly informative from the point of view of the condition urinary system and metabolism in general. This acid is formed as the final product of the breakdown of purines, which are part of the structure of almost all cells of the body. That is, the obsolete biomass is broken down, converted into uric acid and excreted from the body in urine. U healthy person About 12–30 g of uric acid can be formed per day, which is quite normal, but a strong increase in this amount prevents its normal excretion and the formation of uric acid salts in the form of crystals, which subsequently turns into a problem.

Crystals of sodium and potassium salts formed from uric acid and precipitated in the urine are called urates, and the condition provoked by them is called uratorium. If such formations are detected in a urine test, it is worth conducting a qualified urine test and reviewing the composition of the food diet, since the appearance of such salts in urine is most often due to poor nutrition. This is especially important for children and women carrying a child.

Reasons for the appearance of uric acid salts in urine

The appearance of uric acid salts in urine can be caused by: poor nutrition, as well as various physiological disorders caused by diseases. More details about the reasons below.


Poor nutrition ultimately results in metabolic disorders, which lead to unwanted sediment of undegraded enzymes in the urine. Products, the abuse of which can lead to urate in the urine:

  • Fat protein food animal origin;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Spinach;
  • Canned food, especially fish;
  • Beans;
  • Smoked mushrooms;
  • Alcohol.

In addition, eating a large number of very spicy foods leads to the same results. strong tea, as well as products saturated with salicylates. Especially strong influence systematic consumption of these products together with a lack of desire to diversify the diet. Excessive passion Diets and fasting can also lead to uraturia.

Kidney circulation

Poor circulation in the arteries of the kidneys, their prolapse or hydronephrosis, as well as atherosclerosis, blood clots, long stay in the environment high temperatures may cause this pathology.

Violation of the body's water metabolism

Vomiting, diarrhea, high physical activity lead to severe loss deprivation of moisture by the body and in conditions of the impossibility of its rapid replenishment, lead to a strong concentration of urine and the appearance of urates in it. The reason for the same effect may be long-term increase body temperature.


Some medical supplies, taken during treatment, for example, analgesics, anesthetics, antipyretics and antibiotics.


Quite a lot of cases when uraturia appears as a concomitant effect in diseases of gout, in certain leukemias and their treatment, as well as due to inflammatory processes genitourinary system patient.

What process causes the appearance of uric acid salts - urates?

Uric acid is a product of the breakdown of purines, of which there are quite a lot in the body. These substances are found in the DNA of the body, which means they are present in almost all of its cells. In addition to the purine formed in the body, it can come from outside - from food products and some medications. The process of formation of uric acid is absolutely normal, since it is caused by the metabolism of purine compounds, but an increase in its concentration leads to the fact that it begins to be excreted from the body by the kidneys in the form of crystals. Uric acid is practically insoluble in water, so in urine it settles mostly in the form of crystals. The detection of such crystals during urine analysis is described by the concept of uraturia.

The process of renal filtration is quite complex, so a clear answer to the question of why such precipitation occurs is not entirely obvious, but it is believed that the main reasons causing this phenomenon are the following:

  • Infectious inflammation of the ureters;
  • Inhibition of the process of ammonia synthesis in the kidneys and, as a consequence, acidic urine reaction;
  • Water-salt imbalance;
  • Violation of blood composition;
  • Deregulation of enzyme formation.

Uric acid salts - how much should there be?

Phosphates and oxalates - salts of uric acid, should not be present in urine if the body systems are absolutely normally functioning. Despite this, if in general analysis urine, a single excess of them is detected, this is considered acceptable. Exceeding up to three or four pluses should alert you. In this case, it is worth reconsidering the food diet towards healthy diet and after some time, carry out a repeat analysis, and if this does not help, undergo an examination to identify urolithiasis or gout.

Urates in a child

There are quite a few cases of urate salts appearing in a child’s urine and, as a rule, this does not indicate serious problems oh with health. An unformed urinary system combined with an incorrect diet, especially if most of it consists of meat and fish products may react by precipitation of uric acid salts.

Below is a list of factors, the presence of which before taking samples for analysis can affect its results in the direction of identifying urates in it:

  • Heat;
  • Diarrhea or vomiting;
  • Use of antipyretics or antibiotics;
  • Eating large amounts of meat or fish, cheese and meat broths, tomatoes or strong black tea;
  • Excessive passion for sweets, especially chocolate;
  • Excessive overheating, for example at the beach;
  • Refusal of food.

If one or more of the above factors have occurred, you should start by streamlining your diet and lifestyle. If this does not help, an ultrasound and tomographic examination of the kidneys and a urine test should be performed. If an increased (more than 5) number of leukocytes, epithelium, erythrocytes and casts is detected, provided there is no urate, we can talk about infectious inflammation urinary system. In this case, it is best to consult a nephrologist.

A large number of urates in the analysis may indicate an imbalance of microflora, the presence of intestinal worms or kidney stones. Such symptoms are strongly hereditary, so they are especially dangerous for children whose parents have diabetes, obesity, gout, vascular dysfunction, as well as diseases of the spine and joints. These cases require particularly careful diagnosis and constant monitoring by a specialist.

Uritis in urine in pregnant women

The state of pregnancy leads to a restructuring of all body systems and the usual norms may be changed. In this regard, urates are often detected in pregnant women carrying a child. IN early stages, the cause may be toxicosis and subsequent dehydration due to vomiting. It is relatively safe provided that the urate concentration is low. If their number increases significantly, the following reasons can be diagnosed:

  • Dehydration due to insufficient fluid intake. A growing child consumes a significant amount of moisture, so this should not be ignored. During pregnancy, a woman should drink for two;
  • Not eating a balanced, healthy diet.
  • Violation of the outflow of urine and caused by this phenomenon infectious inflammation genitourinary organs.

You can talk about infection if the results of a urine test show more than 10 leukocytes, the presence of proteins, red blood cells and casts, as well as any types of epithelium except flat ones. This state of affairs indicates the need for urgent consultation with a doctor.

If a pregnant woman has toxicosis, causing urate is very difficult and long-lasting; a course of treatment in a hospital is recommended. By making such a decision, you will make the fate easier for yourself, your kidneys, and therefore provide the fetus with more comfortable conditions for development.

Symptoms of uraturia

Diagnose uraturia in the early stages of development without laboratory analysis pretty hard. It does not manifest itself in any way externally, but until the formation of kidney stones or inflammation occurs infectious nature. This development of events is facilitated by:

  • Increased uric acid production;
  • Reduced rate of urine formation;
  • Unhealthy diet - skewed to the side fatty foods and lack of diversity;
  • Insufficient physical activity – sedentary image life;
  • Abuse of anesthetics;
  • Lack of B vitamins;

Symptoms of serious problems with the urinary system:

  • Unreasonable increase in blood pressure;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Excretion of urine with blood;
  • Severe pain in the abdomen and lower back, radiating to the groin and leg;
  • Apathy, chronic weakness, nausea and vomiting.

In young children, this condition is called uric acid diathesis. Its symptoms:

  • Hyperactivity;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • The child is very whiny and asks for affection;

Despite these symptoms, such a child develops at a rate faster than his healthy peers. The manifestation of such symptoms should alert parents and force them to carry out comprehensive examination, including urine analysis, otherwise the development of pathology may lead to disastrous consequences, namely:

  • Uric acid in the form of crystals will be deposited in the joint capsules and under the skin;
  • Asthmatic attacks may occur for reasons that are unclear at first glance. Allergen tests will show a negative result;
  • Problems with stool often appear - constipation;
  • Morning vomiting with normal intracranial pressure;
  • Itchy eczema occurs, but there is no connection between it and the intake of any medications, food or anything else.


Along with the main treatment - diet, they also use medications. These methods are effective provided that the salts present in the urine have not yet converted into stones - X-rays, urography and ultrasound do not detect them.


Medicine in tablet form, active ingredients which are lemon acid, bicarbonate and citrate. They are made according to the principle of effervescence - before taking they are dissolved in water. These drugs provide an alkaline effect, which greatly facilitates the dissolution of uric acid and therefore it is more easily excreted in the urine. Effective Application this drug is possible if oxalates and urates are detected, but if phosphate stones, such treatment cannot be used.


The action of the drug is to influence the enzyme that decomposes uric acid in the direction of its reduction. In addition, this medication has the ability to decompose tissue and kidney deposits of urate.


Its basis is potassium and magnesium. The product actively removes uric acid salts and oxalates from the body. Contraindicated in the presence of phosphate deposits. Treatment with this remedy, subject to dosage, is applicable even to infants.

Canephron, Urolesan, Phytolysin

The drugs promote the removal of salts by normalizing the process of urine outflow. But you shouldn’t use them to dissolve stones - they don’t have such abilities.

Herbal diuretics

Shows good results regular intake herbal tinctures – half a paw. Its natural components have good diuretic properties and absolutely no side effects.

If the disease has progressed to a more severe stage - urolithiasis, the above methods may not be effective enough, so it is supplemented with procedures for mechanical impact on stones. Ultrasonic or laser crushing of stones is used, and in case of complications in the form of coral stone and the development of pyelonephritis, it is even possible surgery to remove the stone surgically.

Finally, we remind you that the appearance of uric acid salts in urine is often caused by a one-sided diet with a predominance of fatty meat and an insufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. At the first sign, you should normalize your diet, otherwise all this can lead to the emergence and development of gout and urolithiasis. You need to especially carefully monitor the health of the child and pregnant woman.

Uric acid enters the bloodstream after the breakdown of purine bases. It will help to determine its content biochemical analysis blood. If uric acid levels are elevated, this indicates that various pathologies are developing in the body.

What is uric acid needed for? It activates and enhances the action of adrenaline and norepinephrine, thus stimulating the work of the central nervous system. Thanks to the content sodium salt, the substance acts as a powerful antioxidant that prevents cells from degenerating.

Contentthis substance is controlled at the genetic level, that is, its level is inherited. Persons whose blood test showed increased level substances differ excessive activity, creative inclinations. What are the standards for its content? The substance is measured in micromoles/liter. Standards: for women - 160-320, for men - 200-420, for children - 120-300. Its excess can be excreted from the body through the kidneys and feces.

If the normal values ​​are exceeded, then this condition is called hyperuricemia. According to medical data, this condition is more often observed in males. Hyperuricemia can be primary or secondary. If pathological condition is primary or idiopathic, the disease is hereditary in nature, the causes of which are associated with disorders of purine metabolism. This type pathology is extremely rare. For secondary hyperuricemia high level the substance is associated with organ pathology or disruption of its metabolism in the liver.

Why does the blood test change? The main reasons that can cause an excess of a substance in the body:

  • taking medications;
  • kidney disease;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • Lifestyle.

To pathologies endocrine system includes: acromegaly, hypoparathyroidism and diabetes. In these diseases, biochemical analysis will show high levels of calcium and glucose. A person’s lifestyle plays an important role. Physical exercise increase renal excretion and promote tissue breakdown. The causes of hyperuricemia are associated with strict diets and prolonged fasting, as well as the consumption of foods containing purine.

An increase in acid in the blood is observed if the patient has been diagnosed with inflammatory process V gallbladder, infectious diseases internal organs, allergic or oncological diseases, dermatological diseases. Causal factor Hyperuricemia may include severe toxicosis during pregnancy and alcohol poisoning.

Clinical picture

How does elevated uric acid levels manifest? Clinical symptoms, which indicate the presence of this pathology in the body, manifest themselves in the form of diseases different organs. If the patient’s pathology is hereditary, it manifests itself in the form of diathesis or psoriasis. Appear on the face, neck, shoulders or décolleté large spots Pink colour. Such formations itch and bother a person. Over time, such rashes begin to become wet and release fluid.

If you do not start treatment, there is a high probability of developing an infection. These symptoms require immediate treatment, nutrition and lifestyle corrections.

In people over 50 years of age, increased uric acid in the blood manifests itself in the form of joint pain. As a rule, symptoms worsen at night. Most often, patients complain about painful sensations in the feet, knees, elbows, shoulders and wrist area. Pain appears even with slight movement. Diseased joints swell and become deformed. On skin redness occurs.

If urate accumulates in the urinary system, the patient may complain of shooting in the groin and lower abdomen. These symptoms may indicate an infectious disease (cystitis). When stones form, the patient experiences renal colic.

High urate deposition in the heart muscle or adrenal glands can trigger a heart attack or hypertension. Deposition of salts of the substance is detected during examination oral cavity dentist. The patient experiences a buildup of “tartar,” which can cause inflammation of the gums. If uric acid in the blood is elevated, this can manifest itself in the form of lethargy, insomnia and fatigue.

Treatment methods

If the level of the substance in the blood serum exceeds the norm, then complex treatment can be carried out. At drug treatment doctors prescribe:

  • diuretics;
  • allopurinol;
  • coltsikhin.

Diuretics (Lasix or Furosemide) remove excess acid from the body. A decrease in the production of uric acid occurs due to Allopurinol. Kolciquin can be prescribed for both medicinal and for preventive purposes. The patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory, diuretic and painkillers. If the substance in the blood increases due to a concomitant disease, then doctors prescribe appropriate treatment on an individual basis and in a strict dosage.

If the analysis of the biomaterial confirms the presence of hyperuricemia, then doctors prescribe therapeutic diet, which will allow you to return to full life and reduce unpleasant symptoms. The diet does not imply starvation. Complete absence Eating will only worsen the patient's condition.

If it is necessary to reduce the acid level, then meat and fish dishes, then the analysis will show normal result. Smoked, fatty and fried foods. You will have to temporarily give up mushrooms, canned food, spinach, Brussels sprouts, as well as coffee and cocoa. Food should not be too hard or tough. You are allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, soups, and cereals.

Dairy products are also beneficial. Kefir, fermented baked milk, and whey contain a minimal concentration of purines. Dairy products should not be fatty. You can also eat nuts bread products, eggs, all types of cereals. Special attention should be given to liquid. You need to drink at least 2 liters per day. This can be dairy products (milk, kefir), as well as tea or mineral water.

Diet is not the main treatment, it is used as an auxiliary measure. In order for the blood test to be good, you must follow all medical recommendations. To avoid the consequences of hyperuricemia, people over 40 years of age need to have a blood test for uric acid levels once a year. Regular examination will allow you to detect a decrease or increase in this substance in the blood in time and take the necessary measures.

Approximately half of people in adulthood complain of gradually increasing pain and discomfort in the joints. This is especially true for those who are overweight.

All these unpleasant symptoms are usually accompanied by increased blood pressure and poor general health.

In addition to advanced age, the objective cause of this condition may be uric acid, or rather its increased content in the blood.

The level of uric acid in the blood in men, women, children

For an adult, it is considered normal to have a uric acid level of 150 to 420 µm/l, depending on gender.

If it exceeds the specified norm, then this may be the basis for diagnosis hyperuricemia.

Uric acid and the mechanism of its formation

Uric acid is a natural organic substance; it is synthesized by the human liver from purines, which are contained in large quantities food products.

Once in the blood, uric acid enters chemical reaction with carbon dioxide and leaves the body through the kidneys.

Foods that contain large amounts of purines include:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • seafood;
  • liver;
  • confectionery;
  • fruit syrups;
  • some legumes.

Uric acid plays a very important role in the metabolic process; it performs many functions aimed at ensuring the normal functioning of the body:

  • neutralizes free radicals and prevents the onset of cancer;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functions of the brain and central nervous system.

Elevated uric acid in the blood - causes

Why do elevated uric acid levels occur?

Blood from a healthy person various circumstances may contain different amounts of uric acid, since it all depends on the diet, physical activity, the presence of bad habits and chronic diseases.

Minor fluctuations in the concentration of this substance usually do not cause any pathologies.

If the body various reasons does not cope with its processing, then excess uric acid, turning into salts, can settle in human organs and fabrics. This condition can be qualified as a pathology called hyperuricemia.

There are two types of this disease.

Idiopathic hyperuricemia It is rare and is a global disorder of purine processing that is inherited. For this reason, this type of hyperuricemia is diagnosed at an early age.

Secondary hyperuricemia is a widespread disease that occurs as a result of a disorder of purine metabolism. This may be caused pathological changes various organs.

Let us briefly list the diseases in which an increase in uric acid levels may be observed.

  • Inflammatory processes that occur in the gallbladder and liver (cirrhosis,).
  • Obesity.
  • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys associated with disorders of their functions.
  • Chronic acute infectious diseases of the respiratory system, complicated by inflammatory processes.
  • , provoked by an insufficient amount of vitamin B12 and metabolic disorders.
  • Increased blood sugar.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Toxicoses of pregnancy, which provoke the development of acidosis.
  • Alcohol poisoning.

Separately, it should be noted that an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood can occur as a result of long-term use of certain medications (Furosemide, Aspirin, Phenothiazines, Theophylline, Adrenaline, etc.). These are substances that contain components that inhibit the metabolism of purines in the human body.

These may turn out to be drugs used in chemotherapy, diuretics, and long-term medications for tuberculosis.

Those at risk include fans of strict diets, as well as people who abuse foods with high content purines.

Symptoms of high uric acid in the blood

High amount of uric acid in childhood often manifests itself with various dermatological problems. It can be , various kinds rashes, . This conceals some of the insidiousness of hyperuricemia.

It happens that enormous effort and money are spent on getting rid of allergies and skin diseases during the time when real reason These symptoms are associated with a completely different pathology.

Nonspecific symptoms of increased uric acid in the blood are considered to be fatigue, constant fatigue, frequent formation of dense deposits in the oral cavity, even with proper sanitation and dental treatment.

Secondary hyperuricemia is more often diagnosed in the male half of the population after 45 years of age. This is due to the greater predisposition of men to bad habits and poor nutrition.

Elevated uric acid in the blood - diet and treatment

Combating hyperuricemia, treatment high content uric acid levels in the blood should begin with a review of the diet. It is necessary to exclude components rich in purines from it.

Meals should be regular, but in small doses. All kinds of fasting and any other diets are prohibited. The patient should not drink any kind of carbonated drinks, alcohol, tea, etc.

The consumption of the following dishes is minimized: smoked meats, meat by-products, fried and fatty meats, sausages, meat broths, anchovies, legumes, sweets, pastries, chocolate, white bread.

It is important to limit your salt intake, therefore, for a patient with hyperuricemia, seasonings, sauces, and homemade preserves are prohibited.

On the contrary, the use is not limited fresh vegetables and fruits. Freshly squeezed juices, kefir, and cottage cheese will not harm.

Drink plenty of fluids is a good prerequisite for removing excess uric acid from the body. You can achieve tangible results by drinking up to 15 glasses of water a day.

Hyperuricemia can occur due to various reasons. Accordingly, treatment methods must be adequately related to the level of uric acid accumulated in the body and the cause of this disorder.

It is very important not to limit yourself to taking only painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications, since in this case only temporary relief is possible. At the same time, when improper treatment you can start the problem, subsequent relapses are possible, which can pose a serious threat to life.

If a patient has it, then he automatically falls into the risk group for developing gout. Therefore, weight loss is the basis for further successful treatment.

If the uric acid level approaches critical, then treatment is prescribed medicines. The treatment regimen is prescribed by a doctor who constantly monitors the patient’s condition.

The action of these drugs should be aimed at intensifying the process of removing uric acid, as well as reducing its production in the liver.

These may be diuretics: diacarb or furosemide together with sulfinpyrazole, allopurinol or other blockers of uric acid synthesis.

From folk remedies when uric acid in the blood increases, a decoction of herbal mixture (Birch buds, nettle and lingonberry leaf), drink it 1 glass 2 times a day for a month.

In a normal diet, it is worth including a decoction of rose hips and bran in your diet.

I hope the site answered the question of why the level of uric acid in a person’s blood increases, described the main symptoms and gave recommendations for changes in diet and treatment this state, dangerous for further progression if dangerous signs are ignored.

Often, when you go to the doctor and get tested, you can hear that you have elevated levels of uric acid in the blood, or, in other words, hyperuricemia. But what does this mean, why does this happen, how can it affect health, and how can this indicator be lowered?

Where does uric acid come from?

The urinary system is good mechanism cleanses the body of residues metabolic processes. If all the organs in this area work harmoniously, we can avoid other related diseases. But sometimes in this system the kidneys fail, and the body stops working sufficiently be cleared of uric acid (the result of purine and protein metabolism). These particles, which were not excreted in time in the urine, enter the blood and spread to all parts of our body (joints, kidneys, etc.).

Accumulating in large quantities, they crystallize into internal organs and cause a number of diseases. So, after passing certain tests, elevated uric acid may be detected in the blood. The reasons for this lie in malfunctions of the urinary system. But it is worth noting that increased synthesis of uric acid in the liver area can also be to blame. This process is often affected by foods rich in purine compounds. But what exactly factors can cause blood “contamination”?

Elevated uric acid: causes of malfunctions in the body

Poor eating habits and medications can affect uric acid levels. In particular, these are:

  • Prolonged diets, during which the excretory functions of the kidneys gradually fail.
  • Beer and red wine are high in purines, which increase uric acid levels, which is why drinking alcohol affects your kidneys.
  • Some medications, for example, Aspirin, Furosemide and others.
  • Regular consumption of meat, fish, offal - everything that is rich in purines.
  • Increased uric acid in the blood also occurs due to intense sports and excessive physical activity, as they lead to increased protein breakdown.

Diseases that lead to hyperuricemia

But there are diseases that are inextricably linked with an increase in uric acid, or against the background of which this pathology usually develops:

Of course, these are not the only clinical factors that lead to elevated uric acid in the blood, but those listed are the most common. It is worth noting that in some people hyperuricemia may occur for no reason that could be identified by specialists. In this case, doctors explain this pathology as an independent factor that increases the likelihood of death.

Symptoms of hyperuricemia

But by what signs can you determine that uric acid is elevated? Symptoms may vary from person to person and are generally not attributed to hyperuricemia. Most often, changes in blood content are accompanied by fatigue or chronic fatigue and the formation of tartar. If hyperurecemia has concomitant disease(gout, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.), it manifests itself in symptoms characteristic of this pathology.

In childhood, an increase in uric acid can be determined by the fact that diathesis bright red spots appear on the hands and/or cheeks.

Analysis for determining hyperuricemia

To accurately determine whether there is elevated uric acid in your body, you need to do a blood test. For getting accurate results Three days before submitting the biomaterial, you must adhere to a diet in which alcohol and protein products are completely excluded. You should also stop eating 8 hours before the test. Venous blood is taken for examination.

The following doctors can prescribe a referral: urologist, rheumatologist, cardiologist, nephrologist.

Depending on the gender and age of the person it is calculated normal level uric acid levels in the blood. So, in children under 14 years of age, this figure should be in the range of 120-320 µmol/l.

For men under 60 years old - from 250 to 400 µmol/l, from 60 years old - from 250 to 480.

The indicator for women under 60 years old is from 200 to 300 µmol/l, from 60 years old - from 210 to 430.

It is worth noting that not only high uric acid is harmful to health, but also its low level.

How to normalize indicators

There are three methods that are used to remove uric acid from the body. These are medicines folk recipes and proper nutrition. It is best if you address the problem comprehensively. But in any case, if uric acid is elevated, the diet is necessary measure- it speeds up recovery. Therefore, experts first of all recommend paying attention to nutrition.

Proper nutrition when sick

The first thing such a diet requires is a rejection of over-salted, fatty, pickled, smoked, meat broths, fried, and canned foods. You should also limit the use of table salt to 7 grams per day. If you have high uric acid, you will have to give up foods rich in proteins and purines. These include fatty fish, meat, sausage, liver, kidneys, tongue, chocolate, coffee, legumes, mushrooms. You will also have to exclude sweets, butter and puff pastry. Vegetables that are not suitable include: sorrel, spinach, grapes, eggplants, tomatoes, turnips, cauliflower. Alcohol is also not allowed, especially beer and wine. Very rarely in small quantity maybe vodka. Strong black or green tea excluded from the diet.

The sick person should be given priority fermented milk products. For example, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream. Eggs are allowed daily, but no more than one per day. You can eat potatoes lean fish in boiled form, especially lean on vegetables and fruits (apples, pears, apricots, plums, strawberries, cherries). In this situation, it is useful to consume watermelons, which help cleanse the body of uric acid. It is better to buy bran bread.

Once a week you need to organize fasting days and use only kefir.

If uric acid is elevated, you should definitely drink clean water a lot. Compotes, juices, and rosehip decoction will also be beneficial. The attending physician can explain in more detail all the subtleties regarding such a diet.

Traditional recipes for hyperuricemia

Often, even doctors resort to the advice of herbalists if uric acid in the blood is elevated. Treatment with folk remedies can be good addition To proper nutrition. Here are a few decoctions that are easy to prepare (you need to take them for at least a month).

  • Leave 20 grams of lingonberry leaves in boiling water for half an hour (1 cup). Take a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Chop birch leaves, 2 tbsp. spoons of greens pour two glasses of water. Place on the stove and cook for 10 minutes. Set aside and wait half an hour. Take 1/4 cup of the strained solution with meals.
  • Chop the pear sprigs well, 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of water. Place the container on water bath and hold for another 5 minutes. Leave for an hour. Divide one glass into 4 parts and take throughout the day.
  • Steam an umbrella of wild carrot seeds in a glass of boiling water. Take in the same way as a decoction of pear branches.
  • Foot baths are made from the herbs sage, chamomile or calendula.

Elevated uric acid: treatment with medications

Treatment with drugs should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. Medication method removal of uric acid is carried out under the supervision of a specialist who will regularly prescribe appropriate tests.

To cleanse the body, the doctor prescribes diuretics that remove uric acid. Next, medications are prescribed that inhibit the synthesis of this product, usually Allopurinol or its analogues. To achieve the effect, strict adherence to the medication regimen is required for four weeks or more. The doctor may also consider it necessary to prescribe prophylactic drugs, for example, "Koltsikhin".