Why do you dream of dying in a dream? The meaning of dreams Dying. If this happened in a calm environment

I'll dream about this, I'll dream about it! But don’t be upset if this terrible dream haunts you. Dying in a dream is not at all interpreted to mean that misfortunes will soon befall you, or a dark streak will come in life. According to some dream books, even the opposite will happen.

Various interpretations of what it means to die in a dream

  1. A bright streak in life has come (will come), a happy event will occur that is worthy of bringing changes into your life.
  2. You allowed your fears to take over. It seemed to you that life had become darker and darker.
  3. You soon finish your business and retire (perhaps retire).
  4. You will live for a long, long time.
  5. The things you are currently doing will collapse.
  6. Some event will change your life soon.
  7. Someone will profit from your business.
  8. A new life will begin soon for you or your loved ones.
  9. Soon you or one of your relatives will die.
  10. If you saw this dream (to die in a dream) at home, then you have a long journey ahead of you.
  11. If you are sick, you will get well soon.
  12. If you are serving your sentence, you will soon be released.

As you can see, the answer to the question of what does the dream “die in a dream” mean does not seem clear enough, but still more positive than negative.

And a few more common interpretations from various sources

Orthodoxy and the world of dreams

The Holy Fathers taught to treat dreams very carefully - neither accept them nor reject them. The dead who appear to us in our dreams - what is it: God’s providence or demonism? How should we evaluate if deceased relatives come to us in a dream? There is even such a belief that if loved ones dream, it means they are in Hell! Although, on the other hand, Christ also appeared to some in a dream. Some clergy believe that the area of ​​sleep is an area of ​​human life where demons often invade. Therefore, dreams should not be interpreted, but cut off once and for all. If God wants to tell you something, He will find a way! But basically, the demonic seduction of a person occurs through dreams. Because dead souls cannot independently come to us in dreams, they are not their own masters, but are found by the will of God. Well, if you dreamed of a deceased relative, then you need to pray for him, go to his grave, put it in order. Moreover, we should not think about dreaming about the deceased - this is in no way approved by the priests. For what? The man has moved away, we need to pray intensely for him and that’s all. Believers should not pay attention to dreams, but to their Christian duty, to their Christian memory of the dead, to caring for their graves. It is also useful to give alms in memory of the departed. Everything else that concerns dreams is different signs; a true believer needs to put it aside.

Alternative view

What if you dreamed about your dead mother?

Parents are those blood and dear people who are so important in everyone’s life. They love us for who we are. After the death of a father or mother, the attachment to one’s little blood is not destroyed. And if there is a serious danger to you, the deceased mother will be able to warn about it.

  • A dead mother in a dream asking to live in her child’s house means that this person makes many mistakes in his real life. They can lead to tragedy. It is worth listening to possible words or actions in a dream.
  • If you dreamed of a deceased mother offering expensive new things, then in the near future you will make a significant profit from any transaction.
  • If the deceased is cleaning the child’s house or painting the walls, the person will soon have to leave this place of residence.
  • If the deceased looks healthy and young in your dream, then this is a good sign. Your life force has high potential. You are firmly connected to your family tree.
  • If the deceased dreamed of being surrounded by her closest living relatives, this means that soon one of them will have to die. More often than not, it will be the one who sits silently next to her.
  • If your deceased mother gives you something in a dream, it means that changes for the better will soon occur in your destiny.
  • A parent who has recently died strokes a black cat or simply holds it in her arms - a treacherous woman or girl finds herself next to the dreamer.
  • If you see a deceased mother climbing a mountain, but cannot reach the top, her soul is restless for you. You need to go to church and pray, light a candle for the health of your soul, or order a prayer service.

Sometimes it is believed that deceased parents come to us in a dream on the eve of difficult trials. They seem to warn their child about danger, as if they suggest how to avoid it. There are many examples of this, when a dead mother who dreamed about literally saved the life of her child. The main thing: listen to the words of the deceased. Especially if you haven’t dreamed of your mother for a long time. And take these tips as seriously as possible.

Even if she didn't say a word, you need to analyze every detail of your dream. Everything has significance for you: in what setting the meeting took place, what the participants in the dream were wearing. Such dreams are rarely empty.

What does this portend?

  • There is an opinion that seeing dead people in a dream is a sign of a change in weather. In the case of deceased parents, it is different. Their appearance in dreams always has an important meaning and plays a primary role in understanding the dream.

I had a dream that I would die

Yes, and this, unfortunately, happens. You wake up in a cold sweat and feel with horror: are you alive or dead? For a long time, not fully understanding what world you are in... This is often due to physiological reasons. For example, with temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. Oxygen stops flowing to the brain, and the body, as it were, warns you about this.

  • In the classical interpretation, such a dream means, oddly enough, a long life. They also say that if you dream about this, and you don’t want to die, then you need to ask God to extend your life, pray, talk to Him about it.

Hugging a dead person in a dream

The key to good health

In general, sleep is a wonderful pastime. A healthy person sleeps with pleasure and wakes up easily in the morning. Different people need different amounts of sleep: from four to ten and even twelve hours! And so that “nightmares” do not torment you at night, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules (everyone immediately rushed to follow them!): do not eat at night, go to bed no later than ten in the evening, sleep in a comfortable position, rest in a well-ventilated place, on a flat bed , on a firm and small pillow. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before going to bed, drink coffee, tea, exercise before going to bed in the gym, or smoke. Then you won’t have to interpret what you dreamed and guess what will come of it! Something like that...

Felomena’s dream book considers such a symbol as dying as a defeat in some matter. There will be a collapse of plans, hopes, desires.

You should give up trying again to achieve a good result. It is necessary to relax, forget for a while about everything related to the business sphere. Perhaps you need new goals.

Who died in the dream?

Why do you dream that a person has died?

Did you dream that a friend died? Such a symbol foreshadows quarrels and disagreements. Close people will no longer understand you. You should find weighty arguments, stock up on weighty arguments and facts. This will help avoid serious conflicts.

Death overtook a stranger? There is a high probability of receiving good news. It is recommended to agree to any offers coming from friends or work colleagues.

What happened after you died?

To die and rise again according to the dream book

In a dream, did you manage to die and resurrect after some time? Prepare for news, happy changes in fate. Such a dream portends positive events. There is a high probability of improvement in life circumstances. You will be able to achieve happiness, prosperity, and the desired results.

A dream can also indicate the disappearance of old goals, principles, and character traits. There is the possibility of a radical change in worldview.

A dream in which you see one of your living acquaintances or relatives die means, first of all, the longevity of this person. However, its correct interpretation depends on who exactly died. If your friends have died, the dream warns of the possibility of a serious conflict with them due to your intemperance or frivolity. You should control your behavior and words. If a friend dies, for some reason the relationship with him may be interrupted. A dream in which you and your spouse die at the same time promises a calm family life. A dream in which one of your relatives dies suggests that everything is fine with them, but at the same time foreshadows a conflict with one of them. If a loved one died in a dream, be prepared for approaching loneliness. The dream can promise losses.

If someone dreamed that I died, what does it mean?


Isabella Marie

Sometimes death in a dream turns out to be prophetic. But more often it is a symbolic death - the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another.
American dream book

Death is a sign of transformation, the dying away of the old and clearing the way for the new.

Very rarely, it foretells the death of a person whom you saw dead in a dream.

Also death usually means the death of an old belief system.
English dream book

If you dream that you have died, it means that you are destined for a long life. For lonely people, this dream promises family happiness. Only in one case can this dream be interpreted in the literal sense: when a patient dreams of death, it can foreshadow his imminent end.
Assyrian dream book

If a person in a dream ends up in the “Land of No Return” (i.e. dies), his life will be long.
Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Death is a sign of long life.

If a sick person sees death in a dream, he will begin to recover.
Eastern dream book

Seeing your own death is a sign that a long, happy life awaits you with your loved one.

If you dreamed of a person in a state of clinical death, it means that for a long time you will be in the dark about the plans of your old acquaintances. And if they bring their plans to life, you could suffer greatly.
Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If someone sees in a dream that he has died, and if at the same time he is at home, he will have a long journey ahead of him.

If the dreamer is away, then he will be able to return to his homeland earlier than planned. When a patient has such a dream, he will certainly recover.

If the dreamer is a prisoner, he will soon be released from prison and will finally be released from his cell.
Idiomatic dream book

“Deadly tired” - you will suffer from something or someone; “mortal boredom”, “mortally ill”, “death sentence”, “sleep like a log” - deep rest; “Sleep dear comrade, may you rest in peace”, “kill business, desire or love in yourself”, “I died for you” - the end of a relationship, separation; “Kill me, I don’t remember!” , “destructive force”, “well, you just killed me! " - stunning news.
Imperial dream book

Seeing/feeling your death in a dream, with indifference, without much fear, means realizing all your negative emotions, the main basis of which is fear, and realizing your self-hatred for the existence of this fear, feeling anger, hostility towards everything created by yourself for the sake of concealment of your fear. Hatred, anger and fear are destructive and unproductive feelings. While fear is suppressed, it gives rise to anger, awareness of fear is the beginning of getting rid of internal fear and the beginning of resolving an external unfavorable situation - conflict.

The image of death symbolizes the cessation of an internal, fruitless and debilitating battle with oneself and promises changes in life, improved relationships, recovery, and the like: the terrible without internal fear turns out to be favorable.

Seeing death in a dream with expressed fear/unsuccessful attempt to escape from death/death swinging a scythe and so on - negative destructive emotions are stronger than the dreamer, and urgent medical intervention is necessary. It is necessary to treat the entire body at the same time (physical and spiritual spheres). Traditional oriental medicine can offer remedies for such complex treatment.
Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Death - wedding, acquaintance; with a scythe - danger; to hear about the day and time of your death - after so much time your enemies will die; die - long life.
Mythological dream book


to longevity


Exactly, exactly! So you still have to live and live))))))

Lilia Mustafina

This is not your dream. He has nothing to do with you.

Ushakova Tatyana

Plans related to you are not being implemented.

Why do you dream that you are dying?


Borislav master psi

Death is a change for the better, when something old and unnecessary dies and dies. Death is a symbolic image - the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another.

Irina Baranova

You will live long!!! :))


I dreamed about this as a child, they said it would lead to longevity;) don’t worry!

Personal Account Removed

In dreams, death appears in different forms - it can be a feeling of death or the realization of your desire. Subjectively, death can be both terrible and joyful.

The feeling of death can be both psychological and physical. The physical sensation occurs in lucid sleep when you have nightmares. You realize that your body is paralyzed and you feel defenseless, vulnerable to threatening circumstances.

The psychological aspect is an integral part of the feeling of fear of an impending threat. This threat can be quite obvious or simply felt in a dream. If the threat is obvious, then the main subject of reflection should be its source (who, why, how is your life threatened?). If you simply feel threatened, then this indicates your doubts about making an important decision for which you are not yet fully prepared.

We can also talk about the spiritualistic feeling of death. People who actively have out-of-body experiences often feel during their sleep that they cannot return to their body in time. In such dreams, the influence of space and spiritual phenomena on our lives is clearly revealed. How did you perceive death - as a sudden deprivation of life or as a release from the struggle of life? And moreover, having realized the approach of the hour of death, did you feel threatened or at peace?
Dreams about death are not so rare, although if such dreams visited us constantly, then, perhaps, the stability of real life would be shaken. Dreams about death often cause derealization: the dream can continue while you watch it from the side, otherwise you will wake up at the moment of death.

The thought of one's own death always causes anxiety. Most of us do not bother ourselves with emotional thoughts about preparing for death - we perceive death as a powerful enemy that must be avoided; We feel uncomfortable in front of her face. By the way, how did you die in your sleep and do you blame anyone for your death? These are very important questions.

Seeing a loved one / loved one dead in a dream can be for various reasons. You may genuinely care about this person's well-being. Death has a symbolic character if you simultaneously struggle with feelings of love and suppressed anger towards this person.

And finally, the death of people dear to you can mark the end of a relationship: for example, if it is not one of your relatives who dies, but the person with whom you had a loving romantic relationship.

The death of strangers is a continuation and transition of various aspects of your Self. Therefore, it does not hurt to determine where this stranger came from, whether you were deeply touched by death or perceived it as something ordinary. Perhaps the central issue is the disorder of your life. In this case, look at who else besides you was affected by death and what relationship you have with your “brothers” in grief - this is very important. The death of strangers also symbolizes stereotypes that are worth rethinking or exploring in order to better understand yourself. Have you encountered a situation where your stereotypical perception of others does not coincide with reality?

The interpretation of this dream is taken from: David Loff's dream book
This dream belongs to the category(s) of the dream book: man, miscellaneous


These are periods when old thinking becomes obsolete and new, fresh thinking must appear. These transitions in dreams are reflected as death. This is to change consciousness!


A year ago I was killed in my sleep. With a dagger in a fantasy dream. Looks like he's still alive


It's time to change something

I had a dream that I died and I was in the next world


Sergey Orlov

Super! Tell me when I die 10/08/1991 Write me a personal message! let's test your abilities

Anya Belova

This happens sometimes! It’s better not to think about the fact that you will die, as magicians, sorcerers, etc. say; If you think about what you don't want most, otherwise it will come to you

Vasya Pupkin

You have paranormal abilities. They need to be developed.
This will help you:

If you want to develop, avoid mistakes, learn how to become a psychic, a lot of new things about the Universe, real history (it is false in textbooks), the meaning of life, about the soul, mind and much more, please read all the books of Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov! His website on the Internet is http://nikolay-levashov.ru/ - in the books section you can find and read his books. On the same site there are wellness sessions that will help you cheer up and improve your well-being.

Start with the book “Revelation” by Svetlana de Rogan Levashova, the wife of Levashov, also a strong white magician, and “The Mirror of My Soul” by N.V. Levashov to “enter”.

The books “Russia in Distorting Mirrors” and “Possibilities of the Mind” 3rd edition are not available on the site, to read them, do a search in Yandex “download” and the name of the book or “read”, it’s better to “download”.

Also watch Levashov’s videos on YouTube, for example, “Levashov about telegony”, “Levashov about the soul” (27 minutes), “Levashov about karma”, “Levashov about development (development requires not only knowledge, but also actions), (be sure to remember about goosebumps) ","Levashov about the meaning of life" etc. etc.

I also recommend that you read the Slavic-Aryan Vedas - about the history of the Slavs - about events that happened more than 20,000 years ago, and some about a million years ago, for example, the Great Migration from Daariya, life in Atlantis, the Great Aryan campaigns in Dravidia (Ancient India) .

Read Levashov’s books, watch and listen to his videos, read the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, develop yourself, don’t make mistakes! Good luck!

Then study Leadbeater. Besant "Thought Forms", DEIR (volume 1-2). Separate the truth from the chaff! Good luck!

Although death in a dream is a painful image, predictors associate the vision not with the physical shell, but with the soul and the process of rebirth, the transition to a new level of development. This means why one dreams of dying is interpreted as a person’s readiness to change himself.

Miller's Predictions

Dying in a dream, Miller believed, meant ruin and poverty for rich and independent people. But for those who are tired of working for their uncle, this is the way to free yourself from all obligations and start your own business.

Why dream of wishing for death or trying to commit suicide? Miller deciphers this vision as the psychological and physical exhaustion of the dreamer. You have neither the strength nor the ability to deal with troubles.

However, to die in a dream and then come to life is a sign that the patient, whose recovery was despaired of, will recover. A case that was considered lost will take a new turn and bring profit. Or you will find something that was considered lost forever.

Other interpretations

The modern dream book interprets the fear of death as nervous tension, which will provoke health problems.

Why do you dream about dying? The planned project will fail miserably. Don't try to start over. In this situation, it is better to take on another matter, advises the ABC of Dream Interpretation.

However, the Muslim dream book interprets this plot as a prosperous symbol. You have a long life ahead of you.

The Wanderer deciphers the deprivation of life in a dream: things will end, and you will be able to rest in a calm environment, relax.

Causes of death

When trying to figure out why you dream about dying, you need to take into account what caused your death.

  • Being shot portends happiness that has fallen on your head.
  • If a young woman dreams of death at the hands of her lover, their relationship will reach a new level, perhaps a quick wedding.
  • If they crashed, falling from a height, it means that the work they started will fail.
  • Why dream of dying in an accident - by acting carelessly and imprudently, you will prevent those around you from completing the job, and you yourself will also fail.
  • A dream in which you received a fatal electric shock, but ultimately survived, is evidence of extreme nervous tension. The dream book recommends finding ways to relax, otherwise new problems will soon be added to the existing ones.
  • Dying from cancer means loss of purpose in life, moral devastation.

A modern combined dream book explains this dream this way: if a woman saw her husband dying from an incurable disease, in reality she puts undue pressure on her husband, who experiences severe discomfort from this.

The Chinese dream book prophesies: if you were killed, it means that in reality a happy event will happen, which will later turn into trouble.

Resurrection after death

The Islamic dream book, if you died and came back to life, predicts big profits. You will be able to pay off all your debts, but the remaining amount will ensure a comfortable existence. However, resurrection after suicide means many sorrows and sorrows.

This plot is also interpreted by seers as receiving insight, as a result of which you decide to radically change your hobbies, attachments, and lifestyle.

If in a dream you died and turned into a ghost flying around the world, then your personality is in a state of disharmony, says Denise Lynn. After all, a ghost symbolizes disappointment in everything that surrounds.

Survive against all odds

If death was supposed to occur in a dream, but you were saved, it means that circumstances are in your favor, and an important task will end successfully.

In a dream, dying, but not dying, is interpreted as a fragile life position, which will have a significant impact on the implementation of plans and the achievement of goals.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...

A dream where you see very sad and difficult images or where you happen to die in your sleep is quite unpleasant. However, its meaning will be more connected with a person’s spirituality than with the gray everyday life.

Death in a dream in some way reflects your readiness for a “new life” or for changes that may occur. However, each of the dream books interprets the dream in its own way.

General interpretation

In a dream you can see a lot, and sometimes even feel it. Sometimes one dreams of an incomprehensible and unpleasant state in which the dreamer is in a dream. For example, when a sleeper dreams of death in a dream, the dream book interprets it as follows: if the dreamer dies or dies in his own dream, this means the end of negative thoughts and situations in life.

There are several more well-known interpretations of such a dream:

Miller's Dream Book about Responsibilities

Psychologist Miller interprets death in a dream as a sign to rethink your actions and think about your behavior. Perhaps you are behaving incorrectly and this could negatively affect your reputation.

Feeling of death in a dream- in real life, you forget about your direct responsibilities, which will negatively affect you and your family if this continues.

If you happen to see your death in a dream, most likely, you are exhausted, you have a loss of strength, lack of self-confidence and do not have the ability to cope with problems and adversity.

A dream where the sleeper is afraid of death , the modern dream book interprets them as daytime experiences that can negatively affect health. You need to worry and worry less, all these emotions are in vain and will not bring any benefit. There is another version of the interpretation of such a dream.

Causes of death in a dream

If you are serious about understanding why you dream about your death, it is very important to remember exactly the reason why death overtook you. If your death was violent(shot, knife wound, etc.) - the dream book prophesies unexpected happiness.

If a girl dreams that her chosen one kills her- this is a sign that your relationship will reach a new level. Perhaps a marriage proposal will arrive very soon.

Dying in a dream, why dream fall from height, death- the business you took on will be unsuccessful, a failure.

An accident in which you died- decisions and actions that were taken spontaneously and thoughtlessly will promise failure not only for you, but also for your loved ones.

The electric shock should have killed you, but you survived- a little nervous and excited, don’t be so nervous, it’s not worth it.

Death from cancer- emptiness, no desire to do anything and move on, all hopes are broken, hands have given up. The modern dream book interprets a woman’s dream in which her man dies as excessive pressure and fuss, the man experiences discomfort because of this, it is worth giving him free rein, and not looking after him like a child and dictating rules to him.

Death and life after it

Islamic dream book interprets in some detail a dream where you first have to die and then be resurrected. This may be a dream if in the near future you receive a considerable amount of money that will cover all your debts. Sadness, some family problems and melancholy are promised by a dream in which you yourself want to die.

Modern dream book interprets a dream in which after death it turned out to be resurrected and continue to live, as a sign of big troubles. They will prevent you from achieving what you want, but if you try, everything will work out. Seeing yourself dead and then immediately coming to life means big changes in the dreamer’s consciousness, thoughts, outlook on life, everything will change radically, which will change your life.

If you happened to see your death, after which you became a ghost and wandered around the world, your personality is rather unbalanced. You do not know or understand yourself, your desires sometimes contradict each other.

Some details of the dream

Sometimes it is some small details that can be the key to deciphering a particular dream. No matter how bad or terrible the dream was, it does not mean that the meaning will be just as unpleasant and sad:

Interpretations according to Medea and Freud

Your death in a dream may mean further problems in the business you have taken on. Your opponent may try to take credit for your achievements, so be a little more careful during this period of time.

Dream about death throughout your sleep It can only happen if you look at the world around you incorrectly. You see what you want to see. You are tuned in to bad thoughts and don’t want to notice something good. Take care of yourself and what you love, enjoy the little things and life will become better.

Who would have thought that death in a dream could have a rather positive interpretation. However, you shouldn’t focus so much just on the meaning of dreams. Life is unpredictable, and dreams are most likely the subconscious, which cannot reach us during the day.

You should not completely trust the meaning of the dream; it is best to rely on yourself and your intuition.

Attention, TODAY only!

Negative dreams bring mental anxiety and bad feelings. What is dreamed may not always come true. So what can be said about a dream in which you die. Let's find out why we dream of dying in a dream?

Dreams are often terrifying. Sometimes you dream about a terrible death, of someone or yourself. Little things and dream plots will help decipher the future.

Dream interpretation

Miller's Dream Book

They saw themselves dead? Be responsible. Things require your attention and activity. Actions must be pure and kind.

Did you dream that you were waiting for the moment of death? Your laziness is the main enemy of you and your family. It's time to take action.

We wanted to die ourselves, we thought about it? You are surrounded by injustice and grief, tired of opposing society and troubles. Raise your nose higher. Good luck is coming to you. Happiness will take over your heart and mind in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dreaming about your own death to problems in the started business. Don't rely on someone, he can beat you up and take credit for himself. It doesn't hurt to be vigilant.

Freud's Dream Book

If you died during the entire dream, then remember that your view of the world is wrong. Dark colors because you want to see them so much. Put aside pessimistic attitudes, take care of yourself, what you love.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Did you die yourself or someone else? Soon there will be fun, happiness and peace.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If you died yourself, then to success in business.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

They themselves died- health or healing and longevity. Someone died - news.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

If there was death, then your life will be long and your health will be excellent. Someone else's death dreams of news, profit and longevity.

Azar's Dream Book

Die in a dream- be healthy and happy. All wishes will come true.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskina

Death in a dream symbolizes upcoming longevity. Health will also be fine. Saw a dying man? Receive a letter or news. They will make you happy. They themselves died - they completed all their affairs successfully.

Similar dreams promise monetary wealth. Funeral after death predict the patronage of a good person. You will not worry about the future.

Seeing death in a dream does not necessarily mean something unpleasant. In particular, when answering the question “What does it mean if you dreamed that you died?” dream books in most cases tend to have a positive interpretation. Then the expression “you died” is similar to “reborn”, and I began to look at the world with different eyes.

What if you dream you died?

Denise Lynn's dream book is inclined to believe that seeing one's own death in a dream means the extinction of old beliefs and new discoveries that will contribute to the self-improvement of the individual. Also, such a dream can be a consequence of fear for one’s own life.

The Mayan dream book gives two characteristics of a dream about death - positive and negative. According to a positive forecast, seeing your own death means a rare chance to change your life for the better and start over from scratch. The bad meaning of such a dream is that it warns of ill-wishers who want to place a curse on the sleeping person.

According to Grishina’s dream book, if a sleeping person is killed in a dream, this means that someone is taking advantage of his hard work and benefits from it. If, according to the plot of the dream, death occurs from a heart attack, this portends great joy in reality. And if resurrection occurs after death, then great luck awaits you in life. Unforeseen danger threatens the sleeper only if he was buried alive and could not get out of the grave.

If you believe the Esoteric Dream Book, then death in a dream is a harbinger of moral rebirth. Perhaps your whole life will change dramatically for the better. It is necessary to have time to take advantage of this chance, because it will be given only once, and neglecting it will lead to degradation and decline.

An old French dream book is encouraging and says that one’s own death in a dream leads to longevity and prosperity. But seeing your funeral is not very good, this is a warning about imminent illnesses. A similar opinion is shared by the Old English Dream Book of Zedkiel, which confirms that dying in a dream means that real life will be long and happy. Moreover, such a dream, dreamed by single people, foreshadows the imminent acquisition of family happiness.

According to the Ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi, such a dream can foreshadow a long journey if you dreamed about it at home. But if a sleeping person is away, then he will soon return to his native land. Such a dream, dreamed by a sick person, promises a quick recovery, and a prisoner - release.

Tsvetkov's dream book predicts big changes in the lives of people who dreamed that death came to them with a scythe on his shoulder. This same image can become a harbinger of the birth of a child and extremely unexpected news. For an unmarried girl, such a dream is a sign of a new acquaintance that will be of great importance in her life.

What does it portend?

Vanga's dream book interprets a dream about one's own death as a sign that there is a long and happy life ahead next to a loved one. But a dream where a large number of people die, including the sleeping person himself, is a sign of a global epidemic of a dangerous disease. Seeing your own clinical death in a dream means danger from acquaintances weaving intrigues behind your back.

According to Loff’s dream book, the sensations of a sleeping person are of great importance in the interpretation of such a dream. Nightmares in which he dies and experiences a panicky feeling of horror do not carry positive energy. It is important to remember what kind of threat haunted you in your dream? In revealing the psychological reasons for such a vision lies the answer to the dream.

The dream book of Nostradamus also tends to have a positive assessment of a dream where the sleeping person dies. This testifies to his long health. However, dying in terrible agony in a dream means meeting a cruel and evil person who can influence fate. Being in a state of clinical death in a dream means indifference, the cause of which will be some significant event.

A dream in which a person loses his life, despite the apparent tragedy, in most cases is interpreted in a positive way. The only dangers are dreams in which death occurs painfully, causing fear and horror. Also, dreams where the sleeping person is in a state of clinical death have a negative interpretation.