When a shepherd's ears go up. German Shepherd ears: period of formation and measures to prevent a possible defect

In this article we will tell you about when a German Shepherd’s ears stand up and what to do if this does not happen in time. If you adopted a puppy from experienced breeder, which means you are already familiar with the basic rules. You know what this breed should be like. But some issues need attention Special attention and approach them with full responsibility.

A purebred German Shepherd should have erect, medium-sized ears with sharp ends. The auricle is placed forward. When your dog has them hanging on the sides or broken, it means that the path to all kinds of exhibitions and competitions is, unfortunately, closed.

But while your puppy is still small, do not rush to worry. Even if your baby already has one ear erect and the other one is still hanging. After all, each shepherd is individual and the exact day when its ears will stand up cannot be predicted. The best thing to do is sit back and watch your puppy grow into a teenager very quickly.

The time has come

In how many months should this great event take place? Based on the knowledge of experienced dog breeders, the period of ear formation begins at one and a half months and ends at five.

Thanks to the strengthening of the cartilage, the ear gradually increases in size, becoming larger and heavier. Since it is directly related to the formation phase of the ears, they can stand up at two months and, without having time to fully strengthen, fall again by three months. This is how the body of a German Shepherd works and there is nothing wrong with it.

In the period between five and six months you need to be extremely careful and constantly monitor your ears. If they have not stood up again by six months, then you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.. Replacement of ears after seven months is an extremely difficult and sometimes impossible task.

There are several reasons why a puppy's ears do not stand up:

  • fright;
  • non-purebred ancestry;
  • poor nutrition mothers during pregnancy;
  • lack of calcium, phosphorus in the body.

Necessary prevention

If the ears do not stand up on their own after five to six months, then it is necessary to perform some procedures to prevent a possible defect.

What to do? It's not that complicated. During active growth The puppy’s body especially lacks microelements. Should be bone meal, kefir, fish. At the same time with correct mode During feeding, strengthen the muscles of the cartilage tissue with a massage, thereby providing the puppy’s ear with the necessary blood circulation. Natural formation can also be helped various sounds, which you must suddenly publish. Thanks to this, the ears are tensed every time and are fixed vertically.

If there is no proper care and attention for the ears, then no matter how hard you try, good result will not be. Besides normal cleaning You should monitor the health of each ear. If there is any redness or discharge, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Nothing helped? This means it's time for radical measures.

Before you start reeling

To place your ears, it is best to contact experienced specialist. But if you are confident in yourself and your abilities, you can do this procedure yourself. Below we present a few important advice to help you.

Firstly, do not rush this process; it is better to wait six months, when the change of teeth ends. If you rush, you will only harm the German Shepherd and in the worst case, the ears may not stand up.

Secondly, do not overuse calcium. Fifty grams of yogurt or kefir is much better food additives. The excess will be deposited in the dog's bones and lead to orthopedic problems in the future.

Thirdly, monitor implementation. The health of the puppy is directly related to the muscle strength of the ears.

Fifthly, do not forget about special toys and bones. By gnawing on them, the pet strengthens the muscles of the ears.

Sixth, do not allow other dogs to drag your pet by the ears to avoid injury.

We begin to reel in

Before you start the process, remember that you cannot use adhesive materials: tape, tape. They will only cause pain to the German Shepherd.

First of all, you will need foam rollers correct size. Then we purchase a surgical plaster. You will also need two pencils and medical glue. To connect the taped ears you need to find a suitable stick, for example, an ice cream stick.

To begin, remove the plastic axle from the center of the curler, and instead insert a pencil to a depth of two centimeters. Apply glue to the surface of the curler circumference so that it does not drip. IN otherwise it will get into the ear and cause irritation.

They must be located at the bottom auricle In the way that auditory canal remained open. To make the ear stick, you should lightly press it against the curlers.

Tape the bandage tightly around your ear to the curlers, holding the pencil. Don't forget to remove it before finishing the process. In order not to interfere with blood circulation in the ear, the patch should not be wrapped too tightly.

Using an ice cream stick, fix the erect position of the ears - attach it to the back with glue.

What to do after winding

German Shepherd puppies are very active and it is difficult to guess how long it will take the baby to pull off the strapped structure if given the opportunity. Therefore, you need to distract your baby with play to allow the glue to set.

It is necessary to keep the homemade device for about two weeks. This time is enough to insert your pet's ears. Carefully monitor the condition of the winding and correct any shortcomings in a timely manner.

After the specified period has expired, carefully remove the patch using a special adhesive solvent. Do not perform actions abruptly - you will cause pain to the puppy.

If nothing helps you, then if you wish, you can go to extreme measures and give your German Shepherd ear implant surgery. You won’t solve the problem, but you can make the dog fit the standard.

To prevent radical procedures, care for the puppy properly and monitor its diet. The dog's health depends entirely on you. Everything else is a genetic disposition.

With purchase pet, we are getting a new family member. He, just like any other family member, requires attention and care. Dog owners are interested in how to feed and care for their pet, what to do to ensure it matches the breed, and many other questions. The article is devoted to one of these questions: when do the ears of a dog - a German shepherd - stand up.

When should a German Shepherd's ears stand up?

For Shepherds there is a standard that concerns the ears. They should have sharp ends, stand upright, and be of medium size.

Dogs with floppy or broken ears are considered a breed failure. If little puppy they are not worth it or only one is worth it, for now you don’t have to worry. Each puppy develops differently. It is impossible to say exactly how long it will take to set the ears.

Based on the knowledge of breeders, the ears of a German Shepherd begin to develop at two months, and the period of their formation ends at five months. True, for some puppies this process can take up to 8 months, and sometimes up to a year. The ears gradually increase in size, becoming large and heavy, thanks to the strengthening of the cartilage.

The processes of ear formation and tooth change are closely interrelated. Sometimes by two months the ears begin to stand up, but since their cartilage is not very strong, by three months they may fall again. This is fine

The ears must be constantly monitored, to prevent breaks, and treated promptly if they become inflamed or sick. They require special attention at the age of 5-6 months. If the ears do not stand up by 6 months, you need to go to the veterinarian and take necessary measures. The doctor will be able to examine them and identify defects and weak points of the cartilage. After 7 months it will be almost impossible to install them.

Medicines and vitamins for pets

When the ears grow, the puppy's body develops and grows quickly, so he needs balanced diet. The body must receive vitamins, minerals, phosphorus, calcium and dietary supplements.

During the period of ear formation, the dog must be given supplements that help strengthen bones and cartilage:

  • Senior;
  • Pax+ Forte;
  • Mega;
  • Antiox +;
  • Vision complexes.

If the shepherd is on natural feeding, then dog breeders give the following recommendations:

  • reduce the amount of porridge in the diet, especially barley and oatmeal;
  • must be fed fresh fermented milk products, which contains a lot of calcium;
  • Bone meal and fish should be added to the diet;
  • You can add crushed white chalk to your food.

The health of the animal depends on the quality of nutrition. It is better to consult a veterinarian about how much and what kind of dietary supplements should be given.

Instead of industrial additives, many people add jellied meat to their food during the teething period. chicken paws or beef veins and legs. Usually the ears wander until the teeth completely change, and it is during this period that they need a little help in terms of gluing and additional nutrients, but calcium is not needed as much as glucosamine with chondroitin and collagen.

Reasons why a puppy's ears don't stand up

When the ears do not stand up, there are several reasons for this:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • improper formation of ear cartilage;
  • the bitch did not eat well during pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • The puppy’s body lacks substances such as calcium and phosphorus, which help strengthen cartilage.

It is important to pay special attention to health and when the body is formed.

Necessary prevention

If your German Shepherd's ears don't stand up due date, you need to take a course of minerals and vitamins. Once the cartilage has strengthened, there are a number of procedures that need to be performed to help prevent the floppy ear defect. To do this, it is better to contact a specialist, but if you are sure own strength, then you can start staging it yourself (the author of the video is Vitaly Dobrutsky).

Improvised means and medicines

This procedure should be carried out, that is, after about six months. Otherwise, you can harm your pet and the worst outcome of your actions is that the ears will never stand up.

You should not give calcium often; it is better to replace it with kefir or yogurt. When there is excess calcium, it accumulates in the bones, which in the future can lead to orthopedic diseases. The health of the dog is related to muscle strength, so you need to monitor its health and get vaccinated and wormed on time.

Before you start gluing, you need to determine whether this procedure is necessary. To do this, you first need to squeeze the auricle between the large and index fingers and feel it completely. If stripes or spots are found in the upper third part of the auricle, then nothing needs to be done, since the ears will stand up on their own after a while. It is important in the future to continue to give dietary supplements to strengthen cartilage and bones.

If the strip runs across the entire auricle, then this is already a crease in the ear and it needs to be glued. Without it, the ear will forever remain hanging. Before the procedure on the ears, you need to cut the hair on both sides.

The gluing is done using foam rollers. Instead of a plastic axle, a blunt pencil of 3 cm is inserted into the curlers. Glue should be carefully applied to the circumference of the curlers so that it does not get into the auricle and cause irritation. The curlers should be placed at the bottom of the ear, leaving it open ear canal. Then the curlers are tied to the ears with a patch, not too tightly.

Curlers can be replaced with cardboard in the shape of an auricle without sharp corners. How long a dog needs to walk with a bandage depends on the condition of the ear cartilage, usually two weeks.

Video “Two ways to position your ears”

This video from the channel “Me and My Tail” talks about the reasons why ears are not erect and provides two ways to set them on a German Shepherd.

There is probably no other breed of dog in nature that has such a beautiful and harmonious exterior as that of German shepherds. And an important detail of the shepherd’s exterior is the correct, classic fit of the ears.

This article will discuss the positioning of the ears of a German Shepherd, namely why sometimes their ears do not stand up, and how this problem can be solved.

Ear placement in German Shepherds

According to the breed standard, a German Shepherd should have the following ears:

  • size – medium;
  • shape – pointed;
  • the base of the ears is wide;
  • seating position – high-set, vertically standing;
  • direction of landing - the ends of the ears are directed forward, upward.

If a German Shepherd's ears are drooping or folded, or floppy, or erect, then this is considered a defect.

Many people are interested in the question: when should a German Shepherd puppy’s ears stand up?

They usually begin to stand up little by little from the age of two months, and by five months this process ends. True, there are exceptions when they finally stand up at the age of six or even eight months.

If at four months the ears do not stand up at least a little, then we need to start acting immediately, because the older the dog, the harder it will be to place them correctly.

Causes of incorrect ear placement

The reasons for improper landing can be divided into two groups:

  • congenital;
  • purchased.

Congenital causes:

  • heredity – a similar problem for the puppy’s parents;
  • The puppy's physique (constitution) is loose and heavy-boned.

Acquired reasons:

  • ear injuries (breaks);
  • ear diseases;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in a dog’s diet due to what cartilage tissue not fully formed;
  • various diseases that slow down physical development puppy;
  • overfeeding;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • keeping the puppy at low ambient temperatures.

Preventing abnormal ear development

In most cases, it is enough to follow the rules for keeping and caring for German Shepherd puppies and not to be lazy carry out appropriate preventive actions and then the likelihood that your pet will have incorrectly positioned ears will be significantly reduced.

So, in order for everything to be fine, must be adhered to following rules in keeping and caring for a puppy.

  1. Provide rational food for the puppy good nutrition with supplements of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the formation of cartilage tissue. For this purpose, you can use the following fertilizers: “Pax Plus Forte”, “Antiox Plus”, “Senior”, “Mega”. Your puppy's diet should include fish and dairy products. Some veterinarians recommend adding chalk to food, only it must be peeled and finely crushed. Never overfeed your puppy - excess weight I haven’t added health to anyone yet. Must be observed golden mean in feeding a puppy.
  2. Avoid ear injuries, regularly clean them of wax and dirt, and promptly treat ear diseases.
  3. Tirelessly monitor the puppy’s health - past illnesses can lead to the most various complications, including disrupting the formation of bone and cartilage tissue.
  4. Walk and play more with the puppy – high physical activity stimulates the physical development of the puppy.
  5. Keep comfortable temperature regime keeping a puppy – low temperature does not contribute at all to the formation of cartilage tissue.
  6. Massage the auricle regularly. The massage is done with your fingertips using gentle movements, from the base to the top edge. This procedure improves blood flow, thereby accelerating the formation of cartilage.

Ways to raise ears in German Shepherd puppies

But, if the puppy’s ears still don’t want to stand up correctly, then more effective measures are needed. Below are some methods to solve this problem in your German Shepherd puppy.

Before starting the procedures, you need to examine the dog and make sure there are no ear diseases.

Adhesive tape

To determine the need for gluing with adhesive tape, you need to gently palpate the entire ear Shepherd dogs. This is how they look for a “weak spot” that can be distinguished by touch.

The found weak point has the shape or small area(spots), or stripes. If you pinch this place with your fingers, the puppy’s ear should immediately rise. If this place is located in the upper part of the ear, then it will rise on its own and remain in a standing position - in this case there is no need to do any gluing. It’s worse if the weak spot found in the form of a strip is located across the entire ear, which means there is a crease and cannot be done without gluing.

Best suited for gluing hypoallergenic “breathable” patch, the use of which does not cause damage to the skin of the auricle.

Sequence of actions when gluing ears.

  1. First, the auricle is carefully trimmed on both sides.
  2. Next, the auricle is thoroughly wiped to remove wax and dirt. It can be done sanitary wet wipes for dogs, alcohol solution or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Two strips are cut from the patch, the dimensions of which in length and width approximately correspond to the size of the ear. These strips are glued together - the non-adhesive side is glued to the adhesive side.
  4. A double strip of plaster is glued to the inner surface of the ear along its entire length - from the tip to the upper edge of the ear canal.
  5. The puppy's ear should be lifted and twisted into a tube, the inside of which should be hollow. For vertical fixation, a piece of plaster is glued around the base of the auricle.

If necessary, a similar procedure is carried out with the second ear. Then the glued ears are fixed together with adhesive tape. You need to wear the patch for 10-12 days, after which it is carefully removed.

Using curlers

Step-by-step description of the method.

  1. First you need to thoroughly clean the ears. To do this, use the means described above.
  2. For further actions will be needed large sponge foam rollers, into the holes of which you need to insert a pencil with an eraser (eraser first).
  3. Apply Permatex Super Weatherstrip 3 adhesive solution or other adhesive with similar characteristics to the surface of the curlers. Let the glue dry for 2-3 minutes. It is better to work with rubber gloves, as the glue is very sticky.
  4. Place a piece of cotton wool on the end of the curler and place the curler inside the ear just above the top edge, holding it vertically.
  5. Wrap the edges of the ears around the curlers and hold until they stick to them.

Foam curlers are very light and therefore the dog will get used to them very quickly. After 2-3 weeks, the curlers will begin to peel off on their own and can be easily removed.

Instead of curlers, you can use special tabs, which can be bought at pet stores or ordered online.

Foam insert instead of curlers

This method can be called a simplified version of the previous method - only foam rubber is used instead of curlers.

Step-by-step description of the method.

  1. First, the ear is cut and wiped.
  2. A piece is cut out of foam rubber, the thickness (diameter) of which is approximately half the width of the auricle of a German shepherd, and the length is slightly less than the distance from the ear canal to the upper edge of the ear.
  3. The ear is raised vertically and a cut piece of foam rubber is placed in the auricle. Then it wraps around foam rubber and is secured with several layers of hyperallergenic plaster.
  4. To firmly fix the ear in a vertical position, you need to stick a patch around the base of the auricle.

After 14-16 days, the Shepherd puppy's ears should be in the correct position. vertical position. IN in some cases It may take up to 4 weeks for the problem to be resolved.

Feature German Shepherd Ears are considered to be vertically erect. How long does it take for them to get up and when should this happen?


When should a German Shepherd's ears stand up?

A German Shepherd puppy is born as a small fluffy ball with drooping ears. By 2 months it grows, its paws stretch out, and thick fur appears.

Already at 2-3 months you can notice the first signs that the ears are standing up. This process can take a long time and last up to 8 months, and in some shepherds up to 1 year. You should be concerned if by 4-5 months you have not noticed them raised.

During the process when puppies' ears stand up, owners need to be vigilant. Wrinkles should not be allowed to occur and treated promptly if they become ill or inflamed.

In a German Shepherd, they can stand up one at a time, sometimes stick out slightly to the side, or fall off again. A veterinarian or breeder should be consulted when examining this organ and looking for weak spots in the cartilage, if any.

Medicines and vitamins for pets

During the raising of the puppy's ears, increased growth of the entire body occurs, so the pet needs a balanced diet. The body must receive vitamins, minerals, biological supplements and calcium.

  • Pax-Forte;
  • mega;
  • antiox plus;
  • Vision complexes.
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  • reduce the consumption of cereals, especially pearl barley and rolled oats;
  • it is enough to give dairy products, rich in calcium(up to 550 mg of calcium per 1 kg of weight);
  • add bone meal;
  • You can grind regular white chalk.

How to install ears yourself

How many times have your German Shepherd's ears gone up and down again? How do you know that they will get up on their own in a few months? Is it possible to install them yourself?

At the age of a puppy from six months, if the ears are already raised and ready to stand up, you can help them:

  1. Inspection for weak spots in the cartilage. We probe the entire area with two fingers auditory organ from tip to roots. Usually the weak points look like spots, but if there is a crease, they can appear as stripes. When you press this point, the ear should immediately rise.
  2. If there are no weak points or they are in the upper part, then the ears will stand up on their own, you just need to continue to feed the puppy correctly.
  3. If there was a crease or the weak point is located at a distance of approximately 2/3 from the root, then it is necessary to glue the ears.

Improvised means and medicines

There are several ways to glue the ears of a German Shepherd. The first step is to trim the fur on them, on both sides. Then choose one of the proposed gluing methods.

MethodMaterialsWhat actions to take
Wrapping on curlersFoam rollers (without plastic retainer, it must be removed)Place the curlers on a blunt pencil about 3 cm.
Thin patch, better wideApply glue to the surface of the curler ¾ around the circumference. Do not allow glue to drip.
Medical glueWrap the ear around a lubricated curler, which must be inserted with a gap so that the dog can hear
Dull pencilSecure everything well with adhesive tape
Distract the puppy from the new head structure for 5-10 minutes. It will come off on its own within a week if it is not removed by the pet earlier.
Wrapping on cardboardCardboard in the shape of ears without sharp cornersTape the cardboard to the inside of the ear.
Masking tape or plasterWrap it around bottom part so that it stands up.
The structure will last for 24 hours, after which it will fall off painlessly. But the puppy will definitely try to tear it off.
Ear implantsSpecial medical implantsInstalled in veterinary clinics. Need specialist advice.

Finally, some advice from experts for owners of German Shepherds:

  1. Don’t worry if your shepherd’s ears fall down when teeth change, and then rise again - this is considered within normal limits.
  2. They should stand up on your pet's own between the ages of 8 weeks and 6 months. After this, it is recommended to install them yourself.
  3. Don't be afraid of gluing your ears or wrapping them. When done correctly, this will stimulate the ear muscles and help your German Shepherd.
  4. Conduct preventive examinations your pet. You must be sure that he is healthy, eating properly and has enough essential vitamins and minerals for normal development.
  5. You cannot start the process when your ears stand up. Watch it carefully and take timely measures, otherwise it may not get up at all.
  6. Don't be afraid to ask a professional, veterinarian, or breeder with questions.

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Video “Putting ears on a shepherd dog”

The video explains how to perform an ear examination and provides recommendations on how to perform them yourself.

For the German Shepherd, erect ears are an important element of the exterior. If they hang down, the dog is considered defective. Fortunately, you can get rid of this defect if you get down to business in time. Let's figure out why a German Shepherd puppy's ears don't stand up and how to solve this problem.

A logical question: when do German Shepherds’ ears stand up? Let's look at the process step by step.

The German Shepherd's ears rise due to the development of cartilage. As they strengthen, the ear itself enlarges and becomes heavier.

Most often, the formation process begins at one and a half to two months. It is directly affected by the change of teeth, so after they begin to fall out, the baby’s ears often rise and then fall again - there is nothing wrong with that.

At four months, progress should be noticeable at least a little. At this time, one ear may stand up and the other may hang down; at this age this is normal. It is advisable that they rise when the puppy barks or listens.

In most cases, ear placement is completed at five months. If this does not happen, be especially vigilant over the next two to three weeks. Deadline The time before which the ears should stand up is considered to be six months, after which you need to contact a veterinarian. The more time passes, the more difficult it is to solve the problem: after seven months even medical intervention It often turns out to be powerless to fix the ears of a shepherd dog.

There have been cases when in eight months the situation returned to normal without outside intervention, but these are rare exceptions and cannot be counted on.

Breed standard

A purebred and healthy German Shepherd should have erect, pointed ears with the pinna pointing forward. If they hang down like a puppy's or are broken in the middle, the dog is considered not to meet the standard. Such a dog will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions or competitions, or for breeding.

Reasons for improper landing

The reasons why a shepherd dog's ears do not go up can be congenital: not purebred, similar problems in the parents, too heavy a bone structure or a loose physique of the puppy.

Sometimes the cause may be poor nutrition or illness of the bitch during pregnancy.

The age at which a German Shepherd's ears stand up largely depends on its diet and living conditions. Thus, acquired causes include unbalanced nutrition (in particular, lack of phosphorus or calcium) or overeating, injuries or ear diseases suffered by the puppy, as well as diseases in general that inhibit development. Sometimes the problem may lie in the temperature being too low: often babies’ ears do not stand up if they live in outdoor aviary in the cool season. Ears may not rise due to sedentary lifestyle life or fear suffered.

If adult shepherd the ear has fallen, this may be a consequence of a cold or physical injury. In this case, you should immediately see a veterinarian.

How to position the ears

If your German Shepherd's ears won't stand up after changing his teeth, you need to take action. Let's figure out how to put ears on a German Shepherd.

Carefully feel the auricle looking for “ weak point" It may take the form of a spot located closer to the top - when you press it, the ear rises and remains in that position. In this case, you can wait, the situation will soon normalize itself. But if there is a continuous hall running underneath, we use gluing.

You can raise your puppy's ears using a patch. It should be hypoallergenic and breathable. Electrical tape or tape cannot be used. To begin with, the auricle is trimmed inside and out (removing the patch from a shaggy ear will cause pain to the dog). You need to cut with dull scissors so as not to injure the dog. Tilt his head to the side, otherwise the fur will fall into the ear canal. Then the ear is cleaned of dirt and wax using wet wipes or hydrogen peroxide. Having cut out plates from the plaster approximately in the shape of the ear, they are glued together in two for greater strength and glued to the inner surface of the auricle. Then it is twisted into a wide tube (not too tight, so as not to injure it even more) and wrapped with a plaster at the base. This harness should be kept for 10-12 days. It is recommended to do it to two ears, even if only one of them falls.

Another way is using curlers.

As in the first case, the ears must first be trimmed and cleaned. Choose foam rollers that are slightly shorter than the auricle and 2 times smaller in diameter. Remove the central rod from the curler and replace it with ice cream sticks or pencils.

Lubricate the curlers medical glue so that it completely covers their surface, but does not flow or drip, otherwise it will cause irritation or inflammation. If the instructions require, wait 2-3 minutes: some types of glue become stickier when it dries a little.

Glue the curlers to the puppy's ears so that the ear canal remains free, and remove the pencil. The top of the curler may extend slightly beyond the edge of the ear. In the absence of glue, you can wrap the curlers with the same plaster with the adhesive side out. Instead of curlers, you can cut suitable cylinders from foam rubber. Do not forget that such winding is unacceptable on hairy ears!

In both cases, if the tied ears fall to the side, they can be lifted with a popsicle stick. It should be secured with adhesive tape. back side auricle.

The puppy will probably try to remove such a structure. Distract him with games or treats while his ears dry. After 10-16 days, the structure is removed. Some brands of glue will require a solvent; in other cases, dried curlers will fall off on their own.

The development of cartilage tissue is directly related to general health puppy. Moderation is important physical exercise, walks and active games. It is necessary to promptly treat any diseases, provide the baby with all vaccinations in a timely manner, and, if necessary, drive away worms. The puppy must live in a warm place: cartilage tissue does not form well at low temperatures.

To ensure that the auricle is positioned correctly, it is recommended to periodically massage it with your fingertips from base to top.

The puppy's ears should be clean and free of dirt and wax. Make sure that they are not pulled by other animals or children.

Developed jaw muscles ensure good positioning of the ear, so the puppy should have special chewing toys.

Video “How to put ears on a German Shepherd”

From this video you will learn how to install German Shepherd ears yourself.