The magic of numbers. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about being naked? Why do you dream about seeing a guy’s naked body?

To illness.

A stranger - be at risk of contracting viral infections; a friend - an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

A loved one - receive news about a fatal illness of one of your relatives.

Child - to the death of a loved one from a long illness.

A lot of naked people - a dream foreshadows a disaster in which your relatives or people you know will be injured.

Seeing yourself naked - your actions will lead to a scandal: you are the only one in the company who is naked - a quarrel with a person close to you will make you an outcast among your relatives.

Being naked without witnesses - you will demonstrate the ability to self-control throughout the scandal.

Your nakedness causes laughter among those present, but at the same time you do not feel shame - your frankness will cause a major quarrel.

Seeing yourself naked in a public place - your inappropriate actions will put you in a delicate position.

Seeing a member of the opposite sex naked means you will experience financial turmoil.

You admire the beauty of the body - the shine of small victories will hide the most important thing from you.

Ugly body - the cause of financial collapse will be the distrust of business partners in you.

Feel disgusted by the nudity you see - you will be disgraced.

Seeing an old flabby body means financial problems will drag on for a long time.

Imagine that the people you saw in your dream are dressed in beautiful, expensive, high-quality clothes.

A naked man swims in the water - forbidden love affairs that can cause unpleasant consequences.

In clear waters, innocent flirting will lead to a break in relations with the person you care about.

In dirty water - your love affairs will give rise to many rumors that can ruin your career.

Seeing yourself floating in the water - you will be faced with a choice on which your family happiness depends.

Imagine that a person is swimming in a pool (see Swimming Pool). Try to catch his good mood, hear how he purrs a funny melody under his breath, infecting you with positive emotions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Why do you dream about a naked person? This is a very pressing question for many dreamers. And this is due, first of all, to the fact that such night dreams are very memorable and disturbing. But it should be said right away that you should not be alarmed prematurely. After all, when you dream of a naked person, then to correctly decipher the dream you need to take into account all the details of the storyline. And such night dreams do not always foreshadow unpleasant life events.

The main factor that needs to be taken into account when interpreting dreams is the gender of the naked person. But at the same time, no matter who you dream about naked, if you are delighted by a beautiful body, then this indicates your hidden sexual desires. On the other hand, nudity is a symbol of insecurity. Therefore, a naked person is often interpreted in dreams as a harbinger of various life problems, including health problems.

Being naked in a dream

A common question is why you dream of being naked or naked. The interpretation of dreams in this case is unambiguous and foreshadows scandals and shame. Most likely, this will be due to the dreamer’s rash actions. If you dream of being naked or naked, then in real life you should exercise extreme caution in all areas of your life.

A very common question is why a naked man dreams. Such a dream is interpreted ambiguously in various dream books. The fact who had such a dream is also of great importance for the correct deciphering of a dream. To understand why a naked guy dreams, you need to remember the smallest details of the storyline and analyze your own emotions that arose at the sight of a naked male body.

Interpretation of a dream based on the actions of a naked person

When you observe the actions of a naked man from the side in a dream, you can interpret such night dreams as follows:

  • If, according to the plot of the dream, a naked man is walking down the street, then in reality there is a high risk that the dreamer will be robbed.
  • When you dream that a stranger seen in a dream is embarrassed by his own nudity, then the dreamer will have to defend his own interests in the near future. The dream warns that doing this will be extremely difficult.
  • When a naked stranger behaves very confidently and does not feel embarrassed by his own nudity, this emphasizes that in life the dreamer does not experience difficulties communicating with the opposite sex.

If you dream that a naked man is extending his hand to you in a dream, this means that soon one of your loved ones will need financial help.

If a girl dreams of a naked guy who is her acquaintance, then this indicates that she is interested in this person in reality. But in some cases, this indicates that her friend may become seriously ill. Also, after such a dream, you can expect troubles in your personal sphere.

When a guy sees a naked man in a dream, then, according to the interpretation of Freud’s dream book, he has some complexes about his own sexuality, physical characteristics or appearance. There is also a general interpretation that connects such a dream with the fact that the society in which the dreamer is located adversely affects the development of his personality.

If an adult woman dreams of a naked man, then such a dream may symbolize a fan to whom she is indifferent. Sometimes such a dream emphasizes the fact that a representative of the fair half of humanity cannot make a choice and, rather, will refuse it to everyone.

You can also highlight other interpretations of dreams in which a naked man appears:
  • A man with a beautiful body portends favorable life changes.
  • A naked foreigner warns of various problems arising in reality.
  • A running naked man is a harbinger of interesting events in real life.
  • A dead naked man warns that in the near future the dreamer may acquire an absolutely useless thing.
  • A drunk naked man focuses the dreamer’s attention on the fact that he is not fully using the opportunities given to him by fate.
  • An ugly man with an ugly body is a harbinger of betrayal on the part of a loved one whom you completely trust.
  • An old man in the nude portends material difficulties.

Naked dead man - interpretation of sleep

An interesting question is why a naked dead man dreams. This ominous dream predicts big life troubles. So, if you saw a naked dead person lying on the floor, then this predicts that you will have to spend your whole life in poverty. But if you saw a naked dead person in night dreams under the rays of sunlight, then you should not be afraid of anything. Most likely, such a dream indicates that you have violated your own obligations. In this case, when you dream of a naked dead man, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you urgently need to fulfill your promises.

Dreamers often ask why they dream of a naked husband. Most dream books interpret such a dream as a good sign. But against the background of the fact that the husband dreams of prosperity in financial matters, such a dream may be evidence of some problems in the family.

Very often, a dream with a naked husband represents the wife’s desire to achieve sincerity in the relationship. If you experience jealousy in reality, then such a dream indicates that your suspicions are in vain and your beloved man is faithful to you.

If you dream of a naked husband who shows affection, but in reality his feelings have already cooled down, then this may portend:
  • Development of a serious illness.
  • Receiving bad news.

If a woman sees someone else’s naked husband in a dream, then this indicates that she is no longer satisfied with family relationships, and she dreams of breaking up the relationship. A dream in which a wife caught her naked husband in the arms of his mistress is interpreted straightforwardly. Such night dreams foreshadow the danger of a similar scandal in real life. If a naked husband dreams of being in bed with a stranger, then this indicates that the woman is not restrained in her words and can hurt her loved one.

I dreamed about a naked woman

Quite often the question arises about why a naked woman dreams. There are a huge number of interpretations of such a dream. Therefore, it is imperative, before trying to decipher a dream, to remember the smallest nuances of the plot. But in any case, if you dreamed of a beautiful, admirable representative of the fair half of humanity, then it is a harbinger of joyful events in reality.

When you dream of a naked woman, her appearance is very memorable. And it is precisely this factor that must be taken into account when interpreting night dreams.

According to Miller's dream book, a naked stranger is always a harbinger of an unfavorable period in life. And how serious its consequences will be for the dreamer is indicated by the appearance of the naked woman in the dream.

Namely, if it is:
  • A blue-eyed blonde with a snub nose warns that ill-wishers will cunningly force you to abandon plans that were already close to implementation.
  • A brown-eyed woman with an eagle profile warns that the current life period is not entirely favorable for serious transactions.
  • A red-haired beauty portends a lot of household chores that will cause severe fatigue.
  • An exquisite blonde gives hope that you will be able to avoid intrigue.

Naked girl

Many people ask why they dream about the naked girl they like. First of all, for a guy or man it is an erotic symbol that focuses on dreams of his chosen one. But if a woman dreams of a naked girl, then this warns that a dangerous rival has appeared in her life.

Very often a naked woman appears in a dream as a symbol that you are not satisfied with your own financial situation. In addition, a naked woman can be a dream for men who have low self-esteem.

Options for interpreting scenes with a naked woman can be as follows:
  • A representative of the fair half of humanity in full bloom is a harbinger of the onset of a joyful period of life.
  • A naked old woman promises untidiness in reality.
  • The stranger warns the dreamer that rumors are being spread about him that could harm his authority.
  • A woman with an ugly body focuses on the fact that she will soon have to experience a feeling of shame for a previously committed act.
  • A pregnant woman warns of unexpected changes in life for which you will not be ready.

When several naked women appear in the night sins, this is a warning sign that indicates that the dreamer may be deceived in life. Therefore, it is important to pay very close attention to the offers that you receive even from those closest to you.

If a man in his night dreams sees himself in bed with a beautiful naked stranger, this means that in real life his most vivid sexual fantasies will soon come true. But if in a dream you have to watch a naked woman in bed with another man, then personal happiness in reality will bypass the dreamer for now. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of many fans in real life.

Why do you dream about a naked child?

Many dreamers ask the question of why a naked child dreams. Depending on the gender of the child and the storyline of the dream, interpretations can be completely opposite. But if you dream of a naked baby, then despite the financial difficulties that have arisen, your life situation will develop in the right direction.

When a naked child appears in your night dreams, you should pay attention to the gender of the baby. If you dreamed about a boy, then most likely an insight will come in life that will push you to the right actions. And this will contribute to your success. But such a dream also emphasizes the fact that to achieve prosperity in life you will need to work hard.

In addition, the following can be taken into account when interpreting:
  • If the baby cries, then the dreamer needs to pay more attention to his own family.
  • If the baby plays happily, then in reality you can expect to make a profit.

When a naked girl appears in a dream, this foreshadows the receipt of news.

What they will be like can be judged by the appearance of the baby:
  • A joyful smiling girl portends good news.
  • A sickly-looking or unkempt girl portends receiving bad news, most likely related to her health condition.

In addition, a naked girl in a dream may indicate that you lack warmth and affection in your life. Also, such a dream focuses on the fact that a very favorable moment has come in life to start organizing your personal life.

Interpretation of sleep based on the child’s actions

When you dream of a naked child, you need to pay attention to what he does in the dream or what actions the dreamer performs with him. So, if in your night dreams you have to hold a naked child in your arms, then in real life you will be very lucky. In other words, we can say that you will grab luck by the tail.

It is important to pay attention to who is holding the baby:
  • If you see from the outside that a child is being held in the arms of a stranger, then in real life you will be able to receive support in all your endeavors. Perhaps you will have a strong patron.
  • If another woman is holding the baby in her arms, then people will envy your success in reality. Try not to take such negativity to heart.

A favorable dream is a plot in which you see yourself feeding a naked child. This is a sign that you are doing everything right in life. If you follow the chosen direction, you will become a successful person in the near future.

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


Why do you dream of undressing?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

news; mild illness; loss in money; getting rid of worries and responsibilities.

Why do you dream about being naked?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

(in underwear) - in a public place - unexpected honors, the higher the greater the nudity.

Why do you dream of being naked?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

someone has something - someone else's feelings; something is exposed from the sleeping person - scandalous news.

The meaning of a dream about a nudist

according to Freud's dream book

If you see in a dream how you persuade all your friends to support your idea of ​​​​becoming a nudist, and they refuse to do it, then in real life you will want to try something new in your sexual life, but your partner will not share this desire with you. You may feel misunderstood, but you should not immediately draw conclusions; perhaps after a while your idea will seem to him not so extravagant. When you see how your loved ones lead a nudist lifestyle, and you do not take any part in this, then the dream is a signal that you are too restrained in expressing your sexual emotions. The more you fantasize and offer some new, unusual ideas, the more attractive sex will be for you.

Seeing nudity in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Nudity in a dream is an important event. Often people report that in their dreams they were completely naked or dressed only in underwear. Such dreams often reveal our vulnerability, which is hidden under the seemingly impenetrable cover of self-confidence. This vulnerability comes from that part of our being that we hide from others. Concealment can be conscious, for example, hiding a taboo, or less conscious, based on our universal conclusion: if others know all the ins and outs of a person, then he will not be fully accepted and understood by them, moreover, he will be completely defenseless. The peculiarity of “naked dreams” is their reverse connection with the fairy tale about the king’s new dress. If you remember, the tale is about two tailors who persuade the king to stand naked at the throne, while his courtiers pretend to admire the “new dress”. In the end, only a little boy dares to voice the obvious - what everyone sees but is afraid to say out loud: “The king has no clothes.” In a nude or lingerie dream, you are fully aware that your outfit is either incomplete or non-existent, while others are completely calm about this. Once you start reacting to your nakedness, others notice it too. Your subconscious mind is tired of constantly maintaining your “facade”, which is your real, open self to society. Perhaps the time has come to make a comparative assessment of the usefulness of hiding some qualities as opposed to revealing new facets of your personality. Such an assessment can be universal and apply to all aspects of life or to an individual or interpersonal relationship that requires greater sincerity on your part. Undoubtedly, such a dream may have an exhibitionistic or sexual connotation and be a wish fulfillment or fantasy. Do you consider yourself open to others or do you take measures to hide certain aspects of your life? How do you feel about your body?

Why do you dream about nudity?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to be naked is illness, misfortune, trouble; completely naked - benefit; male - fear (for a woman); female - to illness; see Stripped; running naked - disappointment in love expectations; seeing a beautiful young naked woman means recognition; ugly and old - regret, repentance, a lot of personal grief; naked in a public place - the need for recognition; to see others naked - you will be happy.

I dreamed about nudity

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream foreshadows a scandal and generally unseemly deeds. Seeing others naked is a sign that ill-wishers will try to lead you astray. Illness can hinder your success. If you dream that you suddenly notice your nakedness and are trying to cover it up, this means that your noble feelings will conflict with the thirst for illicit passions. If a young woman admires her own nudity in a dream, this foretells that she will achieve, but will not retain, the true respect of men. She will be lucky thanks to her charm. If she dreams that she is poorly built, her reputation will be tarnished by scandal. If she dreams that she is swimming naked in clear water, this means that she will enjoy secret love, but her own nature will take revenge on her with illness or loss of attractiveness. If she sees naked men bathing in clear water in a dream, she will have many admirers. If the water is dirty, a jealous admirer will cause malicious gossip about it.

Nudity can be a symbol of complete freedom and honesty.

It expresses that childhood joy when you ran around naked.

This can be a sign of extreme vulnerability.

Are you too open to life? Start creating personal boundaries to gain a sense of self-confidence.

For some people, nudity may be associated with shame due to body repression or past trauma.

If so, declare to yourself: “I accept and respect all aspects of my personality, including my body and my past.”

Nudity can refer to both an open situation and baring of the soul.

Show a desire to be open and honest with others and yourself.

Perhaps this is a symbol of sensuality, revealing itself in your passions and in your body.

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Naked (naked)

Seeing yourself naked in a dream is a sign of grief and worry. Sometimes such a dream foretells that you will cause some kind of scandal. If in a dream you are not ashamed of your nakedness, then your name will be called at every corner and condemned for frivolous behavior. If in a dream you are ashamed of your nakedness, then troubles, failures and humiliation await you. A dream in which you saw that your most indecent parts were exposed also promises that you will be ashamed of some of your actions and you will be very worried about your failure.

If you see yourself naked in a bathhouse in a dream, then pleasure and good luck await you in matters that you currently need to put in order.

Being naked in front of someone in a dream and talking to these people is a sign that you will open your soul to someone. Sometimes such a dream tells you that your loved ones will not leave you without support in difficult times and will help you achieve success. Seeing others naked in a dream means that you will suffer because of someone else's mistake or oversight and will experience shame and humiliation.

The worst thing is to dream that your friend or loved one is naked and shamelessly mocking you. After such a dream, you are threatened with ruin, need, and they will laugh at you, humiliate and defame you in every possible way, and you will not be able to do anything about it. They say that seeing an unfamiliar naked woman in a dream is a sign that someone has slandered you. However, it is believed that if a woman is beautiful, then joy and pleasure await you, which you may later be ashamed of. A dream in which you see an old and ugly woman naked, who has disgusted you, portends failures, unhappiness, repentance for your mistakes and regret for lost happiness.

For a woman to see in a dream many naked men swimming in clear water is a sign that she will have a lot of fans and those around her will gossip about her on every corner. Seeing your husband naked in a dream means illness or shame.

If a woman sees in a dream that her husband is caressing her, although he is rather indifferent to her, the dream predicts receiving bad news and grief because of this.

For a man, a similar dream, on the contrary, predicts success in business and pleasant meetings. Seeing a non-Christian naked in a dream is a sign of grief. See interpretation: bare, Muslim.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about being naked?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Bare - Don't touch other people's feelings.

Naked woman - This dream, while not exciting, brings with it rather negative feelings, for it is a consequence of dissatisfaction, but not sexual, but of a completely different kind. You are depressed by your financial situation: it is possible that you cannot always afford to purchase something without which, in your opinion, life becomes less comfortable. For a man, a dream can symbolize dissatisfaction, which arises from an inferiority complex, actualized by insufficiently successful promotion or earnings. While your friends and colleagues are reputed to be spendthrifts or, in extreme cases, can afford to show off, you work from morning to night and not particularly productively.

Naked woman - If a woman has a dream, most likely she, without even showing her feelings, is deeply worried about the fact that she is not dressed in fashion and is sometimes forced to deny herself even the most necessary things. Looking less impressive than others is a big blow to you. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the subconscious sends you impulses that disturb your sleep. The only way out is to pull yourself together and not despair because not everything in life is as good as you wanted: you need to remember that life consists of white and black stripes, and after the black stripe there will certainly come a glimmer of happiness. Dreams of nudity are a fairly common occurrence in our mental life. Numerous dream books offer equally numerous interpretations. However, the desire for nudity can also manifest itself during wakefulness in people experiencing a neurosis of dissatisfaction with their body. For example, the famous French actress Brigitte Bardot suffered from a similar neurosis, walking around the walls of her house exclusively naked; in the following interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.

Why do you dream about being naked?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

The dream of a naked woman, while not exciting, brings with it rather negative feelings, for it is a consequence of dissatisfaction, but not sexual, but of a completely different kind. You are depressed by your financial situation: it is possible that you cannot always afford to purchase something without which, in your opinion, life becomes less comfortable.

For a man, a dream can symbolize dissatisfaction, which arises from an inferiority complex, actualized by insufficiently successful promotion or earnings. While your friends are reputed to be spendthrifts or, in extreme cases, can afford to show off, you work from morning to night and not particularly productively.

If a woman has a dream, most likely, without even showing her feelings, she is deeply worried about the fact that she is not dressed in fashion and is sometimes forced to deny herself even the most necessary things. Looking less impressive than others is a big blow to you. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the subconscious sends you impulses that disturb your sleep.

The only way out is to pull yourself together and not despair because not everything in life is as good as you wanted: you need to remember that life consists of white and black stripes, and after the black stripe there will certainly come a glimmer of happiness.

Dreams of nudity are a fairly common occurrence in our mental life. Numerous dream books offer equally numerous interpretations. However, the desire for nudity can also manifest itself during wakefulness in people experiencing a neurosis of dissatisfaction with their body.

Seeing yourself naked symbolizes weakness and defenselessness before fate in a given period of time. Most likely, this is due to an approaching illness. Your body is significantly weakened, and such a dream is a kind of warning sign, a request from your body for help.

Listen to yourself: timely preventive measures will save you from “breakdown” for several days, or even weeks.

If you see one of your acquaintances, friends or close relatives naked, advise

They should do the same - undergo a medical examination. However, this disease can be of a common cold nature. In addition to illness, such a dream for men can mean some problematic situation at work or in your personal life, which will bring significant changes to your life.

If a woman sees a naked man in a dream, this betrays her desire - intentional or subconscious - to humiliate him, to take revenge on the person who recently offended her. Plans for insidious revenge are constantly being formed in your head.

A naked man in your bed symbolizes your desire to find a worthy life partner, to find reliable support and protection in his person. The current state of affairs has been weighing on you for quite some time. Try to change the situation - perhaps a new twist of fate awaits you.

If a naked man attacks you in a dream, trouble awaits you from a direction you would not expect.

Be careful - your self-confidence is sometimes not as justified as you think.

Why do you dream about being naked?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Naked – Seeing yourself naked. The individual's desire to change his personality; drop all pretense. However, this may contribute to the vulnerability of the individual. Such a desire - to be less secretive, less defensive, more open and sincere - may relate to a certain person or indicate someone who misunderstands his external behavior.

To be presented with bare facts, naked truth. Flaunt your instincts and sexuality, which are part of the true Self; make their suppressed aspirations public. An indicator of inadequacy or deficiency; desire for submission or guilt. Especially if the dream is accompanied by a feeling of shame. If everyone frowns on frankness and truthfulness, that is, nudity.

A dream in which you see a naked body - The individual’s fear that if he allows himself to be closely examined, that is, others see him as he is, this will cause them a feeling of disapproval. If no one remembers that he is naked or he is naked, but they do not pay attention to him. An attempt by the unconscious to correct the exaggerated awkwardness of self-presentation. Or the individual is unable to decisively help himself. He is influenced too much by those around him, and he is afraid of their reaction to his person. Either everyone or someone disapproves of nudity. An individual's own attitude towards his body or behavior. Specific people who disapproved of him or subjected him to humiliation. Sensitivity to others' opinions of themselves. Fear of being constrained by others, expressing internal conflict. The desire to demonstrate oneself and the fear of demonstrating oneself, due, in particular, to an inferiority complex. The desire to draw attention to one's own body, to be an exhibitionist. Excessive shyness of an individual as a result of some exhibitionistic actions in childhood in which he was caught. The desire to be a child again.

Why do you dream about being naked?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing yourself naked in nature alone means the need to reconnect with nature and use naturism to restore health; Finding yourself naked in front of people is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

Why do you dream about being naked?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Seeing yourself naked. The individual's desire to change his personality; drop all pretense. However, this may contribute to the vulnerability of the individual. This desire - to be less secretive, less defensive, more open and sincere - may relate to a specific person or indicate someone who misunderstands their external behavior.

To be presented with “bare” facts, “bare” truth. Flaunt your instincts and sexuality, which are part of the true Self; make their suppressed aspirations public. An indicator of inadequacy or deficiency; desire for submission or guilt. Especially if the dream is accompanied by a feeling of shame.

If everyone frowns on frankness and truthfulness, that is, nudity. The individual's fear that if he allows himself to be scrutinized, that is, others see him as he is, this will cause them to feel disapproval.

If no one remembers that he is naked or he is naked but no one pays attention to him. An attempt by the unconscious to correct the exaggerated awkwardness of self-presentation. Or the individual is unable to decisively help himself. He is influenced too much by those around him, and he is afraid of their reaction to his person.

Either everyone or someone disapproves of nudity. An individual's own attitude towards his body or behavior. Specific people who disapproved of him or subjected him to humiliation. Sensitivity to others' opinions of themselves.

Fear of being constrained by others, expressing internal conflict. The desire to demonstrate oneself and the fear of demonstrating oneself, due, in particular, to an inferiority complex.

The desire to draw attention to one's own body, to be an exhibitionist. Excessive shyness of an individual as a result of some exhibitionistic actions in childhood in which he was caught. The desire to be a child again.

Why do you dream about being naked?

Danilova's erotic dream book

Seeing yourself naked symbolizes weakness and defenselessness before fate in a given period of time. Most likely this is due to an approaching illness. Your body is significantly weakened, and such a dream is a kind of warning sign, a request from your body for help. Listen to yourself: timely preventive measures will save you from “breakdown” for several days, or even weeks.

If you see one of your acquaintances, friends or close relatives naked, advise them to do the same - undergo a medical examination. However, this disease can be of a common cold nature. In addition to illness, such a dream for men can mean some problematic situation at work or in your personal life, which will bring significant changes to your life.

If a woman sees a naked man in a dream, this betrays her desire - intentional or subconscious - to humiliate him, to take revenge on the person who recently offended her. Plans for insidious revenge are constantly being formed in your head.

A naked man in your bed symbolizes your desire to find a worthy life partner, to find reliable support and protection in his person. The current state of affairs has been weighing on you for quite some time. Try to change the situation - perhaps a new twist of fate awaits you.

If a naked man attacks you in a dream, trouble awaits you from a direction you would not expect. Be careful - your self-confidence is sometimes not as justified as you think.

Why do you dream about being naked?

Gypsy dream book

You suddenly undressed - you will receive a surprise, which can be both good and bad. If you are the only naked person in the company, this is a warning that a quarrel may arise. If everyone is naked, it is a sign of warmth, joy and friendship.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

29 lunar day

A dream may contain terrible and frightening images. There is no point in interpreting them: they are empty.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

November 25

A dream may hide an ambiguous context. It’s better to forget it and don’t rack your brains over its interpretation: there’s a high probability that you won’t be able to do it correctly.