Stopping internal dialogue with the help of willpower. Stopping our internal dialogue as a means of achieving a happy life. Self-development methods: initial stage

Have you ever experienced how your thoughts stop listening to you and get confused? Have you been lying at night without closing your eyes, constantly thinking about plans, about expected consequences, about the possible future, getting lost in the most incredible guesses?

We've all experienced this, and the feelings associated with this kind of mental activity are far from pleasant. We can't rest, we don't sleep, we rush through emotions at breakneck speed and we get up completely exhausted. We are plagued by our own thoughts that seem unstoppable.

How to stop VD (OVD (stop internal dialogue))
You can stop VD simply by stopping it by your own will - this is the simplest and most effective way, its advantage is that it works when you need it, and, moreover, immediately. You can, of course, use more sophisticated methods in which you need to meditate, gradually freeing your mind from thoughts, but they take time and may not succeed the first time. And with willpower you can immediately stop the VD, at first there will be short-term stops, and then you will learn to turn it off for a long time.

Why stop the VD?
This is necessary, for example, to enter the astral plane, otherwise it is simply impossible to separate from the body, since consciousness “does not let go” of the brain. Also, VD must be stopped for other actions, for example, when controlling energy flows, the key point here is purity of consciousness and focus on feelings, there should be no thoughts at all in the head. By occupying ourselves with VD, we do not hear the soul and do not see the world as it is. Here are a few reasons, you can think of the rest yourself.

How to stop internal dialogue?
The main thing when practicing stopping internal dialogue is not to get irritated when it appears. Be detached and do not react to it, but simply observe the thoughts or simply continue the technique. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you are unable to immediately stop the VD and it is not your fault. After all, it’s not the baby’s fault that he can’t walk? He just learns it step by step, falls and gets up, falls and gets up again, and in the end he achieves the desired result. Don’t worry and don’t bother yourself with thoughts like: What a **** I am, I can’t stop the internal dialogue. By doing this, you simply continue VD and only worsen your mood and general mood for practice.

TECHNIQUES for stopping internal dialogue:

When performing all these techniques, it is advisable to be in a quiet and calm place, at home. Take a position that is comfortable for you if the exercise does not require physical action. Try to relax and calm down. In practices where you need to visualize or repeat something, it is better to close your eyes. Let's start with the most difficult and at the same time the easiest way:

Stopping VD with willpower.
Just stop the internal dialogue with an effort of will and observe the inner silence

Stopping VD by visualizing objects and phenomena in the head:

1 Clearly imagine in your mind a lake with a calm and smooth surface, try to imagine it as clearly as possible. Imagine that the thoughts that arise in your head contribute to the appearance of ripples or small waves on the surface. The longer the thought is in the head, the stronger the waves. Try to imagine this as clearly as possible. For realism, you can try to imagine the sound of the waves. Imagine a big white screen in your mind, much like in a movie theater, and try to hold this image in your head. Try to imagine this as clearly as possible. When you manage to keep a clear image of the screen in your head, begin to slowly move your gaze across it, first from one corner to another, then simply move your gaze randomly.

2. Imagine a juicy and ripe apple. Create a clear image of an apple in your head, start looking at it and bringing it closer to you, looking at its features and color, then imagine that you are bringing the apple to your nose and inhaling its smell, try to feel the aroma of a fresh and juicy apple. Then bring the apple to your mouth and take a bite, start chewing it slowly, feel its taste and juiciness. Feel how you swallow the chewed piece and it slowly falls into your stomach. Imagine this process until you consider it necessary to stop.

Repressing internal dialogue using mental arithmetic.

Start counting in your head from 1 to 100, saying each number in your head and taking a short pause between numbers. As soon as you can count to 20 without missing a beat, start combining the counting with your breathing: Inhale-exhale-1-inhale-exhale-2 and so on. Every time a thought appears, start over and don’t rush to count to one hundred, this is not the goal. The goal is the process in which you replace internal dialogue with mental arithmetic. Once you can count to 50 without missing a beat, try stopping your internal dialogue with willpower.

Techniques based on awareness of the moment here and now:

Concentration on breathing
1. Take a comfortable position and begin to detachly observe your breathing, observe your inhalations and exhalations without interfering with the process itself. There is no need to try to control your breathing.

2. Feeling the moment here and now. Relax. Look around and see what surrounds you, what is happening around you, listen to what sounds surround you. Pay attention to what position you are in, what smells are in the air. Observe what is happening around you and listen to all the sounds. I think the principle is clear to you. Just be in the moment here and now, be mindful and aware of what you are doing at the moment and what is happening around you. Just be in this moment, watch and listen.

Concentrating on the here and now is a very good practice to help increase awareness. It can be practiced anywhere and anytime. You just need to watch what is happening and be aware of what you are doing, completely concentrating on it. If you walk, give yourself completely to it, feel the ground under your feet, feel how you mix your arms and legs. Look around. Watch.

Every person constantly has a variety of thoughts in his head, each of which is capable of attracting his attention. Attention begins to jump from one thought to another, so a person cannot concentrate on something really important for himself for a long time. Thoughts begin to float into your head on their own and involve you in experiences, occupying your mind with unnecessary conversations. Thus, thoughts begin to control a person.

The definition of stopping internal dialogue is a process that occurs in speech form and is aimed at solving an ambiguous and conflicting problem.

Features of internal dialogue

Internal dialogue is a very inefficient process that wastes a lot of energy. Most often, it is not aimed at finding solutions to problems and problems. Remembering past events (anxiety, grievances), a person analyzes them, suggests how things could have happened differently, regrets something unsaid or undone, etc. During internal dialogue, a large and senseless waste of energy occurs. To prevent this, you need to master techniques for stopping internal dialogue.

The benefits of internal dialogue

Internal conversation can be very useful in different situations; it helps to find a large number of ways to solve various problems, gets you interested in something, and helps you reason. Internal dialogue with yourself must be started when it is needed, and stopped in time when it is not necessary. With the help of internal conversation, you can find answers to many questions, as well as solve some problems and problems. But very often it happens that the conversation of the mind prevents you from concentrating on something. Under this condition, it is recommended to use techniques for stopping internal dialogue.

Negative consequences of self-talk

During internal dialogue, a person worries, gives his energy to incoming thoughts and jumps from one thought to another. This action prevents you from concentrating on an important matter and finding the right solution. Due to the constant attack of the mind by unnecessary thoughts, a person stops hearing the voice of his intuition, which can give the right advice. That's why people tend to change their goals instead of turning them into reality.

It is worth noting that internal dialogue, just like physical activity, can provoke fatigue. Immersion in thoughts and spending time on them leads to the fact that a person does not have any time left to do the necessary things.

So, if there is no proper control over internal dialogue, it begins to cause harm, namely: it distracts from business and work; focuses attention on negative events; foreshadows in advance failure in any business; brings up old worries and grievances.

When a person experiences past events, finishes conversations, reproaches and scolds himself, it is very important to stop such unproductive dialogue with himself in time.

Stopping internal dialogue: why and how to do it

The human essence is designed in such a way that it is able to constantly talk to itself without uttering thoughts out loud. Stopping this dialogue will help stop the internal conversation, and will also clear your mind of bad thoughts and help you focus on the right tasks.

It takes a lot of concentration and persistence to stop the internal dialogue. Those people who were able to master this technique of stopping internal dialogue note an increase in self-confidence, calmness and efficiency. By stopping or changing the internal dialogue, a person is able to change his picture of the world and the world around him. But this process requires persistence and regular targeted actions leading to results. It is very important to be able to stop the internal dialogue at will.

To turn off internal dialogue, you need to find and then turn off the sources of its occurrence, as well as apply techniques, practices and exercises to stop the internal dialogue. It is worth noting that each source must be turned off separately.

The following sources should be highlighted: hearing, touch, smell, taste, vision. After the sources of internal dialogue are blocked, its basis, or rather, thoughts, remains. Each individual source, sensually perceiving and analyzing, divides sensations into beautiful or ugly, pleasant or unpleasant, tasty or tasteless, etc. The combination of perceptions gives rise to rapid, continuous thoughts, calculations and analyses. Apart from this, there are other factors such as social, intellectual and everything related to life.

Therefore, the processing of impressions received from various sources generates a continuous stream of thoughts in the human mind.

Types of techniques for stopping internal dialogue

It should be noted that internal dialogue is nothing more than a habit formed by a person in the course of his life. Therefore, each person has a unique and unrepeatable internal dialogue. Changing this habit will require a sufficient amount of time, as well as regular training and self-control. It is known that the mind can change habits within 40 days after starting regular exercise. Therefore, you will need to train and meditate for about half an hour every day for 40 days.

The technique of stopping internal dialogue is divided into the following two parts:

1. The figurative and verbal flows from everyday life stop in the mind.

2. The process of incorrect interpretation and analysis stops.

Exercises must be performed in a standing or sitting position, in addition, with an even posture, that is, the head should be in line with the spine. You need to look straight ahead, without moving your gaze from object to object, but focusing your gaze on one point.

Theory and practice of stopping internal dialogue

Technique for stopping visual perception

When looking at any incident, for example, fun, a fight, a holiday, suffering, you must remain a calm and indifferent observer. At the same time, the gaze should remain indifferent. Looking at a pretty face, you don’t need to allow the image to be considered beautiful in your mind.

Neither good nor bad should affect feelings and thoughts. Using this technique, you can impartially look at things and events in life, see them in a new way.

Sound perception

When listening to some sad story from life, the thought of pity, resentment and anger should not creep in.

When listening to jokes or something funny, you must try to prevent the desire to laugh from reaching your consciousness.

You can create different situations based on opposites.

When working with this technique, you do not need to associate different sounds with each other.

Smell stopping technique

Using such opposite concepts as “sharp” - “weak”, “pleasant” - “unpleasant”, you can come up with appropriate training. Sensations should not cause pleasant or unpleasant feelings - this is exactly what the practice of stopping internal dialogue with the help of smell is all about.


You can use what is tasty and tasteless. The main thing is that the sensations caused by food do not cause any feelings in the mind.


The following opposites should be used in the technique: sharp - dull, soft - hard, and others.

Technique for stopping internal dialogue at the level of thoughts

Every person has passive and active thoughts. Passive thoughts arise unconsciously, regardless of the person himself, while active thoughts are created by him himself. To perform the technique of stopping internal dialogue, you need to relax and concentrate on the thoughts running through your head. You need to sit like this for a while and monitor uncontrollable thoughts. By focusing his attention on a disturbing thought, a person thereby stops it. An important feature of the technique is that you need to track passive thoughts with your active thoughts. It is from passive thoughts that internal dialogue consists. Intentions and will are activated thanks to active thoughts, so they can be controlled and passive thoughts can be “caught.” To monitor your own thoughts, you need to look inside yourself and keep all your attention on the thoughts in the center of your head.

This technique is quite complex, but effective. It needs to be done regularly for half an hour every day.

Contemplative techniques for stopping internal dialogue

Another option for dealing with internal dialogue is the contemplative technique. To do this, you can use special images for contemplation. When conducting this, you must adhere to the description of the technique for stopping internal dialogue. This technique is performed with a defocused gaze and calm breathing. It is necessary to reach a state where the image becomes static. This will quickly get rid of internal dialogue and calm a shaken psyche.

Blocking incoming information using a mantra

This method is based on stopping the internal dialogue using your yoga technique. You need to come up with a word that you can fully concentrate on. To do this, you need to choose a euphonious word that does not evoke emotions. It should only evoke a feeling of calm. Examples of mantras: ra-um - calm, free-den - peace. A mantra can free a person’s consciousness from unnecessary thoughts at any time. After choosing a mantra, you need to take a comfortable position and fix your gaze on a certain point. Then you need to say the mantra in a loud voice, and then repeat it rhythmically. At the same time, you definitely need to enjoy this process, experimenting with the sound. Gradually you need to lower the sound, pronouncing the word quieter and quieter.

After the mantra has turned into a barely audible whisper, you need to stop saying it, close your eyes and listen to yourself. It is important to hear how it sounds from within, filling your consciousness. This meditation should be done for 20 minutes daily.

Hello, friends.

Today we will talk about turning off the internal dialogue, we will get acquainted with the concept of stopping the internal dialogue, what it will give us in terms of improving health and finding happiness. Read, it will be interesting, you will learn a lot of new things for yourself.

What is internal dialogue

Many people, when they hear about stopping internal dialogue (or they also say OVD), imagine stopping thoughts. But in fact, internal dialogue is a broader concept. It includes not only our thoughts, but also feelings, emotions and perceptions. We can say that this is our entire psyche. When we truly stop VD, we stop not only thoughts, but also the work of the entire psyche. But we can say it differently. Stopping internal dialogue is divided into stages. First we stop thoughts, then feelings and emotions, then the deeper layers of the psyche and everyday perception of the world. And the deeper and better the quality of internal affairs, the deeper and deeper layers of the psyche we stop. And stopping thoughts, feelings and emotions is just the first stages.

But we will consider OVD precisely as stopping thoughts, feelings and emotions. For our purposes in terms of improving health and finding happiness, this is quite enough. A deeper stop is an advanced practice used for other purposes.

Therefore, below I will consider VD in exactly this way. The techniques I will present are aimed at this result. But I repeat, this will be enough for you to change your life for the better.

Why stop internal dialogue?

If our thoughts and emotions constantly work and never stop, this will greatly deplete the body and even lead to illness.

The thing is that such work requires a lot of energy resources. To stop wasting energy, nature provides for the internal dialogue to periodically stop itself. For these purposes there is a dream. Also, when we are tired, we feel dullness, when we don’t want to think about anything or react emotionally. , blues or a low level of mental response, all this is the body’s defense when the body’s energy is greatly reduced.

But the fact is that a person’s psyche has gotten so completely out of control and began to work incorrectly that sleep can no longer fully restore the body and restore order in the head. The saying: “the morning is wiser than the evening” is no longer relevant. In theory, we should rest at night and make decisions in the morning with clear brains. But, I repeat, sleep is no longer able to fully restore our strength.

Once out of control, the psyche not only exhausts us, but often drives us into depression, phobias, panic attacks or all sorts of obsessive thoughts that are difficult to get rid of.

All this is so tiring that there is no strength left for a normal life. Internal dialogue, its obsessive thoughts, interfere with a normal life.

If you think that everything is fine with you, that you do not have depression or other psychological problems, then you are mistaken. There are problems, you’re just so used to them that you consider them the norm of life. We are all constantly dissatisfied with something, we are often nervous, offended by trifles, and cannot bear the stresses of life. We often quarrel with loved ones and colleagues at work. For the sake of their selfish goals, they are ready to resort to meanness. We all have our own fears, attitudes ingrained in our heads and programs instilled by the system that do not allow us to live normally and breathe freely and fully.

We are on the verge, due to reduced vital energy. Yes, the energy level of most people is low due to uncontrolled and intensified internal dialogue and this is considered the norm.

People just don't know any other way.

If they learned to stop their obsessive, uncontrollable internal dialogue and put their psyche under control, their lives would improve a thousand times. Lost health would be restored, vital energy would increase, relationships with people would improve. If the psycho-emotional sphere would improve, there would be more positive emotions. And an increase in vital energy would manifest itself in the fact that we would be more successful in life and do everything easily and naturally. And there are many such bonuses that can be listed, all due to the fact that the energy that was previously spent on improper mental functioning would return to us and change us for the better. I think I’ve convinced you why you need to learn to stop internal dialogue, because the consequences and results of such practice are only positive.

But if there is no internal dialogue at all, then this is also bad. It only needs to be stopped temporarily for the body to recover.

But after stopping there will be normal internal dialogue.

How to stop internal dialogue

Let's look at simple but effective techniques for stopping internal dialogue.

Sit down, close your eyes and relax. It doesn’t matter what your position is, the main thing is that you are comfortable. But it is better that you do not lie down, otherwise severe relaxation may occur.

Set yourself up to leave all external worries and problems behind and focus only on yourself.

Bring your attention inward. Try to look at your thoughts from the outside. Here they appear, dissolve, and are replaced by others. Don't fight them, let them live their lives. You are separate, they are separate.

You may notice all sorts of everyday thoughts that you had never looked at from the outside before because you were fused with them. “I forgot to go to the store today. I’m so tired of problems at work. They’ve been rude to me again, I feel bad. I’ll have to do it tomorrow...” And everything like that.

But now you observe them, you become disidentified with them. In addition to thoughts, feelings and emotions may also appear before your eyes. Watch them too. Don't fight them, just quietly observe. Practice this for a few minutes. The bigger, the better.

Then calmly, relaxed, turn your attention to the body. Try to take in your entire body at once with your inner gaze. Our attention, our brain cannot simultaneously think about something and at the same time look at something, contemplate intently. Moreover, contemplate several objects, several parts of the body at once. If we look attentively, without distraction, at the whole body at once, the internal dialogue will subside or even stop completely. The main thing is to do this calmly and relaxed.

You will also notice that again some thoughts begin to creep into our heads. This internal dialogue wants to turn on again and capture us, our attention. You just need to catch yourself in the fact that we are again thinking, and not looking at the body, relaxingly look at the thoughts from the outside, without fighting them, and again turn your attention to the body. It's actually easy. The main thing is to overcome the habit of constantly thinking and learn, just for the duration of practice, to look at your thoughts and emotions from the outside.

Try turning off the internal dialogue in this way for at least 5-10 minutes to begin with. And for better results, the time can then be increased to 20 minutes.

If you do everything correctly, you will notice how you have achieved peace of mind, calmness and peace. Your soul will feel lighter, bad thoughts will dissolve, stress will fade away. This state is the key to health and happiness.

Now you know how to stop the internal dialogue in your head; a short session of this exercise is enough to relax after a hard day at work, regain your strength, and forget about everyday problems.

Stopping internal dialogue using the technique of listening to internal sound

If you don't know how to stop self-talk, there is a great way. This is focusing on the so-called internal sound in the head. This kind of stopping of internal dialogue is used in such ancient systems as yoga and qigong. If we step away from external sounds, turn our attention inward and listen, we will hear the background sound inside our head.

This may be a barely audible hiss, hum, whistle or other sound. The main thing is to catch it with your attention the first time, to hear it, next time you can easily find it. And if you listen to it for a long time, without being distracted by thoughts, the internal sound will become clear, loud, well helping to stop thoughts and emotions.

The mechanism is the same here. As soon as the internal dialogue tries to turn on again, catch yourself thinking again, calmly turn your attention to the internal sound and continue to listen to it. Focusing on the inner sound is very good at stopping the mental and emotional flow.

How to get rid of internal dialogue with yourself through observation

As I said before, if our attention is focused intently on something, whether we are listening intently, looking at something, or feeling something with our body, then we cannot think or react emotionally at the same time. In this case, the psyche simply does not have the resources or energy supply.

Many techniques for stopping internal dialogue have been created based on this law of nature.

You can simply take a break from everyday affairs during the day, finally escape from the constant bustle of restless thoughts and look at what surrounds us. It doesn’t matter what you look at and where, be it an office space, a home room or a street landscape.

Look carefully at the objects around you, notice every little detail in them, try not to miss anything. I assure you, you will definitely see something new in an ordinary environment, you will be surprised that you have not noticed it before. Don't be distracted by thoughts, observe and observe again.

Thoughts will try to settle in your head again, just calmly turn your attention back to the objects around you. Negative thoughts and emotions will subside, and you will achieve calm peace and quietness of mind. It is better if you take a walk in the fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature in this way. This will be a great rest after a hard day of work.

Also use the skill of close observation wherever possible.

For example, when you eat, you don’t need to rush, swallow food quickly. This will lead to gastrointestinal problems. Eat mindfully. Slowly feel the pleasant taste of food during. While swallowing, imagine how the food has entered your stomach for your benefit, and the energy inside your stomach is filled to digest it.

When you take a shower (preferably), you don’t need to dwell on thoughts about the events of the past day. It’s better to observe the sensations in your body, how it reacts to water. How streams of water touch you, how it flows down your body.

All this will help to reduce and even completely stop internal dialogue, which means achieving a healthy body and spirit in the future.

Try something of your own, be creative. The main thing is to grasp the state of peace that will come to you as a result of ATS. In the future, I assure you, you will like it, you will easily be able to do any practice of stopping the internal dialogue.

I have given the most famous and easy techniques for stopping internal dialogue. In fact, there are a lot of ways and methods to stop internal dialogue. But remember, it’s not about the number of techniques, it’s about the quality of stopping and calming the mind. One or two techniques are enough, but used regularly and in sufficient quantities (at least 10-20 minutes) for your life to change for the better. Your strength and health will gradually return. The energy previously wasted by your restless thoughts and negative emotions will be returned to your body, also changing you and your life.

The main thing is to achieve a state of mental silence and... It is this condition that contributes to proper ATS. Otherwise, some try to stop thoughts with all their might, resulting in even greater tension. To achieve relaxation, we need to enter a state of non-doing, when we stop any attempts to change something in ourselves, achieve a stop, and simply humbly observe everything that happens inside our psyche.

To better understand the state of not doing, I suggest you read an article about. After all, meditation in its essence is stopping the internal dialogue, but used in a special position, sitting with a straight spine, which is more correct.

Also, the topic of internal dialogue is closely related to such a topic as. When we stop the internal dialogue, we gradually come to awareness in life. Awareness is a state. This is the next stage of evolution, infallibility and impeccability in any actions, life without fuss and problems. Be sure to read about mindfulness.

I think you understand how to learn to stop the internal dialogue. Stop it and then you will be happy and healthy.

See you soon, friends on the blog pages.

And at the end of the article there is a very interesting video. From it you will learn what ATS practices can lead to next. After all, happiness and health are just the beginning.

Internal dialogue- this is a conversation with yourself, a conversation with your inner voice, saying something to yourself, meaningless chatter. In the east, this phenomenon is also called “monkey mind.”

Try not to think about anything now, throw all thoughts out of your head and click on the square below. As soon as at least one thought appears in your head, you need to click on the square again and you will find out how long you lasted. To have fewer thoughts and last longer, look at the center of the square or some other part of it, study it, but do not voice your thoughts!

Stopping internal dialogue

Or speaking thoughts, text, visible actions and objects to oneself expands the boundaries of thinking. Disabling internal dialogue, a person stops spending his brain resources on converting thoughts into verbal form, manipulating it at the speed of voicing words and converting it back into a form understandable to a person. Stopping your internal dialogue, You free your brain from unnecessary stress, which will allow you to think at incredible speed.

Thinking occurs predominantly visually, in the form of images, which allows you to scroll through entire pictures, diagrams, maps, and so on at tremendous speed. using your second attention.

Stopping internal dialogue also practiced in other areas such as speed reading, lucid dreaming, memory development and so on. For example, in speed reading, this approach allows you to read tens of times faster than the speaking speed.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in 30 days. From 150-200 to 300-600 words per minute or from 400 to 800-1200 words per minute. The course uses traditional exercises for the development of speed reading, techniques that speed up brain function, methods for progressively increasing reading speed, the psychology of speed reading and questions from course participants. Suitable for children and adults reading up to 5000 words per minute.

How to stop the dialogue?

If you have already wondered how to stop internal dialogue, then in this article you will find it. disable And drown out.

On the one hand, it seems that everything is very simple. But first, try not to think about anything at all for a minute, throw all thoughts out of your head and don’t let them in there anymore, leave only emptiness in your head and nothing but it.

If you manage to do this, you will most likely be surprised at how quiet, and maybe even empty, your mind becomes.

This is extremely difficult for an inexperienced person, usually only for a few seconds, and then he doesn’t even have time to notice how thoughts are again flowing like a river inside his head.

Stopping internal dialogue- a very important point in self-development. All his life a person says everything possible to himself, but by turning off your inner voice, you can noticeably speed up your thoughts. A person's thoughts can be like the speed of light. By saying all sorts of nonsense to themselves, people greatly limit themselves and continue to think at the speed of their inner voice.

By removing this limitation, a person can significantly improve his thinking abilities. He will be able to read at the speed of seeing the text, which will increasingly appear in bright colorful images and visions. And in order to come up with some kind of plan, you don’t have to turn your thoughts into words, or more precisely, you don’t have to think discretely, that is. words and their categories.

Words are just a way of speaking, said Don Juan in Carlos Castaneda's book Tales of Power, in one of the dialogues with the main character with a hint of his inner speech and constant indulgence due to various questions that arise in him.

So why limit yourself to words and their categories, why do you need this discreteness? After all, the human brain captures images best and works best with them. Visualize how you go to work, where you go along the way and what you do. Think of it as a movie being shown to you in fast motion. Now describe all this in words and compare which took less time and where the completeness of the description is deeper. With developed visualization, you can always see anything in front of you, from a simple map to some working mechanism.

Consequences of stopping internal dialogue:

  • Possible spontaneous manifestations of vision or clairvoyance

Practice stopping internal dialogue

Below are 3 ways to how to turn off internal dialogue and the exercises are given:


For a simpler and more effective workout, a black square is shown below. Look at it and don't think about anything until the message appears. First try stop mine internal dialogue for 10 seconds, then 15, then 20, 30 and so on, each time achieving better and better results until you can turn it off completely.

Abstraction exercise also helps develop concentration and is inherently more suitable for developing concentration, and developing concentration, in turn, helps turn off internal dialogue.

How to use Black Square to stop dialogue?

In front of you is a simple black square on a white background, look at its center and try not to think about anything, just look at the square, study it, block any thoughts, especially your inner voice, stop your internal dialogue by force of will.

Before you begin this exercise, click on the square with your mouse cursor or your finger if you have a touch screen. After this, the timer will start, and now your goal is to stop your inner voice at all costs.

When you catch yourself hearing your inner voice again, press the square a second time to stop the timer. In order to start a new exercise, just like the first time, click on the square.

You can try to experience some kind of trance with the animation below:

Some people are able to abstract themselves better with the help of this thing. Over time you will be able stop mine internal dialogue, simply drowning it out with your willful effort.

Use peripheral vision

Using peripheral vision- this is one of the most powerful ways stop internal dialogue. But this method may seem a little more complicated than looking at a black square, because for this you need to look at the center in front of you, it is advisable to use some object for this, and in the meantime, with your peripheral vision, without looking away from the center, examine objects on the sides . This way stopping internal dialogue recommended by Don Juan in the books of Carlos Castaneda to stop the dialogues of the characters' inner speech.

At first, to make this easier, you can try to shift the focus of your vision closer to yourself so that the picture in front of your eyes is blurred, because this makes it easier to peer with peripheral vision.

Peripheral vision Best used when in an open space, such as walking through a city. In this case, you can look somewhere at the end of the street and try to look at objects on both sides, such as houses, windows, passing cars, people, and so on.

Listening to audiobooks- a great effective way to silence your inner voice, however, you will also have to practice here, because your inner voice will want to repeat all the words after the speaker voicing the book, but using the technique described above, together with the technique of listening to audiobooks, you can achieve good results from the first attempts.

I like the last option the most due to its effectiveness, lightness and ease of use.

Watching the clock hand

Silently and concentratedly watch the hand of a wristwatch or some loading bar. There are many round timers that work great for this.

Bottom line

In this article I talked about how to stop constant internal dialogue and gave to develop this skill.

Psychology of internal dialogue very simple - it is a habit that often limits us in using the different capabilities of our human brain.

It is worth noting that internal dialogue - This is fine! And if there is no need or desire to turn it off, then there is no need to suffer, because this is one of the normal mechanisms of the human psyche. If you have something interesting to tell, it will be very cool to see it in the comments :)