What is a healthy lifestyle. We are for a healthy and active lifestyle

An active lifestyle depends on a person’s position in life; in other words, a person must have fortitude. After all, if you don’t have the desire and, most importantly, the strength to invent, do, and overcome obstacles, then there will be no result. You can also say with the proverb “water does not flow under a lying stone.” Moreover, it is one thing to dream and express a desire, and another thing to gather strength and take concrete steps. Those who take concrete steps lead active image life.

A physically active lifestyle is very important childhood, in youth, when people still consider themselves healthy, in adulthood and old age. It is needed for the body to function normally, with proper nutrition learned well nutrients and high-quality gas exchange with oxygen took place in the required quantity. How more people leads an active life, the less he gets sick.

Physical activity for children and young people

For children and young and middle-aged people who do not have any serious health problems, intense or moderate physical activity must be:

  • daily, lasting at least an hour;
  • exercises in the gym and exercises are useful fresh air, in nature, and they can be at any time of the year;
  • training should be fun, so you need to choose classes that suit your liking and capabilities.

What benefits do such activities give to children and young people?

  • Physically active people have better memory, reaction, attention and even logic than those people who passively spend most of their day.
  • Physical activity in at a young age promotes the formation of healthy of cardio-vascular system, correct formation skeleton, development muscular system, maintaining normal and healthy body weight.
  • A healthy reaction is also formed nervous system and proper coordination of movements.
  • Physical exercise and fitness helps to resist stress, which is enough in our lives, and therefore to be more mentally stable and socially adapted. A good and cheerful mood always helps to achieve success in life and bring more benefit yourself and those around you.

The habit of being physically active from childhood and youth remains for life. This results in a healthier and more active generation of people who will remain physically active, cheerful and healthy into older age.

Think how much we can extend our lives and improve our quality of life simply through proper exercise!

Physical activity for people who are sick

It must be said that for sick people who cannot lead the same lifestyle as healthy people, physical activity is vital, only it is a little different and for each person, according to his illness, special therapeutic exercises are selected. It is events like these that sometimes even save lives.

I would like to note that sick people are divided into 2 categories:

  1. who still have motor activity;
  2. bedridden patients for whom movement is given with great difficulty and it is precisely such people who are very susceptible to the consequences of adynamia, therefore they urgently need any movement.

To people who lie for a long time and for people suffering from bronchopulmonary diseases is very important good gas exchange in the lungs, so as not to get congestive pneumonia, which is very difficult to treat. I can recommend a very simple exercise that is accessible to everyone - this breathing exercises will help expand the lungs and increase tidal volume. Take a bottle, pour some water and put any tube into the water. We force the sick person to exhale air into the tube through water.

If a person is still very weak, and when exhaling he will have to overcome the resistance of water, then at the beginning we pour a little water. Then, when the lungs get stronger and expand, the volume of water needs to be increased. This exercise ultimately leads to normal breathing. For paralyzed people after a stroke, motor exercises are also extremely important. When a person is in a hospital, then physical exercise carried out under the supervision of a doctor, however, upon discharge at home, it is imperative to continue to give physical activity.

First in bed, then standing, and then move on to slow walks. The main thing is not to start the exercises and move on healthy image life. Physiotherapy is selected individually by the doctor, depending on the type of disease. Gymnastics for a bedridden patient will help maintain health and recover faster so that you can begin to move fully after overcoming the disease.

Modern man is captivated by technological progress. For example, instead of taking 10,000 steps per day, he drives a car. The average worker walks twice as much per day as he should.

Why do people complain of dizziness? drowsy state And chronic fatigue? The reason is physical inactivity caused by insufficient physical activity person.

Slow killer

Physical inactivity is the scourge of modern civilization. With a sluggish lifestyle with human body the following happens:

Muscle and vascular tone decreases
Muscle mass and heart size decrease
Strength, endurance, and ability to work decrease
Inadequate activity of the musculoskeletal system leads to osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis
Disorder respiratory function and nervous system
The occurrence of cardiovascular diseases

We begin to experience physical inactivity every day: we wait for the elevator when we only need to go up to the third floor. The result is shortness of breath and excess fat on the sides.

We understand that obesity is just around the corner, but we blindly believe in getting rid of it easy ways. Stop sitting at home - especially in spring and summer. It's time to take charge of yourself and walk more often.

Walking is for everyone!

Walking is accessible to everyone and has no contraindications. To find out how much you walk a day, buy yourself a pedometer. Make it a rule: walk 10,000 km a day.

Note to skeptics: walking burns several hundred kilocalories per day. Replace your usual journey from home to work and back by public transport with walking.

Walking not only under the moonlight!

A romantic date can be an excellent reason for a promenade. You have a nice conversation and walk around at the same time.

You can have a fun competition with your loved one to see who can walk the longest with a pedometer.

If the outcome of the competition is the same, the woman will still win (her steps are shorter than the men's).

Walking with children

It is better to replace the usual sitting with a stroller on a bench under the windows of your own home with a pleasant trip to a distant park.

You can turn a walk into a useful activity and listen to popular audiobooks or compose fairy tales for your baby along the way.

All for the marathon!

One extravagant idea to be active is to sign up for a marathon. If you are overcome by the spirit of an enthusiast and the thirst for victory, then running to the finish line among the first is what is required!

On the World Wide Web you will not only find lists for marathon runners (in Russia and abroad), but you can also register as someone who wants to run.

There are so many interesting things around!

Russia is rich in attractions. For example, in the suburbs of Moscow and St. Petersburg there are wonderful places where the genius of poetry, A.S. Pushkin, grew up and was educated.

What does a traveler take with him on a trip? That's right, a camera.

A trip to beautiful and historical places is a reason for active movement and a photo shoot.

To capture an interesting photo, you need to move:

Find the right angle
stand up
Sit down
Turn around
Climb up
Go down

Go to the store for new things!

Every woman wants to be beautiful. In spring, ladies are especially active in search of new dresses, blouses, and shoes. The holiday season and the long-awaited summer are just around the corner. So, go shopping! By the way, research by scientists has shown that pushing a cart in a store for just half an hour leads to a loss of 100 kilocalories. The more you weigh it down, the better it is for you.

Task #1: normal average person takes about 3 thousand steps a day. Question: how many new things can you buy if you are going to overtake average? It's a joke. Seriously though, shopping is also a way to get exercise.

Shashlik - a way to lose weight?

A trip to a barbecue usually begins with a fun preparation for the feast, and ends full bellies food and strong drinks. You can turn a wonderful picnic into an active one catch-up and jumping ropes.

To do this, you need to take with you everything for active recreation: badminton, volleyball, kite and children.

They love outdoor games: they will play themselves and will not leave you idle.

The kebab itself does not have to be made from pork; replace the meat with fish or vegetables.

True friend

To stop sedentary image life, get yourself a dog. You will have to walk with her every day. If you are not in the mood to have a home four-legged friend, then visit the dog shelter.

Pre-register, come and enjoy your walk with the dogs. Play with the fluffies and take a photo of them as a souvenir.

Don't worry that you will be forced to take your pet with you. Enjoy the ride and interact with the animals. Walking with several active pooches together will get you running and getting some exercise.

Let's work with our feet!

One way to get active is to ride a scooter or rollerblades. Dedicate a day off to your family and ride a bike or learn to skateboard.

This activity is not only for family people. It is possible that your lover has long wanted to go roller skating, but was bored alone. Go play tennis, fortunately, a tennis court is not uncommon in the city.

Be active!

Unfortunately, we began to move little and eat a lot. Salvation lies only in our activity. Try to find movement even where it seems out of place.

Let your walks be even aimless than your daily purposeful lying on the couch.

Is it worth talking about how beneficial it is to lead an active lifestyle? This is one of those truths that does not need to be proven - this axiom is well known and understood by everyone. To live to old age and maintain clarity of mind, it is enough not to sit in one place all your life, but to express yourself with different sides, involving others in this matter, at least from the closest environment. But if the recipe for longevity is so simple, why so few people follow it?

Prerequisites for starting an active lifestyle

Nowadays, most people on the planet live in cities, at least those who are interested in such a concept as an active lifestyle. But why do we, residents of megacities or small towns, at some point in our lives begin to think that our reality is acquiring a shade of “passivity”? Moreover, we begin to feel significant discomfort from this. At some point, you get tired of the series of Mondays and Fridays, you get tired of waiting for a salary or public holidays, you get tired of the monotony.

The scourge of the present modern man– physical inactivity. Remember, there was even a song like that? So, there is nothing fun about this disease, since it means decreased physical activity, which subsequently leads to muscle atrophy and disruption of work internal organs and the development of various diseases.

Do you work in an office and travel home by bus? Do you love your car and prefer to travel only in it? Are you more comfortable sitting at home and don’t have an extra reason to go out? We congratulate you, you are half a step away from physical inactivity. Stay with your habits and you will quickly get to know her.

To prevent this from happening, think right now about what exactly you need to change.

Health is the key to an active lifestyle

In general, between the concepts of “healthy” and “active” there is often a confident equal sign, and this is not without reason. How can you lead an active life and manage everything if your health does not allow it? And why it doesn’t allow it is true, because it’s more common to sit passively in the world of comfort and coziness.

Have you ever been surprised that people, to whom nature has provided all the conditions for an active and versatile life, prefer to spend it on something obscure like sitting on the sofa, hugging the remote control and potato chips, while filling their neural networks serial or news memories. It is no secret that brain cells begin to die if they are not used as needed, and neural networks begin to disintegrate. The brain, like the body, needs constant voltage, training so that his activity increases. It is like a dynamo that only charges when certain forces are applied to it. Therefore there is nothing surprising in senile dementia, which in mandatory hits at a certain moment.

Don’t become obsessed with a healthy lifestyle - this is not a goal, but a permanent state, the norm of your reality. Start small, take your time, unless there is a special incentive to achieve some result. Remember that you are responsible only to yourself and if something fails, then there is no one else to blame. But at the same time, do not set yourself goals that are impossible to achieve, and if you have set them, then clearly define the path to achieve it. After all, any hard-to-reach goal is such only in the absence of the necessary reference points, which this moment, most likely, you are simply unknown, undiscovered.

Instructions for use

Yes, there are professions where a person must cover several areas of activity at the same time in order to fulfill the assigned tasks, but if they exist, then still only a small percentage of them will combine diversity.

Variety – keyword, When we're talking about about an active lifestyle.

And we should also add “balance” to it. The point is that you should definitely find your personal golden mean in all the activities that make up your life. First, evaluate what you currently have, how you live. Then think about what you would like to do, but never got around to. And take a closer look at what you need to do so that what you have and what you want can balance each other.

It may be that this process will require additional steps that you did not initially consider. Well, that means you include them in your emerging action plan - business! But at the same time, clearly understand why you are doing what you are doing. Any initial interest quickly disappears when saturation sets in, and if it was not initially clear why you needed it, then don’t blame me, you will quickly return to your usual routine.

Any activity must have a clear path that leads to a specific goal. One goal may have several such channels that will require filling in the course of its achievement. And success in one thing can open up new horizons that you haven’t had the slightest idea about until now.

You can give many examples, but is it worth it? An active lifestyle does not concern only some detached concepts, such as learning the dialect of the Swedish language or slalom along mountain rivers. If you like to tinker with a lot of numbers, count and recount, add and rearrange, then sign up for a short accounting courses. And having earned your first money in this way, you will suddenly see how beneficial properly directed internal energy can be.

And if you, pardon the pun, want to lead full life throughout your life, then begin it by renouncing passivity and becoming acquainted with activity. Don't wait for Monday or the New Year - start right now, right from this minute. How? Close your browser, turn off your computer and look around - there are so many interesting and unknown things around!

We've all heard—and used them ourselves—excuses like “I'm too busy,” “I can't afford a gym membership,” “ treadmill It’s already in my liver,” “I don’t have enough strength,” but all this, in fact, translates as another version of “not today.”

“Everyone has their own reason for saying no to a workout,” says Rachel Cosgrove, author of The Female Body Breakthrough, owner of Results Fitness, and columnist for the magazine. Women Health".

“So it’s all about finding that motivation. The one that will make you start training." T

So, for the lazy person in all of us, here are simple, realistic tips that will help you transition to an active life today, not tomorrow.

It's all about the clothes

Buy clothes that you really enjoy working out in, that you are drawn to wear - they are more than capable of becoming great inspiration for you. Surely, when going into sports stores, you looked with envy at “that T-shirt”, “that jacket” or windbreaker that you simply had no reason to buy.

Buy it. And it’s likely that every time you play sports, just to be able to wear this beautiful/so comfortable/that-makes-you-look-so-good thing.

Because of not large quantity overweight, have you never been able to buy yourself some luxurious thing that you just dream about? Buy it and hang it in a prominent place - it will become a daily incentive for you to lead an active life. If the inspiration from this thing has run out of steam, buy another, but no less desirable one.

Finally, classic zip-up jeans turn out to be a great way to measure your results because they don't stretch. It happens - especially if you start playing sports - that you lose fat, and quite actively, but the kilograms do not go away because of the gained muscle mass: the scales arrow does not want to creep down. And this plunges many, and not without reason, into frustration.

Buy yourself these jeans (new! a couple of sizes smaller), or take out those old ones that you no longer fit into from the closet, and use them only for these purposes: by trying them on every 3 days, you will be able to accurately understand whether you have achieved whether there are any results or not.

Focus on the right goal

Instead of thinking about what you want to achieve - ideally - focus on how you will achieve it. Cosgrove recommends “behavioral goals” rather than “outcome goals.” When you are focused on ultimate goals, and try to achieve them not only physically, but also psychologically every day - such as, for example, losing a large number of kilograms (from 5 or more) - it is not surprising that daily results after such efforts, you are not at all inspired in comparison with the final goal.

And you end up quickly losing enthusiasm. Behavioral goals are a rigorous technique that requires serious volitional efforts and reconsidering your outlook on life. This is the desire to become a different person and in thoughts. For example, you may lose tomorrow already five kilograms, but you can get up and go for a walk or work out in the gym again.

For less strong-willed individuals, something that has more practical use in relation to motivating your loved ones: smaller but important goals for you.

“In 2 weeks, I will ensure that this shortness of breath that appears when I need to climb the stairs to just the 1st floor to have dinner with friends will go away,” “I will take a walk every evening before going to bed so that my insomnia will go away, and /or my sleep was deeper”, “After 2 weeks of active walking on the treadmill, my hips will become noticeably narrower, and this skirt will look incomparably more attractive on me”, “I will stretch my legs, walking from the metro to home, and they will stop getting numb while I’m sitting in the office”, “If I train my legs and arms, I’ll soon be able to finally climb this tree”, etc. People who are not used to playing sports have a lot of minor, smaller, but significant reasons to get off the couch.

If you have set a major goal for yourself, achieving smaller ones like these will inspire you more and more every day to continue your studies.

Those who are far from physical activity should definitely not rush out of the quarry. Not only because of the possible immediate harm to health, but also for two other reasons. Active activities if your body is not accustomed to this, they will make you lose tone very quickly: after a week or two of intense exercise, you will not even be able to open a jar, and/or, for example, by the end of the working day you will be so exhausted that you will want to stay overnight in the office. Not to mention complete absence strength to go to the gym. You will quickly become weak and it will take you a long time to regain your strength. And second: when you realize that your classes are taking more energy from you than you expected, you will instantly lose your passion, most likely within a week. So don't bite off more than you can chew.

Cosgrove suggests starting with two days a week, and only 30 minutes - don’t exhaust your body, give it a chance to get used to it: most often people don’t even understand how bad it is. physical fitness stay until they start studying.

Try to find something that will make only small changes in your life that will require minimal effort in all senses. After all, many will also have to find time for classes. And so that you don't end up resenting your workouts because they take up so much time from work, school, your favorite hobbies, or caring for your kids, find something that's practical, doable, and, above all, something you're comfortable with. you can handle it.

Now the main thing for you is to just get off the couch. If these exercises (perhaps combined with housework, walking the dog, playing with children, your hobby, favorite activity, work, or let it be the same walk from the metro to home on foot) do not cause you much trouble, then time will pass, results will appear - tone, slight weight loss, etc. - you will get used to being more active, and you can move on to something more serious.

Choose something - and this is especially important at the very beginning - that will give you only pleasure from movement. Get out an old bike, put on some rollerblades/skates you forgot from school, sign up for the pool, go play ball or wander around your favorite place.

Make a "date"

Set aside “your time” - on certain days and strictly at certain times. Just as the body gets used to going to bed at a certain time from childhood, automatically tuning in to relaxation, and starting to fall asleep at the right time, in the same way - if you strictly follow the training schedule - it will tune in to active actions, for example, from 18 to 19 every Wednesday, from 10 to 12 every Saturday.

By this time, adrenaline will appear in your blood, your heart will begin to beat faster, more oxygen will enter your blood, - your body will automatically adjust - as a result, it will become much easier for you to exercise.

If you have any fear of the future physical activity, focus on the fact that you will finish in, say, just 15 minutes. Maybe even later, during exercise, you will develop an “appetite” while “eating”, as they say. Or try to psychologically “rearrange” this class time for yourself, for example, during a “rest” from work, when you completely become yourself - let it be a date with yourself.

Use what you already have

Not ready to start going to the gym yet, or actually leaving the house to work out? There is no desire to get involved with a pumped-up trainer who will keep a short account for “such a mattress”? Or meet the skeptical glances of passers-by when, exhausted, you slowly run along the path in the morning? No problem. Exercise by leaning on furniture at home using your body weight.

Exists great amount, including strength exercises, exercises with a chair, bed, table, and even without them - and not only the notorious Soviet gymnastics.

For example, an exercise where you lean on two palms on the floor behind you, while in horizontal position, press one leg towards you, and place the other with your heel on the bed, and begin, leaning on your heel, to lift your body up. Or try forward lunges with weights in your hands. Runet will help you in your search for exercises.

Not many people believe it until they check it themselves, but even men who think they are in good shape thanks to jogging in the morning often cannot stand 30-40 minutes of regular women’s gymnastics with a cassette, say, of Cynthia Crawford. Thus, do not ignore this option.

When you gain minimal shape and the initial exercises stop exhausting you, take some comfortable things that are light in weight and attach them to your arms and legs. It would be even better to purchase (or sew) special weights in the form of “bracelets” filled with sand or something else, in sports stores. They come in different weights and will help you get in such shape that in the gym you won’t even need to start from the “0” level.

Change your environment

Find a place where you feel comfortable. Some kind of pond, a park around which/in which you will happily run in the mornings or evenings, or a place where simply no one will touch you or watch you.

Like, for example, those who run in the Botanical Garden/near the University/in Kuskovo in Moscow, or like those guys who set up a skateboard training area on the water canal in Krylatskoye. Water calms and gives you the opportunity to concentrate; the surrounding beauty invigorates and brings great pleasure.

Or hire a personal trainer. When you have a coach next to you - unless you know each other like crazy - it is very difficult to drop everything and sit back, rest and wave your hand. If you need control, give yourself control. If the coach can no longer get you to do what you need to do, get rid of the coach and change the environment completely again.

If you are constantly distracted by something at home, leave the house. If at home, on the contrary, it’s quiet, and there’s no way to work out in the gym near work, because your colleagues come there mainly to chat, go home and work out.

Choose a room, group, environment that suits you

If you don't like your environment, you won't want to come back to class. Does the view outside the gym window bother you? Don't like the atmosphere in the group you signed up for? Gets a specific trainer, or certain group people who don't know how to behave in a public gym? Inconvenient changing room in the pool? Or is it a long way to get there?

The place of study should not frighten you or irritate you, or cause any inconvenience. Try to find a gym where, for example, only people of your gender work out, or a gym near your home, or a very fun and friendly group, etc. - depending on your priorities. Because it’s very easy to stop exercising just because you need to travel a whole 40 minutes to get to your gym, or because “that bitch” creates such an unpleasant environment around you that you have absolutely no desire to return there.

Don't forget your support system

Find a friend or group of people that you want to go to every time. And this will seem to be not a sport, but a long-awaited meeting of friends. Not a need to move, but fun general fun.

At the very beginning, while you are not yet accustomed to exercising, constantly change your area of ​​activity. Snowboarding, snowball fights at home, swimming for a ball game, cycling for yoga, volleyball with friends, etc. Just don't get bored and don't let the movement turn into a routine.

Set new goals

If you finally fit into your jeans, if you can confidently call yourself normal, active person, remember why you got off the couch in the first place. "Think about why you're doing it," Cosgrove reminds. “You need that one, really good reason.”

On the day when you decide to skip the gym without a good reason (after all, sometimes you can really just give yourself a rest) or stay in bed and not go to the pool, set yourself a new goal, rethink the reason. “Remind yourself of the satisfaction you feel when you finish a class. Because you're always glad you did it," Cosgrove says. “You never regret the work you do.”

As a result, there are, in fact, only two principles: in the beginning, you should like everything and should not somehow - in any way - stress you too much!

We decided that, of course, it is necessary to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. The very awareness of this fact is already good, but, unfortunately, without practical action any good idea remains just an idea. In this article I want to talk about where to start leading a healthy lifestyle.

No matter how surprising it may be to hear, there are many people in the world who know that they need to take care of their health, they know what needs to be done for this, but they have absolutely no idea how to approach this matter. A healthy lifestyle is now a trend, you can easily see this by going to a newsstand or turning on the TV on a weekend morning. Another thing is that a trend remains a trend, but in fact, on a large scale, few people are now popularizing physical education, sports and proper nutrition.

And a person who wants to start leading a healthy lifestyle is simply lost: where to start? There are so many techniques around that promise to give you steel muscles, a firm butt or six-pack abs in five minutes a day. Crossfit, zumba, street workout, nutrition, callanetics, yoga, qigong, P90X, taibo - your eyes run wild.

Of course, the easiest way is to go and buy or download a training course or book, fortunately there is a lot of this stuff on the Internet. Work out, and if you like it, work out some more. Then quit because you're tired of it. An even simpler, but more expensive way is to go to a fitness club, pay individual sessions with the coach and do everything he says.

Unfortunately, this is also not the best way. Firstly, very often trainers in clubs start pushing you around the gym, without giving you even half of the loads that are needed to “shatter” your body. Secondly, working out for an hour in the gym, even every day, will not make you healthy if the rest of the time you sit at the computer and crack bread and cookies. I wrote about the uselessness of such hour-long exercises from a health point of view in an article, read it if you want a correct understanding to arise.

What do you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle?

In order to stay healthy, from my point of view, you need to follow five principles:

  1. Move actively
  2. Eat healthy
  3. Cleanse and strengthen your body
  4. Cultivate healthy thinking and develop willpower
  5. Strive to gain new knowledge about your health

As you can see, the above example with a coach only partially meets principle No. 1, and does not affect the other principles at all. Accordingly, you will not become healthier from such training. Girls who go on a diet in order to become slim and get sick less, but refuse training and conditioning, are just as mistaken, although, with due diligence, they can make some positive changes to their figure.

So, you have decided to take care of your health and want to start leading a healthy lifestyle. Without delving into training systems, without bothering when choosing the most best technique, you can lay a solid foundation now. With this foundation, you won't doubt what you're doing right or wrong, and you'll be able to choose what you enjoy doing and focus your efforts on that. I will not dwell on each of these points in detail, but I promise to analyze them in detail in the following articles (if I have not already discussed them in the previous ones - as the articles are published, the links will be updated!).

Active movement is the first thing you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle.

Voltaire once said a phrase that many years later became the motto of all athletes and athletes:

Movement is life!

Indeed, many philosophers, scientists and doctors since antiquity have recognized that man is created for movement, and the more he moves, the longer and happier he will live. Nowadays, when a computer with the Internet has become best friend and a human assistant, you can work, communicate and have fun without leaving the table or the sofa. Meanwhile, as discussed in detail in the last article, inactivity makes us weak and sick. The best way start leading a healthy lifestyle - start moving more. But how to do that?

  • Start doing morning exercises. A regular exercise, consisting of swinging arms and legs, jumping, bending, lasts only ten to fifteen minutes, energizes, kneads and stretches muscles that are stiff and sluggish after sleep, preparing them for the day's stress, accelerates the blood, which allows you to saturate all the organs and tissues of the body oxygen. It is very important that exercise brings joy. Open the curtains to fill the room with light, turn on your favorite music, in general, do everything to make you have fun. And it’s great if you do exercises not only in the morning, but also in the evening, just don’t do it before bed - you’ll sleep poorly.
  • Devote part of your day to exercise. These are just the aforementioned workouts in the gym, or cardio training, yoga, gymnastics, etc. Let this be the main part of your activity during the day - you should make the most of this time. The main thing is not to forget that during intense exercise you need to give your muscles a rest for a day or two. However, it all depends on your body.
  • During the day, avoid simple sedentary ways of doing something if you can do it “actively.” Instead of the elevator, take the stairs. If you go to public transport, get off at the stop earlier and walk part of the way. Go for a walk at lunchtime or in the evening. If you have a sedentary job, get up from time to time and walk around, do a few squats or push-ups where no one can see you. If you can drag something, lift it, help carry it, do it. Look for any reason to move. Don’t be surprised, but if you walk all day without bothering with anything else, you still get a big plus in terms of activity. I conducted an experiment where I described how I doubled my activity during the day without training or jogging.
  • Spend your free time actively. Find an active hobby, play sports. Rollerblade, run, swim. – hiking, playing football, badminton, table tennis. In winter - skis and skates. Don't sit at home in front of the computer or TV when there are so many opportunities to move around.
  • Go jogging. Just give yourself regular runs and marathons. There is one limitation here - if you have excess weight or you are an elderly person, then jogging should be treated with caution. Consult your doctor; you may be advised not to run, but to walk or swim.

Proper nutrition

In theory, eating healthy is not difficult. It is known that things that are not recommended to be eaten are definitely beneficial for the body. There are a number of controversial products. It would seem that you create a menu based on available data on the benefits of a particular dish, and eat to your heart’s content. The problem is that very often there is not enough willpower to force yourself to change your usual unhealthy (and for the vast majority of Russians this is exactly what it is) diet to a healthy one. However, this is a separate topic - how to force yourself to eat healthy instead of harmful.

Everything related to healthy eating, can be easily summarized in one simple rule:

You can eat natural foods, that is, things that either grew on the ground or moved on the ground.

These are fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs and so on. Currently underway various studies trying to prove or disprove the benefits of some of the above products, but in general natural food is much better fuel for your body than unnatural. Therefore, get started, and later you will figure out for yourself how useful and healthy bread, meat or milk is for you.

And, conversely, you need to minimize the consumption of artificial foods, as well as natural products containing artificial chemical additives.

These are semi-finished products, carbonated drinks, all kinds of chemical curds and yoghurts, synthetic juices, sausages and sausages, mayonnaise and other seasonings, bouillon cubes, ready-made breakfasts, “fast food”, sweet flour, just sweets, and much more.

99% of all additives are used to extend the shelf life of the product, reduce its cost and improve its taste and appearance. This is beneficial to product manufacturers who strive to get maximum profit from sales, but it is completely unprofitable for us, because the body is not adapted to this type of fuel. Try refueling your car sunflower oil instead of gasoline. Will you go far? And we regularly fill up with chemicals and live, losing shape, getting sick and dying.

Some enthusiasts natural nutrition adhere to next rule: if a product contains more than five components, then it cannot be eaten.

It is worth adding that drinking alcohol, even if not to drink, but to have fun, is also contrary to a healthy lifestyle, but you already know about it. However, this is more relevant to the next section.

Cleansing and strengthening the body

An important step for those who want to start leading a healthy lifestyle is following the rules of hygiene. Here, by hygiene I do not mean the generally accepted “wash your hands before eating”, but taking care of your body and maintaining its normal functioning. Take this as an addition to the rules motor activity and nutrition.

  • The most important and obvious thing is to give up bad habits. Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs; people even have sayings like “Yesterday I fought a battle with drunkenness, drunkenness won” or “Whoever doesn’t smoke or drink will die healthy”. Cigarettes, beer and vodka are no longer just products that destroy people and bind them to themselves, they are already part of our national culture, unfortunately. And if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, then you simply must stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum, for example, only on holidays, and even then only a little.
  • Hardening will bring great benefits to your health. Most people associate hardening with dousing cold water, swimming in an ice hole and walking barefoot in the snow. However, it is not at all necessary to immediately rush into such an extreme, besides, it will not be useful, but harmful for an unprepared body. Start by taking a morning contrast shower and then drying off with a towel. Cold and hot shower is an alternation of cold and warm water, for example, you stand under warm streams for a minute, and then for ten seconds under cold ones. The cycle is repeated several times, and subsequently the time for taking a cold shower increases. Another option is to use the method
  • Another one useful thing- This therapeutic fasting and posts. There is an opinion that Christian fasts were invented specifically to enable people to cleanse themselves of physical impurity and become purer in both body and soul. Regardless of your attitude towards religion, you can also practice fasting, and believe me, this can give your body a break and an opportunity to recover. Arrange for yourself fast days, during which you will eat the simplest food - bread and vegetables, and if your body is young and strong, then practice one-day fasting- it will not harm you and will only bring benefit.

Development of healthy thinking and strong-willed qualities

Healthy thinking, in my understanding, is an attitude towards the surrounding reality that does not harm health and excludes the emergence of destructive emotions and conditions, such as resentment, anger, pity, stress, and the like.

Starting to lead a healthy lifestyle by strengthening not only your body, but also your thinking is the right step.

Every moment of our lives we are in contact with the people around us, and this contact causes different emotions, both positive and negative. It happens that in some situation we are simply overwhelmed by negative “toxic” emotions that continue to act for several hours and even days. Any such strong emotion negatively affects our physical and spiritual state, causing us pain and undermining our health.

There are two ways to free yourself from negative emotions - cultivating positive emotions and positive attitude for peace and desire for complete failure from any emotions. The second method has its own truth, but let’s leave it for those who are looking for balance and harmony, consciously refusing the joys of the life around us. If you have just embarked on the path of an active and healthy lifestyle, then choose the first method.

Willpower is an equally important assistant in life, and everyone knows that strong-willed and persistent people always achieve greater success than weak ones and those prone to changing their minds. A strong will will allow you to stay on the path of a healthy lifestyle and find the strength to overcome all obstacles that arise.

On this site you can find many articles about how to deal with negative emotions, pump up willpower and develop healthy anti-stress thinking.

Gaining new knowledge about health

No amount of practical effort can give you tangible results, either in training, or in diet, or in any other matter, if you do not understand how your body works and how certain of its reactions are justified. Why do push-ups make muscles grow? Why is fat deposited on the waist and hips? Why does heavy weight build strength? big number Does repetition train your heart? Why is it so hard for you to climb to the fifth floor? Why does my side ache after running?

In order to find any answers to emerging questions, as well as draw up action plans yourself and choose what will be useful for you and what will not, you need a good theoretical basis. Of course, health sciences are not yet able to explain many processes and phenomena, and yet there are hundreds of thousands of books and films in the world, thanks to which you will learn a lot about your body and understand how it works. Buy and download books, videos, podcasts, attend seminars, discuss certain issues with friends, colleagues and teachers. There are many on the Internet social networks and forums where you can share your results and discuss everything related to the topic of a healthy lifestyle.

In this article, I have given basic directions on how to live a healthy lifestyle. the main objective my site is to help you with this and take you to the bright side. I would be glad if I could inspire you to have a healthy attitude towards your body and your thoughts.

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