Severe allergy to the sun. Antihistamine tablets for sun allergies. What to do in this case

Allergies to the sun have become quite common lately. Moreover, more than half of the cases of development of the clinical picture occur in people who received a dose of ultraviolet radiation in their native climatic conditions. This is due to an increase in the aggressiveness of sunlight and certain changes in the immunological status of modern humans.

Our fellow citizens, who are not very accustomed to the hot embrace of the “daylight”, often experience the so-called solar allergy.

How does sun allergy manifest on the skin?

It’s worth first understanding how sun allergy manifests itself on the skin, and how this pathology can be differentiated from other similar diseases. First of all, in redness of the skin of the face (less often the arms, legs or abdomen, or back), peeling and itching of the skin. A rash may appear in the form of blisters, turning into blisters, and swelling is possible. Often, those affected by “sun allergies” may experience a rise in temperature.

By the way, many people mistake this rash for...

Most often, such allergies occur during sudden climate changes. (Take this into account, South Beach lovers!)

Many experts believe that allergic reactions of this kind do not occur in response to sun exposure, but are the result of exposure of the skin to inappropriate creams, perfumes, deodorants or lotions, sunscreens (for sunburn) and tanning products. But still, an allergy to solar radiation is possible. It most often occurs in those who have serious liver, kidney, or systemic dysfunction. Hypovitaminosis also contributes to its appearance.

The first symptoms of solar allergy, most often manifested in the form of urticaria, usually occur within a few hours after exposure to the sun (on average, after 3-6 hours).

You should know and remember that skin sensitivity to sunlight increases the use of barbiturates (sleeping pills), tetracycline, sulfonamides and birth control pills.

Sun allergy: what to do and how to treat with pills

What to do if you have an allergy to the sun if it occurs for the first time and its symptoms clearly appear. Before treating a sun allergy, it is necessary to exclude other influencing factors. Sun allergy pills also help. These are antihistamines that relieve itching and eliminate swelling. You can buy them at your nearest pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. However, the recommended dosage should be carefully followed. If allergic urticaria or, as sun allergy is also called, photodermatitis occurs, special measures should be taken to prevent the development of complications.

Treatment of solar allergy to the sun

Treatment of sun allergy should begin with eliminating the influence of the trigger, i.e. ultraviolet rays. In the future, treatment of solar allergies can be carried out according to the algorithm given below. However, it is worth remembering that sun allergy is a good reason to consult a dermatologist.

1. On the first day, apply wet wraps to the affected areas of the skin.

2. Refrain from sunbathing for several days.

3. Drink more fluids.

4. Wear closed clothing when going outside.

5. For severe rashes, you can take half-hour baths with soda 1-2 times a day (400-500 g of soda per bath).

6. After taking a bath, you can wipe your body with almond oil and menthol, if you have it on hand, or at least with the juice of fresh tomatoes.

7. Lubricating the affected areas of the skin with aloe juice can be effective.

8. If blisters occur, it is a good idea to make compresses from chamomile.

9. Lubricating blisters with salicylic-zinc paste (Lassara paste) is very effective.

10. For local treatment, you can use decoctions and infusions of oak or juniper bark.

11. Lubricating the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer of ointment such as Advantan, Lorinden, Oxycort, Fluorocort or Flucinar can be no less effective.

12. Aspirin and indomethacin can relieve skin inflammation.

13. It is advisable to take B vitamins (especially B6 and B12), as well as vitamins C and E.

If you are predisposed to sun allergies, it is best to use creams that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays of types A and B (and it is even better to use the appropriate creams after consultation with a dermatologist).

To prevent the occurrence of urticaria, people predisposed to sun allergies are advised to take horseradish juice mixed in equal proportions with bee honey (1 teaspoon 3 times a day), or 50 ml 3 times a day of peppermint infusion (it is prepared by pouring 2 tablespoons mint leaves 300 ml boiling water and infuse for 1 hour).

You can also drink hop infusion. Method for preparing it: infuse, like tea, 1 tablespoon of hops per 1 glass of boiling water. Take a third of a glass 3 times a day.

In addition, it is advisable that an allergy sufferer’s diet always include fresh cabbage and parsley - a storehouse of vitamins C and PP, which reduce the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

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Summer is a great time of year. Most of us go on vacation to the warm sea. Others prefer to relax in the country, far from the polluted and noisy city. But there are those for whom bright sun is contraindicated. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to relax in its rays. The number of those who suffer from such a disease as photodermatitis is growing. This disease is popularly called sun allergy.

This disease can manifest itself if you are under the scorching rays for just a few seconds, or it can appear on the second or third day. This reaction of the body occurs in 20% of the population of our planet.

Can you be allergic to the sun?

Modern medicine classifies all manifestations of increased sensitivity of the body to sunlight as such a disease. But recent studies have shown that these problems are not associated with a person’s exposure to the scorching rays of the sun. This is just one of the factors that provokes such a specific allergy. Most often, this problem is associated with malfunctions of internal organs.

Symptoms of sun allergy

The most important signs of this disease are changes in the appearance of the skin. Its symptoms are:

  • Itching, pain and swelling
  • Severe redness of the skin
  • The appearance of microcracks with bleeding
  • Skin peeling, scale formation
  • Hives
  • The appearance of blisters
With this problem, symptoms appear only on exposed areas of the skin.

Moreover, signs of an allergy to the sun can appear instantly or after 2-3 days. When allergens enter the bloodstream, the following may occur:

  • temperature increase
  • dizziness

In rare situations, when blood pressure decreases due to allergen entering the bloodstream, fainting may occur.

Why does sun allergy occur?

  • As mentioned above, ultraviolet radiation itself does not cause allergies. Most likely, it is a catalyst for problems associated with disruption of the internal organs and protective systems of the body.
  • Allergens cannot be exposed to sunlight. But, they can trigger negative processes in the body that will create the problem described in this article
  • Against the background of sunlight, “protection” from chlorinated water, taking certain medications, and eating foods containing allergens may turn on. For example, grapefruits or tangerines. Under normal conditions, eating them does not cause such reactions, but when exposed to sunlight they can develop.

A large dose of ultraviolet radiation that falls on a person susceptible to such a problem forces the body to work for wear and tear. Its defense mechanisms must activate the production of melanin. Which manifests itself in the load on the kidneys and liver.

Some cosmetics, especially creams and lipsticks, may contain substances that are destroyed when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The breakdown products of such products can negatively affect the functioning of the body and cause the development of photodermatosis.

Types of sun allergies

In medical practice, it is customary to divide the body’s reaction to the sun into three categories:

  • Phototraumatic reaction. This reaction can occur in anyone, even the healthiest person. As a rule, it manifests itself as redness and a slight burning sensation on the skin of the face, décolleté and other areas that have received too much ultraviolet radiation.
  • Phototoxic reaction. This type of reaction occurs in people with sensitive skin after taking certain medications and cosmetics.
  • Photoallergic reaction. This type of reaction is most pronounced. Blisters, rashes, and redness may appear on the skin immediately after sunbathing.

What does sun allergy look like in children?

This type of allergy in a child is difficult to miss.
  • Even after a short exposure to the sun, a rash may appear on the skin, which is also very itchy. If your child has very sensitive skin, blisters may even appear.
  • Symptoms of photodermatosis in children are similar to allergic reactions of the body to certain foods. But, unlike them, they appear only on open areas of the skin. The skin most often affected is the face
  • If your child has very sensitive skin, it may react even when using sunscreen. The fact is that such products contain para-aminobenzoic acid, which under the influence of ultraviolet radiation becomes a strong allergen. And it is children who suffer the most from it.
  • If a child develops such an illness, it is necessary to reduce his stay on the street during intense hours to a minimum. And of course, get professional advice from an allergist
  • If blisters have already appeared on the child’s skin, he should immediately be moved to the shade, rinsed with cool water and given an antihistamine. Tea with lemon helps to minimize the consequences of such reactions in the body.

The affected areas of the skin must be treated with such preparations as: “Panthenol”, “Fenestil” (ointment), etc.

Allergy to spring sun

The spring sun can cause the problem described.
  • If the symptoms of this disease pass quickly, then there is no need to worry about it. The body is reconstructed after winter, and over time it will “get used” to ultraviolet radiation
  • An allergy to the spring sun may appear after the first sunbathing. Exposed areas of the body are especially affected. Such as: face, ears, back of the neck, décolleté, arms and hands
  • Most often, such manifestations of the body’s protective reactions result in ordinary urticaria. Typically, this form of photodermatosis disappears within 10-15 days after its onset. During this time, the body has time to adapt and get used to it. And even the even more intense summer sun is no longer a problem for him
  • But, if every year the spring allergy to the sun becomes more intense, then you need to pay attention to your health. If this is not done, over the years this form of allergy can become more serious.

How to treat sun allergies?

  • After which, you should definitely consult a doctor. Since this problem is purely individual, there are no universal means of overcoming it.
  • The doctor should order blood tests and skin tests. To reduce the manifestation of such reactions, it is necessary to take antihistamines. Modern means are very effective
  • Especially in the initial stages. But they have side effects: drowsiness, nausea, tachycardia, headache

Sun allergy pills

"Suprastin". It is one of the most effective remedies for allergies. Including photodermatosis. This drug is able to relieve the manifestations of such a problem 1-2 hours after taking it. But, Suprastin should not be taken during the second trimester of pregnancy.

"Diprazy". Quite a strong drug that helps well with allergies. But it has some side effects, due to which it is contraindicated for pregnant women and children.

"Clemastine". A drug that is used for dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema and other allergic reactions. It should not be taken by children and people who suffer from intolerance to the active substances that it contains.

"Diazolin". Effective for skin itching, eczema, urticaria and dermatitis. Side effects include gastrointestinal upset, drowsiness, dizziness and fatigue.

"Cyproheptadine". This drug is prescribed for itching, swelling of the skin and urticaria. It should not be taken for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, children, pregnant or lactating women.

"Kestin". A drug whose purpose is to block histamines in the body. It has a long-lasting effect, but can cause insomnia.

"Clarisens". A drug that is indicated for urticaria and Quincke's edema. It has virtually no effect on the nervous system and is not addictive.

"Lomilan". A remedy to combat itchy skin. Able to relieve swelling of the skin. The effect occurs 30 minutes after taking it.

Third generation antihistamines have the best effect

They have fewer side effects and do not affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems. They can be used in the treatment of children and pregnant women.

Sun allergy ointment

Ointments and creams that relieve the consequences of such allergies, as well as protect against this disease, have also proven themselves well. Such drugs are divided into two groups: hormonal and non-hormonal drugs. In addition, such ointments can have a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

The safest of them are non-hormonal ointments

They can protect themselves even during pregnancy. But the effect of their use may appear only after some time. But, they can be used even for the most sensitive skin.

"Solcoseryl". Gel based on natural ingredients. Excellent healing of problem areas on the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Can be used to treat burns.

"Radevit". An ointment that contains vitamins E, D and B. It copes well with itching caused by the negative effects of sunlight.

"Actovegin". Available in the form of gel and ointment. It fights well against rashes on the face. Perfectly heals wounds on the skin and prevents the formation of scars.

"Fenistil-gel". The menthol included in this preparation cools the skin and relieves burning. It is also used to relieve the problems described above. Has an anesthetic effect.

If the above drugs are ineffective, hormonal ointments may be prescribed

They must be used in a predetermined dosage. If it is exceeded, an undesirable reaction may occur. The result can be seen immediately after use.

Such drugs include:

  • "Hydrocortisone"
  • "Ftorokort"
  • "Cinacort"
  • "Apulein"
  • "Dermovate"

Anti-inflammatory creams have shown themselves to work well in the fight against sun allergies. They contain nimesil, paracetamol and ibuprofen. These substances can quickly eliminate itching and other skin problems. Such drugs include:

  • "Triderm"
  • "Advantan"
  • "Akriderm"

To relieve symptoms of photodermatitis such as dryness and flaking of the skin, you need to use moisturizers. They are made from fat and plant components. With the help of such creams you can get rid of inflammation and swelling.

Creams and ointments will only be effective if they are used in conjunction with antihistamines. If toxins remain in the body, the effect of ointments will not bring the desired result.

Folk remedies

The remedies that we “got” from our grandmothers are also very effective in treating the described illness.
  • But, before using them, in any case, you need to consult a specialist. As mentioned above, the cause of this type of allergy can be some medications, as well as cosmetics.
  • An ordinary cabbage leaf “saves” very well from the negative manifestations of ultraviolet radiation. It needs to be applied to the inflamed area and after a while the problem will disappear. Instead of cabbage, you can use raw potatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables for the same purpose.
  • To restore a sun-damaged area, you can use an infusion of geranium leaves. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of geranium into 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. After that, lotions are made based on the resulting product.
  • Also, lotions to eliminate the symptoms of photodermatitis can be made using horse chestnut pulp or grated carrots. These remedies treat itchy skin and urticaria.
  • Another effective remedy for itching is a bath of string. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over the dry string (2 tablespoons) and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then the broth should be poured into a warm bath. Twenty minutes of such a bath daily will help cope with the problem and improve skin condition.

External remedies will be good only if there are no toxins left in the body

Diuretics are indicated for this. For example, celery juice, string tea and decoctions of St. John's wort and aspen buds.

Can sun allergies be cured?

In order to cure this disease, it is necessary first of all to find out the nature of the allergen. The sun is only a catalyst for problems. Most treatments help control symptoms. Until the allergen is found, you need to protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. To do this you need:

  • use protective sunscreens and lotions
  • drink more water
  • have antihistamines on hand

In order to cure photodermatitis, it is necessary to undergo examination in a specialized clinic under the guidance of an experienced allergist.

Oksana. I am allergic to the first spring sun. By summer everything goes away. In the spring I wear long sleeves. If you can’t protect yourself, then I use lotions from the series and suprastin. It helps a lot.

Kira. My mother was cured of such an allergy at a homeopathic center. For the last four years she has forgotten about this problem.

Video. How to enjoy the warmth?

Most people look forward to the summer season, during which they can soak up the sun and get a beautiful tan. By taking sunbathing, they activate the body's processes of producing vitamin D. But, despite the great benefits, ultraviolet radiation can cause great harm to people, as it can provoke the development of malignant neoplasms, burns and allergic reactions.

Can people be allergic to the sun?

People may experience the first signs of sun allergy in late April early May. They should understand that the sun's rays themselves cannot act as an allergen, since they only affect the surface of the skin. An allergic reaction in people occurs due to the production of certain substances in the cells of the epidermis. This process triggers ultraviolet radiation upon contact with the skin. Modern medicine gives the following definition to this condition of people - a phototoxic reaction or photodermatosis.


Most often, this problem is encountered by people who have the first skin phototype. Many experts are of the same opinion that the main cause of an allergic reaction to sunlight is the following agents:

  • photoreactive;
  • photosensitizers.

In the human body, phototoxic reactions can be triggered by the following factors:

  • use of poor quality hygiene products;
  • the use of cosmetics that contain too high a percentage of chemicals;
  • consumption of various additives, as well as foods with dyes and preservatives;
  • contact with household chemicals;
  • tattooing on the skin;
  • taking certain medications;
  • Gunther's disease;
  • pathology called pellagra, etc.

People who are prone to sun allergies should be aware that this pathological condition can lead to the development of diseases of the adrenal glands, liver and kidneys.

Development of a pathological reaction

When an allergic reaction to ultraviolet radiation emanating from the sun develops, people begin the process of skin pigmentation, which can have varying degrees of intensity.

Modern medicine knows the following types of pathological reactions to sunlight:

  1. Sunburn, when it occurs, inflammatory processes on the skin can develop. In recent years, cases of melanoma developing against this background have become more frequent.
  2. With systematic exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, patients may develop a pathology such as geroderma. It is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of allergies.
  3. Patients who come into contact with phototoxic vegetation may develop meadow photodermatitis.
  4. When exposed to sunlight, patients may develop pathologies such as pruritus or eczema.
  5. An allergic reaction to sunlight can be a consequence of dermatosis, for example polymorphic, in which characteristic rashes appear on the skin.


People who notice pathological changes on their skin after exposure to sunlight may suspect the development of an allergic reaction.

They should pay attention to the symptoms accompanying this condition, which can be local or general:

  1. Redness may appear in some areas of the skin even after short-term contact with ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Patients may experience a burning sensation or severe itching on the epidermis.
  3. Some patients experience swelling.
  4. In most cases, when an allergic reaction develops, various rashes appear on the skin, for example, blisters filled with clear liquid or a rash.
  5. Most people prone to pathological reactions develop a fever as toxic substances enter their bloodstream.
  6. Some patients may lose consciousness as their blood pressure drops rapidly.
  7. In almost all cases, nausea, dizziness, and general weakness are observed.
  8. A severe headache may develop, which can be comparable in intensity to a migraine.

The following categories of citizens are at risk of encountering this pathology:

  1. Women who are pregnant.
  2. People whose hair is light colored.
  3. Children of younger age groups.
  4. People who have recently had a tattoo or specific cosmetic procedures, such as peeling, which used chemical components.
  5. Women and men who visit solariums.
  6. People who are born with pale skin.

If a person notices any allergic manifestations on his skin after exposure to the sun, he needs to contact a medical institution for consultation. The dermatologist, after the diagnostic measures have been carried out, will explain what to do in this situation and how to cope with the problem with medication.

How to treat sun allergies?

Treatment of sun allergy begins only after diagnosis and differentiation of the pathology from other skin diseases that have identical symptoms. Dermatologists individually develop a treatment regimen for each patient, which in most cases includes a wide range of actions:

  1. First of all, specialists make every effort to stop the reaction accompanying allergic pathology.
  2. Patients are given recommendations on how to treat this disease. Medicines are prescribed for both oral and external use.
  3. In the presence of severe allergies, patients may be prescribed injections of various medications.
  4. Preventive measures are being taken.

Local hormone therapy

When conducting complex therapy for a patient’s sun allergy, specialists usually prescribe medications that contain a component such as cortisol or its analogues. Such medicines have maximum effectiveness and allow you to achieve excellent results.

People experiencing sun allergies are prescribed the following medications:

  1. Weak ointments such as hydrocortisone or prednisolone.
  2. Medicines with average therapeutic activity. For example, Prednicarbate, Locarotene, Zinocort, Lorinden, etc.
  3. Medicines, after using which you can notice the results very quickly. For example, patients are prescribed Polcortolone, Fluorcinoid, Flucort, Apulein, etc.
  4. The most effective medications. For example, Galcinonide, Chalciderm, Dermovate.

Antihistamine group

For external treatment of lesions, dermatologists recommend that patients use antihistamine ointments. The components present in them make it possible to quickly eliminate the symptoms characteristic of allergic pathologies. The use of such medications will allow patients to achieve the following results:

  1. Reduce the intensity of itching.
  2. Eliminate irritation on the skin.
  3. They moisturize the epidermis, so it does not oversaturate and does not crack.
  4. Accelerate regeneration processes.

Group of anti-inflammatory and wound-healing drugs

After the patient has relieved the pronounced symptoms accompanying sun allergy, the dermatologist will prescribe medications that will eliminate inflammation and speed up the process of restoration of the epidermis:

  1. Bepantent contains panthenol. Helps in the process of healing and restoration of the skin.
  2. An ointment called Diclofenac, which belongs to the category of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications. Helps eliminate skin manifestations of allergic pathology.
  3. An ointment containing ibuprofen. For example, Nurofen, which helps eliminate skin manifestations of such pathologies as photodermatitis.

Sun allergy pills

If a dermatologist considers it advisable to introduce oral medications into the treatment regimen for sun allergies, he will prescribe the following drugs to the patient:

  1. Diazolin tablets.
  2. Diphenhydramine tablets.
  3. Suprastin tablets, etc.

When choosing a medication, the specialist focuses primarily on the ability to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect with its help. Its ability to eliminate external manifestations of allergies is also taken into account.

Preventive actions

For patients who want to prevent pathological reactions in the future, experts recommend the following prophylaxis:

  1. Time spent in direct sunlight should be minimized.
  2. Before visiting the beach, it is prohibited to apply cosmetics to the skin, except for special compounds that protect against ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Dermatologists do not recommend that their patients use cosmetics that contain fragrances. This is due to the fact that pigment spots may appear on their skin.
  4. Patients should constantly ensure that their skin does not dry out.
  5. If a person needs to be exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time, then he should choose suitable clothing. It should have long sleeves and cover the epidermis as much as possible.

Summer is the time for vacations and exposure to the hot sun. Many people go to the seas or to exotic countries to relax and gain strength. However, the holiday can be upset by the manifestation of an allergy to the sun, when its main symptoms are a rash and redness of the skin. What are the causes of this phenomenon and methods of treatment?

Signs of a sun allergy may not appear immediately. For some allergy sufferers, redness of the skin and rash appear after a few minutes, for others it takes several hours. There are cases of allergies appearing after a few days. This is called a phototoxic reaction or photodermatosis.

This type of allergy is a response to prolonged exposure to sunlight or the combination of sunlight with taking medications, applying creams, deodorants, plant pollen, or chlorinated pool water.

Allergy to the sun occurs in 20% of people on Earth. Can develop at a young age. There are cases of this allergy disappearing after years of growing up. The main symptoms of sun allergy are:

  • Peeling of the skin.
  • Skin irritation anywhere on the body.
  • Red rash.
  • Islands of pustular rashes.
  • Edema.
  • Burning.
  • Redness of the skin.

Causes of sun allergies

The site’s specialists identify many causes of sun allergy. Often people themselves are the provocateurs of its development. Having a fanatical desire to stay in the sun as long as possible, they do not miss a single ray. However, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation triggers the body's defense mechanisms to produce melanin. In this case, the function of the kidneys and adrenal glands is impaired.

At the same time, it is also unsafe to refuse sunbathing. This is due to the fact that vitamin D deficiency leads to a number of disorders:

  1. Loss of vision.
  2. Loss of appetite and, accordingly, weight.
  3. Development of deep depression.
  4. Provoking arthritis, rickets, osteoporosis.

Often, an allergy to the sun does not appear due to exposure to sunlight, but due to associated factors that make the body weaker. These factors are:

  • Persons with impaired functioning of the adrenal glands, liver and kidneys.
  • Milky white skin color.
  • The presence of a large number of freckles and birthmarks on the skin.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs: fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, sulfonamides, quinidine, amiodarone, griseofulvin, etc.

People often use various creams in the summer. Particularly popular are sunscreens, which are supposed to help protect against the harmful effects of sunlight and promote a beautiful tan. However, it is the creams and perfumes used that can cause an allergic reaction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. If skin products contain such substances, it is better to avoid sun exposure:

  1. Fatty acid.
  2. Salicylic and boric acid.
  3. Retinoids.
  4. Para-aminobenzoic acid.
  5. Essential oils of natural origin.
  6. Mercury drugs.

To avoid triggering an allergic reaction to the sun, you should also avoid the following:

From food:

  • All types (possibility of allergies).

From medications:

  • Diuretics.
  • Aspirin.
  • Tranquilizers.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Oral contraceptives.
  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Antibiotics.

There are also diseases that are accompanied by the manifestation of a phototoxic reaction:

  1. Pellagra is a low intake or poor absorption of nicotinic acid, which causes the skin to become sensitive and rough.
  2. Gunther's disease (erythropoietic porphyria) is the image of a “vampire”. People with this disease have open wounds and cracks in the skin, thick eyelashes and eyebrows, pale skin, tooth enamel and pink urine.

Symptoms of sun allergy

Symptoms of sun allergy vary depending on the causes of their occurrence, the age of the person, and related factors. Among them are the following symptoms:

  • Redness, blistering areas of the skin, itching, rash.
  • Sometimes the manifestation of scales, crusts, bleeding.
  • Manifestation of urticaria, blisters, eczema on the skin.
  • The appearance of rough, small irregularities on the skin of the hands, face, legs, breasts, which itch, hurt, and merge into swollen, reddened lesions.
  • Burn blisters.

Often symptoms appear 1-1.5 hours after exposure to the sun. However, sometimes symptoms can appear after 15-20 hours or even several days.

Associated signs of sun allergy include:

  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Bronchospasm (attack of suffocation).
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Persistent unbearable itching of the skin.

Damage to the skin can occur not only in areas exposed to sunlight, but even in areas where the skin was covered.

Doctors talk about the state of immunity, which regulates the appearance of sun allergies. Thus, healthy and strong people do not show such symptoms. However, people at risk include:

  • Infants.
  • Children after recovery from illness.
  • Elderly persons.
  • Patients with chronic diseases.

Treatment of sun allergies

The main treatment for sun allergies is to determine the cause. If the cause is the sun's rays, then you should protect yourself from their exposure. If the causes are medications, creams and other factors, then it is necessary to address them. Getting rid of the cause of sun allergy promotes recovery.

However, you should take medications that will help eliminate the symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  • Antihistamines that relieve allergy symptoms. Zodak, Claritin, Cetrin, Suprastin, Tavegil are effective. They can be taken for a long time, do not cause addiction, drowsiness and do not affect the nervous system.
  • Creams and ointments based on corticosteroids, methyluracil, zinc and lanolin against sun allergies are prescribed by a doctor for a short period of time. This is done because addiction occurs, pathological processes appear on the skin (erythema, acne, vasodilation), and the skin also atrophies.
  • Cleanses the body, allowing you to quickly remove toxins. Activated carbon, Enterosgel and Polyphepan are used for this. You can also drink more than 2.5 liters of water per day.
  • Taking vitamins. If the cause of an allergy to the sun is a low protective reaction of the body, then vitamins B, E and C and antioxidants are prescribed. Also included here is nicotinic acid, which reduces the negative effects of sunlight.

First aid for sun allergies

An allergy to the sun requires first aid. Emergency assistance should be called, especially if the person is losing consciousness or is close to it, by doing the following:

  1. Give plenty of water to replenish fluids.
  2. Cover the skin with a cloth, but it should not be too tight so as not to cause additional irritation.
  3. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, the body should be cooled. This can be done by taking antipyretics: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, etc. You can also apply cold compresses to the area of ​​the lower leg, forehead and groin.
  4. If vomiting occurs against the background of a high temperature, the patient should be turned on his side.

First aid will not relieve a person of allergic symptoms, but will reduce their level until doctors arrive.

Traditional treatment for sun allergies

If it is not possible to see a doctor or you urgently need to reduce the severity of symptoms, you can resort to alternative treatment for sun allergies. Here are the recommendations:

  • To soften and relieve inflammation from the skin, apply cucumber, potato or cabbage juice.
  • Apply cold compresses from celandine or calendula tincture.
  • Make a herbal bath from chamomile flowers, medicinal valerian root, St. John's wort, tripartite herb, greater celandine and medicinal sage.
  • Take the following infusions internally:
  1. Infusion of cocklebur.
  2. Nettle infusion is dull.
  3. Infusion of calamus rhizomes.
  4. The juice of celery root is aromatic.

Folk remedies help soothe allergy symptoms. If they do not go away completely, then it is better to consult a doctor for treatment.

Preventing sun allergies

A common cause of sun allergies is failure to comply with preventive measures. People try to spend as much time in the sun as possible without first preparing their body.

You should start with short sunbathing, preferably during a period when the sun is still warm. During this period, the sun's rays are not aggressive, so prolonged exposure to the sun will not be harmful.

During the hot period, you should stay in the sun for 15 to 20 minutes, and then hide in the shade. It should be remembered that the rays are reflected from water and sand. It is necessary to cover your shoulders from the sun, as they burn the fastest. You should wear a hat on your head to avoid sunstroke.

Before going out in the sun, you should avoid taking medications, applying deodorants, aromatic oils, and perfumes. You can only use special creams with sunscreen effect.

If a person is allergic to the sun, then he should cover all parts of his body with light natural fabric as much as possible. This will help you be outdoors, but avoid exposing your skin to sunlight.


It is quite sad news for a person that he should be careful with sunbathing and stay in the sun for a short time. The summer period pleases with its sun and active recreation, but here precautions are necessary. However, if you take into account all the recommendations, your vacation will not be ruined, and the prognosis for eliminating allergies will be favorable.

If you get used to certain actions, it will soon be easier to cope with all the prohibitions. In rare cases, a person is forced to avoid sunny days. Often it is just a matter of covering the skin from direct exposure to the sun. And even those with allergies can go outside and sunbathe in the shade.

It is best to consult a doctor who will prescribe medications as first aid for allergies. This will help prevent negative impacts and not disturb your health, so that the question of life expectancy does not arise.

Sunlight is an integral phenomenon in the life of every living creature.

On the one hand, the sun has a huge positive effect on the body: it activates metabolic processes, stimulates the production of vitamin D, and improves mood.

But, on the other hand, it promotes rapid aging of the skin, increases pigmentation, increases the risk of developing cancerous tumors, instantly aggravates allergic reactions and is a great provocateur of the immune system (the immune system begins to react “wrongly” to harmless things).

Types of sun allergies

Ultraviolet rays with a certain wavelength excite immune cells (basophils), which are located deep in the skin. As a result, basophils explode under the influence of UV radiation.

This process activates the release of enzymes such as serotonin and others; they are elements of inflammatory compounds that are released into the thickness of the skin and cause an allergic reaction.

There are the following types of body reactions to sunlight:

  1. Phototraumatic– This is when a person gets sunburn on their skin. The reaction can occur both in people suffering from allergies and in completely healthy people. UV rays affect people differently at different times:
    • in the first 15-20 minutes, warming and antidepressant effects occur, as well as the production of vitamin D;
    • After 2 hours of exposure to the sun, sunburn, pigmentation, and decreased immunity may develop.
  2. Phototoxic- This is when burns or severe redness appear on the skin caused by the action of certain medications or cosmetics, as well as certain foods. Medicine calls such substances photosensitizers. More often, women and children suffer from this type of reaction to solar radiation, as they constantly use cosmetics.
  3. Photoallergic- This is a specific reaction of the body to UV radiation. Immune cells go on the attack and the body begins to release substances that cause inflammation and swelling. Because of such a reaction, you can die if timely help is not provided. Such a response from the body can occur both in the first minutes of exposure to the sun and over several days.

Photos of types of reactions:



Severe photosensitivity after taking medications

Symptoms of the reaction

Each of these reactions appears on open areas of the body:

  • on the face;
  • on shoulders;
  • on hands;
  • on foot;
  • on the skin of the body.

In children, rashes can be noticed in the first minutes or hours of sunbathing. Sometimes the consequences of sun exposure in a child look like.

Photos of sunburn in children:

Minor negative symptoms often begin with the appearance of the first spring sun, and their intensity especially increases in the summer. By the end of the summer season, the brightness of the negative signs subsides.

In adults, it all starts with the appearance of blisters, elevations on the skin, and roughness. This rash is itchy and itchy, and there is a feeling of heat in the affected areas.

Redness may spread beyond the “sick” areas and may take on a swollen appearance. When neglected, red spots turn into weeping wounds and cracks. Exposure to the sun also affects the general condition of a person. There may be increased body temperature, chills, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, and decreased blood pressure as a result of fainting.

Causes of pathology

Sun allergies can occur in any place where sunlight is present:

  • in the city;
  • In the woods;
  • on vacation in hot countries;
  • after sunbathing in a solarium, etc.

List of reasons contributing to the appearance of photodermatoses:

People with fair skin and hair, children under 3 years of age, and pregnant women are especially susceptible to the negative effects of the sun.

Changes that occur on the skin under the influence of the sun during childhood are irreversible. They accumulate and appear already in adulthood. If a child has received a sunburn (age under 3 years is considered the most dangerous), then the possibility of consequences from UV radiation increases significantly.

Video from Dr. Malysheva:

List of photosensitizers

Photosensitizers are substances of various origins that cause increased sensitivity of the skin to solar radiation. Often they are the ones who provoke negative conditions in the dermis.

Therefore, if you belong to a risk group or are planning a vacation in the midst of summer days, then you should exclude the list of the following products and medications from use:

  • alcoholic drinks, especially red wine;
  • tomatoes, carrots, sour apples, citrus fruits, figs, pomegranate, parsley, celery;
  • freshly squeezed juices from these products;
  • cosmetics containing oils of musk, bergamot, lime;
  • cream or medications containing St. John's wort;
  • antibiotics of the tetracycline group (Doxal, Doxycillin, Unidox, Tetracycline, Rondomycin, etc.);
  • corticosteroid hormonal drugs (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Sinaflan, Dermovate, etc.);
  • drugs that slow down cell division (Flutamide, Methotrexate, Azotriopine, etc.);
  • means for lowering blood sugar (Diabeton, Siofor, Novonorm, etc.);
  • antidepressants, antipsychotics (Bifol, Azafen, Aminosyl, Truxal, etc.);
  • oral contraceptives with a high content of estrogen (Tri-regol, Ovidon, etc.);
  • aspirin;
  • cardio medications (Cardiomagnyl, Magnicor, etc.);
  • retinol cream;
  • vitamins B6 and B2;
  • diuretics (Furasemide, Pamid, Indap);
  • antifungal agents (Griseofulvin, Lamisil, Tsidokan, etc.);
  • fluoroquinolones (Ofloxocin, Ciprofloxocin, etc.).

In order to protect yourself and your loved ones, carefully study the instructions for medications and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Treatment methods

Like any disease, photodermatosis has certain treatment tactics. The course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, especially if it concerns children.

How to get rid of an allergic reaction?

First of all, you need to eliminate the factor causing the allergy. During moments of intense solar radiation, wear clothes that cover all possible areas of the body, and hats with wide brims (this will add zest to a woman’s look).

Try to spend more time in the shade, although there is also UV radiation there, but in a less intense form. When the first symptoms appear, you should take a cool shower or wet the affected areas with a damp, cool towel. Do not use detergents at this time, as this may worsen the problem.


You should take desensitizing tablets internally:

  • and etc.

When choosing them, you should focus on the age of the victim and carefully study the instructions in order to correctly calculate the dosage. Drugs in the form of drops begin to act faster. Third-generation drugs are the best way to safely relieve allergy symptoms, since they do not affect the nervous system and are not sedative.

For local treatment you can use gels or creams:

  • ointment;
  • Dermodrin ointment, etc.

These remedies will help quickly relieve itching.

For quick results, some doctors prescribe. Hormonal medications can solve the problem within a day. Local use of hormones is safe, since absorption of the drug occurs to a minimum.

Such drugs include:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Sinaflan;
  • and etc.

For healing and To eliminate redness, you should use dexpanthenol-based creams:

  • D-panthenol;
  • Dexpanthenol.

To treat burns, it is better to use:

  • Panthenol spray;
  • Solcoseryl gel or ointment;
  • Psilo-balm cream.

It is also worth cleansing the body from the inside of toxins and allergens.

For this purpose, sorbents are used:

  • Smecta;
  • White coal, etc.

During this period, it is necessary to drink more clean water.

In this situation, you can use vitamins A, E, nicotinic acid, calcium. It is also worth adhering to, excluding alcohol and products containing photosensitizers.

Folk remedies

To improve the results of traditional therapy, you should use recipes. In such cases, she recommends ingesting Chinese brown algae - spirulina. It increases the body's protective properties and normalizes metabolism.

The vitamins and microelements contained in it improve the condition of the skin, eliminate inflammatory processes, and improve immunity. It is recommended to take 2 capsules three times a day.

There are contraindications:

  • thrombosis;
  • heart attack or stroke;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • internal bleeding.

For local use, lotions with a decoction are excellent. For a glass of boiling water you need to take 2 tablespoons of string grass. Infuse the broth until cold and strain. Soak a sterile bandage in the broth and apply to painful areas for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. This will relieve inflammation and itching and speed up healing.

The use of folk remedies cannot be a complete alternative to traditional medical remedies. This is just a good addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Measures to prevent photodermatosis:

  1. Start sunbathing in doses; the more gradually the skin gets used to sunlight, the lower the risk of negative reactions. It is worth starting to introduce kids to the sun with 5-10 minutes of exposure to the sun.
  2. Avoid exposure to air in the summer from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. During this period of time, UV radiation is the most aggressive.
  3. Protect your skin with clothing as much as possible and wear hats. This is especially true for young children. Their skin is super sensitive and delicate.
  4. Apply photoprotective cream to exposed areas of the dermis. For the best protective effect, they should be applied 30 minutes before going outside and repeated every 2 hours. This protection should also be used on a cloudy day, since UV rays can be reflected and scattered. Choose a cream with a protection factor of SPF 50+ (this number shows the degree of protection; the higher it is, the more protected the skin is). For people prone to allergies and children, it is better to choose a product based on mineral filters. They are considered the safest sunscreen bases.
  5. Avoid visits - this is an aggressive factor on the skin, which can cause irreversible consequences.
  6. Read the instructions for the medications you use very carefully. The presence of components in them that increase skin sensitivity can lead to allergic rashes. Any unclear points should be discussed with your doctor.
  7. Before a planned vacation, do an audit of the food in your home in advance. Avoid foods that contain photosensitizers for a while.

Protection depending on skin color type

You should always remember that the damage caused by the sun is cumulative, so you should always approach each new vacation wisely. This will help maintain health and protect against disastrous consequences in the future.