How to get rid of self-evil? What to do if you jinxed, how to get rid of the negative impact

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 33 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

If you jinxed yourself

If you jinxed yourself

From a letter:

“Since childhood, I have been hard on the arm and on the word. I can jinx not only people and my own son, but also myself. For example, I bought a new dress and I see that I am beautiful in it, it suits my face, and as soon as I think about it, a boil or a pimple immediately appears on my face. I praise myself for a good memory - and I can’t remember where I put everything. Always like this. Could you teach me how to correct myself if I jinxed myself?

If a person is glaring and has jinxed himself, then he should take water, throw three pinches of salt into it, wash his face and at the same time say:

Looked at herself

She scolded herself

I will help myself

I will salt my eye-catching words.

The evil eye will not be on my forehead,

Do not suffer from my words and thoughts.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen.


From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

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If you jinxed it a lot Pour water into a bucket, put it on the bed and, kneeling by the bed, look into the water and say: Dryness stands in an open field, Maet itself. I would not toil like that, not to lose weight, Do not freeze in the heat, do not sweat in the cold. Did she ordain herself

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If you jinxed yourself From a letter: “Since childhood, I have been hard on the hand and on the word. I can jinx not only people and my own son, but also myself. For example, I bought a new dress and I see that I am beautiful in it, it suits my face, and as soon as I think about it, it immediately appears on

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Chapter 28 Be a joke to yourself First question: Osho, Please explain what is the difference between a sannyasin and someone who is not a sannyasin, but nevertheless lives in deep adherence to the truth. Do you know what truth is? Otherwise, how can there be commitment to it?

It turns out that you can suffer from the evil eye not only because of the fact that some envious person “looking askance” at another.
You can jinx yourself yourself.

Even those who do not believe in the evil eye and the unkind action of otherworldly forces, when they talk about something good in relation to themselves, can furtively spit over their left shoulder three times or, as if jokingly, knock on wood. And they do it right. This was invented by our ancestors, and works well against the destructive energy of others. There are other measures that help in this case to make sure.

What is self-eye?

Of course, already in ancient times, our ancestors knew about the self-evil eye. There are even proverbs that prove this, for example, that you don’t need to share the skin of an unkilled bear or say “hop” until you jump over :).
Most often, jinxing themselves can be those who generally have such a negative gift in relation to other people. But even those who do not have such abilities can destroy their biofield. After all, the evil eye is nothing more than its “breakage”.

Our thoughts and feelings are types of energy that can be directed both to other people and to ourselves. Black, negative thoughts do not just move in space and time, they are able to deliver a truly tangible blow.
It is he who damages the energy body - the shell, which is the biofield, or aura. Every person has a biological field. A gap, or rather a hole that is formed due to such a negative attack, is the evil eye.

Their abilities allow psychics to feel a hole in the biofield with the help of their palms. They thus feel that in some place the elastic surface of the field is damaged: they feel heat there.

Why? Because the energy of a person's life flows into the resulting damage. It is no coincidence that the one who was jinxed (including if the person arranged such a negative for himself) eventually feels very bad physically. Simply put, he begins to suffer from physical ailments. But before the shell can be pierced with the evil eye, it must be thoroughly weakened. Our energy drains through self-doubt, doubt, disappointment, anger, hatred and other negative feelings.

How can a person interfere with himself in the realization of his plan?

Thinking badly about yourself is unacceptable! Because it's easier than ever to harm your biological field precisely with negative thoughts that a person directs at himself. We will not, in fact, cut ourselves with a knife or scald ourselves with boiling water (in our right mind, of course). But, unfortunately, people think little about the fact that they do the same with the biofield. But it protects a person, gives him the strength to live normally.

We reproach ourselves, eat food*, scold and pour out all the black and evil on ourselves, and then we wonder why failures follow one another, nothing goes well, relationships with other people deteriorate, and health suffers ... From this we start even more blame ourselves and fall into a completely desperate situation.
So, if you suspect the evil eye, do not rush to attack an unsuspecting neighbor grandmother with a reputation as a “witch” or a colleague who allegedly wants to “get around” you in the service with accusations.
Perhaps you yourself are to blame for your failures - by scourging yourself for too long, setting yourself up for failure.

The leaders say: in no case do not think badly about yourself, even if you make a mistake or fail. A “vicious circle” will arise - by self-criticism you only exacerbate your problem.
But, alas, few people are aware that they “slander” themselves, scolding and calling themselves a “loafer” or “fool”, or even a “loser”. Thus, you set yourself up for the fact that nothing good will happen next, nothing will change.

Such negative self-programming is our main enemy. Self-destruction is absolutely unacceptable!
By the way, the self-evil eye concerns only adults, because it is they who worry (and, therefore, depend) because of their failures, they are not confident in themselves

Saying about himself “what a fool I am”, “what a bungler” and the like, a person thereby programs himself for failure. A pessimistic view of your future will also not bring anything good in life. After all, the Gods listen to our thoughts and notice: “Aha! He expects bad things - so let's not disappoint him.
A bad event in life should not be taken as proof of one's worthlessness. This is a lesson for your future! After all, the one who does nothing is not mistaken.

It is necessary to generate bright energy with your thoughts, and not multiply joyless thoughts.

If you do not wait for trouble, then they most likely will not happen. And vice versa. If something bad happened, you should take it as a life lesson, and not attack yourself with reproaches.
After all, it is much easier to admit to yourself that you made a mistake and that everything is fixable - this will not have a negative effect on the aura, and self-evil eyes can be avoided.

You should also not stick out your achievements for show, brag about your successes, be proud of them. Such actions attract external envious people and thus you jinx yourself too.
Do not be afraid not to get what you want, and if the dream begins to come true, do not brag about it. Boasting can become the source of your own evil eye, and a victory that seemed yesterday turns into failure.
And although it remains only yourself to blame, and this should not be done. We need to admit mistakes and think about how to correct them. And, of course, do not repeat your mistakes.

It is very easy to jinx yourself. For example, you meet a person of the opposite sex, go for a walk together, during which you think with delight about what a wonderful companion you have, how well he treats you, how others envy you, and how good it is that he is there, that you are loved! Be sure: in most cases, your idyll will collapse, and your own self-evil eye will be the reason for this. And the thought that she herself is to blame will bring very little consolation.

If you are praised by work colleagues or friends, neighbors, you are satisfied, vanity wakes up in you, conceit rises, you are proud of yourself, how good, talented, irreplaceable you are, then the appearance of self-evil is also very likely. In this case, get ready for the fact that business failures, conflicts with colleagues, deterioration of family relations will soon arise.

But the most unpleasant (if such a definition can be applied) is the self-evil eye, when you violently rejoice at your successes. Rest assured, self-evil is guaranteed. Failures will flow like an avalanche that destroys all your well-being.
Therefore, in order not to spoil yourself and with your own hands, or rather, thoughts, do not harm yourself by thinking about something good: either about plans for the future, or about peace and love that reigned in your house, or in general about anything like this, immediately spit over your left shoulder. And three times knock on the tree with your right hand, so as not to scare away luck and not jinx yourself.

How to determine self-evil eye: signs

You can jinx yourself in relation to any area that concerns you: personal relationships, work, study, health, and others. We repeat that even a close person can jinx it, without wanting it.

Speaking of the evil eye, one must at the same time understand that failures are not always “his handiwork”. It is quite possible to determine the self-evil eye, because it affects the physical condition and health.

The signs of the self-evil eye are the same as the signs of the evil eye - breakdown, despondency, the world is seen in gray tones, everything falls out of hand.
Before, a beloved work, hobby, occupation becomes hated or more often simply uninteresting to you.
A person will feel constant fatigue from day to day. He will be overwhelmed even after a sufficient amount of sleep in the usual state, will not get enough sleep and feel energetic. Because of this, drowsiness can haunt you throughout the day. Another manifestation may be pursued insomnia. A person’s mood will change sharply, more often in the direction of negativity, and sometimes for no reason at all. But this person either does not realize this, or then he is surprised at himself, because of what, actually fuss.

The self-evil eye is also characterized by a weakening of memory and attention. Moreover, this condition is observed not only in older people.

Absent-mindedness concerns not only everyday life, but also the performance of duties at work, which, of course, can lead to failures in it.
Also, a person does not tolerate loud sounds at all. They are not just annoying, but unsettling for a long time.
As, by the way, and bright light, as well as pungent odors. All this brings real torment, whereas before it did not cause trouble.
The state of depression - from the same "opera".

These signs may accompany the exacerbation of chronic diseases. If a person has not been sick, then, having jinxed himself, he can, in addition to the listed conditions, “earn” health troubles. After all, with the loss of energy, vitality also weakens. Sometimes doctors will not even be able to diagnose the “disease” that has arisen.
Terrible dreams may occur, and constant anxiety is experienced. A person becomes stupefied in the face, may faint, experience pressing sensations in the navel, heart, head and other organs.

To avoid such troubles, make it a rule not to turn around in front of the mirror, admiring your appearance; doing so is strictly prohibited. The mirror is our image, reflecting our own astral counterpart, so it should be handled with extreme care. In no case should you examine yourself for a long time, otherwise you will often get sick.

You can’t eat and drink in front of a mirror - beauty and health will go away.

You can’t look at it at the same time for two, because you will be beaten off by your loved one. And the child should not be allowed to play with a mirror at all: he will become shy and will often get sick. In addition to everything, the mirror “remembers” the information well and gives it the opposite in meaning, as a result of which the self-evil eye is obtained.

How to remove self-evil

They remove self-evil by simple rituals.
It must be remembered that the power of intention works wonders. If you do not give in to bad thoughts and do not say bad words, then the biofield will remain strong, and the evil eye will not be able to damage it. And by and large, we ourselves can and should solve our problems.
Of course, forbidding yourself to think about the bad is difficult. Thoughts hover in our head constantly and we are not always aware of them.
And in order not to attract negativity, not even an hour, you can, for example, make a simple ritual regular for yourself, thus protecting yourself from negative excitement, and therefore from all sorts of troubles.
So, every morning, while washing, say:

“I’ve been superficial with myself, I’ve scourged myself, I’ll be curing myself!”
Repeat the words three times, with full faith in their truth.

It is also advised to drink a glass of "living" water, purified with silver or taken from a natural source, and say:

“I deserve (deserve) the best! This day will bring me joy! Let it be so!".

If it is too late to do prevention (you still managed to jinx yourself), then here is a conspiracy that is suitable for such cases:

“I got up, blessing, the child of God (your name), went out (la) into the yard, and from the yard - went (la) into the open field.
Behind the open field, the blue sea is waving, but there is a quiet backwater on it, where the gray goldeneye lives. Neither water nor dew adheres to the bird.
Also on the child of God (your name) there are no teachings, no moralizing, no unkind words, no malicious slander.
May it be so forever and ever, truly!”

Of course, you need to believe in the spoken words, otherwise they will not gain strength.

If you have something in mind, then do not tell anyone about it, if you want, so that there are no obstacles in the implementation of upcoming plans.
If, nevertheless, this annoying blunder happened, stand in front of the mirror and, holding a lit candle in your hand, say, looking at your image, three times:

“The world is a mirror, take away the cursed evil eye, plant it with you, hold it tight, don’t let go anywhere, don’t return back.”
Then put the candle on the windowsill, fixing it on the saucer, let it burn out to the end.

There is another ritual for removing the evil eye on your own. To do this, you need three candles, a black cloth and a skein of red threads. When the sun goes down, you need to cover the table with a black cloth, light candles. You also need a strand of hair, which is placed between the candles. Concentrating on your problems, you need to pronounce a conspiracy:

“Burning candle, look only at me. I will smooth you, and you will no longer have me.
Gray eye, brown eye, black eye. The eye is beautiful, the eye is healthy.
Be also my eyes forever and ever not glaring. Not in the evening, not in the afternoon, not in the morning, not at night.
My deeds are strong, my words are tenacious. Language. Key. Lock".

If the misfortune caused by the self-evil eye is huge, and the above ritual did not work, then draw unopened water and read a conspiracy on it nine times on the growing moon, spitting three times over your left shoulder after each reading:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, the servant of God (name), get rid of the evil eye-self-evil eye. Like a stone turned to stone, but I wouldn’t hurt, wouldn’t mourn, wouldn’t shiver.”

Everyone knows that prayer is a powerful weapon against evil forces. She can not only protect, but also remove damage, the evil eye without any rituals. Prayer will do no harm. Even if there was no self-evil eye or no one caused damage, then nothing will happen from reading the prayer.

The most popular and powerful prayer from the negative impact that death can bring is "Alive in the help of the highest." For protection, you need to pronounce these words:

"My refuge and my protection, my God in whom I trust"!
He will deliver you from the catcher's net and from the deadly sore. He will overshadow you with his feathers, and under his wings you will be safe; a shield and a fence are His truth.
You will not be afraid of the horrors of the night, the arrow that flies by day, the plague that walks in darkness, the infection that devastates at midnight.
A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but they will not come near you.
Only you will look with your eyes and you will see the retribution of sinners.
For you have said: “The Lord is my hope”, you have chosen the Most High as your refuge.
Evil will not happen to you and the plague will not come near your dwelling, for he will command his angels about you - to guard you in all your ways.
They will carry you in their hands and you will not strike your foot against a stone. Step on the asp and the basilisk, you will trample on the lion and the dragon.
Because he loved me, I will deliver him, I will protect him, because he knew my name.
He will call to me and hear him, I am with him in sorrow, I will deliver him and glorify him, I will satisfy him with long days and show him my salvation.

Sincere prayer is better and safer than any conspiracies

If you believe people who understand magic, then you can remove the damage that a person has brought on himself: you need to change your mood and your attitude to problems and failures. You just need to set yourself up in a positive way and everything will work out soon.

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Can you jinx yourself? Easily! After all, we are often our own worst enemies. We reproach ourselves, eat food*, scold and pour out all the black and evil on ourselves, and then we wonder why failures follow one another, nothing goes well, relationships with other people deteriorate, and health suffers ... From this we start even more blame ourselves and fall into a completely desperate situation. So, if you suspect the evil eye, do not rush to attack an unsuspecting neighbor grandmother with a reputation as a “witch” or a colleague who allegedly wants to “get around” you in the service with accusations. Perhaps you yourself are to blame for your failures - by scourging yourself for too long, setting yourself up for failure.

The leaders say: in no case do not think badly about yourself, even if you make a mistake or fail. A “vicious circle” will arise - by self-criticism you only exacerbate your problem. But, alas, few people are aware of the fact that they “slander” themselves, scolding and calling themselves a “loafer” or “fool”, or even a “loser”. Thus, you set yourself up for the fact that nothing good will happen next, nothing will change. A pessimistic view of your future will also not bring anything good in life. After all, the Gods listen to our thoughts and notice: “Aha! He expects bad things - so let's not disappoint him. A bad event in life should not be taken as proof of one's worthlessness. This is a lesson to you for the future: do not repeat mistakes. After all, the one who does nothing is not mistaken.
You should also not stick out your achievements for show, brag about your successes, be proud of them. Such actions attract external envious people and thus you jinx yourself too. The signs of the self-evil eye are the same as the signs of the evil eye - a breakdown, despondency, the world is seen in gray tones, everything falls out of hand. Before, a beloved work, hobby, occupation becomes hated or more often simply uninteresting to you. Then there are “side effects” – bodily diseases, the cause of which no doctor can determine. They remove self-evil by simple rituals. Of course, forbidding yourself to think about the bad is difficult. Thoughts hover in our head constantly and we are not always aware of them. But, you can smooth their action. So, every morning, while washing, say: “I looked at myself superficially, I scourged myself, I will heal myself!” Repeat the words three times, with full faith in their truth. It is also advised to drink a glass of “living” water, purified with silver or taken from a natural source, and say: “I deserve (deserve) the best! This day will bring me joy! Let it be so!".
If it is too late to do prevention (you still managed to jinx yourself), then here is a conspiracy that is suitable for such cases: yard - went (-la) into an open field. Behind the open field, the blue sea is waving, but there is a quiet backwater on it, where the gray goldeneye lives. Neither water nor dew adheres to the bird. Also on the child of God (your name) there are no teachings, no moralizing, no unkind words, no malicious slander. May it be so forever and ever, truly!”

let's eat * - we constantly scold, reproach, insult (ed. Lutobor).

Friends, hello. I know that many blog readers are waiting for an article about self-evil. Today that day has come. I will tell you about how you can jinx yourself, why this happens and describe the varieties of self-evil eye, and next time I will write you about how to protect yourself and remove the consequences of self-evil eye.


I already wrote about the fact that one person can jinx another, but it turns out that you can jinx yourself. There is a sea of ​​evidence for this, and you know such examples.

For example, you boasted about something and suddenly got the opposite result, or vice versa, you avoid such and such a situation with all your might, and you get into it. There are more serious options - in the heat of the moment he wished himself bad and subsequently became seriously ill. In the common people, such phenomena are called self-evil eye or, in other words: “he jinxed himself.”

Why is it so? There are many reasons, and self-evil, I’ll tell you a secret, it can be different. Let's be clear.


The causes of self-evil eye can be different, and depending on its type, they manifest themselves a little differently.

The first type of self-evil is an ability directed against oneself

Perhaps a lot of negativity has accumulated in you and there is an “ability” to smooth out. Thus, by directing negativity at yourself, you smooth out yourself. It looks something like this: he yelled at himself, or, on the contrary, he praised himself and got a negative result.

Whoever reads knows that the main “locomotives” of the evil eye are anger and envy, but in the case of the self-evil eye, pride can also be added.

Due to such diversity, the consequences of one's evil eye are varied, but most often it affects health, well-being and relationships with loved ones.

This self-evil eye is the most serious, since in this way you can: severely damage your energy, introduce a malicious program and greatly ruin your entire life.

This self-evil eye is very easy to identify - it is "reusable", that is, every time, after sending negativity in your direction, you feel that your life (or health) is changing for the worse and this action lasts for quite a long time.

The second type of self-evil is the law of meanness

Attentive people have long noticed the following patterns: too violent emotions (including excessive joy), strong distortions in desires, condemnation of others, as well as revealing one's plans to another - all this does not lead to good.

Although, what can I explain to you about this, we all, at least once, got burned on this. “According to the law of meanness” - this is what people usually say when they are “hooked” by this type of self-evil eye.
Why is this happening? There are different options - karmic lessons are possible, perhaps the Guardian Angel makes it clear that you are doing something wrong, or demons unbalance you.

Such self-evil single phenomenon, that is, it does not always shoot. It also happens that in similar situations (especially when the lesson has been completed), the energy strike (lesson) does not manifest itself, and this is how it differs from the self-evil eye of the first type, when you “throw” on your own.

The third type of self-evil is the power of fear in standby mode (no, no - not that)

This is also known to many. Such a self-evil eye does not operate on the principle of a direct energy strike, but is based on a negative reaction of fright with an admixture of standby mode.

There is a saying: "There is nothing worse than waiting and catching up." So of these two, the first is much worse, because waiting is tension, and catching up is already an active action (discharge).

If to internal stress from not the action “wait” add more and numbness of fear it turns out that out of the blue a whole storm of energy grows, which, if not extinguished in time, will definitely “explode”.
Let me give you an example to illustrate.

The girl Dasha was so afraid to pull out the only unlearned ticket during the exams, she was so worried that in the end she pulled it out.

I deliberately chose an easier example, but there are times when people develop a whole bunch of real diseases in this way.


REMEMBER: Always avoid internal, spiritual tension, as such tension automatically turns on the punishment mode.

Avoiding such self-evil is very simple, enough ... However, this is a topic for another post.


The self-evil eye is the application of an energy blow by any means, but precisely to oneself by oneself. That is, the initiator of the self-evil eye (and it doesn’t matter that it’s just stormy joy, direct self-evil eye or a karmic lesson) is always the victim himself

Self-evil eyes are not all the same, there are many of them, but the main three of them are “a direct energy blow to oneself”, “the law of meanness” and “no, no - just not that”

Each self-evil eye has its own “antidote”, but there is also a “universal remedy”, which I will tell you about later.

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First, it should be noted that the evil eye exists because the prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The evil eye is the truth, and if anything could get ahead of divine predestination (al-qadar), it would be the evil eye” (Muslim) .

What should a person do in order not to jinx and harm another with his own eyes?

The evil eye does not always come from an envious person; you can also jinx it with a look of admiration, and even yourself. The hadith says: “Whoever among you sees something in himself or in his property or in his brother that pleases him, then let him ask blessings for this, because the evil eye is the truth.”

It is reported from Abu Umam ibn Sahl ibn Hunayf that his father told him how he went to Mecca with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). Sahl ibn Hunayf was a white man with a beautiful body and skin. Amir ibn Rabia, the brother of Bani Uday ibn Kab, looked at him while he was washing and said, "I have never seen anything that can compare to this." Then Sahl fell to the ground. They brought him to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and said: “O Messenger of Allah, do you know what happened to Sahl? By the will of Allah, he cannot lift his head and does not come to his senses.

He asked, "Do you suspect anyone of this?" They said: "Amir ibn Rabia looked at him." Then the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) called Amir and said to him: “Did any of you want to kill your brother? If you see something that you like, why don't you pray for blessings for it? And then he said to Amir: "Perform ghusl for him."

And Amir washed his face, hands, elbows, the soles of his feet and what was under the izar from the vessel, then this water was poured over the Sahl - a man poured over his head and back from behind, tilting the vessel. When this was done, Sahl went with the people and everything was fine with him.

As it is said in the hadiths, one who admires something in another, in order not to jinx him, should ask for blessings for him: "Allahumma barik fihi"(O Allah, bless him)."

There is also a saying: “If someone liked something and pleasantly surprised him, delighted him, then let him say: “Ma sha’al-lah, la kuvvata illa bil-lyah” (“There is no strength and power except with Allah ").

To protect themselves from the evil eye, they say: “Auzu bi kalimati-Llah it-tamati min kuli shaitanin wa hama wa min kuli ‘aynin lamma” - “I seek refuge in the beautiful words of Allah from every devil and poisonous creatures and from every envious eye” .

But you should not refer to the evil eye and wind yourself up for any ailment. Zeinab, the wife of Ibn Masud, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), once complained to her husband: “Once a man looked at me in the street. Since then, tears have flowed from the eye that was closer to him. When I say rukya, everything is normal, but after a while it resumes again.

Ibn Mas'ud said: "The tricks of the devil. When you think about it, he sticks his finger in your eye. Do as the prophet Muhammad did: splash water in the eyes (in the face, that is, pour water on the face), saying:

“Azkhibil-be’s, rabban-naas, ishfi, antash-shaafi, laya shifa’a illaya shifaauk, shifaaen la yugaadiru sakama.”

Translation: “O Lord of people! Remove evil (harm, trouble). Heal, because you are the true Healer. There is no other [real] cure. Give me that healing that will completely destroy the disease.”