Foods rich in fats and proteins table. Menu for weight loss on a protein diet. List of protein foods


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Meat, fish and other protein foods are the basis of many dishes, the use of which brings satiety and relieves hunger for a long time. That is why it is recognized as one of the most effective, useful and safe. Strict adherence to all the rules of this dietary technique will ensure comfortable and proper weight loss, as well as the restoration of muscle tissue after physical exertion.

Protein foods for healthy weight loss

Protein food is the most important component in the human diet, without which no enzymatic activity is possible. Acting as a building basis for the growth and restoration of absolutely all biological tissues, protein contributes to the launch of all metabolic processes and plays a primary role for our health. Many modern diets completely exclude protein from the menu, while for the normal functioning of the body, protein foods should be 15-20% of the total daily diet. It is also erroneous to believe that protein is needed solely for the growth of muscle mass. This is not so, because protein foods also affect memory and thought processes.

Proteins are responsible for building new cells and replacing worn ones, which is why insufficient intake of protein foods can worsen the condition of the skin and the functioning of the nervous system.

Rapid weight loss leads to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, which is not very pleasant, especially during the bathing season. To avoid this problem, experts recommend the use of cosmetic preparations, such as modeling cream. Unfortunately, many manufacturers use synthetic preservatives in the production of creams - parabens, which accumulate in the body and eventually lead to serious health problems. Dermatologists recommend using only a natural cream, such as a product from the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. The certified cream consists of 100% natural ingredients and is absolutely safe for health. We recommend that you go to the site and get acquainted with a wide range of natural cosmetics produced by the company.

Protein foods are foods high in protein of plant or animal origin. The main sources of animal protein are fish, meat, eggs and cottage cheese. Legumes, cereals, nuts are protein plant foods. and a healthy diet involves the right combination of all these foods. The average norm of protein in the daily diet of an adult should be 100-120 grams.

In fact, all food consumed by a person consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, only in some products carbohydrates predominate, and there are very few proteins, while in others it is vice versa. To answer the question “protein food is what kind of food?” a special table was created containing a list of products with an indication of the amount of protein per 100 grams in each of them.

The table shows that the most protein foods are meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, as well as nuts and legumes. Cereals, vegetables and fruits, in turn, are light protein foods.

Why can't protein foods be replaced?

Proteins are complex organic substances built from simple and complex amino acids and containing nitrogen. In view of the fact that proteins are the main components of cells, they are essential for normal human life. In the human body, protein metabolism is constantly taking place: some of the proteins are broken down, others are synthesized, combined or broken down, releasing energy that ensures human life. However, not all proteins have value and are digested into fuel for the body.

Most of the amino acids that come from low-quality foods are simply excreted. That is why it is so important to eat the right protein foods. Examples of such protein foods: meat, fish, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, eggs. The exclusion of protein foods from the diet is fraught with many complications: loss of muscle mass, deterioration of hair and nails, depression of the nervous system, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalance, baldness, decreased immunity and problems with the cardiovascular system. The most important proteins for health are insulin and hemoglobin, the lack of which can lead to disastrous health consequences.

Daily protein requirement

Nitrogen balance occurs when at least 70 grams of protein enter the body. For pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as people involved in sports, the protein norm increases to 120 grams. However, overdoing it with protein foods is also not worth it. Excess protein is not stored in reserve, but breaks down into metabolic products in the liver and excreted through the kidneys, which increases the load on these organs and adversely affects health.

In addition, a high protein content in the diet adversely affects the central nervous system and disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

protein diet

A protein diet is considered one of the best methods of getting rid of excess weight without damaging muscle tissue. The essence of the diet is to artificially create in the human body a deficiency of carbohydrates and fats and an excess of protein, due to the consumption of large amounts of meat, fish and other protein products. As a result of such nutrition, a significant restructuring of metabolism occurs. Lacking carbohydrates and fats, the body begins to burn its own fat reserves. Protein food, in turn, ensures the normal functioning of all organs and allows you to build muscle mass. As a result of such a diet, in 2 weeks there is a loss of 4 to 8 kilograms of excess weight.

As already mentioned, with a protein diet, the main part of the diet is precisely protein food. Let's find out what kind of food it should be.

Sample protein diet menu for 2 weeks

1st and 14th day

  • Breakfast: natural coffee without sugar, 20 grams of cheese.
  • Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, coleslaw with vegetable oil, 200 ml. tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled lean fish.

2nd and 13th day

  • Breakfast: natural coffee without sugar, 1 cracker.
  • Dinner: fish baked in the oven, tomato and cucumber salad with vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of boiled beef and 200 grams of kefir.

3rd and 12th day

  • Breakfast: black tea with 2 slices of cheese
  • Dinner: large zucchini, cut into rings and fried in butter, 2 apples baked with cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of boiled chicken, 2 eggs, fresh cabbage salad with butter.

4th and 11th day

  • Breakfast: unsweetened black tea, 200 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: raw egg, 20 grams of cheese, 3 boiled carrots.
  • Dinner: apple, orange, peach.

5th and 10th day

  • Breakfast: 1 grated carrot with lemon juice.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, 200 ml. tomato juice.
  • Dinner: fruits of your choice

6th day and 9th day

  • Breakfast: unsweetened coffee, 3 almonds.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of boiled turkey, cabbage and carrot salad.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of cottage cheese with 2 grated carrots.

7th and 8th day

  • Breakfast: unsweetened tea, 1 piece of cheese.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef and 1 cucumber.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, 1 tomato.

The menu contains an approximate list of protein foods that are a source of protein for the human body. It is worth noting that eating protein foods requires more water in the body. Therefore, to prevent dehydration, it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

Video about the protein diet

Video about protein and its health effects

Video with protein recipes

Protein Meal Replacements

The diet can consist only of such cocktails, or they can replace one or more meals. For example, drink a glass of cocktail instead of dinner. At the same time, such a cocktail will help moderate cravings for sweets. Most of them contain certain sweeteners and are available in various sweet flavors (chocolate, strawberry, etc.).

Very good composition, for example, in a cocktail. Another good option is .

For muscle building and recovery after training, you need to add enough protein to the diet. Proteins are involved in fat burning metabolism and reduce the feeling of hunger.

In addition, protein slows down the release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, which will help prevent blood sugar spikes that encourage fat storage and lower energy levels.

The average person needs at least 1 gram of protein for every kilogram of body weight to maintain muscle mass.

Protein intake for muscle building needs to be increased by 2-3 times. To reach this value, you need to fill your grocery basket with foods high in protein.

Animal products

Many of the animal products contain the full range of essential amino acids.

As a rule, these products have a small amount of carbohydrates, but the fat content may vary.

  • Eggs. One large egg contains about 6 g of protein - it is almost an ideal food for growing muscles, since its bioavailability (i.e. how much protein from food can be absorbed by the body) is higher than in any other product. However, egg yolks are high in fat, so it's best to separate them from proteins to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.
  • Pork. High-quality pork protein provides the body with branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) that allow muscles to recover as much as possible after training. Choose lean fillet for grilled or oven-roasted steak, which provides 1 gram of protein for every 7-11 calories of meat.
  • Beef. In addition to protein, beef is a source of creatine and iron, which help muscles function properly. Limit yourself to lean cuts of meat with 5% fat content.
  • Skinless chicken or turkey breasts. The white meat of chicken and turkey provides more protein than other parts of the bird, with a minimum fat content, so this product should be on your menu.


Among dairy products, there are many options with different fat content.

You don't want to completely cut out fat, as its absence will interfere with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and calcium that are good for bone health.

  • Cottage cheese. This product is loaded with casein, a slow-breaking protein that supplies vital amino acids to your growing muscles.
  • Yogurt. In addition to the protein component, yogurt is rich in probiotics, which will help the proper functioning of the intestines. Choose yogurt without additives and sugar.
  • Cheese. Be careful - in addition to protein, cheese contains a significant amount of fat. Choose a hard cheese with a reduced fat content.
  • Milk. This product is a premium source of whey protein with a biological value slightly less than eggs. Choose 2% milk for the optimal balance of fats and proteins.

Fish and seafood

Seafood is an excellent source of protein as it contains almost no fat.

Fish contains fat, but it is rated as good for the body due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Tuna. This fish is highly digestible and contains premium quality protein. You'll also get a set of B vitamins and a powerful dose of the antioxidant selenium with tuna.
  • Halibut. Among white fish, halibut contains the optimal ratio of trace elements necessary for the body. Pacific halibut is generally more biologically valuable than Atlantic halibut.
  • Tilapia. This fish contains a noticeable amount of protein combined with a mild, delicate flavor.
  • Salmon. Red fish is quite oily with a high protein content. However, the omega-3 fatty acids contained in it help fight fat accumulation.
  • Shrimps. This product contains high quality protein with a minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates, as well as B vitamins and iron.

herbal products

Plant foods along with protein include a significant amount of carbohydrates.

Vegetable protein provides a partial spectrum of amino acids, so it is ideal to use such products as a side dish for meat or poultry. This is a great way to boost your protein intake as well as fiber and a range of vital minerals.

  • Lentils. In addition to protein, lentils are a source of iron, molybdenum and folic acid, necessary for the functioning of muscle fibers.
  • Buckwheat. A healthy product that improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol and controls blood glucose levels.
  • Legumes. Soy, beans and peas are rich in protein, soy is ahead of even meat in terms of protein. Add legumes to soups, salads, and side dishes with meat dishes.
  • Tofu. Soy cheese is a concentrated source of all the proteins provided by soy. It can be added to salads, grilled or fried with eggs.
  • Quinoa. This whole grain product contains iron, magnesium and manganese in addition to protein.
  • nuts. Walnuts, cashews, almonds, along with a high protein content, are rich in healthy fats. Choose unsalted nuts in small amounts for a snack or to add to a salad.

Ranking high protein foods

The products in the table are ordered by protein content per 100 grams uncooked. When choosing, pay attention to the quantitative ratio of proteins and fats.

Place Product Protein content in 100 g of raw product Protein:Fat Ratio calories
1 Soya 35 2:1 381
2 Pork 27 2:1 242
3 Beef 26 5:3 250
4 Cheese 26 1:1 360
5 Chicken breasts 23,6 25:2 113
6 Tuna 23 23:1 101
7 red lentils 21,6 20:1 314
8 Tilapia 20 12:1 96
9 Salmon 20 3:1 142
10 nuts 20 2:5 607
11 Shrimps 19 17:2 95
12 Halibut 19 6:1 102
13 Curd 5% 17,2 7:2 121
14 Turkey breasts 17 10:1 104
15 Egg yolk 16 4:7 322
16 Quinoa 14,1 5:2 368
17 Eggs 13 6:5 155
18 Buckwheat 12,6 4:1 313
19 Egg white 11 55:1 52
20 Red beans 8,4 28:1 93
21 Tofu 8,1 2:1 73
22 Peas 5 25:1 73
23 Yoghurt 2% 4,3 2:1 60
24 Milk 2.5% 2,7 1:1 52

Not covered in the article

We often hear about the importance of protein, about various protein diets, but few of us really know everything about this element. In this article, we will provide complete information about this most important component of any living organism, which foods contain it the most and how to properly consume such food with maximum benefit.

We all know and constantly hear about how useful protein is (in other words, protein). But what exactly is its benefit? On TV and in the magazine every now and then they talk about amino acids, which are actually split proteins.

But it is rarely noted that it is by consuming protein that we get the daily norm of the same amino acids that are responsible for accelerated cell regeneration, muscle building, strength and appearance of nails, hair and facial skin.

It turns out that it is important not only for the internal organs, but also for the appearance of a person.

What happens if you don't eat enough protein? First of all, all those who are on vegetable and fruit diets are familiar with the consequences. Yes, they lose weight quickly. But after a couple of days, the result is not long in coming. Muscle mass loses its tone, "forms" sag and the lost kilograms are no longer so pleasing to the eye.

Why is this happening? The body, not receiving a normal amount of protein, begins to make up for the deficiency from its "bowels". In particular, the body constantly needs amino acids, which are the binding material of all elastic tissues. When new amino acids are not supplied, and the body notices a lack of some tissue, it begins to take it from other muscles. Therefore, they are the first to be hit.

But too much consumption of protein-containing foods can adversely affect the body..

How to understand how much protein per day should be consumed?

The recommended calculation of the required amount of protein is half a gram of "pure" substance per kilogram of weight. If you play sports or any other physical activity, then the amount of protein required increases two to three times.

What are proteins?

Considering them in the context of proper and sports nutrition, proteins entering the body are distinguished by the source, composition and rate of assimilation by the body.

Animal and plant origin

  • Animal proteins contain food that we get directly from animals: meat, poultry, eggs, fish, seafood, cheeses, dairy and lactic acid products, honey.
  • Plant proteins include soybeans, nuts, grains and legumes, cereals, vegetables, fruits and dried fruits.

To maintain muscle mass, excellent health, beautiful hair and nails, a serving of protein should consist of 50/50 products of the first and second groups. Those who want to build muscle should take into account that they need 80% animal and 20% vegetable protein in their diet. Examples of combinations of these two types: eggs and potatoes (or wheat, beans, corn), milk and rye, millet and soybeans.

Complete, incomplete and complementary

The chemical composition of proteins is different. For a full-fledged life, the human body needs all 24 basic amino acids that are part of the protein structure. Nine of them we do not have the ability to produce on our own and need to get them from food.

  • All nine essential amino acids are present in complete (perfect) proteins. The undisputed leader of this group is chicken egg protein: it contains them in sufficient quantity and the required ratio. All animal products and vegetable units are rich in perfect protein (cereal germs, almonds, soybeans, buckwheat).
  • Incomplete proteins are either devoid of any amino acid, or its amount is negligible. These are vegetable proteins that are not able to fully cover the needs of our body for amino acids.
  • Complementary proteins are formed with the right combination of protein foods. Products containing incomplete proteins are combined in such a way that their combined amino acid composition is close to ideal.

Examples of such a mutually beneficial addition are, for example, a whole wheat bread sandwich with peanut butter; rice with green peas; lentils with green salad and sesame seeds; peanuts and pistachios, etc. Complementary proteins do not need to be mixed in a common dish or one meal: it is optimal if they enter the body within one day.

Fast and slow

  • Fast proteins are so named because they have a high breakdown rate: they are absorbed by the body in an hour and a half. This feature is invaluable for active people involved in sports (professional or amateur) or often involved in physical labor. The use of fast proteins allows you to feel a surge of new strength and increase muscle mass.
  • Slow ones are digested for a long time (6-8 hours are needed for their breakdown, but they also nourish the body for a long time. Bodybuilders use this type of protein before bed. In combination with low calorie content, even a small amount of food gives long-term saturation, which allows you not to feel hunger for a long time The champion in satiety length is fat-free cottage cheese (70% casein).

For example, to build muscle mass, egg white can act as a dope 1 hour before physical activity, and 20 minutes after it, yogurt will help restore the spent strength. To gain a graceful figure (without the goal of building muscle), protein food is acceptable no later than 5 hours before training, and is allowed only a couple of hours after. To get the most benefit, select lean foods for protein meals, cook them moderately, and be sure to blend them with a blender.

Slow proteins help not to gain excess weight even with an evening meal (two to three hours before bedtime). Until the morning, the body will master its splitting, and the muscles will receive essential amino acids, but at the same time they will not increase.

Table of fast proteins indicating the digestibility index:

Table of slow proteins indicating the digestibility index:


This group of proteins forms the basis of muscles (myosin), cartilage (collagen), blood vessels, tendons and ligaments (elastin), skin, nails and hair (keratin), etc., giving them elasticity and strength. Fibrillar proteins are found in animal proteins, especially cartilage.

Each group of proteins performs its role in improving the body. A properly composed diet helps to form an impeccable figure, avoid injuries and maintain visual appeal.

Most Valuable Products

Not all foods that contain protein are healthy. The main problem is that almost all products containing a sufficiently large amount of protein contain fat, which is not very useful and prevents the normal absorption of the proteins themselves.

Oddly enough, but the easiest way for our body to perceive and absorb egg protein. Firstly, this is due to the low fat content in the product, and secondly, the protein is light, the body has no problems in breaking it down.

But there is also a problem. It consists in the fact that there is too much cholesterol in the yolk, so it is not advisable to eat more than 1-2 eggs per day. But, if you play sports, then the number of eggs consumed can double. In this case, the number of yolks should not be increased. Just separate the proteins and eat only them.

The second place in terms of usefulness, by right, is occupied by meat. Lean beef or chicken, steamed or grilled, is best. One hundred grams of fillet contains 28-30 grams of pure protein. In addition, such food quickly creates a feeling of fullness. It should only be borne in mind that it is better to combine it with light side dishes and always salads containing fiber.

Cereals- one of the best sources of "slow" proteins. We all know from childhood that oatmeal is very useful. It is low in fat, calories, but high in protein and carbohydrates.

Protein ranking of foods

Based on 100 grams of food / grams of protein, we present the following table:

Meat dishes Seafood Plant food Dairy and other products
Boiled veal 30,7 Red caviar 31,6 Wheat bread from premium flour 8,1 Cheeses: reduced fat 25-30
Fried chicken 26,3 Black granular caviar 28,6 Wholemeal bread, rye-wheat 7 Dutch cheese 26
roasted turkey 26,2 pollock caviar 28,4 Rye bread 6,5 Kostroma cheese 25,2
boiled beef 25,8 Cod 26 Dried apricots 5,2 Egg boiled medium (1 pc.) 25
boiled turkey 25,3 Mackerel 23,4 Green peas 5 Sausage smoked cheese 23
boiled chicken 25,2 Pink salmon 22,9 Fresh champignons 4,3 Processed cheeses 22
boiled rabbit 24,6 Zander 21,3 Fresh porcini mushrooms 3,7 Low-fat cottage cheese 18
Cervelat 24 Pike 21,3 Greens (parsley, dill, lettuce, sorrel) 1,5-3,7 Brynza 17,9
Lamb shish kebab 22,9 Sturgeon balyk 20,4 pea 3,4 Bold cottage cheese 16,7
Fried beef liver 22,8 Perch 19,9 Cauliflower 3,1 Vareniki with potatoes 5,3
Pork boiled 22,6 Crabs 18,7 Green peas 3,1 Yoghurt 1.5% 5
Roast duck 22,6 Hake 18,5 Dates 2,5 Fat-free kefir 4,3
Ham 22,6 saury 18,3 Boiled potatoes 2,4 Skimmed milk 3
Boiled lamb 22 Flounder 18,3 Boiled polished rice 2,4 Milk 3.2% 2,8
Pork fried 20 Squid (fillet) 18 Prunes 2,3 Kefir fat 2,8
Lamb chop cutlet 20 Sardines in oil 17,9 Boiled brown rice 2,2
Duck boiled 19,7 Cod 17,8 Apples 2,2
Liver pate 18 Shrimps 17,8 Bulb onions 2
Tallinn sausage 17,1 Pollock 17,6 Braised white cabbage 2
Krakow sausage 16,2 Herring 17,5 Vegetable cabbage rolls 2
Various canned meats 15 Sprat 17,1 Zucchini caviar 2
Chopped beef cutlets 14,6 Natural cod liver 4,2 White cabbage 1,8
Pelmeni 4 pcs. 14,5 Sauerkraut 1,8
Beef stew 14,3 Raisin 1,8
Ham 14,3 Eggplant caviar 1,7
Chopped pork schnitzel 13,5 Turnip 1,5
Doctor's sausage 12,8 Bananas 1,5
Milk sausage 11,7 Potato 1,4
Beef sausages 11,4 Sweet pepper 1,3
Stewed liver 11 Radish 1,2
Dairy sausages 11 Green beans 1,2
Pork sausages 10,1 1,1
Fried zucchini 1,1
tomatoes 1,1
Black currant 1
Borscht, cabbage soup vegetarian 1
Tomato juice 1
Natural honey 0,8

How to eat proteins if you want to lose weight?

Why are protein diets so popular? As we noted earlier, protein gives strength and a feeling of fullness, which allows you to reduce carbohydrate intake. With their lack, the body begins to produce energy from the body's reserves in the form of proteins and fats.

Also, the body spends quite a lot of energy on the absorption of proteins, thereby burning all that is superfluous.

If you decide to try a similar diet, then the main thing is to follow the following rules:

  • meals should be carried out in small portions throughout the day (5-6 times);
  • you can’t get only proteins, combine each dish with other products, salads and all vegetables are perfect;
  • before lunch, consume complex carbohydrates, after 15-16 hours it is better to eat light foods, such as boiled fish or fillets;
  • the main "main" dishes in your diet are 100-200 grams of chicken breast, fish, boiled beef or seafood. Combine them with salads and green vegetables;
  • all products must be boiled or steamed or grilled;
  • it is forbidden to use any sauces, except for soy and lemon.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly terrible in such a diet. But from time to time (once every two weeks) you can afford a little infringement in the form of your favorite dish or dessert.

Too much protein in the body

With a slight excess of protein in the diet, its excess is an accumulator of energy, body activity. With prolonged excess intake, the function of the liver is primarily impaired (an intensive exchange of amino acids occurs in it) and kidneys (the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder) due to the increased load on them.

The breakdown and absorption of protein requires a sufficient amount of vitamins, so there is a risk of developing hypovitaminosis. For the breakdown of 1 g of protein, 1 mg of ascorbic acid is required; with a lack of it, only that amount of protein is absorbed, which is enough for vitamin C.

The rest of the unsplit protein acidifies the body: it washes out calcium from the bones and makes them brittle, changes the blood count and causes allergic reactions, is deposited in the vessels and causes atherosclerosis, negatively affects water metabolism, manifesting itself as edema. If there is a predisposition, gout may develop, in which joints (recurrent arthritis) and kidneys suffer.

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Compiles and conducts personal training programs for physique correction. Specializes in sports traumatology, physiotherapy. Engaged in sessions of classical medical and sports massage. Conducts biomedical monitoring.

Learn how to spice up your diet with ten nutritious, high-protein foods.

Bodybuilding legend Vince Gironda once said that 90% of muscle growth is determined by nutrition. I prefer to look at things a little differently: gaining muscle mass requires systematic work in the gym along with an appropriate diet.

For me, training and diet are not two isolated and independent terms, the sum of which is 100%. Both components are vital. You need to maximize both your gym efforts and your nutrition. One without the other is impossible. Imagine this is the Yin and Yang of bodybuilding.

To look your best, you need to work up a sweat in the gym and back up your workout efforts with a rich selection of nutritious, high-protein foods. You cannot count on high athletic performance without an adequate balanced diet. Of course, some progress can be achieved in any case, but will it be optimal? No.

A high-quality high-protein diet for gaining muscle mass should consist of:

  1. Delicious products; dishes that you will look forward to.
  2. An abundance of whole foods and fresh ingredients.
  3. A variety of products for maximum influx of macronutrients, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

This article will help you populate your shopping list with a wide variety of high protein "muscle building" foods. While this list is by no means exhaustive, I rank the following 10 foods as the best sources of protein that you can easily include in your weekly diet.

I have also included a number of simple tips on how to integrate each ingredient into your diet. It remains to add that the products are listed in no particular order.

1. Whole eggs

Whole eggs, not egg whites. Although egg whites are high in protein, they lack all of the amazing nutrients found in the yolk.

Whole eggs are one of the most highly nutritious and balanced foods known to mankind. And how could it be otherwise? I hope my words do not sound too repulsive, but such is the reality. When you eat a whole egg, you are consuming the entire body, not just the meat of the animal. This makes the egg an incredibly balanced food and the perfect addition to a hypertrophy diet.

In addition, eating eggs is economically viable, and the ratio of proteins and fats in them is close to ideal. One egg contains about 70 calories and 7 grams of protein, so you can add plenty of protein and healthy nutrients to your diet without risking a ton of calories.

For muscle growth, you need more than just protein. Don't throw away the yolks.

Tip 1. There are several ways to include eggs on your menu. You can boil them, cut them into a salad or cook a healthy and appetizing omelette for breakfast with the addition of fresh vegetables to your taste.

Tip 2. Don't like to peel hard-boiled eggs? Try putting them in ice water for 15 minutes after cooking.

Tip 3. Make an egg “protein basket” by placing chopped bacon (or any meat of your choice), cheese, and an egg in basket cake pans. Bake until the egg is done. Refrigerate, season with hot sauce and enjoy! These miniature baskets are very easy to prepare and easy to store. Try to keep a supply of 8-12 such baskets in the refrigerator at all times. They help out a lot in difficult times when you need a high-protein product, but there is no time to cook.

Tip 4. Try cooking minced meat in a pan. In butter or olive oil, fry meat in cubes (beef, chicken, etc.) along with potatoes. When the dish is cooked, break a few eggs into the pan and mix thoroughly until cooked. Top with cheese and Greek yogurt (optional). Minced meat can also be stored in a plastic food container and used on weekdays as a ready-made lunch.

Tip 5. If you don't like tasteless boiled eggs, try pickled eggs. Boil the eggs, cool and place in an empty marinating container. Fill a container with equal parts water and apple cider vinegar. Add spices such as crushed jalapenos, minced garlic, onion rings, mustard seeds, etc.

Tip 1. To spice up your baked salmon, try mixing Dijon mustard with a little maple syrup. Brush the fish fillets with this sauce before baking, and then brush the sauce again during the half-cooking stage. There are very few calories and carbohydrates in such a sauce, but there is more than enough taste and aroma!

Tip 2. Three words: salmon tacos.

Tip 3. Salmon goes well with pasta. Mix spaghetti with pieces of cooked salmon, add garlic and cream sauce.

Tip 4. Cook the salmon and let it cool. Divide the fillet into small pieces, pour them with soy sauce, lemon juice or lime juice, add onion or garlic, grated ginger and hot sauce. Serve along with rice.

Tip 5. Make an omelette with salmon, cheddar cheese, chopped tomatoes and bell peppers.

5. Mollusks and crustaceans

Edible shellfish, shrimp, oysters, mussels, crabs. The bodybuilding world doesn't talk about these sources of protein often.

While shellfish are not as rich in omega-3s as salmon and cod, they are still an excellent source of these essential fatty acids. In addition, shellfish are one of the best sources of zinc, and are also relatively rich in B1, B2, B3, iron, magnesium, calcium and other trace elements.

One Pacific oyster will give you 4.7 grams of protein and only 41 calories, while a cooked small clam has 2.4 grams of protein and only 14 calories. 80-100 grams of crab meat contains an impressive 15.5 grams of protein with only 71 calories.

Tip 1. Avoid over-sweetened dessert sauces. Instead, flavor your oysters with lemon juice, Italian Lemon Pesto, or the famous Tabasco sauce.

Tip 2. Take 250-300 grams of cooked crab meat, one large egg, a couple of tablespoons of almond flour, chopped bell pepper, onion rings, Dijon mustard, hot sauce and mayonnaise if desired. Stir, form crab cakes and fry them until golden brown.

Tip 3. Pour the chopped clams into a bowl of fresh spinach. Add mushrooms, diced or sliced ​​tomatoes, and vegetable oil and vinegar for dressing.

Tip 4. Crab meat in butter with minced garlic. Real jam! Protein, Nutrient Fireworks, and Healthy Fats!

Tip 5. Try the crab with rice. Mix cooked crab meat with rice, add onion, garlic, salt, finely chopped boiled egg and cucumber. Drizzle this delicious dish with lime juice.

6. Liver

Liver? Yes, liver. Most of us have never thought about including this source of protein on our bodybuilding menu. Next time you go to the butcher shop, look for the liver. I guarantee you will find it there.

Liver is a fantastic food, with about 20 grams of protein per 100 grams and less than 150 calories. The liver is incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals. It surpasses most fruits and vegetables, and even red meat, in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, vitamins A, D, C, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B12. And although the liver is by no means a popular bodybuilding product, it is so rich in nutrients that we must reckon with it.

Tip 1. Don't like the taste of liver? Try beef liver tablets. Bodybuilders of the old school know the importance of this natural meat product, and therefore they regularly include beef liver tablets in their diet.

Tip 2. Try the liver and onion recipe. This is a popular way to cook liver, and you will find tons of similar recipes on the Internet.

Tip 3. Add 30 grams of finely minced beef liver to minced meat for cutlets to improve its nutritional characteristics.

Tip 4. Make a "muscle-building" meatloaf with minced beef liver, ground beef, eggs and seasonings. The roll can be cut into many portions, which is enough for the whole week.

Tip 5. To reduce the strong smell of the liver, put it in a bowl, add the juice of two lemons and a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar. Then put the bowl in the refrigerator and "marinate" the liver for 8-12 hours.

7. Cheese

Cheese is a mass of flavors, the richest selection of varieties (cheddar, gouda, parmesan, dutch, provolone, cheese with pepper, cheese with nuts, etc.) and, as a rule, low lactose content. In my opinion, cheese is one of the most versatile high-protein foods we have on hand. You can use cheese in salads, sprinkle beef or chicken with grated cheese, thereby adding fat to the diet, improving the taste and increasing the nutritional value of dishes.

Thread cheese also falls into the category of my favorite protein snacks. It is convenient to store, you can take it with you to work or school, on a trip or to any other event you have planned. Three slices of string cheese will add 24 grams of protein to your diet and only 240 calories.

Cheese contains a host of beneficial nutrients, including vitamin K2, which has a huge impact on heart, brain, and bone health. Cheese is also rich in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which accelerates metabolism and prevents carcinogenesis, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, zinc and vitamins A, D, B2 and B12.

Tip 1. Do you need to increase your calorie intake but don't want to add another meal or feel like you just can't eat another serving of meat? Add shredded cheese to potatoes, salad, rice, pasta, meat, and vegetables. A little cheese in cauliflower or broccoli goes a long way.

Tip 2. Prepare a special cheese sauce for pasta and meat dishes. To do this, you will need half a package of cream cheese (processed), a quarter cup of cream or Greek yogurt, a quarter cup of water and 150-200 grams of your favorite cheese. Combine the ingredients in a saucepan, simmer the sauce lightly, then pour it over the meat or durum wheat spaghetti.

Tip 3. Nachos! Do you love nachos? Forget chips and try this recipe. Take any cooked meat (chicken, beef, bacon), throw it into the pan and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Place the skillet on the fire briefly to melt the cheese. Season with hot sauce, jalapenos, sour cream or Greek yogurt.

Tip 4. Stock up on thread cheese, hard cheese and cheese mass. Keep these treats on hand for when you need a quick, high-protein snack.

Tip 5. Take note of this simple recipe and give yourself a week of "muscle-building" dishes for lunch. You will need a steak or steam cutlets, 200-250 grams of grated cheese and one package of spices of your choice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, add rice, divide into five servings, arrange in food containers, store in the refrigerator.

8. Chicken

For decades, chicken has been and remains the go-to source of quality protein, but let's face it, you rarely hear about the nutritional value of chicken meat. In addition to being high in protein and low in fat, chicken is rich in vitamins A, B6, B12, iron and magnesium.

Chicken is an ideal choice for those who want to gain muscle mass, but have to count every calorie consumed. Three ounces of chicken fillet contains 26.7 grams of protein and only 142 calories and 3.1 grams of fat.

Tip 1. Season dry and tasteless chicken fillet with a savory sauce of 2 tablespoons of sour cream and a quarter cup of salsa. This will add only 75 calories to your diet and a lot of flavor and aroma.

Tip 3. Make a simple anabolic salad: cut chicken into cubes, take spinach (or arugula), add half a glass of boiled quinoa, almond pieces and onions. Dress an appetizing salad with red wine vinegar or olive oil.

Tip 4. Combine diced boiled chicken with salsa and quinoa for a high-protein, nutritious meal. The recipe is easy to prepare, and the dish seems to be made to be stored in plastic containers. Take it with you to work and make yourself a really tasty and healthy lunch.

Tip 5. Make your own chicken fingers or nuggets. Roll chicken pieces in egg white (break a raw egg into a bowl and add spices) and almond flour, and then fry them in olive oil until golden brown.

9. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is a versatile source of protein. It can be eaten for breakfast, and with slices of fresh fruit, the dish will turn out to be especially appetizing. In addition, Greek yogurt can be used as a base for simple sauces and salad dressings, or you can simply sprinkle it on a salad of your favorite vegetables.

When choosing Greek yogurt, be sure to look for a natural product. Avoid yogurts with flavors, preservatives, colors, and other artificial additives.

A 150-gram serving of low-fat Greek yogurt contains 100 calories and 18 grams of protein. A similar serving of full-fat Greek yogurt will give you approximately 144 calories and 15 grams of protein. Depending on your nutritional needs, both options are worthy choices.

Greek yogurt is rich in calcium and magnesium and is generally much healthier than traditional yogurt. It is higher in protein, lower in carbs, and generally lower in sodium.

Tip 1. Mixing Greek yogurt with lemon juice makes for an amazing salmon dip.

Tip 2. Throw a large chunk of Greek yogurt and assorted fresh fruit into a serving of oatmeal to up the protein and give the dish that unique creamy flavor.

Tip 3. Greek yogurt, protein powder, fresh fruit and ice will help you make a delicious high protein shake.

Tip 4. Cravings for sweets? Mix Greek yogurt with walnuts and a little honey for a nutritious, protein-rich dessert!

Tip 5. Make a healthy salad dressing by mixing Greek yogurt, olive oil, and minced garlic. Add salt and pepper to taste.

10. Black beans

To me, black beans are like "bean candy." The taste is amazing, you can't stop!

A glass of black beans contains 227 calories and over 15 grams of protein. Beans are a great source of protein for vegetarian bodybuilders and a good option for meat eaters looking for a more varied and balanced diet.

Black beans are very useful for the digestive system, as they contain many non-digestible components (dietary fiber). Studies indicate that eating black beans is associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. The high content of dietary fiber in beans may be an explanation for this.

Black beans are also a good source of many minerals, including molybdenum, copper, magnesium, manganese, and iron.

Tip 1. Combine black beans, rice (or quinoa) and salsa. Sprinkle the whole thing with Greek yogurt for a high-protein, highly nutritious, fiber-rich meal.

Tip 2. To speed up the cooking of fresh (not canned) beans, soak them overnight.

Tip 3. Black beans can be used to make a high-protein creamy sauce for cutting vegetables (mixed vegetables). Combine one can of black beans, a third cup of Greek yogurt, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, cilantro, and salt and pepper to taste.

Tip 4. To prepare the next dish, we need black beans, cheese and minced meat. Take 200-250 grams of grated black beans, grate a large piece of hard cheese and add this to 0.5 kg of minced meat. We form cutlets, fry or steam them, serve them on the table!

Tip 5. Check out this recipe for a quick and easy spicy black bean sauce, fresh salsa, and some finely chopped onion. Heat to high heat, add jalapeno peppers, grated cheese and an impressive portion of Greek yogurt.

Every day we must eat enough protein foods to ensure the normal functioning of the body, the production of adequate amounts of energy and the maintenance of sugar at the proper level. When using protein, not only its quantity is important, but also its quality.

Protein compounds (that is, proteins) are used by all cells of our body, they are important for building muscle mass, the activity of the nervous system, normalizing digestion, and regulating hormonal balance.

Protein foods are useful in the fight against excess weight, since high-protein foods make you feel full, and protein digestion requires more effort from the body compared to the absorption of simple carbohydrates.

Why is protein food so important?

Proteins are made up of amino acids - compounds that are important for our metabolism. Amino acids are present in many types of food. There are many of them in a number of plant products (nuts, legumes, etc.). However, their highest concentration is characteristic of animal foods (meat, dairy products, fish, eggs).

Without an adequate amount of protein in your diet, you run the risk of not getting certain essential amino acids. The body has a daily need for proteins, as they are used in almost all parts of our body.

Eating too little protein can lead to a number of problems:

  • slow metabolism;
  • overweight problems;
  • difficulty building muscle mass;
  • deterioration of energy production in the body;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased concentration and ability to absorb new information;
  • mood swings;
  • pain in muscles, bones and ligaments;
  • jumps in sugar levels;
  • slow wound healing;
  • deterioration of immunity.

What distinguishes some types of protein foods from others?

Our body is able to synthesize some amino acids, but a number of these compounds must be supplied to the body with food. These are the so-called essential amino acids. However, even non-essential amino acids are best obtained not through their synthesis in the body, but with food, as this reduces the load on the body.

In developed countries, people rarely lack protein in their diets. However, the diet of many is too monotonous to provide them with essential amino acids. Thus, it is important not only to consume enough protein, but also to diversify your protein food.

People on a low-calorie or plant-based diet are at increased risk of not getting enough essential amino acids. This is due to the fact that animal foods are more balanced in amino acid composition than plant foods.

You can, of course, combine different types of plant foods to get a combination that contains all the necessary amino acids. For example, this can be achieved by combining rice with legumes or eating whole grains in combination with a variety of vegetables.

However, nutritionists generally believe that it is better to fully provide the body with amino acids, it is necessary to consume high-quality animal protein.

What protein sources are the most complete?

Some of the best sources of protein are eggs, quality beef, non-powdered milk, and wild sea fish. .

  1. Meat from wild-range cows is rich in healthy saturated fats and cancer-fighting linoleic acid.
  2. Wild marine fish contain a complete set of essential amino acids, as well as important fatty acids that are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
  3. Eggs and quality dairy products from unreconstituted milk contain a complex of nutrients and a balanced set of amino acids.
  4. Lactic acid products, such as kefir, fermented baked milk and probiotic yogurts, not only supply the body with essential amino acids, but also improve the intestinal microflora.

When eating animal protein foods, you should try to choose organic products, as they contain a minimum of toxins, hormones, dyes and preservatives.

How much protein should be consumed daily?

The needs of each person for proteins are very individual and depend on the characteristics of metabolism, body weight, age and other factors. For example, people involved in sports need an increased intake of protein, as they actively use it to build muscle mass.

  • 56 g - men;
  • 46 g - women.

The amounts of protein given above are minimums. It is generally recommended to consume 0.8 g for every kilogram of body weight. Some nutritionists recommend consuming up to 1.1 g of protein for every kilogram of body. We are talking about the weight of not the product itself, but the protein contained in it. For example, 100 g of beef contains 17-20 g of protein.

On average, it can be recommended that each meal include a significant amount of quality protein. This will help you get enough nutrients and avoid excess consumption of simple carbohydrates and unhealthy fats.

It is more rational to consume small portions of protein throughout the day than to accept the consumption of the daily protein requirement in one sitting.

Taking protein in small portions throughout the day allows you to better satisfy the body's needs for this compound.

The body cannot store protein, it must be used immediately, otherwise it will be directed by the body to form fat deposits. It is important to consume protein in sufficient quantities before training, as well as an hour and a half after them.

8 Health Benefits of Eating High-Protein Foods

1. Helps Build Muscle

Eating the right amount of protein helps build and maintain muscle mass, and also maintains the health of ligaments, tendons, and other body tissues. In the case when there are few amino acids in the diet, muscle atrophy can develop, which is quite dangerous. At the same time, muscles and tendons are already used for energy needs, which is highly undesirable.

Eating an adequate amount of protein is especially important after training. Physical activity significantly changes the structure of muscle tissues, leads to microdamage, which must be compensated by consuming additional amounts of protein at the end of the workout.

While protein alone may not improve athletic performance, studies show that eating protein-rich foods before and after workouts can help repair and build muscle and mass.

2. Promotes the normalization of body weight by giving a feeling of satiety

Studies have shown that the combination of a balanced, low-calorie diet and a high protein intake helps maintain normal body weight.

Protein-rich foods create more satiety after consumption than foods rich in simple carbohydrates. This helps to combat constant snacking throughout the day, which can lead to excess calorie intake.

Digesting protein causes the body to use more energy than digesting other compounds, which also contributes to excess calorie intake.

3. Stabilization of blood sugar levels.

Much more insulin is required for the absorption of carbohydrates than for the assimilation of proteins and fats. The main factor that determines blood sugar levels after eating is the glycemic index.

Due to the fact that it is much lower in high-protein foods than in foods rich in simple carbohydrates, after eating foods rich in proteins, sugar levels change significantly less.

Studies have shown that eating protein foods can interfere with the absorption of simple carbohydrates in the digestive tract, which also helps to normalize sugar levels.

Eating protein foods helps normalize sugar levels, prevent type 2 diabetes, and improve energy production in the body.

4. Promotes normalization of mood

Many people whose diet lacks essential amino acids begin to experience weakness, mood swings, increased anxiety, and depression. A number of amino acids contained in high-protein foods are required to ensure normal hormonal balance.

Adequate hormonal balance is an important condition for good mood and well-coordinated work of the nervous system. Proteins play a role in making neurotransmitters work. They are also involved in the synthesis of "pleasure hormones" (dopamine and serotonin), which play an important role in the fight against stress.

5. Improving brain function and cognitive abilities

Studies have shown that when there is a lack of amino acids in the diet, a number of problems with the functioning of the brain can develop, such as memory loss, impaired attention, and so on.

Proteins are required for the synthesis of enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters that play a key role in cognitive functions. The normal functioning of the brain requires a constant supply of amino acids.

6. Maintain bone health

Many studies show that there is a direct link between high protein food intake and bone health. The effect of protein foods on bones is also related to what kind of foods are consumed, how much calcium and other trace elements are in them.

A diet rich in high-quality proteins promotes bone tissue regeneration, its recovery after fractures and in various diseases.

7. Promoting heart health

A number of studies have shown that there is an inverse relationship between the risk of developing heart disease and protein intake. Replacing high-carbohydrate foods with high-protein foods helps lower low-density (bad) cholesterol.

8. Prevents the aging process

Eating a diet rich in protein favors the synthesis of glutathione, which is one of the most important antioxidants. Glutathione is stored inside our cells and helps detoxify the body by reducing the effects of free radicals.

The lack of this compound leads to an increase in oxidative stress, which plays a significant role in the aging process.

Studies show that a diet rich in proteins can help fight sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass that is common in older people. A diet rich in proteins counteracts muscle loss, bone weakening, degradation of cognitive and immune functions.

A high-protein diet helps to combat visual impairment in the elderly, partly due to a lack of amino acids in the diet.

Can protein intake be excessive?

Some believe that the functioning of the kidneys and liver will be hindered by a high protein diet. However, there is no strong medical evidence to support this view.

Most experts take the position that in healthy people, the consumption of medium and moderately high amounts of quality protein cannot lead to health problems.

However, protein intake should not exceed reasonable limits. Absorption of excess calories can lead to weight gain by converting excess protein ingested into body fat.

Excessive protein intake can lead to constipation, changes in sugar levels, and an imbalance in the bacterial community in the gut. Any diet should be nutritionally balanced and include an adequate amount of animal and plant foods.