They do it very often all the time. The constant desire to eat is a problem. And we need to fight it! You don't have enough protein in your diet

Some people, having noticed an increase in their appetite, are interested in why they constantly want to eat and what to do about it? It is worth noting that hunger is a natural signal that the stomach is empty. But if you constantly want to eat, even after eating, then the reasons for this condition may be different. Feeling hungry all day long sometimes indicates health problems or poor eating habits. In any case, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause. Only after its elimination will it be possible to get rid of the constantly accompanying feeling of hunger.

Eating habits

Certainly, a good appetite- this is great, it indicates the absence of health problems. However, when it appears immediately after eating, it causes, at least, surprise. Why do you constantly want to eat and what to do about it? Most often, the reason lies in a person’s eating habits.


If a person is hungry, corresponding signals are sent to his brain. However, during times of thirst, these signals may be false. That is, a feeling of hunger occurs when the body lacks water. Thus, you can eat as much as you like, but the feeling of fullness comes only for a while, and then your appetite returns again. IN in this case Just drink water and hunger will disappear.

On a note! With a prolonged lack of water in the body, dehydration can occur. This condition is very dangerous, so it is important to establish your drinking regime. The average person needs to drink about 2 liters of water per day, which applies to both men and women.

Poor nutrition

If a complete set enters the bloodstream nutrients, required for normal operation body, signals about saturation are sent to the brain. Accordingly, when a person eats incorrectly, he wants to eat constantly. A diet is considered balanced if it contains a variety of healthy foods nutrition.

Thus, it is necessary to carefully calculate the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food consumed.

Wrong nutrition schedule

With a clear eating schedule, appetite appears immediately at a certain time. If you constantly eat snacks and chew something all day long, this may cause you to constantly want to eat.

It is also not recommended to maintain long intervals between meals. Let’s say that when there are more than 6 hours between lunch and breakfast, the human body begins to produce the hormone ghrelin. It is he who forces you to eat more than normal at the next meal. This, in turn, leads to an increase in stomach volume and even greater appetite.

On a note! Scientists have found that the lack of a nutritious breakfast contributes to spikes in blood sugar throughout the day. As a result, a person constantly wants to eat.


The constant presence of hunger is often caused by wrong image life. Modern people abuse alcohol, smoke, and go to bed late. All this also leads to disruption of the body, including the digestive organs.

Improper sleep patterns

People who stay late and sleep little often want to eat constantly. The fact is that wrong mode sleep promotes change hormonal levels. It is this that provokes a strong appetite.

To get rid of the constant feeling of hunger, it is enough to go to bed at the same time and get up no later than 9.00.

Taking medications

If you constantly want to eat, and this symptom appeared during treatment medications, they should be considered as a reason. Usually they have a similar effect contraceptive medications, glucocorticosteroids, antidepressants, hormonal agents.

If medications are the cause constant hunger, the condition returns to normal immediately after their cancellation.

Bad habits

It has long been known that alcohol causes appetite. The same can be said about nicotine and individual species narcotic drugs. They use up the body’s energy reserves, resulting in a constant desire to eat.

On a note! Despite well-known opinion While smoking promotes weight loss, scientists have proven that nicotine, on the contrary, causes a strong appetite.


The cause of hunger, which accompanies constantly, even after eating, may be a regular diet, which is especially important for women. In pursuit of beautiful body they are ready to starve for months. And then, when the diet ends, they sincerely do not understand why they constantly want to eat. The fact is that when there is a deficiency of valuable components, the body experiences stress. And then he tries to protect himself from similar situations and accumulates energy reserves in the form of fat deposits, which manifests itself in uncontrolled appetite.

As for the diet period itself, it is not surprising that you constantly want to eat.


In stressful situations, the body produces cortisol, which the brain tries to reject, forcing the person to eat. In this way, the hypothalamus tries to synthesize serotonin and endorphins, which help it get pleasant feelings and cope with stress.

When prolonged depression a constant feeling of hunger is present for a long time.


Sometimes the reasons for a constant feeling of hunger are quite serious and require medical intervention. Similar symptom may indicate the development of a disease in the human body.

Diabetes mellitus type 2

In diabetes mellitus, there is an active production of insulin, which contributes to the accumulation of fat. It is formed as a result of the conversion of glucose into glycogen. This is the reason why you constantly want to eat. The body thereby requires new calories.


For many, the cause of constant hunger is a dysfunction thyroid gland. This organ is responsible for metabolism and hormone production. When its functioning is disrupted, metabolism often accelerates, which, in turn, causes appetite.


In another way, this disease is called overeating. However, it is worth noting that it is not a separate disease, but develops secondary, after other ailments. The human body constantly asks for new portions of food. You cannot cope with an uncontrollable feeling of hunger on your own; you need the help of specialists.


This disease is dangerous and often ends in coma. A sign of the disease is a drop in blood glucose levels to 55 mg/dL (3.0 mmol/L). In addition, the following symptoms occur:

  • weakness throughout the body;
  • strong appetite;
  • nausea.

If such signs appear, you should consult a doctor promptly.


With this disease, a person is accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger. There have even been cases of eating food around the clock. This disease is diagnosed in people who have exhausted themselves for a long time with strict diets, and then suddenly break down and gorge themselves. This provokes feelings of guilt, and they begin to vomit or use another method of removing food from the body. As a result, I want to eat again.


This disease is quite rare and is associated with a disorder mental health. Usually, this disease It is difficult to treat, and sometimes cannot be treated at all. Patients are usually hospitalized. The cause of the disease is a malfunction of the part of the brain responsible for satiety. A person eats food, but continues to feel hungry.


Another rare disease, which is less common than akoria. Blood circulation in the human brain is disrupted, which leads to a constant feeling of hunger. Adequate treatment still unknown.

Causes of constant hunger in women

Women may constantly want to eat not only after a diet, but for understandable reasons that do not depend on their behavior:

  • PMS– during PMS, not only does your mood fluctuate, but your appetite also increases, which can be explained by the powerful hormonal surge in organism;
  • pregnancy– everyone knows that during pregnancy a woman’s appetite increases, because she now has to eat for two;
  • reception contraceptive drugs - because the contraception on a hormonal basis, this often causes an increase in appetite.

If you just need to wait out the period of pregnancy and PMS, then if you are taking contraceptives, you should consult a gynecologist. A qualified doctor will help you choose birth control pills, which are suitable for a specific organism and will not cause a side effect in the form of increased appetite.

Causes of constant hunger in men

There are also specifically “male” reasons for increased appetite:

  • increased physical activity– the body expends a lot of energy and therefore tries to make up for the deficiency in the form of food;
  • men's diseases– these diseases include prostatitis, cavernitis, impotence, paraphimosis, vesiculitis, andropause, orchitis.

Constant feeling of hunger in children

On a note! Worms can also be a cause of constant hunger in adults.

Sometimes children's appetite increases due to psychological trauma.

Video: why do you always want to eat?

These videos describe the main reasons for the constant feeling of hunger.

Do you constantly want to eat and are you afraid that this desire may lead to obesity? Constantly eating food can really cause a lot of trouble to your health. Let's try to find out the reasons why increased appetite and understand what to do in such a situation.

Causes of constant hunger

The desire to constantly eat something is an abnormal condition for the human body. Hunger should occur only when the body uses up all its energy reserves and begins to need new ones. If you want to have a snack literally every 20 minutes - the reasons for this eating behavior may not be hidden in a loss of energy at all.

Insufficient caloric intake of food, frequent dieting

Each person has their own individual calorie needs, and daily norm, which nutritionists recommend us to consume, is only a generalized average figure.

Therefore, if for one reason or another you switched to nutrition low-calorie foods- hunger will occur for the simple reason that your body will not receive the required amount of nutrients (that is, it will not be full). Most often, this problem is faced by people who very abruptly switch to strict low-calorie diets.

Feeling cold

Temperature reduction environment and the habit of dressing too lightly can also cause constant hunger. When our body is cold, it has to work very intensively and spend huge reserves energy to maintain a stable body temperature and avoid hypothermia. Accordingly, if you work in cool rooms or neglect warm clothes, your body will suffer from constant hunger.


The feeling of thirst and hunger arises in our body according to a similar algorithm, and therefore sometimes the feeling of hunger can be deceptive and hide only thirst. It is for this reason that doctors recommend taking at least a few sips of water every 20-30 minutes.

Frequent alcohol consumption

If you have a glass of wine at almost every meal, you will always eat more than you could without alcohol. If more than one glass has been drunk, the feeling of hunger may increase even after eating. But in fact, such hunger is deceptive: it is only the result of dehydration of the body, which needs water more than food.

Lack of sleep

At regular lack of sleep in a person’s body, the level of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) can significantly increase, and at the same time the level of leptin (it causes a feeling of satiety in the body) decreases. Thus, with a lack of sleep, even normal good nutrition will not allow you to get enough, and therefore the desire to eat something will arise regularly.

Excess of fast carbohydrates in the diet, lack of proteins or fats

Fast carbohydrates are sugar. Once in the body, it is instantly absorbed and transported through the vessels to the cells of the body. That is, in order to obtain carbohydrates, the body practically does not have to make any effort. Besides, fast carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels very quickly.

But the problem is that after a jump in blood glucose levels, there comes no less sharp drop this indicator. That is, after eating one donut, you will receive only short-term satisfaction, and after 5-10 minutes you will want to eat another one. But if the body receives fast and slow carbohydrates, as well as proteins and fats, glucose levels will remain stable.

Lack of vitamins

Food is the main source of vitamins. Therefore, if the body experiences a lack of them, it will force you to eat a lot in order to restore the required vitamin level bit by bit.

Wrong diet

Unbalanced and irregular nutrition is the main problem modern man, which can cause restless hunger. This happens because our gastrointestinal tract likes to work according to schedule. He needs time to digest food, cleanse himself and then give signals of readiness for new “downloads”.

If food comes irregularly (too rarely or too often) and in different portions, all these stages get confused and mixed, and therefore you have an increased appetite.

Eating in inappropriate conditions

The habit of eating quickly, in large portions, and eating while reading a book or watching movies. Swallowing food without chewing leads to the fact that the brain does not have time to register the food intake and therefore will continue to support the hunger signal.

And if you don’t control your portions, your stomach will stretch over time (the feeling of hunger usually goes away only after the stomach is completely full).

PMS, pregnancy, menopause

Similar periods in women are associated with changes hormonal levels, under the influence of which they can significantly change taste preferences and food volume requirements. Disruption of the thyroid gland (in men too) leads to similar consequences.

Metabolic disorders, medication use

Metabolic disorders lead to the body being unable to absorb everything from food. essential microelements, so it will be more difficult for him to “get enough.” As a result, you will want to eat more and more.

Taking medications that have one of the side effects is an increase in appetite, which can also cause uncontrollable hunger. Be sure to check the instructions for the drug or ask your doctor again.

Frequently viewing food photos

Photos with food are a stimulant for our taste buds. And the more often we see such photos, the more the receptors are stimulated, more saliva enters the oral cavity, and the feeling of hunger becomes more and more intense.

Constant stress, depression

Psychological reasons could even be placed at the top of this list, since modern people More often than not, they become the cause of restless food cravings.

This happens for two reasons:

  1. When a person experiences stress, the level of adrenaline and cortisol increases in his body, and therefore the brain gives the command to stock up as much as possible large quantity energy, that is, eat as much as possible;
  2. The process of absorbing and digesting food has an antidepressant property - by being distracted by jaw movements and bowel movements, our brain calms down and switches from depressive thoughts.

In psychology there is even such a thing as “problem eating.” Think, maybe you do this too?

How to get rid of the obsessive feeling of hunger?

When you are hungry all the time, there is no time left to fully perform other activities. In addition, due to the continuous absorption of food, problems may occur. painful sensations in the stomach, diarrhea or constipation. You may also become obese or diabetes(if you like to chew something sweet).

So be sure to take advantage the following list Tips to help you fight the obsessive desire to eat food at every step:

  1. Pay attention to the calorie content of the foods you prepare for one meal. Make sure breakfast, lunch and dinner contain approximately the same amount of calories. Snacks should be 2-3 times lighter than main meals.
  2. Even if you want to stick to a diet, make it as balanced as possible. Also keep in mind that eating healthy foods and small portions can bring food more benefit than the kefir diet.
  3. Create a diet that is convenient for you. Be sure to keep in mind that approximately the same amount of time should pass between main meals. Also, spend time and attention directly on the process of eating - concentrate on chewing and tasting the food. This approach will help you get “better” satiated.
  4. Avoid alcohol, which leads to intoxication and dehydration of the body. Also try to exclude from your diet foods that can stimulate appetite and salivation: coffee, dishes generously seasoned with spices, processed foods, store-bought sausages and other prepared products containing monosodium glutamate (a taste stimulant).
  5. Bring it back to normal water balance. Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. Also take care of the air humidity in your apartment. If the humidity is too low, the skin and hair can dry out (especially in winter), causing the body's need for water to increase.
  6. Dress appropriately for the weather and avoid prolonged exposure to frost and cold rooms. Always choose clothes taking into account weather conditions on the street.
  7. Get enough sleep. To improve your sleep, which should last at least 6 hours a day, stop interacting with TV and other electronic gadgets 2 hours before going to bed. Better spend this time working out, walking, taking a bath and reading a book (not the news).

  1. IN daytime Try to be active to burn off energy for your next meal and improve your mood. Try to work only in well-lit rooms, turn on additional lamps.
  2. Spend more time on fresh air to replenish the body required quantity oxygen. Exercise active species sports and do it regularly.
  3. Take up a hobby that brings you pleasure and takes your mind off food.
  4. Try to spend time where there is no food. Even in your home, try not to display cookies and sweets in plain sight; in the store, buy minimal supplies of food - what you need for 3-5 days. And less scrolling through Instagram with an endless number of photos of all kinds of dishes.
  5. If you're stressed or depressed, find ways to cope with your emotions without eating. This could be regular visits to discos, massage or aromatherapy sessions, yoga or even acupuncture. If you often have to deal with stressful situations or depression persists, visit a psychologist or psychotherapist.

You may have to fight the restless desire to eat something for several weeks or months. But motivate yourself by using a stable eating schedule and eating only healthy foods, you heal and rejuvenate your body.

Video: causes of uncontrollable appetite and ways to combat it

Imagine how many people would have beautiful figure, would not suffer from metabolic disorders, respectively obesity, if not for the disgusting sensations of acute hunger that sometimes arise only 2 - 3 hours after lunch.

Why do you constantly want to eat if your stomach is almost full and the food has not had time to be digested?

Factors that cause the desire to quickly snack on something: heartburn, stomach cramps, nagging pain sometimes not associated with physiological lack of food. The circumstances under which the brain erroneously signals hunger may be associated with many habits acquired from childhood, illnesses, as well as a simple misunderstanding of the true desires of the body, which does not need food at all, but additional vitamins, water, and dissatisfaction with the self-created lifestyle model.

How to figure out why you constantly want to eat in order to get rid of numerous snacks that lead to excessive obesity?

The reasons are varied.

Prolonged stress and depression

A person who constantly experiences anxiety, tormenting himself with a feeling of guilt or dissatisfaction receives an excessive amount of the hormone cortisol, which causes an increase in appetite. In addition, the desire to receive the missing pleasure, momentary joy, leads to the absorption of an incredible amount of sweets, which promotes the production of serotonin, which briefly gives a semblance of happiness.

What to do when stressed?

You can’t give up sweets, this will lead to worsening nervousness. And there is no need to deprive yourself of pleasure, there is so much in the world healthy carbohydrates contained in berries and fruits. And if you don't want to fresh fruits and juice, culinary will help out simple dishes of which: meringues, marshmallows, baked berry delicacies, marmalade, dried fruits made at home, without harmful additives.

Constant lack of sleep

For insomnia, intermittent insomnia or short sleep The body suffers from a lack of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for satiety. At the same time, the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin increases, why does a person eats much more than normal. In order not to gain weight, you need to establish a sleep schedule, and if you can’t do this on your own, consult a doctor.


Sometimes the feeling of thirst is disguised as hungry state. It is enough to drink water or unsweetened green or black tea, cramps and stomach pain disappear. However, you should not consume sweet sodas, which are oversaturated with fructose, which causes even greater appetite. In addition, industrially produced fruit water is very high in calories and is enriched with additives that make you drink it again and again many times in a row.

Poor nutrition

When the body suffers from excess harmful substances and gets little natural vitamins, natural minerals from products, the dysfunction of the thyroid gland, kidneys, stomach, and other organs begins, which causes carbohydrate starvation of brain cells. A spontaneous feeling of hunger occurs. That's why you constantly want to eat, even if your stomach is full of food.

It is important to include as much as possible in your diet natural products and completely abandon fast food, sausages, imitation cheese and cottage cheese, as well as industrial food products containing gluten and other harmful components. Be sure to increase the consumption of vegetables, herbs, fruits rich in vitamins, fiber and mineral elements.

Energy depletion

What to do if you constantly want to eat and are mentally stressed?

The brain signals the need for food, but in fact it does not have enough energy. You need to replenish the amount of carbohydrates. To do this, it is better to eat the fruits of plants rich in glucose and vitamins, which help speed up the process of cell nutrition.

Diets chosen independently necessarily cause a persistent feeling of hunger; advice from a nutritionist is required. You need to eat often, but limit portions.

Idleness and boredom are another reason why you constantly want to eat

We must learn to get rid of laziness, find enjoyable activities for the soul, and add a touch of joy to boring routine work. Even if you have a boring one ahead of you, turn on a cheerful bravura march, start taking action, this will eliminate the desire to eat heavily. You can go for a walk, to the cinema, to the theatre, a change of scenery will get rid of the annoying thought: “What else is delicious to eat?” If you are forced to be alone and lack love and care, get a cat or a puppy, a pet funny and touching antics will relieve you of the feeling of inferiority and tragedy of life, which causes the desire to chew incessantly.

Waiting child

Why do you constantly want to eat during pregnancy?

  • change in the balance of hormones,
  • restructuring of the body
  • , mineral elements, as well as some disorder nervous system, in particular anxiety, an imaginary feeling that there is not enough love and attention.

How to overcome all psychological symptoms?

Walk in nature as much as possible, balance your diet, avoid long breaks between each meal. It is very important to constantly be surrounded by people of an optimistic nature; exclude communication with whiners and always dissatisfied relatives, neighbors, as well as those who like to eat out of grief.


The most dangerous reasons, why you constantly want to eat - these are a variety of health problems.

What diseases cause an enduring feeling of constant hunger?

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Bulimia.
  3. Disease of the pancreas and thyroid glands.
  4. Helminths.
  5. Alcoholism.

Any imbalance of the hormonal and nervous system leads to disruption of carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism, the development of diseases, as a result of a false signal to the brain about hunger, forcing you to open the refrigerator and eat after hours.

Kryazhevskikh Olga

There may be several reasons why a person constantly wants to eat, and among them are both diseases and unhealthy eating habits. Fortunately, in most cases it is quite possible to cope with excessive hunger. You just recently ate a full, satisfying breakfast, but an hour or two later you feel hungry again...

And, unable to restrain yourself, you eat half a chocolate bar or a package of cookies. However, soon the hunger returns, and you have to run again to the refrigerator, to the machine that sells nuts, candies and other snacks, or to the nearest cafe. Sound familiar?

Surveys show that constant hunger is a very common problem among residents developed countries. In most cases, this leads to rapid weight gain, but body changes are not better side do not help cope with hunger.

Why do you always want to eat?

Most probable reasons constant hunger are:

  • Stress and anxiety that you can't cope with

All people experience both stress and anxiety from time to time, but not everyone experiences this as abnormal severe hunger or others negative consequences. Problems begin if a person for some reason fails to control stress.

Every time a person experiences stress, his body produces the hormone adrenaline, which suppresses appetite. However, if stress does not go away for a long time, the production of another hormone begins - cortisol, which, for example, increases appetite. If you constantly feel like eating because of stress, you need to find a way to deal with it. Try yoga or meditation, find hobbies that help you distract yourself, or see a psychologist.

Such disorders are associated with an imbalance chemical substances produced in the brain, deficiency of certain hormones and genetic factors. All this can lead to excessive hunger. For example, bipolar disorder is characterized sudden changes mood, and in a person with such a diagnosis, during certain periods the appetite may become unusually strong, and then practically disappear. For any mental disorders a person needs the help of a competent specialist.

  • Bulimia

People suffering from bulimia often complain that they are constantly hungry. In this eating disorder, a person first overeats and then gets rid of what they eat by causing themselves to vomit. As a rule, people cannot cope with bulimia on their own, so if you notice yourself or someone loved one any signs of it, seek medical advice as soon as possible.

  • Compulsive overeating

It is believed that the causes of compulsive overeating may include hereditary predisposition, as well as habits, which, as a rule, are formed in childhood. Very often, this disorder develops in people who, as children, ate not only to satisfy hunger, but also to escape from any problems. In adult life food remains a means of relaxation and stress management for them, just like alcohol or drugs are for some people. In most cases, if a person manages to suppress the habit of overeating, it is only for a while, and after a few days or weeks a breakdown occurs.

  • Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia, a condition in which blood sugar levels are below normal, can also cause a constant feeling of hunger. Other symptoms of hypoglycemia include increased fatigue, headache, excessive sweating, weak tremor. In many cases, these symptoms occur only during prolonged fasting or during low-carb diets, after drinking alcohol or intense exercise. physical activity. They disappear soon after a person eats and the blood sugar level returns to normal. However, with some liver diseases, hypoglycemia can become chronic, and the feeling of hunger can become almost constant. This is due to the fact that it is the liver that converts substances obtained from food into glucose. When it cannot function normally, glucose levels inevitably drop. If you suspect hypoglycemia, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

  • Type 2 diabetes

Another disease due to which a person may constantly want to eat. A little higher we talked about the fact that reduced level Blood sugar causes excessive hunger. Means, increased concentration does sugar have the same effect? This is true. Every cell in our body receives sugar through the activity of the hormone insulin. If there is not enough insulin or its functioning is impaired, sugar accumulates in the blood but cannot get into the cells that need it. Therefore, these cells “signal” to the brain, telling it that the body needs more food, hence the feeling of hunger. If a person does not take steps to control insulin levels, he will constantly feel hungry.

  • Medications

For example, corticosteroids, cyproheptadine, and tricyclic antidepressants can lead to constant hunger. If you notice this after starting to take any medications by-effect, talk to your doctor. Perhaps he will reduce the dose of drugs or prescribe other medications.

  • Premenstrual syndrome

Constantly feeling hungry is a very common symptom. premenstrual syndrome(PMS). Its signs usually appear in the second half menstrual cycle, disappear one or two days after the start of menstruation. Besides excessive appetite, its symptoms may include bloating, headache, diarrhea or constipation, breast tenderness, mood swings, sleep problems.

  • Hyperthyroidism, a disease of the thyroid gland, is one of the possible reasons what a person constantly wants to eat. With this violation thyroid produces too many hormones, and this leads to increased metabolism, hyperactivity, insomnia and constant hunger, which is very difficult to satisfy. For the treatment of hyperthyroidism it is used as drug therapy, and surgical intervention.

Genetic disorders

Genetic disorders, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, sometimes cause extreme appetite. In addition, the syndrome is characterized by progressive obesity, short stature and delay mental development. Prader-Willi syndrome is the most common cause of genetic obesity, but exactly why it causes constant hunger is unknown. According to the researchers, this may be due to increased level the hormone ghrelin, which controls appetite. People with this disorder have ghrelin levels, on average, three times higher than normal.

  • Abuse of sugary carbonated drinks

These drinks are rich sources of corn syrup containing a large number of fructose. Its effects in humans were studied in one study involving twenty healthy adults. They had magnetic resonance imaging scans of their brains after they consumed drinks with high concentration fructose. It turned out that these drinks reduced blood flow to areas of the brain that regulate appetite and suppressed their activity. At the same time, people felt less full than after drinking drinks containing only glucose.

Another study found that fructose tricks the brain into craving more food even when our stomach is already full.

  • You eat a lot of canned foods

Many of them contain high levels of bisphenol A, which can cause sharp decline levels of hormones associated with the feeling of satiety.

  • You don't eat breakfast or eat too little at breakfast

For four years, researchers observed 6764 healthy people. Those who consumed about 300 kcal during breakfast gained, on average, twice as much during this time. more weight than those whose breakfast contained 500 kcal or more. The reason for this is that people who eat a large breakfast have less blood sugar fluctuations throughout the day than those who eat a very small breakfast or skip breakfast altogether. Consequently, they have a normal appetite, and the feeling of hunger does not make itself felt for several hours after eating. People who don't eat a big breakfast often feel hungry all the time, and if they can't control their appetite, they can gain weight rapidly.

Moreover, scientists believe that to combat constant hunger, it is very important to consume 30 to 39 g of protein at breakfast. So scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese are more preferable breakfast foods than pancakes or toast.

  • You don't drink tea

People who drink a cup of black tea after eating a carbohydrate-rich meal have, on average, 10% lower blood sugar levels two and a half hours after eating than those who don't drink tea, meaning they are less likely to experience with the problem of constant hunger. It is believed that this effect is due to polyphenolic compounds contained in black tea.

  • You're not drinking enough water

Dehydration can mimic hunger. If you've already eaten quite a lot and still feel hungry, drink a glass of water. Usually after this the person feels full, and the desire to take the supplement passes.

That he wants not only to cope with excessive strong appetite, but also to lose weight, it is recommended to drink two glasses of water before meals. People who follow this recommendation consume 75-90 kcal less during one meal than those who do not drink before meals.

  • Are you bored

Often people feel the desire to Once again to eat not because their stomach is truly empty, but because they are tired of what they are doing and want a distraction. Food in this case is a kind of entertainment. If less than four hours have passed since your last meal, try doing something else for five minutes instead of eating: for example, if you were busy with work before, take a brisk walk or at least watch some funny video.

If you've been cleaning, turn up your favorite song or call a friend to discuss your weekend plans. If you were not really hungry, most likely you will forget about food, but if the feeling of hunger does not go away, go have a snack. In the future, try to include short breaks in your activities, which are good prophylactic boredom.

(10 Votes)

How to deceive hunger: what to do if you want to eat, but you can’t ©

Let the sausage not beckon you, and let the cheese calmly wait in the wings at lunch, because we have willpower! Even if you really want to eat, there are tricks that can deceive hunger.


Some products, but if you want to develop the habit of eating less and dulling your hunger, then our article is especially for you.

  1. For the kitchen, dishes and other objects around you, choose certain colors that reduce your appetite. For example, it will do Blue colour, but orange, yellow and red, on the contrary, are better to avoid.
  2. Avoid hot spices and sauces. Savory dishes whet your appetite, and you want to eat even more. If you take it away hot spices and spices from your diet, it will become much easier to control your hunger.
  3. Don't eat in front of the TV or computer. In general, it is best to eat in silence. Have you noticed that while watching a movie or talking, food is absorbed faster and more unnoticed? In solitude and silence, you most likely will not eat too much.
  4. Drink more fluids. As they say, trick your stomach: if you want to eat, drink a glass of water and go to bed. There is logic in this, because if your stomach is full, you don’t want to eat.
  5. Buy dishes in small sizes. This is a matter of habit: a larger plate means a larger portion. If you give yourself a certain amount of food, then you will get used to eating less, which will have a good effect on your figure. Just don’t run for more!
  6. Play sports and walk more. After training, appetite decreases and obsessive desire Now the feeling of being full disappears or at least fades into the background.
  7. Get high-calorie foods out of your sight. Simple, but effective. The more you come across something tasty and unhealthy, the more likely you are to eat it as soon as you see it, or to come after it at night.
  8. Brush your teeth more often, especially at night. This is not a hint of poor hygiene oral cavity, and the usual psychological technique. We just brushed our teeth, what food?

These simple tricks will help deceive hunger and protect your refrigerator from another raid.