Damage to the thymus gland. The thymus gland: where it is located and what it is responsible for. External signs of thymomegaly

Thymus, or thymus, is the central organ of humans and some types of animals, which is responsible for the body’s immune system.

At the age of 20–25 years, the thymus gland stops functioning in people, and subsequently it is converted into fatty tissue.

Thymus does a lot useful functions and if they are violated, a person can develop various diseases. Let's study what the thymus gland is in adults, the symptoms of disease of this organ, changes in its work.

The thymus gland is located at the top chest, near the anterior mediastinum. The organ is formed on the 42nd day during intrauterine development.

Thymus gland in childhood significantly larger in size than in the adult generation and may be located closer to the heart.

The body continues normal height until the child is 15 years of age, and then the reverse development of the thymus gland begins.

As already mentioned, by about 25 years of age, and sometimes earlier, the thymus gland ceases to perform its functions and all glandular tissues of the organ in an adult are replaced by connective and fatty ones.

It is for this reason that adults are much more likely to be susceptible to various infections and cancer pathologies.

Functions of the thymus gland in adults

The thymus does the following important functions in the human body:

  1. The thymus gland produces many hormones: thymosin, thymalin, thymopoietin, IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor-1, humoral factor. All these hormones are proteins, polypeptides, and in one way or another participate in the formation immune system person.
  2. It produces lymphocytes, the main cells of the immune system that produce antibodies.
  3. T cells mature in the gland, which are the central regulator of the immune response.
  4. The thymus destroys internal aggressive cells that attack healthy ones.
  5. The thymus gland filters the blood and lymph that flow through it.

Thanks to the normal functioning of the thymus gland, the human body steadfastly responds to all infectious invasions and various diseases.

Diseases of the thymus gland - symptoms in adults

With various changes in the functioning of the thymus, the following symptoms are usually observed in the body of an adult:

  • muscle fatigue is noticeable;
  • there is “heaviness” in the eyelids;
  • breathing is impaired;
  • long recovery from various infectious diseases, even the simplest ones, such as ARVI.

Often the manifestation of symptoms is due to the fact that some diseases are already developing in the body. Therefore, if they are detected, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for further examination.

How to determine an enlarged thymus?

An enlarged thymus gland indicates that the normal functioning of this organ is impaired.

In addition, the thymus gland can be enlarged for hereditary reasons.

It may be impossible to determine the enlargement of the gland by “touch”, but with the help of an X-ray of the lungs in a direct projection, changes in its size are quite easy to trace.

If you regularly take x-rays, then deformation of the thymus can be recognized at an early stage.

In addition, an enlarged thymus can be diagnosed using ultrasound.

Ultrasound and x-rays do not provide an accurate diagnosis of thymus enlargement, so to confirm it, doctors prescribe more accurate diagnosis– magnetic resonance imaging. It determines changes in the size of the thymus much more accurately.

Graves' disease is a serious disease, but at the moment the exact cause of the disease has not been established. Follow the link to look at the symptoms of this disease.

Causes of thymus enlargement

The thymus can enlarge due to various pathologies that occur in the body. A signal of their appearance is indicated by the aggravating symptoms that were described above.

So, the consequence of an increase in the size of the thymus gland can be:

  • infectious diseases varying degrees heaviness;
  • malignant and benign tumors, including oncological pathologies;
  • thymoma;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • T cell lymphoma;
  • endocrine neoplasia type 1;
  • MEDAC syndrome;
  • DiGeorge syndrome;
  • dysfunction of the immune system, etc.

All causes of thymus enlargement are dangerous and require urgent treatment.

Treatment of thymus pathologies

Each patient with thymus disease corresponds to specific treatment, which depends on the type of disease, individual characteristics human body and some other factors.

In this case, problems with the immune system are dealt with by an immunologist, and if thymus disease occurs due to various tumors, then the oncologist treats.

Patients with thymus pathology are prescribed different types therapy - medicinal, replacement, symptomatic, immunomodulatory, sometimes drugs from traditional medicine.

Immunomodulators, corticosteroids, drugs that normalize calcium metabolism in the body, etc. are used.

Sometimes, it is possible to get rid of the disease by removing the enlarged thymus gland or through surgery.

Diet therapy

Nutrition for pathologies of the thymus gland is important and is monitored by doctors, both during treatment and as a method of prevention.

Moreover, the diet can be prescribed not only to children, but also to adults. The diet of a person with thymus disease should include:

  • ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, which is found, for example, in foods such as broccoli, rose hips, lemon, sea buckthorn;
  • vitamin D - beef, liver, egg yolk, some dairy products, brewer's yeast, walnuts;
  • zinc element – ​​pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.

The diet helps strengthen the immune system and maintain the functioning of the gland, so it should be strictly followed.


Traditional medicine is used only as a therapy that enhances immunity. Plants that help strengthen the immune system include:

  • rose hip;
  • black currant;
  • nettle;
  • rowan and many others.

There are a lot of recipes based on these plants. Let's list some of them.

Rosehip and blackcurrant decoction


  • rosehip (1/2 tbsp);
  • black currants (1/2 tbsp);
  • boiled water (2 tbsp.).

Black currants and rose hips are poured with water and put on fire. After it boils, cook the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. Then leave to infuse for 2 hours in a container with a tightly closed lid. The decoction is taken half a glass 3 times during the day.

Rowan and nettle decoction


  • nettle (3 parts);
  • rowan (7 parts);
  • water (2 tbsp.).

Method of preparation and use:

All parts of nettle and rowan are mixed. Take 1 tablespoon from the mixture and pour boiling water over it. They put it on fire.

After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes, and then leave for 4 hours in a closed container. Take half a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Traditional therapy is very effective in strengthening the immune system.

The news that the thymus gland is capable of prolonging youth has been circulating for a long time and there are many people who want to “renew” this organ after it has ceased to function.

But no one performs thymus transplant operations, since they are very dangerous and require transplantation of not only the thymus gland, but also many other organs, including bone marrow.

An alternative was another method of “renewing” the organ - introducing embryonic stem cells into the thymus.

This method promises to completely restore the fading thymus and return youth and health to the person. Proponents of this technique claim that this injection really works.

The thymus gland is vital important body and demands special attention even after it stops functioning. In adults, the thymus shows its symptoms most pronouncedly, which means that dangerous diseases may appear, so it is important to be examined in a timely manner and strengthen the immune system.

Video on the topic

The thymus gland in children consists of two structural sections: cervical and thoracic, and it is located in anterior mediastinum. It is necessary to immediately clarify that this gland predominates mainly in childhood, for which it received the characteristic name “gland of childhood”; in adult organisms, in most cases, the cervical pouch is absent. A completely appropriate question arises: what functions does the thymus gland perform in children?

Purpose of the thymus gland

The main task of this organ is to regulate the differentiation of lymphocytes, that is, the transformation of hematopoietic stem cells into T-lymphocytes directly occurs in it. Obtained from thymus tissue extracts biological drugs, significantly stimulating reactions cellular immunity and enhancing the creation of antibodies, which leads to an increase in the number of T-lymphocytes in the blood.

Causes of pathology

However, it is fair to note that in some clinical cases in pathologies associated specifically with this organ are diagnosed, in particular, enlargement of the thymus gland. What provokes this pathological process? Quite often, such an anomaly becomes a consequence (complication) past illness, but there is also a genetic factor. The thymus gland in newborns progresses as a result of the abnormal course of the mother’s pregnancy, late conception, nephropathy, infectious diseases mother.

The thymus gland in children is mainly diagnosed clinically, that is, its pathologies are reliably detected by X-ray, immunological, and similar examinations are carried out after the detection of a number of characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms of the disease

So, the appearance of a neck pocket is often accompanied by an unstable weight of the baby, that is, he either rapidly gains weight or also quickly loses it. In addition, the child may have venous mesh on skin, bluish skin, sweating and frequent regurgitation.

Such children have weakened immunity and therefore more often than others suffer from viral and respiratory diseases, and also constantly need productive prevention and seasonal recovery.

Productive treatment

However, first of all, the thymus gland in children requires timely treatment, which should be prescribed exclusively experienced specialist, based on the degree of disease progression and general condition young patient. To begin with, children are recommended to have strictly limited vaccinations, which are also adjusted by the leading pediatrician. Productive treatment can be either conservative or surgical, but last case appropriate only when drug intervention has not produced tangible results. In addition, it should be understood that removal of the thymus gland in newborns can significantly disrupt the development of immunity, as well as suppress natural growth processes, which is extremely undesirable.

Nutrition for children with similar problem, must be balanced and also contain a large number of vitamin C. In addition, it is advisable to take licorice to stimulate the adrenal cortex, and in case of relapses, glucocorticoids (up to 5 days) and adaptogens are recommended. The child remains under medical examination throughout the treatment.

Symptoms of the disease are not always clearly expressed, but at the slightest “hint” of an enlarged thymus gland, the pediatrician prescribes an immediate examination, and then, judging by the results, alternative treatment.

Decreased immune strength and body resistance external influences often caused endocrine disorders, in particular pathology of the thymus gland. This organ is responsible for the formation of T-lymphocytes, and therefore forms human immunity. For what reasons does the thymus gland perform poorly in children, as well as the main methods of treating such conditions are discussed in the information in our article.

The formation of this organ occurs during intrauterine development. At the time of birth, the thymus gland or thymus reaches 15 grams and continues to increase until adolescence. After this, its development slows down and in the adult body the thymus gradually atrophies.

The location of the thymus gland in newborns is located approximately in the middle of the chest, with the edge reaching the root of the tongue. There are rare situations where the thymus is located in the area of ​​the fourth rib. Almost everything pathological conditions, associated with the location or size of the thymus gland, affect the ability of the immune forces to resist disease.

Symptoms of thymus problems:

  • Muscle weakness.
  • Susceptibility to frequent colds.
  • Additional performance problems thyroid gland.
  • Breathing disorders.
  • Increase in size lymph nodes.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Pathologies of the reproductive organs.
  • Problems with excess weight.
  • Enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • “Marble” pattern on the skin.
  • Cold extremities.

Of course, the detection of one or even several of the above symptoms are not accurate diagnosis. Anyway additional examination and consultation with doctors in the direction will provide more information, as well as allow us to agree on appropriate treatment.

Pathologies of the thymus in children

If a baby has an enlarged thymus gland, this symptom does not mean that there will necessarily be problems in subsequent development. Typically, pathologies of this organ are detected during parallel examination. It is best to increase incorrect position or the absence of the thymus is noticeable on x-ray, but it is also advisable to do ultrasound examination to confirm the diagnosis.

05/11/2011 The thymus gland or thymus is an important organ of the immune system, which in childhood is responsible for the formation of primary immunity. It is located just behind the sternum in anterior section mediastinum (mediastinum - space in chest cavity, limited to the lungs on both sides) and partially extends to the neck. In adults, at the age of 20-25, the functioning of the thymus gland stops, and it gradually turns into fatty tissue.

Tumors, cysts, metastases of cancer of other organs, and lymphomas may appear in the thymus. Thymomas are the most common tumors of the thymus gland. They may or may not grow into surrounding tissue. Based on their histological structure, thymomas are classified as tumors with uncertain behavior.

Often patients do not present any complaints, and thymomas are an incidental finding on CT examination of the chest. Some patients experience a number of symptoms (see).

However, a special property of diseases of the thymus gland, which distinguishes them from other neoplasms, are the so-called “parathymic syndromes”. These include hypogammaglobulinemia, red bone marrow hypoplasia, dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, aplastic anemia, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. However, the most common one is neurological disease- autoimmune myasthenia, which occurs in more than 40% of patients with thymomas.

Myasthenia gravis is a disease characterized by autoimmune damage to the neuromuscular junction, leading to difficulty or complete blockage of signal transmission from the nerve to the muscle fiber. It manifests itself as weakness and pathological fatigue various groups skeletal muscles. The thymus gland in a patient with myasthenia gravis produces autoantibodies that block acetylcholine receptors and, thereby, transmitting a signal about movement from the nerve to the muscle.

Most often, the disease begins with double vision in the evening, the inability to raise the eyelids and changes in voice (nasality) in the evenings or after prolonged speech stress, pathological fatigue of the muscles of the neck and limbs, difficulty speaking, swallowing and chewing movements. Sick people note that they feel good in the morning, but after the morning toilet they experience severe fatigue. In cold weather, health improves, in warm weather it worsens. After rest, strength is restored as quickly as it was lost. Feature movement disorders with myasthenia gravis is the spread muscle weakness from some exhausted physical activity muscles to others that were not involved in this movement. For example, an increase in ptosis (drooping of the eyelids) is possible with forced loads on the muscles of the limbs. The disease may remain unrecognized for years, but it progresses and sooner or later makes itself felt.

Myasthenic crisis (develops in 10-15% of patients) - extreme degree myasthenia gravis, characterized by rapid worsening of movement disorders leading to breathing and swallowing problems. If at this time you do not provide the patient with emergency assistance, there is a real threat to life.

Some medications may provoke exacerbation of myasthenia gravis. These include some antibiotics, β-blockers, botulinum toxin, calcium antagonists, curare-like muscle relaxants, magnesium salts, lidocaine, procainamide, quinine, quinidine, radiocontrast agents, D-penicillamine, diphenine, thyroid hormones, and glucocorticoids.

If myasthenia gravis is suspected, consultation with a neurologist and hospitalization in a specialized clinic that has the full range of diagnostic (including CT and MRI) and treatment capabilities, including surgery- removal of the thymus gland (thymectomy).

Used to treat thymomas surgical method. Often the operation can be performed thoracoscopically, but large sizes neoplasms (more than 8 cm) use sternotomy. If the tumor grows into neighboring tissues and organs, treatment should be continued with radiation therapy.

One of the organs that has vital importance for our body, is the thymus gland or thymus. Being in close relationship with the glands endocrine system, the thymus gland is a central organ of the immune system that influences metabolic processes. Due to external and internal factors, this organ is susceptible various pathologies, causing disruption functioning of the body.

Modern methods diagnostics of diseases of the thymus gland make it possible to identify them on early stage and accept adequate measures treatment. As a result of the decrease protective forces of the body, caused by dysfunction of the thymus gland, many serious illnesses. Great importance For the normal functioning of the organ in question, it has nutrition, which should include foods rich in vitamins and microelements important for the body. Let us consider the main significance of the thymus gland, as well as the pathology of this organ.

The thymus gland is located in the upper part of the sternum. Structurally, it consists of two parts. Through the T-cells of the immune system produced by the gland, our body is protected from so-called foreign cells that destroy healthy cells. A special hormone produced by the thymus gland is responsible for the formation of immune system cells and controls the functioning of lymphocytes. As part of the glands of the endocrine system, the thymus gland works in close relationship with the gonads and the adrenal cortex, the hormones of which regulate the functioning of the gland.

As statistics show, thymus diseases are quite rare, but they are always accompanied by characteristic and severe symptoms. The main manifestations of diseases of the thymus gland include severe weakness, decrease protective function body from various infections, enlarged lymph nodes. Influenced developing pathologies thymus gland, tumors form, growth occurs lymphoid tissue. Their growth can cause swelling upper limbs, neck, face, and also lead to compression of the trachea and superior vena cava, which causes suffocation. Often, these phenomena can lead to fatal outcome. Treatment of these formations is possible only with surgery.

Key role in normal operation The thymus gland plays a role in nutrition. Products should be rich in vitamin B and zinc - the main elements that provide vitality to the organ. Vitamin B is found in walnuts, egg yolk, meat, kidneys, liver, dairy products, sprouted wheat, brewer's yeast, green vegetables and many other products. Beef contains zinc in sufficient quantities. pumpkin seeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds. When forming a diet, which is especially important for children, you should pay attention to the presence of the above products.

The formation of thymomas - neoplasms of the thymus gland, does not cause characteristic symptoms, but is detected during computed tomography examination of the chest.

Diseases of the thymus gland are accompanied by certain syndromes. These include dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and a number of others autoimmune diseases. In half of patients with thymomas, the most common neurological disease is autoimmune myasthenia gravis.

Let's look at what myasthenia gravis is, its characteristic symptoms and treatment methods. This disease is caused by damage to the neuromuscular junction, which causes complete blockade or difficulty transmitting a signal from the nerve to muscle fibers. Weakness and severe fatigue skeletal muscles– the main manifestations of this syndrome.

Signs of the disease are a nasal voice, heaviness of the eyelids, double eyes, difficulty swallowing and speaking, and fatigue of the muscles of the limbs. Most patients report feeling good after waking up, followed by fatigue immediately after the morning toilet. Feeling good It is observed at low air temperatures, and in hot weather there is severe weakness. After a short rest, vitality is quickly restored.

A danger to the patient's life arises during myasthenic crisis, when there is a rapid development of movement disorders that cause breathing problems. Statistics show development myasthenic crisis in 20% of patients with myasthenia gravis.

Some medications can provoke the disease, including thyroid hormones, glucocorticoids, magnesium salts, quinine, lidocaine, procainamide, diphenine and other drugs.

In order to ensure the safety of the patient, at the first signs of myasthenia gravis, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

If the tumor does not spread to neighboring tissues and organs, treatment involves surgery. In severe cases of the disease, when neighboring tissues are affected, radiation therapy is used.

Most dangerous disease thymus gland is cancer, accounting for 5% of total number oncological diseases. The danger of this disease lies in the absence of symptoms in the early stages of the disease. If the tumor spreads to nearby organs and tissues, there is a bluishness of the face, swelling, respiratory disorders, violation heart rate, severe headaches, increased intracranial pressure. Severe pain observed during the formation of metastases. When affected by a brain tumor, signs of neurological processes develop. Treatment for thymus cancer is only surgical, but if the disease spreads, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used.

When considering diseases of the thymus gland, as the main organ of the immune system, it is important to pay attention to proper nutrition, conducting healthy image life.