List of remedies for constipation. How to make strong laxatives yourself. Drugs for the treatment of acute constipation

In every pharmacy you can now buy tablets for constipation, since the choice of laxatives in modern pharmacology is simply huge. Naturally, everyone similar drug has its own recommendations for use and contraindications, and all of them have different impact on the intestines. The main difficulty is that the laxative has only a one-time effect, helping to cleanse the intestines, but still does not eliminate the first.

Finding a good laxative is not difficult, although people suffering from constipation still have doubts about whether it will become addictive and cause additional harm to the body. First of all, it is still recommended to find out the reason for the stagnation of feces. Often, constipation is a symptom of digestive diseases, and they need to be treated not with laxatives, but with others medications. Before taking them, you should try to change the situation with bowel movements in better side using alternative methods:

  • Drink a glass of kefir before bed
  • Drink coffee and honey (they have a laxative effect)
  • Regularly massage the abdomen, improving intestinal motility
  • Move more, play sports, adhere to principles healthy eating(include foods with a laxative effect in your diet: prunes, beets, apricots, raw vegetables and fruits)
  • Castor oil is a quick and natural laxative.
  • Drink a glass or two every morning on an empty stomach clean water room temperature. Thirty minutes before tomorrow you can drink a glass of non-carbonated mineral water to improve the digestive process.

Medicines for constipation are divided into several types: drugs irritating effect, osmatic effect, prebiotics and intestinal fillers. When choosing laxatives for constipation, you need to undergo a preliminary examination by a doctor and get a consultation to find out which type is right for you. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible side effects and contraindications. When buying pills for constipation, follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Irritating laxatives should not be used for long periods of time.
  • When buying tablets, be sure to read the instructions and information about the active substance.
  • To quickly empty your bowels, you can do. Oil microenemas are also effective.
  • At chronic constipation You should be especially careful when choosing a laxative. The product must be safe, non-addictive and act quickly. It is better to opt for prebiotics, which restore intestinal microflora, improve peristalsis and have a long-lasting effect.

Below are the most effective drugs to combat constipation, divided into categories.

Delayed laxatives - prebiotics

Prebiotics are considered the most by safe means to combat constipation. They can be used by pregnant women, immediately after childbirth, and even during breastfeeding. Essentially, these are food components - carbohydrates, which are not digested in the stomach, enter the intestines and stimulate the growth of its beneficial microflora. Prebiotics include fructosaccharides, inulin and lactulose. Prebiotics don't count with potent drugs immediate action. They begin to act slowly, but have a persistent and long-lasting effect, unlike other types of laxatives.
Due to the fact that prebiotics accelerate the growth process of intestinal microflora, they are able to restore the functions of this organ, while simultaneously having a weakening and irritating effect, stimulating the movement of feces. During the fermentation of prebiotics, organic acids are produced, which improve peristalsis. Lactulose is considered the most famous prebiotic. The required effect occurs within one and a half hours after taking 50 ml of the drug.

Laxatives for constipation fast action must be selected taking into account the person’s current problem. There are good laxatives different actions, and are suitable for children and adults.

How to choose a laxative?

Fast-acting laxatives are not always harmless and should be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will diagnose the patient and, having identified the cause of constipation, prescribe safe medicine. A person can independently purchase a quick laxative at the pharmacy, but do not forget that there is an addictive medicine, and you need to be careful with it. A laxative for constipation should be selected according to certain criteria, the table shows some of them.

CriteriaTypes of laxatives
How does the drug work in terms of speed?Soft and fast action.
Strong and instant, but unsafely carried.
A weak laxative of mild and slow action.
Instant but not strong effect.
Quick drugs with a strong effect, but harmless.
Addictive PotencyMedicines, no addictive.
Drugs are addictive only after long-term use.
They immediately become addictive to the body.
Origin of laxatives for constipationOn plant based.
Synthetic based.
Drug release formDrops.
Herbal infusions.
Rectal suppositories
How to deal with the problemThey influence the very source of constipation and eliminate it, constipation quickly goes away, and the person begins to empty the intestines on their own without drugs.
They only temporarily induce stool in a person; for further bowel movements, repeated use of the laxative will be necessary.

You should not take medications for constipation long time without consulting a doctor. You can take a laxative on your own only if the cause of constipation is known and the course of treatment will not be long, otherwise harmful drugs can cause intestinal atony.

Which better remedy will help with constipation, depends on the cause of its occurrence, so you should not be surprised at the lack of stool after taking the medicine, the laxative was simply not chosen correctly.

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Types of laxatives

There are many types of laxatives for constipation, and a person can choose the best one for himself only after studying in detail the effect of each remedy on the intestines and other organs.

Modern new generation laxatives can be divided into four main groups:

  1. Drugs irritating effect- these are the most effective and strong remedies in the fight against constipation. Laxative drugs of this group affect the intestinal mucosa, irritating it and increasing peristalsis. These are the best laxatives when you need to relieve short-term acute constipation. If a person has problems with bowel movements every day, then the use of such drugs can only make things worse - lead to intestinal atony. Therefore, carriers of this group should be consumed no more than a couple of days.
  2. Drugs osmotic action - prevent the outflow of fluid from the intestines, which helps soften stool and speed its evacuation from the body. An osmotic agent is light, effective and harmless, which helps to quickly remove diarrhea, but also irritants does not cure the problem. This modern laxative can be used for a relatively long time for chronic constipation; it does not cause addiction, even if you drink it often without stopping. Just remember that the intestines themselves will not begin to cope with constipation until it is cured.
  3. Prebiotics and probiotics- fight intestinal dysbiosis, populating it beneficial bacteria. These drugs are often used for acute poisoning, viral or bacterial infection and treatment with antibiotics. A probiotic is a mild, gentle remedy for constipation, but effective, and a prebiotic is an addition to it - it helps bacteria take root in the intestines, as it carries nutrients for them. All probiotics and prebiotics act gently and most importantly, they can be taken for a very long time with chronic constipation without fear, since there are no side effects in the form of an overpopulation of intestinal bacteria, the excess ones will simply go away with the feces.
  4. Enteric fillers- are able to increase the volume of feces, which contributes to intestinal irritation and accelerates the onset of defecation. Preparations in this group are herbal and synthetic, but both classes help in the fight against constipation. It is better to use laxatives as prescribed by a doctor, since only he can determine the appropriate course of treatment.

Irritant drugs

For constipation that occurs one-time due to stress or not proper nutrition, it is allowed to use laxatives of this group. They will quickly eliminate constipation and remove feces, completely cleansing the intestines.

Their action is based on irritation of the intestinal walls throughout its entire length, or only in the rectum. The first option allows you to enhance peristalsis in the thick section and completely release it, while the second only helps to induce bowel movements, and then the body must cope on its own. The list of laxatives in this group is very large and they all have a similar effect, so we will consider only the main ones.

An osmotic saline laxative perfectly relieves constipation, but using the drug is often not recommended.

According to the instructions, Carlsbad salt should be used on an empty stomach in the amount of 1 tsp. The salt must first be diluted in a glass of water and drunk, after 40 minutes you need to have breakfast.

You should be careful when frequent use laxatives may occur:

Prebiotics and probiotics

Drugs in this group cope with constipation gently and do not harm the intestines. They are very often prescribed in childhood.

The main indications for their use are:

  • intestinal dysbiosis, accompanied by constipation.
  • treatment antibacterial agents leading to stool retention in humans.

Probiotics and prebiotics can be used for a long course of treatment. There are very few contraindications for the drugs, but you should still be careful and consult a doctor before taking any laxative.

Portalac consists of the active ingredient lactulose and has a lot of drugs - synonyms (Lactulose, Duphalac, Goodluck, Normaze, Romphalak, Poslabin Lactulose).

Due to active substance beneficial bacteria begin to normalize intestinal function, and the osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen increases, which promotes rapid emptying. The drug must be prescribed individually for each patient by a doctor, but you can take a laxative according to the instructions - for three days, patients drink 15 ml of the drug three times a day. In subsequent days, the dosage is reduced to 10 ml of the product.

Contraindications to taking Portalac are:

  • unexplained abdominal pain.
  • intestinal obstruction.
  • allergy to the components of the drug.
  • bleeding of the intestinal tract.
  • presence of colostomy.

Very rarely, patients develop allergic reactions on a laxative, and then you should stop taking it and consult a doctor to select an analogue that will help eliminate constipation with least problems.

Active ingredient agent is lacthiol monohydrate, which enters unchanged into colon and there populating the body with beneficial bacteria. The drug actively increases osmotic pressure in the large intestine and softens feces, promoting the rapid evacuation of intestinal contents.

You need to mix 20 g of powder with any liquid (even a small volume - 200 ml) and drink it at once. This dosage is maintained until the stool returns to normal, then it is reduced by half and the laxative is continued to be taken to consolidate the effect.

You need to be very careful with this remedy and do not take it yourself if you have:

  • Galactosemia.
  • Mechanical stagnation of feces.
  • Rectal bleeding.
  • Organ damage digestive tract organic nature.

Don't worry about slight swelling and abdominal discomfort at first, as it normal reaction body and after a few days the symptoms will subside.

A synonym for Exportal is Importal L, a drug for constipation very similar in action and composition.

Enteric fillers

Laxatives in this group are not absorbed through the blood and easily enter directly into the large intestine. They increase the volume of feces, which sometimes leads to bloating and flatulence. The intestinal filler is most often vegetable or other natural remedy, and therefore it is practically harmless to the body. These drugs are effective only if everything is relatively in order with intestinal motility; with atony and hypotension, intestinal fillers may not bring the desired result.

Various laxatives through different time cause defecation in humans:

  • Agar-agar leads to bowel movement after 12 hours.
  • Fleawort seeds take effect only after 24 hours.
  • Methylcellulose causes bowel movements in 1-3 days.

In addition to these agents as intestinal fillers plant origin can be used Sterculia, psyllium husk, flax seed, wheat bran.

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Constipation is very dangerous and very often this is the first symptom of hemorrhoids! Few people know, but getting rid of it is very simple. Just 3 cups of this tea a day will relieve you of constipation, flatulence and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract...

An important condition The effect of laxatives is to drink a sufficient amount of fluid - at least eight glasses of water per day. IN otherwise the effect will be weak, and it will be difficult for the body to cope with the swelling of hard feces.


Quick-acting laxatives for constipation vary widely in price. They can be put into a certain rating, starting with the most popular means. This is explained by the fact that people strive to remove constipation not only mechanically, but also to influence the problem, so as not to subsequently suffer from the lack of bowel movements.

Therefore, the first places are occupied by osmotic laxatives, followed by irritant drugs. Probiotics are slightly less popular in the fight against constipation, since they do not eliminate the disease as quickly as a person wants, but they act gently and are not addictive.

The table contains data on the funds considered and their price range:

115-564 rub.564 rub.521 rub.
Lavacol153-202 rub.211 rub.208 rub.
290-895 rub.359-751 rub.343-729 rub.

Quite often there are situations when the problem of constipation occurs suddenly and there is no quick-acting medicine at hand.

And it happens that a person has an intolerance to some component in the drug.

In both cases, a laxative prepared at home will always come to the rescue.

Folk remedies for constipation can not only have a quick effect, but also maintain health, thanks to their healing properties.

Main causes of constipation

Facilities traditional medicine for constipation they are considered mild and gentle medications. Some people do not consider constipation a serious problem at all, so they do not use any methods to combat it.

It leads to serious violations in the functioning of the entire body and worsens health. The first signs of difficulty in bowel movement, or its complete absence for 2 to 3 days, are called constipation.

At this time, a disturbance in intestinal motility occurs, leading to difficulty and suspension of fecal movement.

The frequency of going to the toilet depends on many factors. The most common of these are considered to be a sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity, bad habits and poor nutrition.

This disease is divided into two groups: acute and chronic. The chronic form of constipation develops due to untimely relief of the acute form.

To the main reasons for the emergence and development of this disease include:

  • Problems and violations in nervous system. This also includes strokes, poor circulation in the brain, sclerosis. Depression and disorders in the spine can also cause constipation.
  • Problems endocrine system- Availability diabetes mellitus, obesity, the presence of premenstrual syndrome.
  • Diseases digestive system. Ulcers, cholecystitis, presence chronic pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis and cancer.
  • Disruption of the intestinal muscle tissue.
  • Prolonged retention of bowel movements for psychological and physical reasons.
  • With stress associated with conditions, work, nutrition (violation of the diet and regime).
  • Low physical activity and stress.
  • Poor nutrition. The level of fiber entering the body is reduced, as well as insufficient drinking regimen.
  • Result of side effects of medical medicine(antibiotic).

What are the benefits of folk remedies for constipation?

Faced with the problem of constipation, the question arises of how to overcome this disease. Before starting treatment, you should consult a doctor to understand the exact reasons for the appearance of this disease.

To relieve constipation, patients use not only traditional medicine, but also homemade folk remedies. They are considered safe and quick-acting.

Based on these benefits, homemade folk remedies are gaining such wide popularity and are applicable among many people.

Pharmacy products may not always be at hand, but alternative medicine can be prepared without leaving home.

The best homemade laxatives

For constipation, homemade laxatives are often used. Their action is aimed at eliminating of this disease. To choose suitable medicine, it is recommended to try several of them.

Each person’s body is unique, so each patient will benefit from one remedy that triggers normal work intestines. Among them are:

  • Widely used in the fight against constipation cucumber pickle. Drink 1.5 glasses on an empty stomach in the morning. This is a fast-acting laxative because it begins to act within an hour. If constipation has occurred severe form, and the effect of the brine did not manifest itself after 2 hours, the procedure is repeated 30 minutes after eating. It is worth noting that this product is a one-time use and is not suitable for regular use.
  • Extra virgin olive oil will be a panacea for bowel function at home. It is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The amount depends on the age of the patient and the degree of complication of the disease. On average, use 1-5 tablespoons. After 1 hour, this laxative will begin to active work. If the oil is ineffective after one use, take it throughout the day, 1 tablespoon every hour. By evening, constipation should subside as this is a fast-acting medicine.
  • Beetroot juice is noted as a strong laxative that can be prepared at home. This fast-acting remedy prepared from fresh beets, and take 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast only 2 hours after taking it. After 1-2 hours the medicine will begin to take effect. To enhance and consolidate the effect, this juice drink at lunch and dinner.
  • Using medicinal herbs You can also cure constipation. Senna herb is very effective in in this case. To obtain medicine at home, take 0.5 cups of this healing herb and pour a glass of boiling water over it. After infusion, the broth is carefully filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve. In the amount of 100 ml, take it in the morning on an empty stomach. To enhance the effect, drink the decoction in daytime and after dinner in the same quantities.
  • Plum juice is also effective in relieving constipation. It is enough to drink 1 glass of fresh plum juice in the morning on an empty stomach. You should have breakfast no earlier than 2 hours later. This is a remedy for quick achievement effect, which can be prepared at home, because it begins to act within 30-40 minutes after its use.
  • A decoction of fresh cherries is considered quite effective. You can use frozen cherries. Take 1 glass of cherries and 2 apples. Chop the apples, add cherries and pour in 3 liters of water. Cook all this over low heat for 1 hour. This laxative is taken half a day before meals, 1 glass. Treatment with this remedy, prepared at home, is not limited in time.
  • If you have fresh gooseberries, prepare a quick-acting decoction from it. 15-20 berries are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 25 minutes over low heat. This laxative is divided into several parts and taken throughout the day before each meal.
  • There are laxative properties in potato juice. It is taken on an empty stomach in the amount of 50 ml in the morning. You can have breakfast no earlier than an hour after taking this remedy.
  • Onion tincture is also effective against constipation. Its laxative properties act instantly and start bowel function. Half a liter jar is filled with chopped onions and filled with vodka. High Quality to the top. Leave the contents in the sun for 10 days. After filtering through cheesecloth or a sieve, take 10 drops of tincture in the first half of the day once a day.
  • Another quick-acting laxative is prepared on the basis of kefir and unrefined sunflower oil. Place 1 tablespoon of oil on one glass of kefir. The resulting drug is taken half an hour before bedtime. Laxative properties appear in the morning. Given folk medicine Suitable for both one-time use and chronic forms of the disease.
  • Solution helps with constipation warm water with a quarter teaspoon of salt and soda. This mixture is drunk on an empty stomach after waking up. It helps soften stool in the intestines and activates peristalsis. Laxative manifestations are observed on the third day of use, and do not imply any time restrictions on treatment.
  • You can prepare medicine at home using aloe juice. Juice is obtained from the plant and taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon, 30 minutes before meals. Treatment course of this product is 2 months.
  • At chronic form diseases, a laxative medicine prepared on the basis of buckthorn bark and peppermint helps perfectly. It is enough to mix 2 tablespoons of bark with 3 tablespoons of mint, and all the ingredients are crushed. 2 tablespoons of this drug are steamed with boiling water and infused for half an hour. After careful straining, take 1 glass of the drink before bed. Laxative properties appear the next morning. In the chronic form of the disease and to improve the effect, continue treatment for 2 weeks.
  • Using a coffee grinder, grind dill seeds (1 tablespoon) in it and pour a glass of boiling water. After infusion for half an hour, the laxative is filtered and taken in small portions throughout the day. This is a fast-acting medicine because it helps already on the first day of use. To improve the effect, continue treatment over the next 5 days.
  • Using plantain at home can also relieve constipation. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of plantain seeds into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour.

After straining, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. After 2 weeks, all signs of the disease disappear.

What else is used to treat constipation?

All traditional methods of eliminating the disease are aimed at restoring and normalizing intestinal functions. Among them are:

  • Usage medicinal herbs(herbal medicine)
  • Use of certain products (vegetables, berries and fruits)
  • Introduction of various vegetable oils
  • Use and administration of enemas
  • Massage sessions
  • Active physical exercise

Healing herbal medicine

  • Dandelion root is actively used in the treatment of symptoms caused by constipation. Thanks to its choleretic properties, it actively stimulates intestinal motility. An infusion is prepared from the leaves or roots of the plant. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with boiling water and left overnight. Take in the morning before meals and throughout the day.
  • Yarrow is capable of providing not only choleretic effect, but also antispasmodic. It is used for intestinal spasms and chronic forms of the disease. 1 teaspoon of herb is brewed with boiling water and infused. Take 1/3 cup before meals.
  • An infusion of licorice root can regulate bowel movements and increase the frequency of bowel movements from feces. It is enough to pour 1 tablespoon of boiling water and leave until it cools completely.
  • Nettle infusion has the same properties. It is taken throughout the day. To do this, pour two tablespoons of herbs into 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Chamomile decoction perfectly relieves spasms, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the excretory system.

Before using any medicine prepared at home, you should consult your doctor. Only after full diagnostics the body and when the causes of the disease are identified, treatment can be prescribed.

It is imperative to take into account the characteristics of each organism and individual intolerances. Self-medication is harmful to health, so each medication should be discussed with a doctor.

Useful video

In pharmacies without special labor You can buy laxatives, as they are available without a doctor's prescription. A person suffering from constipation tries to purchase quick-acting laxative tablets.

A list of this group of drugs can be easily found even on the Internet, but not everyone pays attention to active substance drug, mechanism of action and side effects, not even speaking about, whether the chosen drug is suitable for him.

It is worth noting that most laxatives only relieve symptoms and help cleanse the intestines, but do not eliminate the main problem of obstruction and constipation.

Patients often abuse laxatives, using them systematically without consulting a doctor.

As a result patients often abuse laxatives, using them systematically without consulting a doctor. Although laxatives are available without a prescription, it is imperative It is recommended to be examined by a doctor to adjust treatment and correct selection medicines.

Laxatives: action, price

List of all fast acting laxative tablets can be divided by mechanism into the following groups:

  • stimulating actions;
  • osmotic actions;
  • prebiotics- laxatives;
  • drugs- fillers .

Below is an analysis of each group with examples of drugs and their approximate prices.

The list of all fast-acting laxative tablets can be divided into groups by mechanism.

Irritant laxatives (stimulants) have the most quick effect, eliminate intestinal atony, but at the same time have a large list of serious side effects, are not the safest. Act on lower sections intestines, irritate the mucous membrane, improving peristalsis and slowing down the absorption of water masses. The effect appears within 6-8 hours from the moment of administration.

The drugs are aggressive, they are often used irrationally, this fast acting laxative tablets.

List of drugs in this group:

  • Phenolphthalein (from 160 rub.);
  • Bisacodyl(from 26 rub.);
  • Dulcolax(from 210 rub.);
  • Picosulfate sodium (from 180 rub.).

As mentioned above, laxatives in stimulant tablets have big list side effects(dehydration, hepatotoxicity, inhibition of gastrointestinal functions, formation of intestinal atony, increase the risk of neoplasms and fissures in the colon, etc.), therefore You should carefully study the effect of this group of drugs on the body before starting the course. .

Irritant laxatives (stimulants) have the fastest effect.

Advised use only for isolated cases of constipation, systematic application increases the risk of undesirable consequences.

Osmotic laxatives , like stimulant laxatives, not used for systematic constipation . They are usually used for poisoning with toxic substances, preparation for surgery or diagnostic procedures digestive organs. The mechanism of action is associated with an increase in osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen, as a result of which water absorption decreases and the contents liquefy.

The following drugs are classified as osmotic laxatives:

  • Carlsbad salt (from 800 rub.);
  • Forlax(from 140 rub.);
  • Lactulose(from 250 rub.);
  • Inulin(from 250 rub.) and some others.

These laxatives are considered safe and can be used for long periods of time. If the drugs are used for a long time (more than 3 months), then dehydration and impaired water-salt metabolism, loss of electrolytes. To these unwanted effects Children and the elderly are most sensitive.

Children and the elderly are most sensitive to undesirable effects.

Prebiotic laxatives are considered the best drugs, since they are approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. The drug contains organic substances that are not digested in the initial parts of the intestine and easily reach the large intestine, stimulating the growth of beneficial microflora.

The effect of prebiotics is not as fast as that of stimulating and osmotic drugs, but is stronger and more persistent.

Prebiotics help quickly neutralize toxins and eliminate pathogenic microflora. Virtually no side effects. In some cases, flatulence may occur, which goes away 2-3 days after the start of the course.

Used to prevent constipation, for chronic constipation, to eliminate pathogenic microflora.

Drugs in this group:

  • Lactulose(from 250 rub.);
  • Inulin(from 250 rub.);
  • Fructooligosaccharides.

Intestinal fillers are not in great demand among patients with constipation. It's connected with unpleasant sensations when using them : loud rumbling, flatulence, abdominal pain, discomfort.

Patients using laxative fillers should drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

Patients using laxative fillers should drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

The drug contains both synthetic (modified polysaccharides) and natural components. Fillers are poorly digested, adsorb water on themselves and increase the volume of feces. The contents of the intestines press on the walls and a reflex contraction occurs, accelerating the process of defecation. This group drugs are considered the mildest laxatives, the effect occurs after 12 hours.

People with intestinal obstruction, impaired peristalsis and intestinal atony, as this will only aggravate the situation and increase bloating.

Advantages and disadvantages of laxatives

Each group of fast-acting laxatives in tablets has its own list of advantages and disadvantages. The most effective, but at the same time dangerous, are considered stimulating (irritating) laxatives, and the safest are prebiotics, but the effect must wait a longer period.

For chronic constipation, it is recommended to pay attention to your diet and lifestyle. , often the reason lies precisely in them. For problems with stool, it is recommended massage the abdomen, drink plenty of fluids and drink a glass of kefir before going to bed.

It is necessary to choose the most suitable option, evaluate all indications and side effects.

In conclusion, it should be noted once again that when choosing fast-acting laxative tablets, the list of which was discussed above, it is necessary to choose the most suitable option, evaluate all indications and side effects.

Should be paid Special attention on contraindications and do not neglect them. It is worth highlighting irritating drugs separately. Although they quickly help relieve constipation, they also have very strong side effects, so they should not be used systematically. If the cause of problems with stool is unclear, you should consult a doctor.

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Most people experience this. The formation of this pathology can be provoked various reasons, which need to be installed and treated, however, there are times when you need to quickly help the intestines get rid of fecal stagnation.

What are the most good means for constipation in adults, and what should you pay attention to when purchasing medications with laxative effects?

Retention of stool- this is the same unfortunate anomaly called “constipation”, which manifests itself as a result of incorrect bowel function.

The inability to empty it in a timely manner leads to a large number of feces accumulate in the large intestine, as a result of which it stretches and changes its shape and size.

For normal bowel function, bowel movements should be regular.

Because of this, nearby internal organs are displaced, which does not manifest itself very well in their direct work. In addition, in hard-stone feces contains much less water, approximately 60% (normal indicator– 80%), due to a lack of fluid, the process of defecation gives a person painful sensations.

With normal bowel function and regular nutrition, stool should be regular. If this is not observed, then the accumulations of feces produce toxic substances that are absorbed into the blood, and self-poisoning of all important organs occurs.

The pathological process affects the lungs, liver, kidneys and skin, which experience enormous load, and in connective tissues There is an excessive amount of toxins that reduce immune function. The body begins to age quickly, which leads to the development of various diseases.

In people who suffer frequent constipation, the following signs are observed:

  1. Bad breath.
  2. White coating on the tongue.
  3. Frequent fatigue.
  4. Unhealthy skin color.
  5. The appearance of rashes and pimples.
  6. Pain in the parietal and occipital parts of the head.
  7. Irritability.
  8. Memory loss.
  9. Pain in the heart area.
  10. Nausea, belching and heartburn.

Such an unhealthy phenomenon as constipation does not arise without reason; there are many reasons that contribute to its occurrence. For example, atonic constipation arises due to sedentary lifestyle life or due to a serious infectious disease.

Spastic constipation manifests itself due to convulsive contraction of the walls of the rectum, dysbacteriosis, the presence of worms,.

To get rid of the accumulation of feces and normalize the bowel movement process, the doctor may prescribe medications that can help solve this problem.

So, what is the most best medicine for constipation in adults?

Features of treatment

Pregnant women medications for constipation it is necessary to select more carefully

It should be said that the pharmacy chain offers huge selection medications whose action is aimed at relieving constipation. They differ from each other healing power and mechanism of action.

However, before you go to the pharmacy for a laxative, Be sure to coordinate its use with your doctor, because there are many factors in which the use of certain drugs has a number of contraindications, for example childhood, pregnancy, some individual characteristics the patient's body.

Thus, laxative medications must be selected more carefully and preference is given to medicines with natural ingredients. On early stages During pregnancy, most medications, including laxatives, are generally prohibited.

For women in an “interesting” situation, such drugs are prescribed if the benefit from them exceeds possible risk for the fetus, rectal suppositories are usually prescribed in such situations.

In a relationship drug treatment constipation in children, then a careful approach to the choice of one remedy or another is also necessary here. Therapy for young patients must be absolutely safe and different from that recommended for adults.

The most effective laxative medications

What kind of laxatives are there? therapeutic effect which gives good results?

Today modern drugs for constipation in adults are presented in various forms:

  1. Pills.
  2. Drops.
  3. Syrups.
  4. Suspensions.
  5. Suppositories.

Tablets for constipation in adults have different effects, however healing effect most of them has an irritating nature, which provokes bowel movements several hours after consumption.

Normolact syrup

Laxatives in the form of syrups are fast-acting and relatively inexpensive. In addition to the above forms, there are medications for constipation in the form of drops, suspensions, and rectal suppositories.

Your doctor will tell you which medication option is most suitable for your case and will help you choose the most effective and efficient remedy for treating constipation.

Below is a list of medications for constipation in adults that will quickly relieve symptoms.

List of medications

Before buying any product in this direction, Pay attention to the information in the leaflet for the drug.

Almost every such medicine has contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy period and pregnancy.
  2. Pain in abdominal cavity unknown origin.
  3. Pancreatitis.
  4. Bleeding of internal organs.
  5. Haemorrhoids.
  6. Age up to 1 year.
  7. Inflammation of the abdominal cavity.
  8. Peritonitis.
  9. Intestinal obstruction.
  10. Perforation of the intestinal walls.

After a visit to a specialist and his consultation, you may be recommended medications:

  1. Bisacodyl. The tablets have a strong laxative property, promote regular bowel movements and normalize stool.
  2. Defenorm. Plant-based tablets eliminate constipation of various origins, significantly facilitate bowel movements, liquefy hard feces, and improve intestinal motility.

    The drug is considered the most effective means for constipation in adults, can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women and children.

    Has virtually no contraindications, it is recommended even after surgical interventions in the anorectal area, in the presence of Crohn's disease.


  3. Picolax. These tablets improve bowel function, soften stool, and stimulate the process of bowel movements.
  4. Normolakt. A laxative in syrup form with high medicinal effectiveness. Belongs to the group of osmotic drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora and improve the state of its peristalsis, thereby normalizing the process of physiological defecation.
  5. Pikosen. This syrup is prescribed for constipation and lack of regular bowel movements. Its medicinal properties are highly effective, effectively eliminate constipation, and at the same time soften stone stool, thereby facilitating its passage through rectum. However this remedy not recommended for , and a number of certain diseases, for example, cystitis and intestinal obstruction. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.
  6. Slack. Syrup with high healing properties, which stimulates the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines, has a mild laxative effect, and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Microlax. The drug is available in powder form. Microclysters with this medicine soften hard feces, thereby facilitating the process of bowel movement.
  8. Forlax. Refers to osmotic drugs, is produced in powder form, has established itself as one of the best means from constipation. Excellent liquefaction fecal stones and normalizes the process of bowel movement.

    Children's Forlax

  9. Lactusan. The medicine is classified as a prebiotic, has a complex effect, restores the balance of microflora, forms osmotic pressure, and provokes intestinal activity.
  10. Regulax. The drug with natural ingredients exhibits a fairly pronounced healing effect and does not contribute to addiction. Prescribed for chronic constipation.
  11. Glycerol. Quick remedy for constipation in adults and children. Suppositories have a mild local action, help to empty the intestines, but do not eliminate the root cause of constipation.
  12. Glycelax. Suppositories with a laxative effect effectively soften fecal stones, thereby facilitating their passage through the rectum. However, they are not recommended for use for constipation and hemorrhoids in pregnant women, anorectal stenosis and people after a heart attack.

Don't forget that permanent use Laxative medications do not help to finally solve the problem, that is, get rid of the disease, but only aggravate the situation.

Drug stimulation of the intestines does not have the best effect on its natural functioning; the intestines get used to the drugs and gradually lose the ability to perform their natural function.

That's why optimal solution to relieve constipation complex treatment and maintaining proper nutrition, and in some cases diet, and also do not forget about active image life.