Dream of a relative's funeral. What to do if you dreamed of a funeral and how to understand such a dream. Seeing a Funeral in a dream in Azar's Dream Book

Find out from the online dream book what the Funeral means in dreams by reading below the answer as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about a funeral?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of a Funeral and what does it mean:

Funeral - Seeing a funeral procession in a dream promises a good event in reality, reconciliation, a wedding, and for men - a long and happy life. Burying someone close to you means success in a matter that you considered hopeless, internal changes in yourself, changes in business. Crying bitterly, mourning at a funeral means short-lived happiness. Seeing mourners at a funeral is a good sign. Accepting condolences at a funeral is a holiday.

Seeing a funeral procession means a wedding. Seeing yourself buried alive means that you are about to make a huge mistake, which your enemies will quickly use to harm you; to see that you were saved by crawling out of the grave after the funeral means that, at the cost of great efforts, you will be able to safely get on the right path.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Funeral in a dream?

A funeral means an unsuccessful marriage and sickly offspring. If you attend the funeral of someone you don't know, you may experience unexpected concerns. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but your friends are in trouble. Being dressed in black at a funeral means early widowhood. The funeral of one of your relatives promises troubles and anxiety in the family.

Folklore dream book

Why do you dream of a Funeral according to folk wisdom?

Funeral - Okay.

Interpreter of dreams by Maria Fedorovskaya

See the Funeral

Funeral - For the wedding.

Modern dream book


Funeral - Joy, wedding.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Funeral was dreamed

Being buried - Approaching the end, ego autonomy.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed about the funeral

Funeral - Seeing a person unknown and unfamiliar to us marks slander, slander and false news.

Egyptian dream book

What do funerals mean?

Funeral - If a person sees himself burying an elderly person in a dream, it means good, it means prosperity.

Idiomatic dream book

What do you dream about funerals for?

Funeral - Completion, calm, oblivion, farewell, mystery; “bury your feelings, hopes”, “get a funeral”. See add. Death, kill.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - Funeral

Funeral - Being buried alive is a great danger, be more moderate in your desires (arrest), fear of upcoming responsibility.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Funeral from your dream

Funeral - Funeral procession (depending on length) - Delays in business; yearning; for the wedding; Seeing a hearse means changes in life. See separately p. Dead.

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream of a funeral, interpretation:

Funeral - If you dreamed of a rich funeral, your dream predicts dishonor that will befall your home. A poor funeral, on the contrary, portends good luck, as this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Funeral - Alien, luxurious - you will achieve wealth; strangers, wretched - a difficult struggle for life; own funeral - long life, health; family happiness. Funeral oven - You will be happy about something.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Seeing a funeral means joyful events and good luck. Take part in the funeral with gifts or joy from friends. Your funeral is a great success, long-term luck, despite the pessimistic mood.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Funeral - Successful outcome; for the wedding; you are buried - long life; dead person alive - invitation to a wedding; funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession, in connection with the personal), this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream of a Funeral?

When you see the funeral, it’s good, maybe there’s a wedding in the family. If you see a funeral, grief will freeze. A funeral is a happy ending; wedding; They are hiding you - a long life, for employees - a salary increase, as the dream book - the fortuneteller reports.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream of a funeral?

Funeral - Wedding, success // funeral, troubles; burying relatives, a friend, a noble person - happiness, wealth, inheritance; an unknown person is buried - slander, false news; you are buried - unexpected joy, long life // bad; funeral songs to sing or hear - sadness, death of relatives or friends.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about a funeral?

Despite the fact that in life a funeral is a negative process, in a dream it is a favorable symbol.

A father's funeral is a sign of a good event, reconciliation with a loved one or an imminent happy wedding. Funeral of someone close - in life you will win a business that for a long time was considered a loser. A dream in which you are buried has a bad meaning. This funeral - you can make a huge mistake, which your enemies will use to harm you.

  • You see a lot of mourning people at the funeral of a friend, this is an omen of an imminent magnificent celebration.
  • Psychological interpreter Furtseva

    According to the dream book Funeral

    Dream about a funeral - Dreaming about the funeral of an already deceased father is a symbol of the beginning of a new stage of life. You “bury” your old beliefs and doubts, moving on to a happier stage of life. You should not interfere with this process, since your future life will be much more pleasant than your past.

    A dream in which the funeral of a person who recently died in reality has a different meaning. You are probably either unable to come to terms with the loss or have mixed emotions about it.

    Romantic dream book

    What do you dream about funerals for?

    Grandfather's funeral in a dream means a magnificent wedding with your loved one, if you are directly involved in the funeral. And if you watch your mother’s funeral from the outside, expect problems in the family and quarrels with your partner.

    Your funeral means a happy family life. For a woman to see her husband’s funeral, the dream foretells the fidelity of her husband; for men, a loving and caring wife.

    Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

    Why do you dream of a Funeral?

    Funeral - To be at the funeral of a relative on a clear, sunny day is a sign of the good health of your family and friends. If it is cloudy and raining, expect illness or bad news soon. If you see the funeral of a person you don’t know, unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of a child in a dream foretells health and peace in your family and problems among your friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

    Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

    For those born in January, February, March, April

    Funeral - To longevity.

    For those born in May, June, July and August

    Seeing a stranger’s funeral in a dream means elation; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

    For those born in September, October, November, December

    Seeing a funeral in a dream and hearing funeral music means someone's death.

    Family dream book

    Why do you dream of a Funeral in modern times:

    Funeral - If you dreamed of the funeral of a stranger, then you will have unexpected complications in your relationships with loved ones.

    To be present at the funeral of a relative in a dream on a fine sunny day means good health for your loved ones.

    Funeral of the deceased - To see that you were touched by the funeral of a loved one - this means that you have to help one of your relatives in a difficult financial situation.

    See also: why a dead person dreams, why a cemetery dreams, why a coffin dreams.

    Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

    Why do you dream of a Funeral?

    Funeral of a person - If you dreamed of a funeral, then a successful outcome awaits you or for a wedding. If you are buried in a dream, then you will have a long life. If a dead person is alive in a dream, then an invitation to a wedding awaits you.

    If you dreamed of a rich funeral, then gossip and slander await you. Poor funeral - peace and prosperity await you. A funeral procession in a dream means you will have long sorrows.

    Another interpretation of this dream: if you are at the funeral of a relative, friend or important person, then happiness, wealth, and a profitable marriage await you.

    If you dreamed of a shroud, then the death of someone close to you awaits you.

    Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

    Why do you dream of a Funeral, how to understand the dream:

    Funeral - If you dreamed of a funeral, then an unsuccessful marriage or a child’s disability awaits you.

    If you dreamed of the funeral of a stranger, then an unpleasant surprise awaits you. The funeral of a deceased relative in sunny weather means the health of all family members and an imminent wedding await you.

    Funeral of a relative in bad weather - you will have illnesses, bad news about those who are far away, stagnation in business.

    If you dreamed about the funeral of your child, this means the health of all family members, disappointment in a friend.

    Seeing yourself in black at a funeral means widowhood awaits you.

    Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

    Wake, Funeral of a person - If you dreamed of a funeral, then a happy occasion awaits you.

    It also means the end of a long period in your life.

    If you dreamed of a shroud, then death awaits you in your immediate environment.

    Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

    Why do you dream of a Funeral according to the dream book:

    Funeral - To see that you meet many relatives, friends and simply familiar faces at someone's funeral - this promises you wealth through a profitable marriage.

    Seeing that you are burying a relative - this portends you friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies.

    Seeing the funeral of a family member in a dream means winning or the long-awaited discovery of a long-lost thing that is very dear to you.

    Seeing that you are present at your own funeral predicts you a long life and family happiness.

    Big dream book

    Why do you dream of a Funeral - dream analysis:

    Why do you dream of a Funeral - interpretation of the dream:

    Funeral of a person - To see that at the funeral of a relative on a good, sunny day - this promises good health for you and your loved ones.

    But, if the weather in a dream was gloomy and it was raining, then illness, bad news and a decline in business are possible.

    To see that you were present at the funeral of a stranger means unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible.

    If you heard a funeral bell in a dream, then expect sad news about an absent person.

    If you yourself rang the bell, then illness and failure are possible.

    Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

    To see a funeral in a dream:

    Wake, funeral of the deceased symbolizes sadness and longing in dreams. If in a dream you met a funeral procession while walking down the street, then in life you will have to suffer a serious illness associated with an infection. For a pregnant woman, such a dream foreshadows a difficult birth or miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.

    If you see your funeral, then such a dream promises you a long, happy and prosperous life. Luck will accompany your affairs. A happy and lasting marriage awaits you as well. A dream in which you see a cheerful funeral warns you of a possible disaster. You need to be careful and careful. Also keep a close eye on small children. Beware of car accidents. A funeral, accompanied by tears and lamentations in a dream, symbolizes an imminent unusually joyful event associated with you and your relatives. It’s especially good if you had such a dream on the night from Thursday to Friday, it will definitely bring you good luck.

    If in your dream a funeral takes place in a cemetery, then such a dream says that difficult negotiations await you, on the outcome of which your future depends. Prepare for the meeting in advance, think over the course of the conversation, and stock up on peremptory arguments. It would be good if such a meeting would be organized on your territory, but if this is not possible, then enlist the support of third parties who have the opportunity to influence the course of events. A series of funerals in a dream foreshadows difficulties and troubles in reality that you will cope with, which your perseverance and the help of close friends will help you overcome. Don't deviate from your plan and you will achieve the desired result.

    A funeral you dreamed about over the weekend does not bode well; it only symbolizes your sadness and loneliness, your desire to have fun and escape from the everyday routine. It's good if you meet with friends, it will help you. A dream in which you are going to a funeral and putting on black clothes warns you that with your behavior you are offending many people, and thereby pushing them away from you. Your friends and family have taken a back seat to you after work. If you continue like this, you will remain alone.

    Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

    Why do you dream of a Funeral according to the dream book:

    Funeral - Seeing a person’s funeral - this dream foreshadows you that your weakness will hinder your career growth. You will feel an urgent need to be able to control your actions. Attending a funeral - this dream means a possible divorce or breakup with your lover. In any case, this is a sign symbolizing problems in a relationship with a loved one.

    Seeing your own funeral - this dream foretells that you will soon be rewarded for your long labors, and your life will develop at a higher level. Having fun in a dream about a funeral - this dream foretells you an unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the opportunities that have opened up to you. Most likely, these opportunities will be related to your professional activities. A funeral without a deceased person - a dream promises you a rapid increase in wealth, as well as a new romantic relationship.

    Why dream about seeing a friend’s funeral in a dream - this is not a very favorable dream. Losses and troubles in business await you. To see that you are leaving a funeral means that you will soon be moving or major changes in business. A funeral where there are no people is a dream that you will soon show your characteristic energy and prudence in your affairs. This will lead you to great financial success, as well as improved family relationships.

    Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

    Funeral - Seeing someone's funeral in a dream means that you will be surrounded by people who are very hostile against you. They try not to miss a single mistake of yours, so that on occasion they can point out to everyone your incompetence in any matter.

    If you are participating in the funeral of one of your relatives or even strangers, it means that you will soon receive sad news, and confusion in business is simply inevitable, because... Lately you have completely neglected them. Dreaming about your own funeral is a signal that in the near future you may make a serious mistake, which will then be almost impossible to correct. In addition, you will primarily harm yourself and your loved ones.

    Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    Why do you dream of a Funeral according to the dream book:

    Funeral - A dream about a funeral foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage. To see that you will attend someone else's funeral, the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience.

    If you see someone buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed.

    To be present at the funeral of close relatives, friends or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections.

    Seeing a funeral of a person unknown to you in a dream signifies slander, slander and false news. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding with a loved one. A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Seeing your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning. Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity.

    Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But seeing a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness. Seeing mourning in a dream foreshadows concern about some unimportant matter. A dream about a wake foreshadows sadness, grief due to the failure of failed plans or the separation of lovers.

    A coffin seen in a dream marks a change in fortune and obstacles in business. If the coffin in your dream stands across the road, then changes in business await you, either good or bad, but associated with great experiences. Seeing a coffin with ropes in a dream means that you will soon hear about the death of a loved one.

    An open coffin at a funeral in a dream means an important event. Closing the lid of a coffin at a funeral in a dream is a sign of the end of some unpleasant protracted business or dispute. Seeing a coffin being carried, or carrying it yourself in a dream is a sign of receiving bad news. Crying and being killed at a funeral in a dream foreshadows joy and consolation in reality. Hearing a funeral bell in a dream foretells losses, failures, worries and need. Quarrels, serious illness, repentance for actions promise you a dream in which you are lying in a coffin or sitting on it.

    Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

    Why do you dream of a Funeral according to the dream book:

    Funeral - If you dreamed of a memorial service, then in reality you will finally say goodbye to past pain.

    Seeing a funeral means fun, successful completion of some business, and receiving money. If you are buried, you have a long life ahead, but it may happen that you hear gossip about yourself. Participating in a funeral in beautiful weather means the health, happiness, and prosperity of everyone you love; bad weather at a funeral means illness, bad news and worsening affairs in reality. Burying a stranger means difficulties in relationships with others. If suddenly the deceased turns out to be alive, it means the wedding of someone close or yours. You might just receive an invitation to someone's wedding. Funeral bells and music indicate sad news.

    Everyday dream book

    Why do you dream of a funeral according to the dream book:

    Funeral - Seeing a person's funeral is not as bad a sign as it might seem at first glance. For example, if you dreamed of the funeral of your friend, who in reality is alive and well, then you can tell him that he will live a very long and happy life.

    In this case, a lot depends on the weather in which you buried someone in a dream. For example, if the funeral took place on a sunny, bright and warm day, then you can expect a successful period in your life and in the life of your loved ones.

    But if the weather was cloudy and gloomy, then you can soon expect sad news, as well as large financial losses. Also, such a dream may be a harbinger of the illness of one of your relatives.

    If you had a dream in which you are present at the funeral of a stranger, then in reality you can expect quarrels and omissions with your friends. If you dreamed that you were burying a child, then everything will be just fine in your family life, but problems and misunderstandings may arise with friends.

    But if you heard funeral bells ringing in a dream, then this is a sad sign that warns that you may soon receive sad news about the illness of one of your relatives. If in a dream you are the one ringing the bell, then most likely the disease will overtake you.

    Universal dream book

    If you dream of a Funeral, what does it mean:

    Funeral (See also Death) - Brief interpretation: recognition of change; separation; showing respect.

    Popular expression: it's up to you.

    Contrary to popular belief, a dream in which you saw a funeral can have a positive meaning. Every act of destruction is followed by an act of creation. In a dream, are you attending the funeral of someone you know? Did this person really just pass away? Is a dream a way to express the bitterness of loss?

    To see that you are present at the funeral of a person whom you do not know closely, the dream suggests that some part of your nature has died, that the funeral symbolizes recognition and acceptance of the end of the cycle. A funeral can also symbolize respect for the changes that are happening in your life.

    Are you separated from something or someone at this moment in your life? How does this make you feel?

    The dream may also indicate that you need to pay attention to bad feelings you have about your lifestyle.

    Dreaming of a Funeral? See the following interpreter.

    Lewis's Dream Book

    Why do you dream of a Funeral, for what reason:

    Funeral - Dreaming of attending a funeral service can symbolize saying goodbye to old conditions and relationships that took place in the dreamer's life.

    Lunar dream book

    Why does a sleeping person dream of a Funeral? This means:

    A person's funeral is a happy occasion. Lot of Wheel of Fortune. The end of a long period in your life. Astrologically, it can mean the transition of a higher planet to another house in your horoscope. A funeral is a fun and solemn event.

    Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

    Why do you dream and what do Funerals mean:

    Funeral of a person - Dreamed of a shroud - this foreshadows the death of a person with whom you are familiar.

    Covering yourself with a shroud in a dream is a sign of memories that haunt you.

    Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

    Why do you dream about a funeral?

    To see that someone was dressed in mourning clothes - then worries about some small matter await you.

    If you heard mourning music in a dream, then you will worry about something.

    Why dream of seeing a mourning dress - then joy awaits you.

    Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

    Why do you dream about a funeral?

    If you dreamed of a funeral, then you will achieve great success.

    For young people, such a dream means quarrels and separations.

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    I dream about funerals quite often, since I don’t have to deal with this mournful event every day in my life. But people die, and it is impossible not to notice it. From the point of view of symbolism, dream plots in which you see a funeral are not necessarily a bad sign. By the way, in life, the death of one can be the basis for the well-being of another.

    Therefore, you should not worry in the morning, remembering a dream, but get a suitable dream book and find out - is seeing a funeral a happy or sad event?

    Dream Interpretations and Funeral Ceremony

    For example, Miller’s dream book interprets visions as follows.

    Seeing a friend or loved one being buried in clear, warm weather means success in business, good health for yourself and your family, and the fulfillment of plans. If a person you know while still alive is buried in the rain or when there are low clouds, you need to prepare for illness.

    Funeral according to the 21st century dream book:

    The same dream book predicts: the funeral of a familiar person - to success in a business that was considered unprofitable and they were already trying to complete it in order to lose less; as well as to changes in oneself, to gaining confidence, awareness of self-sufficiency.

    It’s worth opening Vanga’s dream book and finding out what she thinks about the funeral celebration.

    • Seeing yourself in a coffin or carrying it is a sign of future health problems;
    • empty house - to depression;
    • to carry the coffin of a stranger - the act that is about to be performed will bring suffering to those around him, it is initially vile - maybe stop?

    Therefore, the dream book - at the funeral of a stranger you have to hammer nails into the coffin lid - will be able to overcome your bad character and get rid of bad habits, become better and wiser. Freud's dream book - he explains sad images by the dreamer's fears.

    If a man had a dream about a funeral procession, this means:

    Women's fears have a different direction - most of all they are afraid of sexual unattractiveness and not being in demand. If you dreamed of a similar plot, you need to visit a hairdresser and improve your own health.

    Female attractiveness largely depends on the stability of the hormonal cycle. If, according to Freud, you see yourself in a coffin, it means that in bed you devote too much time to yourself and your own experiences. Put egocentrism aside and try to please your partner.

    Scary dreams

    Seeing in a dream how a close relative is buried is very scary. You wake up shocked and upset. What does it mean if you see in a dream the funeral of a living person, very close?

    If we summarize the predictions of dream books, we can find out that if they bury:

    If the dream is about a grandfather who has already died, there is not enough love and care of the opposite sex.

    You need to put aside all your affairs and take care of your family affairs, improve your relationship with your life partner, and find your soulmate. Grandfather is alive - you should think that you are communicating with others incorrectly and change your behavior.

    I dream about the funeral of someone else’s child, perhaps an unknown one. Peace will reign in your own family for a long time, but relations with friends will become cooler, since the new state - complete mutual understanding and the desire to spend time and all holidays together - will alienate you from your previous friends.

    Burying distant relatives is fortunate, especially if the weather is great that day. Whatever you do, good luck will come. Business, health, love, relationships with friends - everything is on top. In most dream books, the funeral of an already deceased person is an unfavorable sign. Any dead person warns of worsening circumstances. It is especially dangerous if the father is dreamed of in such a plot. This is an indicator of impending ruin, illness of loved ones, and loss. If a father is lying in a coffin, who is still alive, the dream foretells his health and longevity.

    The dream is especially favorable for the father if the dreamer accepts condolences. Dad will receive a cash prize or reward in life, will be the hero of the occasion, will meet his lost - as it seemed to him - friends.

    Burying a mother - this plot has nothing to do with the health and life of the parent. The dream concerns the dreamer himself - he will face changes for the worse, disappointments, and unpleasant life changes. And for the mother herself - only health and happiness.

    The funeral of a living husband is not just a good, but an excellent sign. All unresolved problems will become a thing of the past, the goals set will be achieved, and fortune will turn its face.

    You can count on an inheritance, receiving a bonus, moving up the career ladder - the interpretation of the prediction largely depends on real circumstances. A dream about a funeral ceremony in honor of a living wife is interpreted in the same way. But all these visions will come true in a positive way if you are an outside observer in a dream, without experiencing sad emotions. If you experience pain not while waking up, but in a dream, then this predicts monetary losses. They will be so serious that difficulties will affect everyday aspects of real life.

    If in a dream you manage to attend your own funeral, see yourself in a coffin, go after your own home, mourn your life, then no problems are foreseen in the next six months.

    Dream interpretation of someone else's funeral

    A funeral is an unpleasant, sad event. Even if they are strangers and happen in a dream.

    Why do you have visions of burying people? Why see a coffin with a stranger in a dream? A dreamer who has observed such a plot cannot help but be interested in many questions.

    If you dreamed of a funeral

    Dreaming of a funeral procession in the rain

    Did you happen to see a coffin in a dream, did a funeral procession pass by? Don't fall into a state of panic. Such night visions are classified as inversion dreams.. This means that negative symbols in a dream promise positive changes in real life.

    What does a dream about a funeral lead to - popular dream books

    The plot about the burial of people is considered in dream books based on various details and accompanying symbols. You should decide whether you know the person who is being buried. Next, pay attention to whether he is alive in real life or not, the general atmosphere at the funeral and other factors are also important.

    Women's dream book

    If you dream of a funeral procession in clear, windless weather, then your relatives will be able to enjoy excellent health, and you will not get sick.

    When the weather is bad, the coffin is flooded with rain - you may be haunted by illnesses, you will receive sad news.

    If you dreamed about the funeral of a stranger, someone you don’t know in reality, your relationships with people will deteriorate and become strained.

    If you dream of a child’s funeral, peace and prosperity will reign in your family. But at the same time, you will have problems with your friends.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Seeing another person being buried in a dream means positive changes in real life. You will make peace with your enemy, meet love, experience happiness.

    Dreaming of a stranger in a coffin

    For men, such visions occur before a long and happy life.

    A funeral procession is usually dreamed about before a wedding.

    Wanderer's Dream Book

    To dream that a funeral procession is going on means a delay in an important matter. The length of the procession will determine the delay in the case in real life.

    Seeing a coffin, a funeral - the business you have started will be crowned with success.

    Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Canaanite

    Seeing someone else's luxurious funeral in a dream means you will be a financially secure person.

    If you dream about the poor, then you will have to work hard to provide yourself with a decent life.

    Why do people dream about funerals in different countries?

    The French give an interpretation based on how the coffin looked in the dream. If it was luxurious, then your family will be dishonored. If you dreamed of someone else's poor funeral, a simple coffin in which they laid a person - good luck will accompany you.

    In Ancient Rus' they believed that seeing a coffin or someone else’s dead person meant gossip, evil rumors, and slander.

    Ukrainians believe that if you dream of someone else’s funeral, then everything will be fine in your family. Such night vision marks the end of a bad period in your life, the beginning of a bright streak.

    Why do you dream about a child’s funeral?

    Dreaming about burying an unfamiliar child

    Literally all dream books say: if you dream about the funeral of someone else’s child, you will be happy in your family circle, but you will experience troubles communicating with friends.

    Of course, if you dream of a coffin, seeing a child in it is an unpleasant sight even for night dreams. But the dream book says that seeing someone who is not your own baby is not such a terrible vision. If the child's coffin was opened, then you can even have a lot of fun in real life.

    The dream book believes that burying a small child in a dream is a reminder to you that inside every person there should be room for spontaneity, joy, and faith in the best. We should all remain at least a little children.

    A closed coffin for a child promises trouble in business or collapse of hopes.

    Why just see someone else's dead baby without watching how it will be buried in the ground? Some obstacles on your path that have been in the way for a long time will disappear by themselves, and there is a bright future ahead.

    If you dream about the coffin of a small child, you will feel anxious. Events will happen that will make you disappointed.

    Your actions in a dream

    Did you happen to meet a funeral procession on your way that blocked your path? You dream that you cannot walk for a long time, you stand waiting - the work you started will suddenly come to a dead end. Even if you thought you had already achieved success, at the very last moment everything can change dramatically.

    The dream book also gives many interpretations of various actions in a dream:

    Crying in a dream in a cemetery

    • Why cry a lot in a cemetery during the burial of someone else’s adult or child - all your well-being that you currently possess is illusory. You will soon see this. In addition, the period of happiness will end, you will be visited by sadness and grief.
    • If you dream that you are walking ahead and carrying a cross, your hopes, alas, will not come true. To carry the coffin yourself - your feelings will not be mutual.
    • Why dream of walking in the front row of a funeral procession - friends will delight you with an unexpected surprise.
    • Lowering a stranger in a coffin into a grave pit means getting rid of a disease that has haunted you for a long time.
    • Why dream of getting ready for a funeral - there is a matter that is unpleasant to you. You try to put it on the back burner, forget about it. The dream book advises not to hesitate and complete it.
    • Covering a person with earth means you will have new worries and troubles.
    • Why be able to overtake this procession - be extremely careful on the road. The dream book believes that there is a high risk of getting into an emergency.

    Other interpretations

    Watching the burial of a stranger, and at that moment he blinks at you - you will fall in love with a person who is the complete opposite of your ideal.

    Hearing mourning music in a dream

    The dream book considers a negative vision to be a vision in which you will hear funeral music, funeral bells, ring a bell, or play in an orchestra. Such a dream promises you troubles, sadness, misfortune, illness. In this case, the unfavorable period will be quite long.

    If you dream of the funeral of an influential person in real life, then dramatic changes will soon occur in the country where you live.

    There are, of course, very tragic interpretations of dreams about burying people. For example, Lagutina’s dream book says that if you dream of a funeral, then for young people they promise misfortune in their personal lives. For those who are already married, this dream means big troubles with the health of their child.

    Although Mrs. Lagutina immediately clarifies: if you did not experience any negative emotions during sleep, the buried adult or child was completely unfamiliar to you, and the weather around was sunny, then you will be incredibly lucky in life.

    Interpreters believe that if you dream of a coffin, a cemetery, or the burial of people, then you should not panic. Even the most negative predictions are only a warning. You are given information that can help you avoid difficulties and dodge trouble.

    If the interpretation was positive, then you also should not sit idly by; help ensure that luck finds you as quickly as possible and lingers as long as possible.