Gastrointestinal tract symptoms in dogs treatment. Diseases of the digestive system. The dog's digestive system and its features

Canine pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease that is considered to result from insufficient varied diet. It is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are similar to other health problems. Dehydration, lethargy, elevated temperature, abdominal pain, lack of appetite are some of the symptoms of canine pancreatitis.

Animals that are castrated have overweight And average age, as a rule, are susceptible to this disease. If you are unsure whether your pet is suffering from pancreatitis, you should consult your veterinarian. If canine pancreatitis is not treated, it can lead to the death of the animal. A definitive diagnosis should be followed by hospitalization and treatment. During and after treatment, it is necessary to pay Special attention on your pet's diet, as it promotes rapid recovery and normal functioning of the digestive system.

Constipation in a dog

Just like people, dogs can suffer from constipation. Animals have a habit of licking their fur, but if this happens too often, it can lead to the formation of hairballs that block the colon. Some medications may cause constipation. Moreover, if your dog consumes some non-edible items such as stones, bones, dirt, etc., this may also lead to intestinal problems. Another cause of constipation in dogs is dehydration. Make sure your dog consumes enough water per day. Food Low quality, low in fiber, is the most common cause of the disease. In addition, any injury to the hip area can also have its effect negative impact.

The choice of treatment regimen depends on the cause of the problem. If it is associated with a lack of fiber in the diet, then it is necessary to increase its content. Do enough exercise with your pet. In most cases, constipation should go away within one or two days. If no noticeable improvement is observed during this period, you should consult a veterinarian.

Intestinal problems

Stomach upset

Indigestion is one of the most common health problems in dogs, which can occur due to stress, infections, poor diet, etc. When your pet has an upset stomach, he will try to rest all the time. He can eat grass to improve his condition. Consuming grass usually causes vomiting and can put your dog out of its misery. Other symptoms of stomach upset include bloating, loss of appetite, fever, etc. Whenever you encounter these signs, contact your veterinarian as they may lead to further problems with health problems such as diarrhea, weight loss, etc.


Gastroenteritis can be fatal if not treated timely treatment. Diarrhea and vomiting two early symptoms of this disease. Other symptoms are: lethargy, abdominal noise, loose stool etc. The dog may also experience some psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. Vomiting and diarrhea can sometimes be symptoms of other health problems. But gastroenteritis is characterized sudden appearance these symptoms. To reveal the real reason illnesses need to be carried out diagnostic tests. They can help detect gastroenteritis, and include blood tests, x-rays abdominal cavity, urine test, etc.

Liver disease

Liver disease is one of the leading causes of death in dogs. It is for this reason that you should never ignore any symptoms that may indicate an illness. The liver, which is the most large organ in the body, plays an important role in almost all processes. Thus, any problem that causes liver dysfunction can lead to serious consequences for good health. It is responsible for eliminating toxic waste from the body. Canine illnesses can be caused by bacterial infections, genetic problems, cancer, pancreatitis, prescribed medications for existing problem with health, injuries, etc. Minor onset of symptoms initial stages disease, complicates diagnosis, and, in most cases, by the time the disease is diagnosed, the dog has already reached a severe stage of the disease. Here are some of the common symptoms:

  • Gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, vomiting and constipation.
  • Lethargy and depression.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Weight loss or loss of appetite.
  • Increased water consumption and frequent urination.
  • Jaundice.
  • Behavioral changes and seizures.
  • Bloated belly.
  • Orange color of urine.

The treatment that will be prescribed depends entirely on the cause. But, in some cases, when determining a disease, the animal’s diet must be reviewed. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Diarrhea in a dog

Inflammation of the stomach in dogs

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from abdominal inflammation. Inflammation of the stomach in medical terminology is called gastritis, and is the result of consuming any indigestible substances such as garbage, hair, plants, or even toxic substances such as detergents And chemical substances. Another cause of stomach inflammation is allergies to certain foods, excessive consumption of food, medications or drugs. Some serious reasons inflammation of the stomach – bacterial infection, viral infection, and liver failure. Vomiting, lethargy, refusal to eat, fever, diarrhea, weight loss, etc., are some of the symptoms of the disease. When you notice such symptoms, you can try home remedies. If the condition does not recover within two days, you should contact your veterinarian.

Gastrointestinal diseases in dogs are a fairly serious illness. These diseases bring inconvenience not only to the pet, but also to the owner himself. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to contact a veterinarian in a timely manner with such a problem and successfully solve it.

What diseases are considered to be gastrointestinal diseases?

Diseases gastrointestinal tract- these are diseases in which the so-called inflammatory cells- cells formed in the body during wounds or injuries. These include 2 groups of cells. This:

  1. Lymphocytes and plasmacytes are cells responsible for the body's immune responses.
  2. Eosinophils and neutrophils are cells responsible for cleaning damaged tissue.

At chronic inflammation normal tissue may be replaced by fibrous (scar-like) tissue.

Causes of gastrointestinal diseases in cats

The exact causes of this type of disease in cats are unknown. Can also play a role genetic predisposition, and nutrition, and various infections, and a malfunction of the immune system. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract may not be a disease as such, but a characteristic reaction of the body to certain conditions caused by various factors.

The types of cells that invade the intestines determine the form of inflammatory disease.

Symptoms of intestinal diseases in dogs

For intestinal diseases Dogs have the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea and vomiting, occurring depending on the area of ​​​​damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Damage to the stomach and upper part small intestine causes vomiting and colon diarrhea;
  • sometimes stools become more frequent, but each time it becomes less and less;
  • mucus and blood often appear in the stool;
  • in severe cases the animal is in depressed state, refuses to eat, loses weight, and his temperature rises.

In some dogs, the only symptoms of intestinal inflammation are bloody stool or weight loss. Others stop using the tray when defecating.

Diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases in cats

The veterinarian may suspect inflammatory disease gastrointestinal tract, if the animal will have for long period time vomiting, diarrhea, mucus or blood in the stool.

Upon examination, the animal looks thin; in some dogs, a thickened intestine can be felt.

Laboratory tests usually show nothing. At very serious inflammation defeat may affect neighboring organs- liver and pancreas. As a result, the body increases the content of liver enzymes and amylase, which is produced by the pancreas. There may be a decrease in protein levels in the blood, and if severe vomiting There may be a decrease in electrolyte levels, especially potassium.

In most cases, blood tests are normal, although anemia may sometimes develop. Some animals have eosinophils in their blood.

X-ray and ultrasonography usually does not provide any data. Sometimes thickening of the intestines and accumulation of gas may be noticeable, but this happens with many diseases.

The only way to diagnose inflammatory gastrointestinal disease is through a biopsy. It will show availability increased amount inflammatory cells in the walls of the small intestine and the type of these cells. A biopsy will reveal microscopic changes in tissue that are not visible to the naked eye. In other diseases, damage to the gastrointestinal tract is quite obvious.

Laboratory tests usually show nothing. With very serious inflammation, damage can affect neighboring organs - the liver and pancreas. As a result, the body increases the content of liver enzymes and amylase, which is produced by the pancreas.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in dogs

Treatment for gastrointestinal diseases in dogs usually consists of: different diets and medicines.

Diet. At the first stage of treatment, a food test is needed - the use of hypoallergenic foods, sources of protein and carbohydrates that the animal has not previously eaten, for example, duck and potatoes. The animal should not eat anything else and not take any medications. This test should continue for 2-3 months.

If the animal’s health does not improve with such a diet, then you need to try other products.

If the disease affects mainly colon, then it is useful to give food rich in fiber. You can add oat bran to the food. If the lesion has affected the small intestine, some animals may benefit from being given a highly digestible, low-fiber diet. Low-gluten carbohydrates are also beneficial.

Do not feed food containing wheat, oats, rye or barley. Sometimes the animal is fed natural homemade food, but it is rarely balanced and therefore commercial feed is preferred over a long period of time.

Treatment with medications. To reduce the number of inflammatory cells, various medications. Azathioprine and cyclophosphamide: These medications suppress the immune system and are usually used only if other treatments have failed or in combination with corticosteroids. These medications may have a negative effect on function bone marrow, so careful monitoring of your health and regular blood tests are recommended when using them.

If you are looking for any home remedies for possible help your friend who has an upset stomach, you are on the right track.

After several years of working in the clinic, I learned that such remedies exist. They can be used in cases of minor eating disorders.

We advised their use in times when there were few veterinary clinics, and owners could not always quickly take their pet to a doctor. The ingredients for these products can be found in almost any kitchen.

Before you start treating your dog yourself:

Determine if your dog actually has a digestive disorder and needs treatment with home remedies

Not all dogs are suitable for home treatment.

In general, it should be carried out only in cases where you cannot quickly get an appointment with a veterinarian because you live too far from the clinic, or because the clinic is closed that day.

In the vast majority of cases, when eating disorders Dogs need to be treated by a veterinarian.

Dogs often have obstruction of the digestive tract and pancreatitis, and these conditions are associated with home treatment may result in the death of the animal. Only a veterinarian can guarantee a complete cure.

At food poisoning Dogs exhibit the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • salivation;
  • the need to eat grass;
  • loss of appetite;
  • flatulence;
  • rumbling in the stomach.

Warning! If there is swelling in the dog's abdominal area, the dog itself has become very nervous, it produces more saliva, and the urge to vomit does not cause vomiting itself, it must be taken to the veterinarian immediately, since similar condition very dangerous. If there is nothing like that, you can proceed to the next step.

. Check if your dog is dehydrated

If your pet has been vomiting and diarrhea for some time, it means that there is not enough fluid in his body.

Dehydration is very dangerous for dogs and can lead to death. Small dogs suffer more from it than large ones.

Check if your dog is dehydrated

To find out if your pet is dehydrated, do the following:

a) Check the elasticity of the skin. The skin of a dog suffering from dehydration loses its elasticity.

Gently use your fingers to pry and lift the dog's skin on the back or between the shoulder blades.

If the skin quickly returns to its original position, then everything is in order.

If it goes down reluctantly, or, worst of all, remains in place, this means that the dog is severely dehydrated.

IN the latter case Only a veterinarian can help the animal using subcutaneous injections.

b) Check your gums. U healthy dog gums have pink color and are covered with only a small layer of saliva. If a dog is dehydrated, there will be no saliva on his gums and they will be dry or somewhat sticky.

When dehydrated, blood circulation is also impaired.

Press the dog's gum with your finger. IN in good condition when pressed, a dog appears on the gum White spot, which disappears after 1.5-2 seconds.

In a dehydrated dog, the spot will remain white because blood circulation is sharply slowed down. If you find this, call the vet immediately!

. Diet

Now that you understand how dehydrated your dog is, you can begin treatment. We remove all food and don’t give anything to the dog in the near future.

This is necessary to give time digestive tract recover and relax.

Sometimes there is no need to hide food, because dogs naturally appetite disappears, but this does not always happen.

A fasting diet for several hours will not do any harm to your dog.

After vomiting or diarrhea, a dog may not be given food for 12-24 hours. Puppies and small dogs should be fed after 12 hours.

During a fasting diet, you should not give your dog food or any oral medications.

If a puppy or dog small breed can't go without food for so long, take maple syrup or other food and apply a small amount to the animal’s gums.

This will help maintain his energy and prevent his sugar levels from falling.

Warning! If your dog is still vomiting after you stop feeding him, take him to the emergency room immediately. veterinary clinic.

. Let the dog drink

Prolonged vomiting has been said to cause the dog to become dehydrated.

Offering your dog water will often only lead to repeated vomiting.

Sometimes it is better to offer ice cubes instead of water. If your dog takes them, you can give them until he feels better.

If you give your dog water, don't let him drink too much at one time. Depending on its size, you should give no more than a quarter to a half glass.

Instead of water, you can offer your dog diluted Apple juice or chicken broth diluted with water.

The broth should not contain onions or garlic. These products are extremely harmful to animals. The broth should be diluted by half with water.

Attention! Puppies and small dogs Larger ones are dehydrated much more often. If they have an upset stomach, be present with them at all times and make sure they have enough water.

. Special diet for indigestion

After 12-24 hours of hunger, you can start feeding the dog little by little. At first the food should be soft and gentle. Such food usually does not exist; you will have to prepare food for the dog yourself.

Here is just the recipe for such a case.

You will need: boiled rice; boiled white meat chicken.

Rice should make up 1/4 of the serving, and meat – 1/4. If there is no white meat, it is better not to give any. Fatty meat will only aggravate the dog's condition and may even cause pancreatitis.

For treatment, meat doesn’t really play a role, but is only needed for the smell, so that the dog wants to eat rice.

The skin of the chicken should be removed before adding the meat to the rice. The bones must also be removed.

Note! Do not add fat, oil or any spices to the dish! The resulting food should be given to the dog in small portions 3-4 times a day until she feels better.

What to do if your dog refuses rice with meat?

If the dog refuses to eat what you have prepared for it, you can try giving it baby meat, again without adding onions or garlic.

Most baby foods are very mild in texture and taste, and dogs rarely refuse them.

Sometimes dogs refuse to eat

Reheat a small amount of children's meat puree with broth and give it to the dog.

Anti-diarrhea remedy

Giving your dog yogurt or cottage cheese will quickly relieve inflammation in the stomach and intestines, especially if it was accompanied by diarrhea.

Yogurt usually contains probiotic bacteria that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also a good idea to give your animal canned pumpkin without spices and fat, which can be purchased at pharmacies and baby food departments.

Depending on the size of the dog, you should feed between one and four tablespoons of pumpkin at a time.

. Monitor your health

Now that the dog is not in danger of dehydration and is on a gentle diet, all that remains is to monitor its health.

It is important not to miss signs of deterioration. Do not leave the animal alone.

If you notice that it becomes lethargic, moves too little and lies almost constantly, do not treat it on your own, but take it to a veterinary clinic.

If, after eating gentle foods, the dog again experiences vomiting or diarrhea, this is also a sign that a doctor should be involved in further treatment.

Why might my dog ​​vomit or have diarrhea while following a diet?

An upset stomach may not always be caused by spoiled or low-quality food.

If not treated properly, over time the liver or kidneys may become involved. In these cases, home remedies will not help.

What to do if your dog feels better after a diet?

If, after feeding the dog with gentle food, there is no longer any vomiting or diarrhea, the dog becomes more active and cheerful, you can gradually switch to the animal’s usual food.

How to switch to regular food correctly?

Continue to give your dog rice with meat or baby food, gradually adding regular dog food to them.

First, give 75% rice with meat and only 25% regular food. Then you give rice and meat in a ratio of 50:50, and so on.

If after this the dog does not experience any digestive disorders, you can completely switch to the usual food.

This is exactly how new foods should be introduced into a dog’s diet.

If owners simply completely replace the old food with a new one, the animals often experience an upset stomach.

If you don't know how to introduce it into your diet new food, or if you have any doubts, contact your veterinarian and he will tell you in detail what to do.

Why does a dog eat grass on the street?

Dogs often eat grass when they have an upset stomach.

When consumed in large quantities, dogs vomit, which helps to better cleanse the body of toxins.

Dogs choose what kind of grass they eat

The dog knows what kind of grass to eat, so there is no need to be afraid that it will get poisoned.

It can be poisoned only in cases where the grass has been previously treated with some chemicals against ticks and other insects.

Should I give my dog ​​any medication for an upset stomach?

If the animal has not been shown to a veterinarian, then nothing needs to be given. Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Many of the medications that pet stores may recommend to you can cause allergies in your dog.

Some should not be given to animals suffering from hypothyroidism, kidney disease, Addison's disease, or weak or debilitated dogs.

Sometimes serious problems occur after taking medications. side effects. Neither antibiotics nor probiotics should be given to a dog without the knowledge of a doctor.

If your dog often has stomach upsets, he should be taken to a veterinary clinic, even if his condition is not that serious.

A thorough examination is required to find a way to eliminate the disorder.

Although this article provides some advice on how to treat your dog, it should not replace consultation with your veterinarian.

Diseases affecting the stomach and intestines are common among dogs. There can be many reasons: bacteria and viruses, foreign bodies and poisons, tumors and allergic reactions. Be that as it may, stomach diseases in dogs cause enormous damage every year. Therefore, breeders of these animals need to know at least about the main pathologies that threaten the lives of their pets. Let us immediately note that it is not possible to describe diseases of the stomach alone, since these pathologies almost always also involve thin section intestines ().

A potentially fatal pathology that is especially dangerous for puppies and young animals. The virus is quite resistant to action negative factors environment, can remain virulent for several months. Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, Doberman Pinschers and german shepherds are exposed increased risk. Mortality rates range from 16 to 48%. The virus is transmitted by direct contact, but infection from care items and food contaminated with the pathogen occurs very often. The virus can live in feces for at least three weeks. Dogs that have recovered from the disease are almost always carriers.

What is the danger of this disease? The thing is that parvovirus lives inside epithelial cells lining the inside of the stomach and small intestine. When he begins to destroy them en masse, it begins bloody diarrhea, intoxication increases, dogs die from dehydration, exhaustion and toxic substances, which the life-worn liver can no longer cope with. Long time the virus may not manifest itself at all, becoming more active at the moment of its occurrence severe stress(for example, a trip to an exhibition). In this case, the number of infected animals goes into the dozens. It is important to remember that even a completely healthy-looking dog poses a considerable danger, since the virus has already begun to be released from its body.

Read also: What you need to know about radiculitis in dogs: from causes to nuances of keeping a pet

Puppies are showing signs of acute gastroenteritis appears already at the age of 6-20 weeks. This is the most dangerous time for them: the level of antibodies obtained from mother's milk is already greatly reduced, and their own immune system has not yet started working. Vaccination in this case is useless. That is why more than 85% of cases of the disease occur in dogs under the age of one year. Animals can even suddenly fall into a coma. More common cases include loss of appetite, fever, vomiting, etc. The feces may contain mucus and blood. If treatment is started in a timely manner, recovery occurs within a few days. Otherwise, there is a high probability of death.

Alas, but specific therapy absent in principle. In most cases, everything ends quite well when dogs are given electrolyte solutions intravenously. They relieve dehydration and significantly alleviate symptoms general intoxication. If the animal’s condition is more or less stable, the same solutions (saline) can be given to them. If the dog survives the first two to three days, it will usually survive. They try to use antibiotic therapy only in cases where the likelihood of developing a secondary bacterial infection. The fact is that antibiotics completely destroy the already “tattered” beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, which in this case has a bad effect on general condition animal.

Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis)

Or inflammation of the stomach in dogs often develops due to the ingestion of some foreign bodies and/or toxic substances. Dogs are often prone to eating all sorts of crap on walks, so there is nothing surprising in this. is common symptom gastritis. In many cases, the vomit may contain fragments of what the animal has eaten. Bile, foam, digested blood, which looks like coffee grounds, are also often noticed by observant owners. These same symptoms may also occur peptic ulcer stomach in dogs.

Read also: Laryngitis in dogs - symptoms, treatment and prevention

What other signs of pathology are there? Remember how your dog “asks” something from you: pressing his chest to the floor, sticking his butt up and wagging his tail? If you notice your pet in this position, but the animal does not show any signs of joy, then it is likely that he simply has a stomach ache. Symptoms often also include severe pain. Vomiting and stomach pain are almost always accompanied by polydipsia (that is, increased thirst). Sometimes diarrhea occurs. The latter is especially dangerous, as over time it leads to disruption of water-electrolyte metabolism and dehydration.

According to statistics, stomach diseases in dogs occur in 90% of domestic dogs. Despite the fact that modern owners are more attentive to the diet. Still, they make many mistakes in this matter, which leads to disastrous consequences.

Basic clinical symptoms: belching, vomiting of stomach contents, anorexia or, conversely, severe hunger, eating grass, licking carpets and other things, accumulation of gases.

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Pylorospasm

Disease caused by congenital anomaly development of the pyloric sphincter of the stomach in the form of hypertrophy, hyperplasia and impaired innervation of the pyloric muscles. It manifests itself as a violation of the passage of food masses through the pyloric opening from the first days of the puppy’s life. Sometimes there is a long-term spastic state of the pylorus muscles without hypertrophic changes in it. Indicative in young animals: frequent belching, vomiting of semi-digested stomach contents, more or less severe exhaustion. Accurate diagnosis disease is possible only with X-ray examination.

Technique of contrast gastroradiography. The animal is given 100-150 ml of liquid barium sulfate suspension orally (for large animals - up to 250 ml). Then a series of photographs are taken in frontal and lateral projections. The tube of the device is centered on the area of ​​the 9-12th rib. Normally, the onset of gastric emptying occurs 3-10 minutes after taking barium sulfate - the first portions of the contrast mass enter the duodenum. The duration of gastric emptying is 2 hours, then only the shadow of the contrast masses remains.

With pyloric stenosis, a delay in gastric emptying of more than 10 minutes is detected. The transition of barium sulfate into the intestine, which can additionally be observed with fluoroscopy, occurs sluggishly, in small portions through the narrow lumen of the pylorus.


For pyloric spasm and hypertrophic pyloric nose mild degree antispasmodics are used for a short time (2-3 weeks); at severe cases stenosis in case of ineffectiveness drug therapy surgical intervention is indicated.

Pyloroplasty technique. General anesthesia, position of the animal on its back, right paramedian access to abdominal area in the supra-umbilical region.

The pyloric part of the stomach is isolated and isolated. The serous and muscular layers of the pylorus are dissected longitudinally to the mucous membrane, without opening the cavity of the intestinal tube. Thermocauterize the bleeding vessels and close the wound.

Acute catarrhal gastritis

This is an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa that occurs without significant violation digestive function. In the development of acute gastritis great importance have irritation of the mucous membrane that is difficult to digest, cold or spicy food, some medications (salicylates, sulfonamides, etc.). Microbes (staphylococci and salmonella) and specific viral infections(plague, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus infection). In some cases, pathogenic factors directly affect the gastric mucosa, for example, in case of poisoning with substandard food products. In other cases, this action is indirect and is carried out with the help of vascular, nervous and humoral mechanisms, for example, with infectious hematogenous gastritis, eliminative gastritis, with uremia, congestive gastritis, etc.


Under the influence of these factors, the mucous membrane of the stomach is damaged, which is accompanied by swelling, hyperemia, mucus formation, small diffuse hemorrhages and multiple erosions. All this corresponds to the signs catarrh. The glands change slightly, but their secretory activity is somewhat reduced.

Inflammation of the stomach is indicated by the development of repeated vomiting, which brings short-term relief to the animal. The act of vomiting is accompanied by anxiety, stretching of the neck, convulsive contractions of the abdomen with the eruption of watery-mucous stomach contents, sometimes mixed with scarlet blood. At the same time it happens profuse drooling. In the intervals between attacks of vomiting, some relief occurs, although the animal maintains a forced posture: arching its back, pulling its stomach, tucking its knees into its chest. As a result frequent vomiting the body loses a lot of fluid and chlorides, dehydration and achloremia develop. External sign This is due to a decrease in skin turgor.

Acute gastritis lasts for a week and may end full restoration mucous membrane. With frequent recurrence, the process becomes chronic. Severe disorders of water and electrolyte balance accompanying acute gastritis, which happens with some infections, often lead to the death of the animal.


In cases of illness, only a water-starvation diet for 2-3 days is sufficient until normal appetite is restored. In severe cases, a set of measures is taken to stop vomiting (anesthesin, cerucal), to restore water and electrolyte balance ( intravenous administration 2-10 ml of 10% sodium chloride solution and subcutaneous injection of 30-50 ml/kg of 5% glucose solution), to protect the mucous membrane with the help of enveloping agents (Almagel).

Chronic gastritis

The basis of chronic gastritis is not inflammatory, but long-term dystrophic and necrobiotic changes in the epithelium of the mucous membrane, manifested by secretory or motor dysfunction of the stomach. In some cases, chronic gastritis is associated with acute gastritis, its relapses, in other cases this connection is absent. Important condition development of chronic gastritis - long-term exposure to pathogenic factors of exogenous or endogenous nature, which can break the usual regenerative mechanisms of constant renewal of the gastric mucosa.


Externally, in such animals, except for variability of appetite and irregular vomiting, no other signs can be detected. Clinically, according to the nature of the disorders, hyperacid and hypoacid (anacidic) forms are distinguished, chronic gastritis. Morphologically, these are diseases characterized by changes in the surface epithelium.

Hyperacid gastritis manifests itself as irregular vomiting in the morning, especially after the dog eats grass. Vomiting occurs when the stomach is empty yellow mucus. When X-ray with contrast, deepening of the folds of the gastric mucosa and accelerated passage of contrast masses through the digestive tract are noted. Examination of gastric juice shows increased acidity.


It is recommended to feed the animal in small portions more often. It is recommended to give al-magel before each feeding.

Hypoacid (anacidic) gastritis occurs with a decrease in the content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice (hypoaciditis) or complete absence her (anaciditas). This form of the disease is characterized by loss of appetite, often vomiting after eating undigested food. Treatment consists of replacement therapy. A mixture of the following composition is prescribed: diluted of hydrochloric acid and pepsin 2 parts, water up to 200 parts. Prescribe it from one teaspoon to two tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

Gastric dilatation

A separate form of stomach disease, mainly caused by too large, one-time feeding. Dogs of large and giant breeds suffer. Weaning puppies from their mother is accompanied by a sharp transition to feeding coarse, indigestible food containing a lot of fiber (porridge, vegetables). A special predisposition is created by the fact of the desire to feed liquid, bulky food as opposed to physiological need organism in a concentrated type of nutrition. In the etiology of the disease, the weak suspensory ligament of the stomach in a dog (absent gastrocolic ligament) is important.

Together, these factors determine the daily overfilling of the stomach and stretching of its walls. There is a connection between the increasing volume of the stomach and an increase in appetite. The walls of the organ become atonic, their contractions become sluggish. As the animal ages, the walls become very thin, the mucous membrane atrophies, and secretion decreases. gastric juice. The food lump does not move through the stomach, but seems to fall to its bottom, forming a protrusion of the wall there - a diverticulum. Clinical manifestations diseases are non-specific. Usually this is vomiting, anorexia, belching. The diagnosis is finally made when x-ray examination. They find a greatly increased volume of the stomach. The stomach cavity contains a large air bubble. Contrast masses pass into the intestine sluggishly, in small portions. The pyloric opening is narrowed, the folds of the mucous membrane are smoothed.


IN in some cases the stomach wall ruptures with the effusion of contents into the peritoneal cavity, the development of peritonitis and the death of the animal. Such animals constitute a risk group for gastric volvulus. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to feed them at least 3 times a day in small portions.


Prozerin, vitamins E and Bi2 are prescribed in large doses.

Stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcers in dogs are very rare and only as symptomatic manifestations other diseases. There are known cases of ulcers developing when chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic tumors, in acute and chronic disorders blood circulation (dyscirculatory-hypoxic ulcers), with exo- and endogenous intoxications (toxic ulcers), as a result of drug treatment.


Stomach ulcers can occur for a long time without any symptoms, remaining undetected. They are detected by complications: gastrointestinal arrosive bleeding or peritonitis resulting from perforation of the stomach wall. Arrosion of the vessel leads to a sudden change in the condition of the animal. Weakness and anemia quickly increase, and the animal groans heavily. At gastrointestinal bleeding vomiting " coffee grounds", diarrhea develops. The stool is loose, grainy, and tarry (melena). The specific nature of the coloring of vomit and feces with arrosive bleeding is due to the content of hydrochloric acid and sulphate hematin in them, which distinguishes this type of bleeding from those that occur during poisoning with fibrinolytic poisons (dicumarol, etc.), with hemorrhagic diathesis, sepsis, uremia, infectious diseases(plague, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis). The latter are characterized by the appearance of pure blood in vomit and feces.


For complicated gastric ulcers it is unfavorable.


Due to high probability diagnostic error applies only conservative treatment. An intravenous drip infusion of plasma-substituting solutions is immediately carried out, painkillers, antispasmodics and hemostatic agents are administered ( calcium chloride, dicinone). Next, corticosteroid hormones and antibiotics are used.