Bruises: factors of occurrence, when to worry, types, treatment. Purpura caused by long-term use of steroids. More compelling reasons

Each person fell and received injuries, and bruises appeared on the body. But sometimes they cannot be associated with injury. Let's figure out why bruises appear on the body for no reason in women, on what parts of the body they appear and how to treat them.

Causes of bruises on the body in women

Before treating a disease, you need to find out the causes of its occurrence. Bruises, scientifically called hematomas, are an accumulation of blood under the skin that forms when capillaries and larger vessels rupture. The same thing happens with a cut - only then the skin is damaged. And with hematomas, there is an internal rupture of blood vessels, without an open wound. Usually they are caused by mechanical damage (bruise), such bruises on the body disappear quickly.

But hematomas on different parts of the body (on the legs and arms, palms, back) are sometimes signs of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. This means that the blood vessels are damaged as a result of internal diseases.

Important! In older women, damage to blood vessels for no apparent reason is a common occurrence, since they become more fragile with age.

On foot

Hematomas are caused by increased or prolonged physical activity - for example, in salespeople who stand in one place for a long time. Blood in the veins stagnates, and self-damage to blood vessels can occur (usually in the evening or after sleep). It’s easy to combat this - you should walk more and do physical exercises, and periodically keep your legs in an elevated position.

Another possible option for why hematomas appeared only on the legs is varicose veins. This disease may appear after childbirth. It is also accompanied by severe dilation of blood vessels in the legs and swelling in the evening. Its symptoms are varied, so if you suspect varicose veins, you need to consult a specialist.

Important! Varicose veins are a common disease; it is diagnosed in 70–80% of women. This disease is not life-threatening, but is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and can lead to the formation of trophic ulcers. It is necessary to treat it.

On hands

Pathologies of the blood and vascular system lead to bruises on the hands. This is a dangerous group of causes of hematomas - a number of diseases are accompanied by such a symptom (diffuse connective tissue diseases, blood cancer, various vasculitis). With rheumatoid arthritis, bruises on the arms due to increased fragility of blood vessels are only an indirect sign of the underlying pathology.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis causes hematomas due to damage to the walls of microvessels, which lead to hemorrhages under the skin and colored spots on the arm. In addition, this group includes diseases of the cardiovascular system, poor blood clotting (hemophilia), iron deficiency anemia, and leukemia. It is impossible to independently determine the exact cause of bruises on the arms; consultation with a specialist is necessary.

On the eyelid

This is a rare type of bruise, but if hematomas appear constantly on the eyelid, this is a cause for concern. They may be a sign of cancer or the development of blood cancer. This name hides a whole group of tumors of organs associated with the hematopoietic system (bone marrow, lymph nodes).

With a malignant neoplasm, hematomas on the eyelid are accompanied by other symptoms - vomiting, dizziness, increased sweating, weakness, weight loss. As soon as a woman suspects a tumor, it is necessary to undergo examination at a medical facility. Damage to the eyelids is the first symptom; at this stage, cancer is still treatable.

Also, bruises on the eyelids occur with increased capillary fragility, kidney disease, and lack of vitamins.

Bruises on knees and abdomen

Bruises on these parts of the body are usually caused by less serious reasons, such as hypovitaminosis - a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and rutin in the body, which causes the blood vessels to become fragile and brittle. To prevent the appearance of hematomas, you need to take ascorutin, then the bruises will disappear.

If this treatment does not help, the problem is a hormonal disorder. This is observed during menopause, when normal metabolism is disrupted. The ovaries do not produce the important hormone estrogen, the blood vessels lose their elasticity and become fragile. Such violations can be either one-time or permanent. In the second case, you need to consult a doctor - persistent bruises may indicate dysfunction of the thyroid gland or liver, diseases of the blood system.

To avoid the formation of bruises for no reason, a woman should adhere to the following rules:

  • do not try to treat regularly occurring bruises with creams or ointments;
  • go to the clinic and undergo examination by a hematologist;
  • do not panic ahead of time - hematomas on the body can also be caused by age-related changes, lack of vitamins or excessive physical activity;
  • monitor your diet.

After contacting a specialist, you must strictly adhere to his recommendations to prevent the reappearance of hematomas on the body.

Treatment options

Treatment of hematomas depends solely on the cause of their appearance. Symptoms can be eliminated with various folk remedies (salt compresses, appropriate nutrition, physical activity) and medications (Bruise off, creams with badyagi). But this does not solve the problem as a whole. Bruises don’t just appear - if the vessels are damaged without external influence, then the body needs treatment.

If you have hypovitaminosis, you need to add foods with vitamin C to your diet (rose hips, black currants, pepper). Hormonal imbalances are treated with special medications prescribed by an endocrinologist or gynecologist. If you suspect cancer, contacting a specialist is mandatory - self-medication is unacceptable.

At this point, the question may arise: which doctor to contact if the bruises have such different causes. For severe bruises, which usually cause colored spots on the body, an appointment is made with a surgeon or traumatologist. In other cases, it is necessary to visit a hematologist - a specialist in diseases of the blood and bone marrow. After conducting an initial examination, he will send you to an oncologist (if there is a suspicion of cancer), to an endocrinologist (if the cause is hormonal) or to a rheumatologist (for vasculitis). For pathologies of the blood system, the hematologist will prescribe a course of treatment himself. If there is no such specialist in the clinic, you can contact a therapist.

Hematomas and bruises in different parts of the body can be a symptom of serious diseases of the blood, hormonal system, or the entire body as a whole. Therefore, if bruises regularly appear in places that have not been subjected to mechanical trauma, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Bruises of various sizes that occur without obvious injuries or blows can be a manifestation of serious blood diseases, metabolic disorders, and oncological pathology.

A qualified specialist (hematologist, endocrinologist or family doctor) can accurately determine the cause of such bruises, as well as how to treat them.

A single hematoma (bruise), even of a significant size, is not a cause for concern. It is quite possible that the injury was minor and therefore not remembered. The systematic appearance of bruises of any size should cause serious concern. What is important in such a situation is not so much the size and location as the absence of an obvious cause.

Treatment will be aimed at preventing the appearance of bruises on the body, and not at eliminating existing ones. The prognosis may or may not be favorable (for example, with amyloidosis), depending on the disease.

The causes of bruises on the body for no reason in women and men are generally the same.

If you have this problem, contact your hematologist.

Pathology of the vascular wall

Rendu-Osler disease

This is a hereditary disease that is characterized by a systemic disorder of the vascular wall - the vessel does not have a muscular and outer membrane, so it is easily damaged. As the disease progresses, the vessels dilate, forming a skin vasodilation in the form of a small spot.

The leading symptom of the disease is spider veins and bruises of various sizes that can appear on any part of the body. The greatest number of them is observed on the face, mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts.

With any physical stress, the number of bruises increases, and bleeding may occur. 90% of patients experience repeated episodes of nosebleeds.

Therapy is aimed at stopping bleeding, after which local agents are prescribed to promote skin healing and resorption of bruises. The prognosis is favorable, since massive, life-threatening bleeding rarely occurs. A complete cure is impossible.

Congenital connective tissue diseases

This is a large group of hereditary diseases, which are based on a violation of the synthesis of collagen, the main protein that forms the vascular wall. These include Marfan and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, elastic pseudoxanthoma, osteogenesis imperfecta.

Symptoms can appear as early as a newborn and progress as the child gets older. In addition to bruises on the skin, there are defects in the formation of bones and joints, for example, too long limb bones in both the male and female population with Marfan syndrome.

A radical cure for any of the above-mentioned congenital malformations is impossible. Treatment consists of possibly eliminating or reducing the intensity of the patient's symptoms. For example, to reduce the severity of bruises, drugs that improve vascular blood flow can be used.

The prognosis may or may not be favorable. Everything is determined by the severity of other malformations, since increased bleeding in itself does not pose a threat to the patient’s life.

Acquired connective tissue damage


This term refers to a severe deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). This substance is not synthesized in the human body, so its insufficient intake in the diet or its complete absence leads to severe changes in metabolism. First of all, this concerns a violation of the synthesis of collagen, a protein that forms the vascular wall and connective tissue.

  • the appearance of bruises on the body (from small to large several centimeters);
  • loosening of the gums and their bleeding;
  • loosening and loss of teeth;
  • muscle pain due to massive bruising;
  • 75% of patients develop severe anemia.

Treatment for scurvy is quite simple: synthetic vitamin C and a diet enriched with ascorbic acid are prescribed. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. In advanced cases and in the absence of necessary therapy, massive bleeding can lead to the death of the patient.

Purpura caused by long-term steroid use

Some patients are prescribed glucocorticosteroids, for example, for autoimmune processes. Possible side effects include increased fragility of blood vessels and bruising.

There is no serious threat to life, since massive bleeding is usually not observed.

The prognosis is favorable with successful treatment of the underlying disease and a reduction in the dose of corticosteroids.


This is a group of diseases in which the wall of blood vessels becomes inflamed and subsequently destroyed (necrosis). The most commonly reported disease is systemic vasculitis (also called Henoch-Schönlein disease).

The first signs of the disease appear in primary school or adolescence. Their appearance can be provoked by infectious diseases, autoimmune processes, and the use of a number of antibiotics.

The following symptoms of Henoch-Schönlein vasculitis are known:

  • bruises and other elements of a rash that appear suddenly;
  • after them, foci of pigmentation appear on the body;
  • rashes are more abundant on the legs than on the arms;
  • general condition worsens (weakness, moderately elevated temperature);
  • swollen and painful joints (usually ankles and knees);
  • There may be diarrhea and catarrhal symptoms.

For treatment, dapsone, sulfasalazine, plasmapheresis, and glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.

The prognosis is favorable; symptoms that appear once do not completely disappear, but repeated episodes of deterioration are possible.

Platelet pathologies

This group of diseases includes thrombocytopathies (impaired functionality of platelets - the cells responsible for blood clotting - when their number is normal) and thrombocytopenia (a decrease in their number when their function is normal). Women and men get sick equally often. These diseases also cause bruising for no reason.

their increased decay

Bruises of various sizes

Increased bleeding time

General clinical blood test

Pinch and other special tests

In 80% of patients, positive dynamics of the disease are observed after removal of the spleen

Massive bleeding can lead to the death of the patient

Coagulation factor deficiency

More than 10 coagulation factors are known, which, simultaneously with platelets, stop bleeding. The most famous is hemophilia, a rare disease associated with blood clotting disorders.

There are no specific symptoms. There are bruises on the body, internal bleeding and hemorrhages in large joints. Diagnosis is difficult, as sophisticated equipment is required.

A complete cure is impossible. Therapy includes blood transfusions and hemostatic agents.

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6 Causes of Unexplained Bruises on the Body

When struck or fallen, the appearance of bruises on the human body is quite normal, as capillaries are damaged. But what if bruises appear constantly for no apparent reason?

From a medical perspective, bruises can develop for a variety of reasons, ranging from aging, nutritional deficiencies, side effects of medications, to serious diseases such as hemophilia and cancer. Let's look at the main causes of bruises.

Some older people experience persistent bruising, which most often occurs on the back of the hands and arms. The bruises start out as red, flat spots that then turn purple and gradually disappear. This type of bruising occurs because the walls of blood vessels become weak from years of sun exposure. An older person's condition may be aggravated by taking aspirin, Coumadin, and alcohol.

2. Lack of certain microelements and vitamins

Lack of certain vitamins and minerals that play an important role in blood clotting and wound healing can cause bruising.

This vitamin is an important component of bone structure. A deficiency of this vitamin reduces blood clotting, which leads to the formation of bruises and various bleeding (blood may be contained in urine, stool, nosebleeds and menstrual bleeding are also possible). The best sources of the vitamin are green vegetables such as turnips, cabbage, dark green lettuce, spinach and kale, as well as beef liver and green tea.

The vitamin is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and other compounds that protect the skin and blood vessels from impacts that lead to bruising. If you are deficient in vitamin C, you should eat foods such as green and red bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, wild garlic, dill and parsley, citrus fruits, and black currants.

Zinc and iron are essential microelements that help wound healing. Additionally, iron deficiency leads to anemia, the most common cause of persistent bruising.

Citrine, rutin, catechin and quercetin are not a complete list of bioflavonoids, the deficiency of which leads to the formation of bruises. The lack of these compounds can be easily compensated with the help of products such as beets, sesame seeds, citrus fruits, and bananas.

Conditions associated with a low platelet count (thrombocytopenia, thrombotic purpura (TTP), or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)) can also affect the body's ability to form blood clots and lead to unnecessary bruising.

Hemophilia is the opposite process of thrombophilia. In people with hemophilia, there is an increased tendency to unexplained bleeding and to the formation of a large number of subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome refers to hereditary systemic diseases that are caused by a defect in collagen synthesis. Bruising in this case occurs as a result of the capillaries surrounding the connective tissue being easily damaged. The diseases are manifested by the appearance of extensive hematomas, delayed wound healing, and damage to the arteries, leading to acute internal bleeding.

In cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, as a result of treatment, the level of platelets in the blood decreases (less). This can lead to the development of numerous bruises throughout the body.

Any of these factors can cause permanent bruising, so to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination. Maybe nothing serious will come to light, but why take the risk?

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Signs of blood cancer

The definition of blood cancer in medicine refers to a number of oncological diseases, such as cancer of the lymphatic system, blood cancer, and bone marrow cancer.

The most frequently reported of these are myeloma and leukemia - these types of cancer form first in the bone marrow, disrupting the normal production of healthy human blood cells.

With the development of blood cancer, defective, immature leukocytes cannot adequately support a healthy immune system, so when a seemingly healthy person begins to experience an increase in various infectious diseases, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs appear, and anemia appears, this serves as a signal of disturbances in the hematopoietic system of the body.

In this case, the patient develops the corresponding main signs of blood cancer, such as:

  • Easy skin bruising, bruising, frequent gum bleeding and nosebleeds.
  • Decreased hemoglobin, persistent anemia, externally manifested by dry and pale skin.
  • Increased fatigue, unmotivated weakness, apathy, shortness of breath, drowsiness.
  • Increase in infectious diseases - stomatitis, sore throat, bronchitis, etc.
  • Decreased appetite, weight loss, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, aversion to smells and changes in taste.
  • Increased sweating, especially during sleep.
  • Enlargement of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, abdominal cavity, bloating appears.
  • Myeloma is also characterized by pain in the bones, joints, and spine, since this type of cancer weakens bone tissue.
  • Lymphoma is manifested by the appearance of various tumors in the groin, armpits, and neck.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Blood cancer also causes headaches, dizziness, and decreased visual acuity.
  • Sometimes a patient with blood cancer exhibits symptoms such as motion sickness when traveling in a car, signs of seasickness, which this person has not experienced before.

In later, advanced stages, the following signs of blood cancer require emergency medical care:

  • Fever, convulsions, fainting, loss of consciousness
  • Blueness of nails, lips
  • Heart pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, wheezing
  • Sharp, severe pain in the abdominal area
  • Intense bleeding

With timely consultation with doctors, a full examination and adequate treatment, medicine today can control the course of various types of blood cancer, stopping the oncological process, bringing it into remission. The earlier competent therapy is started, the greater the chances of a cancer patient to prolong his full life.

Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that can occur either in an acutely progressive form or have a chronic, sluggish nature. If signs of acute leukemia appear, you should immediately seek medical help:

  • A sudden increase in body temperature to high levels, the development of purulent sore throat, stomatitis, and inflammation of the gums.
  • Sudden weight loss due to decreased appetite, weakness, vomiting.
  • Enlarged spleen, lymph nodes, liver.
  • Bleeding - nosebleeds, gums, hemorrhagic rash on the body, bruises, bleeding of internal organs.

The insidiousness of the chronic course of leukemia is that the symptoms of bleeding, anemia, weakness, and an increase in infectious diseases are of an erased nature, appearing and then subside. Therefore, a person does not immediately seek medical help, not realizing that this is the first sign of blood cancer.

Causes of blood cancer development

Today, medicine cannot yet accurately determine the reasons that provoke the development of oncology in humanity; there are many hypotheses for its occurrence, but no one can prove 100% what causes such a serious disease in humans. This formidable mysterious disease affects not only older people with already weakened, worn-out bodies, but very often these days cancer is registered in very young children, adolescents and the young population (see CT scan increases the risk of leukemia and brain tumors in children)

According to official medicine, there are certain risk factors for blood cancer, in the presence of which the likelihood of its occurrence is very high:

  • If the patient has already had any cancer, the treatment of which included radiation or chemotherapy, this increases the risk of blood cancer.
  • High levels of radiation and certain chemicals, such as benzene, have a negative effect on the body, increasing the likelihood of cancer in humans.
  • Genetic diseases and congenital anomalies are also provoking factors.
  • The presence of blood cancer in close relatives should cause cancer tension for family members, since medicine identifies genetic predisposition as one of the important risk factors for blood cancer. If there is a family history of blood cancer, then such patients should undergo regular diagnostics.
  • Other blood disorders, such as myelodysplastic syndrome, also increase the risk of blood cancer.

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Bruises on the body for no reason - what to do?

If a person is injured or hit, then it will not surprise anyone that he has subcutaneous hemorrhages - bruises. However, there are cases when there were no prerequisites for the appearance of a hematoma, but it still appeared. If bruises appear quite often without any reason, then you should rush to consult a doctor, since such hematomas can be symptoms of serious diseases.

Bruises on the body for no reason: where do they come from?

The appearance of bruises on the body for no reason should alert a person, as this may indicate the presence of diseases such as impaired blood circulation, varicose veins, and a lack of platelets.

1. Hemorrhagic vasculitis. Frequent bruising may be a symptom of hemorrhagic vasculitis. In this case, bruises will appear in different places. With this disease, the body's immune cells begin to regard blood vessels as something foreign, so they send antibodies to fight them.

Antibodies, when exposed to blood vessels, make their walls thinner and more brittle, as a result of which hemorrhages occur in the vessels, and blood enters the subcutaneous tissue, forming bruises on the body. Vasculitis can accompany diseases such as kidney, lung, heart, liver and brain diseases.

2. Varicose veins. The appearance of bruises on the legs may indicate varicose veins. This disease requires serious treatment. Along with treatment, it is necessary to increase the load on the legs, since one of the causes of varicose veins is the legs being immobile.

3. Liver diseases. A diseased liver also causes bruising. The fact is that the liver is responsible for the synthesis of elements that are necessary for natural blood clotting. If the liver begins to get sick and cannot cope with its duties, then the blood begins to clot poorly.

4. Hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance can lead to an imbalance in the body, causing temporary bruising.

5. Taking medications. Hematomas can be caused by long-term use of medications: painkillers, sedatives, anti-inflammatory drugs. This is explained by the fact that the drugs in these groups contain components that reduce blood clotting and cause bruising.

6. Oncological diseases. One of the terrible reasons for the appearance of causeless bruises is disorders that cause cancer.

7. Lack of vitamins. Bruises on the body can be caused by a lack of vitamins C, K and P in the body. It is these vitamins that are responsible for the strength and tone of blood vessels.

Bruises on the body for no reason: what to do?

We have given you several reasons for the appearance of causeless bruises. As you can see, some diseases are not so easy to diagnose, because bruises can be one of the first symptoms of a disease that has not yet manifested itself.

If bruises appear that cannot be explained, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary diagnostics for you, make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. First of all, doctors need to see the results of a clinical blood test and a coagulogram. It is usually enough to contact your primary care physician, who, in difficult cases, may prescribe a consultation with a hematologist.

If you lack vitamins, you will have to add seaweed, fish oil, eggs, citrus fruits and herbs to your diet. For complex treatment, the doctor may recommend taking a pharmacy vitamin complex containing ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids, rutin and hesperidin.

For more serious causes of bruising, you will have to undergo full treatment depending on the disease detected. However, the sooner treatment is started, the easier and faster the disease will leave the body.

Why do bruises appear on the body for no reason and how to treat them?

Bruises on the body are hematomas that form as a result of injuries, blows, or injuries. This happens due to the fact that during a traumatic effect, blood vessels burst and blood spreads directly under the skin. Externally, this is expressed in swelling of the damaged area and a change in skin color. Usually such cases do not cause alarm - to eliminate this phenomenon, special ointments are used, lotions and rubbing are applied, due to which the bruise quickly disappears. But sometimes subcutaneous hematomas occur for no apparent reason. This is a dangerous signal that may indicate abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs, lack of nutrients, and blood diseases.

The main reason for the appearance of bruises can be called fragility of blood vessels. After the winter period, there is a lack of vitamins in our body. Bruising indicates vitamin C deficiency

The main reasons for the formation of subcutaneous hematomas

To answer the question of why bruises appear on the body for no reason, you should have an idea of ​​the factors that can provoke the formation of hematomas without mechanical impact on the tissue.

Subcutaneous hematoma often forms in older people. This is due to the fact that the aging of the body is accompanied by changes in the structure of connective tissue, due to which the walls of blood vessels become less elastic and more fragile.

Bruises appear especially often in women during menopause, when there is a lack of estrogens, female sex hormones, which causes the blood vessels to weaken significantly

Also, the appearance of bruises on the body for no reason is associated with various pathologies and diseases that pose a serious danger to a person’s full existence, and sometimes even to a person’s life. These include:

  • hemorrhagic vasculitis. With such a pathology, a malfunction occurs and the immune system identifies blood vessels as foreign bodies, which is why the production of antibodies is activated to fight them. Under such conditions, the walls of the capillaries weaken and rupture even in the absence of any external influence. Some symptoms will help determine that bruises appear for this reason. Thus, with hemorrhagic vasculitis, the bruises are small and located symmetrically. Their locations are the buttocks, periarticular areas, extensor surfaces of the upper and lower extremities. If there are several hematomas, then over time they merge into one large spot;
  • hemophilia. This disease is inherited and consists of a violation of the blood clotting process. In this case, the bruises do not go away for a long time. They are large in size and can be located on any part of the body, including on the arms and legs;
  • dysfunction of the immune system (for example, lupus erythematosus). In this case, a severe violation occurs: connective tissues and blood vessels are affected, while the body actively secretes antibodies that attack the DNA structure of healthy cells;
  • breast cancer. If a girl detects bruises and blue spots in the mammary glands, this may indicate cancer;
  • diseases of the brain and cardiovascular system;
  • phlebeurysm. Spots in the form of bruises on the body of women, localized only on the legs, indicate stagnant processes in the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • anemia associated with iron deficiency. When the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, the tissues receive insufficient oxygen, which increases capillary permeability;
  • oncological diseases. The appearance of bruises for no reason on the body in women and men can often indicate the development of malignant processes occurring in the body;
  • liver damage. The liver is involved in maintaining homeostasis, so disruption of the functioning of this organ contributes to blood thinning and bruising.

Various types of hematomas caused by pathologies of internal organs can be seen in the photo.

Bruises on the body for no reason may be evidence of disruption of the circulatory system, diseases of the internal organs and blood. If a person does not get enough sleep, is stressed, smokes, or has dark circles under the eyes (the reason is vasoconstriction and insufficient skin nutrition)

In addition, bruises on the body for no reason may appear under the following conditions:

  • lack of vitamins and nutrients. We are talking about vitamins C, P and K, which are responsible for vascular tone;
  • taking medications that thin the blood (for example, Aspirin and Cavinton, as well as their analogues, antidepressants, replenishing iron deficiency);
  • hormonal imbalance in the body.

Important! To determine why bruises appear on the body for no apparent reason, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination: perhaps hematomas indicate a serious pathological process.

Bruises on a child’s body for no reason: why is this phenomenon dangerous?

There are many reasons for the appearance of bruises on a child’s body: the activity of children is closely related to a large number of bruises, abrasions and bruises on the skin. But, like adults, a child can also develop bruises for no reason, even if he did not hit himself.

If a hematoma appears, this may be caused by the diseases mentioned above, as well as a deficiency of microelements and vitamins.

In addition, bruises without contusions and injuries in young children appear as a result of:

  • disruptions to daily routine;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • improper diet;
  • fragility of blood vessels caused by hereditary factors;
  • presence of thyroid diseases;
  • suffered serious illnesses.

Often the appearance of a bruise on a child’s skin is associated with injections. Bruises can be easily caused by an injection and remain for a long time under the following conditions:

  • the medicine was administered at an accelerated pace;
  • a short needle was attached to the syringe;
  • the muscles reacted with spasm;
  • the administered drug caused an allergic reaction in the child.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of blue spots, immediately seek help from a doctor, because it is impossible to diagnose at home, and the reasons can be either trivial or quite serious.

Parents should be especially careful in cases where bruises for no reason are accompanied by specific symptoms, including:

  • temperature increase;
  • difficulty speaking or walking, blurred vision;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness.

Note! The danger of bruises appearing is quite high if they are located on the head or in the eye area, back or back of the arms.

To find out how to get rid of bruises on the body, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures.

Methods to combat bruises

To eliminate bruises on the body that appear for no reason and remain for a long time, it is important to deal with the factor that provoked them. However, if you need to get rid of external manifestations, you can use certain methods. Doing this yourself is allowed only with the permission of a doctor.

In order to make the hematoma smaller and make its color less intense, you can use:

  • heparin ointment. It helps dissolve the blood clot formed under the skin and speeds up the elimination of blue discoloration;
  • troxevasin ointment. This remedy allows you to remove bruises, since its active substance directly affects fragile capillaries and blood vessels. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to take Troxevasin capsules or tablets simultaneously;
  • means "Rescuer". It will help eliminate bruises on the arms, legs and other parts of the body. This ointment is not suitable only for the area around the eyes and lips.

To find out how to quickly get rid of bruises, you can turn to traditional medicine recipes.

Having a fairly wide spectrum of action, the ointment is used for many diseases associated with increased fragility of vascular walls. The main substance of the drug is the flavonoid rutin, which has P-vitamin activity

  • A good remedy for bruises is cabbage leaves. They are dipped into boiling water for some time, smoothed out with a rolling pin and applied to the bruises that appear. Leave the cabbage leaves for 20 minutes, then apply new ones;
  • Calendula flowers will also help remove bruises on the legs, arms and other parts of the body. You need to mash the fresh raw material and apply it to the skin;
  • You can try to eliminate bruises that appear on their own with starch. To do this, you need to dilute it with water to a paste consistency and apply it to the location of the hematoma;
  • if the bruise does not appear from a blow, you can try making a burdock-based compress. It needs to be applied to the site of the hematoma, wrapped in cellophane and insulated with a woolen scarf;
  • if the question arises of how to quickly remove traces of a bruise, you should use a compress of apples boiled in milk to a pulp;
  • If a bruise has formed without previous tissue damage, you can apply a vinegar-based lotion. To do this, simply moisten a piece of cloth in a tablespoon of vinegar and apply it to the sore spot.

Bruises for no reason can appear under the influence of various pathologies and remain on the skin for a long time. To eliminate them, it is necessary to fight the disease that caused this symptom. A blue spot that appears on the skin is a reason to consult a specialist. The sooner the treatment process begins, the greater the likelihood of quickly returning a person to a healthy life.

Do bruises happen for no reason? It turns out that this is possible. Sometimes a person discovers a blue spot on the skin, although he remembers that he could not have been damaged anywhere. Why does this happen, is it possible to get rid of bruises on the body?

Causes of bruises

Why do bruises appear in the absence of physical injury? In this case, the reasons are internal, not external. Hematomas that occur for no reason are often a signal of the presence of some illness.


  • Aging of the skin. Over time, the walls of blood vessels become fragile and lose elasticity.
  • Hormonal imbalance. When women lack estrogen in their body, the fragility of small capillaries increases, which provokes their frequent damage.
  • Taking certain medications. Aspirin, Warfarin - medications that thin the blood and often cause bleeding. The use of Ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is also a cause of bruising in men and women.
  • Reduced levels of vitamins P, K and C in the body.

These are the main factors influencing the formation of bruises on the body for no reason. formed for a reason.

Bruises on different parts of the body (legs, eyelid, abdomen)

Bruises on the legs for no reason are observed quite often. What influences this phenomenon?


  • Hemophilia. A serious genetic disease in which blood clotting is impaired. Hemorrhages into muscle tissue often occur.
  • Acquired liver diseases that contribute to poor blood clotting.
  • The vessels are located close to the dermis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Varicose veins, vein diseases.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  • Frequent increases in blood pressure, joint ailments.
  • Avitaminosis.

Such factors can provoke the appearance of hematomas on the lower extremities. The presence of bruises for no reason on the legs of women is more often noted. This pathology in girls is often associated with genetics. Bruises on the legs of grandmothers appear due to thin walls of blood vessels and problems with the veins at this age. Bruises on the arms that appear without a reason signal the presence of pathological phenomena in the body. What could it be?


  • Reduced levels of vitamin C. This element is involved in blood circulation and improves capillary permeability. With its deficiency, internal bleeding occurs and bruises appear on the palms and arms.
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis. The disease provokes inflammatory processes in small capillaries. Their rupture leads to the spread of blood in the subcutaneous tissues and the appearance of hematomas on the hands.

Sometimes a person notices the appearance of a bruise on the eyelid. The phenomenon indicates the presence of serious diseases.


  • With age, tissues become less elastic and blood vessels more fragile. Intense action on the eyelid area can lead to bruising.
  • Hormonal imbalances. Low estrogen levels in women lead to bruising.
  • Oncology. Hematomas appear in the presence of blood cancer.
  • Taking various medications that affect the circulatory system.

Hematomas on the abdomen are considered serious cases and must be treated in a medical facility. When small capillaries are damaged, small marks are noted. If large veins are damaged, the condition poses a threat to human life. There will be several large bruises on the skin.

Hematomas in children

Hematomas in children that occur for no reason are an indicator of the presence of various diseases. Doctors identify several main factors that influence the appearance of bruises in a child.


  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis,
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements,
  • Malfunctions of organs,
  • Taking medications that affect the blood condition.

Pregnancy is not always an easy period for a woman. The body is subjected to quite a lot of stress. Many women experience bruises on their body after pregnancy.


  • Phlebeurysm,
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Reduced hemoglobin,
  • Taking certain medications that affect the blood condition.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother gives many useful substances to her baby. The body gradually develops a lack of vitamins and microelements. The blood becomes thicker, the walls of blood vessels become weaker.

Most often, women experience bruises on their legs and abdomen. Almost every pregnant woman is susceptible to varicose veins. Stagnation of venous blood leads to the formation of a thin blue mesh on the skin.

Bruises under the eyes for no reason

It is possible to use additional treatment using traditional medicine.


  • Badyagi powder, diluted with water in a concentration of 2/1, will help remove even a large bruise quite quickly. Apply to the affected area for 15 minutes twice a day.
  • The onion pulp is mixed with a tablespoon of salt. The resulting substance is used for compresses, which are applied to the bruise twice a day.
  • It is allowed to apply warm compresses to remove bruises.
  • Apply softened cabbage or plantain leaves to the damaged areas.
  • A cotton pad is soaked in chamomile extract and applied to the bruise.

Recipes can be found on the Internet; before using traditional treatment, you should consult a medical professional.

Consequences and prevention

Hematomas for no reason are always a warning about the presence of some disease. If left untreated, it will progress further, causing discomfort to the person.

To avoid bruising, you should adhere to preventive measures.


  • Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, take vitamin complexes. This will help improve the condition of blood vessels.
  • Treat any liver ailments in a timely manner and monitor its condition.
  • Play sports, spend more time outdoors.
  • Medicines are allowed to be taken as prescribed by a medical professional, without self-medication.

Bruises for no reason cause inconvenience to the owner and disrupt a normal lifestyle. It is necessary to diagnose diseases in a timely manner, not to let diseases progress, and to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Bruises on the body for no reason - video

Bruises on a woman’s body never appear just like that. Even if their occurrence was not provoked by a blow, bruise or other injuries, they cannot be ignored. After all, the formation of bruises (no matter on what part of the body - legs, arms, lower back, forehead, feet, etc.) for no reason indicates serious health problems that require immediate treatment.

To find out the exact reason If hematomas occur, you will need to visit a doctor and undergo a full examination, including not only laboratory tests (blood and urine tests), but also computer diagnostics (ultrasound, MRI, CT).

We find out why hematomas appear

A bruise is a hematoma that occurs as a result of subcutaneous bruising due to damage to small blood capillaries. Most often, its appearance occurs during a blow or bruise, in which a rupture of the capillary walls is noted. And since some women have delicate and thin skin, minor injuries that remain invisible lead to the appearance of small bruises on the arms or legs.


But if a woman is sure that she did not receive any injuries, then the appearance of subcutaneous bruises may be a symptom of a serious disease - hemophilia. It is characterized by impaired blood clotting and decreased vascular permeability. As it develops, blood seeps through the vascular walls and accumulates in the subcutaneous layers, forming dark blue or burgundy spots visible to the naked eye.

Hemophilia is a dangerous disease in which the risk of internal and external bleeding (for example, from the nose) increases significantly. Persons with this diagnosis are afraid to undergo surgery, since any damage to blood vessels can lead to the death of the patient.

Even a household injury can cause bleeding in hemophilia. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this disease immediately after the appearance of its primary symptoms. And they are, after all, bruises that appear for no reason and in various parts of the body:

  • under the eyes;
  • on the stomach;
  • on the hips;
  • on fingers and wrists;
  • on the neck;
  • on the temples;
  • on the knees;
  • on the buttocks;
  • on the feet, etc.


The formation of bruises on the body for no reason is also a sign of the development of thrombocytopenia. This disease is characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. With the development of thrombocytopenia in women, the following are often observed:

  • heavy periods;
  • blood from the nose;
  • hemorrhagic rash;
  • pain in muscles and spine.

For severe forms As the disease progresses, gastrointestinal bleeding and hemorrhages in internal organs may occur. Often with this disease, bruises appear on the palms. But they can also occur on the extremities (heels, shins, fingers) and chin.

A frequent companion to thrombocytopenia is iron deficiency anemia, characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood. Its main features are:

  • weakness;
  • pale and dry skin;
  • bright red profuse discharge during menstruation;
  • decreased appetite;
  • hair loss;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • deterioration of memory and concentration.


Another disease that manifests itself by the appearance of hematomas on the body. The development of vasopathy is associated with damage to the veins due to the negative effects of infectious, toxic, allergic or immunological agents. This disease greatly affects blood circulation in the body, which is why it is often accompanied by pathologies of the liver and kidneys, pancreas and organs of the reproductive system.


Leukemia is a clonal malignant (neoplastic) disease of the hematopoietic system. It can also provoke the occurrence of hematomas on the abdomen, since with the development of this disease a person experiences frequent internal bleeding with hemorrhages into the abdominal cavity.

Hormonal disorders

Often the appearance of bruises on the body is a consequence of hormonal disorders that arise against the background of impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, ovaries, mammary glands and other internal organs involved in the formation of hormonal balance.

Imbalance of hormones in the body It is also observed during menopause. During this period, the ovaries stop producing estrogen, which causes the capillaries to become fragile and sensitive, which several times increases the likelihood of minor bruises. Moreover, with age, the skin ages and changes its structure. At the same time, the vessels become less elastic and any touch to the body leads to their damage.

Taking medications

Subcutaneous bruising is common in people who abuse aspirin. This drug thins the blood and reduces the elasticity of blood vessels. But with the development of certain diseases, you simply cannot do without it (it is often prescribed to people who have survived a stroke and heart attack, as well as to those who have a predisposition to thrombophlebitis). And if taking aspirin is accompanied by bruising, you need to reduce the dosage and be sure to consult a doctor.


A deficiency of vitamins C and P in the body can cause hematomas to appear on the body. These vitamins strengthen vascular walls and regulate blood circulation. Their lack makes the vessels brittle and fragile and causes frequent subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Lack of vitamin K in the body is also often accompanied by this symptom. This vitamin strengthens the heart muscles, increases vascular permeability and promotes the normal formation of platelets in the blood. With its deficiency, the risks of myocardial infarction and stroke increase several times.

Malignant formations

If bruises appear on the eyelids and in this case there have been no previous injuries, then their cause may be cancer. This disease significantly changes the composition of the blood and negatively affects the walls of blood vessels, making them fragile and brittle.

Hematomas on the eyelids are also caused by long-term use:

  • antidepressants;
  • analgesics;
  • drugs with high iron content.


Remember that each capillary naturally has protection from mechanical damage, which appears in the form of connective tissue. However, the impact of the factors described above leads to a decrease in their elasticity and increased sensitivity to mechanical stress, which causes subcutaneous bruising. Therefore, if the slightest touch to the body is accompanied by the appearance of bruises on the body, you should immediately visit a doctor. Moreover, some of the reasons for their appearance pose a real threat to both the health and life of a woman.

In the overall structure of diseases, oncology ranks second. Cancerous tumors can affect any tissue of the human body. The success of cancer treatment is largely determined by the stage at which the diagnosis was made. Therefore, you should be aware of the signs of cancer, which will help identify the disease at its earliest manifestations.

We recommend reading:

33 symptoms that will help you suspect oncology

  1. – is one of the signs or pancreas. For a long time, the pain may be insignificant; people and doctors most often associate it with,. However, it is better to undergo an additional examination - FGDS or, which will help clarify the diagnosis.
  2. Drastic weight loss– observed in tumors of almost any location, but can be considered a leading sign of intestinal oncology. It should not be confused with weight loss as a result of diet or exercise - with oncology, body weight decreases, even if the patient does not make any effort to do so.
  3. Change in skin color, most often jaundice, characteristic of tumors of the pancreas and liver. It occurs due to difficulties in the outflow of bile, an increase in the concentration of bile pigments in the blood, and is often accompanied by severe skin itching. In addition to the skin, the sclera and tongue become jaundiced.
  4. Cough and difficulty breathing– leading signs of lung oncology. At the early stage of cancer, a dry, unobtrusive cough is noted, and as the disease progresses, it becomes annoying and shortness of breath occurs.
  5. Difficulty swallowing– the sensation of a foreign body preventing the swallowing of food and water is a typical sign of cancer of the pharynx or esophagus. As the tumor grows, the patient may stop swallowing altogether.
  6. Heartburn– caused by the ingress of gastric juice from the stomach into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux). It is characteristic not only of gastritis, but also of stomach and duodenal cancer.
  7. Swelling of the face (or upper half of the body). Typical for central, when a growing tumor compresses blood and lymphatic vessels, thereby causing swelling.
  8. – most tumors cause a reaction in regional lymph nodes. At later stages, metastases enter these nodes, which also contributes to an increase in their size.
  9. Increased bleeding– the appearance of bruises and bruises without a sufficient reason may be a sign of blood cancer. With liver tumors, blood clots worse.
  10. Increased fatigue– chronic intoxication causes a feeling of general malaise and severe weakness. These symptoms manifest themselves especially clearly when internal organs are damaged.
  11. The appearance of blood in the stool and bleeding from the anus after defecation– serious signs. There are also benign diseases with similar symptoms, but they can only be distinguished from cancer with the help of rectoscopy or colonoscopy.

  12. Digestive disorders
    – constipation and diarrhea, mainly of a chronic nature, often appear with intestinal cancer.
  13. Difficulty urinating– delay, increase in frequency indicate problems with the prostate and bladder.
  14. – characteristic of cystitis, or sexually transmitted diseases. With prostate tumors in men, this sign is also observed at the base of the penis.
  15. Blood in urine or semen– can appear with cancer of the urinary system: kidneys, bladder, prostate. In women, blood in the urine or spotting from the genital tract not associated with menstruation are signs of cancer of the female genital organs.
  16. Decreased libido: a sign of prostate cancer in men or ovarian and uterine cancer in women.
  17. Swelling of the scrotum and penis– may indicate testicular or penile cancer.
  18. Back pain syndrome. Of course, the main cause of back pain is osteochondrosis or inflammatory diseases of the spine. However, in some cases, pain in the back, difficult to relieve with pills or simple painkillers, may be a sign of metastatic damage to the vertebrae.

  19. Headache
    . Sometimes it is the only sign of a brain tumor, especially if the pain is one-sided and difficult to treat.
  20. Nipple discharge– can appear with breast cancer, which occurs not only in women, but also in men. Along with the discharge, the patient may experience breast tenderness.
  21. Strange moles and irregularly shaped age spots– one of the forms of melanoma or basal cell skin cancer.
  22. Fever– prolonged, sluggish hyperthermia (fever) without other signs of infection is observed in 30% of patients with oncology.

  23. Lumps in the chest
    in women are signs of breast cancer. You need to be especially wary of the combination of lumps and nipple discharge. In this case, you need to urgently contact a mammologist or surgeon.
  24. Pathological changes in skin appendages - nails and hair: dull hair with a tendency to fall out, as well as dystrophic changes in nails (separation, fragility) indicate an active tumor process in which the skin, nails and hair simply do not have enough nutrients.
  25. Dysfunctional bleeding– bleeding from the vagina, not associated with menstruation, is observed with uterine cancer and ovarian cancer.
  26. Fainting– one of the signs of a brain tumor. The combination of fainting and convulsions allows us to speak with even greater confidence about a brain tumor.
  27. Swelling on the limbs– a lump on the lower leg, thigh or shoulder can occur due to malignant bone tumors (osteosarcomas). Very often, pathological fractures are also observed - even a slight blow to the bone can lead to its fracture.
  28. Memory disorders. In young people, decreased intelligence, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness may occur with brain tumors.
  29. Decreased appetite– observed in most cancers. By the way, pathological weight loss in cancer patients is also associated with a lack of appetite.
  30. Sweating– a sharp change in the usual moisture content of the skin is observed in a number of neuroendocrine tumors.
  31. Tides– a feeling of heat in the face or throughout the body can occur not only in women during menopause, but also with some tumors of the endocrine system.
  32. Mood swings– a sharp change in the emotional background is typical for head tumors and for some hormone-producing tumors in women.
  33. A sharp decrease in vision, loss of fields - can occur with tumors of the optic nerve and some structures of the central nervous system.

Important: If any of the above symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. It is quite possible that there is absolutely nothing to fear, and these symptoms are just manifestations of another more harmless disease. But ignoring this advice often comes at a cost. Malignant processes that are not noticed in time end in death! To get more detailed information about the early symptoms of cancer, watch this video review:

Signs of oncology love to masquerade as symptoms of other diseases, so a cancer diagnosis can only be ruled out after a thorough examination. It is not for nothing that foreign experts recommend that people over the age of 30 undergo an annual preventive examination.

Gudkov Roman, resuscitator

Discussion (44)

    Hello, 31 year old woman, has children, stage 2 varicose veins. I am worried about constant fatigue, pain in the legs (due to varicose veins), joints, back, neck, head. Lack of mood. The work is sedentary, I don’t play sports, I don’t have any bad habits. Who should I contact and what could go wrong?

  1. Hello! Please tell me what is the best way to detect cancer in general. That you can take a test or go through something to see if your stomach is there or not. My father had kidney cancer and it was removed. Now I have a panic fear that cancer may also appear somewhere. I have chondrosis and neuralgia. And often there is an unpleasant sensation in the stomach, as if there is a fever and the back feels like it’s on fire. On the right in the area there is an almost unpleasant sensation, as if something is pulling. I recently had an ultrasound of my abdomen along with my kidneys and they said everything was fine. I had an MRI of the head a year ago and an MRI of the neck half a year ago. Everything is fine. Now I would like to look inside the abdomen and chest or what tests to take so that I don’t cause myself unnecessary headaches. Please write what to do and where to start. Thank you in advance.

  2. Hello! Age 28 years, have not given birth. I do not have any visible neoplasms, the symptoms that worry me are constant ailments caused by something unknown, increased fatigue, low performance, lethargy, prolonged deep sleep. Periodically there are pains in the back, in the arms, lying in one position for about 5 minutes the arms go numb, this has never happened before, I went to an orthopedist, the diagnosis was scoliosis and osteochondrosis. I also wanted to note that the resulting wounds and cuts began to heal much more slowly, I’m not sure if this is normal. My grandmother and mother have cancer in their family (lung cancer, breast cancer). Tell me what kind of examination needs to be done to rule out this disease?!

  3. Hello. After pregnancy (1.5 years have already passed), my nails have become very brittle, lately I have been feeling tired often, I don’t feel any pain, my memory has deteriorated greatly - I can talk, but then it just slips out of my head what the conversation was about, it’s hard to remember what happened in previous times days, there is a decrease in vision for a few minutes, after the computer, a strong decrease in libido. Previously, they diagnosed VSD (in the cervical region, the spine is slightly rotated because of this, blood flows poorly to the upper part of the head. Half a year ago they found a large erosion. My immunity has become weak, even though I take vitamins, it can be difficult to breathe. What is the reason? Who should I go to? I'm 20.

  4. Good day. I suffer from intercostal neuralgia, but we cannot find its main cause. (there were no injuries or serious illnesses, there were no serious changes or inflammations on the X-ray, blood tests were within normal limits, there were no tomography scans in the city) Treatment provides relief for a while, but the pain comes back again and again, and attacks with shorter and shorter time intervals . Does it make sense to test for tumor markers? Or what kind of specialist should you consult with (do scans, tests?) (by the way, my closest relatives have cancer (aunt), diabetes (mother), vascular disease (grandmother died of a stroke))

  5. Good afternoon. The child had all his lymph nodes inflamed, plus a pimple appeared on his head; it soon turned into a sore that began to rot. A dermatologist has been unable to make a diagnosis for half a year. I pull out the rods of pus from my head. What could it be?

  6. Good afternoon. Mom had sinusitis, a polyp in the nasal area was removed, and some foreign substance was found in her head.
    Lately he has been feeling very bad. Vomiting, dizziness, cannot stand on his feet. Constant headaches. My grandmother (mother's mother) had stomach cancer. She died unfortunately. My mother and I went to all the doctors and took tests, but no one detected oncology. What to do how to be

  7. Hello, I am 17 years old, a few days ago a lump appeared on my neck in the form of a ball, the size of a walnut. My throat hurts, it’s hard to swallow, I feel chilly, and I feel constantly tired. Today I noticed a small brown spot on my shoulder that hurts when I press on it. Please tell me what this could be and what is the likelihood that it is melonoma. I am very afraid of oncology, my heredity is normal, I have no bad habits. Thank you very much in advance.

  8. Hello! My father has stage 4 inoperable colon cancer and is 80 years old. Skin metastatic manifestations appeared. Paleative care is provided. Pain is relieved with morphine. But the skin manifestation is more worrying, as it interferes with movement and causes great discomfort. Antiseptic dressings are changed. I wanted to ask you about ichthyol ointment. Is it possible to apply it in this case? There is NOTHING written on the Internet about the use of ichthyol for skin metastases. Maybe everything is ambiguous, but he has nothing to lose, maybe he should try? Thank you!

  9. Good afternoon please tell me, otherwise the doctors say that if it doesn’t bother you too much, it will go away on its own. The temperature has been 37-37.2 for about 3 months, I had a general blood test (deviation neutrophils 40, lymphocytes 44, monocytes 12.6, leukocytes on the verge of 4.76), cytomegano antibodies - negative, HIV - negative, Epstein Barr - negative. In principle, I don’t feel any discomfort; sometimes I have a stomach ache. Tell me what could be wrong, or where to get tested?

  10. Hello, please tell me, they found metastases in my mother’s liver, but the lesion itself was not found. She had pain in the liver area, but now she doesn’t, but a very strong bulge appeared on the right side under the shoulder blade, the pain was like a drilling. Maybe she doesn't have cancer? The symptoms all point to cancer. Poor appetite, yellow skin, weight loss, vomiting.

  11. Hello, please tell me what this could be. Hair falls out profusely for about six months, acne on the body and face does not go away.

  12. Hello, dear doctor. Tell me what could be causing my condition: my temperature has been high for more than a year, 37.3-37.4. I took urine and blood tests and biochemistry tests several times, everything was fine. I did an MRI of the brain, no abnormalities, everything is normal, only there is a subarachnaid cyst, they said it’s not scary. In the summer, due to stress, I began to experience urinary retention, that is, there is urine inside, the bladder is already bursting, but I cannot get it out, as if there was a lock there. This lasted a week, during which time I again took urine and blood tests, everything was normal, they also did an ultrasound of the bladder, kidneys and everything - everything was fine, well, after a week it passed, I began to urinate normally. But in December I suffered severe stress, and now in January, the 5th month begins - I can’t urinate, the urine may linger for a day, I’m already suffocating, it’s full, but I can’t urinate. And for 5 months now I have been holding my breath, the air seems to be squeezed down, and only then the urine comes out a little bit. There is no way she will get out without holding her breath. That's the problem. I no longer have the strength to hold my breath. And the urge is generally frequent, every 15-20 minutes. I had a repeat ultrasound of all the lower organs, everything was perfect. I had a course of treatment with a neurologist, she treated me with pills and an IV for a month. But not the slightest change.
    Tell me, please, what is this connected with? More precisely, I understand that it’s nerves, but how can I start urinating normally? What to do? What do you advise? Help, please, I have no strength anymore.. :(

  13. Hello, this is the third week, every day after lunch the body temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees, it all started with severe throbbing headaches in the back of the head, which lasted 2-3 days. Blood and urine tests are good. During the second week I took Cogacil, the temperature went away, but after 3-4 days it returned again. I did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the spleen is enlarged, there is a suspicion of pancreatitis, the liver is normal, and the kidneys too. Blood tests for hepatitis and HIV are negative. I suspect a herpes simplex virus, but there is nothing on the skin. What to do, what could happen?