Oral disease in children. Treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa caused by herpes infection in children. Diseases of the oral cavity in children: discoloration of the tongue and strong salivation

Every girl dreams of dolls and beautiful outfits for them. Girls play with dolls, imagining that they are little princesses who go to the ball, go to visit, arrange receptions. On the Internet, we often see photos of clothes for dolls, their variety. Many girls, seeing all this beauty, simply begin to demand from their parents to buy them new outfits for their dolls.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to purchase seasonal toy outfits at the first request of their daughters. That is why you can try to sew outfits for dolls.

Necessary materials for sewing

In order to sew dresses for dolls you will need:

  • sewing accessories (needles, scissors, threads);
  • shreds of fabric or small pieces;
  • pattern of clothes for dolls.

If you don't have sewing experience, try some simpler patterns first, such as simple straight dresses, plain skirts and tops. Do not forget that dolls, just like people, can have different sizes and heights.

First, determine what exactly you want to sew for your doll, find a pattern for the outfit you need, make a layout. You can initially sew a sample of a calico dress and try it on a model. So you can understand whether you will sew what you want or not.

If you still doubt whether it is worth taking on this venture, we recommend that you read the step-by-step instructions on how to sew clothes for a doll.

What fabrics are preferable for sewing outfits for a doll? Natural fabrics are considered ideal - cotton, linen or wool. Remember that the thinner the fabric, the better it will sew. The seams on such products will be thinner, the cut will be neat.

What if there are no sewing patterns at hand? How to sew clothes for a doll? Perhaps you can not find a suitable pattern on the Internet? Here are a couple of tips on how you can do without ready-made patterns.

In order to sew a waist-length dress for a small doll, you can wrap the body of the selected doll with ordinary baking foil (every hostess has such foil).

Directly on the figure, circle the horizontal lines on the sides, back and chest with a pen. With scissors for manicure, it is necessary to cut the foil along the lines and divide it according to the traced details. Circle the resulting patterns on paper.

In order to sew trousers or leggings, wrap the legs of the doll with foil. Draw lines along the side, inside, front and back seams. Cut the foil from top to bottom. Transfer the details carefully to paper.

To sew a fluffy skirt, you just need to cut a small strip of fabric and sew it. Gather directly at the waist.

To sew clothes for the doll with sleeves, use the foil again. Draw all the lines on the doll. Carefully cut and transfer the resulting parts to paper.

How to sew ready-made patterns?

You can view a master class on how to sew clothes for a doll or read information on the Internet. Once you've made your patterns and transferred them to paper (didn't you forget to leave a half centimeter of seam allowance on each side?), you can cut them out of the fabric.

If you have a sewing machine at home and you know how to sew on it - great! Then tailoring for dolls will be much faster and with even lines. If the machine is not at home, you can sew the parts manually.

Before sewing, the fabric pattern must be folded with the right side inward. The vertical seams are sewn first. Then comes the turn of the horizontal ones.

If you are sewing fluffy dress, sew the bodice first, sew the skirt separately. Only then can you connect them together.

If your product has sleeves, start sewing the shoulders first, then you can start sewing on the sleeves. At the very end, you can start processing the side seams.

Knowing the basic basics of cutting and sewing, you can learn how to create entire exclusive collections of outfits for your dolls.

Don't forget to give Special attention not only the texture, but also the color of the selected fabrics. Try to carefully draw and think over the entire wardrobe in advance to the smallest detail.

It's no secret that every woman, even quite an adult, in her heart loves to play with dolls. The most famous actresses and singers can envy the number of their dresses, accessories, lingerie and shoes. And mothers and daughters still sit side by side and create beautiful, festive or casual outfits for dolls and baby dolls.

It is clear that dolls are different dolls. There are plump, well-fed baby dolls that you just want to dress up in cozy pants and a hat. Stylish and long-legged beauties need fashionable and stylish clothes.

Interior dolls in general not intended for games, they are dressed just like that - for beauty and mood. There are special ones - doll sewing kits - if you suddenly want to create them yourself.

Sewing clothes for a doll is easy and simple, because:

  • a lot of fabric is not required, it is quite possible to get by with shreds and scraps;
  • fitting clothes can be carried out "in place";
  • it's exciting and interesting.

But there is also some nuances to consider:

  • small sizes small parts that are difficult to hem, cut and fit;
  • the elbows and knees of the dolls are not too mobile, which means that the clothes should open like a robe or stretch when put on.

How to sew winter clothes for Baby Bon dolls (for boys and girls)

Baby Bon is a doll that does not just look like a baby, it is quite realistic and very cute. This is such a big baby doll with plump legs and arms, sewing clothes for which is a pleasure. And, as for real babies, you can sew clothes for a small doll or baby doll from soft and elastic fabric. Clothes should be with a minimum of hard details, but equipped with ruffles, ties and appliqués.

A children's coat with a hood can be sewn from knitwear or fleece. The pattern is given universal, you just need to choose the color of the fabric. If you have never wondered how to learn to sew before, then you should not choose a fabric that is difficult to work with. For example, thin knitwear will spin and start small arrows, and satin fabric constantly requires processing the edge on the overlock.

You will need:

  • piece of fabric;
  • adhesive fabric;
  • threads; pins;
  • chalk or a simple pencil;
  • sewing machine or needles for hand-stitching parts.

Operating procedure:

  • lay out the patterns on the fabric;
  • facings, pockets and other decorative details can be cut out from another fabric;
  • circle the pattern with chalk, add seam allowances and cut out;
  • sweep the individual parts of the coat, try on the doll, and only after that you can sew everything on a typewriter;
  • if you are an experienced seamstress, you can sew in a zipper, and for beginners, ties or hooks are quite suitable.

Small parts can twist around the edge, for this they need to be planted on an adhesive fabric. Cut out the same fragment on the glue, stick it to the fabric with the sticky side and press it with a hot iron.

By the same principle, you can sew a jumpsuit. Lots of finish options additional details and applications will help you diversify the wardrobe of your favorite toy.

Many mothers who are fond of knitting are happy to knit little things for dolls. To prevent a sweater or coat from stretching and losing its shape, learn how to sew knitted details.

How to sew clothes for Barbie dolls from a sock

Barbie doll is the dream of every girl, and of course, such a beauty is worthy of many outfits. But the doll's arms and legs are quite thin, and sewing clothes from non-elastic fabrics for such parameters is quite difficult. And in this case, however, as in many others, knitted socks come to the rescue.

Having cut off a few unnecessary parts from the sock and manually fastening them with a simple chain stitch, you will get a lot of outfits, ranging from tights and small hats to numerous dresses and even knitted coats.

Here, for example, are several patterns of sweaters for Barbie dolls.

And so you can sew a knitted dress.

And if you are thinking about additional accessories for your favorite doll, then find out how to sew a bag with your own hands.

Monster High is a doll with character. She will not allow you to put on a simple dress without colorful decor or outstanding details. Each of her outfits is dedicated to some event and must be different from others. Fabrics for clothes should be colorful, bright and shiny. Knitwear is unlikely to fit, but all the lurex or lace additions will quite appeal to these capricious dolls.

You will have to work hard on their outfits and take into account that dresses with corsets do not stretch, and it is best to use Velcro as a fastener, which will connect the dress at the back.

  • several pieces of bright contrasting fabric;
  • pins, needles, threads, Velcro;
  • ribbons and lace for decoration.

Operating procedure:

  • transfer the details of the pattern to the fabric and sweep them for trying on;
  • sew the front seams on a typewriter;
  • On the back of the skirt, sew a machine seam up to half the length, and attach Velcro on the corset.

looks good with finishing. Decorate the outfit with ribbons and lace.

Bright, long ball gowns decorated with lace and bright ribbons are a must have for every princess. You probably already were interested, so you not only have the skills to work, but you probably still have trimmings of the material. That's it from them you can make several models of dresses and skirts.

Fatin practically does not crumble along the edge, but that's all possible problems can be solved with a lighter.

For the skirt, you will need a small strip of fabric that can be sewn in the round and tucked into an elastic band at the waist. You don't even have to layer the fabric. One or two will be enough.

If you still do not want to stop at very simple outfits, then you can practice on a more complex model with a corset decorated with ribbons and flowers.

Interior dolls are designed to decorate the house, but they all have their own character and are big fashionistas. Bigfoots are designer dolls, unusually cute, homemade and original. Sewing clothes for them is not difficult, but this requires a special mood. Fabrics should be chosen with small floral patterns or polka dots, be sure to use decorative elements.

But the most noticeable part of such dolls are the legs, and it is the shoes that are given special attention. Small pieces of skin leftovers from old bags or wallets, scraps of felt and old jeans

How to cut out, decorate and sew small sneakers from a small piece of denim can be seen in the diagram.

And from large pieces of old jeans you can master - patchwork from jeans -.


  • An elegant dress in which your favorite doll will go to the ball - this is what all girls dream of. The author of the video tells how to quickly sew elegant clothes for a doll from bright cotton fabric.

  • Video for beginner craftswomen on how to sew clothes for dolls, with little or no need for a needle and thread. Right choice fabric that won't fray around the edges, and a few accessories, and fashion dress ready.

  • Both dolls and little children definitely need socks, panties and T-shirts. - Sewing from old things - from knitwear will help to create not only clothes for dolls, but also a lot of things useful in the household.

What are your dolls' favorite clothes? Write to us about your achievements in terms of small outfits and shoes, we will be grateful to you.

But so far, our textile doll with thread hair is dressed only in cambric panties. With the help of today's master class, we will sew clothes for a homemade doll - a dress or a skirt according to simple patterns. After all, what could be nicer for a girl than trying on different outfits for her favorite doll!

Tiered dress for a doll

Chintz, cambric, thin satin and gauze are suitable for a doll dress. The thinner the fabric, the more beautiful it drapes, given the relatively small size of the little thing. The principle of assembly of the product is also suitable for sewing skirts, petticoats and frills for underdresses.

Cut out from chintz:

  • 2 details of the bodice with an allowance for the fastener (piece No. 6);
  • bottom frill 80 cm wide and 7.5 cm long;
  • top frill 50 cm wide and 5 cm long.

Cut out from cambric:

  • 1 detail of the bodice with a fold along the dotted line (piece No. 6);
  • 2 details of the bodice with an allowance for the fastener (piece No. 6).

  1. Cut out the details of the dress with seam allowances of 0.6 cm around the perimeter, with the exception of the flounces - their dimensions are given in full, taking into account the allowances.

  1. Sew side seams on chintz and cambric pieces. Fold 1 cm along the bottom edge of the bottom ruffle, stitch. Collect the bottom ruffle on a thread to the width of the top.
  2. Sew the bottom ruffle to the top ruffle, overcast the seam allowances together, or use an overlock stitch. Fold the seam allowance towards the top ruffle and stitch close to the seam. Fold the lined bodice face to face.

  1. Sew the fronts and back along the top line together with a single stitch (seam allowance, neckline, shoulder, armhole, shoulder, etc.). Notch the allowances, turn them on the face, carefully straighten the corners and iron. The lower cut on the bodice is open.
  2. Collect the upper ruffle to the width of the unfolded bodice. On the vertical edges, fold the ruffles with a single cloth 1 cm to the wrong side and stitch.
  3. We received the bodice and skirt separately. Stitch the finished skirt to the chintz layer of the bodice, fold the allowances up and iron. Wrap the bottom allowance of the cambric lining on the wrong side. Sew it with a hidden seam to the seam of attaching the bodice. So you hide the seams and make the dress beautiful and durable. This dress can be safely worn on any doll and machine washed.

  1. Sew the shoulder seams of the front and back with a blind seam, first along the face, then along the wrong side.

  1. On the back of the bodice, sew two linen buttons. To decorate the dress, you can use lace, stitching it along the connecting seam of the ruffle or skirt and bodice, satin ribbons, lace flowers and pretty buttons.

Doll skirt

  1. To sew the skirt, cut out the two bottom ruffles the same size as the dress. We will also need a belt half the size of the top ruffle of the same width (25 cm wide and 5 cm long without seam allowances).
  2. Connect the bottom and top ruffles, like a dress.
  3. At the belt, fold the short edges inside out, stitch and, folding it in half, iron it. Gather the upper ruffle on a thread so that its width is equal to the width of the belt plus 1.2 cm.

  1. Stitch the belt to the upper ruffle, stepping back to the right and left by 0.6 cm, smooth the allowances up. Fold the skirt and sew the back seam so that the edges of the belt meet closely, but do not overlap (use the 0.6 cm indent as a seam allowance). Fold the belt along the ironed line, fold the allowance of the inner edge to the wrong side and hand-sew it to the seam of attaching the belt.
  2. Pin a silk ribbon onto a safety pin; thread the pin with the tape into the resulting drawstring on the belt in a circle until it appears from the opposite side. Stretch the ribbon, cut the ends beautifully, put the skirt on the doll and tie a bow at the back.


  • if you are using a dense fabric with a pattern, then sew on the straps and get
  • beautiful sundress;
  • Sew the belt around and insert an elastic band into it - you will get a great alternative to a silk ribbon tie.

Buying dolls for children is an expensive pleasure, but buying doll clothes sometimes turns out to be more expensive than the cost of the doll itself. In this case, there is a way out - to sew a robe yourself. DIY clothes for dolls can be the most diverse. It is made from a variety of materials. The main thing is to connect your imagination, and finding patterns and patterns is not difficult.

Doll clothes can be made from a variety of materials and using a variety of techniques. When choosing what exactly to make a robe for a textile doll, pay attention to the toy itself. For example, pumpkin-headed dolls rather require knitted products, and for Soviet dolls, dresses are made from retro materials. If this is a big-legged doll, for her not fit shape, as for the Tilda doll.

From paper

Whatever toy you have, such as a Tilda doll, life-size paper patterns make sewing much easier. If a decision is made to make a dress for a paper mannequin, it is best to choose corrugation or felt. These materials bend well and are suitable for sewing. It is not recommended to make paper clothes for textile dolls as they will be difficult to put on and impractical.

When working with felt, it is desirable to make paper or cardboard patterns. If the clothes are made from corrugations, or from ordinary colored paper or cardboard, sewing options are used without making a pattern. Thus, lined paper will be the material for making the mold. It should be noted that paper clothes are short-lived and not suitable for small children. It is made for older girls, who are neat during the games and will not tear the paper product.


Clothes for dolls can be crocheted or knitted. Knitted clothes for dolls have certain advantages:

  1. She is durable. It is difficult for a child to tear or dissolve such clothes, so it suits even the smallest girls;
  2. If during the game the child gets this clothes dirty, they are removed from the toy and washed with ease;
  3. When knitting products, they resort to a variety of techniques, thus making multi-colored or winter clothes. Even a beginner in this business can crochet clothes according to a pattern or knitting needles with a job description. All you need is basic knowledge of knitting. When knitting, use old yarn or dissolve a stretched sweater or scarf.

Knitted clothes have their disadvantages:

  1. When making, it is impossible to attract children - the knitting technique is too complicated for them;
  2. It takes a lot of time to make this form;
  3. Often the products are very small, making miniature clothes is quite a difficult task.


It is popular to sew toy clothes from socks. A variety of products are sewn for dolls from socks:

  • Dresses;
  • Sweaters;
  • Mikey;
  • T-shirts;
  • Skirts;
  • Coat;
  • Vests;
  • Jackets and so on.

A lot depends on your imagination. One of the advantages of sewn clothes is the ability, if necessary, to cut the line and change its location. That is, if the needlewoman sewed the element in the wrong place, it is not difficult to change it. At the same time, sewing miniature clothes can be problematic. Not every sewing machine is able to cope with such miniature sizes, so most likely you will have to sew by hand.

When sewing dresses, even younger girls are attracted school age. They are able to cope with a thread and a needle. It gives them the opportunity to develop creative thinking, fine motor skills of hands and master basic sewing skills. Clothing made from scraps of fabric is easiest to decorate with decorative elements.

Making products from fabric, there is an opportunity to show imagination. Can be combined different materials, sew on ruffles and frills.

Master Class

When sewing clothes for dolls with your own hands, you should remember a few basic rules:

  1. When making clothes and shoes for dolls with your own hands, remember that dolls are made according to the model human body, which means that the whole toy form is the same as the adult, only smaller. The smaller the doll, the more accurate the tailoring should be. All sewing should be as accurate and careful as possible, since errors are much more visible on small details;
  2. Do not be lazy and make a pattern out of paper before cutting on fabric. If we immediately cut out of the fabric, more likely make a mistake and spoil, though small, but still a beautiful piece of material. The pattern is made from cardboard.

This master class will describe the step-by-step production of a toy skirt. By adjusting the length and material of manufacture, several sets of clothes are modeled, which will differ from each other. Such clothes with their own hands will suit a variety of toys.

Style selection

The choice of style of doll clothes depends on the doll itself, its size and gender. Baby dolls need wider clothes, more businesslike clothes for boys, and sophisticated and elegant clothes for girl dolls. When choosing a style, be sure to measure the girths of the chest, waist, hips, the length of the doll itself, the width of the chest and shoulders. Accurate data will help you make clothes that are most accurate suitable for this toy.

When making clothes, consider how the toy will use them. When making evening, ball or formal wear, choose more lush and luxurious options. Colored fabrics are suitable for it and a large number of decorative ornaments. If sewn business clothes, for example, office or work, choose discreet colors, white or black, and a more strict style. If the clothes will be homely, give preference to a loose, not tight cut and not too heavy fabric. It is not recommended to decorate home clothes big amount decorative elements. home, everyday Business

Tools and materials

When making clothes and shoes with your own hands for dolls, you must have a starter set of tools available. Among these are:

  • Scissors;
  • needles;
  • Threads;
  • Pieces of fabric or socks;
  • It is desirable to have a sewing machine;
  • measuring tape;
  • Decor.

You can make a sewing kit for doll clothes yourself and put there:

  • Miniature scissors;
  • needles;
  • Several multi-colored threads;
  • Thin measuring tape;
  • Lace and frills.

Having such a set for beginners available, you can easily make clothes for dolls. For sewing skirts use the following materials:

  • Old children's socks;
  • Old nylon tights or mesh tights;
  • Any patch of cotton or knitted fabric;
  • Old sweaters or jackets;
  • Clean pieces of small children's T-shirts;
  • Scraps left after sewing dresses or other clothes.

Making a pattern with patterns new doll, do not throw it away, but put it in your sewing kit. This pattern can still be useful when creating products from a different fabric or for a different doll.



How to make a pattern:

  1. When making a skirt, you will need the following data: waist circumference, hip circumference, length of the intended skirt.
  2. Materials matter a lot. If the fabric is knitted, stretching, take smaller shreds. If this fabric is dense, choose a larger piece - the skirt will look more magnificent;
  3. Decide on the pomp of the skirt. Depending on the splendor, the width of the cut of the fabric is determined. A skirt of medium splendor needs a width of a piece twice as large as the circumference of the hips of the doll. Strongly fluffy skirt take a cut that is 3 or 4 times the circumference of the hips;
  4. Suppose: the girth of the hips of the doll is 13 cm. Skirts of medium splendor need a cut of about 30 cm. Measure 30 cm on a piece of paper and put a mark;
  5. Next, you need to decide on the length of the skirt. Length is measured from the waist. Take a centimeter tape - with one end attach it to the waist of the frame doll, and lower the other end to the place where the skirt is supposed to end;
  6. Add 1 cm to the resulting value - this will be the required length of the fabric cut. Let's assume that the length of the skirt should be 8 cm. 8 + 1 = 9. Mark on a piece of paper 9 cm in length;
  7. As a result, you will get a 30 * 9 cm rectangle. Cut it out of paper and sign the template (directly on a piece of paper) - “Medium fluffy skirt 8 cm long”. Save this template.

Featured on this photo clothes for dolls with their own hands. We grind the fabric on the doll
Outlining the lines Apply to paper Checking the pattern on the doll
Cut out the selection on the fabric
Cut out on paper Checking the paper pattern


How to sew clothes for a doll, guided by the pattern described above:

  1. Attach a paper pattern to the selected material;
  2. Circle it with a piece of chalk or a small remnant of soap. Width allowance is not made, because due to the splendor of the skirt, hide 0.5-1.5 cm in the seams without damage appearance clothes won't be difficult. The length allowance is already included in the pattern;
  3. After tracing the pattern on the fabric, very carefully cut this piece with scissors;
  4. Now you need to process the edges of the upper and lower cuts;
  5. The lower sections are processed as follows: a piece of fabric 0.3-0.5 cm wide is tucked up and stitched or sewn on by hand;
  6. Sewing machines sew profitably - both quickly and beautifully. In the absence of a sewing machine, it is quite possible to make a line with your hands. If the clothes are made together with the daughter, they entrust this stage to her;
  7. An elastic band must be sewn to the upper cut. The length of the elastic should match the circumference of the doll's waist. The elastic band should be thin and stretch well. It must be stretched to the entire length of the upper cut - in this pattern it is 30 cm. The elastic must be sewn on or sewn with hands from the wrong side;
  8. Then a piece of fabric, on which the elastic is attached, is wrapped inward to the width of the elastic and sewn on again. Thus, the elastic is hidden in the seam;
  9. The last step is to sew the skirt. An easy way to do this is to turn the skirt inside out and stitch from top to bottom.
Cut out the belt
We fit the doll
Tighten the skirt with a belt


In order for the clothes for the doll to have a beautiful look with your own hands, it must be decorated with decor. Small size the skirt itself is not a hindrance. Do-it-yourself decorations for an interior doll are made from:

  • beads;
  • Beads;
  • Thermal stickers;
  • Lace;
  • Baikey;
  • Flowers crocheted or knitting and so on.

A beautifully designed skirt will be not only original, but also exclusive. You can entrust the decoration stage to the child himself - a little girl can easily cope with this task. It is recommended to crochet flowers with small patterns and sew them to the skirt. Crocheted doll decorations are made not only in the form of flowers, but also in the form of lace on a frill. Knit different decorations and accessories for dolls - patterns are found on the Internet, and with knitted decorations, dolls look prettier.

When making clothes and shoes for dolls with your own hands, pay attention to their decorations - after all, this is what the doll form differs from the adult one. Good decorating can take longer than you'd like. However, by making several patterned skirts and decorating them in different ways, you diversify the doll's wardrobe.

As can be seen from the above information, independent production a toy wardrobe is a very exciting and interesting activity. Not only adults, but also the girls themselves, who like to dress up their toys, can start making a miniature wardrobe. In the manufacture of things it is allowed to use the most different techniques, it is recommended to connect fantasy and decorate each manufactured part with decorative elements. All things will be exclusive, unique, and the doll will look very fashionable. Never throw away patterns, diagrams and templates. If you or your children wear out some clothes, especially those made from brightly colored materials - do not throw them away, save them for making doll clothes. You and your kids will love it for sure.


Every mother whose daughter is growing up wants her child's childhood to be unforgettable. And what can leave an indelible mark on the memory of a baby? Well, of course, beautiful dolls and original outfits for them. Since ancient times, the doll has been not only a toy, but also a talisman for a child. That is why the doll was not bought, but made independently. A handmade toy is simply conspired to make a child happy, healthy and successful. If you want to instill in a girl a love of beauty, instill a sense of style in her, then please your princess with a textile toy, and do-it-yourself clothes for interior dolls will help her learn to understand fashion and instill a sense of style. Today we will tell you how to sew clothes on a homemade doll using simple patterns, because for a little crumb there is nothing more pleasant than trying on new outfits for your favorite toy.

Clothes for textile dolls with their own hands - what is it?

Any needlewoman can sew clothes for a textile doll with her own hands. And for this it is not at all necessary to buy a large amount of fabric, because you can use all the shreds available at home. Lace and satin ribbon are useful for decorating products.

A variety of models for dolls can surprise any fashionista. These are light sundresses and business suits, shorts and skirts, and even boots. You can even sew a coat for a textile doll. For the manufacture of each model, there are patterns on the Internet, and the original outfits can always be changed to your liking, depending on the materials available.

Important! You can create your own style for the toy and make a pattern yourself. Clothing designers also came to the aid of caring mothers, for example, in the Sewing Dolls magazine published by Korean designers, colorful pictures show not only patterns, materials and tools needed for work, but also step-by-step instructions for sewing clothes. You only need to decide on the model of clothing and carefully consider the corresponding pictures. Thanks to step by step instructions On tailoring outfits for a doll, you can not only easily and simply sew the necessary thing yourself, but also teach your baby the skills of needlework. You can start learning with sewing fashion accessory for dolls - handbags.

Below we will tell you how to sew clothes for a textile doll, and we will start with simple things - a skirt and a tiered dress.

Doll skirt

cook light fabric to sew the product and proceed as follows:

  1. Cut out two ruffles: one is 80 cm wide and 7.5 cm long, and the other is 50 cm wide and 5 cm long.
  2. From the same fabric, cut out a belt 25 cm wide and 5 cm long (without seam allowances).
  3. Bend the bottom 1 cm of the bottom ruffle and topstitch. Gather the bottom ruffle to the width of the top.
  4. Stitch the bottom ruffle to the top. Process the allowances with an overlock. Fold the seam allowances towards the top frill and stitch as close to the seam as possible.
  5. Bend the short edges of the belt inside out, stitch and iron.
  6. Collect the upper ruffle on a thread so that its width is equal to the width of the belt +1.2 cm.
  7. Stitch the belt to the upper frill, stepping back 0.6 cm to the left and right. Smooth the allowances up.
  8. Fold the skirt so that the edges of the belt meet closely (use the 0.6 cm indent as a seam allowance). Sew the back seam.
  9. Fold the belt along the ironed line. On the wrong side, fold the allowance of the inner edge, sew it by hand to the seam of the waistband.
  10. Thread a silk ribbon into the resulting drawstring.
  11. Put the finished skirt on the doll, and tie a bow in the back.

Important! If you used a dense fabric with a pattern for sewing, then you can sew on straps - you get a beautiful sundress.

The belt on the skirt can be replaced with an elastic band. Sew the belt around, insert the elastic. This would be a great alternative to a silk ribbon tie.

Tiered dress for a doll

The following fabrics are perfect for a doll dress:

  • Chintz and cambric (for lining).
  • Thin satin and gauze (for lining).

Important! The thinner the fabric, the more beautiful the drapery will look, given small size products. The principle of sewing a tiered dress is also suitable for sewing a tiered skirt, frills for dresses, petticoats.

To sew a dress, proceed as follows:

  1. Cut out the details of the bodice from chintz and batiste with a seam allowance of 0.6 cm.
  2. Cut out the bottom shuttlecock (80 cm wide and 7.5 cm long) and the upper shuttlecock (50 cm wide and 5 cm long) from the chintz.
  3. Sew side seams on chintz and cambric pieces.
  4. Bend 1 cm of the bottom flounce, sew.
  5. Collect the bottom ruffle on a thread to the width of the top.
  6. Sew the bottom frill to the top. Overcast the allowances together or overlock.
  7. Fold the lined bodice face to face.
  8. Sew together the details of the bodice with a single stitch along the top line. The lower cut of the bodice should be open. Turn the blank on the face, carefully straighten all the corners, iron.
  9. Gather the upper flounce to the width of the unfolded bodice. Bend the ruffles with a single cloth along the vertical edges by 1 cm to the wrong side, stitch.
  10. Stitch the finished skirt to the chintz layer of the bodice. Bend the allowances up, iron.
  11. Wrap the bottom allowance of the cambric lining on the wrong side, sew with a blind seam to the bodice attachment line. Thus, the seams will hide, the dress will be durable, beautiful.
  12. Sew the shoulder lines of the front and back with a blind stitch, first from the front side, and then from the inside.
  13. Sew two linen buttons on the back of the bodice.
  14. Decorate the finished product with lace by stitching it to the connecting seam of the ruffle. You can attach the trim to the connecting seam of the bodice and skirt. Use satin ribbons, beautiful buttons, lace flowers for decoration to make the dress elegant and airy.

Important! You can sew clothes for a textile doll from your personal wardrobe item. Any thing is suitable for this purpose: a bathrobe, a blouse, an old dress. Alternatively, you can sew dresses for the child and the doll from the same fabric.

The doll itself

A Russian folk doll is sewn from textiles quite easily, because the pattern of this toy is simple, without unnecessary details, but such a doll has a rather complex detailed costume. When making it, you should pay attention to any little things: ruffles on a skirt, lace, buttons, bows on a suit, braids with ribbons, a handkerchief.