Porridge for newborns. Porridge for the little ones. Oatmeal as a complementary food

Every mother who has a baby is concerned with the question: what complementary foods should be introduced to the baby and at what age? Porridge is considered one of the main types of food for children after six months. But are all of them allowed to be consumed for up to a year? What are the benefits and harms of a particular porridge? How much should they be given to infants? More about this in the article.

Classification of cereals:

  1. By type of cereal: rice, buckwheat, corn, semolina, oatmeal, millet, wheat, barley, pearl barley.
  2. Dairy and dairy-free.
  3. Gluten (containing cereal protein - gluten) and gluten-free. Cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet and corn grits belong to the gluten-free group.
  4. Homemade and store-bought.

At the beginning of complementary feeding, porridge should be dairy-free, gluten-free and consist of only one grain. Most often, rice or buckwheat. Then corn is gradually added. The rest of the cereals at 6–7 months of age It is not recommended to consume them because they contain gluten, which often causes allergies.

Approximately from 8 months you should gradually begin to introduce oatmeal and multigrain cereals.

From 9 months You can try millet, barley, pearl barley, wheat porridge.

Semolina is usually included in a child’s diet last - after 1 year.

For babies aged 6–8 months, porridge is prepared with water or breast milk. Whole cow's milk is not added due to the risk of an allergic reaction. From 9–10 months you can cook a dish with milk and half and half water. It is better to start consuming all-milk cereals only from 1 year of age.

Which cereals are better to choose: homemade or store-bought?

This depends on several factors: the baby’s taste preferences, the mother’s financial capabilities and whether she has time to prepare the dish.

Arguments for buying porridge in bags:

  • most of them are hypoallergenic (do not contain gluten, sugar, preservatives, milk components);
  • they are enriched with vitamins (however, many mothers do not consider this beneficial, since all vitamins are chemically produced, and therefore choose a product without additives);
  • prepare them conveniently and quickly;
  • The ready-made store product has a liquid consistency, which is suitable for children under one year old.

Arguments for homemade porridge:

  • the composition of the dish is formed by the mother herself (there are no questionable components, you can add the necessary ingredients at your discretion);
  • inexpensive in cost;
  • they have more long term storage than purchased products;
  • The thicker consistency of homemade porridge promotes the development of the child’s chewing muscles.

Useful properties of cereals

Gluten-free cereals

The safest because they do not contain vegetable protein gluten and are suitable for feeding the youngest (from 6 months).

  • Rice. Rich in carbohydrates, which are well absorbed by the body.
  • Buckwheat. Contains B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper. Improves performance digestive system due to the large amount of fiber. Due to its rich iron content, it reduces the risk of anemia in a child. Prevents constipation and effectively removes harmful substances from the body.
  • Corn grits. In its composition a large number of vitamins of group B, A, E, PP, iron, starch. It helps improve intestinal function, helps eliminate flatulence and colic.
  • Millet. It contains a lot of fiber, protein, B vitamins, PP, zinc, potassium, and iron. Positively affects work circulatory system and liver, removes toxins.

As the baby grows up, it’s time to gradually accustom him to more “adult” and varied foods. Suitable for children from 8 months.

  • Oat groats– a valuable source of phosphorus, calcium, vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins B1, B2. Helps strengthen bones and teeth, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Barley cereals (barley and pearl barley) contain vitamins B, A, E, PP, potassium, calcium, iron, fiber. Porridge helps remove harmful substances from the body, improve the functioning of the digestive system, and strengthen the immune system. Helps cope with allergies.
  • Wheat groats. Stimulates metabolism, improves performance gastrointestinal tract, removes harmful substances from the body.
  • Semolina. It is well absorbed, rich in vitamins B, PP, vegetable protein and starch, which give the body growth and energy. Porridge is very filling and high in calories.

How to properly introduce porridge into your baby’s diet?

For preparation, take 5 g of cereal per 100 g of water. You need to start introducing the porridge with ½ teaspoon in the morning, carefully monitoring the baby’s reaction. If there is no allergy, then the volume of the dish is increased to 150 g over the course of a week. Then the concentration increases and amounts to 10 g of porridge per 100 g of water.

How to cook porridge for babies

The cereal must first be washed and dried. Before cooking, grind in a coffee grinder or blender. Then pour it into cold water (for example, rice or buckwheat) or into boiling water for cooking.

Cook the porridge over low heat, stirring constantly. Cooking time depends on the type of cereal. To make the porridge more vibrant taste qualities you can combine it with vegetables (pumpkin, broccoli) and fruits (apples, pears, bananas).

Once ready you can add breast milk or mixture, vegetable or fruit puree. Until 1 year, salt and sugar are not added.

Comment: better porridge give from a spoon, as this is food close to adult food. When a child eats it from a bottle, the product does not have time to be properly wetted with saliva.

Porridge – valuable product, influencing the full development and giving energy and strength for the growth of the baby. Let your diet become healthier and more varied with them!

The best time to start feeding your baby cereal is 5 months or later.

At this age, the child is already able to digest the nutrients contained in cereals. If you introduce porridge too early, the baby has high risk occurrence of intestinal problems.

If parents spend a few minutes browsing the children's section of their local supermarket, they will be able to see a huge range of products, including cereal porridge. Supermarket shelves are filled with baby food products that claim to be the best, highly nutritious, healthy and so on - because that's what all parents want for their baby.

Porridge – significant and necessary element V children's diet. Many pediatricians recommend this type of food to start complementary feeding. Porridge enriched with vitamins and microelements should certainly form the basis of the menu infant, since its use has positive impact on the intestines. Baby cereals for the first feeding can be made independently at home or bought ready-made in packages. Parents need to know when to introduce porridge to their baby and how to avoid problems.

How to administer porridge?

If you think that the child is ready and the pediatrician also gives “ green light", Here Some tips for introducing porridge:

  1. Start giving the porridge once a day, in the morning. This is the time when the baby is hungry and well rested. These two factors will help you succeed. Later, you can give your baby porridge in the evenings to help him sleep longer at night.

    Dissolve 1 teaspoon of porridge in 4 - 5 teaspoons of breast milk or formula. This gives the food a familiar taste, so the child is less likely to reject a new product.

  2. Use a small spoon with a soft tip. Be patient and accept failure. Your child probably won’t understand what’s going on or how to handle the porridge. About 90% of the mess will end up on your bib, tray, floor and you. This will take several weeks of practice.

Which porridge should I start complementary feeding with?

The first porridges for infants should not contain gluten, as they are sometimes poorly tolerated by children.

It is preferable to start complementary feeding with unsweetened, dairy-free, one-ingredient, gluten-free cereals that do not contain artificial additives.

Pediatricians advise parents of children's dairy-free porridge for the first feeding, since milk contains casein protein, which often causes severe allergies. Strictly monitor your child's reaction when introducing milk cereals.

If your baby's cheeks become red or he has bowel problems, postpone the introduction of dairy cereals for a month. It is most likely that your baby does not have enough enzymes to digest milk. Please try again in a month. If allergic reaction repeats, delay the introduction of dairy products until 1 year.

Provided that cereals without milk are well digested and there are no allergies, after 1 - 1.5 months you can offer the baby gluten-free cereals with milk.

Which porridge should I choose?

Choosing between numerous grains can be quite a daunting task.

Having great amount available options porridge for the first feeding, you can get confused about how to choose the best baby porridge for your child.


  • hypoallergenic;
  • easy to dissolve without lumps;
  • affordable price.



  • only natural ingredients.


  • contain sugar and vanillin;
  • not recommended for first feeding.


  • low price and high quality;
  • Contains a mineral and vitamin complex.



  • high quality;
  • hypoallergenic natural product.



  • does not contain salt or harmful additives.


  • contains herbal ingredients with a calming effect.



The best baby cereals for babies

Let's consider characteristics of such porridge:

  • Rice porridge is usually considered the most delicious and hypoallergenic option for children. Rice, being a soft grain, is much easier for babies to digest.

    Of all the rice-based cereals available, choose the one made from brown rice as it has a higher fiber content, which is good for the baby's digestive system. Be sure to choose the option that is rich in iron and essential vitamins and microelements;

  • Rice contains many vitamins and microelements. B vitamins and vitamin E have a beneficial effect on nervous system, strengthen nails. Amino acids are involved in the formation of body cells. Lecithin activates brain function, and oligosaccharides normalize intestinal functioning;
  • Rice also contains enough iron, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iodine, necessary for the full growth and development of the baby.

An easy recipe for making rice porridge for first feeding

You will need:

  • a quarter cup of rice;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • food processor or blender.

Using a food processor or blender, grind the rice to a powder.

Bring the water to a boil. Reduce heat and add 1/4 cup rice to water, stirring vigorously with a whisk. Keep on low heat for about 10 minutes. Stir frequently to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan. The mass should thicken.

If the porridge is too thick, you can add a little warm water before serving it.

Buckwheat porridge for first feeding is an excellent source nutrients for a growing child.

This is food with all the vitamins and microelements necessary for healthy growth baby.

Buckwheat porridge has many advantages:

  • Being completely gluten-free, buckwheat porridge is ideal for complementary feeding to children suffering from gluten intolerance or celiac disease;
  • buckwheat is good for children who are allergic to wheat protein;
  • significant amounts of vitamin B2, niacin, folic acid, potassium, magnesium and calcium in buckwheat porridge makes it an ideal product for good nutrition. It improves general development child;
  • Tasty and appetizing buckwheat porridge is liked by most children.

How to cook buckwheat porridge?

  • use 1/4 cup buckwheat to 1 or 2 cups water.

    Experiment with quantities until you find the right consistency for your baby;

  • place buckwheat and water into a small saucepan, stir well and bring to a boil. Stir to avoid lumps;
  • reduce heat. Cook until the grain is completely cooked;
  • Use a blender to puree.

Corn porridge is very healthy for babies.

Since corn is a common allergen, it is not recommended to introduce corn porridge before the age of 1 year.

A child with a corn allergy may exhibit any of the following: typical symptoms food allergies including cramps, diarrhea, eczema, excessive gas formation, vomiting, constipation, swelling or redness of the eyes, and a runny or stuffy nose. Very rarely, in the worst case scenario, a corn allergy can lead to anaphylactic shock. If this happens, contact your doctor immediately.

Homemade baby food recipe

  • mix 2 - 3 tbsp. corn flour and a glass of water;
  • put on fire and bring to a boil;
  • reduce heat and cook, stirring, for about 10 - 12 minutes;
  • Serve chilled.

Oatmeal for the first feeding - another good option.

Oatmeal is a very nutritious food for babies.

  • Oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber;
  • one serving provides 7.8 percent of the daily iron intake for infants six months to one year of age, 44 percent daily value magnesium and 25 percent daily value of zinc. At about 6 months of age, infants need a diet containing increased content iron and zinc. Oatmeal provides both of these nutrients. And if you use a commercial product, it will be additionally fortified with iron and zinc;
  • oatmeal is one of the least allergenic products, therefore oatmeal is one of the safest foods for first feeding.

    Although it should be remembered that any food can potentially cause an allergic reaction;

  • because of high content fiber oatmeal does not cause constipation, as often happens with rice porridge.

Making oatmeal at home

  • put cereals into a blender and grind them to a powdery state;
  • To make a serving, mix oatmeal powder and water in a 1:4 ratio and stir.

    You can add more water for dilution depending on what consistency the child prefers;

  • put the mixture on the fire and cook until done.

Barley porridge for the first feeding is not a very common option for parents.

Although barley is not a common food nowadays, it is one of the most nutritious grains.

  • it contains a lot of fiber, amino acids, iron, copper, B vitamins, manganese, iron and phosphorus.

    Barley is known to contain gluten, so many experts recommend introducing it to babies after 6 months. Gluten, if introduced before six months, can increase the risk of a child developing celiac disease - serious illness, at which the immune system the body attacks its own tissues.

    In addition, barley should never act as a “first food”. If a child has a wheat allergy, this is another reason to avoid introducing barley, since there is a direct connection between the rare barley allergy and the fairly common wheat allergy;

  • barley is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber that provide general health child;
  • barley is rich in fiber, which makes it an ideal food for babies;
  • it regulates intestinal motility and therefore prevents constipation;
  • Barley contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium. These elements play a significant role in strengthening bones. For the development of a strong skeleton of a child, the inclusion of barley porridge in the diet will be very useful;
  • Barley is rich in copper, which helps iron be absorbed properly into the blood. Therefore, it matters little how many iron-rich foods you include in your child’s diet, since only copper can help iron be absorbed;
  • Barley is effective in protecting and strengthening the liver. Research has shown that including this grain in the diet has noticeable effect in protecting the liver from damage;
  • Barley grains contain some biochemical substances, such as proanthocyanidins, biflavones, chrysoaryls. And they are known to have an antifungal effect.

How to prepare barley porridge for children?

Barley - rich in proteins food that can surprise a little gourmet. This nutritious meal is easy to prepare. The easiest way to prepare barley is to boil one cup of barley grains in 3 cups of water. Bring the water to a boil, add the barley and cook until tender.

To make it work barley porridge with apples for babies, you will need barley, apples and water. The recipe is simple:

  • First prepare the porridge by adding one cup of barley and 3 cups of water in a pressure cooker. Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 15 - 20 minutes;
  • add chopped apples, half a glass of water and cook for about 2 minutes;
  • make puree from the prepared mass using a blender;
  • transfer the porridge into a bowl, cool it and start feeding.

Of course, you should always discuss introducing any new foods with your child's doctor. Especially if you plan to turn them on before the baby is 6 months old.

All porridges are useful for a child, and after a year they are allowed to be introduced into baby food even the most difficult to digest ones, such as pearl barley and millet. Every mother needs to know how to make porridge tastier and whether it should be soaked and how long, the proportions for each cereal, how much to cook, what to serve with. The recommended recipes below involve cooking the porridge over low heat - with rapid boiling, the liquid quickly evaporates, and the porridge needs additional water.

  • Porridge for children should be with the addition of butter.
  • Salt is added to all porridges to taste - about a pinch for 3 servings.
  • So that the baby eats it willingly, you can sweeten it with jam, or. If a child eats porridge that is not sweet, then you should not spoil him or sweeten him. Sweet porridge is served as an independent dish for breakfast and dinner, savory porridge can be used as a side dish.
  • It takes much longer for cereal to boil in milk, so basically all cereals are boiled in water right away, and milk is added at the end of cooking.
  • For all porridges, the cereal must be washed under running water. The cereal is washed before soaking, not after.
  • You need to pre-soak hard-to-digest porridges (pearl barley, millet, barley), or any other porridge, in order to cook it faster and end up with a boiled and tender breakfast.

It is better to cook porridge in small quantities so that the child can eat it at one time. Heated porridge loses vitamins.


Rice porridge goes well with jam, fresh and dried fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish.

For children, you should choose regular round white unparboiled rice.

Before cooking, rice should be thoroughly rinsed until the water is no longer cloudy. Then cook with water in a ratio of 1:2, cook over low heat, stirring constantly, as this porridge often burns. When the rice is boiled (after 15–20 minutes), you should add milk in an amount equal to water. When the porridge boils, add butter, a little salt, you can sweeten it with sugar or honey and close the lid to infuse. You can cook porridge only in water, in this case we cook at the rate of 1:4. At the end, if the water has boiled away too much and the porridge has become too viscous, you can add more milk or water and bring to a boil. Rice porridge can be combined with meat, jam, stewed vegetables, nuts, raisins and others.

In the slow cooker: cook for 30 minutes in milk porridge mode.


The most unpretentious porridge to prepare. Buckwheat needs to be sorted out; it often contains unprocessed grains and pebbles. Buckwheat should be washed under water no more than three times, so as not to wash out the water-soluble ones.

Pour water over the cereal at the rate of 2 cups of water per ½ cup of cereal and set to simmer over low heat for 20 minutes; do not stir it during cooking. When the porridge is cooked, add ½–1 glass of milk, turn it off when everything boils again. At the end, butter is added, and the porridge is infused for about 15 minutes. If you are cooking dairy-free porridge, then you need to calculate the cereal and water in a ratio of 1: 2.5–3. The more water you add (1:4, 1:5), the more boiled and tender the porridge will be. Buckwheat is also useful as an independent dish, but goes well with meat, mushrooms, fish, vegetable stew, fresh vegetables, prunes, chocolate.

In the slow cooker: cook for 30 minutes. Eat special mode for buckwheat, the porridge in this case turns out crumbly. If you cook buckwheat in the milk porridge mode, the result will be a viscous porridge.


Porridge made from oatmeal, the flakes are deprived of the natural shell of the grain itself, which contains most of the vitamins.

Oatmeal is more difficult for the intestines to digest, and “Extra 1” flakes are less healthy, so for children it is better to use rolled oats, alternate different types oatmeal.

Oatmeal porridge. Soak the cereal in water in a ratio of 1:3 overnight, and in the morning cook in the same water for about one hour. At the end of cooking, add milk in an amount equal to 1/3 of the volume of porridge. You can do more if you want a more homogeneous porridge.

Cereal porridge. For 1 tablespoon of cereal you need to take half a glass of milk and a little water so that there is enough to cover the bottom of the pan. When the milk boils, add the flakes and cook for about five minutes. During cooking, the porridge should be stirred 3 times. At the end, salt, butter and sweetener (sugar, berry jam, honey, dried fruits) are added. You don’t have to infuse the porridge, but eat it immediately after it has cooled. “Extra 3” oat flakes cook the fastest; “Extra 1” and rolled oats should be cooked for at least 15 minutes. You can combine anything with oatmeal: honey, jam, meat, fish, sausages.

In the slow cooker: rolled oats are cooked in milk porridge mode for 40 minutes. The cereal is cooked in stewing mode after preliminary soaking for at least one to one and a half hours.


The product is difficult to prepare - it often burns, so it must be cooked with the addition of water.

For 1 unit of cereal, take 2 units of water and 2 milk. The cereal is filled with water and cooked with constant stirring for 20–30 minutes. Then, when the water boils away, the thick porridge begins to gurgle, milk is poured in, you can turn off the porridge after boiling. At the end you can add salt, butter and sugar. The porridge should sit for at least 10 minutes after cooking. Corn porridge is combined with dried fruits, grated fresh apple, canned peaches, and pineapples.


The porridge cooks very quickly and does not burn. Unlike other porridges, it is prepared exclusively with milk. tastes watery and unpleasant.

To prepare semolina porridge for one mug of milk you will need 2 tablespoons of cereal. A little water and milk are poured into the bottom of the pan, then semolina is poured in in a stream. To make the porridge without lumps, pour the cereal into cold milk; if you like lumps, you can pour the cereal in a thin, thin stream while simultaneously stirring into the boiling milk. To completely eliminate lumps, you can dilute the cereal in a small amount of cold water and immediately put the mixture in a saucepan. Cook for 2-4 minutes, stirring constantly, the porridge often “runs away”. Be sure to add butter, salt and sugar. You can eat the porridge immediately after it has cooled. Children eat especially well semolina porridge prepared with.

In the slow cooker: The semolina should be cooked for 8 minutes with the lid open.


To cook delicious millet porridge, millet, milk and water should be added in a ratio of 1:1:4, respectively.

Prepares within 30 minutes. There is no point in soaking it overnight. For a unit of cereal you should count one unit of milk and 4 units of water. The washed cereal is poured into boiling water, everything is cooked for about 15 minutes (until the water boils away). Then milk is added and simmered over low, barely noticeable heat for another 15 minutes. The porridge should have a homogeneous consistency, with well-swollen grains.

In the slow cooker: millet porridge is cooked for 1 hour in the milk porridge mode, then for another half hour in the heating mode.

Pearl barley

The porridge is cooked in water for a long time. Proportions – 1:3. Washed pearl barley is poured for several hours cold water in proportions 1:4. This water is drained and another is added, on which the porridge will be cooked. Boil the porridge for at least 50 minutes. If desired, you can add a little milk at the end. After an hour, to make the cereal softer, add creamy or vegetable oil. Then it is better to leave it for 30 minutes under a lid in a warm place. Barley porridge goes very well with meat and meat dishes.

Porridge cooked with milk is less digestible, so it is not recommended for feeding children.

In the slow cooker: pearl barley is cooked in the same proportions, in the mode for buckwheat or stewing. If the cereal was pre-soaked, cook for 1 hour; if not, about 2 hours.


It is necessary to cook in a deep bowl, because the porridge increases in volume several times. Proportions are 1:4 if you cook in water, 1:2:2 if you add milk. The washed cereal can be soaked for 1 hour, then cooked until thickened for about 20 minutes, milk is added at the end, when everything boils again, you can turn it off and put the porridge to infuse in a warm place or wrap it in a warm towel and cover with a pillow. Children prefer to eat pearl barley and barley porridge with milk, boiled chicken, meat, fried fish. Barley porridge It is especially good if, after cooking, it is baked with butter in the oven.

About semolina porridge especially in the program “School of Doctor Komarovsky”:

How to cook different cereals, says the ONT channel:

The first six months of a newborn baby's life flies by almost unnoticed. Your little one, who just yesterday was very tiny and helpless, is at a new stage in its development.
Recommendations World Organization health care to all mothers consist exclusively breastfeeding for six months and the introduction of complementary foods after this period. WHO experts recognize the need child's body six months of age in the receipt of additional nutrients in addition to those contained in the mother's breast milk. Porridge is one of the possible types first feeding.

Valuable properties of cereals

Cereal-based dishes are truly healthy, as they are very nutritious due to their high carbohydrate content. It is for this parameter that such complementary foods are, without hesitation, chosen for low birth weight babies and those born at less than 37 weeks. Semolina is particularly high in calories. But you should not give it often to a baby under one year of age. You can introduce such porridge at more late period, since semolina contains the substances phytin and glyodine. They can cause unpleasant intestinal disturbances and also interfere with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.
There is a classification of grain crops according to the amount of elements such as minerals and vitamins. Unconditional leaders in this segment:

  1. Buckwheat. Contains calcium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, B vitamin, PP, vegetable protein and the beneficial substance lecithin. Differs the most big amount gland. According to statistics, most mothers start feeding their babies with buckwheat. It is not only rich in micro- and macroelements, but is also considered low-allergenic and easily digestible for the children’s digestive system;
  2. Oatmeal. Rich in protein, B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron. Ideal for dietary nutrition. Oats also contain gluten. You should be aware that gluten can be a difficult substance for infants to tolerate. You can try oatmeal later and you should do this with caution, observing the reaction of the child’s body.
    For reasons of ease of digestion by a child’s stomach, in addition to buckwheat, the following types are recommended:
  3. Rice. Also refers to low-allergenic types of cereals. Although rice is not a rich source of vitamins and minerals, it also has beneficial properties. Almost 50% of the composition of this grain crops– starch, an energy-valuable carbohydrate. Rice has the ability to coat the stomach and intestinal walls, and is also natural antioxidant and adsorbent. This porridge is recommended for children suffering from diarrhea because of its ability to strengthen stool. Because of this same parameter, rice for babies should be cooked intermittently so as not to provoke a problem with constipation.
  4. Corn. It is also often used to feed infants due to its good absorption by the body. It contains starch and is rich in microelements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus.

Classification of finished products

Manufacturers of children's food products They offer porridge for first feeding with the following markings.

  • One-component. At the beginning of complementary feeding, this type of product is optimal, since the presence of several types of grains makes it difficult to identify products that are not digestible by the baby
  • Multicomponent. When complementary feeding is not the first time for the baby, you can prepare finished product containing several types of grain crops. Such a product will be of greater value due to the quantity useful substances and qualities
  • Gluten-free. Such products made from buckwheat, rice and corn exclude the presence of gluten, which can upset digestion.
  • Dairy-free. This mark guarantees the absence of protein cow's milk, and therefore reduces the risk of allergies in infants
  • Dairy. Already contain whole milk powder

First recipes

The advantages of finished products for complementary feeding are ease of use, time saving and presence additional vitamins. Such cereals are already crushed and do not require additional cooking. According to the recommended preparation method, the specified number of tablespoons of cereal should be diluted into the required volume of water at a temperature of 40°C. By stirring, the mixture is brought to a homogeneous consistency, instantly ready for use.
It is possible to combine finished products with homemade ones. In practice, there is often an option when the mother begins to feed the baby with store-bought products and soon switches to homemade food. After all, mothers are quite capable of preparing tasty, appetizing and healthy porridge on one's own.

From all the abundance of information, it follows that buckwheat is the first to be introduced into the diet of a six-month-old child, then rice and corn types of cereals. And older children can try oatmeal and semolina.

Before preparing any type of cereal, the cereal is carefully sorted, cleared of debris, washed and thoroughly dried. To get porridge of such a consistency that would be suitable for consumption by infants, it is necessary to grind it to the state of flour. To carry out such manipulations, it is advisable to have a blender or coffee grinder at home. After all necessary preparation done, you can start further actions. Cooking utensils must have a thick bottom. It is possible to use a multicooker. Additional Additives salt and sugar are not recommended. Before use, the finished product must be cooled to 37°C.

Recipe for making simple buckwheat porridge for a baby

1 teaspoon or 5 g of ground buckwheat is poured into 100 ml of water or vegetable broth.
Stir and bring the mixture to a boil.
Cook over low heat until tender, stirring thoroughly.
It is possible to add expressed milk or an adapted formula.

Recipe for making milk oatmeal porridge for a baby

Heat 100 ml of milk (cow or goat).
Pour 1 teaspoon or 5 g of ground oatmeal into warm, but not boiling, milk.
Cook over low heat until done, stirring.
It is allowed to add 5 g of butter.
If there is no blender. You can use a regular sieve.

Watch the video from famous doctor Komarovsky, who will tell you how to prepare porridge for complementary feeding using baby formula.

Recipe for pureed rice porridge with milk

Boil 200 ml of water.
Add one and a half tablespoons of rice and cook until tender over low heat.
Rub the finished mixture through a sieve.
Add half a glass of hot milk.
Cook for another 5 minutes.
Add 5 g butter.
Welcome to add to ready meals fruit purees to improve taste and enhance beneficial properties.

In the first months of life, the child eats mother's milk or artificial mixture. At a certain age, you need to introduce complementary foods, because the child needs to grow and develop, for this breast milk and artificial mixture not enough. Expansion of the diet is carried out with the help of cereals and vegetable purees. Somewhat later, cottage cheese, meat and fruit puree are introduced.

How to cook porridge for babies?

Pediatricians all over the world believe that you should start feeding porridge at five months. Naturally, you don’t need to put a full plate and stuff your baby with porridge until he feels sick. A new dish should be tested in the amount of two teaspoons. The purpose of complementary feeding is to introduce the little person to new food. Complementary feeding should not be introduced if the child does not feel well after vaccination or is ill.

Porridge is a source of carbohydrates, protein and minerals. From five months to three, children must eat porridge. The most delicious is semolina porridge, but doctors consider it harmful for children, especially for those who have not yet turned one year old. If you constantly feed your baby with it, he will develop colitis or chronic gastritis. Semolina interferes with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.

Buckwheat porridge is considered one of the healthiest. It is easily digested by the child’s stomach and is the most nutritious. Buckwheat contains potassium, protein, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.

How to cook porridge for babies? This question is not difficult to answer. It is necessary to pour milk into a ladle, boil it, then turn the heat to low and gradually add the cereal. To prevent the porridge from burning, you need to stir it all the time. IN Lately Many mothers use multicookers, in which they can cook porridge for the whole family without any extra effort or wasting time.

When should you give porridge to your baby?

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding children until they are two years old. This does not mean that the baby should not receive anything else besides milk; complementary foods are introduced at five months. Gradually the menu becomes more varied, and the portions become larger. The age at which complementary foods are introduced depends on individual characteristics children, some even at seven months do not want to eat anything but milk and yet feel good and gain weight.

When should you give porridge to your baby? If a child looks with curiosity at an adult who is eating something, then it is time to introduce complementary foods. The reflex of pushing out food with the tongue should change to swallowing reflex. The appearance of the first tooth is a signal that the baby is ready to grind and grind food. Some mothers introduce complementary foods at this time.

Porridge recipes for babies

The easiest way is to dilute a special porridge for babies in boiling water. After all, what is sold in children's stores is designed specifically for kids. These cereals are expensive, but they last a long time. At first, the baby will not eat much.

If you can’t buy special baby porridge, you can cook it from regular cereal. Simply preparing porridge for infants, recipes can be found on the Internet or in a special cookbook.

How to cook oatmeal? Necessary a small amount of Bring the water to a boil, then sort and wash the cereal, which should then be poured into boiling water. When the porridge is cooked, it should be thrown into a sieve and wiped. Then boiled milk is added, and the whole mass is boiled again. Before serving, you can add a teaspoon of butter or fruit puree. Oatmeal contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, protein, iron, magnesium and B vitamins.

Porridge for babies should be prepared in the following proportions: for 100 ml of vegetable broth or water you need to take a teaspoon of cereal. Rice and buckwheat are poured into cold water, and oatmeal and semolina into boiling water.

Buckwheat porridge for babies

Buckwheat porridge is considered hypoallergenic and nutritious, so it can be introduced first. Buckwheat is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, PP and B vitamins. It contains protein and 18 amino acids.

Buckwheat porridge for babies is easy to prepare. First, the cereal needs to be sorted, then washed and dried. After it is completely dry, use a coffee grinder or blender to turn the cereal into flour. Next, pour 100 ml of water into the pan and add a teaspoon of ground cereal, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Then pour a little milk and cool. You can drink this porridge from a bottle because it turns out liquid. When the baby starts eating with a spoon, take two teaspoons of cereal per 100 ml of liquid.

After a year, you no longer need to grind cereals. Half a glass of buckwheat needs to be sorted and washed, pour the buckwheat into a pan and pour a glass of boiling water. After the buckwheat boils, you need to drain the water and add new water. Cook for thirty minutes, add a little milk and sugar towards the end of cooking.

Corn porridge for babies

Corn porridge can be given from eight months. Corn is not as healthy as buckwheat, but it contains a lot of fiber, which works in the stomach like a vacuum cleaner. If the baby's tummy is swollen and it is assumed that he is in the process of fermentation, you need to introduce corn porridge into the diet.

Corn porridge for babies is prepared as follows. First of all, you need to rinse the cereal and fill it with water. After boiling, cook over low heat for thirty minutes. If it turns out that the corn is too hard, you need to cook it more. At the end, you can add milk, sugar, butter and pass it all through a blender.

Rice porridge for babies

In order to cook rice porridge, you need to take twenty grams of rice flour, fifty milliliters of water, a glass of milk and a teaspoon of sugar. You don’t have to go shopping in search of rice flour; you can simply grind the rice in a coffee grinder. Rice flour is diluted in cold water, then gradually pour into boiling milk. In order to avoid lumps, the porridge must be stirred all the time. Cooking time: five minutes.

Rice porridge for infants can be fraught with constipation, so it can be given rarely and in small portions.

Semolina porridge for babies

Semolina porridge is considered the least healthy of all porridges. There is nothing in it except starch. Many children love semolina because it is delicious, especially if you cook it in milk and add jam.

Semolina porridge for infants is first made liquid, gradually its consistency becomes thicker. It is better not to give it to children under one year old, since semolina contains substances that are poorly digested in the stomach and can lead to various diseases digestive system.

Porridge with milk for babies

Parents must remember that proper nutrition– this is the key to the health of their children. Soups, porridges, fresh fruits and vegetables should be in the child’s diet every day.

Porridge with milk for babies is not prepared right away. First you need to give dairy-free cereals, or add low-fat baby milk, expressed breast milk or formula.