When does bruxism occur in adults and how is it properly treated? Bruxism in adults: a harmless condition or a dangerous problem

A fairly common problem is bruxism in adults. Let's talk about its causes and treatment, as well as prevention. After all, if the underlying disease is not allowed, then various unpleasant consequences associated with it can be avoided.

And although most doctors believe that bruxism is not a pathological condition, they still agree that it requires treatment and correction. After all, leaving such a symptom unattended, you can earn a lot of problems in the future - psychological, dental, etc.

What is bruxism?

This is an uncontrollable human action, manifested in excessive clenching or grinding of the jaws. It is observed in 10-15% of the total population of the planet, but presumably the numbers may be higher, since it is almost impossible to detect it on your own.

It is possible to notice the main symptoms only with complaints from others who wake up due to a loud sound made by a person, or when irreversible consequences appear. Periodic spasms of masticatory muscles can be short or long, quiet or loud.

And although doctors distinguish between nocturnal and daytime bruxism, the most common is teeth grinding in a dream, when a person does not control himself. The next morning, he does not even remember and is not aware that there were such spasms at night.

When such a peculiar attack occurs, at the same time, blood pressure rises sharply, the pulse quickens, and it becomes difficult to breathe. Usually this pathology is equated with snoring, sleepwalking or nightmares. Doctors refer to bruxism differently with names such as the Carolini phenomenon or odonterism.


When a person or his relatives complain that he grinds his teeth, then you should first determine the etiology of the disease, that is, why such a problem arose. Experts identify such factors that contribute to the appearance of bruxism:

  • Psychological - the most common cause, leading to night grinding and other unpleasant consequences. More than 70% of cases occur precisely because of psychological stress, which a person is not able to cope with. From this, the masticatory muscles tense up during the day, and at night the load only intensifies in the absence of control from the side of consciousness. Therefore, if signs of bruxism are found, it is better to first check the psycho-emotional state of the patient.
  • Neurological - when the cause is epilepsy, tremor, enuresis, sleep disturbances or apnea. It also turns out to be a consequence of the defeat of the trigeminal nerve, which leads to the tone of the masticatory muscles without the conscious participation of a person.
  • Dental - various diseases of the temporomandibular joint, malocclusion, poorly installed prostheses or fillings and other anomalies.
  • Gastroenterological - although rare, gastroesophageal reflux disease can also cause bruxism in an adult. As well as provoking factors are food - coffee, strong tea, junk food.
  • Otolaryngological - similar to problems with snoring, frequent companions of bruxism are shortness of breath, deviated nasal septum, adenoids, chronic runny nose, allergic reactions, etc.
  • Osteopathic - as a result of general disorders in the body associated with other systems, for example, problems with the spine.
  • Taking certain medications, alcohol abuse, smoking, or a banal lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.

It is popularly believed that bruxism also appears simultaneously with the action of helminths, but this is not a fact confirmed by science. But who is still at risk is people suffering from Huntington's chorea, Parkinson's disease, after receiving brain injuries or with pathological formations in it. It has been established that men are more prone to this condition and that this pathology can be inherited in them.


Since the manifestations of bruxism are mainly gnashing at night, during sleep, it is easier for relatives or a roommate to detect it. But this is also not always possible. Therefore, we list the main signs that accompany this disease and in their totality can alert:

  • pain after waking up, especially in the head or jaw joints;
  • pain can also radiate to the ear or sinuses;
  • the appearance of tearing, the mucous membrane of the eye is more often irritated;
  • sometimes clicks are heard from the movement of the jaw;
  • discomfort in the neck, shoulder, back;
  • chewing muscles become visible from the side;
  • while eating, a pain syndrome is detected, which can be confused with a toothache;
  • in the morning;
  • dizziness and ringing in the ears;
  • feeling that it was not possible to get enough sleep during the night, drowsiness and fatigue appear during the day;
  • if the cause was stress, then the depression or feeling of depression may increase.

At the same time, appetite and sleep are disturbed, it is more and more difficult to fall asleep at night, and to concentrate on work during the day. But such symptoms turn out to be manifestations of completely different diseases, so if you suspect bruxism, you should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.


The main division occurs on:

  1. Nocturnal bruxism is the most common condition in which a person is unable to control their jaw clenching during sleep. During the night, several such attacks can occur, most often they are short-lived. Others, relatives or other people who sleep with you in the same room notice such manifestations. The person himself is not able to realize or remember that during this period there was a grinding.
  2. Daytime bruxism is a rarer variety, since being conscious it is possible to control the strength of the masticatory muscle tension. But from psychological stress, the jaws are compressed so much that even those around them hear it. The hidden form of such a manifestation is the nervous habit of biting pencils, nails, the inside of the cheek, etc.

In addition, doctors distinguish the following main forms of manifestation:

  • Noisy (with grinding) - characterized by a special sound, loud and noticeable to others, when it seems that the teeth are erased against each other. When the jaws move from side to side, the enamel wears out quickly, which leads to a decrease in the natural height of the crown.
  • Quiet (with squeezing) - this form of the disease is more insidious, since it is almost impossible to determine it, because even relatives do not notice by the sounds that the jaws are clenched. This condition is manifested by a constant compressed position of the dentition, which can last quite a long time. As a result, enamel quickly deteriorates from such a nightly overvoltage - cracks appear on its surface and other defects.

Treatment Methods

To get rid of bruxism, you need to diagnose it and determine what caused the problem. Depending on this, it becomes obvious which doctor will deal with the treatment.

For diagnostics, special brooks checkers are used. They are made according to an individual cast of the patient's jaw and are made in the form of caps. A person should put them on for a certain period before going to bed and then show them to a specialist. According to the condition of the product, one can judge the presence of bruxism, distinguish it from epilepsy, and also identify the most problematic areas.

To determine the state of the masticatory muscles, their work and the intensity of tension during sleep, additional studies are carried out - electromyography and polysomnography. As a result of the collected data, one can talk about a particular problem and try to determine the cause that caused it.

A specialist will help fight bruxism, but which one depends on the factors that led to the disease:

  1. With psychological problems and the presence of stress, you need to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. Appropriate therapy will help reduce its intensity and improve the psycho-emotional state of a person. Also, these specialists teach the patient to relax on a physical and psychological level, which forms a healthy skill that will save in the future from such manifestations of stress.
  2. If dental anomalies are the cause, then they should be eliminated. For example, the bite is aligned, fillings or prostheses are adjusted to the individual characteristics of the patient, or other necessary treatment is carried out.
  3. With a lack of various vitamins or minerals, appropriate complexes or diets are prescribed that can replenish their amount in the body.
  4. In some cases, additional sedatives may be prescribed to relax the masticatory muscles, as well as a number of physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at the corresponding area.
  5. In the most extreme situations, Botox injections help. In this case, the substance will prevent the compression of the jaws, if this cannot be achieved in another way.

Regardless of the type and form of the course of the disease, a comprehensive approach has a good therapeutic effect, which includes:

  • yoga, Pilates, general or facial massage;
  • psychotherapy;
  • kinesiology, when stress is eliminated with the help of special stimulation of energy points;
  • osteopathy with an impact on the facial, neck muscles and shoulder joint.

Also, with bruxism, wearing a cap is prescribed. They are worn at night to prevent enamel wear. But this method does not eliminate the underlying cause, but only helps to secure the structure of the tooth.

In many cases of dental or orthodontic treatment, it is impossible to install any structures in bruxism. Therefore, initially it should be eliminated and only then proceed to the appropriate corrective procedures.

In addition to the medical impact, it is proposed to change something for the patient himself:

  1. If you notice that you are constantly clenching your jaw throughout the day, then learn to relax them. Remember, your teeth should not touch while you are not eating. Get used to keeping them open.
  2. Sometimes it is recommended to consume a large amount of solid foods (carrots, nuts, seeds, apples) so that the masticatory muscles have time to get tired during the day and have a good rest at night. This significantly reduces the number of seizures.
  3. Before going to bed, try to switch to quiet activities - read a book, listen to soothing music, meditate, etc. Do any active and emotional actions only in the morning.
  4. Practice relaxing techniques - auto-training, massage, yoga, breathing exercises, Pilates, etc.
  5. Go in for sports, fitness, swimming, dancing regularly - moderate physical activity helps to relieve stress and normalize the emotional state.
  6. Apply warm, wet compresses to your jaw.

Also at home, treatment with folk remedies is also effective. They are more focused on relieving stress and calming the nervous system, but are quite effective:

  1. Start with your diet. Change your usual coffee for herbal soothing teas - chamomile, mint, lemon balm. Limit your intake of sugary and carbohydrate foods. Give up bad habits.
  2. When you go to take a bath, take scented oils or candles with you. Here it would also be appropriate to opt for mint and chamomile.
  3. Not bad relaxes a special infusion. For him, you need two tablespoons of valerian, three tablespoons of dry chamomile and five tablespoons of cumin. Let it brew for about half an hour, drink a little throughout the day or before going to bed.
  4. If you take valerian oil and olive oil, mix them, then you can rub the neck and lower jaw area with this remedy. It relaxes the muscles well, relieving their tension.
  5. A simple brewed chamomile with the addition of honey and lemon will not only relieve stress, but also contribute to the overall healing effect.
  6. Everyone knows that a glass of warm milk at night is a good sedative. But if you add another 1 tsp to it. turmeric and 1 tbsp. l. honey, then you can achieve a relaxation of the tension of the jaws, which will eliminate the night rattle for sure.

Video: bruxism, its causes and treatments.


Do not be superficial about this issue. After all, bruxism is not just a contraindication to orthodontic treatment and most methods of prosthetics. This is a serious problem that affects the quality of human life. So, its consequences can be:

  • destruction of enamel and as a result frequent dental diseases;
  • the appearance of periodontal disease and other gum pathologies;
  • aggravation of a negative psycho-emotional state, depression, psychological discomfort, etc.;
  • malocclusion;
  • loosening and premature loss of healthy teeth;
  • the formation of painful sores in the mouth;

Yes, and just the presence of an aesthetic defect, which, with strong abrasion, becomes noticeable during a conversation or when smiling. This is already enough for a person to begin to complex and close himself from communication.

To prevent such manifestations and unpleasant consequences, it is better to do disease prevention. For this, doctors recommend:

  • watch the condition of the jaws during the day so that they are not constantly compressed from internal tension;
  • go in for sports;
  • often walk in the fresh air, walk;
  • replace caffeinated drinks with herbal decoctions;
  • try to switch to a healthy diet, giving up fast food and sweets;
  • the last meal should be no later than two to three hours before bedtime;
  • observe the rest regimen, not allowing yourself to be overly tired;
  • if necessary, take additional vitamin-mineral complexes, or at least B vitamins, magnesium and calcium;
  • it is best to minimize stress or learn how to deal with it in accessible ways.

Bruxism in Greek means "teeth grinding". From a medical point of view, teeth grinding is considered a pathology of the masticatory muscles. This phenomenon can manifest itself both at night (during sleep) and during waking hours.

For some people, grinding occurs during a strong emotional state. It has been proven that the involuntary friction of teeth against each other is directly related to the somatic and mental state of a person. This disease is most often seen in men. However, children often suffer from nocturnal bruxism, which subsequently resolves on its own.

Involuntary squeezing of the jaws, negatively affects the state of the enamel and leads to pathological abrasion of the teeth. Attacks of involuntary grinding may be accompanied by increased heart rate, respiratory failure and increased blood pressure.

The causes of bruxism can be: epilepsy, agitation, excitement, irritation, poor sleep or night snoring. This problem can occur due to malocclusion, poor fitting dentures, or abnormally large incisors.

Pathology is accompanied by such symptoms.

  1. Jaw pains.
  2. Pain in the shoulders and back.
  3. in the morning hours.
  4. Pain and sensitivity in the eyes.
  5. Pain and ringing in the ears.
  6. Depression.
  7. Pain in the paranasal sinuses.

Treatment for bruxism should begin as early as possible. To do this, you need to find out its cause. Often a little intervention by the dentist completely eliminates the problem. Sometimes before going to bed it is recommended to put on special mouthguards that prevent rubbing of the teeth.

Often the cause of gnashing becomes a banal lack of vitamins in the body. With bruxism against the background of mental disorders, a consultation with a neurologist is required. Along with the classical methods of treating involuntary grinding, there are folk remedies to combat it.

To relax the muscles, heat should be applied to the cheeks. Dry or wet hot compresses can be used for this.

If bruxism is associated with nervous tension, it is necessary to prepare a warm (relaxing) bath with a decoction of soothing herbs before going to bed. To do this, take: valerian root, lavender, sweet clover grass, oregano, motherwort, thyme or mint leaves. This water treatment will relieve stress. (Three tablespoons of the collection are thrown per liter of water.)

The habit of keeping the jaws in a relaxed position will help get rid of the daily grinding of the teeth. This means that the teeth should only close when chewing food. In order not to succumb to the desire to connect the jaws and rather get rid of a bad habit, you can place leaflets in places that are visible to you.

Children who grind their teeth at night should be given an apple before bed. The jaws will “get tired” of chewing it and at night the child will sleep peacefully.

It is useful to eat a handful of pine nuts or seeds before going to bed. Biting through the shell, the jaw will experience sufficient stress to calmly “rest” at night. You can also just nibble on fresh carrots.

Chewing gum helps with bruxism. However, this method of dealing with involuntary creaking is only suitable for daytime use.

This recipe will get rid of involuntary gnashing. Take a cup of milk and heat it to a hot state or boil it. Add a spoon (tea) of turmeric and honey, mix thoroughly and drink before going to bed. This tool helps to relieve nervous tension and. With the constant use of such a tool, the grinding will stop, in addition, the teeth will be strengthened.

Attacks will decrease with the use of foods rich in magnesium and calcium. There is a lot of magnesium in wheat bran, soy, cocoa powder, cashews, almonds, oatmeal and buckwheat. Most calcium is found in hard cheese, cabbage, almonds and poppy seeds.

Before going to bed, it is useful to perform a facial massage. It will relieve tension in the muscles, distract from worries, negative emotions and anxieties.

Before going to bed and during the daytime with emotional stress, it is necessary to inhale the essential oils of lavender, orange, ylang-ylang. If the nerves are "naughty", you can use the oil of geranium, frankincense, bergamot, mandarin, mint, rose or marjoram.

Valerian will help get rid of bruxism. For this, in addition to using it inside, they also prepare such an external remedy. 20 drops of valerian are added to a teaspoon of vegetable oil. This mixture is rubbed on the neck, shoulders and cheeks (jaws) before going to bed. It is very useful to add ylang-ylang oil to this composition.

It will relax the muscles of the face, help relieve negative energy, fatigue and help cure bruxism. It includes: cumin seeds, motherwort grass, valerian root mint and hop cones. Take one tablespoon of the collection and pour 125 ml of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink the drug before bedtime and, if necessary, during the day.

Contributes to the normalization of the somatic state and relaxes the muscles of the face infusion of herbs: trifoli leaves, geranium, mint, valerian root, pine needles, hop flowers, lavender and chamomile. This remedy is taken three times a day before meals.

A folk remedy for bruxism is an infusion of such herbs: lemon balm, valerian, mint, buckthorn and hop cones. All are taken in the same volume. Next, one tablespoon of the plant mixture is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and insisted. Drink during the day.

Also, breathing exercises are also referred to as an effective folk remedy to combat involuntary grinding of teeth. They allow you to relieve nervous tension, relax facial muscles, improve blood circulation and increase stress resistance.

Prevention are measures aimed at relaxing the jaw muscles and normalizing the psycho-emotional state. Do not forget that involuntary rubbing of teeth against each other is harmful to health.

Bruxism is called paroxysmal grinding of teeth lasting several minutes that occurs during sleep. This condition is quite widespread: according to statistics, about 30-50% of children under the age of 7 years and 10-15% of adults suffer from it.

It is assumed that the incidence of bruxism in the adult population is even higher, since lonely people often do not realize that they grind their teeth at night, since there is no person nearby who can tell about it. The disease does not pose a threat to the life of the patient, but in some cases it causes a lot of trouble for him and those around him.

What it is?

Bruxism is a recurrent gnashing of teeth, a manifestation of increased tonic tension of the masticatory muscles, intense clenching of the jaws and (or) their movement relative to each other.

Reasons for the development of bruxism

To date, the causes of this disorder are not fully understood, but there are several theories that explain its occurrence.

In the case of bruxism, the main symptom is involuntary paroxysmal grinding of the teeth during sleep. Episodes of such grinding are short-lived: as a rule, their duration is no more than 10 seconds. The patient himself does not hear the sound of a rattle, but his relatives, who are nearby or even in neighboring rooms, this sound causes significant discomfort.

Other indirect signs of bruxism are:

  • pain in the ears and / or paranasal sinuses;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • insomnia;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • depressive disorders;
  • unmotivated anxiety, emotional tension.

If bruxism lasts for years, tooth enamel is erased, teeth become sensitive to the effects of temperature factors and more prone to caries, become loose and fall out.

In some cases, with a pronounced prolonged night grinding, the teeth grind down almost to the root, which is not only a cosmetic defect, but also entails digestive disorders, because the leading function of the teeth is grinding food. Also, with bruxism, patients pay attention to the rapid failure of dentures, which are simply erased.

Since the jaw muscles work intensively with bruxism, they can increase in size: they protrude from both sides of the jaws.

night form

Grinding of teeth during sleep is more dangerous, since the patient cannot control his condition in any way. The load on the teeth leads to abrasion of the enamel and trauma to the periodontal tissues.

Jaw joints suffer from excessive stress. Therefore, nocturnal bruxism should not be ignored, and if it occurs, it is necessary to consult a dentist. A reliable way to protect against injury and increased abrasion is a night mouthguard. It does not allow the teeth to close during sleep and therefore prevents them from injury.

day form

Daytime teeth grinding is less common than the nocturnal form of the disease. The fact is that during the day a person can constantly control himself, including the position of the jaw. That is, if the jaws begin to close, a person can suppress this reflex by an effort of will, controlling his condition. Accompanying conditions are sucking or biting fingers, biting lips, incorrect position of the jaw.

The psychosomatics of bruxism is that during nervous tension, the jaw and facial muscles involuntarily contract, and the teeth clench. To get rid of daytime bruxism, the patient must control the position of the jaw, avoiding clenching of the jaws during stress or nervous tension. It is also recommended to visit a psychologist to learn how to manage your mental state.


The initial diagnosis of bruxism is not difficult. Diagnosis consists in collecting and carefully studying the complaints of the patient himself or his relatives and relatives.

Objective diagnostics consists in wearing brooks checkers - special medical mouthguards that are made individually for each patient. The preparation of such a system is based on a cast and model of the jaw. Brooks checker allows the dentist to determine the presence of occlusive obstructions. Kappa is installed for the period of night sleep, after which it is transferred for further diagnostics: with its help, the dentist accurately determines which teeth have the maximum load.

Also, the pathology of active jaw movements can be seen on the results of electromyography or polysomnography. If the patient has a severe form of bruxism, then during the diagnosis, severe headache attacks will be noted, impaired functioning of the TMJ, teeth will have uncharacteristic mobility, their sensitivity will be significantly higher than normal, tooth enamel will be erased. Patients also often complain of tinnitus, a state of constant nervous disorders and depression, eye fatigue, decreased appetite, and sometimes insomnia.

However, it is not as difficult to diagnose bruxism as it is to determine the underlying cause of this disease. Quite often, such specialists as a psychologist, gastroenterologist, osteopath, neurologist and others are involved in the diagnosis.

How to get rid of the disease

At first glance, teeth grinding is not a very serious ailment. But if you do not do the treatment, then various dental problems may arise:

  • cracks appear in the enamel;
  • caries develops;
  • teeth are worn out, loosened and fall out;
  • gums are injured;
  • sores appear in the mouth;
  • bite is broken;
  • develop diseases of the temporomandibular joints.

In addition, bruxism is the cause of constant psychological discomfort. A person feels inferior, becomes withdrawn and irritable. Complicates the quality of life, there is fatigue, constant headaches, depression.

How to treat bruxism?

The choice of treatment depends on what exactly was the cause of this problem. The main treatment options for bruxism in adults are:

  1. Putting on a special device during sleep. Such a mouthguard, made by a dentist individually for each patient according to the shape and size of the teeth, is put on the upper teeth and protects them from rubbing against the lower teeth. Although the device helps to cope with bruxism, it does not cure it, does not eliminate the cause of its occurrence.
  2. In world practice, both methods that are within the competence of the dentist (occlusal equilibration, splint therapy) and methods aimed at developing relaxation skills (hypnosis, psychotherapy, acupuncture) are also used for treatment. Experimental methods of treatment are being developed with the help of devices that use the effect of biofeedback.
  3. Restoration of the normal state of the spine and deep paravertebral muscles.
  4. Learn to relax. Since the main cause of bruxism is everyday stress, any way to get rid of stress can help the patient - listening to music, reading books, walking or bathing [source not specified 202 days]. Perhaps you should go to a psychological counseling to learn how to deal effectively with stressful situations. You can also apply a warm, damp towel to your cheeks - this will help relax muscles that are tired from clenching your teeth.

Psychotherapy also helps, which is aimed at identifying conflicts, their awareness and developing the ability to more effectively cope with the daily difficulties of life.

Prevention of bruxism

To avoid the development of the syndrome in question, doctors recommend the following:

  1. In the evening, the use of fatty and large amounts of food should be excluded, and immediately before bedtime it is desirable to tire the muscles and joints with chewing movements, for which you can use an apple, chewing gum, carrots.
  2. During the day we drink tea with chamomile, mint, lemon balm.
  3. It is highly desirable to take walks in the fresh air in the evening - this will help stabilize the nervous system and psycho-emotional background.
  4. Before going to bed, it is advisable to take a relaxing bath (for example, with a decoction of chamomile and mint, honey and milk).
  5. Before a night's rest, you should not watch too emotional films, listen to aggressive music and read too impressive books.

Bruxism is a rather unpleasant syndrome that worries others and brings a lot of trouble to the patient himself. Getting rid of it is considered a complex and lengthy process, so as soon as you become aware of night or daytime teeth grinding, you need to seek qualified medical help.

You will never guess what topic today will be in the article! How do you already know? Oh, did you read the title? OK! Indeed, today's topic is bruxism in adults, the cause and treatment. This thing is so ancient that even in the Bible, which seems to be almost two thousand years old, there is a phrase about "gnashing of teeth." True, there is not at all about medicine and dentistry, but oh well! Our task is to study the problem and try to find a solution.

Why does teeth grinding occur?

Doctors say stress is the main cause of bruxism. To be honest, doctors did not discover America for us. In our time ... However, when was it calm? Either wars, then revolution, then the master is not happy with something, then the Pechenegs have come running. Here are the teeth, we are nervous. But what to do?

As a result, from the long-term practice of bruxism, the jaw joints themselves begin to change, the muscles hurt, and their spasmodic contractions begin. This is very annoying and painful.

There is, and quite often, bruxism caused by the peculiarities of the work. If you are a watchmaker, a jeweler, or, for example, a surgeon performing micro-operations, you have to work hard to avoid making a mistake. At the same time, the jaws are compressed, there is a strong tension on their muscles and joints.

Even enuresis and sleepwalking can lead to bruxism. If you had a nightmare at night that caused your nervous system to experience severe stress, similar phenomena are also possible.

In the event that you have recently had a filling and it was poorly processed in terms of height and shape, you will instinctively begin to grind tooth to tooth.

As you can see, teeth grinding in adults can be caused by many different situations. Epilepsy is also worth mentioning. During an attack, the patient instinctively clenches his jaws so hard that his teeth can collapse. And if he did not manage to remove his tongue, there is a big risk of injuring him or even biting off a piece. Sounds less creepy than it looks. By the way, doctors always strive to exclude this diagnosis by determining the causes of gnashing. After all, epilepsy can manifest itself in different ways. Some people have seizures more noticeable, some less so. Everything here is very individual for each person.

Someone considers the problem insignificant, although bruxism threatens the normal functioning of the temporomandibular joint, and also leads to rapid tooth wear, damage to the enamel, which means it is one of the prerequisites for the development of caries and its complications.

Video - Why does a person grind his teeth at night

bruxism symptoms

I was very surprised by several articles on this topic. Because among the symptoms I found those that, unfortunately, are typical for me.

So, in addition to pain in the jaws and temporal lobe, you can get the following set:

  • headache in the morning. Familiar to many. The reasons are different, including - gnashing of teeth;
  • ringing in the ears, hum, discomfort and even pain in the ear;
  • insomnia, sleep disturbances;
  • pain in the sinuses;
  • pain in the shoulders, neck and back;
  • dizziness, tingling sensation in the head;
  • sleepiness during the day.

How to fix the problem

In general, at the word eliminate, I always imagine a killer from an action movie, such a person without emotions. He screws on the muffler and ... Yes, there will definitely not be a grinding of teeth after such methods. But seriously, science has been studying this problem for a long time and has developed several methods to deal with it.

The first thing to understand is that it is a violation. This condition is not natural for the human body, and therefore causes a lot of negative consequences described in the previous section.

Doctors believe that it is necessary to act comprehensively. For example, if stress is the cause of gnashing, then you should deal with its manifestations, help your nervous system.

Address to the neurologist. He will advise you on how to proceed. Usually help various exercises for relaxation, meditation, yoga. What is the East! Go to a good massage therapist several times a week and you will feel such relaxation that neither a pill nor an Indian guru will give you.

Watch yourself. By default, when we do not chew food, the teeth should not touch. Accustom yourself to the open state of the jaws. Learn to control the chewing muscles "on the machine." Gradually it will become a habit and will work even in a dream.

Another way to help with bruxism in adults is to load the jaws with action. If your muscles are tired before you go to bed, they are unlikely to have the strength to grind at night. To do this, you can use chewing gum or special devices.

Teeth with bruxism

There are also special splints for daytime wear and separate splints for sleep. They are selected individually and adjusted to your jaw.

First of all, the specialist needs to make sure that you do not have defects and other dental problems that could lead to such consequences. If they are, correction, treatment is necessary. Sometimes we can talk about the form of convulsions caused by deficiencies in the body of certain useful substances - vitamins, minerals. Doctors often prescribe B vitamins, as well as magnesium and calcium.

  1. Avoid physical overwork before bedtime.
  2. Dinner should be 3-5 hours before bedtime.
  3. Take a warm relaxing bath at night, use aromatherapy.
  4. Use moist, warm compresses on your cheeks to relax tense jaw muscles.

Mouth guards are an effective remedy for bruxism

Video - How to stop grinding your teeth in your sleep

Minute of fame for folk methods

Recently, a lot has been written and talked about the treatment of bruxism with folk remedies. There is nothing particularly complicated here. Start with your diet. Let there be enough solid food in it - vegetables, fruits. But you have to get rid of sweets, coffee and cakes / buns. For starters, at least for dinner. Then you yourself will get used to the new diet. Sometimes you can afford the luxury of natural chocolate. But it is natural - it is useful for the nervous system.

The second point is drinks. You can easily replace tea, coffee and cocoa with herbal counterparts - lime blossom, mint, lemon balm.

Herbs chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and sage

When you go to the bathroom, take medicinal herbs and aromatic oils with you. Chamomile and mint also work great here. Valerian will calm the nerves, fir and lavender in the form of a few drops will also add effect. Fifteen minutes in such a useful bath will give an excellent effect.

Inside you can apply the following infusion:

  • three parts of chamomile;
  • five parts of cumin;
  • two parts valerian.

Science and Rumors

There is a common belief that the cause of the rattle is worms. Conducted studies, which can be read online and in scientific publications, have not confirmed this assumption. So it remains nothing more than a myth.

If you drink a lot of caffeine ... Here - someone like it. For some, coffee causes a strong excitement, for others, tension. And someone generally relaxes after a cup of fragrant drink. However, if you pour a liter of strong coffee into yourself, you can get not only bruxism, but also high blood pressure, heart problems.

Alcohol and nicotine are similar. Leaving aside the fact that drinking and smoking is generally bad for the whole body, there is no single answer for everyone. For some, nicotine and ethyl alcohol can cause bouts of bruxism at night, while others will sleep like a baby. Even if you wake up with a hangover.

Psychotropic substances are "stronger". Amphetamine, like other similar drugs, can lead to such effects. This has been confirmed by research. But, like caffeine or alcohol-containing drinks, it is not a major factor. There are always basic prerequisites. However, it is better to refrain from experimenting on yourself. After all, in addition to the rattle, you can get a lot of medical problems.

In any case, in adults, the phenomenon is not fully understood. Science finds genetic factors, links it to rudimentary habits inherited from prehistoric ancestors

The only thing that medicine has found out is that gnashing of teeth is a problem for almost 15% of all people on earth. What can you say? Nervous human life. Therefore, you need to learn to relax, look for something good in every day, enjoy the little things. Well, do not forget about your health.

The main thing is to pay attention to the problem in time. Otherwise, at least spoil your teeth and have to spend money on their restoration or even prosthetics. Ask your relatives if they have noticed such a problem with you.

Video - Bruxism: causes and treatment. Grinding your teeth in your sleep

Most people clench their teeth and grind them sometimes. Bruxism sufferers (the name comes from the ancient Greek grind one's teeth) can constantly clench their teeth, as well as grind them during a night's sleep. Severe bruxism can lead to headaches and damage to the teeth and jaws. There is no specific method that can cure bruxism in all cases. However, bruxism can be treated with a combination of stress reduction and stress therapy and the use of a mouthguard or splint.


Reducing stress at home

    Do breathing exercises before bed. This is an easy way to take your mind off current problems, relax and reduce stress. During exercise, you can turn on quiet music that promotes relaxation.

    • Take a comfortable position so that nothing distracts you.
    • Inhale for 3 seconds, connecting the diaphragm.
    • Exhale for 2-3 seconds.
    • Inhale again, stretching it for three seconds, then exhale the air again for 2-3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
    • After 10 breaths in and out, close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. Try to breathe in a certain rhythm. Sit like this for 5-10 minutes until you feel calm and relaxed.
  1. Practice meditation before bed. Often bruxism is caused by stress, so to get rid of it, you need to relax before bed, which is facilitated by meditation.

    • Lie down on a bed or on the floor. Stretch your arms along your body and close your eyes. Take a few slow breaths in and out.
    • Without opening your eyes, try to focus on your body. Start with your hands. Concentrate on your shoulders. Then move your attention to your elbows. Gradually descending to the relaxed palms, feel their heaviness.
    • Move your attention to your feet. Think about their weight and length. Go down to your toes. Feel your heels pressing into the floor.
    • Move slowly to your shins and then to your thighs. After that, shift your attention to the pelvis and abdomen. Continue to breathe calmly and measuredly.
    • Move up from your belly to your face. Consistently focus on the chin, mouth, cheeks, ears and forehead.
    • Once you have completed your journey through your body, you will be able to fall asleep deeply.
  2. Avoid drinks containing alcohol and caffeine before bed. Don't drink caffeinated coffee or tea in the afternoon. After dinner, these drinks can be replaced with herbal tea or water with lemon. You should not stimulate your body before going to bed, as this can impair sleep and lead to teeth grinding.

    • In the evening it is better not to smoke and avoid alcoholic drinks. These drugs stimulate the body, impairing sleep and causing teeth grinding.
  3. Talk to your partner before bed. If you share a bed with someone, ask him/her to pay attention to whether you clench and grind your teeth in your sleep. If so, contact your doctor or dentist about bruxism.

    Do the drunk person exercise at least once a day. It consists in imitation of slurred speech, characteristic of sleepy or drunk people.

    • Start by saying "I'm so relaxed I can't speak." Then repeat it, but this time slurring the words. “Chew” the words so that they sound sluggish and indistinct.
  4. Do the “huge surprise” exercise at least once a day. It consists of opening your mouth wide, as if your jaw had dropped in surprise, and remaining in that position longer.