How to increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Increased and decreased acidity of gastric juice: how to deal with it. Mineral water therapy

Insufficient secretion of hydrochloric acid causes epigastric discomfort and is accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • exacerbation of intestinal infections;
  • anemia;
  • the appearance of chronic fatigue.

The nature of the disease poses a task for the doctor and his patient: to activate the secretion of hydrochloric acid - the basis of gastric secretion. Let's listen to the advice of gastroenterologists on how to increase the acidity of the stomach without compromising the condition of other organs.

Foods that increase stomach acidity

There are many foods that increase the acidity of gastric juice. Typically, such foods contain a lot of potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium. So, when the secretion of hydrochloric acid decreases, it is recommended to consume:

  • citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, lime, etc.);
  • apricots in any form (fresh, dried, juice);
  • berries with a sour taste (gooseberries, cherries, currants, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, grapes, chokeberries, viburnum);
  • sour fruits (apples, kiwi, pomegranate);
  • dried fruits;
  • natural juices;
  • berry and fruit jelly;
  • fresh herbs (dill, fennel, parsley, cilantro);
  • sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables;
  • dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet varieties of wines (of course, without overusing them!).

Honey is considered a product that gently increases stomach acidity. 30 minutes before meals, it is advisable to eat 1 teaspoon of honey or drink half a glass of water with a healthy product dissolved in it. Some types of mineral water help correct the release of hydrochloric acid, the most famous of which is Essentuki 17.

At the same time, if your stomach acidity is low, you should avoid the following types of food:

  • fermented milk products, as they cause fermentation;
  • fatty meats;
  • different types of cheese (except feta cheese).

For effective digestion and neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms, gastric juice has an acidic reaction. In the case of prolonged production of hydrochloric acid, there is a threat of the formation of ulcerative processes in the digestive tract. To avoid this, it is important to know how to reduce stomach acid quickly and safely.

Increased stomach acidity can cause ulcers

How can you tell if you have high or low stomach acidity?

An imbalance between the production of hydrochloric acid and its timely neutralization leads to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.

You can determine this deviation at home by the following symptoms:

  • attacks of heartburn - begins to burn in the area of ​​the esophagus after eating food (fatty, salty, spicy, sour);
  • sour or bitter taste in the mouth after burping;
  • nagging, dull or aching pain in the stomach area, radiating to the right hypochondrium;
  • There is a periodic unpleasant burning sensation in the chest and throat;
  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach, even with small doses of food eaten.

Occasionally, a high level of acidity is manifested by such symptoms as: constipation, paroxysmal pain before defecation, nausea and vomiting shortly after eating.

With increased acidity, heartburn begins after eating

What to do if you have high acidity?

It is possible to reduce acidity and normalize the normal functioning of the corresponding glands using complex therapy, which includes medications, diet and folk remedies.


To neutralize the acid, a number of medications are used, which are prescribed by the doctor after examination and confirmation of the diagnosis.

Table “Tablets to reduce acidity”

Drug groups Peculiarities Name of the product
Alginates Reduce the activity of cells that are responsible for the production of acids.

Quickly eliminate the symptoms that accompany high acidity.

Restore normal functioning of the stomach.

Phosphalugel, Maalox, Rennie, Almagel


Laminal, Gaviscon, magnesium, calcium and sodium alginates
H-2 histamine receptor blockers Inhibition of histamine production (stimulator of acid production).

Reducing the amount of acid produced.

Protecting the gastric mucosa and normalizing pH levels.

Famotidine, Ranitidine

Proton pump inhibitors

Pantoprazole, Esomeprazole, Omeprazole

The drugs do not suppress the production of all acid, but only that which the stomach cannot extinguish. In addition, the medications are intended for the healing of erosive and ulcerative processes caused by high acidity.

How to get rid of acidity using folk remedies

It is possible to remove negative manifestations and reduce the production of acid in the stomach thanks to alternative medicine methods. Remedies that have been proven over the years stabilize the functioning of the glands and help improve the general condition of ulcers or gastritis.

Herbal infusion

Grind plantain leaves, mint leaves, St. John's wort and dried herb (30 g each) in equal parts. Add knotweed and centaury (15 g each), caraway seeds (20 g), yarrow (10 g). Mix everything. Place herbs (2 tbsp) in a glass jar and pour 1.2 liters of boiling water. After the drink has infused (at least 12 hours), strain and take ½ glass 3-4 times a day 40 minutes after meals.

Before use, the herbal decoction must steep for at least 12 hours.

Rowan and rosehip

Grind the berries in equal parts in a meat grinder or blender. 2 tbsp. l. Place the mixture in 500 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 9–12 minutes. The broth should sit for a day, after which it should be strained.

It is recommended to use the drug throughout the day. You need to drink at least 1–1.5 glasses per day (50 ml every 3 hours).

Rowanberry decoction helps normalize stomach acidity

The medicinal drink is a good remedy for heartburn during pregnancy. The growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach, which causes an increase in acidity and causes great discomfort. Rosehip and rowan have a gentle effect on a woman’s body and do not harm the fetus, unlike most pharmaceutical drugs.

Wash and dry 3 medium potatoes (pink varieties work well). Together with the peel, they must be grated and the juice squeezed out. It is recommended to take the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach (an hour before breakfast) and in the evening before bed. The course of treatment is 10 days, after which it is important to take a week break and repeat the therapy.

St. John's wort and mint

Combine crushed St. John's wort (250 g) with mint leaves (150 g), add dill seeds and yarrow leaves (50 g each). Place the dry mixture (30 g) in a saucepan and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cook in a steam bath for 1.5 hours, let cool and strain.

How to take: drink a quarter glass in small sips 5-7 times a day for a week.

The strained decoction of St. John's wort should be drunk in small doses throughout the day.

Peel 2 medium carrots (preferably not partially ripe), grate and squeeze out all the liquid. Drink 0.5 cups in the morning on an empty stomach 1 time per day. The duration of treatment is at least 7 days.

Carrot juice is good for reducing stomach acidity

Another indispensable way that helps get rid of heartburn caused by a violation of the pH level in the stomach is soda. A glass of solution (1 tsp per 200 ml of water) in a short time makes it possible to relieve the feeling of acid in the stomach.

With the help of folk remedies, you can not only extinguish excess acid in the intestines, but also prevent inflammatory processes. The main thing is not to abuse alternative medicine.

Diet for high acidity

The main goal of dietary nutrition is to reduce the secretion of gastric juice.

Table “Products that reduce acidity”

Vegetables Potatoes, broccoli (cauliflower), boiled carrots
Fruits Pear puree, bananas, sweet apples, raspberries
Meat Rabbit, chicken (without skin), veal, beef (low-fat varieties),
Ready meals Porridge (but not pearl barley) and pasta (not instant), soups with a slimy consistency and creamy soup (exceptionally unrich), vegetable salads (without mayonnaise), baked fruits, boiled vegetables
Beverages Teas (herbal, green, black), compote, jelly, still water, juices (diluted with water), cocoa
Dairy products Cottage cheese, sour cream, milk (low-fat)
Sweets Honey (not on an empty stomach), jam, biscuits, marshmallows

It is recommended to eat food in a fractional manner - in small portions of 5-7 meals throughout the day. This method allows food to be better processed in the body, without creating a burden on the process of assimilation of nutrients.

During treatment, it is important to remove the following foods from your diet:

  • hot seasonings (sauces, ketchup, spices), mayonnaise, canned food;
  • products made from fatty meats (pork, goose, duck);
  • soda, coffee, tea (strong);
  • alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, cigarettes;
  • fast food - burgers, pizza, sandwiches, chips, crackers;
  • fatty fermented milk products (curd masses, milk, sour cream).
Proper nutrition in case of increased acid production is an integral part of the complex treatment of an unpleasant disease. This is why sticking to your diet is so important.

Frequent increases in the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can lead to ulcerative processes in the digestive tract. It is important not to ignore the symptoms and promptly normalize the functioning of acid cells. To do this, it is recommended to use medications and traditional medicine. Do not forget that the success of treatment largely depends on proper nutrition, so it is important to follow a diet.

There are many glands in the stomach that are responsible for producing hydrochloric acid. That is why the more glands there are, the higher the level of acidity of stomach juice. Diseases of the digestive tract are usually accompanied by an increase or decrease in the acidity of gastric juice. If there is a lack of the required amount of secretion in the stomach, taking foods can provoke a feeling of heaviness and discomfort, belching, or. Often, after a stressful situation, a person experiences these manifestations.

The digestive tract instantly reacts to the quality of incoming products. Moreover, it is very important to adhere to a special dietary regimen. In addition to participating in the digestion of foods, acidity kills all negative microorganisms, thereby preventing the development of intestinal infections. Lack of protein and iron in the body can cause anemia. How to treat the above manifestations? The answer to the question is provided below.

Factors that affect acidity

The reasons that can provoke an increase or decrease in acidity are varied.

  • Wrong nutrition. Unhealthy foods and drinks can increase acidity.
  • Inappropriate chewing. If a person eats too quickly, unchewed pieces enter the stomach, which means digestion will be difficult. The stomach needs to produce more juice, and accordingly, acidity is disrupted.
  • Medicines. Long-term use of certain medications that have a negative effect on the mucous membrane.
  • Stress. Emotional outbursts and prolonged stress can provoke a variety of health problems. When under stress, a person often forgets to eat or consumes a large amount of alcohol, and this negatively affects not only the mucous membrane, but also the entire state of the body.
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke that enters the body negatively affects the functioning of the stomach. Smokers often complain about poor functioning of the digestive system. Smoking on an empty stomach is very harmful, due to the fact that toxic substances have the most negative effect on the mucous membrane, and accordingly, the secretion of gastric juice increases, thereby increasing acidity.
  • Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium was recently discovered and can cause pathologies such as gastritis and ulcers. The bacterium can live in the stomach because it quickly adapts to its environment. Penetrating into the human body, it begins to produce enzymes that can damage the mucous membrane.
  • Infections. After infectious diseases (flu, acute respiratory viral infections), complications may begin that negatively affect the mucous membrane.

Most gastroenterologists recommend that, if there is an option, then you need to replace the above-mentioned medications with safer analogues or traditional medicine recipes. In order to reduce the negative impact of drugs on the mucous membrane, prefer coated drugs; you must carefully study the instructions.

Method for determining acidity

The question is asked by every second person. To get started, just take a simple test, which is based on the answers to a couple of questions.

  1. Do you experience pain in the stomach area?
  2. Do you have any complaints about oppressive heaviness after eating?
  3. Does it bother you?
  4. Does acidity occur?
  5. When was the last time it occurred?
  6. Is your age category below 40 years?

More on the topic: What is gastric pappilitis? How to treat?

The more the answer “yes” occurred, the more regular the symptoms were, and accordingly the acidity increased. At low acidity, different questions are asked. In this case, the patient complains of an unpleasant taste in the mouth. There is often no appetite, and nausea occurs in the morning. There is constant rumbling in the stomach, and the accumulation of gases is a constant concern. Problems (or frustration) also arise with bowel movements. There may also be dilatation or redness of blood vessels in the cheeks or nose, allergic reactions to certain foods may occur, nails become brittle, and all the conditions for anemia may appear on the face. The final alarming fact is that the age has reached 50 years.

According to statistics, hypersecretion is diagnosed 4 times more often. The main factor that can provoke it is the small bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Also, special attention should be paid to such a fact as: there is already a person in the family with the specified disease. In addition to the test described above, the specialist will insist on undergoing a certain medical examination, which is called pH-metry.

Traditional methods

  • If, you can use juice remedies, namely: herbs, infusions of anise, aloe, viburnum, rowan, rose hips and others.
  • If acidity increases, you should immediately make a solution of a quarter glass of water and about.5 teaspoon of honey. The drug is taken 30 minutes before meals.
  • If the acidity is zero, you can add a tablespoon of plantain juice and the same amount of decoction of dry raspberry leaves to the water with honey. The product should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Apricots in any form (fresh, dried) or apricot juice have a positive effect. This product should be eaten 30 minutes before meals.
  • 100 grams of grapes can increase acidity.
  • You need to take calamus root, rose hips, dill and Kuril tea in equal quantities. All components must be mixed well. Next, take only 2 tablespoons of the mixture and pour 2 cups of boiling water, the medicine should sit overnight. The finished product should be used in 70 milliliters 4 to 5 times a day, after meals. The course of treatment lasts from 1 to 1.5 months.
  • Meat can increase acidity over a long period of time.

You will need

  • - three-leaf leaves, peppermint, dill seeds, yarrow inflorescences, St. John's wort;
  • - horseradish juice, honey or sugar;
  • - honey


Regardless of the causes of gastritis and the level of acidity, first of all, it is necessary to unload the stomach. It is recommended to completely abstain from eating for the first 1-2 days, drinking only one, preferably green tea or still mineral water.

Next, you should adjust your diet. It is not recommended to eat fried, hot, spicy, smoked foods. Opt for soups, cereals, white crackers, and soft-boiled eggs. Food should not be cold or too hot; its optimal temperature should be 37°C. It’s very good if yours is based on the principles. This applies mainly to meat and meat products. It is best to eat lean, boiled meat, which is served separately from other foods.

You need to get into the habit of eating little and often: it is difficult for a sick stomach to cope with large volumes of food. It is best to eat at least five times a day, at the same time. Consistent and thorough treatment can completely normalize stomach acidity without resorting to the use of medications.

With increased acidity, the following decoction helps: take one part of the leaves of the trifoliate, seven parts each of peppermint leaves, dill seeds, yarrow inflorescences and 15 parts of St. John's wort. Mix medicinal herbs and pour two tablespoons of the resulting mixture with two glasses of boiling water. Evaporate for two hours, and then strain thoroughly. The decoction must be drunk throughout the day for several weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated after a month.

If the acidity level is low, consume fresh horseradish juice, which has the property of increasing the secretion of gastric juice. Before meals, consume one teaspoon of ground horseradish mixed with honey or sugar.

A universal remedy for normalization is natural honey. If it is preferably diluted in a little warm water, 1.5-2 hours before meals, then it reduces the secretion of gastric juice. If honey is consumed immediately before meals, it will stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.


  • how to increase stomach acidity with honey

Accurate acidity soil cover can only be determined in the laboratory using special means. To plant certain plants and crops you need to know acidity soil, but soil analysis in the laboratory provides information about acidity down to tenths, which an ordinary gardener does not need to know. A rough soil test will be fine for you. If you remember your chemistry lessons at school, then in the experiments that were carried out in these lessons, litmus paper was used as an indicator.

You will need

  • Soil cover area, litmus paper indicator.


To determine the acidity of the soil, first of all, you need to dig a small hole, which will not exceed 25 cm in depth. Take a small section of soil from any vertical wall of this hole. This soil must be mixed and also moistened with water (rain or distilled). After the formation of damp, put litmus paper inside and squeeze this soil with your hand.

One of the simplest ways to restore stomach acidity is a special one. Low-fat varieties of meat and fish will help normalize the composition of gastric juice. If the acidity is high, eat them boiled; if the acidity is low, you can stew them or even lightly fry them. Whole milk is a gastric juice, so you should not abuse it if you have the opposite problem. In this case, use milk only for preparing porridges and omelettes, and give preference to fermented milk products. If your acidity is low, eat more raw vegetables; if your acidity is high, include boiled, baked and stewed vegetables in your diet. Rich broths are recommended for low acidity, while for the opposite problem they are strictly prohibited. Salty, smoked and spicy foods should be excluded for any stomach problems, as well as canned food.

As an additional remedy for stomach acidity, use traditional medicine recipes. Pour half a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of chopped chamomile or mint. Let the herbs steep for an hour, then strain the liquid and drink 100 ml. With three times daily use of this infusion, the acidity of gastric juice decreases. To solve the opposite problem, prepare herbal tea from anise seeds in a similar way.

Changes in stomach acidity are often accompanied by discomfort. If it is elevated, the person will experience the following symptoms:

  • acute pain in the stomach;

  • heartburn;

  • constipation;

  • burning pain in the stomach;

  • loose stool.

People with low stomach acid experience frequent rumbling in the stomach and bad breath.

It should be noted that lifestyle directly affects stomach acidity. For example, increased acidity is often observed in smokers and people who abuse alcohol. Increased acidity is also observed in people who constantly chew chewing gum on an empty stomach. Low acidity is usually found in people who lack protein foods.

How to change stomach acidity

All of the above symptoms will help determine high/low acidity in. To get your stomach in order, you can consult a doctor to prescribe medications.

You can reduce acidity without the help of a specialist if:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of water during the day.

  2. Divide meals into 5 servings.

  3. Include dairy products, fruits and vegetables, fish and white meat in your diet.

  4. Do not drink alcohol, coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits, fried or fatty foods.

To increase the acidity of the stomach, you need to eat more grapes, apricots, turnip puree, and drink 500 ml of whole milk. Honey water is considered a good way to increase stomach acidity. To prepare it you need to mix ½ tsp. honey and 100 ml of boiled warm water. The drink should be drunk half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

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