How to increase calcium in the human body. Diseases, pathological conditions. What substances promote calcium absorption?

Calcium is a very important trace element that is involved in many vital important processes body. Currently, calcium deficiency is diagnosed in many people. Moreover, this deficiency cannot be filled with ordinary dairy products, because vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium. We will tell you how to recognize a lack of calcium, you will learn what this deficiency entails, and also get acquainted with the main ways to solve this problem.

How to understand that there is not enough calcium in the body

Here are some factors that indicate a deficiency of this microelement.

  1. The first thing that suffers is the nails - with a lack of calcium, they become brittle, peel, and grow slowly.
  2. A lack of calcium leads to hypersensitivity teeth. This suggests that the protective shell ( tooth enamel) began to collapse. With a more pronounced deficiency of this element, teeth begin to crumble and are more susceptible to caries. In children, deficiency leads to delayed tooth growth.
  3. Lack of calcium affects the nervous system - a person becomes irritable, depressed, sleeps a lot, and has decreased ability to work.
  4. Severe calcium deficiency leads to various diseases bone problems, such as osteoporosis, when the bones become loose. Because of this, they are susceptible to frequent fractures and cracks.
  5. Calcium, or rather its deficiency, also affects the hair, it begins to fall out, becomes dull and brittle. With a lack of calcium, the scalp sweats a lot, this is especially noticeable in children. The skin on your hands becomes dry and often peels.
  6. Often, with a lack of calcium, numbness occurs in the fingers, and cramps may appear in the legs and arms. This often occurs during pregnancy.
  7. Due to a lack of calcium, they develop various problems in the cardiovascular system.
  8. With a serious calcium deficiency, blood clotting is reduced and the body is susceptible to bleeding. Cataracts may develop.
  9. People with reduced content calcium in the blood often freezes, trembles, and experiences aches even with slight cold.

A more accurate determination of the amount of calcium in the body can only be done using a special analysis. If a deficiency is confirmed, a solution to this problem must be urgently sought.

Nutrition in the fight for calcium

Main dose useful calcium we get through food. It is very important to eat those foods that contain not only calcium, but also vitamin D, without which the microelement will not be absorbed. To compensate for the lack of calcium in the body, you need cheese, beans, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, sesame seeds, almonds, dates, oatmeal, pistachios. It's good to eat canned fish, because they have soft fish bones that can be eaten. Limit the amount of salt - it washes out calcium. It is also worth giving up coffee and limiting the amount of protein consumed (meat, fish).

Separately, I would like to say about dairy products. To get calcium from them, they must be consumed along with vitamin D (found in seafood) and magnesium (found in beans, seeds and nuts). Every day you need to eat something dairy, especially for children. It is very useful to eat fresh milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, and feta cheese. To replenish calcium deficiency in children of the first year of life, you can use the following recipe.

Cottage cheese is already a product with high content calcium. However, we will provide you with a recipe for active cottage cheese, which contains tens of times more useful calcium. It is absolutely safe, such cottage cheese can be given to children at the very beginning of complementary feeding. Take two glasses natural milk- not store-bought, but from under the cow. The milk must be fresh. Next we need one ampoule calcium chloride, which is also called a hot shot.

Boil the milk for at least 10 minutes, let cool. Add a tablespoon of kefir and one large ampoule (10 ml) of calcium chloride to the milk. It is better not to pour the liquid out of the ampoule, but to use a syringe so that a piece of glass from the cut does not get into the milk. Mix milk, kefir and the contents of the ampoule and place on low heat. Use a small enamel (not aluminum!) saucepan. Once heated, the milk will begin to curdle. Boil it for a while, and then put it on cheesecloth. Wait 10-20 minutes for the serum to drain. The end result will be useful and very delicious cottage cheese saturated with calcium. There is no need to pour out the whey - it makes airy openwork pancakes. Many children don't like to eat cottage cheese, but we know secret recipe, which they will definitely like. Beat the resulting cottage cheese, a little milk, half a banana and a couple of cookies with a blender. Your baby will like the resulting mass so much that he will certainly ask for more.

Calcium is in the shell!

A lot of natural calcium is contained in the shell of eggs. If the eggs are homemade, you can simply wash them with soap from the droppings. If store-bought, they must be kept in the oven for 10 minutes at high temperature. This will protect you from salmonella. Soak the shell in water to remove the inner film.

The prepared shell must be crushed in a mortar. If you don't have a mortar, just go over it with a rolling pin. Drink the medicine like this - half a teaspoon of the shell needs to be quenched lemon juice. Eat the prepared mixture and wash it down with water. Need a drink next fish fat, To obtain the right dose vitamin D, which will allow calcium to be absorbed. Parents used to use this recipe to treat their children for rickets.

Fortunately, simple ones are now available in pharmacies. vitamin complexes containing the right dosage and a combination of components that will not only saturate the body with calcium, but also help it to be absorbed. However long-term use synthetic calcium may be dangerous for people who have vein problems. At varicose veins It is recommended to take natural calcium - that is, from food.

Calcium is very strongly washed out by nicotine. Therefore, to make up for the deficiency, you need to quit smoking. In addition, young girls who are on strict diets to lose weight suffer from calcium deficiency. Vegetarians are also at risk. Calcium deficiency is very common in people with lactose intolerance. These groups of patients cannot drink milk or eat dairy products. In this case you need to look alternative sources calcium.

Everyone needs calcium. However, there are groups of people who need it especially badly. These are children during their growth period, pregnant and lactating women, and elderly people. Calcium is needed after chemotherapy, during the recovery of bone fractures, during menopause, and also during the period of taking diuretics. If you fall into one of these categories, monitor your health and avoid calcium deficiency in your body.

Video: ideal calcium without drugs

So, you set out to be healthy and replenish the lack of calcium in your body. After all, a sufficient amount of this mineral in the body is the key to healthy bones and teeth (and many other good things), and therefore for long years life. What is important is that this pledge is not just, but quality life. When you can not only walk creakingly to a nearby store for groceries, but also travel and be truly active.

What does the average person do to compensate for calcium deficiency?

Option two:

  1. Goes to the pharmacy for mineral complex , the price of which may vary significantly. Therefore, the cost of a future happy old age threatens to hit the family budget. And it’s not a fact that they will help, since not all forms of calcium from tablets are equally well absorbed. And in addition, many more conditions are required for the absorption of calcium. More on this below.
  2. Particularly active on dairy products. After all, from childhood we were taught that milk and its derivatives are best source calcium. This is stuck in the head so firmly that new parents, by hook or by crook, stuff the cottage cheese into their children... And the rest are not far behind! People often contact me who hate cottage cheese, but FORCE themselves to eat it, “because you need calcium.” Besides, latest research milk is being squeezed off store shelves, and not only the usefulness of dairy products has long been questioned - we are already talking about real negative consequences for health such as cancer and osteoporosis. Yes, you heard right - osteoporosis (decreased bone density). Countries with the highest milk consumption per capita have the highest incidence of osteoporosis. For example, in Denmark. Therefore, a mug three times a day is not an option.

So what to do?

How to replenish and increase calcium in the body

I offer you absolutely new approach to the issue of replenishing calcium reserves in the body. It consists of three parts.

Getting calcium from plant sources

Yes Yes! Do not be surprised. Nature took care of us, and many vegetables and grains. And not only them. Many also contain magnesium and vitamin D, without which calcium is not absorbed properly. That is, we get a “3 in 1” product. Here is a list of the best plant sources calcium:

  • tofu cheese;
  • white, red and other beans;
  • spinach;
  • rhubarb;
  • curly cabbage (grunkol);
  • Chinese cabbage (bok choy);
  • broccoli;
  • cilantro;
  • sesame seeds;
  • seaweed or seaweed;
  • canned fish (as they contain fish bones suitable for eating);
  • almond;
  • dates;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • oat groats;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • hazelnut;
  • pistachios;
  • lemon juice (!).

As you can see, the list is impressive. And it can go on for a very long time. This is a selection of the most common and available products. Of course, you can’t get hold of dandelions in the winter, but in the summer...

Note. Data in all tables are based on calcium per 100 grams of product. And it’s great that calcium is found in the parsley we know and love. But eating 100 grams of parsley is not easy. But 100 grams of beans are available to everyone. Even small children.

We do everything possible to ensure that calcium not only enters the body, but is also absorbed

For this you need the following substances: magnesium and vitamin D. We get vitamin D from the sun and from oily fish(salmon, salmon, herring, mackerel, etc.). Magnesium - from nuts and seeds, oatmeal and legumes.

We try to avoid factors that contribute to the leaching of calcium from the body.

  • We don't use a lot of salt. Sodium, contained even in the most useful sea or Himalayan salt, promotes the leaching of calcium from the body. This does not mean that you should now stop adding salt to your food. No. Just try to do it wisely. And remember that even the most salty homemade food contains less salt than store-bought semi-finished products. Why aren't they salted? Because it's still full there. So, if you want to be active for a long time, cook your own food. Or, at worst, go for a visit.
  • We limit coffee as much as possible. As soon as we can. It also helps flush calcium from the body. And this drink, on which billions of people depend, has a lot negative properties. For example, it destabilizes hormonal background. Therefore, we move on to other tasty drinks.
  • We do not rely on animal proteins(meat, fish, dairy products). It has been proven that their use in large quantities threatens acidification of the body. And this also promotes the excretion of calcium. Therefore, before you jump on the trendy protein diet, think carefully. Maybe she should prefer something else?

These are the simple rules.

Good health to you!

Update: October 2018

Calcium (Ca) is one of the most important macroelements for the human body, involved in the construction of tissues and metabolism. The element ranks fifth in the list of all minerals found in the body, accounting for about 2% of a person’s weight.

The role of calcium in the body cannot be overestimated. Besides the well-known building material for bones and teeth, macronutrient regulates contractile function hearts, nourishes nerve tissue and participates in the conduction of impulses, reduces cholesterol levels, regulates arterial pressure, takes part in transportation nutrients on cell membranes and much more.

Calcium is extremely important for pregnant women - only with proper intake is it ensured physiological development fetus and normal condition health of the expectant mother.

Calcium level in the body

Newborn babies have about 30 grams of calcium in their bodies. Gradually, the amount of calcium increases in adults and is approximately 1000-1200 g (per average weight 70 kg). The daily intake of calcium from food depends on age and gender:

Causes of calcium deficiency

Behavioral and external reasons

  • Insufficient intake of calcium from food, which is often observed when following certain diets for weight loss, an unbalanced diet, vegetarianism, fasting, neglect of dairy products, etc.
  • Low calcium content in water.
  • Smoking, overindulgence coffee (accelerates calcium excretion).

Diseases, pathological conditions

  • Impaired absorption of macronutrients in the intestine, which occurs against the background of dysbiosis, candidiasis, food allergies, chronic enterocolitis, etc.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, hematopoietic system, pancreas (pancreatitis), thyroid gland(familial, idiopathic, postoperative hypoparathyroidism, in which hypocalcemia develops due to increased production of parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands).
  • Lack of estrogen
  • Rickets
  • (dairy and other products containing the element).

Metabolic disorders

  • Excess in the body of the following elements: lead, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, cobalt, potassium and sodium, which contribute to the excretion of calcium.
  • Deficiency in the body of vitamin D3, which is involved in the absorption of the element and its integration into cell structures (the norm for an adult is from 400 to 800 IU).

Other reasons

  • Increased need for the element, which is observed during the period accelerated growth, during pregnancy and lactation (calcium is used to build fetal tissue or enrich breast milk), increased physical and mental stress (accelerated consumption), menopause (lack of estrogen that absorbs calcium).
  • Old age (impaired absorption of calcium).
  • Treatment with diuretics and laxatives (accelerated elimination).

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body

  • Weakness, fast fatiguability, decreased performance.
  • Nervousness, irritability.
  • Dry and flaky skin, brittle nails. Excessive sweating scalp.
  • Tooth decay, caries.
  • Numbness of fingers, face, cramps, pain in legs and arms.
  • – fragility of bones, frequent fractures or cracks, bone deformation.
  • Impaired cardiac activity up to the development of heart failure, tachycardia.
  • Subcapsular (with prolonged hypocalcemia).
  • Increased bleeding, impaired blood clotting.
  • Decreased immunity, which is expressed by frequent infections.
  • Increased sensitivity to cold weather (bone and muscle aches, chills).
  • Signs of calcium deficiency in children: impaired formation of teeth and bones, pathological changes in the lens of the eye, disorders nervous system, excitability, convulsions, poor clotting blood.

Diagnosis of hypocalcemia

Diagnosis of the condition is carried out on the basis of patient complaints and laboratory determination of the element in the blood serum (normal 2.15 - 2.50 mmol/l).

Treatment - how to compensate for calcium deficiency

  • Therapy acute condition hypocalcemia is carried out in a hospital setting, because this situation is life threatening.
  • Chronic deficiency macroelement requires taking calcium supplements, vitamin D3 and other elements, normalizing the diet and eliminating behavioral factors and products that impair the absorption of calcium or contribute to its loss.

Therapeutic drugs are prescribed in such a way that the daily intake of the element is approximately 1.5-2 g. Vitamin D preparations are selected in individual dosages, based on the needs of the body. The course of treatment is usually long and is determined individually. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces combination drugs, containing calcium, vitamin D3 and other necessary pharmacologically active substances.

Calcium preparations

Pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed to treat and prevent conditions and diseases associated with hypocalcemia, as well as to accelerate the healing of bone fractures. Features of calcium preparations:

  • The composition must indicate the amount of elemental, pure calcium;
  • Better digestibility is achieved with simultaneous administration with food;
  • Caffeine, carbonated drinks and alcohol significantly impair the absorption of the element;
  • Poor absorption is also typical when combined with antibiotics from the tetracycline group, laxatives, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsants;
  • Calcium supplements often cause side effects in the form of abdominal pain, nausea, constipation.
  • Each drug has a number of strict contraindications (pregnancy, urolithiasis disease, tuberculosis, chronic renal failure, childhood etc.).

All drugs from this category can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Monopreparations containing a macroelement in the form of salt: calcium carbonate (40% of the element), calcium citrate (21%), calcium gluconate (9%), calcium lactate (13%), etc.
  • Combination drugs, including calcium salts, vitamin D and other minerals. Vitamin D is involved in calcium metabolism, synthesis and maintenance of bone architecture, therefore such dosage forms more effective: Calcium D3 Nycomed, Kalcemin, etc.
  • Multivitamins. They contain several vitamins and minerals in prophylactic dosages and are intended for the prevention of hypocalcemia, and are also prescribed as an additional source of the element: Multi-tabs, Alphabet, etc. (calcium content per 1 tablet is 150-200 mg).

Popular drugs

Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate

Rennie 170 -250 rub. (menthol, orange, mint). Contains calcium in bound systemic form, 680 mg calcium 80 mg magnesium hydroxycarbonate per 1 chewable tablet. It is used to eliminate the deficiencies of these elements, and also has an antacid effect. Intended for use by adults and children over 12 years old - 2 tablets each. after meals, dissolving in the mouth (maximum 11 per day).

Calcium chloride

In 1 ml – 0.1 g of calcium chloride. Medicine, prescribed for hypocalcemia, diseases of the thyroid gland and blood vessels. Available in the form of a solution for intravenous administration adults (15 ml 2-3 times per day) and children (5-10 ml 2 times per day), diluted with glucose or sodium chloride.

Calcium carbonate + Colecalciferol

Popular combination drugs that replenish the deficiency of the element and improve its absorption. Under the influence of the drug, the absorption of elements in the gastrointestinal tract is regulated, the increased synthesis of parathyroid hormones is prevented, and resorption increases bone tissue. WITH therapeutic purpose the dosage is selected individually. With preventative:

  • children 4-11 years old – 1 t 2 r per day
  • children over 12 years old and adults - 2 t 3 r per day.

Calcemin Advance

30 pcs. 440 rub., 120 pcs. 850-900 rub. Calcium citrate + carbonate 500 mg, vitamin D3 5 mcg – complex drug, intended to eliminate calcium deficiency and prevent conditions in adults and children from 12 years of age. Contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron, colecalciferol. Take 1 t 2 times a day.

Marine calcium

100 pieces. 100 rub. Available in several variations - with magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin C, iodine. It belongs to the category of dietary supplements and acts as an additional source of these elements during pregnancy, lactation and menopause in women, intensive growth in adolescents, etc.

During the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the level of serum calcium - every week for the first month, then the frequency decreases.

Eggshells from lack of calcium in the body

Many sources traditional medicine promote the consumption of eggshells as a natural source of calcium. Indeed, the shell of an egg is 90% calcium. But research recent years showed that the digestibility of the element from the shell is very low, even when consumed with lemon or something else. Therefore, consider eggshells as an alternative balanced diet or therapeutic drugs, it is not worth it.

Sources give the following recipe for preparing eggshells: after thoroughly washing and removing the thin inner film from it, the shells are dried and ground into powder. Take half a teaspoon per day with meals, adding a couple of drops of lemon juice. Course - 1.5-2 months, once every six months.

Calcium for older people – myths and reality

As you know, in older people the risk of developing osteoporosis increases significantly, and many, taking care of their health, increase the consumption of dairy products to ensure sufficient calcium intake in the body. New Zealand scientists have questioned the need for increased amounts of calcium to strengthen bones for people over 50 years of age.

  • Mark Bolland and a team of researchers at the University of Auckland analyzed 2 studies that looked at the effect of calcium on bone density. One of them covered age group over 50 years old (13,790 people). As it turned out, constant reception calcium supplements and products with high content element increased bone density by only 1-2%.
  • Another study found a relationship between the incidence of bone fractures and calcium intake. More than 45,000 people participated in the survey. It turned out that regular intake macronutrients do not in any way reduce the likelihood of bone fracture.

Thus, scientists summarized that there is no point in taking calcium supplements or switching to diets with increased content there is no element in the products (at the same time, calcium must be supplied with food in the daily requirement).

But sufficient physical activity, in particular, jumping for 2 minutes every day is good preventative measure osteoporosis for older people. But let's not forget that this is just one study concerning a specific group of people without taking into account accompanying pathologies and characteristics of the body. If a doctor recommends taking calcium supplements for confirmed hypocalcemia or a tendency to do so, his recommendations should be followed.

Prevention of hypocalcemia

Prevention of this pathological condition for healthy people, who do not suffer from diseases leading to calcium deficiency, lies in a number of basic things that everyone can do.

  • Daily consumption of foods containing sufficient macronutrients to satisfy daily requirement in him;
  • Consumption of foods rich in vitamin D, which ensures the transformation of Ca in the body and its better absorption (fermented milk, vegetable oils, eggs, seafood, fish liver, fish oil, oatmeal, greens);
  • Preventive intake of vitamin D for children in the autumn-winter period (on the recommendation of a doctor);
  • Sufficient presence on sunlight during safe hours, excluding the period from 12 to 15.00, which ensures the synthesis of vitamin D in the human body;
  • Periodic use of balanced vitamin-mineral complexes, but on the recommendation of a doctor and observing physiological dosages. Drug prevention hypocalcemia is especially relevant for pregnant, lactating and elderly women;
  • Compliance with due physical activity, feasible sport.

Products containing calcium

A nutritious diet with sufficient calcium is the best prevention and hypocalcemia, and diseases associated with macronutrient deficiency. It is easy to calculate the proper consumption of certain products, knowing daily norm and the amount of element per 100 grams of product. There is a lot of calcium in dairy products, but their digestibility deteriorates with age, so you should not rely only on this source of the element. Calcium is also found in large quantities in vegetables, seafood, and nuts.

Some features regarding calcium absorption

  • The digestibility of Ca from milk is only 30%;
  • Products plant origin characterized by 50% macronutrient digestibility;
  • The diet should be rich in foods containing vitamins D, C and magnesium;
  • Nicotine, alcohol, coffee, soda (especially cola), sausages, and smoked foods contribute to the leaching of Ca and impair its absorption;
  • Salt also promotes the removal of macronutrients from the body and negatively affects the gastrointestinal mucosa, impairing absorption.
  • The average daily calcium intake for an adult should be 1000-1500 mg. This amount is due to the fact that not all calcium listed in the food list is absorbed by the body.

What products contain calcium - table (amount of calcium - mg per 100 g of product)


Meat fish

Skimmed milk powder 1155 Sardines, canned food 380
Parmesan cheese 1300 Mackerel 240
Cheese "Dutch" 1040 Fish of the salmon family 210
Cheese "Cheddar", "Russian" 1000 Crabs 100
Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 900 Shrimps 90
Swiss cheese 850 Oysters, anchovies 82
Cheese "Roquefort" 740 Carp 50
Dry natural cream 700 Squid 40
Goat cheese 500 Milk sausages 35
Brynza 530 Pike 20
Processed cheese 520 Rabbit 19
Mozzarella 515 Chicken 17
Feta 360 Beef, lamb 10
Condensed milk 307 Beef liver, fatty pork 8
Soft cheese 260 Pork bacon 2
Plain yogurt 200

Vegetables, fruits, nuts

Fat cottage cheese 150 Sesame 780
Ice cream 140 Almond 230
Fruit yoghurt 136 Dill 208
Full-fat kefir (3.5%), acidophilus, yogurt, whole cow's milk 120 White beans 194
Liquid cream 10% 90 Hazelnut 170
Liquid cream 20% 86 Brazilian nut, arugula 160
Sour cream, fat content 30% 85 Beans, figs 150
Mayonnaise 50% 57 Parsley 138
Sandwich butter 34 Pistachios 130
Creamy margarine 14 Walnut 122
Unsalted butter 12 Spinach 106


Green onions, seeds, beans 100
Tea 495 Raisins, dried apricots 80
Chocolate white 280 Green salad 77
Milk chocolate 220 Garlic, peanuts 60
Coffee beans 147 Red cabbage 53
Peas 89 Red carrots 51
Barley grits 80 Turnip 49
Oat groats 64 White cabbage fresh, sauerkraut 48
Chicken egg (yolk) 55 Kohlrabi, yellow carrots 46
Cocoa 55 Strawberries 40
Hercules 52 Radish 39
Rye flour 43 Beet 37
Wheat groats 27 Radish 35
Tomato paste 20 Grapefruit, orange, Brussels sprouts 34
Buckwheat, semolina 20 Onion 31
Pasta 19 Grape 30
Rice 8 Apricot 28
Honey 4 Fresh mushrooms 27

Bakery products

Cauliflower, green peas, pumpkin 26
Black bread 100 Cucumber, black Eyed Peas 22
Wheat grain bread 43 Peach, pear 20
Bun 21 Apple, melon 16
Wheat bread 20 Eggplant 15

Juices, drinks

Ground tomato, watermelon 14
Cocoa with milk 71 Potato 10
Grape juice 20 Green pepper 8
Apple, tomato juice 7 Apple 7

Today on the women's website “Beautiful and Successful” we will talk about a microelement that is super important for our body.

It is part of the human skeleton, and thanks to this metal our muscles contract, including main muscle of our body - the heart. It's about about calcium (Ca) – the twentieth microelement in the periodic table of Mendeleev. If the body exhibits symptoms of calcium deficiency, a diagnosis of hypocalcemia is made. It is important to monitor the level of this element in the body of both children and adults.

How does the body react to calcium deficiency?

This trace element performs two important functions:

  • builds bones - makes them strong and hard;
  • makes all the muscles of our body work, including the heart muscle.

Imagine that Ca levels in the blood are always at the same level. Always! Our body takes care of its comfort and makes sure that there is enough of this microelement in the blood.

As soon as its level in the blood decreases, the body begins to replenish it itself. Where does he get his calcium from? He begins to “pull” it from bones, tooth enamel and nails.

It is because of the deficiency of this microelement that fractures occur in children, and in women after 40, bones begin to ache and become weak, muscles cramp, fingers go numb, teeth crumble, nails do not shine, hair becomes brittle, heart beats, deteriorates - all signs of calcium deficiency on the face.

In addition, a woman with signs of calcium deficiency constantly feels tired and gets tired quickly.

Once again, let us draw your attention to the fact that if you do not give the body the daily norm of Ca (1 g), it will take it from the bones, teeth, and nails, which will harm the bone tissue.

How to determine calcium deficiency?

To find out whether the body has enough of this element, you need not only to pay attention to the first symptoms and signs of its deficiency, but also take a blood test for calcium (biochemical), and also do densitometry. This type of examination examines bone density.

What is the best way to replenish calcium reserves in the body?

Ca deficiency can occur for two reasons:

  1. Insufficient consumption.
  2. Disturbance in the process of calcium absorption by the body.

IN natural form You won't find calcium in nature. It is found in lime, marble and gypsum.

By the way, in human body may contain up to one and a half kilograms of this microelement. If it is not absorbed correctly and is not excreted, its excess will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and kidneys, impairing their patency, which will certainly affect health over the years.

It is also important to remember that pure calcium will not be absorbed by the body. You definitely need to know how to replenish the reserves of this microelement correctly in order to bring benefit and not harm to your body.

Get rid of calcium deficiency symptoms in female body You can by consuming certain foods or medications that contain it.

Products with calcium

We present to you the main products that, if consumed systematically, you will not feel the symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body.

Hard cheeses

Everyone knows that the most calcium is found in dairy products. Since childhood, we have heard about the benefits of cottage cheese for bones. But few people mention that more calcium is found not in cottage cheese, but in hard cheese. Record holder among hard cheeses You could call it Parmesan cheese. 100 g of this fermented milk product contains 1300 mg (we remind you that the daily norm is 1000 mg) of pure calcium.

Chewing Parmesan cheese gives a pleasant crunch. It is calcifications that get on the teeth - particles of calcium, if there is a deficiency of which you should regularly eat cheeses.


Very useful in relieving symptoms of Ca deficiency sesame seeds. Besides important microelement they contain manganese (Mg). It is this chemical element that helps calcium to be absorbed. Manganese serves as a conductor, that is, it transfers calcium to bone tissue.


In third place you can put sardines. They are also high in calcium. 100 grams contain a third daily value(330 mg).

But more importantly, fish contains vitamin D. This vitamin is the second element that helps the body absorb calcium. Without it, the main trace element Ca will not penetrate the bones, and both women and children will have all the symptoms of calcium deficiency.

Plant sources

Recent studies have shown that you will find especially high amounts of calcium in seeds, nuts, legumes, as well as in vegetables and fruits. Pay attention to such a grain plant as amaranth. It contains 2 times more calcium than milk. This microelement from plants is best absorbed by the body.

Sea kale

We have already told the site about the benefits of seaweed for, this product also contains calcium. So turn it on seaweed It is a must in your diet.


You can often find information that you can give your body calcium by consuming ground calcium. This is true. It is enough to eat ¼ teaspoon of ground eggshells 2 times a day to give the body the daily requirement of Ca. But there are some nuances that you need to pay attention to.

  • Firstly, the shell must be pre-processed. To do this, you need to wash the eggs, or even better, take the shells of boiled eggs.
  • Secondly, for better absorption, you need to pour lemon juice over the ground shell powder. It is the sour juice that will help calcium enter the bloodstream. When you pour lemon juice over the crushed shells, you may notice a reaction - hissing and bubbling.

Crushed eggshells can be used as medicine, washed down with water, or added to salads and dairy products.


Calcium can also be added to juice (you need to read the composition on the package). We have seen good reviews about Noni juice (juice from the Indian mulberry fruit).

This is important for women!

Note: green tea and coffee flush calcium from the body. Tea or coffee with milk is especially dangerous. Be careful, those who like to get in shape by unloading. Milk tea, green tea, and coffee contain tannin. It is this substance that flushes the Ca element out of the bones.

For the same reason, it is advised not to drink coffee and tea immediately after consuming foods or medications with calcium.

As you can see, there are many nuances that should not be forgotten by those who are looking for how to replenish calcium deficiency in the body with the help of products. Not only does it need to be consumed the right products, you need to pay attention to ensure that the microelement is well absorbed. To do this, it is important not to forget about the “conductors” - magnesium, vitamin D, chromium. Without these elements, calcium will be deposited in the kidneys and on the walls of blood vessels and not be absorbed by the body.

There are few of us who carefully monitor the daily calcium intake. Many people come to the aid of drugs that will provide the daily requirement of calcium to the female body.

Preparations containing calcium

Drugs containing chemical element There is enough Ca on the market. Before starting treatment, it is important to remember that calcium is well absorbed only in combination with other microelements.

  • On forums where calcium deficiency in the body is discussed, Calceformin, a drug that, in addition to calcium, contains vitamin D, amino acids and other vitamins necessary for women’s health, is well received. It is noted that regular use Calceformin improves the condition of hair, nails and general well-being.
  • Sandoz Forte and Kalcemin Advance are good candidates for replenishing the deficiency of this microelement.

Doctors advise that calcium supplements must be chewed and not swallowed whole. It is better to take medications with food.

  • Pay attention to Sea Calcium, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy. It is perfectly absorbed by the body.
  • Inexpensive and effective drug for the treatment of deficiency symptoms - Kalceks.
  • Chalk TM Mel-ok refers to natural sources this element. It is mined from the bottom of the ocean, it passes good cleaning and processing. It is prescribed as a food supplement for cases of calcium deficiency in the body.
  • A new drug that is considered one of the best for filling skeletal system- Bonviva.
  • We also found good feedback about Osteomed. Everyone who has taken it says that this drug works wonders. The bones stop crunching and hurting, and your health improves.
  • We also advise you to study information about Haitsao gai capsules, which contain liquid calcium. They are made from seaweed. In addition to calcium, these capsules also contain great amount microelements necessary for our body.

If you notice the first signs of calcium deficiency (lack), be sure to address this problem. If calcium reserves are not replenished in time, this will lead to the destruction of bone tissue and serious problems with health.

Some ideas related to healthy eating and which seem to be an axiom, are in fact a delusion that seriously spoils our health.

Today, most women are concerned about a lack of calcium, which is fraught with problems with bones and teeth. Therefore, the fair sex drinks calcium supplements by the handful.

As you can see, the list is not small. And it can go on for a very long time. This is a selection of the most common and accessible products. Of course, you can’t get hold of dandelions in winter, but in summer it’s easy.

Note. Data in all tables are based on calcium per 100 grams of product. And it’s great that calcium is found in our familiar and beloved one. But eating 100 grams of parsley is not easy. But 100 grams of beans or oatmeal available to everyone. Even small children.

2. Do everything possible to ensure that calcium not only enters the body, but is also absorbed

For this, the following substances are needed: magnesium and vitamin D. We get vitamin D from the sun and from fatty fish (salmon, salmon, herring, mackerel, and so on). Magnesium - from nuts and seeds, oatmeal and legumes.

3. Avoid factors that contribute to the leaching of calcium from the body

Don't eat a lot of salt. Sodium, contained in even the healthiest sea or Himalayan salt, helps flush calcium out of the body. This does not mean that you should now stop adding salt to your food. No. Just try to do it wisely.

And remember that even the most salty homemade food contains less salt than store-bought convenience foods. Why aren't they salted? Because it's still full there. So, if you want to be active for a long time, cook your own food. Or, at worst, go for a visit.

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