Herpes affects various areas of the face. How to treat herpes on the forehead at home Herpes on the face symptoms treatment

Herpes manifests itself like tiny painful blisters rashes on different parts of the body, most often on the face. Herpes on the face is localized near the lips, wings of the nose, on the forehead, cheeks and, most unpleasantly, on the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes. The disease is caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. Total exists 8 types of virus, but the rest manifest themselves differently.

Herpes on the face - symptoms

Everyone knows what herpes looks like on the face. The appearance of bubbles can be predicted by the characteristic tingling sensation on the lips. At this stage, you can prevent rashes using folk remedies or antiviral drugs. If time is lost, then bubbles appear along the upper edge of the lips, which increase quite quickly in size and quantity. The diameter of the bubbles can be from 1 to 5 millimeters. Their appearance is accompanied by severe itching. They are filled with cloudy liquid and are very unpleasant to touch. However, if you simply puncture small blisters on the face and burn the area with an alcohol-containing product, this will not solve the herpes problem.

The note

In addition to external manifestations, herpes causes inconvenience with fever and general malaise. Lymph nodes located near the rash may also become enlarged and inflamed.

In total, herpes on the face goes through 4 stages:

  1. tingling, itching, pinching in the place where a bubble will soon appear;
  2. inflammation– a bubble filled with liquid appears on the skin or mucous membrane;
  3. ulceration– the bubble bursts, the liquid flows out, an ulcer forms;
  4. appearance of a crust.

On average, all four stages together should not last long more than 10 days. Considered the most dangerous third stage, when a liquid containing many viral cells flows out of the vesicle and infects the wound a second time. Also at this time, other bacteria or viruses may enter the wound, which will only worsen the situation.

Many people know what a cold on the face looks like. But besides the well-known localization, it can “get out”:

  • on any part of the face - on the cheeks, nose, forehead, chin;
  • on the nasal mucosa;
  • in the eyes - this is conjunctivitis caused by the herpes virus;
  • in the mouth;
  • in the ears.

Many people do not consider pimples on the face to be a manifestation of herpes. For example, someone has no idea about herpes on the ear.

Manifestations of herpes on the face may be the result of the development herpes zoster, or . Herpes zoster on the face differs from simple herpes in that the blisters are larger and more painful. Its consequence is neuralgia on the face - discomfort in the places where the rashes were localized, namely: pain, numbness, tingling, increased sensitivity, itching, headache.

A herpetic lesion can be very large - the entire face can be covered with blisters. In addition to painful sensations, herpes on the face is dangerous because the blisters may not go away without a trace, but will leave behind small scars.

Why does herpes appear on the face?

The cause of facial rashes is the herpes virus. This virus affects a significant part of the world's population, although many do not develop blisters at all. Herpes is transmitted through skin contact or the exchange of body fluids. Many people get herpes "inheritance" from parents already at birth. The virus is very easily transmitted; under normal conditions, it can survive on any surface for up to a day.

The herpes virus can live in the body for many years without detecting itself externally. But under certain conditions it begins to appear in the form of bubbles, including on the face.

What causes herpetic rashes:

  • colds - ARVI, flu, etc.;
  • hypothermia;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • seasonal lack of vitamins;
  • stress;
  • prolonged fatigue, overexertion.

That is, any a decrease in the body's immune defense is an impetus for active reproduction and external manifestations of herpes. Also, herpes on the cheeks or other areas of the face can appear when severe weight loss, alcohol and tobacco abuse.

Herpes on the face in children

Herpes on a child’s face can be localized anywhere. Many people associate the appearance of herpetic blisters with poor hygiene. In children, the virus is transmitted through household contact, and very quickly. If in adults, in order to become infected with herpes, the virus needs to get on the mucous membranes, then in children, the virus enters the body even through the skin. In children, herpes on the face is usually localized near the wings of the nose or near the eyes. Very often, herpetic blisters appear in the mouth - this is stomatitis.

Attention: Children are difficult to tolerate herpes. If this disease is not treated, it can be accompanied by such serious illnesses as meningitis and pneumonia.

The danger of childhood herpes on the face is that the child cannot tolerate the itching and scratches the wounds, which become infected ( especially if you scratch them with dirty hands), spreads herpes even further across the face.

Treatment of herpes on the face

Herpes is an incurable disease. When people ask how to quickly cure herpes on the face, they mean getting rid of visible manifestations. The herpes virus will remain in the body forever, but you can reduce its activity.

To treat herpetic manifestations, medications are used, and to alleviate the patient’s condition, folk remedies are used.

Before treating herpes on the face, it is necessary to understand that the approach should be comprehensive and include:

  • taking antiviral drugs;
  • the use of ointments and creams that have a wound healing effect;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Antiviral agents for the treatment of herpes on the face

The note

Antiviral drugs against herpes are used in different forms. These can be creams, tablets, and injections.

The following drugs have proven effectiveness:

  • acyclovir;
  • valacyclovir;
  • famciclovir.

All effective medications against herpes are based on these drugs, although they are produced under different names: Zovirax, Valtrex, Herpeval, etc.

The choice of medicine for herpes depends on the number of rashes and accompanying symptoms. If these are single bubbles on the lip, then you can get by with a cream that is applied up to six times a day. Effective ointments for herpes on the face: Vivorax, Fenistil Pentsivir, Viru-Merz Serol. Ointment for colds is used on the face up to 5 days. If there is no effect, then you need to consult a doctor.

If there are a lot of rashes, and the temperature has risen, then you should immediately consult a doctor to select antiviral medications in the form of tablets. At the same time, you also need to use cream. When herpes spreads very strongly, acyclovr is prescribed intravenously.

The note

Attention: any antiviral drugs for herpes should be taken for no more than 14 days!

Immunostimulating drugs

Immunostimulating drugs are used to prevent and treat herpes. As a rule, they all have antiviral activity. Among them it is worth noting:

  • lycopid– an immunostimulant that can be given even to children; taken once a day for 10 days;
  • derinat– increases general immunity, has no contraindications;
  • cycloferon– injections of the drug are given in two courses according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor, with a break of two weeks, can be used in children over 4 years of age and adults;
  • Viferon– used at the first signs of herpes on the face (tingling or pinching), the course of treatment is up to 7 days, there are no contraindications or restrictions on the use of this drug.

In enhancing immunity folk remedies show good results, For example, – the tincture can be bought at a pharmacy and taken daily, stirring 2 tablespoons of tincture in a glass of water, the course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Folk remedies for herpes on the face

Traditional medicine is suitable for alleviating the patient's condition. They dry wounds, promote their speedy healing, and also relieve pain and itching.

Effective folk remedies for the treatment of herpes on the face:

The note

To cauterize wounds, you can use Corvalol and any alcohol-containing products. Zinc ointment, bepanthen, and rosehip oil are suitable for drying and speedy healing of ulcers.

If folk remedies do not help, then you should use ointments for herpes on the face containing acyclovir, or even consult a doctor to select antiviral and immunomodulatory tablets. Not a single folk remedy for herpes on the face will help if the rash appears over a large area, is accompanied by fever, does not go away within two weeks and spread further. Also, folk remedies are powerless against recurrent herpes, that is, appearing three times a year and more often.

Prevention of herpes on the face

Herpes on the face can have different causes. It's either a virus already present in the body, or primary infection. To avoid getting infected with herpes, you must maintain personal hygiene strictly. This is especially true for children. If someone in the house suffers from herpes, it is necessary to provide the person with individual dishes, it is advisable for him to wear a mask at home, not kiss children and other family members - that is, be careful.

What causes herpes on the face? It affects people with weakened immune systems. This means that this must be prevented, namely:

  • don't catch a cold;
  • do not overwork;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • take vitamin supplements seasonally.

Causes: what and why provokes the infection?

The herpes virus can live in the human body for years without making itself known. But as soon as conditions favorable for it appear, it rapidly begins to multiply, manifesting itself with various symptoms. The reasons why this happens may be the following:

  • weakened immunity;
  • past illnesses;
  • chemotherapy;
  • with a lack of vitamins after winter;
  • passion for diets;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse, love of coffee;
  • emotional breakdowns, stress and depression.

With a weakened immune system, and even if simple hygiene rules are not followed, external infection with herpes can occur. This can be not only direct contact with the carrier, but also infection through surrounding objects. Infection occurs especially quickly if the skin is dry and damaged.

A person may not even realize that they are contagious when the first symptoms have not yet appeared. Therefore, when in contact with someone, a sick person can infect another person. Then two people will have to be treated.

There may be several reasons; various types of herpes viruses settle on the face, for example:

  • The first type, it also causes a sore on the lips.

You can transfer it to the forehead yourself if you handle the rash on the lips carelessly. The contents of pimples are very contagious and where it gets in, a new rash will certainly appear if the virus penetrates the skin.

To penetrate, it needs a passage - any wound, including a ripped off teenage pimple or a banal scratch.

The virus can also be spread to your forehead by those around you with obvious signs of illness, who will come up to you to kiss or hug you.

The infection is transmitted through all human biological fluids, and even through saliva. Most likely, this is exactly what happened in my case - my mother accidentally infected me when she measured my temperature the traditional way (with her lips).

Such cases are not uncommon; very often, herpes in a child occurs precisely because of parents and relatives. Of course, they don’t want to do anything bad and they don’t infect on purpose, it just happens that way.

  • The second type is a genital infection.

It can occur on the forehead of a newborn if he becomes infected from the mother during passage through the birth canal. It is also transmitted during various sexual contacts, which is why it is considered an STD.

  • The third type, also known as chickenpox.

We all know what chickenpox looks like from childhood, but not everyone knows that it can recur. The relapse is called herpes zoster and outwardly resembles the usual form of the disease, although more extensive and problematic.

As a rule, relapse occurs in old age or in adults after a sharp weakening of the immune system. It is accompanied by neuralgia - terrible pain in the nerve located in the face (often trigeminal).

We've sorted out the reasons, now let's move on to the symptoms. A herpes rash can be confused with something else, for example, an allergic one, if you don’t know what it looks like. Why should you be nervous once again in vain? So be sure to study the symptoms.

In addition to external manifestations, herpes causes inconvenience with fever and general malaise. Lymph nodes located near the rash may also become enlarged and inflamed.

In total, herpes on the face goes through 4 stages:

  1. appearance of a crust.

Many people know what a cold on the face looks like. But besides the well-known localization on the lips, herpes can “craw out”:

  • on any part of the face - on the cheeks, nose, forehead, chin;
  • on the nasal mucosa;
  • in the mouth;
  • in the ears.

Many people do not consider pimples on the face to be a manifestation of herpes. For example, someone has no idea about herpes on the ear.

A herpetic lesion can be very large - the entire face can be covered with blisters. In addition to painful sensations, herpes on the face is dangerous because the blisters may not go away without a trace, but will leave behind small scars.

The herpes virus can live in the body for many years without detecting itself externally. But under certain conditions it begins to appear in the form of bubbles, including on the face.

What causes herpetic rashes:

  • colds - ARVI, flu, etc.;
  • hypothermia;
  • seasonal lack of vitamins;
  • stress;
  • prolonged fatigue, overexertion.

That is, any decrease in the body’s immune defense is an impetus for active reproduction and external manifestation of herpes. Also, herpes on the cheeks or other areas of the face can appear with severe weight loss, alcohol and tobacco abuse.

Attention: Children are difficult to tolerate herpes. If this disease is not treated, it can be accompanied by such serious illnesses as meningitis and pneumonia.

The danger of childhood herpes on the face is that the child cannot tolerate the itching, scratches the wounds that become infected (especially if you scratch them with dirty hands), and spreads the herpes even further across the face.

Herpes is an incurable disease. When people ask how to quickly cure herpes on the face, they mean getting rid of visible manifestations. The herpes virus will remain in the body forever, but its activity can be reduced.

To treat herpetic manifestations, medications are used, and to alleviate the patient’s condition, folk remedies are used.

Before treating herpes on the face, it is necessary to understand that the approach should be comprehensive and include:

  • the use of ointments and creams that have a wound healing effect;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Antiviral drugs against herpes are used in different forms. These can be creams, tablets, and injections.

The following drugs have proven effectiveness:

  • acyclovir;
  • valacyclovir;
  • famciclovir.

All effective medications against herpes are based on these drugs, although they are produced under different names: Zovirax, Valtrex, Herpeval, etc.

Medicines for the treatment of herpes on the face have a negative effect on the liver and can cause allergies, but you cannot do without them. Herpes medications are contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children. The question of prescribing drugs in these cases should be decided by the doctor. Of the drugs that do not pose a danger to children and pregnant women, it is worth noting oxolinic ointment and bonafton in the form of tablets and ointments. Bonaftone ointment is effective and safe for the treatment of ocular herpes.

Attention: any antiviral drugs for herpes should be taken for no more than 14 days!

In increasing immunity, folk remedies show good results, for example, echinacea - the tincture can be bought at a pharmacy and taken daily, stirring 2 tablespoons of the tincture in a glass of water, the course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Traditional medicine is suitable for alleviating the patient's condition. They dry the wounds, promote their speedy healing, and also relieve pain and itching.

tincture of calendula in alcohol or oil - used for lotions or rubbing; The property of calendula to suppress viral infections, including herpes, is used;

The best way to reduce the frequency and severity of relapses is to constantly strengthen your immunity. To do this, the diet is adjusted in favor of fresh natural products, hardening procedures are regularly carried out, and vitamin complexes are used if necessary. Considering the increasing risk of recurrence of herpes in other diseases, any acute respiratory viral infections or bacterial infections should be cured as quickly as possible.

In newborn children, primary herpes infection can occur in a very severe form, affecting the nervous system and internal organs. After such an illness, the child may develop severe mental disorders.

  • on the nasal mucosa;
  • Herpes zoster usually causes very extensive skin lesions on the face. Its most characteristic sign is a rash on only one side of the face.

  • protective;
  • If symptoms of a herpes infection begin to appear on the skin, you should consult a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct diagnostics and make an accurate diagnosis, thereby eliminating the possibility of another skin disease.

    Practice shows that if you start applying the ointment to the skin at the stage of the first tingling sensation, then the papules and rashes themselves will not appear.

  • autumn and spring periods, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins;
  • stress;
  • Manifestations of herpes on the face may be the result of the development of herpes zoster. or shingles. Herpes zoster on the face differs from simple herpes in that the blisters are larger and more painful. Its consequence is neuralgia on the face - unpleasant sensations in the places where the rashes were localized. namely: pain, numbness, tingling, increased sensitivity, itching, headache.

  • valacyclovir;
  • All patients need combination therapy; this is the only way to get rid of the external manifestations of the virus on the skin quickly, with minimal damage to other organs and systems.

    Another effective ointment is Gerpferon; it has not only an antiviral effect, but also an immunomodulatory one. The treatment will last up to 7 days, the first positive effect will be visible after just a day.

  • (Fig. 7-9) –

    Depending on the extent of skin damage and the severity of clinical manifestations, either a skin cream with an antiviral effect or a cream in combination with tableted antiviral drugs may be prescribed. You can see a detailed review of treatment drugs at the end of the article.

    A relapse of herpes is unlikely to be avoided, since the virus, having entered the body once, manifests itself again and again under favorable conditions. You can only maintain immunity to minimize the number of repetitions. To do this you need:

  • decreased immunity due to influenza or ARVI,
  • cycloferon - injections of the drug are given in two courses according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor, with a break of two weeks, can be used to treat herpes in children over 4 years of age and adults;
  • appearance of a crust .
  • Causes of the disease and information about the pathogen

    The causes of herpes on the face are the presence of 3 types of herpes virus in the body:

    1. HSV type 1. Usually causes colds in the lip area.
    2. HSV type 2. Most often localized in the genital area.
    3. Herpes zoster. Causes shingles.

    Typically, herpes on the face, which manifests itself in different areas: in the cheeks, forehead, around the mouth, near the lips and other areas of the facial skin, is caused by the herpes simplex virus. The Herpes zoster virus (herpes zoster), the causative agent of which is Varicella zoster (chickenpox), affects the face much less frequently, but is more difficult to tolerate.

    Initially, infection occurs through the skin or mucous membrane. It is very easy to become infected with herpes. One way is through contact with an infected person, of course, if at that moment he experiences a relapse of the disease. Or through household objects, although this happens extremely rarely. It is more difficult for an adult to become infected, since the virus needs to get to the mucous membrane. But a child can become infected through the skin.

    Then the virus goes deep under the skin and those cells that have penetrated the neurites (long processes of nerve cells) will become a factory for the production of herpes viruses. The response to the production of viral cells will be the constant work of the immune system, which will begin to destroy them to maintain balance. As a result, if our immune system weakens, the herpes virus will begin to climb to the surface of the skin and infect skin cells, causing a relapse.

    From the above, it becomes clear to us that the recurrence of herpes and its manifestation on the face has different external factors, but one common cause is reduced immunity. Factors that undermine the immune system can be the following:

    • depression, frequent stress;
    • overheating or hypothermia;
    • improper adherence to low-calorie diets;
    • colds;
    • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
    • improper metabolism;
    • transfer of serious illnesses or operations;
    • avitaminosis;
    • smoking and alcohol abuse.

    The causes of herpes are different, but all of them can affect the development of infection on a person’s skin, including the forehead. Here are some of the factors identified by doctors that lead to this type of damage:

    1. A person is chronically sleep deprived, overtired at work or at home, and fatigue accumulates.
    2. The patient had been in a severe stressful situation for a long time, which led to a decrease in the resistance of his immune system.
    3. Herpes can occur during the treatment of a disease or during an organ transplant operation using drugs that suppress the immune system.
    4. Often the disease occurs as a result of a common cold or as a result of a serious chronic infection.
    5. Signs of the disease may appear on any part of the skin when overheated under the sun.

    The culprit of the problems is usually herpes simplex, according to ICD-10 (international classification of diseases) - herpetic vesicular dermatitis, its code is B00.1.

    Less often, herpes zoster (shingles) causes problems for a person, while herpetic rashes on the face are larger and more painful.

    Those who get sick rarely include physically hardened people with a stable immune system - their body simply will not allow the virus to “raise its head”, even if it has settled inside them.

    Factors provoking the disease are:

    • ARVI, influenza suffered by a person;
    • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
    • seasonal vitamin deficiency;
    • poor nutrition;
    • hypothermia or overheating of the body;
    • stressful situations;
    • physical overload and associated chronic fatigue;
    • skin injuries;
    • alcohol and tobacco abuse.

    Plasmolifting (facial skin rejuvenation), which does not use anything foreign, only the patient’s blood plasma, can lead to the activation of a virus dormant in the body, since, as a result of the manipulations, its habitat changes.

    Unfortunately, you have to wait for troubles after cleansing your face, since the nerve endings are injured, and after peeling - exfoliation of the top layer of skin is rarely done without microtraumas, which the herpes infection uses as loopholes to penetrate the body from the outside, from a sick person.

    Another reason for the spread of the virus may be the sun. People with initial symptoms of the disease often ask doctors whether it is possible to sunbathe at this time, very much hoping to receive an affirmative answer and hoping that the hot rays will completely stop the spread of the infection.

    In fact, the result, alas, will be the opposite: after exposure to the sun, the rash will quickly spread to healthy areas, peeling of the skin begins, which makes it more vulnerable, and existing pimples increase in size.

  • tingling, itching, pinching in the place where a bubble will soon appear;
  • Special antiviral ointments that suppress the reproduction of viral particles in tissues - Acyclovir, Herperax, Zovirax, Fenistil Pencivir, Panavir, Tromantadine, Erazaban. Almost always, with proper and timely treatment, such an ointment helps to cope with herpes on the face without the use of other means;
  • carry out periodic disinfection of the premises (the virus remains viable for 24 hours);
  • emotional breakdowns, depression, overwork, fatigue, poor lifestyle, regular exposure to stress.
  • in the eyes - this is conjunctivitis caused by the herpes virus;
  • If there are a lot of rashes, and the temperature has risen, then you should immediately consult a doctor to select antiviral medications in the form of tablets. At the same time, you also need to use cream. When herpes spreads very strongly, acyclovr is prescribed intravenously.

  • Herpes on the face can be cured quickly, and with due diligence, you can even completely prevent the appearance of blistering rashes in the event of a relapse.
  • “I get facial herpes regularly once a year. It’s normal for all people, it appears on the lips, but if I have it, it’s on my nose, my chin, and once it even happened on my forehead. I noticed that on the lips such rashes take longer to heal. If the crusts on the forehead or nose fall off after 2-3 days, then on the lips they hang for more than a week. But there is no joy from either one or the other.”

    Pregnant women are required to be tested for herpes and some herpetic infections. This allows for successful prevention of neonatal herpes in newborns.

    Prevention of herpes in children is to prevent sick parents or relatives from communicating with the child until complete recovery. If contact is necessary, the patient should wear a thick cotton-gauze bandage. This rule is also relevant for mothers who are breastfeeding.

    Herpes on the face can have different causes. This is either a virus already present in the body. or primary infection. To avoid contracting herpes, you must strictly observe personal hygiene. This is especially true for children. If someone in the house suffers from herpes, it is necessary to provide the person with individual dishes, it is advisable for him to wear a mask at home, not kiss children and other family members - that is, be careful.

    garlic - you can simply apply a cut clove of garlic to the bubbles or mix chopped garlic with honey and lubricate the affected area with this ointment several times a day.

  • herpes type 1 (affects the face);
  • acyclovir;
  • Accordingly, the treatment of herpes on the face is essentially identical to the fight against rashes on the lips, differing only in some details.

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • The famous salicylic acid and the ointments and pastes made on its basis are also useless for herpes on the face. Salicylic-zinc paste is intended primarily to relieve inflammation and provide a weak antiseptic effect. It cannot influence the course of the disease in any way.

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • In addition, in order for the treatment of herpes on the face at home to be effective, you need to be well aware of all the accompanying symptoms so that at their first manifestation you can take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

    Some powerful antiseptics like Miramistin are capable of destroying viral particles, but since they do this only on the surface of tissues, they only make sense to treat opened papules and healing ulcers. These drugs will not have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

    The use of Interferon-based products (Reaferon, Genferon, Viferon) makes sense only in case of complicated disease and only if the doctor insists on it. In some cases, the use of these drugs can speed up recovery, but sometimes they also lead to serious side effects.

    You can begin treatment for herpes on the forehead already at the stage of discomfort. This will prevent the disease from progressing and avoid unpleasant consequences. For diagnosis and further treatment, you must consult a doctor. For example, you can make an appointment with a dermatologist in Moscow on the website http://docdoc.ru.

    Etiology of formations

    Causes of herpetic infection:

    • hypothermia;
    • frequent stress;
    • impaired metabolism;
    • long-term use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
    • physical stress;
    • frequent colds;
    • chronic pathologies;
    • consequences of radiotherapy;
    • oncology;
    • surgical operation on the facial skin;
    • avitaminosis;
    • intoxication of the body.

    Herperovirus type 1 affects the skin of the face, mouth and nose. Invading the skin or mucous membrane, the virus multiplies inside the cell and destroys it. Before the rash forms, there is redness, burning and itching of the skin. At the affected sites, papules and vesicles characteristic of herpes appear. Small-sized vesicles can be single, or they can be combined in groups.

    After 2-3 days, the liquid contained in the blisters becomes cloudy, and they open, forming erosions. Over the next 3-5 days, the affected skin becomes covered with a yellow-brown crust. Herpes in the forehead area is rare in practice. It can be transferred from herpes on the lips or from the nasal mucosa to the healthy skin of the forehead, so it is very important not to touch the rashes with your hands, not to scratch them or tear off the scabs, in order to avoid re-infection.

    Types and stages

    The human herpes virus that causes characteristic symptoms on the face can belong to one of three types of microorganisms: herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2, and the herpes zoster virus, called herpes virus type 3.

    The differences between human herpesviruses are indicated in the table.

    Virus type Characteristics
    Herpes virus type 1 The most common causative agent of herpes on the face. It manifests itself clinically in the form of a scanty rash on the mucous membrane of the lips, as well as on the skin, which is extremely rare. With a significant decrease in immunity, it can cause more extensive lesions.
    Herpes virus type 2 Herpes virus type 2 most often causes lesions mucous membranes of the genital organs. However, in some patients, viral particles can damage the skin of the face, causing the appearance of a specific vesicular rash consisting of small blisters with clear liquid.
    Varicella zoster virus or shingles This type of virus can cause either shingles or chickenpox. The latter variant of the course of the disease is observed mainly in childhood. Herpes zoster is characterized by abundant skin lesions, usually along the nerve trunks, which is associated with the spread of the virus.

    The types of herpes on the face depend on the presence of specific viral particles in the human body, as well as on the state of the immune system.

    For herpes on the face, two types are characteristic. The first is a disease caused by herpes simplex, the second by herpes zoster.

    The disease varies in severity, but develops according to approximately the same scenario, going through several stages:

    • precursor stage – lasts from several hours to a day, the patient feels a burning sensation, tingling;
    • hyperemia – red spots appear at the site of future rashes due to increased blood flow, swelling is observed, burning and itching continue;
    • formation of bubbles - it occurs on the second day, pinpoint rashes merge into one bubble (size - from 1 to 5 mm in diameter), the sensations are very painful;
    • erosion – occurs on the third day from the onset of the disease, the blisters transform into ulcers and ulcers, the contents of which are extremely contagious;
    • crust formation - lasts from the 4th to the 9th day, healing begins from the inside, the size of the sores decreases, the pain goes away, but the itching intensifies, the crusts begin to fall off;
    • healing - wounds heal, redness disappears, this happens on days 9-11.

    Why does herpes develop?

    The development of the disease has a clear sequence. All types of herpes differ in the following:

    1. The initial stage is characterized by the appearance of a weak but clear tingling sensation on the face.
    2. After tingling, bubbles gradually begin to appear, which increase in size within 2 days.
    3. A clear liquid emerges from the blisters, forming ulcers in place of the papules.
    4. The stage of covering the ulcers with crusts occurs on the 5th day.
    5. At the end of 7–10 days, a new layer of skin forms, thanks to which the infection can pass without a trace.

    The average duration of the disease on the face is 2 weeks. However, it happens that the time increases due to weakened immunity.

    Treatment of herpes on the face is a process that determines how long a particular stage will last and what consequences it will have for a person.

    Features of the disease in children

    The causes of herpes on the face of a child are the same as in adults. But with children everything is not so obvious. It is necessary to understand that it is much easier for a child to get primary infection than for an adult, so you need to closely monitor this. A feature of the frequent localization of the virus in children is the wings of the nose and the area around the eyes.

    After the rash appears, children often scratch the wounds because they cannot tolerate the itching. The danger is that if a child scratches his cheeks affected by the virus, this can infect his fingers and lead to herpetic whitlow. Therefore, when symptoms appear, remember how to quickly cure an infection at the initial stage (this is written above) and, if this does not help, consult a doctor.

    Manifestations of the disease can sometimes be observed even in infants.

    The virus in this case is called neonatal; it infects the child during childbirth, if the mother was infected, or during her pregnancy, through the placenta. Rashes appear on the newborn's head, face, lips and oral mucosa.

    The cause of infection in a one-year-old child is close contact with a carrier of the virus (usually the child’s parents and close relatives).

    Ways of infection: kissing, coughing, hygiene items. In an older child, the risk of catching herpes is even higher - during general games with peers, due to ignoring hygiene standards.

    On a child’s face, the virus prefers to be localized near the eyes and wings of the nose, but is rarely limited to this - children, unlike adults, cannot tolerate itching, scratch their sores with their hands, and the virus at this time selects for itself more and more new areas of the face and body.

    Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky urges parents to take the treatment of their child seriously, even if the virus manifests itself as a single rash near the mouth, since mild varieties of the disease can lead to more serious ones and also cause complications - pneumonia, for example, or meningitis.

  • chemotherapy;
  • hypothermia and overheating;
  • hypothermia;
  • The most contagious are people with clinical manifestations of herpes. As soon as the blisters dry out, the risk of infection from such a person decreases. However, infection is possible even from a person who does not have any clinical manifestations, but is a carrier of the virus (that is, during contact even with the apparently healthy skin of such a person).

    Main signs of infection

    The symptoms of herpes on the forehead are as follows. After infection for 3-4 days, redness appears in this area and begins to itch. Then small blisters appear filled with purulent fluid (more details here).

    At the site of skin lesions on the forehead, itching and sometimes burning appears. In some cases, patients complain of severe pain.

    After a week, the blisters burst, and in their place ulcers form, which also cause burning, itching, and pain. Then they become covered with crusts, which fall off, and the disease enters the chronic phase. In this case, there are no longer any signs of the disease until the next exacerbation.

    Doctors do not recommend scratching the forehead in such cases, and if a crust appears, then under no circumstances should you tear it off with your hands, as other microorganisms will invade this place, which can cause serious suppuration on the forehead.

    If herpes is standard, primary, then the signs will be as follows: first, the affected area itches, causes discomfort, and turns red. After a couple of days, small blisters appear in a cluster.

    A complication may arise, like mine, namely swelling. Mostly the eyes and frontal area swell. At the same time, the temperature rises, weakness and fever are felt.

    If the infection is genital, especially in a newborn, more serious complications may occur.

    Its main symptoms are the same as the previous one, but complications without treatment can even lead to loss of vision! Therefore, it is necessary to undergo treatment!

    When chickenpox recurs, the rash is located in a stripe, often on the cheeks, since this is where the trigeminal nerve is located, in which the virus prefers to settle.

    The rash may involve part of the forehead, but only on the side and temple. Additional symptoms will be constant headaches, severe weakness and fever, and intoxication.

    The rash itself is treated quickly enough, but the neuralgia remains for a long time. Some of my patients experience it even a year after treatment and it is difficult to do anything about it.

    Look carefully at the photos of different types of herpes. Remember what they look like, and if you experience something similar, then go to the doctor immediately! The doctor will prescribe treatment for you, and what it will be, read below.

    How to recognize herpes?

    Herpes appears on the chin, on the forehead, on the lips - anywhere. First, there is a feeling of discomfort at the site of the future rash: on the forehead, cheeks, lips, nose. Herpes on the chin is a fairly rare case. This type of herpes is characterized by redness and small inflamed areas.

    The location of the rash on the face is strictly individual and depends on in which nerve cells the virus has settled. The affected area is usually small, but under different circumstances the rash can spread over the entire surface of the affected area. Rashes on the forehead and herpes on the cheek are also rare. Most often, herpes lesions are observed in the lip area.

    Main symptoms of herpes:

    • itching or burning in the area where the rash appears;
    • pain;
    • discomfort at the site of herpes manifestation.

    If these signs appear, further development of the disease can be prevented. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the sore spot with a remedy or take the appropriate tablets. Herpes has the ability to manifest itself in the same place. But as a result, it can spread to neighboring areas of the face, for example, herpes often appears on the chin (initially on the lips).

    A couple of days after the first signs, symptoms appear in the form of small pimples (single or group). The blisters have a diameter of 2-5 mm, and if they are located close to each other, they merge into one. Within a day, the blisters fill with fluid and itch unbearably. The fluid and healing sores are contagious. It is very important not to scratch these wounds, as this will spread the infection and cause small scars.

    Usually after 2-3 days the liquid darkens and the bubble bursts. In its place, an ulcer forms in the form of a pit, which hurts and itches at the same time. The wound is overgrown with skin, which falls off in 3-4 days. At this stage, recovery begins.

    Rarely, symptoms such as:

    • temperature increase;
    • inflammation of the lymph nodes (in the neck, under the jaw and behind the ears);
    • pain, burning or twitching.

    When the above symptoms appear, it is advisable to immediately begin treatment (at least apply a medicinal ointment). This way you can shorten the period of illness and recover not in a week or more, but in a few days.

    Herpes: symptoms

    The symptoms of herpes on the face in any area of ​​manifestation are almost identical. Most often, herpes recurs in the lip area, but it can also appear throughout the face.

    Below, in the third photo, herpes is shown on the cheeks, and in the fourth you can see the manifestation of herpes on the cheek of a child. In adults and children, the symptoms of rashes are the same.

    Below, photo number 5 shows how herpes formed on the forehead, and the sixth photo shows how herpes zoster appears on the face.

    The symptoms of shingles may vary slightly; as a rule, it affects larger areas of the skin of the face, and it is also characterized by a rash on one side. In addition, you need to know that herpes zoster on the face of a child is a very rare occurrence.

    In most cases, the symptoms of herpetic rashes in the facial area can be formulated as follows:

    1. On the first day, in the place where herpes blisters should soon appear, a slight tingling and slight itching appears in the skin.
    2. The next day, bubbles with a thin film and a small amount of clear liquid appear. After half a day, complete focal coverage of these rashes is formed. Over the next few days, the bubbles increase in size and fill with a cloudy liquid.
    3. After about three days, the bubbles burst and the liquid flows out of them. Ulcers form, which are subsequently covered with a crust, most often with a yellowish tint.
    4. Within a week, the crusts of the ulcers are renewed with new skin and gradually the healing process eliminates the symptoms of the rash.

    Sometimes the disease is accompanied by headaches, high fever and general physical fatigue. Most often this happens when the body is first infected with a herpes virus. In order to determine whether the patient has a recurrent stage or a primary stage, it is necessary to donate blood for antibodies. This is a mandatory procedure during pregnancy, even if a woman is not acutely ill during pregnancy, it is still recommended to undergo tests. This makes it much easier to prevent relapses and prevent the disease.

    The incubation period from the moment the virus awakens lasts approximately 10 days. All this time the face looks as usual, the person does not experience any unpleasant symptoms.

    After a week and a half, signs characteristic of herpes appear: tingling in the place where the blister forms, burning, itching, slight swelling.

    In the early stages, not every person can understand the reason for such sensations. However, if the virus is still recognized, treatment should be started immediately - there is a high probability of stopping the process and dispensing with bubbles.

    The blistering stage, by the way, is especially dangerous: the inflamed area hurts, itches, and through carelessness a person can transfer the infection to healthy areas of the face and body. It should also be borne in mind that the patient is contagious to others at this time.

    Ulcers are formed after the outflow of liquid contents from the cavity of the vesicle. Then loose serous scabs appear in this place (experts call this stage “keratinization”).

    Depending on the severity of the disease and the number of rashes, symptoms such as:

    • intoxication of the body;
    • elevated temperature;
    • diarrhea;
    • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
    • numbness (if the disease is caused by herpes zoster).

    If the rash cannot be eliminated quickly, the infection spreads throughout the face.

    The consequences of this are extremely unpleasant - tissue scarring will occur in place of the blisters, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to make up traces of the disease with cream and powder. To remove a scar, you have to resort to the help of specialist cosmetologists.

    I will say right away that this infection cannot be cured completely. It remains in the body forever and can cause relapses, which require a weakened immune system.

    If you take care of your immunity, then you won’t get sick again.

    How to treat the first outbreak? This requires antiviral drugs. Adults are often prescribed tablets:

    1. Acyclovir - one five times a day. Treatment lasts 5-7 days.
    2. Famciclovir – 500 mg twice a day. The duration of treatment is the same.
    3. Valacyclovir - 1 g orally twice a day for seven days.

    Children under 12 years of age and pregnant women should not take such medications due to high toxicity and an increased likelihood of side effects.

    For herpes zoster, short courses of corticosteroids are additionally prescribed, as well as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of neuralgia, for example, Ibuprofen.

    General symptoms, namely high fever, can be relieved with Paracetamol.

    Treatment of children and pregnant women is usually carried out with local medications - ointments and creams. They help stop the proliferation of viruses, and also relieve swelling of the eyes, itching, burning and other symptoms of the sore.

    What external medications can be applied to the rash? These are the ones that are often used:

    • all forms of antiviral drugs for external use - Zovirax, Panavir, etc.;
    • ointments based on zinc, hydroxytolene or l-lysine for wound healing;
    • alcohol solutions of antiseptics for wound disinfection.

    All local preparations are applied only with a cotton swab or disk. Under no circumstances should you touch the rash with your hands! The crust that appears during the recovery process cannot be peeled off either!

    It will fall off on its own, and if you remove it yourself, scars and welts will form at the site of the wound.

    Now you know what kind of disease this is - herpes on the forehead! I hope the article answered all your questions.

    A well-known analogue of Zovirax is Acyclovir ointment or cream. These drugs are based on one active ingredient, only the additional components and price are different.

    Folk remedies show good results in increasing immunity. for example, echinacea - tincture can be bought at a pharmacy and taken daily, stirring 2 tablespoons of tincture in a glass of water, the course of treatment is 10-14 days.

    The person himself, in addition to purely external manifestations, also feels a pinpoint sharp pain precisely at the site of the rash. The bubbles can be painful to touch, so you won’t be able to squeeze them out like simple pimples.

    For herpes on the face, a diet rich in vitamins and proteins is recommended. It is advisable to consume large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables and dairy products. Sweets, pastries, alcohol, tea and coffee should be excluded from the diet during this period. The more natural the products on the table, the better. There are even special tables indicating foods for such a diet, but strict adherence to them is in most cases redundant and not always advisable.

    The danger of childhood herpes on the face is that the child cannot tolerate the itching, scratches the wounds that become infected (especially if you scratch them with dirty hands), and spreads the herpes even further across the face.

    Herpes on a child’s face can be localized anywhere. Many people associate the appearance of herpetic blisters with poor hygiene. In children, the virus is transmitted through household contact, and very quickly. If in adults, in order to become infected with herpes, the virus needs to get on the mucous membranes, then in children, the virus enters the body even through the skin. In children, herpes on the face is usually localized near the wings of the nose or near the eyes. Very often, herpetic blisters appear in the mouth - this is stomatitis.

  • based on acyclovir.
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Valtrex is considered a drug that is better absorbed by the body than Acyclovir. However, clinical studies are insufficient and therefore these tablets are not prescribed for children.

    How to recognize herpes?

    The occurrence of any disease is associated with individual characteristics. In order to make sure that it is the herpes virus that has appeared on the skin of the face, examine in detail the location of the lesion and correlate what you see with the existing signs of the disease:

    How to quickly cure an illness

    Doctors know well how to quickly cure herpes on the face and what are the best remedies to use. It is important to note that there are certain principles of therapy that can increase its effectiveness and safety for patients:

    1. For mild rashes, it is recommended to use local medications, such as ointments.
    2. Severe rashes, as well as progression of infection, are an indication for the use of systemic drugs in the form of tablets or injections.
    3. If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, remedies for herpes on the face in the form of rectal or vaginal suppositories can be used.
    4. It is not recommended to use folk remedies for herpes on the face as the only method of therapy, since their effectiveness has been proven only with complex treatment.
    5. The use of antibacterial agents is not recommended due to their uselessness in the treatment of herpes virus infection.

    Based on these principles, the doctor chooses how to treat herpes on the face of a particular patient. Therapy may include the following types of medications:

    • antiviral agents;
    • immunostimulating drugs;
    • medications that increase the rate of regeneration of damaged skin.

    Depending on the severity of clinical symptoms, the patient’s age and existing diseases, the doctor selects effective remedies for herpes on the face.

    Antiviral agents are most often used in the form of ointments for herpes on the face. The most common medication is Zovirax ointment, which contains Acyclovir, which quickly destroys viral particles.

    The average duration of use of the drug is 5-7 days, however, the therapeutic effect is observed on the second day after the start of local therapy.

    In addition to Zovirax, ointment or cream with acyclovir is very popular among patients. The drugs differ from each other only in price and have the same active ingredient.

    Salicylic ointment and salicylic-zinc paste are widely used in medicine. The drugs act on the genetic material of the virus, providing effective treatment for herpes on the face at home.

    In addition to ointments, Acyclovir exists in the form of tablets for herpes on the face, which are used orally, allowing for faster recovery in case of severe rashes.

    Other drugs

    How to cure herpes on the face besides using antiviral drugs?

    In medicine, immunomodulatory agents are widely used to increase the activity of the immune system. Such medications include interferons, inducers of its release, as well as a number of other medications (Cycloferon, Lykopid, etc.).

    An important goal of therapy is to restore the integrity of the skin. For this purpose, use ointment Panthenol, Bepanten, etc.

    Women often ask the question of how to treat herpes on the eyelids during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is important to note that viral particles can disrupt the normal development of the fetus and child, and therefore the woman must avoid infection and recurrence of infection. If the disease appears, then, first of all, to prescribe treatment, you must urgently consult your doctor.

    How to quickly get rid of herpes on the face? In order to prevent infection at an early stage, it is recommended to use herpes ointments on the face at the first signs of itching and tingling. It is necessary to smear tingling areas regularly. With the constant presence of the ointment on the affected area, the virus is blocked in the subcutaneous environment where it multiplies. This will allow you to get rid of herpes on your face in the shortest possible time.

    Many people wonder how to treat herpes on the face if the disease has progressed to a deeper form. To do this, there is a set of drugs that must be used simultaneously:

    • Immunomodulators. These drugs are necessary to stimulate the immune system so that it helps us fight viruses.
    • Symptom relievers. These include: antipyretics, painkillers, wound healing medications. You can use such products as: Nurofen, Paracetamol, Rescue Balm and others.
    • Antiviral. You can take pills for herpes, such as Famvir or Valtrex. And also injections, for example – Foscarnet. All antiviral medications should be prescribed only by the attending physician; such medications are taken in severe forms of the disease and only under the supervision of a specialist.
    • Herpes ointment. Gerpivir is considered a good ointment, but you should also pay attention to Zovirax or Acyclovir.

    The main thing to remember is that complex treatment will only help after correct diagnosis, identification of the stage of the disease and a well-designed treatment plan. Before treating herpes on the face, consult a doctor!

    You should not treat herpes yourself, but rather consult a doctor. It will help determine the causes of the disease.

    Typically, it is necessary to treat herpes on the face with the following drugs:

    • antiviral;
    • immunomodulatory;
    • local action (ointment, cream).

    Tablets are not always prescribed, as sometimes a medicinal ointment can be used. They not only treat, but also relieve pain, itching and burning.

    1. An effective ointment is Gerpivir, as well as Panavir, Zovirax, Atsik.
    2. Tablets can be the following: Acyclovir, Herpeval, Valtrex.
    3. Proteflazid drops are also known.

    There are drugs for multiple or single use. It is recommended to take them no later than 3 days after the first symptoms of the disease appear. These drugs are also taken for preventive purposes.

    Among the immunostimulants, Interferon and Imudon are popular. The drug Isoprinosine will help cope with the virus and also boost immunity. Folk remedies can be treated with decoctions of rose hips, raspberries, viburnum and currants.

    The wounds are treated for drying with alcohol-containing products: brilliant green, alcohol or cologne. They usually burn until the crust falls off. Treating herpes on the face with topical preparations (ointment, cream, alcohol) can only get rid of the external manifestation of the disease. Therefore, immunostimulating and antiviral drugs must be used.

    To prevent the spread of the disease, contacts with patients are limited. You cannot kiss them, you are forbidden to touch the affected area with your hands. If someone accidentally touches the bubbles on the patient’s forehead, they should immediately wash their hands with a disinfectant.

    In order to get rid of herpes on the frontal part of the face, you should increase the body's protective properties. To do this, doctors prescribe special medications containing vitamins and interferon, which activates the patient’s immunity.

    In addition, ointments such as Acyclovir, Zovirax, Panavir, etc. are used to combat the virus.

    Treatment can be supplemented with traditional medicine recipes, but for this you need to undergo an examination and then consult with your doctor, since many homemade medicines can cause allergies.

    Treatment of a virus on the forehead can be done by exposure to ultraviolet or x-rays. For mild herpes, the use of disinfectants is most often sufficient.

    If an exacerbation of the disease occurs, B vitamins are prescribed. Treatment in this case can last about 30 days. At the initial stage of the disease, it can be cured with Valtrex or Acyclovir tablets, but their use must be agreed with a doctor. During treatment, the patient will have to give up some foods, in particular, eat less bread, pastries, various cereals, etc. (more details here).

    Self-medication is not recommended, as this can lead to complications, and herpes from the frontal part will spread throughout the body, which will greatly increase the duration of the course of therapy. Since the virus settles in human nerve cells and is almost impossible to completely destroy, after recovery there is a danger of symptoms of the disease appearing during an exacerbation.

    Herpes today is an incurable disease; the virus will not leave the human body once it enters it.

    However, modern medicine has enough capabilities to alleviate the patient’s condition, relieve painful symptoms and protect the person from relapses and complications.

    The most effective treatment, according to experts, is complex, which includes the use of antiviral drugs, healing ointments and means to support the immune system.

    If you have herpes on the face, you should consult a doctor in any case, even if you want to be treated with folk remedies.

    Firstly, you may make a mistake with the diagnosis and the doctor will consider your infusions and lotions ineffective, and secondly, the doctor must make sure that these remedies will not cause an allergic reaction in you.

    Thirdly, only a specialist can assess the severity of the problem and insist on more serious treatment, since in the case of herpes, delay and half-measures pose a threat to the entire body.

    Any medications will be effective only if they are used correctly. The ointment, gel, and cream recommended by the doctor are applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 to 6 times a day.

    Tablets are stronger in action than ointments; they are prescribed if the patient has frequent relapses of the disease, very weak immunity, and also if treatment was started late and the virus has become extremely active.

    Sometimes it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics (for example, if some other strong virus has joined the herpes infection through open wounds).

    Unfortunately, tablets have more contraindications than external agents. In particular, they should not be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

  • bad habits, including coffee abuse;
  • do not overwork;
  • while eating from one dish or one spoon,
  • In a large group, do not drink from the same utensils or eat with the same spoon.
  • a number of drugs boast antihistamine properties and an immunomodulatory effect.
  • ulceration - the bubble bursts, fluid flows out, and an ulcer forms;
  • immunomodulatory.
  • If an adult or child is regularly bothered by relapses of herpes, subcutaneous injections should be given.
  • Other therapies

    Everyone knows what herpes looks like on the face. The appearance of bubbles can be predicted by the characteristic tingling sensation on the lips. At this stage, you can prevent rashes using folk remedies or antiviral drugs. If time is lost, bubbles appear along the upper edge of the lips. which increase quite quickly in size and quantity.

  • Local action.
  • Those viral particles that penetrate the axons of nerve cells reach their replication apparatus and introduce their genetic material into the chromosomes of the host cells. From this moment on, the cell will constantly produce a small amount of viral particles, and the person will become a carrier of herpes for life.

  • Special antiviral drugs in the form of tablets or injection solutions. They are used strictly as directed by a doctor, usually in severe forms of herpes and the presence of generalized symptoms. Tablets for herpes on the face are the famous Valtrex and Famvir. An example of an injection solution is Foscarnet;
  • derinat – increases general immunity, has no contraindications;
  • About a day after the tingling begins, bubbles begin to appear. They appear quite “consistently”, and after half a day or a day they form complete foci of rashes. Over the next 2-3 days, the blisters increase slightly in size and fill with fluid.
  • in the mouth;
  • Oksana, Novosibirsk

    lips and skin around the mouth are the most common localization of herpes. The blisters that appear on the skin and red border of the lips burst and dry out after 2-3 days. The affected surface becomes covered with crusts that last for 7 to 10 days. Under no circumstances should the crusts be peeled off, because... Removing the crusts can also lead to a new outbreak of herpes.

    If folk remedies do not help, then you should use ointments for herpes on the face containing acyclovir, or even consult a doctor to select antiviral and immunomodulatory tablets. Not a single folk remedy for herpes on the face will help if the rash appears over a large area, is accompanied by fever, does not go away within two weeks and spreads further. Also, folk remedies are powerless against recurrent herpes, that is, appearing three times a year or more often.

    Treatment is thought out by a doctor; in most cases, it is based on antiviral tablets taken orally.

  • On the third or fourth day, the papules open, the liquid flows out of them (it contains a huge number of viral particles), and small ulcers form in their place. The process of scab formation and covering the ulcers with crusts lasts for about a day.
  • In hospitals, after special studies, it is possible to accurately recognize the type of herpes and the form of its development - primary or recurrent. To do this, they usually take a blood test and study the antibodies present in it. The types of these antibodies determine how long the body has been familiar with the virus.

    infusion of tansy flowers - has an antiviral effect, it is taken orally and applied to blisters on the face;

  • Herpes of the cornea of ​​the eye, skin around the eyes(Fig. 13-15) –

    Dental implantation with immediate loading with a permanent prosthesis all-on-4 all-on-6 all-on-4 all-on-6 new teeth and smile immediately Smile-at-Once lifetime guarantee for implantation more about technology

    Herpes: symptoms

    For many carriers of the herpes virus, after the initial manifestation, the infection does not manifest itself in any way until the end of their lives. Usually such carriers do not even know that they are infected.

    Valtrex is considered a drug that is better absorbed by the body than Acyclovir. However, clinical studies are insufficient and therefore these tablets are not prescribed for children.

  • don't catch a cold;
  • The herpes virus initially enters a person’s skin (this can happen through the touch of an infected person, for example, through kissing, sexual contact, and also occasionally from hygiene items and clothing). In those places where the viral particle manages to penetrate into the deep tissues under the skin, the virus actively multiplies in the affected cells, leading to the manifestation of a primary infection.

    Most of the drugs in this group can be prescribed for a child; they do not contain toxic substances and do not affect the liver.

    Regular herpes on the face looks like compact groups of small blisters - papules. Upon careful examination, it is clear that such bubbles have a transparent shell and are filled with the same transparent liquid.

    Folk remedies for herpes on the face

    Healing ice

    At the first symptoms of a rash on the face, even before the blisters appear, freezing is a very effective remedy. For it you will need a cube of frozen medicinal decoction prepared from:

    • natural coffee without sugar;
    • chamomile;
    • calendula;
    • echinacea;
    • St. John's wort;
    • birch leaves;
    • other anti-inflammatory and wound-healing plants.

    A decoction for external use is prepared at home using the standard method: one tablespoon (tablespoon) of dry or fresh crushed raw materials is brought to a boil, then allowed to cool and frozen. A herbal ice cube is applied to the painful area for 15 minutes. Freezing on the forehead, cheek, and chin is especially effective, but treating the mucous membrane in this way is not recommended.

    Healing tinctures

    • eucalyptus;
    • mint;
    • calendula;
    • St. John's wort;
    • Echinocea.

    You can buy them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself at home. To do this, fill a glass vessel up to the neck with herbal raw materials (preferably freshly picked), after which alcohol or vodka is poured to the top, sealed and kept in the dark for 2 weeks.

    Shilajit and propolis tinctures have a very quick drying effect. You can also cure herpes on the face at home with Valocordin.

    In any case, the treatment follows the same scheme: a small piece of cotton wool is generously moistened with tincture and kept on the lip, cheek, chin or other place for 15 minutes, moisturizing as it dries. After this, it is recommended to apply a softening and healing ointment made from calendula, chamomile, sea buckthorn or another. It is recommended to carry out this procedure two to three times a day.

    To cure blistering rashes, especially in the initial stage, essential oils of plants that have a disinfectant and wound-healing effect are often used at home. The champion among them is tea tree oil. In addition, the following plant oils will help quickly dry the blisters and speed up treatment:

    • eucalyptus;
    • fir;
    • lavender;
    • mint;
    • Melissa and others

    It is better to carry out such treatment many times during the day, applying oil for a short period of time (no more than a minute) or simply carrying out regular lubrication.

    A good way to treat herpes at any stage are drugs such as healing base oils and oil-based tinctures. Bitter almond and evening primrose oils, as well as oil tinctures, have a softening and healing effect:

    • sea ​​buckthorn;
    • calendula;
    • St. John's wort;
    • daisies.

    An oil tincture is prepared from one part of crushed fresh or dry plant materials and two parts of vegetable oil, which are infused for two weeks, then filtered. A faster way is to heat this mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes, then infuse for a week.

    Since this disease most often develops spontaneously and rapidly, one should not underestimate the role of household remedies that can, if not cure it completely, then at least alleviate the condition at home or on the road:

    • Lubricating with fresh juice of celandine, sea buckthorn, lemon, as well as soda solution (a tablespoon per glass) as often as possible helps to reduce painful symptoms.
    • The most affordable remedy is a freshly brewed tea bag, which is squeezed out and applied to the rashes on the face, chin, and cheek.
    • Applying a hot spoon used to stir freshly brewed strong tea also helps.
  • Antiviral;
  • lykopid is an immunostimulant that can be given even to children; taken once a day for 10 days;
  • Means of symptomatic treatment - antipyretic, painkillers, wound healing. For this purpose, antipyretics and analgesics such as Nurofen and Paracetamol, Menovazin ointment, Spasatel balm and their analogs are used.
  • Viferon - used at the first signs of herpes on the face (tingling or pinching), the course of treatment is up to 7 days, there are no contraindications or restrictions on the use of this drug.
  • This is if the virus was inside a person, but there are cases when external infection occurs. Weakened immunity will also play a role in this case, but the main reason, most likely, will be failure to comply with basic hygiene rules and neglect of one’s health. This virus is very contagious and tenacious; it is transmitted not only through direct contact with an infected person, but also through surrounding objects. This happens especially quickly if the skin is dry or damaged.

    In addition, you need to carefully monitor your diet in the autumn-spring period, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins. And consult a doctor in time for help.

  • strengthens weakened immunity.
  • If herpetic rashes rarely bother you (once or twice a year), you can limit yourself to self-treatment. If more often, complex therapy is necessary, since simply “silencing” herpes will lead to the virus becoming stronger and manifesting itself with greater force each time.

    Treatment of ocular herpes should be carried out immediately after symptoms are detected and includes active therapy with the latest generation of tablet antiviral drugs, antiviral eye drops, as well as treating the skin around the eyes with antiviral creams.

  • healing;
  • cuts and scratches of the skin in this place,
  • The herpes vaccines currently in development or in experimental use do not provide reliable protection against the virus. In addition, they are intended for those who have never had herpes before - as protection against infection. If a person has already had herpes, then vaccination will be useless for him.

  • inflammation – a fluid-filled blister appears on the skin or mucous membrane;
  • In general, herpes can appear on the face in almost any area: on the cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, forehead, nose, near the ears, near the eyes. Moreover, regardless of location, the disease usually progresses in approximately the same time frame. Both the nature of the pain and the appearance of herpetic blisters are almost identical in all people, but differences can only be observed in the area of ​​the affected skin surface and the strength of the pain. Also, different people may develop different accompanying symptoms: from tooth pain to increased body temperature.

    Vaginal and rectal suppositories, which have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, are mainly prescribed if the patient is bothered by rashes in the genital area. Suppositories are rarely prescribed for herpes on the face.

    Zovirax ointment is a popular remedy that will help get rid of external manifestations of infection on the skin in a short time. The course of treatment on average does not exceed 7 days, the symptoms of the disease disappear within 2 days after starting the drug. The ointment is used by pregnant women with the permission of a doctor. All treatment from start to finish takes place at home.

    Herpes in the forehead area is a type 1 simple virus. This manifestation of the disease is atypical and very rare.

  • Based on Famvir - Minaker, Famciclovir.
  • Herpes appears as tiny, painful blisters. rashes on different parts of the body, most often on the face. Herpes on the face is localized near the lips, wings of the nose, on the forehead, cheeks and, most unpleasantly, on the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes. The disease is caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. There are 8 types of virus in total. but the rest manifest themselves differently.

  • physical fatigue and emotional stress,
  • For a child, the ointment is allowed, but first consultation with a pediatrician or dermatologist is required.

    After the primary infection is suppressed, the body develops immunity to herpes. From now on, all viral particles produced by infected nerve cells will be effectively destroyed by cells of the immune system - equilibrium arises. However, if the immune system is weakened due to illness or for other reasons, individual viral particles travel along the processes of the infected nerve cell to the surface of the skin, infect its cells and lead to a recurrence of the disease - a relapse.

    A cold on the face, the nature of which is the herpes virus, usually passes quickly and does not entail complications. Against the background of weak immunity, it is possible for it to “grow” across the face - blistering formations can appear on the eyebrows, forehead, cheeks and even neck. In such cases, it is forbidden to take antibiotics; they can aggravate the course of the disease.

    Cycloferon is a tablet that solves several problems; it has antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. The drug will quickly relieve colds on the face; its work is based on activating the body’s natural defense against the causative virus.

  • In about 7-10 days, a new layer of epidermis forms under the formed crusts, after which the crusts peel off and all symptoms of herpes disappear.
  • The herpes simplex virus can spread to one or both eyes, and most often this happens when you spread the virus with unwashed hands that have recently touched herpes-infected skin. Most often, the virus infects the upper layer of the cornea, causing keratitis. Less commonly, the conjunctiva, iris, and retina are affected. Associated rashes may appear on the skin of the eyelids, forehead and nose.

    Wounds can also be treated with alcohol-containing liquids. This could be brilliant green, medical alcohol or perfume. You need to smear them from the very moment they appear until the crust falls off. Although, it turns out that this is not necessary. The pimples will go away on their own, it will just be faster. In general, most types of herpes do not require treatment; they go away on their own, just not so quickly.

  • During emotional breakdowns, depression and stress.
  • decreased immunity due to HIV, hepatitis, steroid use, chemotherapy,
  • ethnoscience

    To treat herpes on the face at home, some people use traditional medicine. But know that folk remedies for herpes are ineffective. It is better to use them at the very beginning along with ointments in order to quickly cure herpes on the face. Or during healing, so that it goes faster.

    Here are a few traditional medicine recipes for treating herpes on the cheek, forehead and other possible lesions:

    1. Celandine. Grind together with the roots in a meat grinder; then squeeze out the juice and close tightly in the container; After 7 days, the resulting infusion should be used to treat damaged areas of the skin.
    2. Garlic. You can mix finely chopped garlic with honey and treat blistering rashes with this mixture. Garlic can be used without honey, just cut a clove of garlic and apply it to the herpes.
    3. Kalanchoe and aloe. We simply squeeze out the plant juice and lubricate the virus-affected areas with the contents. This juice can be taken orally, 1 teaspoon per day, for 14 days - this helps improve immunity.

    Healing tinctures

  • taking antiviral drugs;
  • All types of herpes that occur in an adult or child are treated with antiviral drugs. In combination with them, immunomodulators and antihistamines are used.

  • in women, the predisposing factor is menstrual periods,
  • In children, herpetic stomatitis is often accompanied by gingivitis. In this case (in addition to multiple blisters and erosions in some area of ​​the oral mucosa), you can see bright red inflamed gums, which are sometimes also covered with a whitish coating.

    Factors that cause recurrence of herpes –

    Treatment takes place at home; for its implementation, the doctor prescribes medications of various forms (tablets).

    A striking hallmark of herpes is the appearance of a group of blisters filled with liquid. Before they rash, there is always an incubation period (lasting from several hours to a day), when there are no clinical manifestations yet, but the virus has already been activated. During this period, you may experience itching or burning of the affected area of ​​the skin. Further symptoms depend on the location of the rash...

    Further the process will go on increasing. Pimples appear within two days. They can be single or grouped. If the distance between them is small, then as the disease progresses, the blisters may merge. They can be easily distinguished from other rashes by their appearance. These are small bubbles, the diameter of which is about 2-5 mm.

    Disease prevention

    Knowing that herpes affects an organism with a weakened immune system, we can protect ourselves from frequent relapses by supporting our immune system. To do this, you must adhere to several rules:

    • engage in healing of the body;
    • take vitamin complexes regularly;
    • avoid stress;
    • Healthy food;
    • get rid of bad habits.

    If a family member in your home becomes infected or has a relapse of the disease, explain to him what to do to recover faster. During the course of the disease, provide separate dishes for him and avoid close contact.

    So, from the above we can conclude that the treatment of herpes on the face is not particularly different from the treatment of colds on the lips if the cause is HSV. Do not forget about the rules that must be followed during pregnancy and when caring for children during primary infection or during relapse of the disease.

    If you follow basic hygiene rules, you can prevent infection with such an unpleasant disease as herpes on the face. Recommended for preventive purposes:

    • wash your hands after going outside and before eating;
    • do not use other people's utensils;
    • do not wear makeup, so as not to spread the virus throughout your face and body;
    • do not finish smoking behind others;
    • localize the patient with herpes and limit contact with him so as not to become infected;
    • give up alcohol and smoking;
    • toughen up and lead a healthy lifestyle;
    • start treating herpes immediately.

    A person with a strong immune system has the greatest chance of not getting sick. For it to become exactly like this, you need:

    • engage in physical education and sports;
    • don't catch a cold;
    • spend more time in the fresh air;
    • take vitamins during their seasonal deficiency.


    You can check whether a person is healthy and whether he is a carrier of any type of herpes virus by taking tests. Based on certain markers contained in the blood, it is determined whether the virus is in the body and how long ago the infection occurred. If there are no traces of the presence of the disease in the body, then you can get a preventive vaccination, which will allow you to develop immunity.

    Prevention is aimed primarily at strengthening your health and immune system. This includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper and balanced nutrition, moderate physical activity and psychological balance. In the autumn-spring periods, you should think about taking a course of vitamin supplements or immunomodulators.

    You can quickly cure herpes on the face only if you pay close attention to your body and the signals it gives. The use of antiviral ointments at the first signs of a cold reduces the likelihood of the occurrence and long-term course of the disease.


    To prevent herpetic rashes, doctors recommend following simple rules:

    1. Try to avoid stress and prolonged nervous tension.
    2. Continuously strengthen your immune system with vitamins.
    3. Give preference to a healthy lifestyle and exercise.
    4. Ensure yourself a restful and long sleep.
    5. Avoid hypothermia.

    In addition, patients are sometimes prescribed medications to support their immune system. The use of Lykopid, Derinat, Cycloferon and Viferon is especially popular. All of the drugs listed are immunostimulants and are taken as prescribed by a doctor. The advantage of the described drugs is that they can be used by both adults and children.

    Despite the external unpleasant signs of the disease, it is possible to overcome facial herpes. For successful treatment of herpes on the face, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the stage of development of the infection. The combination of a reasonable approach, patience and attentiveness is the basis in the treatment of the disease.

    Herpes zoster on the face of a child develops extremely rarely. The so-called herpes zoster is a disease of adults, and in children the virus almost never causes relapses.

  • After illness and chemotherapy;
  • previous illness, regardless of etiology;
  • When herpes appears on the face, not everyone knows how to quickly cure it. Only a dermatologist can accurately determine the type of virus that causes the disease, and then think through therapy. The correct approach to solving the problem will allow you to cure the infection at home quickly and prevent the occurrence of complications.

  • Herpes on the red border of the lips(Fig. 7-9) –
  • immunomodulatory;
  • Compared to the more common cold on the lips, herpes on other parts of the face is much less common, although it is not an exceptional clinical case.

    For example, the photo below shows herpes in the forehead area:

    Here you can see what a herpetic rash on the cheek looks like:

    And this photograph is very indicative: here you can see papules located both on the lips themselves and on the skin under them:

    This clearly demonstrates the fact that it is not always possible to strictly separate herpes lesions on the skin on the face and colds on the lips, and it is not advisable to do this.

    In general, characteristic ulcers can appear on almost any part of the face: on the cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, forehead, nose, near the ears, near the eyes. Moreover, regardless of location, the disease usually progresses in approximately the same time frame. Both the nature of the pain and the appearance of herpetic blisters are almost identical in all people, but differences can only be observed in the area of ​​the affected skin surface and the strength of the pain. Also, different people may develop different accompanying symptoms: from tooth pain to increased body temperature.

    Accordingly, the treatment in this case is essentially identical to the fight against rashes on the lips, differing only in some details.

    However, if you are planning to be treated at home, then it will be very useful to first understand the characteristics of the causative agent of the disease and the specifics of its course in the body. This will help prevent common mistakes and avoid the use of obviously useless, and sometimes even harmful and dangerous treatments.

    Causes of the disease and information about the pathogen

    Herpetic rashes on the face can be caused by three types of viruses - herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2, as well as the varicella zoster virus. In the vast majority of cases, skin lesions on the face are caused by the first two types (types) of the virus. The most severe, but, fortunately, rarer lesions of the facial skin are associated with the chickenpox virus.

    The photo below shows sores on the face that are caused by the herpes simplex viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2:

    And this photo shows herpes zoster on the face (otherwise called herpes zoster; it is caused by the Herpes zoster virus):

    The herpes virus initially comes into contact with human skin (this can happen through the touch of an infected person, for example, through kissing, sexual contact, and also occasionally from hygiene items and clothing). In those places where the viral particle manages to penetrate into the deep tissues under the skin, the virus actively multiplies in the affected cells, leading to the manifestation of a primary infection. Usually, it is in this case that the symptoms on the face are most pronounced, and are sometimes accompanied by generalized disorders of the body.

    This is interesting: after entering the human body, it is easiest for a viral particle to penetrate into soft, moist membranes. This is why infection usually occurs through the lips, and for the reasons described below, it is on the lips that symptoms of relapses then appear. Other areas of the face are less favorable for the development of herpes, and therefore it is less common here.

    Those viral particles that penetrate the axons of nerve cells reach their replication apparatus and introduce their genetic material into the chromosomes of the host cells. From this moment on, the cell will constantly produce a small amount of viral particles, and the person will become a carrier of herpes for life.

    After suppressing the primary infection, the body develops immunity to the pathogen. From now on, all viral particles produced by infected nerve cells will be effectively destroyed by cells of the immune system - equilibrium arises. However, if the immune system is weakened due to illness or for other reasons, individual viral particles travel along the processes of the infected nerve cell to the surface of the skin, infect its cells and lead to a recurrence of the disease - a relapse.

    From these theoretical calculations, several very practical conclusions can be drawn:

    1. It is impossible to completely destroy herpes in the body. In fact, after the initial infection, the virus in the body is stored in the form of genes in the chromosomes of nerve cells. To completely remove the virus from the body would require destroying or replacing all infected nerve cells. There are no ways to do this today;
    2. With relapses, herpetic eruptions will appear in approximately the same areas, since the virus is attached to the nerve cells that were affected by it. If the virus affects the facial nerve, it is not able to move into the nerve cells that innervate, for example, the pelvic area or torso. Exceptions to this rule: the presence of immunodeficiency in an infected person, primary infection of a newborn child and infection with herpes zoster;
    3. The causes of relapses of herpes are weakened immunity. As long as the immune system works well, the virus will not manifest itself in any way;
    4. The disease can be cured quickly, and with due diligence, you can even completely prevent the appearance of blistering rashes in the event of a relapse.

    Note: popular ideas in certain circles about the psychosomatic causes of herpes are in no way justified from the point of view of evidence-based medicine. For example, psychosomatic tables indicate that the causes of rashes on the face are unexpressed bitterness and the desire to make others feel bad. It is difficult to imagine that the activity of the virus in the body of all people regularly tormented by this disease was always associated with such emotional impulses.

    In order for self-treatment of the disease to be effective, it is useful to know all the accompanying symptoms well, so that at their first manifestation you can take the necessary measures in time.

    Clinical picture of facial skin affected by herpes

    As a rule, herpes that affects the skin on the face manifests itself by the appearance of a compact group of small blisters - papules. Upon careful examination, it is clear that such bubbles have a transparent shell and are filled with the same transparent liquid.

    The photo below shows herpetic papules under some magnification:

    In addition to purely external manifestations, a pinpoint sharp pain is also felt at the site of the rash. The bubbles can be painful to touch, so you won’t be able to squeeze them out like simple pimples.

    Note: for many carriers of the herpes virus, after the initial manifestation, the infection does not manifest itself in any way until the end of their lives. Usually such carriers do not even know that they are infected.

    In both children and adults, the disease manifests itself almost identically (see photo):

    Shingles usually causes widespread skin lesions on the face. Its most characteristic sign is a rash on only one side of the face.

    Note: herpes zoster develops extremely rarely in children. The so-called herpes zoster is a disease of adults, and in children the virus almost never causes relapses.

    All symptoms of herpes localized on the face usually appear in the following sequence:

    1. At the initial stage, a weak and clearly recognizable tingling sensation is felt in the areas of future rashes;
    2. About a day after the tingling begins, bubbles begin to appear. They appear quite “consistently”, and after half a day or a day they form complete foci of rashes. Over the next 2-3 days, the bubbles increase slightly in size and fill with liquid;
    3. On the third or fourth day, the papules open, the liquid flows out of them (it contains a huge number of viral particles), and small ulcers form in their place. The process of scab formation and covering of ulcers with crusts lasts for about a day;
    4. In about 7-10 days, a new layer of epidermis forms under the formed crusts, after which the crusts peel off and all symptoms of the disease disappear.

    Sometimes herpes sores on the skin of the face can be accompanied by generalized symptoms: headache, fever, general malaise. This is typical mainly for primary infection.

    On average, the disease goes away completely within two weeks. If treatment is started on time, particularly unpleasant symptoms do not manifest themselves at all, but with a severely weakened immune system, the disease can be severe and drag on for a long time.

    Review: “I get facial herpes regularly once a year. It’s normal for all people, it appears on the lips, but if I have it, it’s on my nose, my chin, and once it even happened on my forehead. I noticed that such ulcers on the lips take longer to heal. If the crusts on the forehead or nose fall off after 2-3 days, then on the lips they hang for more than a week. But there is no joy from either one or the other.” Vladislav, St. Petersburg

    In newborn children, primary herpes infection can occur in a very severe form, affecting the nervous system and internal organs. After such an illness, the child may develop severe mental disorders.

    In hospitals, after special studies, it is possible to accurately recognize the type of herpes and the form of its development - primary or recurrent. To do this, they usually take a blood test and study the antibodies present in it. The types of these antibodies determine how long the body has been familiar with the virus.

    Note: Pregnant women are required to be tested for herpetic infections. This allows for successful prevention of neonatal herpes in newborns.

    Pharmaceuticals and folk remedies for the treatment of herpes

    In most cases, herpes on the face can be successfully treated at home. For this use:

    Antibiotics are absolutely useless for herpes, since they are not able to have any effect on viral particles, but act only on bacteria.

    Some powerful antiseptics like Miramistin are capable of destroying viral particles, but since they do this only on the surface of tissues, they only make sense to treat opened papules and healing ulcers. These drugs will not have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

    The famous salicylic acid and the ointments and pastes made on its basis are also useless. Salicylic-zinc paste is intended primarily to relieve inflammation and provide a weak antiseptic effect. It cannot influence the course of the disease in any way.

    Note: homeopathic remedies are also useless for herpes. And when trying to treat a disease with them in pregnant women or infants, serious complications are possible.

    Important Rules

    In order to quickly cure herpes in certain areas of the face, it is necessary, at the first symptoms of the disease, to begin regularly smearing the itchy areas of the skin with antiherpetic ointment. When constantly present on the skin and subcutaneous tissues, this medicine blocks the proliferation of viral particles, and the cells of the immune system gradually cope with those already present.

    Practice shows that if you start applying the ointment to the skin at the stage of the first tingling sensation, then rashes will not appear.

    If you treat the blisters that have already appeared with ointment, then within a few hours they will subside and simply turn into crusts, which themselves peel off within 6-7 days.

    Treatment of herpes with tablets and injections is carried out only when the disease is complicated. This treatment is usually prescribed to people with immunodeficiencies or those who have developed herpes against the background of another severe somatic illness. In this case, the following tablets are usually prescribed:

    1. Based on acyclovir - Virolex, Zovirax;
    2. Based on valacyclovir - Valtrex, Vairova, Virdel;
    3. Based on Famvir - Minaker, Famciclovir.

    The regimen for taking pills is prescribed by the doctor.

    There is a method for treating herpes in one day, when antiviral drugs are used orally in significant quantities. However, you should not expect that this will help get rid of the consequences of the rash in 1 day - within 24 hours, with a good outcome, viral particles in the peripheral tissues will be destroyed, but the healing process of the ulcers at the sites of the rash will take another week. However, if such therapy is started even before the appearance of papules, then any manifestations of the disease on the skin can be avoided.

    The use of Interferon-based products (Reaferon, Genferon, Viferon) makes sense only in case of complicated disease and only if the doctor insists on it. In some cases, the use of these drugs can speed up recovery, but sometimes they also lead to serious side effects.

    Review: “I tried using Viferon a couple of times for herpes. Everything definitely goes faster with it, especially if I apply ointments correctly. But this is worth doing only if you missed the moment. Since I started taking Acyclovir with me everywhere, I manage to apply it to the sore before it breaks out. After this, I don’t need any Viferon anymore.” Oksana, Novosibirsk

    During pregnancy, herpes should be treated in consultation with a gynecologist. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, various medications may be used. In general, the use of even antiviral ointments during pregnancy is contraindicated, not to mention tablets. Therefore, only a doctor should assess the severity of the situation.

    For diseases caused by herpes infection, a diet rich in vitamins and proteins is recommended. It is advisable to consume large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables and dairy products. Sweets, pastries, alcohol, tea and coffee should be excluded from the diet during this period. The more natural the products on the table, the better. There are even special tables indicating foods for such a diet, but strict adherence to them is in most cases redundant and not always advisable.

    Disease prevention

    The herpes vaccines currently in development or in experimental use do not provide reliable protection against the virus, although in some cases a decrease in the frequency of relapses has been observed.

    The best option to reduce the frequency and severity of relapses is to constantly strengthen your immunity. To do this, the diet is adjusted in favor of fresh natural products, hardening procedures are regularly carried out, and vitamin complexes are used if necessary. Considering the increasing risk of recurrence of herpes in other diseases, any acute respiratory viral infections or bacterial infections should be cured as quickly as possible.

    To protect against herpes infection, it is necessary to limit contact with people with clear signs of primary or recurrent infection in the active phase. The most dangerous person is a person with fresh rashes, especially at the stage of proliferation (rupture) of papules.

    Prevention of the disease in children is to prevent sick parents or relatives from communicating with the child until complete recovery. If contact is necessary, the patient should wear a thick cotton-gauze bandage. This rule is also relevant for mothers who are breastfeeding.

    Useful video about herpes and its potential danger to humans

    How to effectively treat cold sores at home

    Herpes often affects the skin of the face, located on the lips, nose, forehead, between the eyebrows, and on the cheeks. Why it occurs, how to recognize it, and how to treat it, you can find out in the next article.

    Herpes on the face: why it appears, how to quickly cure a cold

    The causative agent of the disease on the face is the herpes simplex virus; it can live asymptomatically with the carrier of the infection for many years.

    Under favorable conditions, the disease manifests itself as rashes on the nasolabial folds, lips, cheeks, and chin.

    It must be treated quickly and permanently, because relapse leads to the appearance of small scars.

    What does herpes look like on the face of an adult?

    Bubbles appear on infected areas of the face; there are quite a lot of them, located close to each other. They are convex, and when pressed, liquid is released. Over time, ulcers, ulcers, and erosions appear in place of the blisters. After 6-9 days, the wounds heal, begin to peel off, and become covered with a hard crust.


    Depending on the type of virus, herpes on the face can occur in mild or severe form:

    • The first type of virus is herpes simplex, it is very contagious, it is characterized by a small number of rashes, and the first time it passes without consequences or complications.
    • The second type of virus, Zoster, causes herpes zoster on the face and chickenpox. In these cases, the rash is more severe, painful, and is accompanied by an increase in temperature. With herpes zoster, the facial nerve becomes inflamed and the head hurts severely.

    The first option is the most common; about 80-90% of the population is infected with this virus, but it shows symptoms only with accompanying factors.


    Activation of herpes on the face is facilitated by:

    • prolonged physical fatigue;
    • poor diet;
    • mental exhaustion;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • unsanitary conditions;
    • the effects of cold and heat on a weakened body;
    • decreased immunity;
    • taking potent medications.

    Before the first external signs of the disease appear, a burning sensation and a slight tingling sensation are felt on the face. Then small blisters appear, they itch very much and cause discomfort to the patient.

    Places of rashes

    Most often, the virus manifests itself on the lips, eyebrows, under the nose, around the eyelids, on the forehead, chin, and cheeks. The rash should absolutely not be scratched, otherwise the virus will invade new, healthy areas of the skin, up to the entire face.

    How to treat different types of herpes at home using medications

    Penetrating into the human body, herpes remains with him forever. Therefore, even after effective treatment, the likelihood of relapse is high. The sooner the disease is detected and treatment is started, the greater the chance of no complications or scars at the site of the rash.

    Good ointment for forehead herpes

    The forehead is a large area of ​​the face where herpes progresses rapidly. The threat is the spread of the virus to the eyelid area, which will lead to shedding of eyelashes and decreased vision. To quickly and effectively eliminate the disease, potent antiherpes ointments are used:

    • Tromantadine.
    • Abreva.
    • Famciclovir.
    • Gerpevir.
    • Panavir.

    These drugs have an antiviral effect and eliminate unpleasant symptoms: itching, inflammation, swelling.

    Tablets for herpes on the lip and cheek

    It is especially important to quickly cope with the disease with herpes on the lip, since the virus mixes with saliva. The appearance of lesions on the cheek is a serious cosmetic defect that you want to get rid of immediately.

    Taking medications orally helps prevent the virus from spreading throughout the body.

    The active ingredients of the drugs penetrate the blood and block further infection with herpes.

    Among the effective tablets for herpes are those that directly affect the virus and immunomodulators. Strong immunity is able to suppress pathogenic microorganisms, block their spread and mutation.

    To combat most strains of the herpes virus, the following drugs are recommended:

    All these medications have side effects and contraindications. The dose and duration of therapy can only be prescribed by the attending physician. He can also replace one drug with another if the virus shows resistance to the main active ingredient of the drug.

    The course of taking tablets against herpes is supplemented with immunomodulators:

    • Amiksin.
    • Viferon.
    • Lycopid.
    • Echinacea extract.
    • Cycloferon.
    • Reaferon.

    Only by using both types of medications can the desired result be achieved.

    Gels for herpes in the nose

    The virus often affects the skin on the wings of the nose, nasolabial folds, and the bridge of the nose.

    Rashes in the nose are especially painful. In addition, herpes inside the nose is very dangerous, penetrating into the mucous membrane, it quickly spreads through the lymph flow and capillaries.

    To block the spread of the virus throughout the body, the following gels are used:

    • Panavir.
    • Levomekol.
    • Fenistil-Pentsivir.
    • Zovirax.
    • Infagel.
    • Viru-Merz.
    • Proteflazid.

    Before using gels, you should first consult your doctor. Some of them are contraindicated during breastfeeding, pregnancy, and are prohibited for children.


    During the course of treatment and to prevent relapse, patients are recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes. The herpes virus does not disappear without a trace, even after the elimination of symptoms, it remains with the carrier until the end of life, and can manifest itself when immunity decreases.

    Polizhen is a good vitamin-mineral complex; dermatologists recommend taking it for any skin diseases to increase the body’s protective properties.

    Treatment with folk remedies at home

    Drug treatment of herpes can be combined with the use of traditional medicine methods.

    Herbs for herpes

    To eliminate inflammation, itching, and disinfect the skin of the face, use lotions from decoctions of medicinal herbs:

    1. Chamomile decoction. 3 tbsp. l. dried flowers are boiled in boiling water for 5-15 minutes. After cooling, moisten a cotton swab with the liquid and apply it to the affected areas of the facial skin.
    2. Tincture of calendula. 3 tbsp. l. herbs and flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 24 hours. Dip a cotton swab into the tincture and apply it to the face.

    At the initial stage of the development of the disease, to prevent it, drink herbal teas and decoctions:

    • Bitter wormwood tea. Pour boiling water over crushed dry wormwood (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and leave for 5 minutes. This tea is drunk 3-4 times a day, dividing the drink into equal parts. It is advisable not to eat food an hour before and after drinking tea.
    • Herbal mixture of blackberry, chamomile and calendula leaves. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, using 1 tbsp. l. each herb. They are steamed in 250 ml. boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours. The drink is divided into equal parts and taken 5-6 times during the day.


    To soften inflamed areas of the skin, relieve itching and redness, use ointments prepared from improvised means:

    1. Peppermint ointment. A decoction of peppermint leaves (3 tablespoons of mint per 1 tablespoon of boiling water) is mixed with petroleum jelly. The ointment is applied to facial skin affected by herpes, it relieves burning and irritation.
    2. Ointment with propolis. Propolis is mixed with sunflower oil, heated, and cosmetic wax is added. The ointment is applied warm to the face (not hot), this must be done quickly until the wax hardens.


    Therapy is supplemented by applying compresses and lotions to the affected skin:

    1. Soda + salt. 1 tbsp. l. soda mixed with 1 tbsp. l. salt, pour 200 ml. warm water. This liquid is used for compresses.
    2. Essential oils have disinfectant properties, but when applied in their pure form they can cause skin irritation. Therefore, it is better to dilute them with water, sunflower oil or baby cream. To treat herpes on the face, compresses from the following essential oils are used:
    • fir;
    • juniper;
    • eucalyptus;
    • pine trees;
    • tea tree;
    • lavender.

    Tea oils should not be used on delicate, sensitive areas of the face, such as the skin of the eyelids and nasal mucosa.

    Is it possible to use traditional methods of treatment for pregnant women and children?

    During pregnancy, herpes poses a danger to the development of the fetus; the virus easily enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.

    Many medications for herpes have a chemical composition that is harmful to the child’s health. But you should not self-medicate; the risk of complications with an untreated disease is too high. A highly qualified specialist will select effective drugs that are safe for mother and child.

    Pregnant women can supplement therapy using folk remedies for external use: aloe juice, propolis ointment, mint, zinc ointment. Drinking herbal teas during pregnancy and breastfeeding is prohibited.

    Children can use all of the above methods of traditional medicine, except for wormwood tea (it is poisonous in large quantities and is not suitable for the child’s body).

    Possible complications of facial herpes

    Herpes in the ears and eyelids can lead to decreased vision, hearing, and even their loss. The herpes simplex virus does not cause serious complications the first time, but if it recurs, it can leave scars and develop into herpes zoster.

    It causes headaches, and in severe cases leads to meningitis, facial neuralgia, herpetic pneumonia, and damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

    Complications of herpes during pregnancy are especially dangerous; an untreated virus can cause:

    • miscarriage;
    • herpes is transmitted as a congenital disease to a child;
    • abnormalities in fetal development;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the baby’s intestines, heart, liver, and kidneys.

    List of the best ointments at a low price for children and adults

    Inexpensive but effective ointments for herpes:

    • Zinc ointment.
    • Oksolin.
    • Heparin ointment.
    • Acyclovir.
    • Infagel.

    To prevent the virus from returning, it is necessary to follow preventive measures.


    You can prevent a relapse by constantly maintaining the body’s protective properties: a balanced diet, taking vitamins, a daily routine, hardening, and playing sports. It is necessary to avoid stress, overwork, and hypothermia. It is imperative to observe the rules of personal hygiene; you cannot use other people’s cosmetics or towels.

    Herpes on the face is an unpleasant disease that leads not only to cosmetic defects, but also to many serious complications. Timely detection and treatment will help prevent them and avoid relapse.

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