Painful cramps in the abdomen. Why do abdominal cramps occur? Treatment of cramping abdominal pain

Colic is the sudden onset of spasmodic pain. There are various diseases that can cause abdominal cramps in adults. What to do when this situation arises depends on the disease.

Note! First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of colic. To achieve this, the doctor carries out a number of activities. The use of painkillers will make it difficult to accurately determine the cause.

The main directions of treatment of intestinal colic in adults

The disease in question must be treated based on the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, it is advisable to correlate the main directions of treatment with the factor that caused colic:

One of the most common causes of abdominal colic in adults is inflammation of appendicitis. Which may require immediate surgery; no other treatment is expected.

Abdominal colic in an adult is a serious reason to see a doctor, and if attacks recur, you should not delay a visit to the clinic

Binge eating, especially fatty or stale foods, or irregular meals. In this case, it will be necessary to change the usual regime. Start eating regularly, give up fried, smoked, fatty, sweet, spicy, coffee and strong tea.

The use of traditional medicine shows good results in the treatment of gastritis.

Poisoning expired products, inedible mushrooms or berries, low-quality medications, lead. In case of food poisoning, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and remove toxins from the body.

In case of diarrhea or vomiting, it is important to maintain fluid balance. If the poisoning is serious, for example from poisonous mushrooms or lead, then hospitalization is necessary.

Passive lifestyle. To relieve symptoms, you can use antispasmodic drugs, and you need to start leading a more active lifestyle. At least once every 1.5-2 hours you need to take a break and do at least a few simple exercises.

Acute viral infection. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as paracetamol, are prescribed for treatment.

You can also speed up recovery by taking plenty of fluids, hot foot baths, and inhalations. Antibiotics are useless for viral diseases and are used only in the presence of complications.

Infectious bowel diseases. These diseases require complex treatment. Antibacterial therapy is carried out, toxins are removed from the body using sorbent preparations, it is necessary to maintain fluid levels and follow a special diet.

To prevent dysbiosis, Hilak, Linex and Bificol are taken.

You can also use traditional medicine, for example, calendula, cabbage juice, wormwood.

Urolithiasis disease. Depending on the nature of the disease, treatment may take place at home or require the use of special procedures to destroy the stones.

In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs (Inubofren) are prescribed, as well as those that accelerate the removal of stones (Nifedipine, Tamsulosin).

Cholecystitis. It is necessary to follow a diet; fasting for a couple of days will be useful. Choleretic drugs, cholekinetics or choleretics are used, depending on the nature of the motility of the biliary tract.

If there is pain, antispasmodics are used. It is recommended to drink mineral water.

Tumor development. To remove a tumor in the early stages, surgery is sufficient. In later stages, radiation or chemical therapy will be required, and part of the intestine may be cut off.

Pancreatitis. To treat the chronic version, choleretic and enzyme preparations are used (Festal, Creon, Panciatrat). Acute pancreatitis may require surgery and antibiotics. It is also necessary to take vitamins, avoid alcohol and heavy foods.

Kidney inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are prescribed. You need to follow a diet, avoid salty, fried and fatty foods.

Cholelithiasis. Antispasmodics, painkillers, and intravenous infusions are used. Antibiotics are used to fight infection. The gallbladder may need to be removed.

Drug treatment for abdominal colic

For abdominal colic in adults, it is strictly forbidden to treat yourself, which makes it necessary to consult a specialist.

Depending on the disease, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic, antispasmodic agents, sorbents and antibiotics are used. In many cases, it is necessary to take medications that prevent the occurrence of dysbiosis.


  • Zelenin drops. They consist of tinctures of valerian, belladonna, levomenthol and lily of the valley. Used for renal colic.
  • Valoserdin. Consists of phenobarbital, ethyl ester of bromoisovaleric acid, oregano and mint oils. Effective for intestinal colic.
  • Afobazol. It is a tranquilizer, suppresses the manifestation of fear and anxiety, as well as intestinal colic.

Antispasmodic drugs

To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to use drugs from the group of antispasmodics. They will ease spasms, alleviating discomfort.

  • No-spa – 2 tablets;
  • Papaverine – 1 tablet;
  • Belladonna extract – 2 tablets;
  • Melissa infusion – 1 glass.


Sorbents relieve bloating and have a positive effect if colic is caused by overeating or poor nutrition.

  • Festal. Helps speed up food digestion through enzymes. The content of bile accelerates the removal of digested foods from the body.
  • Mezim. Speeds up the process of digesting food. Used after operations. May cause constipation.
  • Espumisan. Has a carminative effect. The main component is simethicone, which removes gas from the intestines, eliminates heartburn, and reduces the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Smecta. Helps when colic and bloating are accompanied by diarrhea.
  • Enterosgel. The hydrogel included in its composition absorbs harmful substances and gas bubbles in the intestines.
  • Activated carbon. Acts as a carminative and also removes toxins from the body.

Preparations based on belladonna leaf extract

Belladonna (belladonna) leaves are used to make antispasmodic and analgesic drugs.

  • Tincture with 40% alcohol. Use 6-9 drops.
  • Becarbon– tablets containing belladonna extract and sodium bicarbonate. Helps with intestinal spasms and increased stomach acidity. Use 1 pc. 2-3 times a day.
  • Bepasal– tablets containing belladonna extract, phenysalicylate and papaverine hydrochloride. Eliminates spasms and inhibits bacterial growth. Use 1 pc. 2-3 times a day.
  • Bellalgin– tablets containing analgin, sodium bicarbonate and belladonna extract. Fights spasms and reduces pain.

Traditional recipes that help with intestinal colic

  • Brew 2 tablespoons of dry motherwort and a pinch of nettle in half a liter of boiling water for an hour. Drink all the resulting broth throughout the day. The course of admission is 3 weeks.
  • Brew 30 g of dried oregano in boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink after eating.

  • Steam a teaspoon of lavender flowers in boiling water for a minute. Use lavender tea throughout the day, but no more than 3 times.
  • If colic is accompanied by diarrhea, then you need to make the following infusion. In equal parts, brew alder checkers, thyme, St. John's wort, cinquefoil root, lemon balm sprigs and nettle leaves with a glass of boiling water for half a day. Use 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals.
  • If colic is chronic, alder decoction will help. 30 g of bark is poured with 20 ml of vodka for 4 hours. Use 45 drops.

  • Ginger tea will help with increased gas formation. 0.5 tablespoons of root are brewed in a glass of boiling water.
  • Fresh motherwort juice will help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Cabbage juice helps cleanse the body and fight microorganisms. Use a glass 2 times a day. It's good to add carrot and beet juice.
  • Lavender oil eliminates spasms and relieves pain, and has a positive effect on the nervous system. Dissolve 5 drops in a small volume of water.

  • Soak 100 grams of fresh white wormwood in cold water for 20 hours. Then cook the herb for several minutes, filter, add 400 grams of honey or sugar. Continue cooking until the broth thickens. Take one teaspoon, 4 times a day.

Using an enema for intestinal colic

A cleansing enema will allow all masses to be removed from the intestines, which will lead to the elimination of congestion. It is recommended to use a decoction of chamomile, mint or lemon balm.

Be careful! When the cause of abdominal colic in an adult is unknown, this means that doing an enema is strictly prohibited.

Diet as a method of treating abdominal colic

Abdominal colic in adults, what to do and what diet to follow depends on the disease that led to its appearance. There are universal recommendations for diet during colic:

  • Eating any fried food is prohibited;
  • in the absence of diarrhea, add milk and fermented milk products to the diet;
  • fruits and vegetables are eaten in chopped form;
  • you can eat buckwheat, rice and wheat porridge, but only in small portions;
  • coffee, strong tea and alcohol are strictly prohibited.

Wheat porridge perfectly removes salts and toxins, restores immunity, which makes it one of the valuable dishes on the patient’s menu
What to do for abdominal colic in adults: various diet options
Type of colic Products to Avoid Recommended Products
IntestinalFatty meat and animal fats;
Whole milk;
Rye bread;
Millet, oatmeal, pearl barley and corn grits;
Sweet products;
Vegetables such as radishes, peppers, cabbage, cucumbers and onions;
Sour fruits.
Lean meat;
Vegetable oil or butter;
Cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
Rice and buckwheat;
Stewed and boiled vegetables;
HepaticFatty or smoked meat, broths;
Egg yolks;
Mushrooms of any variety;
Garlic and onion;
Hot sauces, marinades, seasonings and spices.
A large amount of non-carbonated water;
Steamed or boiled food;
River fish;
Pasta, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
Vegetable juices.
RenalAny fried foods;
Meat and its by-products;
Mushrooms of all varieties;
Spicy and salty;
Coffee, tea and chocolate.
Vegetable soups;
Boiled vegetables;
Whole grain porridge;
Water in large quantities.

Abdominal colic in an adult: first aid

Abdominal colic in adults can be a sign of appendicitis, which makes calling an ambulance task number one. Painful sensations can be relieved using warmth and rest. It is necessary to monitor the temperature, the presence of diarrhea and vomiting.

In most cases, as first aid, injections of Atropine, Diphenhydramine or Papaverine are prescribed. To determine subsequent therapy, testing and observation are required.

It is important to know! It is strictly prohibited to take antispasmodics and painkillers before diagnosis.

When to see a doctor urgently

If colic occurs in an adult, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. There is no need to try to diagnose and choose treatment on your own or try to endure the pain. This can lead to irreversible consequences.

It is necessary to prevent diseases that contribute to the occurrence of colic. If there are no chronic diseases, it will be enough to walk often, eat right and give up bad habits.

Abdominal colic in adults. What should I do to get better?

Intestinal colic, belching, constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders:

Spastic pain is one of the most debilitating and unpleasant. They can be weak in intensity, but long lasting, or acute, cramping. In any case, the woman experiences serious discomfort, which makes it difficult to concentrate on work or daily activities. There are more than a dozen causes of abdominal cramps, especially in the lower part, some of which require urgent medical intervention. The unknown and fear of consequences are an additional reason for panic and worry. So, abdominal cramps: causes in women is the topic of today’s article.

Spasms are muscle contractions that occur involuntarily and are accompanied by pain. During spasm, increased muscle tone and blood flow to them are observed. Excitation of nerve endings in the area of ​​the spasmed muscle causes pain.

Spasms happen:

  • tonic, which are characterized by prolonged contraction of muscle fibers;
  • clonic - periodic contractions that alternate with a period of relaxation.

There are many muscles concentrated in the abdominal area. These are the abdominal muscles that form the walls of the abdominal cavity and hold the internal organs. The intestines are lined with muscle tissue - due to contractions (peristalsis), food moves through it. The uterus in women is also a muscular organ. Abdominal cramps can appear in any of these places. They are often triggered by an inflammatory process.

Types of spasms

There are two main types of cramps in women.

Table 1. Types of spasms

Physiological spasms

They occur during premenstrual syndrome or in the first days of menstruation. They are associated with active contraction of the uterus, which is trying to get rid of the rejected endometrium. Physiological spasms are usually accompanied by swelling and heaviness in the lower abdomen.

During pregnancy, low-intensity spasms are associated with stretching of muscles and ligaments as the uterus enlarges.

For many women, sensations characteristic of the first day of menstruation occur during ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary and its movement through the fallopian tubes. The pain lasts from a couple of minutes to 12 hours, sometimes accompanied by slight bleeding (literally a couple of drops).

Nerve pain is caused by excessive tension in the abdominal muscles and intestines. To neutralize them, it is enough to take a sedative. And in rare cases, antispasmodics are additionally required. Nervous spasm of the intestines is often accompanied by flatulence.

There is no need to treat such spasms; it is enough to take an antispasmodic drug - No-Shpu or another recommended by the gynecologist. Physiological spasms cause moderate discomfort, but do not limit performance. If the pain is too severe, accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, and upset stool, a serious illness cannot be ruled out. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Pathological spasms

They are accompanied by additional symptoms, the nature of which depends on the root cause of the condition. If spasms are provoked by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, most often the intestines, there are indigestion and stool disorders, appetite disturbances, nausea or vomiting, and intolerance to certain foods.

Gynecological diseases are accompanied by copious discharge, often nausea and vomiting. Hormone-dependent diseases often cause mood and behavior disorders.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system cause painful frequent or, conversely, infrequent urination, changes in the color of urine, and the presence of additional impurities.

To get rid of pathological spasms, No-Shpa alone is not enough. A comprehensive treatment will be required, which will be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination.

Determining the most precise cause of cramps is not easy, especially if a woman has several chronic diseases. That’s why doctors prescribe a large number of laboratory and instrumental tests to make the diagnosis as accurate as possible.

Diseases and conditions that are accompanied by abdominal cramps

Even with the same disease, depending on the condition and degree of inflammation, spasms can be either moderate or pronounced. When diagnosing the causes, take into account:

  1. The nature and intensity of pain.
  2. Their localization.
  3. Frequency of attacks.
  4. Body temperature.
  5. The nature of accompanying symptoms.

Based on these data, you can suspect the most likely cause and prescribe additional examination.

Abdominal cramps in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The spasmodic nature of pain is a frequent companion to gastrointestinal diseases. Since both the stomach and intestines are formed by muscle tissue, the work of the bile ducts is also regulated by muscles; they arise in almost any disease. Palpation of the abdomen reveals strong tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, the so-called “hard abdomen.”

Or inflammation of the stomach, often accompanied by cramps in the upper abdomen. The pain can radiate to the left side of the chest (which causes patients to mistakenly believe that they have heart pain) and to the back. Spasmodic contractions of the stomach muscles occur on an empty stomach or as a result of overeating. When the disease worsens, nausea and vomiting often occur due to spasms.

and/or duodenum. Spastic pains occur at different times: early - half an hour after eating, late - after one and a half to two hours. Frequent night and hunger cramps. Depending on the location of the ulcer, pain occurs in the upper or middle part of the abdomen, often radiating to the back or side.

To relieve a spasm during an ulcer, it is not enough to take an antispasmodic. Antacids that reduce the acidity of gastric juice, as well as those medications that are used to treat this disease, will help in this condition. For this purpose, Ranitidine, Omeprazole, Venter and other anti-ulcer drugs are used.

Spasms that occur in different parts of the body, intensify with deep breathing or coughing, may indicate a perforation of the ulcer, especially if accompanied by blood in the stool or vomit. In this case, the patient requires emergency medical care and surgical intervention.

Bowel disease. Intestinal inflammation (colitis) - acute or chronic, intestinal dysbiosis, obstruction - all of them are accompanied by spasms. Given the length of the intestines, pain can occur in any part of the abdomen - below, on the side, in the navel area. In the acute course of the disease, the pain is severe. In chronic cases, it is less pronounced, but can be permanent. Often such pain is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, incomplete bowel movement even after defecation, and increased gas formation.

Appendicitis– acute inflammation of the cecum, which is often accompanied by suppuration. The spasms are concentrated in the lower right part of the abdomen; when pressure is applied to this area, the pain spreads throughout the abdomen and even radiates to the thigh. Appendicitis is accompanied by elevated temperature (depending on the intensity of inflammation - from 37.5 to 39-39.5 degrees). In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Sometimes the inflammation of the appendix is ​​sluggish - this condition is called chronic appendicitis. There is no suppuration, only mild inflammation of the mucous membrane is present. In this case, spasms are moderate and occur after eating fatty and spicy foods, alcohol, and under severe stress.

Helminths, or worms. The toxins that they release during their life processes do not affect the nerve endings and cause spastic contractions of the intestines. The spasms are not strong, but can bother a person constantly. Pain occurs when moving large worms. In case of accumulation of a large number of helminths (most often roundworms), intestinal obstruction may develop, which is accompanied by increased pain, intoxication, and vomiting.

Inflammation of the spleen. Spasms in this disease are localized in the left side of the abdomen. Such pain often occurs against the background of infectious mononucleosis, which is accompanied by an enlarged spleen.

Spasm of the bile ducts occurs for a number of reasons:

  • inflammatory disease of the liver and gallbladder;
  • the presence of helminths in the bile ducts;
  • increased thickness and stagnation of bile;
  • the presence of sediment or stones in the gall bladder.

Painful sensations arise in the right hypochondrium and are of an acute, paroxysmal nature with periods of calm. Accompanied by vomiting, often with an admixture of bile, stool upset, yellowing of the sclera and skin.

Food poisoning/acute infection. It is caused by bacteria and viruses that live on stale, undercooked or poorly washed food products. You can pick up a food infection through dirty hands or dishes, by drinking contaminated unboiled water, and sometimes from a sick person.

In this case, spasms cover the entire digestive tract - the stomach and the entire intestines. In case of mild poisoning, they are localized in a certain part of the intestine. They are accompanied by vomiting and the urge to defecate in the later stages, and in the early stages by vomiting and diarrhea. Body temperature rises, the patient shows signs of intoxication and dehydration.

Find out how to provide first aid in case of poisoning in our portal. Signs of food poisoning. How to rinse your stomach yourself using artificial vomiting and sorbents. Prevention of food poisoning.

Spasms will pass only when the body completely gets rid of the source of infection and inflammation of the mucous membrane begins to fade (after washing the stomach and intestines, taking sorbents and subsequent antibacterial therapy). Spasms during poisoning occur within a period of several minutes to 3-4 hours after consuming the contaminated product. Lasts from several hours to 2-3 days.

Gynecological causes of abdominal cramps

Pain and cramps, which are localized in the lower abdomen, accompany almost every disease of the uterus and appendages. In addition, such sensations may occur in the first hours after a gynecological examination, colposcopy, if the doctor inadvertently injured the cervix.

The table below shows the main causes of spastic pain in gynecological diseases.

Table 2. Gynecological diseases causing spastic pain

DiseaseDescription, causes, symptoms
Inflammation of the appendagesAdnexitis can be infectious or non-infectious. The inflammatory process causes swelling of the tissues, which causes pain. When one ovary is inflamed, the pain occurs only on one side; when both are inflamed, it spreads throughout the lower abdomen. If the pain is concentrated in the middle part, below the navel, endometritis (inflammation of the uterus) can be suspected.
Ectopic pregnancyWith it, the fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube or even in the abdominal cavity. As the fertilized egg grows, the tube stretches and inflammation of the peritoneum develops. An ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed using a blood test (as in a normal pregnancy, the level of hCG is elevated) and ultrasound (the results show the absence of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity and the presence of a formation in the fallopian tube. This is a dangerous condition that can cause rupture of the fallopian tube, severe bleeding and even death of the woman. In the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, the pain is aching. In case of miscarriage or rupture of the tube, the pain is sharp, cramping, spreading throughout the lower part of the peritoneum.
EndometriosisExcessive growth of the endometrium within or outside the uterus. Endometrial lesions are subject to hormonal changes. During menstruation, they also bleed and cause pain. If the focus is located in the abdominal cavity (this form develops when blood refluxes from the uterus, after unsuccessful gynecological operations), menstrual blood irritates the abdominal wall, which causes swelling and increased pain.
Ovarian apoplexyThis is damage to the blood vessels of the ovary, which often occurs during ovulation. Provoking factors are excessive physical activity and too active sex life. During exit, the follicle ruptures, damaging the blood vessels. This is accompanied by cramping pain and bleeding. Externally noticeable paleness of the skin. Blood pressure drops, the woman feels weak and may lose consciousness.
Bend of ovarian cystOccurs during physical activity. When kinked, the blood supply to the formation is disrupted, causing the cyst itself to swell and increase in size. In addition to pain, a woman experiences nausea, vomiting, and fever. These same symptoms may indicate a cyst rupture. The only treatment is surgical - removal of the cyst itself, and, if necessary, the damaged part of the ovary.
Adhesive processesA growth of connective tissue that connects organs to the abdominal wall or to each other. They arise as a result of a long-term inflammatory process. The pain in this case resembles that which occurs before menstruation; in addition, indigestion occurs.

Women often experience pain during or immediately after sexual intercourse. They are connected with the fact that a woman does not receive sexual release during intimacy. Painful sensations are provoked by a rush and stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. Also, pain after intimacy may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the ovaries, uterus, and cervix.

Abdominal cramps in pregnant women

Weak spastic sensations in the first trimester are physiological. They are associated with stretching of the uterus and abdominal walls, hormonal changes in the woman’s body. These sensations are especially common in women who have previously had painful menstruation. This is due to the fact that their muscles are not elastic enough and are constantly in a state of hypertonicity. Therefore, even a slight stretch is painful.

If the pain is severe, you may suspect a threat of miscarriage. In this case, it is better to seek advice from a doctor.

In the later stages, moderate spasms are caused by pressure from the enlarged uterus on the internal organs. In this case, the woman is recommended to wear a support bandage.

Also, abdominal cramps can cause digestive disorders. Due to the increased pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestines, peristalsis decreases, which is why pregnant women often experience constipation. Increased gas formation, consumption of large amounts of fiber, pre-existing chronic gastrointestinal diseases are additional causes of abdominal cramps. In this case, you need to monitor your diet more carefully and adhere to the diet recommended by your doctor.

Sometimes pregnant women have impaired absorption of milk and dairy products. When consuming such products, intestinal spasms occur, which is accompanied by loose stools and flatulence. In this case, it is necessary to take a drug to reduce gas formation (approved for pregnant women) and be more careful in choosing foods.

Severe cramping pain can be a sign of the onset of labor (with full-term pregnancy or premature birth) or at risk of miscarriage.

For diseases of the urinary system

Spasmodic sensations in the lower abdomen often occur with inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, or the movement of sand or stones through the urinary tract.

In kidney disease, spasms often occur in the presence of sand and stones. As they move through the urinary canals, irritation of the tract and contraction of muscle fibers occurs, which is accompanied by acute paroxysmal pain. You can remove it with the help of antispasmodics. But you need to seek medical help.

Cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder, can be accompanied by acute, cramping pain, or aching pain that lasts constantly. It occurs due to swelling of the inner walls of the bladder and irritation of the nerve endings, which in turn provokes muscle contraction. Additional symptoms are a painful urge to urinate, often without results, general malaise, and fever.

Acute spasms occur during primary inflammation and exacerbation. Less intense, but long-lasting are characteristic of the chronic course of the disease.

Cramps and abdominal pain due to ARVI and other respiratory diseases

Against the background of a viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory tract, general intoxication of the body develops. The action of toxins irritates nerve receptors and causes muscles to contract. Hence the abdominal pain during respiratory diseases. It occurs in the acute phase of the disease, against the background of high temperature and fever, in the first days of the disease. By 3-4 days it goes away.

While taking antibiotics, especially when self-medicating, intestinal dysbiosis occurs, which causes contraction of the intestinal muscles. Painful sensations are accompanied by diarrhea. Additional intake of medications containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli will help in this situation.

Nervous cramps in the abdomen

Stress, emotional tension and anxiety cause increased tension in all muscle groups. Further, it all depends on individual sensitivity. For some people, pain and spasms occur in the neck, shoulders, and back; for others, in the abdominal wall. This condition is not dangerous; it returns to normal as soon as the emotional state stabilizes. But if nerve pain occurs regularly, you should consult a neurologist to prescribe sedatives. Otherwise, you can develop chronic diseases and digestive disorders.

If pathological spasms appear, you must consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination to identify their cause. Uncontrolled use of antispasmodics will not have a positive effect: at first it will help reduce the intensity of pain, but over time a significant increase in dosage will be required.

Video - Why does my stomach hurt?

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, no matter for what reason, are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area, which are called cramps. They can manifest themselves as a feeling of heaviness, turning into pain, and other extremely uncomfortable conditions.

If we consider spasms as a reaction of the body, this is a spontaneous contraction of the walls of the stomach. This organ has a well-developed muscular system for softening food in order to further transfer it to the next stage of processing in the intestines.

The stomach produces contractile movements independently, and the person does not feel them. But when the organ is exposed to factors not related to digestion, movements resume. Then the contractions bring a feeling of discomfort, because gastric juice is produced, but there is nothing to digest in the stomach.

Spasmodic pain in the abdomen indicates the presence of serious problems in the body that can subsequently lead to surgical intervention.

There are many reasons why patients feel discomfort. These include:

  • pain on the right or in the navel area - this may indicate inflammation of the appendix;
  • stagnation of feces in the intestines is accompanied by pain in the left side;
  • acute pain in the lower back, possible cause: ;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • inflammation of adhesive scars, etc.

The above causes of abdominal pain require a medical examination; you should not self-medicate.

Particular attention should be paid to pregnant women. In recent months, cramps in the lower abdomen may indicate that the pregnancy may be terminated. The pain is accompanied by bloody or liquid discharge; immediate hospitalization is required. But often spasms in expectant mothers appear as a result of diseases of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc.

If discomfort occurs in the abdominal area, a medical examination is required before treatment.

Discomfort in adults may occur due to liver failure and gallbladder dysfunction, for example, cholecystitis. Bile does not move or its outflow is disrupted. As a result of the ongoing inflammatory processes, the muscles of the bile ducts begin to contract, as do the surrounding muscles.

Cholelithiasis can cause abdominal cramps, but then surgical intervention is certainly required; stones in the gall bladder provoke pain.

Similar symptoms appear with dysfunction of the urinary system, or more precisely, caused by urolithiasis. The stones begin to move along the urinary tract, first the lower abdomen hurts, then the pain radiates to the back, to the intestines, to the groin area.

In infants, abdominal pain is caused by a digestive system that is not fully formed, dysbacteriosis, if the mother took antibiotics before giving birth.

An older child may have a stomach ache for the following reasons:

  • intestinal disorders;
  • nervous tension at school;
  • infection;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary system.

Tonic spasms

Tonic pain is characterized by prolonged muscle tension. Such syndromes are accompanied by persistent hypertonicity of the abdominal muscular system, with the development of dense, painful muscle areas called trigger points. The movement of the damaged muscle decreases, it begins to shorten and become denser. When you try to put pressure on the compacted area, pain occurs that spreads to other parts of the human body: in the lower back, arm, leg.

The causes of tonic spasms are associated with injuries, prolonged static muscle tension, and emotional stress.

The danger of tonic pain lies in the fact that with constant pain, a person gets used to constant contractions and stops paying attention. But pain is a protective function of the body, warning of problems with the normal functioning of internal organs. Inattention to such spasms can lead to the development of complex diseases:

  • the damaged muscle is not provided with sufficient blood flow, which means that blood circulation to nearby organs is impaired;
  • the body works “idle”, supplying the seal with an increased amount of oxygen and nutrients;
  • the presence of a damaged area and untreated leads to a negative effect on the psyche, physiology and the body system as a whole;
  • the muscle in which the disorder occurred does not perform musculoskeletal functions.

Clonic spasms

This is a spontaneous muscle contraction, but occurs in periods (periods of tension and periods of muscle relaxation). The body begins to twitch involuntarily.

The cause of such spasms may be renal failure, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, uremia, or intoxication.

The use of medications to help a patient with an attack of clonic muscle contractions is not recommended. The doctor prescribes medications, taking into account the specific effects of specific drugs on the body of an individual patient. It is permissible to provide first aid before the arrival of doctors: lay him down on a level place, put something soft under his head, try to prevent the person from injuring himself.


Symptomatic phenomena accompanying spasms can be serious. It is worth paying special attention to the signs:

  • the duration of the muscle contraction period is more than 60 minutes;
  • loss of consciousness due to pain;
  • pale skin;
  • the person has not urinated for more than 10 hours;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • the patient has difficulty breathing;
  • Pregnant women experience vaginal bleeding;
  • increased body temperature, a person has a fever;
  • There is blood in the stool and vomit.

If a woman has pain on the left side, the cause may be an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, an ambulance is called immediately.

Treatment of spasms

The use of medications for spasms can lead to a response from the digestive system. A doctor should prescribe medication.

Drug treatment

Frequent involuntary muscle contractions can lead to more serious illnesses than just pain. To avoid worsening the situation, you can use medications.

To relieve symptoms temporarily, antispasmodics are used, which reduce cell tone in the muscular system of the body. They relieve pain by blocking nerve impulses traveling to the muscles.

The pharmaceutical industry produces medications in the form of tablets, injections, and suppositories.

Tablets for spasms - papaverine. Indicated for pain syndromes in the abdominal region, heart, blood vessels. Can be taken by pregnant women. Does not affect the human central nervous system. Side effect: drowsiness, allergies, possible constipation.

The medicine spasmalgon is available in the form of injections. When administered intramuscularly, muscle relaxation occurs faster.

Folk recipes

Pain in men and women arises from gastrointestinal dysfunction, bad habits, and alcohol abuse. Women experience discomfort during menstruation in the lower abdomen.

Traditional medicine in this case can help without harming other internal organs. Spasmodic plants can relieve symptoms one by one and relieve pain.

Medicinal chamomile

An infusion of this natural remedy can be taken continuously. Brew one tablespoon of the herb, let it brew and take two tablespoons every 2 hours during the day. If pain often bothers you, then take a course for a week.

The patient's menu should include more plant foods. If the pain is associated with the intestines, then it is better to boil, stew or bake vegetables. Also include onions, honey and carrots in your diet. Motherwort, oregano, mint, valerian, and lemon balm can also be mentioned as relievers.

Emergency relief of spasms

The main thing you shouldn’t do if your condition suddenly worsens is to panic. After all, nervous tension will only worsen the situation. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since only a professional can correctly identify the problem and prescribe effective treatment.

If the attack is prolonged, you need to take strong antispasmodic medications or drink a decoction of mint, chamomile, valerian or calamus root. Taking medications is allowed only after consulting a doctor!

Spasms in the gastrointestinal tract are usually considered as a symptom of a malfunction of the digestive organ. With a similar phenomenon, which has the appearance of an attack, there is also a violation of healthy motility and gastrointestinal secretion, which has a detrimental effect on digestion.

Medical therapy

The treatment course should be selected by the doctor individually for each case, taking into account the cause of the pathology. Certain medications prescribed by the doctor help relieve stomach cramps. In addition, it is important to follow a diet. The following foods should be excluded from the diet: fresh baked goods, spicy, salty, smoked, fatty, fried foods, coffee, cocoa, alcohol, soda, spices and herbs.

To eliminate stomach cramps, you can take antispasmodics such as No-Shpa (two tablets three times a day), Baralgin or Spazmalgon, Akabel (2 tablets 3 times a day), Papaverine (40-80 milligrams four times a day).

Suitable antimicrobial drugs are Erythromycin, Levofloxacin, Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin. It is recommended to drink probiotics: Acylact, Lactobacterin, Linex, Florin, Bifidumbacterin, Sporobacterin, Kolibatkerin and Acipol. Homeopathy, herbal medicine and reflexology are indicated. As for surgical intervention, it is used for advanced forms of ulcers or gastric erosion.

Gastrospasm can be a consequence of many ailments. To prevent complications, you need to be attentive to your body and if symptoms occur, contact a gastroenterologist.

Few women have not had to deal with pain in the lower abdomen. Painful spasms cause many problems: from a feeling of discomfort to temporary loss of ability to work and troubles in your personal life. Abdominal cramps in women also negatively affect their emotional state: irritability, bad mood, and loss of strength appear.

Very often, a woman’s lower abdominal spasm is a harbinger of her approaching period. Sometimes spasms can be so debilitating and debilitating that they fill the entire consciousness and do not allow one to think about anything other than getting rid of them as quickly as possible. Spasmodic pain of the menstrual cycle can last up to two days, and to relieve pain you can take no-shpa.

There are many other reasons why acute cramps in the lower abdomen occur in women:

  • intestinal obstruction: in this case, pain can become constant due to its strong distension;
  • urolithiasis: pain appears when the stone is lowered through the excretory canals into the ureter;
  • renal colic or kidney disease;
  • urinary retention, accompanied by swelling in the area below the navel.

The appearance of spasmodic pain of a pulling nature can be facilitated by:

  • gynecological diseases of the genital organs;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines, accompanied by constipation;
  • adhesions in the digestive tract;
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • bleeding into the abdominal cavity, accompanied by a decrease in pressure, pallor, loss of consciousness;
  • problems with the spine - intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region.

Abdominal cramps can be symptoms of various diseases. Spasmodic pain in the left segment of the lower abdomen can be provoked by an enlarged spleen, which occurs in the case of an infectious disease, for example, mononucleosis. If pain on the left is accompanied by bloating or diarrhea, this means that inflammatory processes are occurring in the intestines. In the case of diverticulitis, spasms in the lower intestines are accompanied by fever and nausea.

Spasms in the right lower abdomen in women

When the pain is localized on the right side of the lower abdomen, it is difficult to say for sure what caused it. The fact is that in this segment of the abdomen various organs, many muscles and capillaries are concentrated. The cause of spasm on the right side can be gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological abnormalities, neurological disorders, and even worms. Only a doctor can tell an accurate diagnosis, taking into account the results of laboratory tests of the patient.

But most often, acute pain in the lower right side of the abdomen is provoked by inflammation of the cecum - the appendix. Moreover, the pain in this case can be constant or occur in the form of contractions in attacks. In addition to appendicitis, there are suspicions of inflammation of the ileum, ovaries and fallopian tubes, cystitis, and ectopic pregnancy. It should be noted that right-sided pain can also occur with diseases of organs located in the upper segment of the abdomen. Thus, jaundice, cholecystitis, acute pyelonephritis, and liver diseases can still manifest themselves.