How to choose vitamins and nutritional supplements for your dog? Vitamins for dogs which brand to choose

Vitamin supplements are necessary for an animal at any age. Daily diet Dog food must contain certain amounts of important nutrients to ensure metabolic balance in the body. Vitamins are especially important for puppies.

Each of the groups of drugs is an important link in maintaining and preserving health pet. If there is a lack of them in food, the puppy may begin to have problems, the result of which is the appearance various diseases, especially during the growth period.

Young dogs and puppies especially need vitamin A. If there is a deficiency:

  • digestion is disrupted;
  • eyes water;
  • possible work disorder reproductive organs and upper respiratory tract.

Deficiency of vitamins B and C leads to decreased immunity. Group B drugs are responsible for the prevention of neurosis, anemia, and are necessary for the skin, smooth and beautiful coat, and strengthening the muscles of the puppy. A lack of B12 can lead to baldness of the animal.

Tocopherol (Vit. E) is required:

  • for joints;
  • improvement of the skin;
  • against shedding;
  • from hair loss.

Vitamin D regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the puppy’s body, prevents the development of rickets and curvature of the paws. It is necessary for the growth of the dog.

For proper development Microelements are also important for the puppy.

Vitamins are selected depending on the age, gender, and breed of the dog. We have funds for:

  • stimulation of immunity;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • normal course pregnancy and lactation in females;
  • beauty of fur and improvement of skin condition, especially during the molting period.

Conventionally, vitamins are divided into three categories: general, corrective and enhanced action. For example, the developers have provided vitamins for older individuals; dogs undergoing rehabilitation after injuries and operations; for therapy, prevention of diseases, in particular joint problems.

Vitamin complexes and phytomines can also be used for building muscle mass in pets, restoration of cartilage, strengthening of teeth and bones, which is important during exercise and training.

Products are produced in different forms, some have a pleasant taste, which makes feeding them to your pet easier.

Purpose of supplements

Feed additives include amino acids, biologically active ingredients and allow:

  • normalize the dog’s digestion, eliminate constipation or diarrhea;
  • relieve your pet from allergies and dermatitis;
  • help your pet switch to a new diet or overcome stress.

The prebiotic drink stabilizes the intestinal microflora in dogs, increasing their resistance to infections and other ailments.

Carotene enhances coat color, and natural pigments make pigmented areas brighter. Medicinal oil with unsaturated fatty acids For oral administration, it will add shine to the fur and moisturize the epidermis. The formula with fish oil has a similar effect on the animal’s body.

The lime mixture strengthens the skeleton and muscles, and sulfur is an antiseptic and antibiotic. Herbal preparations provide an opportunity to diversify the dogs’ diet. Four-legged friends will also definitely like sugar cubes for eczema.

Drops for dogs against helminths effectively destroy round and tapeworms at any stage of development. They can be given to animals for the prevention and treatment of nematodes, cestodes, and dirofilariasis.

Infant formulas for orphaned or early weaned babies are made from whey, which is close to real milk. Puppies like them, they are easily digestible, enriching the body with nutrients for full functioning.

The proposed drugs are made from proven natural raw materials. Well-known manufacturers guarantee the safety and effectiveness of their products. But a consultation with a veterinarian will not be superfluous. Our staff will also be happy to give advice. We offer discounts and convenient delivery of orders by courier.

What types of supplements are there for dogs?

The quality of the feed is vital importance for the dog's health and energy. And or holistic type balanced content of all necessary substances, minerals and vitamins. However, not every dog ​​breeder will find the opportunity to feed their dog such expensive food.

Yes, and with natural feeding they are necessary additional additives for dogs for food. What can we say about certain periods of an animal’s life when its body needs certain substances. This is due to lifestyle activity, place of residence, age, health status of the animal, period and other factors.

Vitamin and mineral supplements for dogs

Supplements in the form of vitamins are designed to saturate the dog’s body with the maximum elements required for health and full development. They help make the coat silky and shiny, and the bones strong. The dog’s body especially needs vitamin support in the off-season, during illness, and during periods of growth. The most important vitamins for a dog's body are A and D.

Vitamin A is primarily needed by puppies and young dogs. It increases resistance to infections, regulates the function of lacrimal and salivary glands, supports vision and kidney function. With its deficiency, the dog’s immunity decreases, changes in the skin occur, and keratinization of the mucous membranes develops.

Vitamin D plays an important role during a dog's growth. This is a natural antirachitic agent that helps to properly develop the skeleton. In the first months of life, a puppy should receive about 500 IU (UI) of vitamin D daily with food.

B vitamins are needed to ensure metabolism and improve coat quality. Vitamin C strengthens connective tissue and promotes calcium absorption. Vitamin E supports the heart, affects hormonal balance and breakdown of fats.

Of the minerals, the dog needs balanced doses of sodium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

It is best to choose a vitamin-mineral complex for your dog, which will include several substances that are optimal for the animal at a given period of its life. It is better to select such complexes with the help of a veterinarian. (Read more about vitamins for dogs)

Nutritional supplements for dogs

By such additives we mean substances that are mixed into food or additionally given to the dog not in the form of tablets, but as a natural product.

A dietary supplement, for example, is bone meal, as a source of balanced phosphorus and calcium, which is especially recommended for puppies.

Modern food additives include amino acids L-carnitine and taurine, which promote the complete absorption of food, dried seaweed rich in iodine, which normalize metabolic processes, proteins, yeast, vegetable proteins, and medicinal herbs.

Due to the fact that vitamins are not synthesized in living organisms, they must come from outside, or rather with food. These essential substances help maintain the balance of all systems. They come from eating food, so the animal’s diet should be varied and rational. Owners who are concerned about the health of their pet try to feed it correctly, but due to certain circumstances it may develop a vitamin deficiency. This usually happens during periods active growth, during lactation during feeding, pregnancy, during seasonal molting, as well as in older individuals.

If you notice that your dog begins to behave differently than before, or changes have occurred in its body, then it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins with the help of supplements. This rating of the best vitamins for a dog’s body was created especially for the happy owners of these four-legged friends, so that they can weigh the pros and cons and choose the best for their pet.

Types of vitamins

All nutritional complexes for dogs that include vitamins are divided into certain groups based on a certain quality. The most famous manufacturers of such additives are Canvit, Canina, Excel 8 in 1, Hokamix, Sanal, Beaphar. Depending on the body's reaction vitamin complexes there are:

  • general action – affect the functioning of the entire body as a whole, support immunity, digestion, musculoskeletal function, as well as skin and coat health.
  • with an impact on joints, muscles, cartilage and ligaments – maintaining the dog’s mobility.
  • with an effect on the skin and coat - especially useful during the shedding period.
  • for pregnant and lactating bitches – they have a profound effect on the fetus and ensure a successful pregnancy.
  • with effects on the heart, teeth or to strengthen the immune system.

Also, when choosing vitamins, you need to rely on the age of your four-legged friend, because vitamin complexes are available for individuals of all ages: from young animals to older dogs.

Rating of the top 10 vitamins for dogs

There are 10 most popular vitamins and complexes, the use of which will help your pet look and feel much better. They can be used individually or combined with each other.

Excel Brewers Yeast 8in1

Contains brewer's yeast and garlic. It also includes B vitamins and essential amino acids. They have the most beneficial effect on the condition of the animal’s skin and fur, therefore they are used in complex treatment allergic diseases, seborrhea, dermatitis and other skin diseases. In addition, it will increase appetite, boost immunity, and significantly reduce the molting period. Dosage – 1 tablet per 4.5 kg or 25 kg of body weight, taking into account the breed of the dog.


  • have good taste;
  • contains only natural substances;
  • have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • have a wide range of action on different systems;
  • combined with other vitamins and medications;
  • have convenient dosage options.


  • not detected.

Beaphar Duo-Active Paste for Dogs

This drug is produced and sold in the form of a paste that contains all the valuable minerals and vitamins that the dog’s body needs. In particular, this complex has an effect on the intestinal flora, therefore it is useful after the treatment of helminthiases, gastrointestinal diseases and taking antibiotics. Since this multivitamin complex, then he has wide range actions: strengthens the animal’s muscles, supports skin covering and fur in good condition, increases immunity, that is, resistance to infections.


  • contains a huge amount of important substances - vitamins, fats, oils;
  • contains L-carnitine and Omega-6;
  • significantly improves intestinal microflora due to the presence of polysaccharides;
  • It has pleasant taste and smell, so the dog accepts it with pleasure.


  • relatively high cost;
  • does not have a very significant concentration active substances.

8in1 Excel Multi Vitamin Senior

This is a special multivitamin complex that is used for older dogs. During its production, all the characteristics characteristic of an elderly animal’s body are taken into account, so it contains vitamins that compensate for the lack of some essential substances in food. It also makes the body more resistant to infections and strengthens the immune system. Great for daily use if you are deficient in vitamins.


  • the presence of a sufficient number of essential substances;
  • will contain wheat germ flour and safflower oil;
  • perfectly supports the aging body of a dog;
  • has a low cost.


  • contains very few important antioxidants;
  • does not contain strong active substances;
  • no need to use balanced diet animal.

Feed additive-chondoprotector for dogs Gelakan-Fast

A drug that affects the dog’s musculoskeletal system. Acts as a chondroprotector, that is, it protects all the cartilage of the body and joints in particular. It is an anti-inflammatory agent - used to preserve, nourish, and also prevent the occurrence of diseases of the components of the musculoskeletal system - joints, tendons, cartilage, bones and ligaments. Indications for use are injuries, inflammatory processes joints, tendons, and postoperative period. Used when the animal's mobility is impaired and there is lameness.


  • contains antioxidant vitamin E;
  • contains collagen peptides CHP, which have a positive effect on connective tissue.


  • relatively high price.
  • long course of use.

8in1 Excel Multi Vitamin Adult

This is a great multivitamin supplement that is designed for adult dogs. It was developed taking into account the characteristics of the adult animal’s body and its needs. In order for your dog to always sparkle with health, he needs all the vitamin components and microelements that are in his food. But due to poor nutrition, his body does not receive the required amount of positive substances. This supplement will prevent similar problems, and will preserve the vitality and mobility of the animal due to the presence of vitamins A, E, D3, as well as all B vitamins.


  • complex effect on the body;
  • contains a maximum of useful substances;
  • complements an unbalanced diet;
  • created veterinarians;
  • does not contain dyes or artificial preservatives.


  • not detected.

Beaphar Doggies Senior

This is a nutritional supplement that has an effect on teeth and bones, making them stronger and more resilient, thanks to the presence of calcium and high protein nutritional value. Also has a beneficial effect on muscles, work of cardio-vascular system and gives the coat a healthy appearance. Due to the fact that the composition contains a small amount of phosphorus, this supplement is gentle on the dog’s kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. This is the most suitable option for animals over seven years old.


  • has a wide spectrum of action;
  • has no side effects;
  • goes well with other drugs, including vitamins;
  • democratic price.


  • not detected.

8in1 Excel Glucosamine

This dietary supplement, which contains glucosamine, has a positive effect on the condition of ligaments and joints. It can be safely used for dogs of any breed and age that have problems with musculoskeletal systemweak joints, inelastic muscles. As a result of taking this complex, the condition improves connective tissue body, and also ensures proper bone structure, which is especially important for young animals that are still growing.


  • no contraindications or side effects were found;
  • manifests its effect through a short time after starting treatment;
  • thanks to his broad action supports the dog's mobility.
  • has an affordable price.


  • not detected.

Unitabs Brewers Complex

A wonderful option for a vitamin supplement for large dogs. It is necessary to start giving them to the animal at the age of 6 months. They act on the condition of the skin and coat, and are used in cases of dry skin in dogs. Also, indications for use are poor elasticity, roughness of the skin, problems with the coat - dryness, brittleness, hair loss, lack of a healthy appearance and shine. Systematic consumption of vitamins greatly ensures daily requirement in minerals and vitamins.


  • contain brewer's yeast, which is a source of B vitamins and protein;
  • have no contraindications and side effects;
  • strengthen the immune system.


  • not detected.

Polidex Multivitum Plus

This supplement is simply a storehouse of useful substances that have a healing effect on the dog’s body. The components of this complex are vitamins A, D, E, C, K and other organic substances. Thanks to this to the full staff This supplement has a wide spectrum of action - it increases immunity, improves general state, accelerates metabolism, makes the body resistant to infections. They are used most often for vitamin deficiency, as well as for dietary disorders.


  • has a complex effect on the entire body;
  • does not affect digestion and does not cause allergies;
  • It contains only natural substances without dyes or flavors.


  • not detected.

Wolmar Prohair

This complex includes probiotics - enzymatic extracts of Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Licheniformis, with the help of which the body better absorbs fat- and water-soluble vitamins, macro- and microelements. It would be most appropriate for your dog to take this set of vitamins during the molting period, when the skin is most sensitive and the coat is weak and brittle. Systematic use of this complex significantly improves the condition of the skin and coat and reduces the duration of shedding. Also acts as prophylactic from allergic dermatitis and others skin diseases. Probiotics have an effect on pathogenic microorganisms intestines.


  • does not cause any side effects or allergies;
  • has a wide spectrum of action;
  • improves the condition of hair follicles.


  • not detected.

How to Make Smart Vitamin Choices for Your Dog

If you love your four-legged friend, you must understand that vitamins and minerals are needed for its natural development. But here's how to choose vitamin supplements, if you don't have the necessary knowledge? Follow a few tips:

  1. Study the composition carefully. It should contain only natural useful material– minerals, vitamins, amino acids.
  2. Read the indications for use. Choose your vitamins based on the problems your dog has—different conditions and illnesses require different vitamins.
  3. Choose products only from well-known, trusted companies that have demand and their customers.
  4. Consider the cost - the more expensive the drug, the higher its quality. “Free cheese is only in a mousetrap!”
  5. Read customer reviews in online stores.

It is best, of course, to take your pet to a veterinarian, who will examine the animal and make the right prescription. But if you decide to choose the drugs yourself, then it’s not scary - most vitamins have no side effects and there’s no risk of an overdose when taking them. The main thing is that when using, read the instructions carefully and follow the dosage. Let your pet always please you not only with its fun, but also with good health!

The dog gets everything with the food essential vitamins and minerals, but if they are of high quality ready-made feed are already balanced and contain a complex of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, then with natural feeding it can be difficult to choose the right and healthy foods.

Therefore, many dog ​​breeders give their pets mineral supplements.

Minerals– these are macro- and microelements necessary for normal metabolism in the dog’s body and maintaining health.

Mineral supplements for dogs are necessary for diseases, for example, in case of problems with skin, coat, as well as for diseases associated with changes in living conditions, during pregnancy of bitches and feeding puppies, after undergoing a course of treatment. There are special feedings for puppies, older dogs, as well as for large and small breeds.

Fertilizers are beneficial only if they are given in moderation. If the dog is healthy, playful, cheerful, and eats properly, then there is no need to give any additional mineral supplements. Excessive feeding leads to various problems with the skin, to abscesses, hair loss, metabolic disorders. If you have any doubts about the animal’s health and are tormented by the question “Should I give or not give mineral supplements?”, it is better to seek advice from a veterinarian.

Many dog ​​breeders mistakenly believe that puppies are mandatory need feeding. In fact, puppies need mineral supplements if they have health or development problems.

Many people consider the lack of calcium in the puppy’s body to be the main reason for the need for feeding. However, this assumption is also wrong, because with proper balanced nutrition, the puppy receives all the necessary micro- and macroelements, including calcium. An excess of calcium leads to metabolic disorders, stomach problems, and osteochondrosis. Besides, in large quantities Calcium is poorly absorbed and interferes with the absorption of other elements.

What are the types of mineral supplements?

Mineral supplements for dogs come in the form of tablets and liquid, as well as in the form of treats, such as bones containing bone and meat and bone meal, seaweed, and whey powder. Here the choice depends on what the animal will eat on its own. It happens that it is impossible to force your pet to eat tablets, even by mixing them into food, but he happily licks liquid supplements out of the bowl.

Mineral supplements for dogs from such manufacturers as Kvant MKB, 8 in 1, Tsamas, Canina, Mirimix have received positive reviews from dog breeders and recognition from veterinarians.

No need to buy special drugs, you can get by natural products by including them in the main diet. Natural feeding implies drawing up balanced diet containing various healthy foods such as meat, grains, dairy products, fruits vegetables.

Essential minerals for normal dog development

Minerals and their benefitsSourcesNeed*
Adult dogsPuppies
Iron (Fe)
Participates in redox processes and hemoglobin synthesis.
Beef, lamb, poultry, apples, pears, cereals. 1,32 1,32
Iodine (I)
Promotes the absorption of nutrients, normalizes function immune system, affects the condition of the skin and coat.
Sea fish, seaweed. 0,03 0,06
Potassium (K)
Regulates the water content in tissues, participates in protein metabolism, preserves acid-base balance in blood.
Potatoes, cabbage, apples, dried fruits. However, potatoes are not recommended to be given to dogs in large quantities. 220 440
Calcium (Ca)
Promotes the formation bone tissue skeleton, participates in the process of blood clotting, muscle contraction and other physiological and biochemical processes.
Shredded eggshell, cottage cheese, unsalted cheese, soaked feta cheese, cow or goat milk. Cheese is given cut into pieces as a treat, in small quantities. 264 528
Copper (Cu)
Participates in the formation of hemoglobin and in redox processes, participates in providing oxygen to the body’s tissues.
Sea fish, cheese, cucumbers, nuts. 0,16 0,16
Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl)
Delivery nutrients into cells, maintain acid-base balance, promote protein digestion.
Sea fish, meat, vegetables, cheese. 60 (NA), 180 (CL) 120(NA),
440 (CL)
Phosphorus (P)
It is part of bone tissue and helps strengthen bones and teeth.
Sea fish, boiled eggs, meat, dairy products, bone meal. 220 440

Note: The optimal ratio of phosphorus and calcium is 1:1.2, while vitamin D is needed for normal absorption of phosphorus and calcium.

*Animal’s need for minerals (in mg per 1 kg of animal weight)

Bone flour– source of phosphorus. It is given separately or mixed with food, 1-2 times a week. If bones are given to adult dogs, bone meal is not necessary.

Calculation: the weight of the dog is multiplied by grams of bone meal and divided by 10 (example: a puppy weighing 15 kg, for a puppy 23 grams of flour is required, which means (15x23): 10 = 34.5 grams of bone meal). In 1 teaspoon there are 5 grams of bone meal (without a slide).