What procedures are performed in the day hospital. Day hospital. The full amount of funds required for a course of treatment without hospitalization

Day hospital - what are the features of this unit medical institution? From the very name “day hospital” it becomes clear that this type of care medical care is something between inpatient treatment(in the hospital) and outpatient (treatment at home with follow-up visits to the doctor at the clinic).

Who can become a day hospital patient?

Any person who needs medical care that does not require round-the-clock access can become a day hospital patient. medical supervision. A person from the street cannot come to a day hospital and ask for treatment; he is referred by a specialist doctor from the clinic.

How long does the patient stay in day hospital?

As a rule, the time of stay in a day hospital does not exceed 4 hours. During this time, tests may be taken from the patient, some instrumental examination may be performed, and healing procedures, evaluate their effectiveness. During their stay in the day hospital, patients undergo examination and treatment in comfortable wards under the supervision of medical staff. There, the main vital signs of the body are monitored ( blood pressure, often you and correctness heart rate and others), since some diagnostic studies and therapeutic manipulations require medical supervision of the patient’s condition for 2-4 hours after they are performed. Doctors of the relevant profile and qualified nurses work with patients undergoing treatment. The medical staff of day hospitals is almost fully staffed.

Meals for patients in the day hospital are not provided, but conditions have been created for eating home-cooked food.

Currently, the system of day hospitals is developing dynamically. This is also convenient for the patients themselves - after all, they stay in the day hospital for only a few hours a day, and the rest of the time they are surrounded by family and a familiar home environment. At the same time, all necessary diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, manipulations, and operations are carried out here. In addition, world practice shows that the use of hospital-replacing technologies has a significant economic effect.

How many day hospitals are there in Zelenograd today?

Until 2013, there were only two day hospitals in Zelenograd - an oncology hospital at the former 152nd polyclinic (now branch No. 1 of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution No. 201, which was opened back in the 1990s) and a urological one - on the basis of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution No. 201 (building 911). This year, Zelenograd’s healthcare system was replenished with three more day hospitals - neurological, surgical (including vascular) and cardio-rheumatology, opened on the basis of the new building of the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare No. 201 in the 20th microdistrict.

Today there are five day hospitals in Zelenograd clinics:

  • urological for 4 beds - in building. 911;
  • oncology for 6 beds - in branch No. 1 of State Budgetary Healthcare Institution No. 201 in the 2nd microdistrict; neurological for 10 beds,
  • surgical with 12 beds,
  • cardio-rheumatology with 5 beds - located in the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution No. 201 (building 2042).

Day hospitals operate in two shifts - from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Only a specialist doctor (cardiologist, oncologist, urologist, neurologist, etc.) can refer you to a day hospital and only for medical reasons.

Information provided by the organizational and methodological department of the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare No. 201.

Naturally, there are many advantages of such treatment. Here are some of them:

  • Ability to lead a normal lifestyle. The main thing is to arrive for all prescribed procedures on time and follow the doctor’s recommendations.
  • Possibility to choose your own menu. Again, it is important not to deviate from the prescribed diet and to eat only approved foods prepared in the appropriate way.
  • Stay and sleep in familiar conditions. If someone spends the night in an unfamiliar place, on an unusual bed, in a room with strangers, causes serious stress - this can adversely affect the results of treatment.
  • Full-fledged treatment course . Treatment and consultations in a day hospital are a course identical to traditional inpatient treatment.
  • Opportunity to live a comfortable social life. Day hospital is often chosen by women during pregnancy, as well as patients with oncological diseases for a course of chemotherapy.

Of course, this method of treatment also has its disadvantages.

  • No 24/7 surveillance. If something goes wrong, things get worse, or the medicine gives unexpected results. side effect– you will have to call an ambulance or get to the clinic yourself. And all this takes time.
  • Failure to comply with doctor's recommendations. Naturally, if a person diagnosed diabetes does necessary procedures, and after leaving the clinic he goes straight to the diner to swallow burgers, pouring them with mayonnaise and lemonade - positive results there is no need to wait for treatment.
  • The need for regular visits. Still, I feel sorry for the time spent on the road. And you need to get to the clinic strictly at the appointed time. And if the clinic is very far away, you involuntarily ask the question: “wouldn’t it be easier to just lie down without leaving?”

In general, that's all. As you can see, the only probable risk factor in treatment is the patient himself. If you miss a dose of a drug, are tempted by a forbidden treat, or miss a visit to the clinic, all hopes for a quick and full recovery may collapse. But active, business-like and responsible people usually go to day care, so there shouldn’t be any problems with organization.

Who needs a day hospital and why?

As already mentioned, for the most part, day care is the choice of business people who cannot just go on vacation and do own health thoroughly. Still, this is a significant time saving.

The following people come to the day hospital of the Medicine 24/7 clinic:

  • women during pregnancy, because expectant mothers have so many other concerns;
  • people with cancer undergo chemotherapy courses, as this procedure should be carried out an experienced doctor, sometimes impossible with the use of special equipment and at home;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • condition after myocardial infarction;
  • angina pectoris;
  • ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • disorders of central and peripheral circulation;
  • chronic ischemia brain;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • neuritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • diabetes(including with complications);
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and a number of other diseases are successfully treated or controlled in a day hospital.

For successful treatment in the “Medicine 24/7” clinic, the main thing is the patient’s willingness to act in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, to follow a diet and regimen during treatment, and not to forget that the doctor is always in touch, and, if something happens, not to rely on the dubious advice of “sofa doctors" on the Internet, and inform the doctor about any changes in the condition.

Over the past two and a half years, a lot of attention has been paid to hospital-replacement technologies. Currently available at all outpatient centers Southern District There are day hospitals that can accept patients who do not require round-the-clock care.

Questions arise - under what conditions can you get into a day hospital for treatment, for what diseases, and what is their advantage over all the usual inpatient facilities in our hospitals. The head of the Southern District Health Directorate, Andrei Belostotsky, spoke about all this.

Andrey Viktorovich, tell us what day hospitals are and what purposes do they serve?
- Day hospitals are essentially no different from regular inpatient facilities in hospitals. The only difference is that if the patient does not require round-the-clock medical care and observation, he can go to a day hospital and receive everything necessary treatment during the day, and in the evening return home to your family. This is very convenient, especially for those who cannot afford to disconnect from their busy work schedule to undergo full-fledged treatment in an inpatient hospital. And in this case, the real way out is a day hospital. The patient came to the clinic in the morning, received treatment, and received necessary research, put on an IV, etc., and after a couple of hours or in the evening the patient is already free and can go home.

Day hospital specialists select adequate therapy for patients with established diagnosis disease or chronic patients with exacerbation of the process, change in the severity of the disease. They are also engaged in conducting comprehensive course treatment using modern medical technologies, rehabilitation of sick and disabled people, pregnant women. Day hospital beds are deployed both at hospitals and in each outpatient center Southern District, in some branches of these centers.

- How to get treatment at a day hospital?
- A referral for a course of treatment in a day hospital is issued by the attending physician, again, if the patient does not require round-the-clock supervision. You can also get a referral from the prevention department, other specialized institutions such as dispensaries, and from hospitals.

In addition, the following situation can be cited as an example: a person, say, has a hypertensive crisis. He called " ambulance", which provided medical assistance and carried out all the necessary procedures on site. Further, in order to reduce the risks of a repeat crisis, emergency doctors send the patient’s testimony to the clinic where he is being served, and if prolonged treatment is necessary, the attending physician at the clinic refers the patient to a day hospital.

- Medical and medicinal assistance Is it paid or free in day hospitals?
- Medical and drug assistance to the population in a day hospital is provided within the framework of the territorial Program of State Guarantees for Providing Citizens Russian Federation free medical care, as well as on voluntary health insurance or paid medical services in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

- What diseases are treated in the day hospital?
- The district operates day hospitals for several disease profiles. In addition to therapeutic beds, there are also gynecological, neurological, surgical, tuberculosis and many others. It should be added that such a number of beds and profiles significantly relieves inpatient facilities at city hospitals and makes it possible to provide round-the-clock medical care to those patients who really need it.

The program for the development of hospital-replacement technologies has been in effect for two and a half years, and during this time 834 beds have been opened in the district. An additional 60 beds are planned to open this year.

It is important to note that in order to provide specialized medical care to elderly patients, in the very near future we will open 10 gerontological beds in branch No. 2 of city clinic No. 166 (former clinic No. 148). For those elderly patients who require round-the-clock medical care, there are departments nursing care. They operate on the basis of city hospitals No. 4 and 56. In city hospital No. 56, the department was opened only in January of this year, and is only 15-20% occupied, so the district does not experience a shortage of beds. To receive a referral for treatment to the nursing department, you need to contact your attending physician, he will tell you in detail about the procedure for hospitalization.

The district also provides home medical care for those patients who are unable to move independently. This is the so-called hospital at home, where doctors provide all necessary help at home.

The data set allows you to obtain information about day hospitals and see their location on the map, as well as the exact address, opening hours and other contact information. For example, in Eastern administrative district There are 12 day hospitals, of which:

· 7 day hospitals at city clinics;

· 1 day hospital at a psychoneurological dispensary;

· 1 day hospital at a drug treatment clinic;

· 1 day hospital of the outpatient department of the city hospital.

There are a total of 158 day hospitals in Moscow.

A day hospital is a structural unit of a medical and preventive institution, including outpatient clinics, hospitals, clinics, medical research and educational institutions and is intended for preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures patients who do not require round-the-clock medical supervision, using modern medical technologies in accordance with standards and protocols for patient management.

Day hospital - this is a special department in medical institution where it is held additional treatment, prescribed by the attending physician, while patients are in the hospital only during the daytime.

The day hospital performs the following functions:

· Carrying out recreational and therapeutic activities.

· Carrying out complex and complex therapeutic and diagnostic procedures.

· Selection of adequate therapy

· Aftercare after discharge from hospitals

The current situation with day hospitals in Russia

An analysis of the reporting data of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation showed that in 2001, 8336 day hospitals were organized and operated in institutions of the Russian Federation various types in which almost 130 thousand beds were deployed, 3.6 million people received medical care there. In general, in the Russian Federation for last years the number of day hospitals based on medical institutions increased by 3.8 times, on the basis of hospital institutions - by 12.4 times, and the number of hospitals at home increased by 4.4 times.

Day hospitals based on outpatient clinics are the most widespread form of organization among all hospital-replacing technologies.

In recent years, the number of day hospitals based on outpatient clinics has increased 4.9 times and amounted to 4,721. In the Russian Federation, the provision of day hospital beds for the population was 12.5 per 10 thousand population.

Current situation in day hospitals in Moscow

In 2007, the city operated 194 day hospitals in outpatient clinics and city hospitals with a total bed capacity of 408 beds, in which 102,064 patients were treated. In total, 6,487 sick children were treated in 2007, with average duration treatment of a child in day hospitals (children from 0-17 years old) was 5 days.

The data set allows you to get detailed information about objects, see their location on the map. For each day hospital you can see its full name, exact address, work schedule, full list work performed and functions performed, website and other contact information. In addition, for the convenience of users, information about the head of the institution is published in the data set - his full name, position, contact phone number and address Email.

Do you know what?

For the first time, hospital-substituting forms of medical care were created in Russia in the 30s. In 1930-31 on the basis of the psychoneurological hospital named after. P.B. Gannushkina day hospital was opened. It served as an intermediate link between the hospital and the dispensary.

The intensification of work on the creation of hospital-substituting forms of medical care, which began in the 60s, made it possible to evaluate positive aspects their activities, justify their medical and organizational feasibility.

In the 80s, the activities of day hospitals were regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 1278 of December 16, 1987 “On the organization of day hospitals (departments, wards) in hospitals, day hospitals in clinics and hospitals at home.” Taking into account a number of advantages in treating patients in non-hospital conditions, day hospitals were organized in various cities and with various profiles.

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