Tablets for exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity. Diagnosis of gastritis with high acidity. What is gastritis and can it be cured?

is an inflammation of the gastric epithelium (acute or chronic), accompanied by an increase in the pH of gastric juice. Manifested by epigastric pain, dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, belching, diarrhea). The diagnosis can be established using a number of clinical and instrumental studies, the main of which is FEGDS with pH-metry of gastric juice, biopsy of the mucous membrane and testing for the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection. Treatment includes diet, antacids and proton pump inhibitors, gastroprotectors, and antibacterial therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection. During periods between exacerbations, active sanatorium-resort treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out.


K29 Gastritis and duodenitis

General information


Correct diagnosis of gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice requires a series of clinical, functional and instrumental examinations. Changes in clinical tests are nonspecific for gastritis - an increase in inflammatory elements may be noted. With concomitant damage to other organs, corresponding changes appear in the biochemical blood test. If there are erosions in the stomach and bleeding from them, occult blood is determined by a special analysis in the stool. Research is required to search for H. pylori: urease breath test, ELISA and PCR analysis to detect antibodies and DNA of the microorganism, respectively. Also, a large number of bacteria can be detected during endoscopic biopsy of the gastric mucosa and histological examination.

If gastritis is suspected, it is mandatory to perform gastroscopy, or better yet, FEGDS - a special instrument with a video camera is inserted into the stomach, allowing you to examine the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, identify the inflammatory process, erosions and ulcers. During the study, tissue must be taken for biopsy from several places. pH-metry is also carried out - measuring the acidity of gastric juice; if it is less than 1.5 - they speak of hyperacid gastritis. Pieces of tissue taken during a biopsy are examined by histologists - signs of inflammation are determined, and a huge number of Helicobacter bacteria can be detected.

The pressure in the stomach cavity is measured, electrogastroenterography is carried out - they help identify duodenogastric reflux, which also aggravates the course of the disease. As auxiliary diagnostic methods, it is possible to conduct ultrasound, CT or MSCT of the abdominal organs, however, for gastritis they are not of decisive importance; they only allow to identify concomitant damage to other organs.

Treatment of hyperacid gastritis

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for timely and complete treatment of gastritis is favorable. If therapeutic measures are not carried out, the patient continues to smoke and drink alcohol, does not follow a diet - severe complications are likely to occur, the disease will progress to gastric and duodenal ulcers. Prevention of gastritis with high acidity includes normalizing your daily routine and nutrition. You should eat healthy food, you need to eat at least 3-5 times a day.

It is recommended to avoid frequent consumption of strong coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol and smoking. Nutrition should be balanced and include all necessary microelements and vitamins. There is no need to eat dry food; sufficient time should be given to meals - only in this case is it possible to reduce the risk of gastritis to a minimum. You also need to strictly observe hygiene measures designed to protect against infection with Helicobacter pylori infection; you should always wash your hands before eating. All medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the instructions for the drug.

Many of us are familiar with the feeling of heaviness and sometimes unbearable pain in the stomach after almost every meal. If a person experiences these sensations, having barely had time to have breakfast or dinner, then with a high degree of probability it can be said that he has developed gastritis. This disease ranks second in the prevalence rate among the population, second only to all kinds of acute respiratory viral infections. Doctors distinguish a huge number of its varieties, but there are only two main types, and they are determined by the level of acidity of gastric juice. The topic of this article will be the treatment of gastritis with high acidity. We will talk about what this disease is, what factors provoke its development, and, of course, we will consider various treatment methods used in both traditional and folk medicine.

Pathogen and risk factors

To talk about how to deal with a disease such as gastritis with high acidity, you first need to find out what it is and why it develops. Any type of gastritis is an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa. This means that development is provoked by the influence of various aggressive factors on it. In some cases, the main culprit of gastritis is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, well-known and often mentioned in advertisements for various dairy products. However, if a person develops gastritis with high acidity, the reasons may not always be due to the presence of this microorganism. An important role is played by a person’s eating habits and lifestyle. What are we doing without knowing it and why can’t we get rid of unpleasant symptoms? Let's figure it out.

Unhealthy food

As sad as it may be, modern people in 90% of cases eat completely incorrectly. He seems to be happy to give up fast food and semi-finished products that have already become familiar, but the rhythm of our life today, when we are forced to snack on so-called fast food, does not allow this to happen. And most people do not think at all that regular consumption of this kind of food is absolutely destructive for the stomach. Just imagine: by adhering to a similar diet for at least one to two months, you will most likely experience all the “delights” of this disease. That is why, if a person wants to avoid such a scourge as gastritis with high acidity, nutrition is one of the aspects that should be thought about first.


Oddly enough, constant psychological stress, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome, which has already become the norm for most of us, can also provoke the development of the disease. Even the most experienced specialists cannot clearly explain why a stressful state has such a depressing effect on the mucous membrane of the human stomach. This may seem incredible, but in fact, when we say that the cause of any disease is nerves, in the light of the topic we are considering this is 100% true. That is why one of the important aspects that make up the treatment of gastritis with high acidity is maximum peace and the absence of severe stress. Of course, it is completely impossible to avoid this, but you need to try to isolate yourself from unnecessary frustrations. If you are going to be sad and worried, then only when there is a really good reason for it.

Bad habits

It would seem that everyone has long known that excessive consumption of alcohol, as well as caffeine and nicotine, has a detrimental effect on our health. Their attack does not bypass the mucous membrane of the stomach - it is very seriously injured. For this reason, most smokers, alcohol drinkers and coffee drinkers at some point experience all the manifestations of this disease. Therefore, treatment of gastritis with high acidity means saying goodbye to all bad addictions: cigarettes, a cup of coffee in the morning on an empty stomach instead of a full healthy breakfast, alcoholic parties with friends on weekends.

Symptoms of the disease

By what signs can you identify gastritis and what should make a potential patient visit a doctor and undergo the appropriate examinations? Oddly enough, the disease can occur without any external manifestations. Therefore, sometimes a person may not even suspect that he is sick. But the moment will come when erosive gastritis with high acidity will make itself known. It should be taken into account that the variation in symptoms can be quite strong. One patient may experience only one or two signs of the disease, while another may experience the full bouquet. The determining factors here are the stage of the disease in a person and the individual characteristics of his body. Further we will talk only about those manifestations that characterize gastritis of the stomach with increased acidity of gastric juice.

Painful sensations

The very first and most distinctive symptom of this disease is, of course, stomach pain. It is he who leads to all the other signs by which one can suspect that a person has gastritis. The explanation for this is the simplest: hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice, constantly irritates its mucous membrane, which immediately leads to intense and quite long-lasting pain that is localized in the epigastric region (also known as the solar plexus region).

Heartburn and belching

In 99% of cases, the patient complains of very severe heartburn, which can occur both after eating and on an empty stomach. Sustained belching is observed a short time after eating, approximately 15-20 minutes. Such unpleasant signs of gastritis with high acidity certainly reduce the quality of life and cause a lot of inconvenience, which deprives a person of peace and disrupts his usual lifestyle and especially nutrition.

Reducing body weight

As the disease progresses, especially during periods of relapse, the patient may almost completely lose the desire to eat. And there is nothing surprising in this, since even, for example, one spoon of soup can create a feeling in a person as if he had literally eaten an elephant. In this case, doctors strongly advise: if you have gastritis with high acidity, the menu should consist mainly of easily digestible dishes.

About drug treatment of the disease

The most important thing to remember after you have been diagnosed with this unpleasant disease is that you should not hope for chance and think that time will pass and it will resolve on its own. It is unacceptable to do nothing for treatment, since the result of such an irresponsible attitude towards one’s health can result in the most unpredictable consequences. If you have been diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity, medications, no matter how harmless they may seem, should never be taken on your own. Any self-medication in this case is unacceptable, and all prescriptions are made only by a gastroenterologist based on the results of a full examination and in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

To reduce the acidity of gastric juice, drugs such as Phosphalugel, Almagel, Atropine, Platifillin, Famotidine, Ranitidine, Gastropin, Piren, Gastrin, Rabeprazole are prescribed. "Omeprazole".

In order to protect the mucous membrane, the doctor prescribes coating agents. The most popular of them is the drug "Smecta". Supporters of folk methods, which we will discuss below in more detail, can use white clay and a decoction of flaxseeds.

The use of enzyme preparations normalizes digestive function. These include the medications “Panzinorm”, “Pancreatin”, “Mezim-Forte”, “Festal”, “Digestal”.

Also, treatment of gastritis with high acidity, caused by the previously mentioned bacterium Helicobacter pylori, involves taking a group of drugs such as proton pump inhibitors, as well as prescribing appropriate antibacterial therapy. The drugs used in this case include Amoxicillin, Omeprazole, Tindazole, Esomeprazole, Clarithromycin, and Pilorid.

To relieve pain caused by the disease, a course of electrophoresis using novocaine is prescribed.

Complex treatment includes both physiotherapy and herbal medicine. During periods of remission, when there is an exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, doctors strongly recommend both a nutritious healthy diet and systematic spa treatment.

Nutrition as an important element of therapy

Contrary to popular misconception, you should not rely too much on traditional medicine and place everything solely on the shoulders of a specialist and medications. A lot depends on the patient himself. Firstly, it is necessary to strictly and unswervingly follow all the prescriptions and recommendations given by the attending physician at the appointment. Secondly, after the patient has been diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity, diet should become one of the main components of effective treatment. Failure to comply with it will only give a short-term improvement in the form of disappearance of the symptoms of the disease for a short period of time. And then this can only happen in the most favorable scenario.

During a relapse, doctors usually prescribe the most stringent diet, or rather, complete refusal of it. Such a measure is necessary to mobilize the body’s internal reserves and start the process of self-healing of the gastric mucosa. For about two to three days, you are allowed to take only unsweetened, weakly brewed black tea or alkaline mineral water. After this period, gradual introduction into the diet of foods that are not prohibited for patients with gastritis is allowed. For patients diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity, nutrition, namely its proper organization, is the key to good health and objective improvement of the condition.

Prohibited Products

But what should you give up first? Let's look at the list of things you need to immediately eliminate from your diet. Prohibited products can be divided into two large groups according to the method of their effect:

  • Stimulants for the production of gastric juice - alcohol, any drinks with gas and containing caffeine. Also included in this category are all fruit and vegetable juices, with the exception of potato, cabbage and legumes.
  • Destroyers of the gastric mucosa are spicy, smoked and salty foods containing preservatives and artificial colors. This group includes fatty varieties of both meat and fish, as well as poultry. Sour fruits and vegetables, radishes are prohibited.

All food should be moderately warm; hot and very cold foods should be avoided, since excessively high and low temperatures have the most unfavorable effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa. The optimal way to prepare dishes is regular cooking, steaming, and baking in the oven.

At first it may seem that such restrictions are a very harsh measure. However, following them will help both improve the condition of the gastric mucosa and improve the health of the whole body. Over time, you will begin to remember less and less what gastritis with high acidity is. The diet that gastroenterologists recommend following when you are ill will gradually become familiar and, most importantly, healthy. This is exactly what modern man lacks! And for avid cooks, this is another reason to use all their skills and introduce their family and friends to healthy food.

Authorized Products

What is welcome in the diet of those who are struggling with a disease such as gastritis of the stomach with high acidity?

  • Lean meat and fish: rabbit, chicken; cod, hake, pink salmon.
  • Vegetables that must be heat treated before consumption: boil in a pan, steam, bake.
  • Various boiled cereals, among which the priority are oatmeal, semolina and rice porridge, as well as slimy soups.
  • Any low-fat fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese.
  • Alkaline mineral water, the minimum consumption of which should be 1 liter per day.

If you have gastritis with high acidity, the diet should be based entirely on dishes from the above products. Particular attention should be paid to the nutritional schedule. You need to eat often, but the portions should be small. This principle of fractional nutrition minimizes the risk of heartburn, one of the common symptoms of gastritis.

Alternative medicine methods

Let us not doubt the fact that regular visits to the doctor and following his instructions are necessary to successfully combat the disease. However, in addition to this, you can also turn to your grandmother’s recipes. Rumor has it that if you want to permanently eliminate words like “gastritis” and “high acidity” from your vocabulary, folk remedies can help with this along with conventional medications. However, we should not forget that before using any prescription, you must consult with your doctor. It is he who must approve or prohibit the use of this or that drug due to his knowledge of the patient’s condition and the possibility of a real assessment of the picture of the disease.

Very often, people who treat gastritis with high acidity with non-traditional means write negative reviews regarding any recipe due to the fact that they do not consult with a specialist before using it and sometimes do not even suspect that some components of it contraindicated. For this reason, it is recommended to carefully monitor which components are included in the product you are taking. Among them there should not be those to which the patient may be allergic.

Infusion to relieve heartburn

To prepare this remedy, place it in an enamel container and pour half a teaspoon of perforated St. John's wort, yarrow and peppermint into a glass of boiling water. Leave the solution for 2 hours, then strain through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid is drunk in small sips throughout the day. The course of treatment lasts at least 14 days. If a patient is often accompanied by heartburn, gastritis with high acidity, tablets for it can be absolutely painlessly replaced with this natural remedy. The effect of use lasts for 2-3 months, if necessary, the course is repeated a week after completion.

Fresh potato juice

As we said above, this vegetable juice is highly recommended for gastritis. Two pieces of root vegetables are washed, peeled and grated on a fine grater. The juice is squeezed out using gauze and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for at least 10 days.

Liquorice root

As a rule, it is used to combat cough. But few people know that consuming licorice helps normalize the acidity of gastric juice. 20 grams of its root are thoroughly crushed, poured with a glass of very hot water and boiled in a water bath for about twenty minutes. Then the solution is infused for 2 hours and then filtered through gauze. Add a glass of boiled water to it, mix and pour into a glass container. It is stored exclusively in the refrigerator, since at room temperature its medicinal properties are quickly lost. Take two tablespoons before each meal. The course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a week's break.

Honey solution in the fight against gastritis

Honey is the only sweet that is recommended for this disease. The whole secret lies in its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to normalize (along with licorice root) the acidity of gastric juice. For treatment you need any natural honey, a tablespoon of which is dissolved in one glass of warm boiled water. The course of treatment is 15 days, but even if the symptoms of the disease disappear earlier, it is necessary to complete it.

Infusion for pain relief

As we said earlier, a solution of flaxseeds is successfully used to treat gastritis, namely to combat pain. The seeds are placed in a thermos in the amount of one tablespoon, poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused for 24 hours. After this, the infusion is filtered and poured into a glass container. It is taken one glass every morning on an empty stomach. As a result, the pain goes away.


As you can see, there are quite a few ways to get rid of the disease and alleviate its course. It doesn’t matter how we treat gastritis with high acidity: traditionally or with traditional methods, it is only important to follow the recommendations of a specialist, find the most effective remedies and constantly use them. Only in this case can a positive effect from both drug therapy and alternative treatment be guaranteed.

Treatment of gastritis is almost never complete without the use of medications. The basis of treatment is adherence to a special diet to eliminate possible exacerbations and relapses and rapid healing of the damaged gastric mucosa. Some try to treat gastritis using traditional methods, but their effectiveness cannot be called high. In addition, there is always a risk of overdose, since at home it is not possible to accurately calculate the amount of active ingredients.

Drugs for the treatment of gastritis cannot be taken on the advice of friends, since there are various types of pathology, and treatment directly depends on correct and timely diagnosis. If symptoms of gastritis appear, you must contact your local physician or gastroenterologist, who will conduct an examination and, based on its results, select a suitable treatment regimen.

The acidity of the gastric environment is determined by the amount of hydrochloric acid contained in the gastric juice. There are two types of gastritis depending on the level of acidity:

  • inflammation of the stomach walls caused by low acidity (hydrochloric acid content below the established norm);
  • inflammation of the gastric walls caused by increased acidity (the level of secretion exceeds the permissible values ​​and corrodes the gastric mucosa).

The treatment of these pathologies has significant differences, so before taking any medication for gastritis, you must consult a doctor and undergo diagnostic tests.

Acidity level reduced

A decrease in the concentration of hydrochloric acid is considered a rather dangerous phenomenon, as it can lead to serious health problems and even autoimmune disorders. Acid is responsible for the normal digestion of food and the breakdown of proteins, therefore, with its lack, not only digestive disorders are observed, but also retardation in growth and development in children (due to insufficient supply of nutrients) and metabolic disorders in adults.

Clinically, gastritis with low acidity can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • pungent odor from the mouth;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling of heaviness even after eating a small amount of food;
  • vomiting after eating;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • temperature rise to low-grade levels (rare).

One of the most effective drugs prescribed for the treatment of gastritis with this type of acidity is “ Plantaglucide" This is a medicine based on plantain extract, produced in the form of granules from which a solution can be prepared. The drug belongs to the group of non-narcotic analgesics in the form of dry raw materials of plant origin. A course of Plantaglucid helps to improve digestive processes, eliminate pain and restore damaged mucous membranes.

The duration of treatment is determined individually (treatment must be continued until symptoms disappear completely and the mucous membranes heal).

Important!"Plantaglucid" refers to drugs with increased allergenic properties, since it is based on raw materials of plant origin. The drug is contraindicated for ulcerative lesions of the intestines and stomach, as well as intolerance to the active substance.

Also included combination treatment may include the following medications:

  • "Calcium gluconate";
  • "Pentagastrin";
  • "Etimizole";
  • "Limontar."

Usually the patient is prescribed 2-3 drugs at once, since each of them has its own characteristics and pharmacological properties.

Acidity level increased

Gastritis with a high content of acid secretion occurs several times more often than pathology with a low level of hydrochloric acid. The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • stomach pain;
  • heartburn;
  • vomiting with particles of undigested food;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • painful sensations under the ribs.

Treatment of this type of gastritis includes taking digestive enzymes, drugs that neutralize excess hydrochloric acid and drugs that protect the gastric mucosa from the effects of acidic secretions (with an enveloping effect).

"Omeprazole" ("Omez"). This medicine belongs to the group of proton pump blockers and is used to treat gastritis, peptic ulcers, esophagitis and other diseases of the digestive system. Omeprazole has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of poor tolerability of the active ingredients, pregnancy and breastfeeding. In childhood, the use of the drug is also not recommended.

For gastritis, Omeprazole is usually prescribed according to the following scheme:

  • 1 capsule 2 times a day;
  • Duration of treatment: 7-10 days.

If the pathology was caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, medications with antibacterial action are selected for the patient.

"Almagel". The drug is available in the form of a suspension with a pleasant taste. The active ingredient is magnesium hydroxide. “Almagel” has pronounced adsorbing properties, envelops the walls of the stomach and prevents the formation of ulcers and erosions.

A single dose of the drug for adults is 1-3 tablespoons. You need to take the suspension 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals). The course of treatment is long - at least 1-2 months.

Analogs of the drug: “Maalox”, “Gaviscon”, “Gaviscon Forte”.

"Pancreatin" ("Ermital").“Pancreatin” are digestive enzymes, the production of which is disrupted during gastritis. The use of the drug is especially effective in the complex therapy of chronic atrophic gastritis. The drug improves the digestion and breakdown of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins and promotes their rapid absorption, restoring the functioning of the digestive tract.

The only contraindication for use is pancreatitis in the acute stage. Side effects during treatment occur extremely rarely, but the possibility of allergies and intolerance reactions to the active ingredients or excipients cannot be ruled out.

The dosage regimen usually corresponds to the standard treatment regimen:

  • 1-3 tablets 3 times a day after meals;
  • Duration of treatment – ​​from 7 days to several months.

As prescribed by a doctor, the following can be used to treat gastritis with a high acid content:

  • "Sodium bicarbonate";
  • "Vikalin";
  • "Kaolin";
  • Bourget mixture.

Note! Treatment of gastritis with normal acidity is carried out with the same means as with a high content of hydrochloric acid.

Video - All about gastritis of the stomach

Antispasmodics for gastritis

To reduce the severity of pain caused by spasm of the muscles of the gastric walls, you can use antispasmodics. Most often, patients are prescribed the following drugs of this pharmacological group:

  • "No-shpa";
  • "Drotaverine";
  • "Papaverine".

Children can use Papaverine in the form of rectal suppositories. They need to be inserted after defecation. To avoid leakage of the suppository, you must remain in bed for at least 30 minutes after using the medicine, so it is best to use them at night.

Are antibiotics needed?

To treat infectious gastritis caused by a special type of bacteria Helicobacter pylori, the patient requires antibiotics. Some patients refuse to take potent medications for fear of side effects, but it is worth understanding that the lack of adequate therapy can lead to severe consequences, for example, gastric bleeding or peptic ulcers.

The drug of choice for the treatment of gastritis of an infectious nature is “ Amoxicillin" It belongs to the group of synthetic penicillin antibiotics and is active against a large number of strains of pathogenic microorganisms, including Helicobacter pylori. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe amoxicillin preparations enhanced with clavulanic acid - it increases the antibacterial properties of penicillins and improves their absorption in the intestines. Structural analogues of Amoxicillin also include:

  • "Amosin";
  • "Flemoxin";
  • "Augmentin";
  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Flemoclav."

Another popular and effective antibiotic for the treatment of gastritis is “ Clarithromycin" It belongs to the group of broad-spectrum macrolides and effectively destroys even those microorganisms that have developed resistance to other groups of antibacterial drugs.

Important! Before starting treatment, it is recommended to take a test to determine the type of pathogen. This will help increase the effectiveness of therapy and achieve a pronounced therapeutic result with minimal risk of side effects arising from long-term use of antibiotics.

Classification of drugs for gastritis: the most effective drugs

The table shows the most popular and effective drugs for the treatment of gastritis, which can be part of complex therapy. All data is for informational purposes and should not be used as a call for self-medication. Any prescriptions should be made only by the attending physician! Before starting to take medications, you should also consult a specialist, as there may be contraindications.

Group of drugsWhat drugs are includedApproximate cost (in rubles)
Proton pump blockers"Omeprazole"80
Ursodeoxycholic acid"Ursolit"1250
Means for protecting mucous membranes"Biogastron"300

Treatment of gastritis can sometimes take from several months to several years. The main therapy is a therapeutic diet, but if it does not give the desired effect, the patient must be prescribed medications. It is highly undesirable to select them yourself, as there is a high risk of serious side effects. It is best to consult your doctor and undergo an examination to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.

Regular, quite strong and prolonged pain in the epigastric area, as well as a feeling of “a stone in the stomach” after each meal, may indicate that it is time to visit a gastroenterologist about developing gastritis, which can occur against the background of both low and high gastric acidity juice Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy, which usually includes medication and alternative treatment for gastritis with high (or low) acidity, physical therapy, alternative and herbal medicine, and recommendations for proper nutrition.

What is gastritis with high acidity and why is it dangerous?

Gastritis, whatever it may be, always remains an inflammatory disease affecting the gastric mucosa. Inflammation cannot occur out of nowhere, which means there are certain aggressive factors that can cause this pathology, which is also very common. According to some reports, gastritis ranks second in prevalence among the various diseases to which humans are susceptible.

The cause of the development of gastritis is very often the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is notorious to many fans of advertising, but everything cannot be attributed to it alone, especially in the case of gastritis with high acidity, or otherwise with increased secretory function of the gastric mucosa. This type of gastritis most often develops for completely different reasons. It can be caused by poor nutrition with an excess of fried, spicy, sour or hot foods, an irresponsible approach to taking medications, especially anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, harmful working conditions, alcoholism, smoking, etc.

The appearance of this type of gastritis can be considered pain in the stomach during and after eating, as well as at night, “hungry” pain, heartburn, sour belching, attacks of nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting, which are most often observed on an empty stomach. Sometimes there is bloating in the abdomen, accompanied by bowel problems (diarrhea or constipation). Such symptoms are often accompanied by weakness and dizziness.

You need to understand that not all patients with gastritis have a full “bouquet” of symptoms, which makes it difficult to diagnose. And in some people, gastritis can be practically asymptomatic for a long time, later manifesting itself in full force.

But whatever the course of gastritis, treating it carelessly means exposing yourself to the danger of developing ulcers and even stomach cancer, severe pathologies that are quite difficult to cure. The mortality rate for these diseases, in contrast to “harmless” gastritis, is very high.

Treatment of gastritis has its own characteristics. This is a rather long and difficult process. Some medications used in the treatment of gastritis may be far from safe for the inflamed mucosa, plus their action and composition can negatively affect the functioning of other organs and systems of the body. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the safe alternative treatment of gastritis with high acidity.

Popular folk remedies to combat gastritis

Gastritis with high acidity, despite its prevalence, is a huge field for the activities of traditional medicine, which is engaged in the search for effective natural remedies to combat the “fashionable” disease. But today there are many effective recipes that help alleviate the condition of patients with gastritis, which develops against the background of increased secretory function of the stomach.

Bee products

The first place in the treatment of gastritis is, of course, propolis , or bee glue, because this natural antibiotic also has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic and antiseptic effects. In addition, it is rich in vitamins and minerals that promote rapid recovery. Thanks to the healing properties of propolis, patients feel relief within a week from the start of therapy.

Propolis can be used either in its pure form or in combination with other useful products. For example, you can chew pea-sized pieces of propolis before each meal. This should be done 30 minutes before meals, washed down with water.

You can also prepare delicious propolis milk using 50 g of bee glue for each liter of milk. The mixture should be boiled for about 10 minutes and cooled. Half a glass of this milk, taken before meals 3 times a day, will not only bring real pleasure to gourmets, but will also significantly improve the condition of a patient with gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

In the case of erosive gastritis caused by increased secretion of the stomach, a month's course of taking propolis oil will be useful. To prepare it, you need to melt 1 kg of butter or heat 1 liter of olive oil and add a little less than 150 g to it propolis, stir until dissolved and cool. You need to take the oil before meals, 1 spoon per meal is enough.

It has found wide application in the folk treatment of gastritis with high acidity. propolis tincture on alcohol, which can be prepared from 1 part propolis and 5 parts alcohol (infuse for 2 days) or buy at a pharmacy.

Some advise drinking the tincture undiluted, 15 drops per dose, no later than an hour before meals (and so on for 2 weeks), but with this diagnosis it is better not to joke with alcohol and take the tincture in a mixture with other components. For example, take a teaspoon each of Kalanchoe (or aloe) juice and honey, adding 10 drops of tincture. The composition is taken before meals in the morning, afternoon and evening for 2 months.

The following composition has an excellent effect in case of high acidity: a decoction of walnuts in milk plus propolis tincture, sweetened with honey.

Propolis tincture can also be added to medicinal herbal teas, thereby enhancing their effect.

Propolis is an effective medicine for gastritis, but, like any beekeeping product, it is not suitable for everyone. After all, this is a strong allergen that can cause severe reactions of the immune system. Contraindications to taking propolis are a tendency to allergic reactions, including against the background of intolerance to bee products, alcohol tincture - childhood, as well as periods of bearing and breastfeeding a child.

Perga – another beekeeping product that has proven itself as part of a comprehensive treatment for gastritis. This was partly due to the property of bee bread to enhance the effect of pharmaceutical medications.

Beebread is a substance obtained by storing pollen collected by bees in honeycombs. The composition of beebread depends on the plants from which the bees took pollen, on the place where these plants grow, on the storage conditions of the pollen and the processes occurring in it during this time.

Be that as it may, bee bread remains one of the products with the richest composition: more than 10 amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body, about 50 enzymes, rare carbohydrate compounds, trace elements, the optimal amount of hormone-like substances, as well as a substance responsible for regenerative processes in tissues (heteroauxin).

What effect does such a valuable product have on gastritis with high acidity? It helps saturate the body with the substances it needs and reduce pain, normalizes intestinal activity, thus preventing flatulence, relieves inflammation and normalizes the microflora of the stomach, optimizing the level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, and helps the gastric mucosa to recover as quickly as possible. As a result, the condition of the body as a whole improves.

You can take bee bread for gastritis either in its pure form or in combination with honey. You need to take this medicine 3 times a day. For pure bee bread, 1 tsp is enough. at one time, for a mixture of bee bread and honey in a ratio of 1:1, a single dose is 1 dessert spoon.

With increased acidity, the temperature of the medicine plays an important role, so it is recommended to add bee bread or a mixture with honey to warm water. The composition should be taken either one and a half hours before meals, or at least 3 hours after it. The course of treatment usually lasts from 2 to 3 months.

Bee bread is certainly a healthy product, but it, like other bee products, is a strong allergen, so it should not be taken by allergy sufferers and patients intolerant to bee medications.


It is difficult to overestimate the benefits for gastritis with high acidity and such a dietary supplement as flax seeds, which have a soothing, enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect, plus they also stimulate the regeneration of tissue in the gastric mucosa. Moreover, the effectiveness of flax seeds has been proven for any type of gastritis.

Flax seeds are used to prepare decoctions, infusions, porridges, jelly and as an additive to ready-made dishes: salads, soups, casseroles, etc. Such food not only saturates and replenishes beneficial vitamins and minerals in the body, but also has a healing effect, helping the stomach painlessly cope with various foods.

Flax decoction can be prepared in various ways, depending on the ratio of water and seeds, the dosage is also set. For example, if you prepare a decoction from 1 tbsp. seeds and a glass of water (boil for 5 minutes), then a single dose of the decoction will be 1 tbsp. l. The decoction should be taken immediately before meals, so that during the meal it can protect the gastric mucosa from irritation by food.

Infusions can be prepared only from flax seeds, or you can include medicinal herbs in the raw materials, such as chamomile, tansy, sage, bearberry, etc. For an ordinary infusion you need to take 3 tbsp. crushed flaxseed and brew it with 0.5 liters of boiling water. You need to drink the infusion warm before each meal in the amount of ½ cup. If you use whole seeds, then you need to take about 3 tablespoons per glass of boiling water or hot milk. raw materials.

To prepare jelly, flaxseed is ground into flour, using it instead of starch. It is useful to consume this jelly in 2-3 tbsp. l. during meals.

Flaxseed can be added to any fruit and berry jelly while it is still hot. Kissel acquires medicinal properties, but it can also be used as an independent dish.

And flax seed porridge, when used regularly, can even cure stomach ulcers. It is very simple to prepare: brew 2 tablespoons of seeds with a glass of boiling water, stir and leave for 10 minutes. Salt and sugar are suppressed before consumption. It is enough to eat a couple of spoons of porridge a day for the disease to recede.

Like any “medicine,” flax seeds require some caution in their use. For example, when treating them, the amount of fluid consumed must be increased, otherwise the effect may be exactly the opposite.

Moreover, this treatment is not suitable for everyone. Patients with gallbladder diseases, tumors in the uterus, hepatitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, thyroid and prostate diseases will have to choose another medicine. It is not advisable to take flaxseed during pregnancy and lactation, exacerbation of pancreatitis, as well as intolerance to this product.

Oils for gastritis

The inflammatory process in the stomach forces patients to adhere to certain dietary rules, which in turn are components of complex treatment. A diet for gastritis with high acidity involves many restrictions, both in the amount of food eaten, and in its quality and methods of preparation.

Nutritionists have two opinions about the use of oils. However, they all agree that in no case should you completely abandon this food product, but preference should be given to vegetable oils. However, they should not be subjected to heat treatment.

True, butter, although it is a product containing lactic acid, which increases the acidity of gastric juice, is not excluded from the diet of patients with gastritis, but its consumption should be limited to 25 g.

They also say that if you eat a spoonful of a mixture consisting of equal parts of butter and honey in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, then gastritis will gradually recede.

Of the vegetable oils, it will probably be the most unhealthy Palm oil , which can only add cardiovascular diseases to gastritis. The benefit from it for the stomach is negligible.

But linseed oil , made from flax seed, due to its protective, anti-inflammatory, softening and regenerating properties, will only bring benefits. This oil also has the ability to normalize the production of gastric juice and relieve pain in the epigastric area, enveloping the gastric mucosa and protecting it from irritation.

The main thing in treating gastritis with flaxseed oil is to use a fresh product without sediment and various impurities. This oil, as an independent medicine, can be drunk on an empty stomach, starting with a teaspoon per dose, gradually increasing the dose to 17 g (1 tbsp.). Or you can simply add it to various dishes that do not require further heat treatment, since heating flaxseed oil leads to the formation of carcinogens that are harmful to health.

If you have difficulty purchasing ready-made flaxseed oil in a store or pharmacy, you can prepare it yourself using the cold-press method. To do this, the ground seeds are placed in a sieve pre-covered with gauze and pressure is placed on top. Under the weight of oppression, oil begins to release from the flour, which is collected in a container placed under the sieve.

Flaxseed oil is a popular remedy used in folk medicine to treat gastritis with high and low acidity, but it will not be useful for everyone. Very often, against the background of gastritis, other gastrointestinal pathologies develop, such as pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, and cholelithiasis. Flaxseed oil, having a noticeable choleretic effect, can cause an increase in the symptoms of these diseases.

With low blood clotting, flaxseed oil can provoke bleeding, including gastric bleeding, and during pregnancy, cause uterine contractions, leading to premature birth or miscarriage.

Sometimes, while taking flaxseed oil, diarrhea and discomfort in the lower abdomen are observed. Such side effects oils are a signal to reduce the dose and disappear within the first 5 days.

By the way, there is an opinion that the acidity of gastric juice can be normalized by daily resorption in the morning on an empty stomach. sunflower oil (preferably refined) in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. This should be done slowly, over 15 minutes. After a month, the symptoms of high acidity no longer bother the patient.

Olive oil due to its availability and beneficial properties, it quickly became one of the most popular means of treating gastritis with both high and low acidity. You can buy it at any supermarket. True, a high-quality product is not cheap, but by buying it, you provide your stomach with reliable protection and comfortable nutrition for yourself.

The thing is that olive oil has an analgesic, enveloping and wound-healing effect, which makes it effective not only for gastritis, but also for intestinal diseases, intestinal colic, and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

For medicinal purposes, fresh olive oil should be used strictly before meals. This should be done half an hour before the start of the meal. Daily dose – 3 tbsp. l., which should be drunk in 3 doses.

This treatment is carried out for 2 months, despite the fact that a noticeable reduction in gastritis symptoms is observed after just a couple of weeks of regular use of the oil.

Although olive oil is a fairly common food product, it has certain contraindications for use it for medicinal purposes. So its use is undesirable for intestinal disorders or allergies to this product. The choleretic effect of the oil makes treatment with it impossible if, along with gastritis, the formation of gallstones is diagnosed or there is a blockage of the bile ducts.

An equally common medicine for gastritis is sea ​​buckthorn oil , The content of beneficial vitamins and microelements is superior to many other oils. Many people have heard about its wound-healing properties and various uses in medicine. In addition, sea buckthorn oil can relieve inflammation and pain, as well as stimulate restoration processes in tissues.

Thanks to these properties, the oil has found wide use in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, when restoration of the gastrointestinal mucosa after erosive damage is required.

It doesn’t matter what kind of oil you use: pharmacy or prepared yourself according to the following recipe using olive oil.

Sea buckthorn oil recipe . Wash and dry fresh sea buckthorn berries, then squeeze the juice out of them using any method. Dry the remaining cake and grind it a couple of times in a meat grinder, then pour in olive oil heated to a temperature of 60 degrees. The composition is kept in a dark, cool place for ten days, then filtered. The resulting oil is once again poured into freshly prepared cake and left for another 10 days. Preparing the oil takes a little less than 3 weeks, but you get a 100% high-quality product, provided, of course, that natural olive oil was used in the process.

By the way, it is strictly forbidden to consume the remaining juice for gastritis with high stomach acidity!

Sea buckthorn oil can be used as a remedy for exacerbations of gastritis or taken as a therapeutic and prophylactic course during the period of remission of chronic gastritis.

For exacerbations, take 1 tablespoon of oil in the morning, at lunch and in the evening a quarter of an hour before meals. This treatment should be carried out for about a month.

A monthly preventative course consists of regularly taking 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil once a day, 30 minutes before meals.

When treating with sea buckthorn oil, it is necessary to adhere to a strict dosage, since fluctuations in the dose can negatively affect the well-being and effectiveness of treatment as a whole. Overdose is especially dangerous, causing headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and in some cases even convulsions and shock.

Sea buckthorn oil is not a food product, so its use should be approached with caution. Consultation with a doctor is simply necessary when treating children and pregnant women, however, it would not hurt for others to notify the attending physician about taking this natural medicine. It is not advisable to take sea buckthorn oil if there is a suspicion of the development of inflammatory processes in the liver and gall bladder, as well as in the pancreas.

Many people have heard about the benefits of pumpkin, which can reduce the acidity of gastric juice. But not everyone knows that from its seeds you can get another effective medicine for gastritis, as well as the existence of such a product as pumpkin seed oil .

Both the pumpkin itself and the oil from its seeds contain many useful substances necessary for the body, which, due to the need for gastritis to adhere to a rather strict diet, enter the body in limited quantities. We are talking about vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and useful microelements: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, cobalt, not to mention potassium, calcium and copper.

Pumpkin oil is useful for diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines, as well as for improving reproductive function in the stronger sex. In the case of gastritis, it is valued for its softening, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, stool-improving and wound-healing properties. But it is recommended to take it in combination with flaxseed or sea buckthorn oil. The effectiveness of this composition is much higher than pumpkin oil itself.

Pumpkin oil in its pure form should be taken strictly adhering to the intake time. 20 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner you need to drink a teaspoon of pumpkin oil. This is not difficult to do, because the oil has a fairly pleasant taste.

Mixed with other oils, it is enough to take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Have you decided to treat yourself with pumpkin oil? Don’t rush to run to retail outlets, stock up on homemade pumpkin, which is so useful for gastritis, and use the seeds to make medicinal oil. May this oil not have such a pleasant taste. It’s like store-bought, but it will have the same beneficial properties, and on your table you will always have aromatic porridge and casseroles made from “sunny” pumpkin.

There is such a simple recipe that you can use to make pumpkin oil at home. The number of seeds is taken on the basis that to obtain a glass of oil you will need 1 kg of pumpkin seeds, which have previously been dried and peeled. The seeds are poured with water so that it only slightly covers them, and boiled for about 5 minutes. The cooled mass is crushed using a blender and strained, folding gauze into 2-3 layers.

The use of pumpkin oil may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. For example, stool may be several times a day and the consistency is less frequent than usual, or belching begins to bother you more often. This suggests that the dose must be reduced after consulting with your doctor.

The choleretic effect of pumpkin oil does not allow it to be used for gallstones that impede the movement of bile. People who are allergic to this product should not take risks with such treatment.

When using any oils for medicinal purposes, you must adhere to the indicated dosage and do not use oils that are heated.

Soda for high acidity

It's no secret that soda, entering into an acid-base reaction with acid (including hydrochloric acid, which is discussed in connection with the acidity of gastric juice), extinguishes it. Thus, when it enters the stomach, it should, in theory, reduce its acidity, alleviating the symptoms of gastritis, in particular nausea and heartburn. In principle, this is what happens if you use soda correctly.

To relieve heartburn, 1 tsp is enough. dissolve baking soda in a glass of warm water. You need to drink this remedy after eating, which stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. This remedy can be used 2 times a day.

Soda in a higher dosage can negatively affect the condition of the inflamed gastric mucosa, further causing its irritation. In addition, by greatly reducing the acidity of the stomach, soda can provoke the onset of such unpleasant consequences as heaviness and pain in the stomach.

You need to understand that treating gastritis with soda is pointless. It can give relief, but not recovery. In addition, using soda to relieve heartburn symptoms is more of an emergency measure than a regular procedure.

Shilajit for gastritis with high acidity

Since the beneficial properties were discovered mumiyo, a mineral substance resembling resin, more than one century has passed, but their relevance has not lost its power to this day. Shilajit is considered to be one of the most effective means for the treatment and prevention of gastritis. Moreover, its use gives positive results in the treatment of gastritis with various types of acidity, the difference lies only in the methods of using this medicine.

Alternative treatment for incipient gastritis with high acidity involves the use of mumiyo according to the following scheme: 0.4 g of mineral resin is chewed 3 times a day (can be dissolved in a glass of water). This should be done 1.5 hours before the start of the meal. The duration of treatment ranges from 2 to 3.5 weeks, during which the secretory function of the stomach is completely restored, stomach pain disappears, wounds on the mucous membrane heal, and the patient’s general condition improves.

In case of high acidity, it is recommended to combine mumiyo with milk by dissolving 1 g of “resin” in a liter jar of boiled cold milk. This composition should be taken a glass three times a day. You can eat no earlier than half an hour after taking the drug. This treatment is carried out for 10 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated up to 5 times.

Mumiyo as a whole is a harmless product if the patient does not experience hypersensitivity reactions to it. And yet, the rich composition of mineral resin can negatively affect some processes in the body, so before you start treating gastritis with mumiyo, you need to be examined by a doctor and get advice about the possibility of using this gift of nature.

In addition, you need to take real Altai mumiyo, and not a drug in the form of tablets, which will be of little use.

Caution must be exercised in dosage. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 1.5 g, since in large quantities mumiyo can provoke a rise in temperature to critical values, as well as provoke increased sweating.

Birch mushroom and gastritis

When it comes to treating gastritis with mushrooms, many are perplexed, because mushrooms do not have the appropriate properties that can alleviate the condition of patients. So it is, but not in the black mushroom that has settled on the branches of a birch, with an unusual name chaga .

This externally unattractive mushroom is successfully used in the folk treatment of gastritis with high acidity by residents of remote villages, where the supply of medicines is insufficient, and the people are inclined to use medicines given by Mother Nature.

To prepare the medicine, use a dried mushroom, which is poured with boiling water for 4-5 hours to soften, then the swollen black mass is crushed and again poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:5. After the mixture has been infused for a couple of days, it is filtered and used as medicine. The infusion can be stored for no more than 4 days.

You should drink the drug half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Single dose – 200 ml.

Chaga treatment is quite long lasting from 3 months or more. Courses are repeated periodically with short breaks. However, the result is worth it, because chaga acts as a biogenic stimulant, mobilizing the body’s strength to fight the disease, normalizing gastric secretion, stimulating the immune system, inhibiting the degeneration of gastritis into an ulcer and then into stomach cancer.

In urban conditions, where it is difficult to get the mushroom itself, you can use its pharmacy tincture called “Bifungin”, diluting 3 tbsp. l. drug in 150 ml of clean water. The medicine is taken in the same way as a homemade infusion, but in a smaller dosage (1 tbsp per dose).

Taking chaga means eating without adding meat or seasonings. There are usually no side effects when treating with chaga, except perhaps allergic reactions in patients with hypersensitivity to chaga or bee products.

The simplest pharmaceutical drugs and dietary supplements

Let's start a conversation about the traditional treatment of gastritis with high acidity using pharmaceutical products with a well-known disinfectant - hydrogen peroxide. Taking this product externally does not cause concern to anyone, but there is great debate about taking the solution internally. However, even some doctors insist on the benefits of peroxide for the stomach and its effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The thing is that peroxide can not only restore the acid-base balance in the stomach, but also saturate it with atomic oxygen, which promotes proper digestion of food and prevents stagnation and putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract. But to achieve this effect, it is necessary to use hydrogen peroxide correctly.

You should start by cleaning the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract from undigested food particles and toxins formed as a result of food processing. After this, it is time to choose high-quality hydrogen peroxide that does not contain foreign impurities, which often happens with pharmaceutical products.

Have you found the purest 3% solution? This means you can start treatment. It is recommended to start with a minimum dose of 1 drop, diluting it in 2 tablespoons of clean water. You can drink the solution 2-3 times during the day.

The next day, the dose is increased by 1 drop, and this is done until the single dose is 10 drops when taken 3 times a day. This is the maximum allowable rate.

Important condition: the drug must be taken strictly on an empty stomach, no earlier than 2-3 hours after meals. And after taking peroxide, you will have to wait a while before eating; you can eat after 40-50 minutes.

After 10 days, we take a short break and repeat the course again, adhering to the achieved dose.

Starting to take hydrogen peroxide may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms of intoxication of the body (nausea, rashes and inflammatory processes on the skin), which will negatively affect the general condition of the patient. Despite the ugliness of the situation, such manifestations are not a cause for concern, but, on the contrary, indicate that the process of cleansing of toxins and oxygen saturation is proceeding successfully.

Treatment of gastritis with hydrogen peroxide is a rather aggressive method of therapy, causing some controversy among doctors, so it is not recommended to practice it in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation, in case of cardiovascular pathologies, in particular arrhythmias, if the patient has transplanted donor organs or drug intolerance is observed.

Fish fat – a drug that can easily be classified as both a medicine and a dietary supplement. The unique composition of the drug, rich in vitamins A and D and polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the human body, makes it indispensable in the treatment of many diseases. But regarding gastritis, there is still controversy around this drug to this day, although so far no one has provided evidence that fish oil can cause any harm.

On the contrary, fish oil can reduce pain due to its enveloping and protective effect on the gastric mucosa and reduces inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, fish oil is considered an excellent antidepressant, giving the body strength to fight the disease.

Just accept fish fat with gastritis, you need to be especially careful, because it can reduce blood clotting, and therefore is not suitable for the treatment of erosive gastritis, which is often diagnosed against the background of increased acidity of gastric juice. With this form of gastritis, as well as with a stomach ulcer, taking fish oil can provoke gastric bleeding, which poses a danger to the patient’s life

The decision to take fish oil must be preceded by a complete examination by a gastroenterologist, which helps to identify the tendency of the mucous membrane to form erosions and ulcers.

There are a lot of controversies going on around fiber . The question is whether to include it in the diet for gastritis. On the one hand, fiber helps the stomach and intestines process food, but on the other hand, it can have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. It turns out that fiber in the form of dietary supplements, intended to help the gastrointestinal tract, will have to be abandoned in case of gastritis.

And what can you do, since a sick stomach especially needs help, and not constantly stuff it with medications that improve digestion? A good way out of this situation is to eat cereals, which themselves are easily digested and help the intestines absorb other foods. True, if you have high acidity, you will have to give up pearl barley, barley, and especially pea porridge, which causes a disturbance in the secretion of gastric juice. But oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge will only benefit such patients.

In general, regarding the folk treatment of gastritis with high acidity, we can say that it is based on the interaction of folk and traditional medicine. It is recommended to take all prescriptions from traditional healers only after a full examination and consultation with a gastroenterologist. Otherwise, responsibility for the negative consequences of such treatment lies entirely on the shoulders of the patient himself.

How often do we think about our lifestyle, diet and bad habits? Many people promise themselves to start a “new” life on Monday, on New Year’s Day, or on some other day. Agree, not everyone actually succeeds in this, and on the first try.

However, there are times when a person is faced with a difficult choice - to change or irreversibly lose his health. For example, when we are talking about such a common disease of the gastrointestinal tract (hereinafter referred to as the gastrointestinal tract), such as. Many people are accustomed to ignoring this disease, considering it not so serious.

Probably, as in many other cases, people’s psychology comes into play, because if it doesn’t hurt, then there is no reason to worry. Our inner voice repeats that this does not concern you yet. And a person continues to eat junk food, abuse alcohol, tobacco, and basically destroy his body, without thinking at all that a disease such as gastritis can develop asymptomatically for a long time.

We don’t treat what doesn’t hurt and put off going to the doctor, even if it is necessary. And the realization that invaluable time has been lost and now we will have to fight not just one disease, but a whole bunch of complications comes, unfortunately, later than it should. Therefore, we invite you to learn about the symptoms and treatment in this material. gastritis with high acidity , as well as about other types of this disease.

Gastritis - what is it?

The name of this ailment comes from the ancient Greek word γαστήρ (transcription – gaster), which means stomach. Since the disease has been denoted in Latin since ancient times, the ending was added to the above-mentioned word -itis, which indicates the inflammatory nature of the ailment and the result was gastritis. That is, changes in the mucous membranes of the stomach due to inflammatory processes. From here we can formulate a general definition of what gastritis is.

This is a disease that is characterized by the dystrophic-inflammatory nature of changes in the mucous membranes of the stomach, occurring with atrophy of epithelial cells due to disruption of regenerative mechanisms and the development fibrosis .

In accordance with the classification accepted in medicine, there are several main types of this disease, which differ depending on:

  • degree of damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach ( catarrhal, fibrous and others);
  • nature of the course – and;
  • acidity level – gastritis with high acidity And gastritis with low acidity.

Under acute gastritis understand a disease caused by exposure to strong irritants on the stomach, for example, chemical or medicinal substances, food contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to pronounced inflammation of the mucous membranes. Often acute gastritis is a sign of metabolic disorders or infectious diseases.

Depending on the degree of damage to the gastric mucosa, the following types of acute gastritis are distinguished:

  • catarrhal or simple gastritis , i.e. the first stage of the disease, which is most often a consequence of poor nutrition;
  • diphtheritic or fibrous gastritis – this is a more serious form of acute gastritis, which can be caused by infectious diseases or chemical poisoning (for example, acids, mercury);
  • toxic-chemical, necrotic or corrosive gastritis , this form of acute gastritis is characterized by necrotic changes in the tissues of the stomach due to exposure to concentrated alkalis, acids or salts of heavy metals;
  • phlegmonous gastritis is a complication stomach cancer or, with this form of acute gastritis, the walls of the stomach seem to “melt” and a large amount of pus is formed, which spreads through the mucous membranes.

Chronic gastritis is a type of disease that is distinguished by its recurrent and long-lasting nature. As a result, the mucous membranes of the stomach change pathologically, which leads to cell atrophy .

The following types of disease are distinguished:

  • autoimmune gastritis or gastritis type A , a disease in which inflammatory processes are caused by antibodies to parietal (producing Castle factor and hydrochloric acid) to stomach cells;
  • bacterial gastritis or gastritis type B , a disease caused by the harmful effects on the mucous membranes of the stomach of chilacobacteria, namely, living in the stomach and infecting it, as well as the duodenum Helicobacter pylori. Researchers believe that Helicobacter pylori- this is the cause of the development not only of gastritis, but also of other serious gastrointestinal diseases, for example, stomach cancer , ulcers or duodenitis ;
  • reflux gastritis or gastritis type C , a disease in which a malfunction occurs in the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which a certain amount enters the stomach lysolecithin And bile acids .

A separate group includes the so-called mixed types of chronic gastritis, i.e. combination of type A with C or B and A, as well as additional gastritis, e.g. alcoholic, medicinal, atrophic, polyposis or hypertrophic.

According to localization they distinguish:

  • pangastritis ;
  • pyloroduodenitis , i.e. gastritis antrum of the stomach ;
  • gastritis of the fundus (the so-called body of the stomach ).

Increased stomach acidity, symptoms and treatment

Common causes of gastritis of the stomach (for all types), as we said earlier, can be both poisoning (chemical, medicinal) and the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

Chronic gastritis, in addition to the above reasons, can occur due to:

Before we talk about the symptoms and treatment of reflux gastritis, we will determine the causes of increased stomach acidity, which include:

  • unbalanced diet and taste preferences, for example, a love of overly spicy or fried foods;
  • long-term use of certain types of medications, for example, hormonal drugs;
  • bad habits, especially smoking, which causes a large amount of toxins to enter the stomach;
  • stressful situations, depression or psychological trauma;
  • harmful influence Helicobacter pylori.

Signs of gastritis with high acidity

Among the symptoms of gastritis with high acidity, there are many common signs of stomach ulcers and other types of gastritis. For example, among the first signs and symptoms of gastritis of the stomach of any kind, one can distinguish constant stomach ache after eating, as well as unpleasant feeling of heaviness , which also appears after eating, And belching .

However, the main feature of this particular form of the disease can be considered the presence of symptoms of increased stomach acidity, namely:

  • dull pain and feeling of heaviness in the stomach some time after eating;
  • “sour” belching after eating;
  • penchant for constipation or diarrhea();
  • constant heartburn ;
  • pain at night or so-called “hungry” pain, i.e. when there is no food in the stomach;
  • the tongue becomes red, and closer to its center a coating of white or light gray appears;
  • rarely, but it happens vomit or a person vomits after every meal;
  • decrease (due to pain) or vice versa increase (due to decreased acidity after eating) of appetite.

Of course, only gastroenterologist (a highly specialized specialist involved in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases) can confidently distinguish the symptoms of chronic gastritis from the catarrhal or corrosive form of this disease. We think that it will be useful for everyone to know, at least in general terms, what symptoms of acute gastritis or chronic gastritis can appear in a person (no matter how old he is) suffering from these ailments.

It is important to emphasize that acute gastritis has a number of symptoms similar to diseases such as:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • typhoid fever;

To differentiate gastritis from other ailments, doctors prescribe general blood analysis or alpha amylase test . It is noteworthy that you can find out how gastritis manifests itself in the early stages only by undergoing a special medical examination, which may include:

  • history taking and initial examination of the patient by a gastroenterologist;
  • gastroscopy or fibrogastroduodenoendoscopy ( Further FGDS) of the esophagus, duodenum and stomach (upper gastrointestinal tract);
  • x-ray ;
  • Abdominal ultrasound ;
  • pH-metry of the esophagus, duodenum and stomach ;
  • biopsy of the gastric mucosa ;
  • study ;
  • acid tests .

Gastritis is a very insidious disease that can “lead a person by the nose” for a single year without showing itself in any way. After all, heaviness in the stomach after taking certain foods or medications can torment even completely healthy people. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of gastritis, the doctor, after examining the patient, refers him to the appropriate diagnosis.

FGDS allows the doctor to analyze the condition of the patient’s gastric mucosa and diagnose a stomach ulcer or gastritis, as well as determine the location and type of the disease ( nonerosive, erosive ). Level acidity in the esophagus , duodenum and stomach investigated using pH measurements .

In modern devices for gastroscopy, pH-metry, like probing in order to study gastric juice, it is carried out simultaneously with the main FGDS procedure. In cases where for some reason it is impossible for the patient to undergo probing, the acidity level is determined using acid tests , i.e. specialized drugs that react with hydrochloric acid and color the urine one color or another.

If the cause of gastritis is the presence of Helicobacter in the stomach, then it is used for diagnosis. blood test for antibodies to this pathogenic microorganism, analysis of gastric mucosa samples, stool analysis or respiratory test .

As we have already said, initially gastritis does not show itself in any way, but as the disease develops, and especially during an exacerbation, a person begins to feel worse and worse. If you do not seek help from a doctor and do nothing to improve your condition, gastritis can become a real challenge.

Even the strongest and most resilient people cannot withstand the symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis, which are characterized by:

  • severe and prolonged pain in the stomach;
  • vomit after eating (there may be blood streaks in the vomit, which indicates gastric bleeding);
  • strong heartburn , which often cannot be dealt with without medication;
  • feeling nausea ;
  • increased salivation (salivation);
  • dry mouth due to frequent vomiting (risk of dehydration);
  • general weakness;
  • frequent diarrhea or vice versa ;
  • elevated temperature;
  • strong;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • constant belching;

What to do if gastritis worsens? If this is not the first time you have encountered some of the above-mentioned symptoms, but they were not very pronounced and went away quickly, consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. At the initial stage, it will be enough just to adhere to a certain diet.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity

How to treat gastritis? What to drink for stomach pain? Should we seriously consider treatment with folk remedies for this disease and will it be effective? Or is it better to resort to treating gastritis with high acidity with medications? Next, we will try to answer these and other questions related to how to treat gastritis of the stomach and what medications to choose for this.

First, let's answer the question: can gastritis be treated in principle or will this disease continue to haunt a person throughout his life? Modern medicine does not stand still, so people living in our fast-moving times have fared much better than those, for example, who were born half a century ago.

Doctors believe that gastritis is treatable, but there are a few important conditions. Firstly, the success of therapy is influenced by the patient’s age, as we know that a young, strong body can cope with many ailments, unlike older people.

And secondly, the type or type of gastritis, as well as the degree of its neglect (i.e., the extent of damage to the gastric mucosa by the disease), is considered an important factor. Unfortunately, people are often more interested in how to cure gastritis at home and are in no hurry to consult a doctor.

He will note that in some cases, traditional medicine can actually help relieve the symptoms of an exacerbation of the disease. However, do not forget that this gives only a short-term effect. After all, alleviating symptoms does not mean defeating the disease.

Treating an exacerbation at home is, as people say, a “double-edged sword.” On the one hand, a person becomes better, but on the other, a colossal loss of time occurs. Remember that the sooner you contact a specialist, the more likely it is that the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment regimen that will help cure gastritis.

So, we answered the question of whether chronic gastritis or other types of disease can be cured. Now let's move on to considering effective therapeutic methods for this disease.

Currently, there are plenty of medications that will help both in the treatment of gastritis and in alleviating the symptoms of this disease. In addition, do not forget about some really effective homeopathic remedies , as well as the methods offered by traditional medicine.

It is worth noting that the choice of a particular medicine for gastritis of the stomach should be entrusted exclusively to a gastroenterologist.

Only a specialist can answer the question of what to drink for gastritis, based on the patient’s tests and diagnosis.

We can say that the danger of traditional methods of treatment (unless, of course, the doctor himself recommended them) lies precisely in the fact that a person, not knowing what type of disease he suffers from, begins, at best, ineffective and sometimes dangerous self-medication.

There are the following types of medicines that are effective for various forms of gastritis:

  • drugs for treatment chronic form of gastritis (prokinetics and antiemetics, e.g. , enzymatic drugs - , , , , as well as antibiotics , if the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection) ;
  • medicines for treatment acute gastritis (to relieve acute pain during exacerbation, antibiotics, for example, are suitable, or are used for infection with Helicobacter);
  • medicines for treatment reflux gastritis (preparations containing , for example, or , prokinetics containing , such as , and Primer or, which contains );
  • medicines for treatment erosive gastritis (antibiotics, if the cause of the disease is pathogenic microorganisms, prokinetics - Motilium , antacid medications, for example, or enzymatic agents - Digestal, or , proton pump inhibitors – Enprostil and, damaged gastric mucosa is restored using Sucralfata or, and help saturate the blood with oxygen);
  • homeopathic medicines ( Iberogast , tea "Ekolulko" effective for gastritis with low acidity, drops Ulkus Sept );
  • combination drugs for gastritis and stomach ulcers (antacids - Gastal, Maalox, , antisecretory agents And , antimicrobial – , ).

As you already understand, for each type or form of the disease there is a specific medicine. Therefore, only a specialist can freely navigate this variety of medications. Let's talk in more detail about tablets for stomach gastritis. We have already mentioned that it is more effective from a medical point of view to treat acute forms of gastritis with drugs.

The above list of tablets for gastritis and stomach ulcers can only be used after consulting a doctor. This is important to remember, since different forms of gastritis require an individual approach. Otherwise, you risk making things worse with the wrong treatment.

Type of medicine Short description Indications for use Drug name
Painkillers (antispasmodics)

Perhaps the first thing you should think about during an exacerbation of gastritis is pain relief. After all, the pain syndrome characteristic of gastrointestinal diseases can really cause a lot of suffering to any person.

Antispasmodics - These are just effective medicines for stomach pain. Therefore, if your stomach hurts at night, and you don’t know how to treat it, then remember that you can first take painkillers.

And in the morning, without delay, go to the doctor and start treating the exacerbation with drugs that the specialist will recommend. It is important to understand that antispasmodics are not cures for gastritis, they are only means that will help alleviate the condition.

Pain syndrome during exacerbation of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases

These medicines belong to the group stimulants of motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract . Thanks to them, intestinal function improves, since prokinetics accelerate the movement of food through the esophagus, and also promote regular gastric emptying.

Not only drugs used in the treatment of gastritis have prokinetic properties, but also some antibacterial agents, and antiemetic and antidiarrheal medications .

  • gastritis;
  • esophagitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • biliary tract;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • diabetic;
Domestic gastroenterologists most often prescribe the following types of prokinetics:
  • serotonin receptor agonists (5-HT 4) These include Zelmak, Fractal, Coordinax, Propulsid;
  • dopamine receptor blockers , drugs that have both antiemetic and prokinetic effects - , Motorix, Ganatom, ;
  • selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, medicines that are very popular because they have a small number of side effects - Silancetron, .
Enzymatic agents

Often, with a disease such as gastritis, there is a failure in the production of enzymes necessary for normal digestion. Therefore, in the treatment of this disease, drugs that contain are used.

They help improve digestion and also effectively relieve gastritis symptoms such as bloating and heaviness in the stomach.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with disruption of the mechanism of food digestion and low acidity of gastric juice:
  • gastritis, as a rule, is an atrophic form of the disease with low acidity;
  • enterocolitis ;
The following types of enzymatic preparations are distinguished:
  • medicines containing pepsin, pancreatin or trypsin , obtained from the gastric mucosa of animals ( , );
  • medicines that contain pancreatin, and bile And hemicellulose ( or );
  • medicines containing fungal amylase, papain, enzymes and lipase , obtained from raw materials of plant origin ( Nigedase, Alpha-Amylase );
  • disaccharides.

This group of drugs is used in medicine to treat gastrointestinal diseases, which are characterized by an imbalance in the acidity level of gastric juice. They adsorb and neutralize hydrochloric acid.

In simple words, if it is necessary to reduce the amount of acid in the gastric juice, then the patient is prescribed drugs such as antacids. It is worth noting that these medicines have been helping people with gastritis for more than 100 years to reduce acidity if necessary, as well as cope with such unpleasant symptoms of the disease as heartburn And stomach pain.

Not many people know that the simplest example of antacids is honey with water or regular baking soda. Therefore, it is often recommended as a folk remedy for treatment heartburn . This product is budget-friendly and, as a rule, can be found in any home.

However, modern doctors do not advise getting carried away in this way, since soda has a lot of side effects that can further harm the condition of the stomach. Still, with the question of how to reduce stomach acidity at home, it is better to consult a doctor, and not conduct experiments on your health, which has already been undermined by the disease.

The same can be said about honey, which is certainly a healthy product, but it also has a number of contraindications, for example, diabetes or diarrhea. Although you can find out how to treat high stomach acidity on the Internet.

You should not immediately try on yourself everything that is written about on the World Wide Web, since untested treatment methods can make things even worse.

  • stomach ulcer;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • Gasterin;
  • Altacid;
  • Palmagel;
  • Talcid;
  • Gastracid;

Everyone knows what these medicines are, so we won’t talk about them for long. Let us dwell only on why these drugs are used in treatment gastritis .

So, as we said earlier, one of the causes of gastritis is an infection caused by the action of such a pathogenic microorganism as helicobacter . Antibiotics are known to effectively treat bacterial infections.

As a rule, for gastritis, medications are used that contain omeprazole, amoxicillin or clarithromycin. These antibiotics kill the bacterial infection and help treat the disease.

It is important to emphasize that only a gastroenterologist can prescribe this or that antibiotic. This applies, for example, Trichopolum or (an effective remedy not only for gastritis, but also for gastroduodenitis And stomach ulcers ).

As a rule, these medications for gastritis are part of general therapeutic treatment. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, they help get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, and on the other, they negatively affect the microflora of the stomach, which is extremely dangerous during exacerbation of gastritis or when there is an imbalance in the acidity of gastric juice.

Antibiotics are used in combination with drugs that stabilize (i.e., reduce) the level of acidity, and also saturate the body with the necessary lactobacilli for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is better to clarify how to take De-Nol for gastritis or other drugs similar to it directly from a specialist.

Gastritis or peptic ulcer caused by a bacterium Helicobacter pylori .
  • Clarexide;
  • Binoculars;
  • and such analogues as , Ultrop, Zolser. Promez And Omefez (antibiotics, which also reduce acidity);
  • De-Nol.
Proton pump blockers (inhibitors)

Another group of drugs that are used in the treatment of diseases characterized by an imbalance in the acidity level of gastric juice. These medications reduce the aggressiveness of hydrochloric acid, thus promoting the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach.

In addition, proton pump inhibitors are also effective when the body is infected with the Helicobacter bacteria. It is important to remember that frequently taking medications that reduce acidity levels, even if approved by a doctor, is also highly undesirable.

Of course, these medications help to quickly relieve such unpleasant symptoms of high acidity as nausea, heartburn or pain . However, they also provoke the development of an essentially opposite disease - atrophic gastritis , which, on the contrary, is characterized by an increase in acidity levels.

Doctors often associate this disease with a precancerous condition.

Chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer or stomach, duodenitis and others.
  • Dexrabeprazole;
Homeopathic medicines and traditional medicine

It’s not for nothing that we combined homeopathy and traditional methods of treatment gastritis . Because in most cases it is essentially the same thing.

In homeopathy, as in folk recipes, medicinal herbs are used, as well as other healing agents prepared on the basis of plant or animal components.

It is important to emphasize that any, even the most effective treatment with folk remedies erosive gastritis or reflux gastritis , and in principle, any type of this disease should not be started without first consulting a doctor.

On forums on the Internet you can find countless different recipes for gastritis. But even the most seemingly harmless folk or homeopathic remedy (for example, rosehip decoction or antimony) can cause harm.

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer.

Diluted in the right proportion Acidum Sulfuricum (sulfuric acid) used for chronic gastritis when a person complains of “coldness” in the stomach, vomiting And diarrhea .

Antimonium Crudum (black antimony) effectively eliminates burning sensation in the rectum, heaviness in the stomach and stimulates appetite. If a person has an exacerbation chronic gastritis with increased secretion , then can be used to relieve symptoms of the disease Bell pepper .

Also, homeopathic remedies such as:

  • sodium polysulfides or so called “sulfur liver” (Hepar Sulfur);
  • dibasic sodium phosphate (Natrium Phosphoricum) ;
  • dried sodium sulfate (Natrium Sulfuricum).

Among the most popular and effective traditional medicine used in the treatment of gastritis are the following:

  • herbal infusions (alcohol tinctures) and decoctions of St. John's wort, rose hips, plantain, calamus root, mint, centaury, pine buds, propolis, flaxseeds;
  • herbal teas based on sea buckthorn, chamomile, ginger;
  • cabbage or potato juice, as well as plantain, onion, and dandelion juice.

Above we talked about how gastritis can be treated with medication, i.e. using medicines, and also looked at some homeopathic methods and traditional medicine. Now it is worth considering in more detail the fundamental principles of nutrition for gastritis with high acidity.

« We are what we eat“- said the famous ancient Greek thinker and one of the founders of dietetics and medicine in general, Hippocrates.

The words of this doctor have not lost their relevance even after millennia.

This statement takes on special significance when compiling a diet menu for patients suffering from reflux gastritis, which is characterized by increased acidity of gastric juice.

It is important to emphasize that the success of therapy for almost any type of gastritis (with the exception, perhaps, of advanced precancerous stages) depends more than half on the food that is included in a person’s daily diet, as well as on his discipline and desire to overcome bad habits.

Products for high stomach acidity

So, how to eat properly when you have gastritis with high acidity, what foods you can eat and what you can’t, what you should categorically avoid so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease. We will answer these questions in the near future, and also give examples of foods that reduce stomach acidity, as well as increase its level.

This will make it easier to understand what foods can trigger stomach inflammation. Let's start with foods that increase the acidity of gastric juice. Why are some foods prohibited for people with disabilities? reflux gastritis . What is so dangerous contained in their composition?

The acidity of something is expressed in a value called pH. The full name of this indicator is: pondus hydrogenii, which means "weight of hydrogen". A zero pH value is inherent in a maximally acidic environment. A neutral environment is characterized by a value of 7, and a maximally alkaline environment is 14. Our stomach has a very acidic environment, which is characterized by a pH value of 3.5 or lower.

Reasons heartburn After each meal, there may be foods that upset the balance of acidity and increase its level in the gastric juice. A misconception is the idea that acidity is directly affected by products that are classified as so-called “sour” in accordance with the pH scale table presented above.

Of course, the dishes we prepare and eat affect the environment in the body, but not everything looks so simple. For example, a slice of lemon, which has a very sour taste, does not cause heartburn, but a small piece of steak or sweets can cause a person with gastritis to suffer for a long time. Therefore, in order to distinguish prohibited foods for people with high acidity from “safe” ones, you need to know which foods are acid-forming and which are not.

Experts believe that a diet for high stomach acidity should consist of more than 60% alkali-forming foods. This does not mean that if you have heartburn you should not eat any goodies at all. In fact, from products that reduce high levels of acidity, you can prepare many not only healthy, but also really tasty dishes.

Product acidity table

Food category Allowed for high acidity Prohibited for high acidity
Pasta It is advisable to eat pasta made from durum wheat (category A), but in principle, any type of pasta will not harm if eaten in moderation.
Cereals and legumes You can eat buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. You should avoid (especially during the period of exacerbation of gastritis) the consumption of barley, millet, barley and corn cereals, as well as legumes (lead to the accumulation of gases).
Meat and offal

Rabbit, beef, veal, lean pork, steamed or boiled. Meat can be baked and made into soups with the addition of vegetables or approved pasta and cereals.

It is acceptable to prepare puree soups based on low-fat meat broths and season them with cream or butter, for example.

Fatty parts of pork, as well as fried or smoked meats.

You should avoid canned meat (stew).

Poultry meat

The best poultry is an idea. You can safely eat chicken meat, only without the skin, as well as chicken meat. However, poultry should be steamed, baked or boiled.

Fried poultry, as in principle all dishes prepared in this way, is not suitable for a diet for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Goose, duck meat
Fish Low-fat fish, such as pike perch, pike (river) or cod, pollock and hake (sea). Just like meat, fish should be boiled, baked or steamed. Fatty fish, such as salmon, canned fish, and smoked or salted fish.

Cauliflower, carrots, beets and potatoes can be boiled, baked or steamed. It is not prohibited to eat ripe tomatoes in small quantities.

Vegetables can be added to soups, used as a side dish, or made into puddings or pureed soups.

It is noteworthy that, despite all their usefulness, not all vegetables are allowed to be eaten with high acidity. For example, onions, white cabbage, cucumbers or radishes should be avoided.

Fruits Without fear, you can eat fresh sweet fruits or berries, as well as cook jelly, compote, make purees, puddings or jelly from them. Sour types of fruits, as well as dried fruits and all drinks and dishes with them are prohibited.
Bread, bakery products

“Yesterday’s” is considered safe, i.e. not fresh dried wheat bread. You can eat oatmeal cookies or biscuits.

No more than once a week it is permissible to treat yourself to savory buns, pies with apples or jam, as well as cheesecakes with cottage cheese.

Any types of fresh bread and bakery products will negatively affect the acidity level, so eating them is prohibited.

Sweets and confectionery

It is better not to eat sweets and any confectionery during the period of exacerbation of the disease. It would be a shame for adults to break this rule, but for children you can make an exception and replace the usual sweets with jam from non-acidic fruits or berries, butter cream, marshmallows, and marshmallows.

However, the safest and at the same time healthy sweetness may be honey for gastritis of the stomach.

It is strictly forbidden to eat chocolate and ice cream.
Milk and dairy products

With increased stomach acidity, it is permissible to eat milk, low-fat sour cream, cream, and cottage cheese; you can drink kefir and yogurt in small quantities.

Cheeses can also be eaten in reasonable quantities.

Fatty types of milk and dairy products, as well as cheeses with spicy flavoring additives.

In case of exacerbation of any type of gastritis, including those with high acidity, it is recommended not to eat fried foods. Therefore, vegetable oils (linseed, olive, sunflower) can be used as a dressing, for example, when preparing salads.

It is acceptable to eat unsalted butter or ghee in small quantities.

All other types of vegetable oils and fats of animal origin.
Eggs You can eat soft-boiled eggs or steamed omelettes no more than 2 times a day. Fried or hard-boiled eggs are not recommended for consumption.

Herbal decoctions (for example, rose hips) or tea (weak green or black, floral). You can only allow yourself to drink a small cup of coffee with milk if you are not on an empty stomach.

Freshly squeezed juices or compotes from sweet fruits and berries are not prohibited.

It is strictly forbidden to consume any alcohol-containing drinks, carbonated drinks, kvass, strong black tea or coffee, as well as citrus fruit juices.
Sauces, herbs and spices It is permissible to add fresh or dried parsley or dill, as well as vanilla and cinnamon, to food. You should not eat hot seasonings, such as chili peppers or overly spicy ones (), as well as all sauces based on mayonnaise, ketchup or with the addition of vinegar.
Sausages and sausage products It is acceptable to eat boiled sausage, for example, Doctor’s sausage, in reasonable quantities. It is strictly forbidden to eat smoked sausages.

It is worth noting that diet at erosive gastritis of the stomach , at reflux gastritis or (as with other types of gastrointestinal diseases associated with high acidity) excludes the consumption of any fast food. This group of food products also includes muesli, which is often mistakenly classified as a healthy diet, and hot dogs, pizzas and burgers, loved by many, even those cooked at home.

When your stomach hurts, the diet should be balanced and take into account not only the acidity level of foods, but also the time of their digestion. This means that during an exacerbation of gastritis, the stomach will feel much better if you eat easily digestible foods. In addition, anyone who is faced with gastritis should forget about night snacks forever.

Experts advise eating at the same time, in small portions (fractional meals) about 4-5 times a day. Moreover, no more than 4 hours should pass between meals. By the way, nutritionists advise people who want to lose weight to adhere to these same rules. The human body works better when it lives and eats according to a schedule.

It is important to note that with gastritis it is better to eat warm foods, since cold or, conversely, too hot food can cause discomfort and painful symptoms of malaise. In addition, it is worth carefully monitoring the food preparation process, as well as the quality of the water. This rule applies to all people.

Since many pathogenic microorganisms, for example, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis, enter the body with contaminated food or water. Therefore, it is worthwhile to thoroughly clean food and do not forget about sufficient heat treatment. In case of high acidity, it is recommended to give preference to dishes that are prepared from pureed food products, for example, pureed soups, vegetable or meat purees, and others.

In this form, it will be much easier for the stomach to digest food. He will not “strain” and secrete excessive amounts of gastric juice to cope with a heavy meal. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, you need to adhere to the strictest diet, i.e. eat porridge with water or boiled rice.

As soon as the symptoms of an exacerbation begin to subside, the person can introduce new approved foods into his daily diet. Quite often, gastroenterologists are asked whether it is possible to play sports with gastritis. Of course, this disease is not an absolute contraindication for most sports.

However, if a person has gastritis of complex severity, for example, a precancerous condition or the disease has developed into a stomach or duodenal ulcer, then physical activity can provoke a deterioration in the patient’s health. Therefore, in any case, it is worth consulting with your doctor if you want to continue to lead a sports lifestyle.

Increased acidity during pregnancy

The vast majority of women are faced with such a problem as high or low acidity. This is primarily due to the characteristics of the period of gestation (for example, changes hormonal levels or the location of the fetus in the womb), when the entire body of the expectant mother, including her stomach, is vulnerable to many dangers.

What should a woman do to avoid such a nuisance as high acidity?

First of all, you should follow a diet that is practically no different from that used during an exacerbation of reflux gastritis.

However, it is worth remembering that pregnancy is not a disease, so you should not fanatically adhere to the strictest diet and eat only porridge with water.

For normal development and growth, a child in the womb needs a balanced and fortified diet.

Therefore, if you have high acidity during pregnancy, you should avoid carbonated drinks, black bread and fresh pastries, sour fruits, pickled or salted vegetables, smoked meats and sausages, as well as rich fatty broths and soups.

Porridge and light puree soups will be useful for exacerbation; they have an enveloping effect. For the main course, you can eat steamed cutlets with boiled vegetables or oatmeal porridge. Doctors recommend that pregnant women give preference to rabbit, chicken or turkey meat. If the diet still does not bring the desired relief, then you should consult a doctor who will help you choose medications suitable for pregnant women and prescribe a course of treatment.