Metallic taste in mouth after eating. Metallic taste in the mouth: causes. What does iron taste mean during pregnancy?

Every person has felt a metallic taste in the mouth at least once. The reasons for women and men may vary, but are often completely the same. The unpleasant taste of iron may be accompanied by a feeling of bitterness on the tongue, as well as the viscosity of saliva or dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Very often, such feelings appear due to changes in diet, or after taking medications. After returning to usual foods and stopping medications, the taste of iron disappears.

In some cases, a metallic taste is a sign of internal changes and emerging diseases. If such a symptom occurs repeatedly and appears with a certain frequency, then it is better to tell your doctor about the problem. He will conduct a medical examination and determine the source of the taste problem.

Causes of metallic taste in the mouth in women

It is women who often turn to the doctor with complaints about the unpleasant sensation of the taste of iron in the mouth. This is not surprising, since for the most part they more closely monitor the health and changes in the body’s reactions, and also have the strongest organoleptic sensitivity.

Usually, the metallic taste on the tongue appears unexpectedly and also disappears suddenly. This is often associated with unusual and new products. Sometimes the unpleasant taste does not go away for a long time after its occurrence, which causes a woman to become worried, because she does not understand what it means and indicates some kind of problem.

Various factors influence the occurrence of iron taste:

  • hormonal changes - the changes occurring in the female body owe much to hormones: progesterone and estrogen;
  • diet – the specificity and imbalance of the products used can cause taste changes;
  • taking medications – medications entering the body (tetracycline antibiotics, metronidazole, feramide and some dietary supplements) can cause side effects, one of which is a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • consumption of sweeteners and sweeteners (saccharin), as well as certain types of mineral water.

Metallic taste during pregnancy

Some women say that a sudden metallic taste in the mouth is a sign of pregnancy. This statement has no justification, however, even during the period of bearing a baby, a change in taste in the oral cavity is possible, for which there are several reasons.

A couple of days after a woman finds out that she is pregnant, and before 12-14 weeks of gestation, serious changes occur in the mother's body.

  1. Hormonal background – the balance of estrogen and progesterone changes, which affects the expectant mother’s taste sensations.
  2. Enhanced sense of smell – due to altered hormonal levels, there is a clearer and stronger perception of smells, and this, as we know, is directly related to the perceived taste of food.
  3. Vitamin complexes - prenatal vitamins can affect the taste in the mouth due to the minerals and other beneficial components they contain.
  4. Gastroesophageal reflux - frequent vomiting, nausea and belching of gastric contents can cause an unpleasant metallic taste.

Common Causes of Iron Taste in the Mouth in Both Men and Women

Changes in sensation on the tongue occur quite often. There are many reasons for this:

  • tap water - drinking water from the tap without using filters can disrupt the functioning of the body, because the condition of the pipes leaves much to be desired: they are covered with rust, are rarely cleaned, additives used to purify water settle on the walls;
  • aluminum cookware - cooking food in a cast iron or aluminum pan can cause a taste disorder after eating;
  • poisoning – the ingestion of salts of heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, and arsenic compounds, into the body can cause serious disorders. In this case, dizziness, general weakness, signs of intoxication, nausea, severe pain in the muscles and abdomen are noted. This means that you should definitely visit a doctor, because such poisoning can be harmful to health and life-threatening;
  • after suffering from a cold - having had an acute respiratory viral infection, many patients say that when they cough they feel the taste of iron in their mouth. You should visit a pulmonologist, as this sign may indicate developing inflammation of the bronchi;
  • tooth replacement structures - if there are crowns made of different types of metal in the oral cavity, this can cause oxidation of one of them, while the patient feels his tongue go numb and also complains of a sour metallic taste;
  • bleeding gums – after brushing your teeth in the morning, you may experience a metallic taste in your mouth due to blood, because it contains iron ions;
  • low acidity of the stomach - in addition to the taste of iron, a violation is indicated by belching and pain after eating;
  • Electronic cigarettes are a popular way for men to quit nicotine; when smoking, vaping occurs (steam is released), and if the device is poorly made, a metallic taste in the mouth is possible.

Why is there a metallic taste in the mouth and due to what diseases?

The resulting taste of metal sometimes signals that a malfunction has occurred in the body’s functioning and some kind of disease has appeared. There are a great many diseases accompanied by this unpleasant symptom. We will try to analyze in detail the most common of them:

  • anemia - iron deficiency in the body can manifest itself not only as a metallic taste in the mouth. This disease causes dry skin, brittle hair and nails. The patient experiences headaches from low blood pressure, weakness, and increased heartbeat. Anemia often occurs against the background of gastric diseases, hidden bleeding, and malnutrition;
  • diseases of the digestive system - the gastrointestinal tract is directly related to the oral cavity, so many diseases are reflected in changes in taste sensations. With gallbladder pathology, there is pain in the right hypochondrium, difficulty defecating, and there is also a bitterness in the mouth. If the liver is concerned, the patient has no appetite due to a feeling of nausea, which results in weight loss. In case of intestinal diseases, a plaque on the back of the tongue is often associated with the taste of iron. When a patient is diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, this is accompanied by severe pain, bloody vomiting is possible, which causes a taste disturbance;
  • hypovitaminosis - insufficient intake of vitamins affects health, a metallic taste occurs, a person feels tired, irritated, and mental and physical indicators also decrease;
  • diabetes mellitus - this pathology also contributes to the formation of a metallic taste. In addition, there is a dry mouth, severe thirst, possible itching of the skin, increased appetite and decreased vision. If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor and measure the amount of sugar in your blood;
  • otorhinolaryngological diseases - when the ENT organs are affected by a fungus, an unpleasant taste sensation occurs, in addition there is dry mouth, as well as a disturbance in the perception of taste of salty, sweet and bitter foods. There may be a cough and discomfort in the throat and paranasal sinuses.

How to get rid of the problem?

In order for the feeling of a metallic taste in the mouth to disappear, it is necessary to understand the reasons that led to its occurrence. Only a doctor can cope with this task, who, after a full examination of the body, will tell you what to do with this unpleasant symptom and what treatment to undergo.

A common source of the metallic taste is blood, which appears with, so the disease must initially be dealt with. If the cause is pregnancy, then in this case you just have to endure it, because all taste disturbances are associated with changed hormone levels.

When taking medications becomes the source of iron taste, you should tell your doctor about this so that a different remedy can be selected and you may have to stop using the medicine.

To temporarily eliminate symptoms, you can use traditional methods.

  1. Eat a piece of lemon or irrigate your mouth with acidified liquid.
  2. Dilute 5 grams of table salt in 100 ml of water and rinse your mouth vigorously.
  3. Use spices, especially ginger root, cinnamon or cardamom. You can simply chew them or hold them in your mouth, but you can also brew them with tea or diversify recipes for your favorite dishes.
  4. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. All citrus fruits, as well as tomatoes, increase the amount of saliva produced, which helps cleanse the mouth.
  5. Sweet-tasting foods can also mask the metallic taste.

Video: what can give off a metallic taste in the mouth?

Additional questions

What does the metallic taste on the tip of the tongue indicate?

A metallic taste may be a sign of temporary changes in the body caused by taking medications or certain foods, and may also indicate a serious pathology of internal organs. To clarify the cause, you must contact your doctor.

When I run, I taste of iron

In the process of running, the load on the heart increases and the pressure increases, which is why loose, bleeding gums can give such a taste. In addition, microscopic cracks in the lung walls caused by stretching can lead to a metallic taste in the mouth. If you notice blood in your mouth during physical activity, you should definitely visit a doctor.

The appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. Fortunately, most people experience it only briefly. The reasons for its occurrence are very diverse: harmful environmental influences, systemic disorders, medications, food products, etc. How to get rid of this phenomenon? To eliminate it, you need to find out why it appeared.

Symptoms of the disease

As mentioned above, there are many factors that can affect the taste experience. Often, changes in taste are accompanied by other phenomena that can help determine why a metallic taste appears in the mouth. Many of them are directly related to the oral cavity.

When a person experiences bleeding gums, bad breath, dryness or excessive salivation, the appearance of a metallic taste may well be explained.

A number of other symptoms relate to changes in facial expressions and are often caused by pathology of the facial nerve. In addition, there may be a loss of appetite, nasal congestion, swelling, vomiting, inflammation of the tonsils or throat, and a decreased sense of smell.

In some cases, a metallic taste on the lips or tongue is a symptom of more serious diseases that require immediate medical attention.

In this situation, if the following conditions occur, you should urgently seek medical help:

  • confusion or changes in consciousness, poor concentration;
  • Inability to swallow;
  • Temperature rise above 37.7;
  • Drooping or numbness of one half of the face;
  • Speech became slurred and difficult to understand;
  • Lips, tongue, mouth are swollen;
  • It is difficult to breathe, there is not enough air, wheezing or whistling is heard when inhaling and exhaling.

Causes of a metallic taste in the mouth

Since there are many reasons and some of them pose a danger not only to health, but also to life, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

Often an unpleasant taste occurs due to taking medications, because many of them can cause very unusual side effects, including changes in taste. Since people react differently to the same substances, such reactions can occur to a wide range of medications. To find out, you need to consult a doctor.

Diseases of the oral cavity and paranasal sinuses sometimes include changes in the sense of smell in their symptoms. Infection, nasal congestion, problems with teeth and gums and other unpleasant phenomena can also provoke the appearance of a non-existent taste.

Some systemic diseases that affect the functioning of the entire body also affect taste buds. These include diabetes mellitus, kidney dysfunction, zinc deficiency, cancer, etc.

The reasons may lie in malfunctions of the nervous system. Taste sensations change especially strongly when the facial nerves are damaged by any disease. Since taste and smell are interrelated, anything that affects the sense of smell will also affect the sense of taste.

During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through a series of metamorphoses, which often include increased sensitivity to tastes and smells. During pregnancy, strange, non-existent tastes can very often occur.

In addition, in this way the body can react to excess metal or copper. Too high a level of these elements will primarily affect the oral cavity.

Seafood poisoning, for example, when eating spoiled fish, is characterized by unpleasant sensations until toxins are eliminated from the body. So histamine poisoning from seafood is another reason why a metallic taste occurs in the mouth.

Allergies often affect the sinuses. As a result, the functioning of taste buds is disrupted.

The sense of smell is inextricably linked with taste, so smells can also affect taste. This is especially noticeable when inhaling toxins from the environment, such as gasoline or rubber dust.

If there are no visible reasons, then the doctor may state “ idiopathic dysgeusia» – taste disorder.

A slower sense of smell also affects the slower response of taste buds. As a result, the food consumed may have a rather strange taste, and sometimes it may not even occur while eating.

Such serious diseases of the ENT organs as sinusitis, colds, flu, etc. also lead to changes in sensations.

Metallic taste in the mouth: home treatment

Self-treatment at home is not advisable, but if there is no serious reason for this unpleasant sensation, then you can try one of the following methods:

  • Use more spices and herbs. Any food flavored with seasonings can cleanse the receptors and reduce the unpleasant taste of metal. But you need to be careful and not get carried away with such substances, especially with acid reflux or other gastrointestinal problems;
  • Use plastic containers. You can try to avoid metal cutlery and plates, pour drinks from tin containers into glass glasses to eliminate the metallic aftertaste;
  • You can take advantage of the properties of cold. Frozen foods or cold dishes rarely leave a metallic aftertaste;
  • Eat sour foods, for example, meat with barbecue sauce, canned food (pickles and tomatoes), add lemon juice to water, eat more citrus fruits;
  • Change the flavor of meat. To do this, use a variety of salad dressings, marinate it in sweet wine and other sauces to avoid the aftertaste that is often present in meat;
  • Get rid of kitchen odors. To do this, use a strong hood or give preference to grilling. Some people eat warm food or food that doesn't require cooking;
  • Sweeten dishes. Sweet foods can overpower other flavors on the tongue. In this case, it is better to give preference to fruits, ice cream, milkshakes;
  • Eat protein. If the reason lies in red meat, then it can be replaced with other sources of protein, such as fish, eggs, legumes, peanut butter and dairy products.

In any case, you need to pay attention to the body’s signals and navigate according to your feelings.

The taste of iron in the mouth is exactly that unpleasant sensation that many of us experience quite often. First of all, this change only signals that changes have occurred inside our body, and most often these same changes did not happen for the better. These taste changes often occur in pregnant women. But this type of taste can also indicate that a person has a rather serious illness, which it is time to start fighting and coping with. If you yourself understand that the taste of iron in your particular case is rare, and all symptoms disappear quickly, then there is no reason to worry. Of course, even in such a minor variation, you need to find the reason for the manifestation of this negative moment in your body. If the taste of iron in your mouth accompanies you always and everywhere, then it’s time to sound the alarm, and of course, immediately run to the doctor for help

Iron taste in the mouth, what is it?

This symptom cannot belong to the category of basic tastes, and that is why it is the taste that is taken for consideration. Most often, taste occurs in situations where a large number of copper ions or other chemical compounds are formed on the surface of the tongue. Often, an unpleasant aftertaste is accompanied by other components, namely the onset of bitterness, as well as an astringent sensation in the entire oral cavity. You should not quietly endure all these symptoms; you need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible so that he can select the most optimal treatment option for you. The selection of medications should always be made by a medical professional; do not self-medicate, it is dangerous to health.

Causes of iron taste in the mouth

The appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth can be caused by a variety of factors. An unpleasant environmental situation in a given locality, or the onset of pregnancy, or perhaps poisoning of all kinds of heavy metals has occurred in the body, can also play a significant role. There are more than enough reasons, which means you need to be able to understand them.

If you begin to notice that the manifestation of a metallic taste occurs rarely and for a short time, and at the same time you have a good physical condition of the body, then the reasons for all this may be:

  • Drinking water that contains a large amount of iron. Most often this happens in apartments that do not have filters installed. Moreover, some people, without worrying about their health, drink unboiled water, which means that they willfully cause negative harm to themselves. You need to monitor the condition of your drinking water as seriously as possible, because our body consists of water in quite a large amount; make sure that it is of high quality and healthy.
  • Using low-quality cookware made from poor aluminum in everyday life. When using high temperature conditions, a certain number of metal ions are fully transferred to food, which means that later you will consume it altogether.
  • The presence of installed braces and all kinds of metal crowns. The appearance of a metallic taste can only appear when the oxidation of these foreign substances in your oral cavity begins to fully occur.
  • Taking certain medications can quite easily contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth. That is why it is necessary to analyze the short period that has passed and all the medications that were used during it. This reaction can be provoked by tetracycline, some antihistamines, and even a certain group of vitamins.
  • An unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth can also be caused by eating low-quality or improperly prepared seafood. Most often, such a metallic taste in the mouth signals that poisoning will soon occur and you will need medical attention.

Among women:

  1. Pregnancy period. If the expectant mother feels such a taste, then either she begins to develop anemia, or her hormones are simply acting up, which is a common occurrence in this period of time. With this type of complaint, it is best to consult a gynecologist, who will refer you for the necessary tests.
  2. Incorrect organization of taking dietary supplements. And this especially applies to women who constantly want to lose weight.
  3. Also, in the process of losing weight, some women try to minimize their water intake. All this gradually leads to dehydration, and subsequently the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth.

For men:

  1. Long-term wearing of metal accessories that have direct contact with the skin.
  2. Work activity at an enterprise associated with interaction with heavy metals.

If this list of deviations does not suit your situation, then you need to pay attention to diseases such as:

  • Anemia. This name hides a common lack of iron in the body. Most often, this disease occurs in women and children.
  • Various types of oral diseases. In addition to the unpleasant taste in the mouth, bleeding gums, increased tooth sensitivity, and bad breath may occur.
  • The presence of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. In this situation, the taste of metal in the mouth will be accompanied by unpleasant belching, a feeling of heartburn, and even painful sensations in the internal organs.
  • Various types of ENT diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus in different forms. If you have this disease and you begin to feel an unpleasant metallic taste in your mouth, then you need to check your blood sugar levels as soon as possible. Otherwise, pretty soon your condition will begin to deteriorate, weakness, a feeling of constant thirst, and even a sharp increase in body weight will appear.
  • Hypovitaminosis. Reducing the amount of vitamins necessary for the full development of the body. In this situation, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe effective treatment.
  • Various types of allergic reactions. In this situation, the taste of absolutely all dishes consumed by a person will change.
  • Disorders in the field of neurology.
  • Presence of neoplasms. When a tumor occurs in the body, an unpleasant metallic taste almost always occurs in the mouth. That is why we need to be able to listen to our body as seriously as possible, which gives us the opportunity to fight the disease in the early stages.

How to get rid of iron taste in your mouth

Remember that in absolutely any situation when this symptom appears, it is best to seek help from your doctor. Only he will be able to conduct a full examination with the necessary samples.

The important point is that there is no universal remedy for eliminating the unpleasant taste of metal in the mouth. In order to quench it, you need to professionally identify the cause that provoked its appearance and development. And it is precisely on the basis of this reason that the treatment process, as well as the selection of suitable medications, can be drawn up.

Having consulted a doctor, you will immediately undergo the most detailed examination, which will allow you to exclude, or, on the contrary, confirm the presence of those diseases that can become obvious provocateurs for the occurrence of this symptom. It is worth initially warning your doctor about what diseases you currently have. Also, do not forget about what medications you have taken over the past couple of months.

Iron taste in the mouth is the most common symptom indicating pathological changes in the body. This sign appears when there are copper ions or other substances on the tongue. Quite often, the iron taste is combined with bitterness and other symptoms that signal various pathologies. In this regard, if such a symptom is frequently felt, the patient needs to seek help from a doctor, and self-medication can harm the body.

However, a metallic taste in the mouth may be normal and indicate physiological changes in the body, for example, during pregnancy or consumption of certain foods.


Various factors can contribute to the appearance of such a symptom. The taste of iron in the mouth is an unpleasant phenomenon, the causes of which may be changes in the functioning of the body. Doctors most often diagnose iron taste in the following diseases:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • liver diseases;
  • ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • problems in the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the gums and oral cavity.

Drinking untreated water, metal poisoning, and metal crowns on teeth can also lead to the formation of such a sign.

Sometimes taking medications can cause an unpleasant feeling in the mouth. Some medications have the side effect of a metallic taste.

In women, the taste of iron in the mouth may appear during pregnancy, from improper use of dietary supplements, or when losing weight.

In males, this phenomenon can be triggered by wearing metal watches, bracelets and other accessories, as well as when working with heavy metals.


Quite often, the taste of iron in the mouth is formed under the influence of various negative influences on the body, and at the same time the symptom manifests itself against the background of other signs of pathology.

If a patient is poisoned by medications, then, in addition to the metallic taste, the patient will complain of additional discomfort, namely:

  • thirst;
  • headache;
  • unclear consciousness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • pain attacks in the abdomen.

If in women or men the symptom manifests itself for a very long time, then you need to consult a doctor. Otherwise, if the cause of the symptom is unclear, serious complications and health problems may develop.

A metallic taste, as previously mentioned, can be caused by the development of anemia. Other external indicators can help determine this disease:

  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • headache;
  • dry skin, hair;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • cracks on the lips;
  • dry mouth and impaired taste buds.

Pathologies of the liver and gallstones manifest themselves in the body not only in the form of an unpleasant taste, but also in the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • poor appetite;
  • weight loss

Problems with the endocrine system, in particular diabetes mellitus, can be recognized by the following signs - lethargy or severe agitation, the smell of acetone when urinating.

An unpleasant taste in the mouth can also be a signal for ENT pathologies. They will be accompanied by:

  • sore throat;
  • plaque in the oral cavity;
  • cough;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • tinnitus.


The iron taste in the mouth appears not only from physiological processes, poor diet or poor oral hygiene, therefore, if this phenomenon occurs frequently, the patient should seek help from a doctor. Using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, it will help determine the progressive pathological process.


To determine why the symptom appeared and choose the optimal remedy for eliminating the taste in the mouth, the patient needs to go to a medical institution, where he will undergo the necessary examination. After determining the cause, the doctor can prescribe therapy, which will be aimed not at eliminating the unpleasant symptom, but at the source of the symptom itself.

If bitterness and iron taste appear infrequently in the mouth, the patient should first reconsider his diet. The most common reason for this unpleasant indicator is poor quality or unsuitable products. Also, to remove the taste, you need to rinse your mouth, brush your teeth and tongue after each meal.

If the patient uses any medications, then they need to be stopped for a while. Then it will be clear why there was an unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth.

As for other home remedies from traditional medicine, doctors allow the following remedies to be used as part of therapy and prevention:

  • lemon;
  • rinse the mouth with water and salt;
  • spices – cardamom, cinnamon, ginger;
  • natural fruits and vegetables;
  • propolis;
  • mint;
  • sweet products.

Bitter, iron or any other taste can be avoided by replacing metal cookware with ceramics.

Also, take only purified or boiled water for drinking.


To prevent symptoms, a person needs to monitor their diet, lifestyle and treat diseases in a timely manner.

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Every person has experienced an unpleasant taste in the mouth at least once. Such a condition does not arise just like that. It may be a consequence of the use of foods or medications, or a signal of serious problems. If an unpleasant taste in the mouth rarely bothers you, this should not cause concern. But if the condition occurs regularly, lasts a long time, and is accompanied by deterioration in health, you need to consult a doctor.

This or that taste in the mouth is a symptom of diseases, sometimes even serious ones. A person may experience salty, sweet, bitter and sour tastes for no apparent reason. But according to statistics, more often people are bothered by the taste of metal.

Causes of metallic taste in mouth

There can be many reasons that cause an iron taste in the mouth. For example, drinking mineral water, which contains a lot of iron ions, can lead to a similar condition. Untreated tap water can have a similar effect. The reason is the poor quality of the pipes through which it passes. Most of them are covered inside with rust, particles of which are mixed with “life-giving moisture.”

A metallic taste can be caused by using cast iron or aluminum cookware for cooking. Especially if you cook foods containing acids in such containers. Acids react with metals and dishes acquire a specific taste that is felt in the mouth.

The cause of discomfort in the oral cavity is medications. For example, a metallic taste is a side effect of Tetracycline, Metronidazole, Lansporazole and other drugs. A similar phenomenon can be a consequence of taking dietary supplements. As soon as the course of treatment with them is completed, the unpleasant sensations will disappear.

Metal crowns sometimes give off an iron taste if they begin to deteriorate. Under the influence of acids, metal ions are formed and create a specific taste.

Diseases that cause a metallic taste in the mouth

There are many diseases, one of the symptoms of which is a metallic taste. Let's look at the common ones.


Or anemia often causes a metallic taste in the mouth. Its presence may also be indicated by weakness, drowsiness, dizziness and headaches, loss of strength and rapid heartbeat. The disease is often accompanied by disturbances in the sense of smell and taste. In severe cases, there is pallor, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, dry mouth and cracks in the corners of the lips.

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Anemia is often caused by gastrointestinal diseases, hidden or obvious bleeding, unbalanced nutrition and an increased need for iron in the body, for example, during periods of intensive growth, breastfeeding or pregnancy. This explains why a metallic taste in the mouth often occurs during pregnancy.


Hypovitaminosis develops due to a lack of vitamins. Signs of the condition include a metallic taste, increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritability and decreased intellectual and physical abilities. The main method of treatment is taking vitamin complexes and adjusting the diet.

Digestive system diseases

Problems with the digestive system are accompanied by unpleasant tastes in the mouth, including metallic ones. Its occurrence may indicate the presence of diseases:

  • gallbladder– cholangitis, dyskinesia, cholecystitis. Signs of disease are pain in the right hypochondrium, stool disorders, metallic or bitter taste in the mouth;
  • liver. They are accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and changes in taste. They cause a metallic taste;
  • low stomach acidity. In addition to the taste of iron in the mouth, low acidity is indicated by belching with an odor reminiscent of the smell of a rotten egg, bloating, dull pain after eating, constipation, or diarrhea and heartburn;
  • intestines. They are accompanied by a coating on the tongue;
  • stomach ulcer. A problem can be signaled by severe pain that occurs on an empty stomach or at night, vomiting, belching, and heartburn. The condition is complemented by a metallic taste.

Oral diseases

If you experience a metallic taste in your mouth, the reasons may be hidden in problems with the oral cavity. For example, it can be caused by an inflammatory disease of the tongue - glossitis, the development of which can be promoted by injuries, hot food, alcohol, hot spices and burns. Often, an iron taste appears due to bleeding gums. Even minor bleeding that is not visually noticeable can provoke it. The cause of the phenomenon is often stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease and other problems of the oral cavity.