How to understand that you are getting sick. What to do when you get sick? Poor diet for influenza

Mom surrounded us with care and did everything to prevent a common cold from developing into a more serious illness. And if then we easily and simply stayed at home and happily skipped classes, now, in any condition, you go to work and try to fulfill your direct job responsibilities. Therefore, every adult sooner or later begins to think about the question: I start to get sick, what should I do?

First signs of a cold

Before you take any action, you need to know exactly what symptoms are specific to a cold:

  • itching and what makes you constantly want to scratch your nose;
  • frequent sneezing, but only if the person does not suffer from allergies (if a person starts sneezing, a doctor can tell you how to avoid getting sick);
  • increased tearfulness, which follows immediately after sneezing and itching in the nose;
  • Possible nasal congestion;
  • a feeling of general weakness, throughout the day you want to lie down and sleep;
  • headache caused by nasal congestion;
  • muscle soreness, aching feeling;
  • increase in body temperature, but not higher than 38 degrees.

If several symptoms appear at once, a person immediately realizes: I am starting to get sick. What to do? Moreover, any action must be taken immediately, since this is the only way to prevent complications.

Basic actions at the first signs of a cold

Not all folk remedies that we remember from childhood can be used when the first symptoms of a cold appear. For example, you can take a hot bath only if there is no high temperature or other contraindications.

Therefore, every adult needs to clearly know what to do at the first signs of a cold. The following measures will help ease the flow:

  1. If the body temperature has increased, then it is necessary to observe bed rest, since the body loses a lot of strength due to the fight against infection.
  2. Ventilate the room regularly. This will kill bacteria and not create favorable conditions for their reproduction.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids, prefer hot tea, to which it is recommended to add honey or ginger, or a rosehip drink.
  4. Periodically gargle with special medicinal decoctions, such as chamomile or calendula. It is allowed to use special solutions using soda, salt, iodine, furatsilin.
  5. Rinse your nose with salt water or a special product that can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can prepare a saline solution yourself by adding a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water.
  6. Warm milk, in which you need to dissolve honey and butter, helps with cough. You can apply a warm compress, but only at normal body temperature.

And, of course, don’t forget about vitamins, of which there are huge amounts in vegetables and fruits. And if a person thinks like this: “I’m starting to get a cold. What should I do? Only a doctor can tell me,” then he will definitely be able to avoid the consequences. After all, timely help from a specialist will always come in handy.

What can't you do?

It is not recommended to lower the temperature at first. This is the body's natural reaction to infection, which means that the fight against the disease is in full swing. However, it is still worth paying attention to your general well-being. If the temperature is too poorly tolerated, then you can bring down the temperature with Nurofen.

You cannot risk your health, and if you are getting worse every day, it is better to call a doctor at home. Remember that a common cold, if left untreated, can cause a sore throat or pneumonia.

Drug treatment

I'm starting to get sick. What to do? You can take a number of medications that are sure to be found in almost every home. Well, it is best not to neglect the consultation of a specialist who will prescribe the correct treatment.

There are a huge number of medications that are designed to make you feel better and speed up recovery. The most popular and effective are:

  • "AnviMax", which contains vitamin C, paracetamol and loratadine. The therapeutic effect is felt within 30 minutes after taking the drug.
  • "Pinosol" - nasal drops, which are recommended by most doctors, since they are made on the basis of natural ingredients, which means the risk of side effects and addiction is minimal.
  • "Suprastin" is an antihistamine that can reduce swelling in the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.
  • "Tantum Verde" is a spray that is used to treat the throat.

It is worth remembering that the sooner a person paid attention to his condition and discovered the first signs of a cold and began treatment on time, the greater the likelihood of preventing further development of the disease. When the thought appears in your head: “I’m starting to get a cold, what should I do?” - A doctor can provide assistance.

A child has a cold: first aid

The question of what to do at the first signs of a cold in a child is especially relevant. You can help your baby, but only if you don’t panic.

First of all, you need to find out if the child has a fever. If it is elevated, but below 38 degrees, you should not knock it down. You need to give your body time to fight the infection on its own. If it is above 38 degrees, then it is recommended to give an antipyretic drug, for example Nurofen. If this remedy does not help and the temperature continues to rise, you need to wipe the child with warm water (vodka and vinegar should not be used).

Further actions

After the child’s condition has stabilized, it is necessary to give an antiviral drug, for example Anaferon. Inhalations with medications or mineral water will also be useful. If there is no special device for inhalation, you can use a folk remedy - breathe over boiled potatoes. The effect of such a remedy is complex: getting rid of cough, treating throat, eliminating cold symptoms. Only a doctor can tell you what to drink when you start to get sick. Therefore, it is better not to delay going to him.

Remember that when the first symptoms of a cold appear, you should never immediately take antibiotics in the hope that the disease will disappear in one day. There are no such miracle drugs, and improper treatment can lead to undesirable consequences. “What should I do if I start to get sick? What should I do in such a situation?” - you ask. The answer is: listen to your own body. He himself will tell you what he needs: if you feel sleepy - go to bed, if you want to eat a certain product - eat it. And under no circumstances should you go to work or anywhere else in this state.

“- this question arises if we feel that a little more and the body will overcome the cold, which will make us weak, vulnerable and which will ruin our plans.

A cold can take you out of your normal routine for several days, so it needs to be prevented in time. In order to prevent the disease from developing and stop the onset of a cold, you need to take active action urgently!

First signs of a cold

Some symptoms can help you immediately identify an impending cold. These are sudden drowsiness, runny nose, increased fatigue, sore throat, heaviness of the eyelids, redness of the eyes. As soon as you begin to notice that your body is giving in to the onslaught of illness, immediately take measures to avoid getting sick completely.

Sometimes a little hypothermia is enough to make you feel unwell. In the autumn-winter period, it is easy to dress inappropriately for the weather, freeze while waiting for public transport, or become hypothermic in the office due to drafts and poorly heated rooms.

First aid:

Drink plenty of fluids
Start drinking black or green tea more often, preferably with lemon. You can also drink brewed rose hips to diversify your drinking menu. Honey and raspberry jam are excellent sugar substitutes during a cold, because they not only sweeten the taste, but also help fight the disease.

At night, you can brew yourself some mulled wine or grog and drink this hot drink just before bed. Making mulled wine is very simple, you can even make it in the microwave. For this you will need dry red wine, honey or sugar, cinnamon and cloves. Mix the ingredients and heat in the microwave to 70 degrees (the mulled wine does not need to be brought to a boil).

Reduce the amount of food

So that the body has the strength to fight a cold when a problem arises: I'm sick - what should I do? He should spend less energy on digestion.

Therefore, do not load your stomach with heavy food and try to reduce portions. Eat more fruits and cereals, and then your body will receive the necessary vitamins, nutrients, and it will be able to resist colds.

Take cold medicine

A timely taken packet of the same Coldrex or Tera-Flu will quickly relieve cold symptoms. The main thing is to take the remedy at the first symptoms of a cold, and not when you are already sick. This will come in handy if you have a cold in the middle of the work week, when you need to be on your feet for a few more days and there is no opportunity to rest at home.

Vitamin C will be useful to you now in large quantities, so lean more on oranges and tangerines, and you can also buy ascorbic acid in tablets. But if you are feeling well: I'm sick, what should I do?, and it doesn’t get better, then you’ll have to take sick leave and call a doctor.

Do procedures

To get rid of a runny nose in a matter of days, you can rinse your nose with salted water. It is also useful to inhale, breathe in steam, be it water from boiled potatoes or just salt water. For many, going to the sauna helps at the first sign of a cold. Just make sure that after it you dry your hair well and get home not in cold transport, but in a warm car. When you have a sore throat, you can gargle it with a solution of warm water with salt and soda.

How to boost your immunity

The cause of frequent colds is weakened immunity. Its condition is affected by stress, bad habits, taking antibiotics, poor diet, lack of sleep, excessive stress, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Even if you are well insulated and do everything to avoid catching a cold, due to a weak immune system you can often get sick. There are several effective ways to boost immunity.

This is taking vitamins and minerals that are important for the immune system, proper nutrition, including complete proteins, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, hardening the body, sports, an active lifestyle and maintaining a sleep schedule.

If you work a lot and have little rest, don’t be surprised that sooner or later your body will constantly be exposed to colds and don’t be too surprised: I’m sick, what should I do?! Work must be combined with rest! And from time to time you just need to let yourself relax in a calm environment, or even better, go to the sea at least once a year.
Don't let the cold attack you!

What to do if you have a cold

Everyone knows that as soon as the cold weather sets in, It's time for flu and ARVI. At this time, not only children, but also adults begin to get sick. It turns out that under the influence of cold weather, immunity decreases, especially in people who ignore a healthy lifestyle. As a result, your body becomes more vulnerable to various diseases. However, not everyone can get sick; our advice will help you fight the flu and not get any colds.

If you have a sedentary job, remember the popular saying: “Movement is life.” When a person performs any physical activity, normal metabolism occurs in the body, due to which the immune system becomes more resistant to influenza and ARVI. Experts recommend take at least 10 thousand steps a day.

Useful in the cold season increase your dose of vitamin C, since in large doses it can destroy pathogens in just a few days. A large amount of vitamin C is found in rose hips, red pepper, sea buckthorn, and kiwi. Don't forget about citrus fruits too.

To avoid catching a cold you will have to overcome such bad habits like drinking alcohol and smoking. It turns out that these habits dry out the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, so the body becomes more susceptible to disease.

Don't forget about walks in the fresh air and drinking plenty of fluids. Many parents, in order to reduce the risk of getting the flu, wash their children’s noses with soap and water after each time they come in from outside. Although this procedure may seem strange, it is very effective - it reduces the risk of disease by 10 times.

Treating a cold with home remedies

Your throat started to hurt, and the next day you developed a runny nose, cough and fever? Do not rush to take pills, colds or Flu can be cured using traditional methods at home. If your cold starts with a sore throat, raw garlic is an effective remedy. It can be consumed with food.

Helps well ginger tea. To do this, add hot water to the ginger root and bring to a boil. The drink turns out a little spicy. You can add a spoonful of honey, cloves and a slice of lemon to it.

A good way to fight a cold is warmth and sleep. Rub your feet with “Star” balm and put on socks. If you start to get sick, soak your feet in warm water with mustard. After any hot procedures, do not forget to wrap yourself up and go to bed. Try to get enough sleep during illness to avoid complications.

We hope that our advice on how what to do when you start to get sick, will help you maintain a strong immune system and overcome any cold.

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The insidious ARVI lies in wait for us literally at every step, especially in the off-season. And if the virus has already entered the body, it cannot be stopped, but it is possible and even necessary to alleviate the condition. We tell you how to cure a cold and strengthen your immune system.

Take your vitamins

Zinc and vitamin C are important for the human immune system, so make sure you get enough of them. Zinc is found in whole grains and milk, and vitamin C is found in oranges, strawberries and pineapples. You can also take these substances in tablets.

Get more rest

Try to get as much bed rest as possible and go to bed as early as possible to get the optimal amount of sleep per night.

“The immune system needs rest to regenerate,” explains Dr. Ayan Tong. “Quality sleep will help maintain a healthy immune system.”

Take time off from sports

Sports, of course, are the key to staying healthy, but during a cold it is better to postpone exercise.

"If you're an avid athlete, replace intense exercise with light walking until you feel better," says the doctor.

Do not be nervous

Mental state, according to experts, affects physical health. And stress can take a serious toll on the immune system. Simple anti-stress devices will help you stay calm.

Drink more water

Water is vital for the functioning of the immune system. Since the body loses water during a cold, reserves must be constantly replenished. But remember: you should drink water, fruit drinks or juices. No caffeine or alcohol.

Don't give up food

Even if you have no appetite, try to eat as often as possible.

“Illness is work. The body burns a lot of calories fighting disease, so it is important to provide it with enough fuel to win,” Dr. Tong emphasizes.

Save your energy

Yes, no meetings with friends or family events – just a relaxing stay at home.

“Allow yourself to rest and recover. Save energy for your body - it needs it to recover,” comments the doctor.

Don't go to work

Don't freeze

If you are cold, your body loses precious energy, which, as we have already found out, is very important for a speedy recovery.

Maintain hygiene

Wash your hands frequently and properly: for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap. If you don't have access to a sink and soap, use a disinfectant.

See your doctor if you feel really unwell

If you experience flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, or extreme tiredness), don't wait to call your doctor. It is very important to start treatment for influenza within 48 hours of developing it.