Why does a cat shit on the bed? Why does a cat shit on the bed? Why such problems may occur

Nobody likes it when a cat starts defecating outside the litter box, but many can more or less endure such tricks, wipe up the puddles and hope that this is a temporary phenomenon. But there is one urination spot that is usually the last straw for owners. Almost no one remains indifferent when a cat begins to urinate in the owner's bed. Most often, owners take this cat behavior as a personal insult or revenge. They believe that the cat is doing this on purpose to cause them maximum inconvenience. It can be very difficult to explain to them that this behavior is not related to revenge or the harmful nature of the cat, and that it is not directed against them personally.

Well, we’ll exclude the tags right away, right? We have castrated cats. This article is written about castrated people, at least. So - if not, then you should first see a castrologist.

Anxiety-related behavior.

It is very common when a cat chooses the bed to urinate that the behavior is related to anxiety. This concern can be caused by many factors in the environment, but before you start working on finding one specific factor or several that is causing your cat to pee on the bed, there are a few other important things you should check for.

Time to visit the vet.
Regardless of where your cat started urinating, if the area is outside the litter box, then the first imperative step is to visit your veterinarian and have the urine tested. The veterinarian will examine the animal and may order some additional tests to make sure that the problem is not in the cat's health. Even if you are convinced that it is a behavioral problem, do not under any circumstances begin behavior modification without consulting your veterinarian, because you certainly do not want your cat to experience pain and suffering if you are still mistaken about the causes. In addition, this is a very common problem for cats suffering from cystitis or urolithiasis; they avoid going to the litter box as they associate it with the pain they experience when urinating.

Make sure the problem is not with the tray or litter.
A thorough inspection of the tray should be done. Let's start with cleanliness. How often do you clean the litter box? You should shake the litter at least twice a day. Some cats will not go to the litter box even if they have only peed once or if the litter box smells a little. When I consult with my clients, I shock many of them with the news that cleaning the litter box every two to three days is not the norm. Imagine if your toilet smelled like a village toilet with a hole in the boards and a cesspool, and your neighbor had a clean and pleasant one, and even freely accessible. That wouldn't be nice, would it? Which toilet would you go to?

For cats, the need for a clean litter box is rooted in their survival instinct. To go to the toilet, they move away from their nest and then bury the excrement so that it does not attract the attention of predators. Domestic cats retain this same instinct. They see a dirty, smelly litter box as a neon sign to attract predators. The litter box needs to be cleaned and shaken twice a day, and the entire litter in the tray needs to be changed at least once a month (this is if you have one cat and a clumping litter) or at least once every two weeks if the litter is absorbent. Then the tray should be washed with baking soda or another disinfectant that is not harmful to cats.

Look at the size of the tray itself. Make sure it is the right size for your cat. The tray must be at least as long as the entire cat without a tail; she must fit completely in it, standing on all fours. I know people who have a very small litter box in their home because they don't want it to be visible and ruin the decor. Naturally, there are problems with the cat's toilet. Don't skimp by buying a small tray that can be hidden discreetly in the corner. Your cat should be able to sit comfortably in the litter box. Ideally, the litter box should be 1 ½ times the length of your cat without the tail.

Another important thing to check is whether you have provided enough litter boxes for your cat. You should have one litter box more than the number of cats in the house.
Check the placement of the tray or trays. Maybe your cat doesn't like the location of the litter box, she tolerated it as long as she could, and at one point something bothered her so much near the litter box that she finally stopped using it. Is it possible that the tray is in a noisy, unprotected area? Or is it hidden so remotely that you need a GPS to find it? Perhaps you recently moved the litter box? Cats don't like sudden changes. The tray should be located in a quiet but easily accessible place. In a house where several cats live, litter boxes should be placed throughout the house so that on the way to the toilet one cat does not cross the territory and path of another cat.

What type of tray are you using? If the litter box has a lid, then it may be what is bothering the cat. Some cats feel too cramped in a closed litter box. Lids also trap more odor inside the litter box, which can be overwhelming to your cat's sensitive nose. In a household with many cats, a covered litter box can provide an easy ambush location because the cat in the litter box has no escape route.
Check if you have changed the filler in the tray? Try creating one with fine clumping litter and observe the cat for a week, perhaps its behavior will change after that.

So, all the above reasons are swept aside, the cat continues to urinate on the bed. Let's start with behavior modification.

There are a number of reasons why a cat may choose its owners' bed to urinate, such as:

Advantage of a high location.
This is especially true in multi-cat households or when the cat feels threatened. This could also be the case when the cat is being bothered by dogs. The height of the bed provides a visual advantage, the cat can easily see the approach of the enemy. Since most beds are placed with their backs to the wall, your cat can sit on the pillow with her back to the headboard without worrying about being ambushed. She can urinate on the bed and keep an eye out for any danger around so she can escape in time. From a cat's point of view, a bed fits the bill of a litter box because it is soft and absorbent, and when the safety element is added, it becomes an ideal place for a cat who is wary of being attacked to urinate.

Absence of owners.
Since the bed is an area where the scent of its beloved owners is concentrated, a cat may urinate in this area if a human family member's work schedule has changed dramatically or he is away from home longer than usual (for example, on a business trip). There is an opinion that this is a way to call the owner home, although, rather, it is a self-soothing behavior that relieves fear and anxiety from separation. A cat finds comfort when it mixes its scent with that of its absent owner.

If you have a significant other with whom you share a bed, or if the cat has problems communicating with one of the owners, then it may defecate on that person's side in the bed. This mixing of scents may be a process to calm the cat, but it may also be an attempt to convey information about yourself in order to make friends.

Attractive material.
Sometimes the reason simply comes down to the fact that a particular blanket or blanket is very attractive to the cat, its texture is pleasant to the paws, especially if the cat is not happy with the tray provided by the owners. Bedding can be the perfect softness or texture for peeing. From the cat's point of view, they may be much more suitable for the litter box requirements - soft, absorbent and clean - than an owner-provided litter box.

Unexpected changes.
If you move to a new home, your cat may have problems identifying the litter box. The owners' bed is a source of familiar and soothing smells. Even renovations or simply rearranging furniture can lead to a cat choosing the bed to urinate. If a cat does not feel safe in the house (perhaps due to the addition of another cat), it may choose the master bedroom as the safest place to stay. She will be afraid to walk past the new cat to the litter box and then the owners' soft bed becomes an ideal place for the toilet.

Let's save your bed!
Once you've taken your cat to the vet and also thoroughly checked the litter box, it's time to look for environmental factors that may be causing the problem. If this is a question of the texture of the linen or bedspread, then first try changing the type of filler in the tray. Then be sure to change the bedspread to a completely different one. Look for one that will be very different from the current one. For example, if the texture of the bedspread now resembles silk, then lay a scratchy blanket in its place, and vice versa. You can even keep the bedroom door closed during the day to limit your cat's access to the temptation to be on the bed. As a last resort - while selecting the right filler, you can cover the bed with plastic film. Since it does not absorb liquid, it can discourage the cat from the bed as a less convenient place to urinate than before.
As a general rule, I advise owners not to conduct play sessions on the bed because they may send a mixed message to the cat that the bed is a place for play and they may attempt to solicit play during the night. In the case of a cat urinating on the bed, it will be helpful to play with it in this area to make a small change in its brain so that it begins to look at this place, not as a toilet, but as a place of entertainment. You can also start feeding your cat treats on the bed.

In a multi-cat household or when adding a new cat or other pet, the cat may not feel safe enough to leave the master bedroom and visit the litter box on the other side of the apartment. Make sure you have a sufficient number of litter boxes placed throughout the house and work to improve the relationship between cats. This may include providing more resources, increasing the number of litter boxes (perhaps one litter box per bedroom), and in some cases may need to reintroduce cats that didn't get along the first time.

If a cat has problems communicating with a new family member, then this is the time to develop a program where the person with whom the conflict or communication breakdown occurred begins to feed the cat, give it treats, play with it, and generally perform all the duties of the owner. This will help change the cat's association with the new person.

If the problem is related to the owner's long absence, this is the time to enrich the cat's environment and come up with new activities for her so that she does not withdraw into herself. In this case, toys that the cat could play alone are more suitable, but they should be interactive and interesting, and not just plush mice. Place the cat station next to the window, and hang a bird feeder outside the window. This way the cat can spend time in the window, enjoying “cat television.” Use pheromones (Feliway), play a special cat video for the cat. Be creative to provide a more interesting environment. Also, try to increase the amount of time you spend with your cat when you are at home. Make sure you play with your cat twice as much as usual.

If your cat is still feeling lonely, this may be the best time to consider adopting a second cat so that your cat has a friend. If you decide to do this, make sure you have time to devote to properly and positively introducing the new cat into the family.

If you feel that you cannot determine the cause on your own (which can be difficult to do), it may be time to seek professional advice.

Cats, unlike dogs, are difficult to train. A pet can start shitting right on the bed, not paying attention to the person’s attempts to educate and wean it off. According to signs, even this can be beneficial.

Problems of education

Raising a cat is difficult, and the process of raising a cat can be compared to raising children. The owner needs to gain trust; the cat loves when the owner is attentive to her. Only with the help of affection, attention and care can you make her obey. After living together, the cat becomes similar to its owner, and may even repeat its fate. The cat shows care through its healing abilities: by lying on the human body in the place where it hurts, it seems to numb the pain.

It is worth teaching your pet manners from the very beginning. The kitten must be immediately accustomed to the place where it will eat and where it will go to the toilet (it is important not to constantly change the litter). With the right approach, you can train a kitten within a week. You need to wean your kitten from shitting anywhere and stealing food from the dining table from the first days, otherwise it will be almost impossible to do this later.

Cats are clean animals; their food bowls, sleeping area and litter box must be kept perfectly clean and tidy. Otherwise, problems may arise.

It may also be that the cat behaved well-mannered, but suddenly became capricious, began to create incomprehensible incidents, and for no apparent reason crap on the bed. To solve a problem, you first need to find the cause.

Possible reasons

The owner's bed for cats is the personification of all that is closest and dearest to them. She tries to show all her dissatisfaction in a place where she will definitely be noticed.

A cat that is accustomed to constant attention may miss its owner when he goes to work and disappears for a long time. She can express her dissatisfaction by shitting on the bed. There is no point in punishing her for this: it will not give any result. You need to show her how unpleasant it is for you what she did. Cats are susceptible to changes in their owner's mood.

A bad reaction that contributes to the pet’s bad behavior can also be caused by brewing scandals between spouses. Kittens take all human experiences personally.

To take revenge on the offender, whom the kitten himself chooses, he can relieve himself in that person’s shoes or shit on his side of the bed. Therefore, it is worth considering all the nuances of interaction with the rest of the household and remember that a pet is also a member of the family, and not a single situation in the house will pass its attention.

Possible interpretations

The most popular signs relate to recently purchased houses or apartments, when the owners let a cat into their home for the first time. Here you need to immediately pay attention to the place that she chooses for herself. The cat is a symbol of a special prophetic creature capable of predicting what will happen in the future.

Psychics and gurus claim that if a person carefully observes the behavior of his cat in the house, then soon all the cards about his own future will be revealed to him. It’s not for nothing that cats are considered magical creatures, messengers from other worlds.

If for no apparent reason a cat shits on the bed, the omen promises:

  • quick profit;
  • disease;
  • of death.

The interpretation of the sign is ambiguous, because a cat can relieve itself on the bed due to many reasons: age, state of health, dirty litter box or banal boredom. The age of the pet affects its behavior. An old pet, accustomed to sleeping in its owners’ bed, may simply not have time to get to the toilet.

Try to arrange the cat's bed closer to his toilet, and do not let him on the bed anymore. In most cases, the reason that an animal craps on things is due to improper upbringing and permissiveness.


Folk omens will not give an exact answer why a cat begins to shit on the bed, but there are certain explanations for this reason. Remember about your pet's health: the main problem may be related to its general condition. Pay attention to the quality of food, check for parasites and fleas. By catching yourself in time, you can take appropriate measures that will help quickly and efficiently eliminate such problems with animals.

Often, in addition to pleasant communication with your favorite furry creature, the owner may encounter inappropriate behavior of the pet in the form of piles and puddles on the bed. Such an unpleasant phenomenon usually causes a negative reaction among household members. There are several reasons why a cat shits on the bed. In order to wean an animal from such a bad habit and prevent similar surprises in the future, it is necessary to carefully understand what prompted the animal to such actions.

Read in this article

Main reasons

There are completely objective reasons for the fact that the animal suddenly abruptly changed the place of the toilet, which have nothing to do with the concepts of revenge or resentment. It is a big misconception to think that a pet is taking revenge on members of the household for something or is doing it out of spite.

No matter how capricious a cat may be, the explanation for bad behavior is usually psycho-emotional in nature or related to the animal’s health. Veterinary specialists and experienced breeders believe the following are the reasons why cats shit on their owners’ beds:

  • Unsanitary condition of the cat litter box. Fluffy beauties are very sensitive to the cleanliness of their toilet. It is important for the animal that there is no smell of its feces. This is due to genetically determined behavioral factors. To prevent a cat from being found by a predator, or a potential prey not discovering the animal in advance, representatives of the feline family carefully bury their feces and urine.

Therefore, the first thing the owner does when he discovers a puddle or pile on his bed is to inspect the litter tray to ensure its cleanliness.

  • Replacing the type of filler or its absence. Often, animals, having discovered a completely different litter in their tray, do not want to relieve themselves in an unfamiliar composition. Having decided to accustom your pet to a tray without filler, the owner may also become an eyewitness to the fact that his bed has become used as a cat litter box. In this way, the animal tries to draw attention to the fact that not everything is in order with its tray.
  • Stress. Often the cause of a cat’s inappropriate behavior is psycho-emotional stress associated, for example, with the appearance of a small child, a new family member, or another pet in the house. Stress occurs when moving to a new home or when a cat is treated roughly. In animals that have not seen children, psycho-emotional disruption is possible due to close attention to it.
  • The reason why a cat began to shit on the bed is often health problems.. So, puddles in the master's bed may appear as a result. Pain when urinating leads to the fact that the cat avoids its usual place of the toilet, associating pain with it, and begins to shit on the bed of its beloved owner. If the pet suffers from chronic intestinal diseases, the owner may find an unpleasant surprise in his bed in the form of cat feces.
  • During the mating season, a hormonal surge in the body pushes pets to act inappropriately from the point of view of household members. The reason that during this period a cat may shit in the bed is the animal’s desire to mark the territory with its smell.
  • The reason why a cat shits on a person’s bed may be old age. This situation is aggravated by multiple chronic diseases in old age. Aging animals may lose previously acquired skills, including often forgetting their litter box and beginning to defecate on blankets and pillows.

Mating season and a dirty litter box can cause inappropriate behavior in your pet

The cause of toilet dirty tricks is often the simple forgetfulness of household members who have blocked the animal’s access to the tray. Being conservative, cats can shit in the wrong place even by changing the old tray to a new one, moving it a couple of centimeters. In this regard, the owner needs to carefully analyze all changes in the pet’s life and identify the reason for the incorrect behavior.

To learn about the reasons why a cat shits on the bed, watch this video:

The group of animals that mess up most often

Although the reasons for unauthorized use of the owner's bed are general, owners should be aware of which animals are potentially susceptible to behavioral disturbances:

Such mistakes occur especially often in kittens who have diapers and other fabric materials placed in their nest. And until the animal gets used to the hard surface of the tray, the kitten can look for a place to do its business on a more comfortable and soft surface, including in the owner’s bed.

  • Unsterilized animals (cats and cats) most often subject to a change in behavioral response associated with the influence of sex hormones and the desire to attract an individual of the opposite sex by all means and means. Sterilized pets do not suffer from such failures, and they have less chance of inappropriate behavior.
  • Elderly animals Due to changes in physiological functions (incontinence), they often shit on the owner’s bed.

Knowing these features in the behavior of domestic cats, the owner should not punish the offending pet, but understand the reasons and understand the requirements and objective factors of bad behavior.

Methods of influencing a cat

Of course, when a “misfire” is detected, and more than one, you have to look for options on what to do if a cat shits on the bed. First of all, you should calm down and not take your anger out on your pet. Aggression towards an offending animal will only aggravate its stressful state and will not lead to the desired result.

Whatever feelings of hostility and annoyance may overwhelm the owner who sees a “surprise” in his bed, it is strictly forbidden to beat and punish the animal. The maximum that experienced breeders allow in this situation is to let the cat know in a stern voice that they are unhappy with her actions.

Soiled bedding should be replaced immediately with fresh ones. Dry dirty laundry thoroughly. Wash the mattress and blanket, and if possible, take it to the dry cleaner. It is necessary to fight off the unpleasant smell of cat feces not only for sanitary and hygienic purposes, but also to prevent new attempts by the pet to shit, focusing on its smell.

For treating the master's bed, both improvised means in the form of vinegar, lemon, and ready-made sprays such as “Antigadin” are suitable. The smell of citrus fruits repels well and at the same time scares away the cat. For these purposes, you can use a deodorant with the scent of orange, lemon or lavender.

After washing and disinfecting bedding, the tray should be inspected. And even if at first glance the owner does not think it is very dirty, it should be thoroughly washed, disinfected and dried. In the event that the day before there were some innovations in the form of a new tray, a change in the brand and type of filler, or there was not enough filling, you should immediately return everything as it was.

If a new animal appears in the house, a child is born, or a new family member begins to live, the animal may experience a lack of attention and feel a loss of interest in itself, stress from new experiences.

To reduce the emotional shock of the old-timer, the cat should be petted, picked up more often, played with, treated to something tasty, and shown other signs of attention. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, you can give your pet sedative herbal preparations for some time.

In the question of how to stop a cat from shitting on the bed, an important point is to discover the reason for such bad behavior. If the owner does not find any external factors that prompted the pet to use the owner’s bed as a toilet, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian. A clinical examination, urine and blood tests will reveal, for example, urolithiasis. In this case, the animal will be prescribed conservative treatment or surgical intervention will be recommended.

If a baby is mischievous in the house, the owner should monitor the pet’s behavior more closely. After each visit to the litter box, the kitten needs to be petted and treated with a treat. Patience and perseverance will help develop proper hygiene skills in a young animal.

Prevention of bad behavior

The following recommendations will help prevent disruptions in your pet’s behavior:

  • The door to the room where the tray is located must always be open.
  • It is necessary to regularly monitor the hygienic condition of the tray, wash it thoroughly, and disinfect it.
  • You should not suddenly change the brand or type of cat litter. This should be done gradually, little by little adding a new composition to the animal’s usual one.
  • When replacing an old tray with a new one, it is advisable to purchase exactly the same size and color.
  • In case of a stressful reason for a change in hygiene habits, the animal should be given sedatives after consultation with a veterinarian, and give the pet more time and affection.
  • Regular use of express tests for urolithiasis and scheduled visits to a veterinarian will help detect the disease at an early stage and begin therapy in a timely manner.
  • An attentive, patient attitude towards a mischievous pet will bring more benefits than violent actions. Even an experienced owner, seeing a cat pooping on the bed, will not immediately understand what to do. Observation, a thorough study of the causes of the failure, care and affection towards the offending pet will help correct negative behavior.

What owner would put up with the fact that a cat pees on the bed or just past the litter box? Many owners simply cannot stand it and get rid of their pets, considering this behavior a bad habit that cannot be eradicated. To support their arguments, the owners say that even the harshest punishments do not help to cope with the cat’s behavior, so what can be done? Some owners are sure that by making a puddle on the bed, the cat is taking revenge. Simply put, in this problem they very often look for a personal subtext that is not there.

The most common reason is territory marks. Males all the time, females during heat. In this case, it is impossible to wean the cat, but it is possible and all problems will be solved by themselves. By the way, a sterilized cat may not have time to go to the litter box for several days - this is normal. Very rarely, especially when visiting an unqualified doctor, a cat may have complication after sterilization in the form of . In this case, wet spots will be not only on the bed. After castration, cats can mark for a few more weeks, but soon the hormonal levels return to normal and the owner’s torment comes to an end.

Important! It is better to carry out sterilization and castration of animals before the start of the first estrus in females and sexual heat in males.

The first and most common reason, besides marks, is anxiety. Expressing feelings in such an original way can be caused by a variety of factors influencing the cat from the outside. Before dwelling on this reason, you need to make sure that you have not missed any important nuances. Even if your cat periodically pees on the bed, that is, does not wreak havoc on a regular basis, you need to visit a doctor. By the way, even if the cat does not pee in the bed, but also does not go to the litter box, you still need to see a doctor!

Physiological causes are identified through urine and genitourinary tests. The doctor may prescribe more detailed studies if suspicious symptoms were discovered during the examination. Most often, during the examination, a cat that has begun to urinate on the owner’s bed is found to have or. The cat's motivation is obvious - it hurts to go to the litter box, so you need to find a more convenient place for the toilet.

Important! You may decide that it is not necessary to do tests, because the reason is clearly vicious behavior, but this is a very serious mistake. If a cat pees on the bed, even re-education should be discussed with a doctor, since there is always a reason for such a habit and it needs to be dealt with purposefully!

Read also: How and what to feed a Scots kitten: menu by age

Tray selection rules

The second most popular reason for inappropriate behavior is uncomfortable tray. You should start with the filler, which must be clean. The litter box needs to be cleaned daily, and if this is not possible, the cat needs to be trained to go on the stack or toilet. If the filler is visually clean, it does not need to be thrown away, but it is worth loosening it a little. Simple logic works here, which toilet would you choose? Clean and smelling good or smelly with a smeared (you know what) floor? So the cat chooses a clean, pleasant-smelling bed.

Note! A cat may refuse to go to the litter box when changing its fraction, type or smell.

Have you ever wondered why cats learn to use the litter box relatively easily and go there all their lives? No, it’s not a matter of subordination to a person, but an instinct - not to go to the toilet where the nest is, not to be attracted by the smell, that is, to bury it behind you. Now let’s imagine that the litter box is dirty, how will the cat perceive this? Like an inviting siren for a large four-legged hunter who stalks his prey by scent. Even if you regularly remove “lumps” of wet sand or granules, the contents of the tray must be completely changed and washed at least once every 4 weeks.

Important! Declawed cats find it painful to step on litter, which is often a major source of behavior problems.

Regarding the tray, you need to take into account several more important factors:

  • Size– the tray should be comfortable in length and deep so that the cat can freely turn around and dig in it. According to very rough “calculations”, the length of the tray should exceed the length of the cat’s body (excluding the tail) by 50%.
  • Location– not in a draft and not in full view of everyone; cats also value privacy. Especially shy individuals need a closed tray (with a roof and walls) and only then there will be no mistakes. Some cats, on the contrary, do not like the roof or mesh - this is very individual and is determined by experience.
  • Quantity– if you have one cat, she needs 1 or 2 trays, if there are two cats, you need at least 3 trays, for three cats 4 trays, and so on.

Note! There are two opinions about whether it is necessary to wash a tray with disinfectants; on the one hand, it is necessary, but on the other, a foreign smell can irritate the cat. If your pet is still hesitant to use the litter box, he needs to be thoroughly cleaned and wiped dry with a paper towel.

Read also: How to understand that a cat has fleas: symptoms of infection

Behavioral reasons

If you are sure that the problem is not in health or in the litter box, you will have to think and observe. Before behavior correction. You need to identify as accurately as possible the reasons for your pet’s violence.

This is interesting! There is such a sign - if a cat urinates on the bed or owner, this is a sign of money and happiness. No one knows how true this superstition is, but you must admit, a little positivity won’t hurt.

Pressure of a leader cat– relevant in a house where several cats live, when an alpha cat makes those of lower status nervous. The explanation is true if there are dogs in the house that do not give rest to the purr. The cat pees on the bed because only from this place does it have a good view and is sure that it will not be attacked. Usually the puddle forms on the pillow, since it is calmer for the cat to sit as close to the wall as possible, with its back turned. From a pet's point of view, a bed makes a great litter box! It’s soft, you can bury your tracks, it absorbs moisture well, and for a pinched cat the bed is also a safe outpost.

A cat may make puddles on the bed just because you are away from home for a long time. For example, the owner went on a business trip and all that was left for the pet was the smell of the bed. To solve this glaring problem, the cat pees on the pillow to:

  • calm down;
  • obtain pseudo-contact with an absent owner by mixing odors;
  • attract you home with a strong smell;
  • to please you upon your return, showing that you missed you.

A very interesting reason may lie in jealousy, especially if you have been sleeping in bed yourself for a long time and this has changed. The other half not only invaded the house like a hurricane, she/he also occupied one of the most intimate places - the bed! In this case, the cat will pee on the half that is saturated with someone else's smell. Yes, this is true jealousy and a clear sign to the door of a stranger. However, aggression is contained in this gesture only 1-2 times; cats are very adaptive and quickly change anger to mercy. Subsequent puddles in the place of your companion are already a call to exchange smells and be friends... but this is unlikely to be interpreted correctly.

The cat can enticing bedding material, especially if claws do not cling to it. It’s worth talking about a similar habit if a cat pees on a specific sheet or blanket. If you are convinced that the cat has chosen the bed due to the attractiveness of the material, the tray or filler is not suitable for it.

Many cats stop going to the litter box after changing their place of residence. and this is due to several factors. Firstly, the pet is stressed and afraid of everything new, and secondly, in a new home, the tray is not in its usual place. The bed, as before, smells like the owner, seems very cozy and safe. Similar behavior can be observed after a change of litter box or a new feline family member. As you can see, there are a combination of reasons for comfort, anxiety, jealousy and security.