What to do if a child has dysbiosis. Symptoms and treatment of dysbiosis in infants. Fresh and vegetables fruits

Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the healthy composition of the intestinal bacterial flora, which is expressed in loose stools. Dysbacteriosis in a newborn baby causes incomplete absorption of milk (infant formula) and insufficient weight gain in the newborn.

If left untreated, it becomes a serious problem for an infant. How to treat dysbiosis in infants, and what remedies can be used independently, without consulting a doctor?

How to determine dysbiosis

In order to treat effectively, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the disease, to be sure that loose stool in a child is only dysbacteriosis, and not a disease of the digestive system, poisoning, infectious process.
Dysbacteriosis is diagnosed by the presence loose stool The child has.

In addition, the stool becomes heterogeneous and contains clots, mucus, grains, and liquid. The stool may appear green color, unpleasant odor, foam.

A pungent odor may also come from the child's mouth. Possible severe regurgitation, skin rash, plaque on the tongue and teeth. Listed symptoms- extreme. They appear when the microflora is severely disrupted as a result of poisoning, infections, or taking antibiotics.

Dysbacteriosis can be a consequence of a serious illness, infection, or poisoning. In case of aggravating factors it is necessary medical consultation and complex treatment.

Dysbacteriosis and intestinal flora

At birth, the child does not have any intestinal bacterial flora. The baby is born sterile and becomes familiar with various microorganisms after birth. With the first feedings, his intestines will become colonized with bacteria. They come from colostrum and mother's milk along with enzymes.

The formation of the intestinal flora of a newborn baby occurs during the first 10 days after birth. If there is an insufficient number of bacteria in the milk, colonization of the intestines occurs slowly and incompletely, and the child develops dysbacteriosis.

The emerging intestinal flora consists of 90% bifidobacteria. The remaining 10% are lactobacilli, Escherichia coli (colibacteria), and Bacillus subtilis. They not only digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

They also synthesize enzymes, vitamins, and protect against pathogenic microbes and viruses. The aggressive effect on the intestinal flora of certain medications also causes disturbances in intestinal function. Thus, dysbiosis after antibiotics in infants is a consequence of the death of friendly flora from the aggressive action of the antibacterial component.

After final formation, the intestinal flora consists of a huge number of microorganisms. 1 mg of intestinal contents contains from 500 thousand to 1 million lacto-, bifido- and colinebacteria.

How to treat dysbiosis in infants: breast milk

The reason is a violation of the child’s intestinal flora, its incomplete formation or the death of some bacteria as a result of aggressive influence (external or internal toxins, infection).

In order to cure dysbiosis, it is necessary to replenish the composition of friendly beneficial flora. Wherein normal amount necessary bacteria will take pathogenic microorganisms under control, prevent their further proliferation, and over time, reduce the number of pathogens to required norm.

In order to normalize the bacterial composition of the infant's intestinal flora, he is given pharmaceutical drugs- so-called probiotics. Or they eat foods that contain lacto- and bifidobacteria, or substances necessary for their life (fiber).

For an infant feeding on mother's milk, the main food is the source of the necessary living flora. Breast milk contains lactic acid bacteria as well as enzymes to digest and absorb food. For example, amylase, protease, lipase, which help break down milk fats and convert them into lactic acids for absorption.

Enzymes and enzymes are not present in dry milk formulas; they are present only in the milk of a nursing woman. When expressing and storing milk, these substances are lost.

Against the backdrop of breastfeeding “on demand,” dysbiosis in a newborn can go away without additional treatment. If intestinal bowel movements do not normalize and stools do not improve, the baby is given drugs with essential bacteria.

They populate the intestines and digestive tract, establishing the process of milk digestion. What is used for newborn babies?

What do pharmaceutical preparations contain?

There are three groups of pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis in children of different ages.

  1. Probiotics are a group of pharmaceutical preparations that contain lacto- and bifidobacteria. Their packaging or instructions indicate the names of microorganisms and their concentration in each dose of the drug.
  2. Prebiotics are drugs that stimulate the activity of probiotics (bacteria).
  3. Symbiotics are complex preparations that contain pro- and prebiotics.

Probiotics can supply the body with live cultures of bacteria or their lyopholized form (dried, frozen, inactivated). They are included in various complex drugs.

When it enters the liquid medium of the body, the lyopholysate becomes active within 4-5 hours and populates intestinal cavity and begins to displace pathogens. Probiotics can contain various microorganisms. More often than others, they contain lacto- and bifidobacteria.

  1. Lactobacilli - are included in the complex pharmaceutical preparations Linex, Acepol, Acelact. When treating dysbiosis, lactobacilli are given first because they remove and replace pathogenic flora. In case of complex treatment, together with taking other lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacterin is given to the baby in the morning.
  2. Bifidumbacteria - included in the complex preparations Bifidumbacterin, Linex. Promote the growth of intestinal flora. Since bifidum bacteria favor the growth of any intestinal flora, drugs containing them are given to the child not at the beginning of treatment, but only after the number of pathogens in the intestines has been reduced to normal (after several days of taking drugs with lactobacilli).

Some pharmaceutical preparations that are used to treat dysbiosis in newborn babies do not contain bacteria, but their metabolic products.

Namely, vitamins and acids that are produced in the intestines to digest food and immune defense. An example of such a drug is Hilak Forte, which is also prescribed to newborns for dysbiosis.

How to treat dysbiosis in children: list of remedies

We list the most commonly prescribed anti-dysbacteriosis medications for newborns:

  • Acipol - contains lyopholized (inactivated, dried, but preserved alive) pieces of lactobacilli and kefir fungus. When added to water, milk, lyopholized bacteria come to a living, active state within 4-5 hours. That is, once they enter the intestine, they begin to multiply and populate its cavity. In this composition, kefir grains are a prebiotic - a substance on the basis of which lactobacilli multiply.
  • Acylact – contains lyopholized lactobacilli. Available in powder form for dilution.
  • Linex – contains lacto-, bifidobacteria and a small amount of streptococci.
  • Bifilin, Bifiform + bifiform baby - contain bifidobacteria.
  • Bifidumbacterin forte – contains bifidum bacteria on activated carbon. Shows additional detoxifying effect
  • Biosporin - contains spores of living microorganisms - Bacillus subtilis and so-called Marine bacteria.
  • Primadophilus - contains lactobacilli, Primadophilus Bifidus - contains a complex of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
  • Bactisuptil is dried spores of microorganisms, also kaolin and calcium carbonate. This is a drug complex action, which, in addition to populating the intestines with beneficial flora, removes toxins (creolin - clay, a natural detoxifier) ​​and prevents rickets, which often accompanies long-term dysbiosis. According to the instructions, this drug is given to children over 5 years of age. However, doctors often prescribe it for children under one year old and newborns.

Folk remedies for dysbiosis

Chamomile is a natural antiseptic and stimulant for the elimination of toxins. In addition, it has carminative effect, which helps cope with flatulence in newborns. To treat and prevent dysbiosis in newborns, chamomile is brewed in low concentration- for 0.5 liters of water - 0.5 teaspoon dried flowers.

The resulting light yellow solution is given to the baby before each bottle feeding. After which, after 10-15 minutes, when the child feels hungry again, breastfeeding is given.

– is a supplier of lactic acid bacteria. When treating dysbiosis in a newborn or infant during the first months of life, kefir is used for enemas. It is necessary to introduce a small amount of kefir into the baby’s intestines (at the rate of 10 g for each kilogram of his weight). Number of procedures – 2-3.

Dysbacteriosis is a change in the balance of microflora, an imbalance in the proportion of beneficial and harmful microorganisms populating the intestines. Relationships can be both quantitative and qualitative. Dysbacteriosis is often detected in children aged 1 year. Symptoms of manifestation can be very different.

During intrauterine development The child's intestines are sterile. During birth, the first bacteria enter it.

Immediately after birth, the baby must be attached to the mother's breast so that the mother's microflora enters its digestive system.

This helps create a healthy balance of microorganisms in the baby with the right amount of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli that contribute to the work digestive system in accordance with the norm.

The reasons for an imbalance of intestinal microflora in a child aged 1 year can be:

  • late start breastfeeding or poor nutrition of the mother;
  • feeding artificially, frequent changes of infant formula;
  • Dysbacteriosis in children under 1 year of age occurs as a result of erroneous introduction of complementary foods, its symptoms are expressed by dysfunction digestive tract;
  • use of antibiotics by mother or baby;
The most common reason dysbacteriosis in children, including infants - taking antibiotics
  • allergies to any types of food;
  • reduced immunity or unfavorable environmental atmosphere;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • stress (lack of contact with mom, her worries, feeling of discomfort);
  • presence of intestinal infections.

Symptoms of dysbiosis in children 1 year old

Dysbacteriosis is often diagnosed in children at 1 year of age. The symptoms are not clearly defined. However, there are certain signs by which one can suspect the onset of this disease.

Abnormal stool in a child (constipation, diarrhea, change in color and odor of stool)

Often there are malfunctions in the digestive tract, which are not always the cause of this particular disease.

Dysbacteriosis in infants is manifested by bloating and colic

The baby's appetite decreases, colic and bloating occur. May begin nagging pain having cramping attacks.

Distinctive feature there is a change in diarrhea and constipation. The chair has unpleasant smell , which indicates the presence pathogenic flora, feces contain impurities of mucus and undigested food.

A characteristic symptom is frequent bowel movements, which occur immediately after eating. The feces acquire a greenish tint or become completely green, its consistency becomes liquid and watery, and may foam.

Sometimes even streaks of blood appear, which indicates a serious situation and requires immediate medical attention.

Given the disease is almost always accompanied by a slight increase in temperature. In severe cases of dysbacteriosis, body temperature may rise to 38 degrees.

Frequent regurgitation after eating

Infants experience repeated regurgitation, which can turn into vomiting between feedings, body weight decreases and there is no weight gain.

Little children cannot express their feelings when nausea sets in, they begin to whine, and their face takes on the expression of a sufferer. You can hear it from your mouth putrid smell.

If dysbiosis occurs in children aged 1 year (symptoms and treatment are in this article), then many mothers complain of frequent regurgitation in infants

Regurgitation can also appear as a result of excessive feeding when the mother has excess milk or due to its rapid flow through the nipple when feeding artificially.

Lack of sleep, nervousness, tearfulness

With this disease, a change in the child’s behavior occurs: moodiness, restless actions, tearfulness, nervousness, and sleep disturbances appear. Often bends his legs.

The baby becomes lethargic, weak, and loses energy. The baby begins to suckle poorly and may completely refuse to take milk after the start of feeding.

The appearance of acne and other rashes on the child’s skin

If a disease such as dysbiosis occurs in children aged 1 year, symptoms can be seen on the child’s skin.

Allergic reactions appear in the form of all kinds of rashes, dermatitis, diathesis occurs, sources of skin irritation arise.

Due to imbalance of microflora, they are not absorbed correctly useful material, which causes brittle hair and nails, and gums begin to bleed. There is also poor absorption of water, which leads to drying and flaking of the skin.

A lack and improper absorption of vitamins and minerals develops, which is the main cause of rashes. Immunity decreases, the baby is susceptible to frequent colds and viral diseases.

Tests and rules for collecting them if a child is suspected of intestinal dysbiosis

To prepare for a test to detect this disease in an infant, you need to stop using medicinal products. Also you need to stop taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs 12 hours before the test.

If there is a suspicion of intestinal dysbiosis in an infant, the doctor will prescribe a stool test

To display reliable result the following must be observed rules:

  • You should not resort to the use of enemas and laxatives, because such stool is not suitable for examination.
  • Collect material for analysis only in a sterile container. You can buy a special container at the pharmacy or at home take an ordinary glass jar, sterilize it, dry it and choose a tight-fitting lid to prevent the entry of foreign microbes.
  • To obtain high-quality material for research, it is necessary to empty it before collecting it. bladder, to avoid urine, or pour boiling water over the pot.
  • Feces for examination must be submitted to the laboratory only in fresh, within 3 hours from collection. The correctness of the result depends on this.
  • A week before collecting material for analysis, they adhere to a normal diet, since excesses in food affect changes in the composition of the matter being studied.

The test results will be deciphered by the doctor.

The results of the analysis will be known the next day after they are submitted. will be able to decipher them pediatrician.

When considering the results of a child’s analysis, the doctor is based on the same indicators as for an adult. Is being studied color index and the consistency of the stool, then the presence of various bacteria is analyzed.

The norm for children should be:

  • complete absence of pathogenic bacteria and hemolytic abdominal bacilli (their presence indicates intestinal disorders);
  • the number of staphylococci should not exceed 10 CFU/g, the presence of Staphylococcus aureus should be 0;
  • the presence of lactose-negative bacteria should not exceed 5% of the total mass of microorganisms;
  • the absence of Candida fungi in newborns and babies under one year old is considered the norm;
  • Availability coli in quantities exceeding 300-400 million/g indicates the existence of worms;
  • in children under the age of 1 year, symptoms of dysbiosis appear when the norm of E. coli with reduced enzymatic activity is more than 107-108 CFU/g;

IN stool infant Normally there should be at least 107 CFU/g lactobacilli
  • lactobacilli should normally be in the baby’s stool at least 107 CFU/g, and bifidobacteria at least 109 CFU/g.

Preparations for normalizing intestinal flora in a child

The following types of medications are available to treat this disease:

  • probiotics, containing live bacteria and helping to colonize the intestines with beneficial microorganisms;
  • prebiotics, promoting the reproduction and increase of beneficial bacteria, which has a beneficial effect on the recovery process;
  • synbiotics, which are a collection of bacteria that help grow and fill the microflora with the necessary microorganisms.

IN childhood when immunity is formed and the body develops, it is worth paying attention great attention restoration of natural microflora. Most popular medications that experts advise children to take, are considered:

  • Recommended to be given to newborns.

It is a powder that easily dissolves in milk formulas and water. It is allowed to take it for up to 1 month.

The medicine is diluted in water or milk and consumed before meals. For the desired result, it is recommended to take it for about a week.

  • Doctors advise buying it in bags, dissolving it in 1 tbsp. l. water and give to the child during meals. It has a pleasant sweetish taste and the baby likes it.

The course of treatment lasts no more than half a month, depending on the identified imbalance of intestinal flora.

  • Allowed for use by infants after 3 months.

The only drawback is that it comes in capsule form, which is inconvenient for small children. The best way To take it, you need to mix the contents of the capsule with water in a spoon.

  • This drug is available in the form of drops and is diluted only with water.

It helps cleanse the body of harmful microbes and promotes the growth of necessary bacteria.

It is also worth taking a complex of vitamins and minerals. It helps strengthen the child’s body and resists viruses.

The treatment effect will increase if used in combination folk remedies. During a consultation with a doctor, it is necessary to find out whether the baby has allergies.

good home remedy against dysbacteriosis - chamomile

Natural antiseptic Chamomile is considered to help with this disease. To restore microflora, enemas of warm kefir are used, and a decoction of oak bark helps in the fight against diarrhea.

Recommendations from a gastroenterologist: how to protect your child from stomach and intestinal disorders

Symptoms of dysbiosis in children under 1 year of age can be quite pronounced, then you need to contact a highly qualified gastroenterologist. Experts recommend: To avoid intestinal upset, your baby needs a healthy diet containing fermented milk products, alimentary fiber, natural probiotics.

Breastfeeding is considered the best prevention, because breast milk contains beneficial preobitic components. It is also advisable for expectant mothers to stop taking antibiotics before the baby is born and stick to healthy eating, treat your teeth and genitourinary system.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother should eat plenty of fiber

During pregnancy, it is necessary to eat foods containing fiber and eat as many fruits as possible.

After birth, you need to constantly monitor the baby. Pay attention to the baby's stool, body weight, and appetite. This way you can avoid the disease at the very beginning of its manifestation.

Dysbacteriosis in children aged 1 year can be successfully treated. If you notice its symptoms, you should definitely visit a pediatrician.

The best treatment for this disease is prevention. From the very beginning of a child's life, it is recommended to adhere to a healthy diet. It is necessary to introduce complementary foods correctly, wean them off the breast in a timely manner, and generally monitor the baby’s health.

Dysbacteriosis in children aged 1 year - symptoms and treatment:

E. Komarovsky - treatment of dysbiosis in children:

Dysbacteriosis in children is a fairly serious and common problem. Diagnosis of dysbiosis in children is especially difficult, since its symptoms are similar to a huge number of other gastrointestinal diseases.

And in this article we would like to talk about how to treat intestinal dysbiosis in children, what tests to take to diagnose it, and how this disease generally manifests itself. In addition, the article will contain reviews of medications for dysbiosis in children and recommendations on what to eat for children with dysbiosis.

The most common causes of dysbiosis in children are associated with poor nutrition And long-term use antibiotics. At the same time, dysbiosis after antibiotics in a child is a rather serious condition, in rare situations ending in the development serious illnesses(pseudomembranous enterocolitis, for example).

But not in all cases it is possible to understand the exact pathogenesis (causes) of the developed dysbacteriosis. Sometimes dysbiosis develops in a child without any visible predisposing causes.

If we talk about all the possible causes of intestinal dysbiosis in children, then they are:

  1. Late latching of the baby to the breast.
  2. Situations when a mother has to feed her child artificially.
  3. Malnutrition of the child.
  4. Frequent constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea.
  5. Disruption of the mechanism of absorption of microelements in the intestines.
  6. Gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcers, colitis.
  7. Food allergies and atopic dermatitis.
  8. Intestinal infections, flu.
  9. Exposure to high doses of radiation.
  10. Gastrointestinal injuries.
  11. Surgical interventions.
  12. Taking antibiotics.

It is important to remember that the severity of the disease of this disease often directly related to the cause of its development. This is how dysbacteriosis occurs most severely due to exposure to radiation, taking antibiotics, infectious infection and after injuries to the gastrointestinal tract.

Risk groups: at what age do children most often suffer from dysbiosis?

The peak incidence of dysbacteriosis in children occurs at the very early age(in an infant) and for ages 5-10 years. And this is not surprising; in such young children, the gastrointestinal tract does not work effectively enough, as does the immune system.

As a result, it turns out that it is at this age that you should especially closely monitor your baby and promptly treat any gastrointestinal diseases. Moreover, if your baby often gets the flu, then it makes sense to give him courses (once every six months) of drugs to improve intestinal microflora.

How dangerous is dysbiosis in a child?

In 70% of cases, dysbiosis in children does not pose any particular danger and is easily treatable (in 50% of cases it completely goes away on its own, without therapy). However, there are also situations when the disease progresses, which is already a very dangerous condition.

So, against the background of grade 3-4 dysbiosis, a baby may develop such serious complications as pseudomembranous enterocolitis or perforation of the intestinal wall. Such diseases can not only worsen the baby’s health, but also in rare cases lead to his death.

That's why you should never ignore similar diseases in children and expect their independent resolution. In all cases, even with mild symptoms, you should consult a pediatrician with your baby!

Symptoms of dysbiosis in a child

Childhood dysbiosis has a huge number of clinical manifestations (symptoms). Generally symptoms of this disease in a baby the following:

  • regurgitation in infants;
  • bad breath (sometimes even foul);
  • temperature (often fever);
  • reduction in the child’s weight gain;
  • rash on hands and face;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • rashes in the mouth (stomatitis);
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • foamy or mushy stools;
  • blood in stool;
  • melena (black stool);
  • steatorrhea and flatulence;
  • intestinal colic;
  • intestinal dyskinesia;
  • belching;
  • decreased appetite.

What is obvious is that the signs of this disease are nonspecific and occur when a huge number other gastrointestinal pathologies. For example, vomiting, rashes, constipation or diarrhea are common symptoms of food intolerance.

However, due to a lack of diagnosis, doctors often mistake these symptoms for manifestations of dysbiosis and treat the child for the wrong reason. Therefore, it is very important that the doctor confirms his subjective opinion with the results of an analysis for dysbacteriosis in children.

Otherwise, a situation is possible when inadequate treatment is carried out (due to an error in diagnosis), and in the meantime the disease rapidly progresses. As a result, the child begins to be treated only when the disease has become serious and aggressive treatment is required.

Analysis for dysbiosis in a child

Tests for dysbiosis in children should be done if the symptoms described above persist for three or more days. The analysis itself is carried out in order to determine the concentration and ratio of symbiotic (beneficial) bacteria in the child’s body relative to conditionally pathogenic ones.

And it is better not to delay diagnosis, since intestinal dysbiosis in children develops very quickly and reaches grade 3-4, the consequences of which often require hospitalization. Delay is especially dangerous in the case of children under one year of age.

Before carrying out the analysis, it is imperative to carry out proper preparation. Thus, children under one year old can be given only the usual formula or breast milk three days before the procedure. Children aged 1-16 years will not be given fatty, fried, smoked, spicy and starchy foods (so as not to cause constipation or diarrhea).

The test material itself (feces) can be donated in any suitable container. However, it is important to note that it is best and generally correct to donate feces in a special pharmacy container, if you have the opportunity to purchase it. This needs to be done because the pharmacy container is sterile, unlike its household counterparts.

Drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis in children

In most cases, in order to cure a baby of intestinal dysbiosis, it is enough to give him analogues of those medications that are used to treat adult patients. Similar analogues are available in every pharmacy.

For example, the drug "Linex" for the treatment of adult patients can easily be replaced with baby remedy"Primadophilus". In general, “Primadofilus” is not much different from “Linex”, which, by the way, is confirmed by numerous reviews of mothers on the Internet.

Both the “Linex” product and the “Primadofilus” product restore such a fragile intestinal microflora, balancing it and significantly reducing (up to complete destruction) pathogenic microorganisms. Using Primadofilus can be used to cure not only dysbiosis, but also other childhood gastrointestinal diseases (diarrhea, constipation, IBS, colitis, and so on).

It also makes sense to give children the drug “Lactusan” for dysbiosis, which not only restores normal intestinal microflora, but also helps digest food in the gastrointestinal tract. But remember, despite the fact that you can give this drug for dysbiosis to children yourself, it is better for a pediatrician to do it.

Also treatment regimen includes the following tactics for managing children with dysbacteriosis:

  1. Correction of nutrition and correction of eating habits (ban on baby’s night meals, ban on frequent use fast food for kids and so on).
  2. Local treatment individual symptoms dysbiosis (rash, discomfort, fever, bad breath).
  3. For grade 3 dysbiosis, intestinal motility stimulants are prescribed.
  4. At 4 degrees of dysbiosis, antibiotics are prescribed (only a doctor can prescribe them!).
  5. Further, if after therapy and relief of dysbiosis there are consequences, they are eliminated.
  6. At the very end, prevention of relapse of the disease is carried out (this should only be done by a pediatrician!).

Diet for a baby with dysbiosis

Very often, children are prescribed nutritional correction for dysbiosis. In the vast majority of cases, if it is grade 1-2 dysbiosis, it can be treated exclusively with diet.

And the diet includes a strict restriction on the consumption certain food. Moreover, the baby will have to adhere to it for about 2-3 months (for severe dysbiosis 2-5 years), in order to avoid possible relapse diseases.

The nutrition system itself is simple. Parents need to start by introducing a fractional feeding system for the baby. So he needs to be given food 5-8 times a day in small portions. In terms of restrictions: can't be given to baby following products nutrition:

  • fatty meats, and for children under 5 years old and meat products;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • any fast food;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • spices;
  • fat milk.

Review of the drug "Primadofilus" for the treatment of dysbiosis in children

Let us repeat that only 1-2 degrees of dysbiosis can be treated with diet (only analysis can determine the specific degree); in other cases, diet is one of the components of the treatment regimen, but not an independent treatment.

Intestinal dysbiosis in children (video)

Prevention: how to avoid dysbiosis in a baby?

Prevention of intestinal dysbiosis or its relapse after successful treatment, is proper nutrition baby and timely treatment of all gastrointestinal diseases of the baby. Even the most “banal” diseases, such as gastritis and colic, need to be treated.

Prevention also involves feeding the baby. natural food, rich in cereals and vitamins. That is, simply put, children should be given more vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products ( store-bought yoghurts are ineffective in this regard).

What causes this condition, how dangerous is it and does it always require treatment?

One of the many factors characterizing the state of the digestive system is the balance of intestinal microflora.

The gastrointestinal tract along its entire length - from the oral cavity to the rectum - in varying degrees populated by microorganisms. Normally, “good” bacteria live there, helping the body digest food, produce vitamins, etc. These include bifidobacteria, E. coli, and lactobacilli. Under certain circumstances, such bacteria become scarce and “bad” microorganisms become active in the intestines - staphylococcus, fungi, etc., which can cause a number of diseases.

A condition characterized by a violation of the mobile balance of intestinal microflora, which normally populates non-sterile cavities and skin, as well as the emergence of quality and quantitative changes in the intestinal microflora is called dysbiosis. For this state most often characterized by a decrease total number microbes, sometimes until the complete disappearance of certain species normal microflora, with the simultaneous predominance of those species that are not normally present or their number is very small. Dysbacteriosis can manifest itself as constipation, diarrhea, the presence undigested food and mucus in the stool, intolerance to any foods, pain and bloating, excessive regurgitation or vomiting, loss of appetite, allergic reactions, including eczema, atopic dermatitis, food allergies, as well as developmental delays.

Causes of dysbiosis

The causes of dysbiosis are often unfavorable external influences, weakening the body’s defenses: extreme climatic and geographical conditions, biosphere pollution, ionizing radiation, X-ray therapy and X-ray examinations, treatment with antibiotics, hormones. Among the risk factors, not the least important are malnutrition, infectious and chronic diseases. Teething and common acute respiratory viral infections can also lead to disruption of the microflora. Dysbacteriosis often develops after all kinds of poisoning. Children are especially sensitive to this unfavorable condition.

Often the development of dysbiosis is associated with pregnancy pathology, early transition to artificial feeding, improper nutrition of children in the first years of life. The reasons for this condition may also be the irrational administration of various drugs to the expectant mother during pregnancy, and to the child from the first days of life. medications, most often antibiotics.

Intestinal dysbiosis, which occurs in the first year of a child’s life, can lead to the formation of serious illnesses, among which:

  • dyskinesia - a disorder of movements of the muscular layer of the biliary tract and intestines;
  • chronic gastroduodenitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum;
  • atopic dermatitis and neurodermatitis – inflammatory diseases skin of allergic and neuro-allergic nature;
  • bronchial asthma.

Due to a weakened immune system, a child with intestinal dysbiosis may be sick often and for a long time.

Diagnosis of dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis is diagnosed based on the results bacteriological research kala – sowing. This analysis In order to identify dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to take the test in the following cases:

  • with unexplained abdominal pain, stool disorders, poor appetite and sleep;
  • at skin rashes;
  • when the nature of nutrition changes;
  • after food poisoning;
  • after using antibiotics, sulfonamides and hormonal drugs;
  • after intestinal infections.

Doing microbiological examination, you can get a clear picture of the state of all groups of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.

In case of intestinal dysbiosis, correction of the state of microflora is necessary. This is a long process, each stage of which requires an appointment special drugs, restoring normal condition microorganisms in the intestines.

When is treatment not required?

The state of the intestinal microflora in children is very variable. There are situations when disturbances in the composition of the normal intestinal flora do not require microbiological correction, since deviations may be temporary and do not contribute to dysfunction internal organs. In the last decade, the frequency of forms of dysbiosis accompanied by functional disorders digestive system and false allergic reactions to food. External manifestations this condition is the same as with true allergy, such as skin rashes and bowel movements. But if the child does not have hypersensitivity gastrointestinal tract, i.e. constipation, diarrhea, undigested food and mucus in the feces, intolerance to any foods, pain and bloating, excessive regurgitation or vomiting, loss of appetite, as well as allergic reactions: eczema, atopic dermatitis, food allergies– and developmental delays, then you can choose a wait-and-see approach and not carry out any treatment. However, it is necessary to carry out control studies of feces on the state of the microflora in order to know the dynamics of changes and see whether the body has enough own strength to equalize the balance of intestinal microflora.

Some children experience compensated forms of dysbiosis, when the body's capabilities are sufficient to prevent intestinal dysfunction from developing. Typically, in such patients long time one of the three types of normal intestinal flora is absent or sharply reduced - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, and E. coli. But at the same time, the number of other normal bacteria can be increased, and then they take on the functions of the missing elements of the microflora. If there are no reasons for concern above, microbiological correction is not necessary.

There are cases when opportunistic pathogenic flora that is resistant to therapy is present in the intestines, but again there are no complaints. This may be due to the low pathogenicity of this flora, i.e. its inability to cause disease. In such cases, treatment of dysbiosis also may not be carried out.

Thus, when deciding on the need to correct dysbiosis, the doctor primarily focuses on general state patient.

If the doctor clearly sees dysbacteriosis in the tests, but there are no complaints, i.e. if the analysis results do not correspond to the clinical picture, then it is necessary to remember whether the rules for taking the analysis were followed: the use of sterile dishes and spoons for collecting material, the delivery time to the laboratory. If in doubt, it is advisable to repeat the analysis.

Restoration of microflora

There are many drugs available to normalize the composition of the microbial flora. Let's look at the most popular among pediatricians and parents. For achievement positive effect It is recommended to take the drugs over a course of about 2 weeks.

Biologically active additive for food PRIMADOFILUS contains two types of lactobacilli that are part of the natural microflora of the small and large intestines. They are able to suppress the proliferation of putrefactive and pyogenic bacteria, produce lysozyme, antibiotic-like substances, and also break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Bifidobacteria inhibit growth and development processes pathogenic microorganisms; synthesize amino acids and proteins, vitamins B1, B2, K, folic, nicotinic, pantothenic acid and etc.

PRIMADOFILUS is a hypoallergenic product because it does not contain milk, whey, corn, wheat or chemical preservatives. For children from birth to 5 years old, the drug PRIMADOFILUS FOR CHILDREN is produced, which is taken 1 capsule 2 times a day. No side effects were noted when taking it.

Contraindications include only individual intolerance to the drug.

To maintain maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to store the drug in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

The drug LINEX consists of a complex of all three important beneficial bacteria - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococcus, which are normally present in the intestinal microflora of everyone healthy person. Getting into the “upset” intestines, these bacteria help restore the microflora and eliminate not only the symptoms intestinal disorders, but also their reason.

Due to its natural composition, LINEX is approved for use in all age groups, including newborns from the first day of life. This natural preparation, risk of development side effects when used it is extremely small. Infants and children under 2 years of age take LINEX 3 times a day, 1 capsule; from 2 to 3 years – 3 times a day, 1–2 capsules, with a small amount of liquid. If the child cannot swallow the capsule, it must be opened and the contents mixed with a small amount of liquid - tea, juice, sweetened water. Do not take the drug with hot drinks, as this may affect the viability of the bacteria contained in it. Contraindications to the use of the drug are allergic reactions to its components or dairy products.

HILAC normalizes the balance between normal and pathogenic microflora, promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora and inhibits the growth pathogens. It contains biosynthetic lactic acid, which normalizes the secretory function of the stomach, and waste products of lactobacilli, Escherichia coli and streptococcus, which have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines. The drug does not have a general effect on the body, since it is not absorbed into the blood, acting only in the intestinal lumen.

HILAC drops are prescribed three times a day - children from birth to 2 years - 15-30 drops, from 2 to 3 years - 20-40 drops per day. large quantities liquids other than milk.

Side effects include possible allergies to the components of the drug, and contraindications, as with almost all drugs in this group, include individual intolerance.

ENTEROL 250 helps restore normal intestinal microflora and has a pronounced antidiarrheal (antidiarrheal) effect; when passing through the digestive tract, it has a biological protective effect against normal intestinal microflora.

Newborns and children under 1 year of age are given ½ sachet of the drug 2 times a day; children from 1 year to 3 years – 1 sachet 2 times a day. For young children, it is better to purchase the drug not in capsule form, but in powder form: the contents of the sachet can be mixed with milk or water. Do not take ENTEROL 250 with too hot or cold food or drinks.

TO side effects include allergic reactions, discomfort in the stomach area that does not require discontinuation of the drug. Contraindications for using the medicine in recommended doses have not been established.

When capsules of the drug BIFI-FORM enter the stomach, they retain the ability to protect their contents - lactobacilli - from the influence gastric juice. In the duodenum, the capsule dissolves, and lactobacilli begin to multiply due to the presence of a special nutrient medium in the capsule. Two types of lactic acid bacteria, which are part of the drug, have the property of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria and restoring normal balance intestinal microflora.

BIFI-FORM is prescribed to children aged 2 months to 3 years, 1 capsule 2 times a day orally, regardless of meals. For small children who cannot swallow the capsule, it can be opened first and the contents mixed with food.

No side effects of the drug have been identified; contraindications include increased individual sensitivity to the drug.

SYMBITER is a stable complex of 14 strains of the most physiological bacteria for humans, which are the basis healthy intestines, and contributes effective recovery microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. This drug is characterized by high antagonistic activity against pathogenic microbes, the ability to synthesize vitamins, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, deactivation of toxins and allergens, stimulation of the immune system. SYMBITTER is a living form; unlike dried modern drugs this group, it does not require a long time to activate microbial bodies, therefore it shows its activity immediately after administration.

SIMBITER is recommended to be taken once a day, one dose (1 bottle) in the morning on an empty stomach or at night, 1.5–2 hours after the last meal and other medications. The contents of the bottle are diluted in 20–40 ml (1–2 tablespoons) of boiled milk or water at room temperature. It is unacceptable to dilute the drug with hot water or milk and store it in a diluted form. The course of treatment is at least 10 days. Then you can continue the course using the therapeutic and prophylactic product SIMBIVIT, which is prepared at home using the drug SIMBITER as a starter.

The medicine does not cause side effects, there are no contraindications to its use.

The composition of the drug LACTOVIT FORTE includes lactobacilli, which are antagonists of pathogenic microorganisms, folic acid, necessary for normal hematopoiesis, the synthesis of amino and nucleic acids, and vitamin B12, which activates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, stimulates the formation of red blood cells, normalizes the function of the liver and nervous system.

Daily doses are for children from birth to 2 years - 1 capsule, over 2 years - 2 capsules. The contents of the opened capsule are dissolved in warm milk.

No side effects were identified. The drug is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance. LACTOVIT FORTE can be given to young children immediately before meals by mixing the contents of the opened capsule with milk.

Prevention of dysbacteriosis

Prevention of dysbiosis should begin even before the birth of the child. It lies in proper organization daily routine and nutrition of a pregnant woman.

The expectant mother must be protected from harmful effects at work and at home, from infectious diseases. During pregnancy, it is necessary to treat all existing lesions chronic infection, especially in the oral cavity and urinary tract. It would not hurt to check the state of the microflora of the genital organs and, if necessary, correct it under the supervision of a gynecologist.

After the baby is born great importance has early application to the breast - within half an hour after birth. It is necessary to maintain natural feeding for as long as possible with the timely introduction of complementary foods. In case of deficiency or absence breast milk substitutes with immunogenic properties should be used, and children with a tendency to allergic reactions– hypoallergenic mixtures. When it is time to introduce complementary foods, it is necessary to give the baby dairy products, enriched with bifidobacteria.

It is very important that parents understand: antibiotics should be used strictly according to indications and only when prescribed by a doctor. In cases where treatment is necessary antibacterial drugs after a course of antibiotics, it is necessary to use one of the medications mentioned in the indicated doses and periods, carry out restorative therapy and prescribe a complete diet adequate for the child’s age. Plays a significant role timely treatment diseases of the digestive tract, because they almost always occur with a violation of the composition of the microbial flora.

Such prevention of dysbacteriosis is closely related to general preventive problems: improving the environment, rational nutrition, increased well-being and other numerous environmental factors.

Dysbacteriosis in infants is a phenomenon that affects up to 95% of children under the age of one year. Weak, premature and frequently ill babies are especially susceptible to this disease. What is dysbacteriosis and why is it dangerous?

Dysbacteriosis– imbalance healthy microflora intestines According to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (document World Organization Health), such an imbalance is not a disease. In European countries, this condition is often not treated at all: it is believed that the body must cope with it on its own. But many modern experts hold the opposite opinion.

Why is this happening? Let's sort things out in order.

Dysbacteriosis in infants: symptoms and treatment

Infant dysbiosis

Until the moment of birth, the baby is in a completely sterile environment, it gastrointestinal tract does not contain any bacteria or microorganisms. At the moment of birth, moving along the birth canal, the child first “gets acquainted” with the mother’s natural microflora, which normally contains lacto- and bifidobacteria and E. coli. Later, when breastfeeding, hugging and kissing, the baby encounters various bacteria that are on the skin and in the mother’s mouth. In this way, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is colonized by normal (healthy) microflora.

Ideally, babies who are completely on natural feeding, the intestinal microflora consists of 95-99% lacto- and bifidobacteria (so-called probiotics). And only a small part consists of “neutral” (obligate) bacteria, which have neither harmful nor beneficial effects on the baby’s body. These include streptococci, enterococci, micrococci, clostridia, bacteroides and Escherichia coli.

Whenever unfavorable factors(forced use of antibiotics by the mother or baby (read also:), late first breastfeeding, lack of breastfeeding) the balance of intestinal microflora can be disrupted and lead to adverse consequences for a fragile body.

Symptoms and signs of dysbiosis

Signs and main symptoms indicating that an infant may have an imbalance of intestinal flora:

  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • bad breath;
  • increased salivation;
  • dry skin;
  • manifestations allergic dermatitis;
  • , stomatitis on mucous membranes;
  • diarrhea for more than 2-3 days;
  • vomit;
  • the child is gaining little (or not gaining) weight ();
  • a large amount of green mucus and foam, bloody streaks in the stool.

Here it is worth making a reservation and recalling that for infants, the normal stool is yellow, similar in consistency and smell to sour cream. However, a small amount of mucus and foam is not considered abnormal. And the stool of babies receiving complementary foods may contain undigested pieces of food.

We also read:


The following factors can be the causes of dysbiosis in infants:

  • impaired maternal health during the peritoneal period of fetal development;
  • birth pathologies;
  • long stay in the maternity hospital;
  • infections of various origins (respiratory viral, intestinal, pustular);
  • physiological immaturity of intestinal motor function;
  • dyspeptic disorders in the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, regurgitation, constipation, malabsorption and intestinal dysfunction);
  • primary immunodeficiency;
  • late breastfeeding;
  • lack of breastfeeding or early transfer of the child to artificial milk formula;
  • forced use of hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • operations;
  • the baby's constant exposure to stressful and unfavorable conditions social conditions, changes in the psychoneurological status of the child;
  • pathological phenomena of anemia, malnutrition, rickets, allergic dermatitis and others.

Tests for dysbacteriosis

Analysis table (normal) Click to enlarge
Normal indicators tests for dysbacteriosis (Click to enlarge)

If several of the above symptoms are present, the doctor will suspect the development of dysbiosis in the baby and will suggest conducting a laboratory test.

Note to moms!

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Tests for dysbiosis in infants include the following types of studies:

  • coprogram - diagnostics that reveals the degree of digestion of food components by the intestines, as well as signs of inflammation (or lack thereof);
  • stool culture for opportunistic flora - a study that reveals the percentage of obligate bacteria (without taking into account the quantitative indicators of healthy microflora);
  • stool culture for dysbiosis - an analysis that reveals the ratio of normal and opportunistic flora and its resistance (sensitivity) to antibiotics.

When collecting tests, you should remember that stool (minimum 5-10 g) is collected in a clean glass jar and given freshly collected. Long-term storage not allowed at room temperature. If a child is taking probiotics, they must be discontinued before taking the test.


How to treat dysbiosis

If the doctor has diagnosed “intestinal dysbiosis”, then a comprehensive, fairly long-term treatment will be required.

At the first stage, bacteriophages are prescribed - the so-called “tamed” viruses. Their action is aimed at destroying pathogenic and opportunistic flora (but they do not affect beneficial bacteria). In parallel with intestinal antiseptics, sorbents (to quickly remove toxins from the body) and enzymes (to help the digestive system) are prescribed.

At the second stage, the intestines should be populated with “good” microflora (lacto- and biphodobacteria). For this purpose, special drugs are prescribed.

To successfully treat dysbacteriosis in an infant, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and not engage in “amateur activities.”

Additionally, the pediatrician may prescribe a mixture containing lactobacilli for artificially-bred babies. It is not recommended to give such mixtures to a child without a doctor’s prescription. It would be relevant to include fermented milk products in sufficient quantities in the diet of babies receiving complementary feeding.

Naturally fed children are less susceptible to dysbacteriosis compared to bottle-fed children.

Therefore, breastfeeding (at least until one year old) is the best prevention of dysbacteriosis. IN mother's milk contains antibodies against E. coli, rotavirus, Vibrio cholerae, Shigella, Salmonella and Giardia, as well as bifidus factor - a substance that promotes the growth of normal microflora. At the same time, nursing mothers need to adhere to a proper and balanced diet.