Chronic pharyngitis in children symptoms treatment Komarovsky. Treatment and symptoms of pharyngitis according to Dr. Komarovsky. Features of treatment for children under one year old

As a rule, the factors for the appearance of pharyngitis lie in the entry of a bacterial or viral infection into the nasopharynx in case of weakened immunity.

Often the disease develops due to hypothermia. For example, after drinking cold drinks or eating ice cream.

Viral pharyngitis can be contracted through airborne droplets. It spreads rapidly, in particular, it can become infected in places where there are many people.

Subsequently, a bacterial infection is often added to a viral infection. But sometimes this type of pharyngitis appears as an independent disease.

The most common causative agents of inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa include:

  1. coronavirus;
  2. rhinovirus (causes acute pharyngitis in 80% of cases);
  3. influenza and parainfluenza viruses;
  4. adenovirus.

In addition to bacteria and viruses, the appearance of pharyngitis can be caused by fungi, injury to the pharyngeal mucosa, allergies, and ingestion of gastric juice in the presence of chronic gastritis.

In addition, this disease, in particular nasopharyngitis, can develop when a foreign body enters the throat.

For your reference, we offer a video about pharyngitis and its treatment features at home.

Types and classification of the disease

The following types of pharyngitis are distinguished:

The acute form of the disease appears when the pharyngeal mucosa is exposed to an aggressive factor (irritating gas, infections, etc.). The course of this type of disease is favorable.

Often, chronic pharyngitis develops against the background of an untreated acute form of the disease. This disease can also be independent, arising as a result of prolonged irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa. It is worth noting that in the course of the chronic form of the disease there are stages of remission and exacerbation.

Classification of acute pharyngitis:

  1. chronic;
  2. viral;
  3. traumatic;
  4. bacterial;
  5. provoked by exposure to irritating factors;
  6. allergic;
  7. fungal.

Catarrhal (simple) pharyngitis is classified according to the following principle:

The most common cause of ARVI is catarrhal pharyngitis. It has been established that approximately 70% of all pharyngitis are provoked by rhinoviruses.

In recent years, studies have shown that rhinoviruses provoke more than 80% of the occurrence of pharyngeal inflammation during autumn-winter epidemics.

It is worth noting that a viral infection is often only the initial stage of the disease, and later a bacterial infection joins it.


Every person has encountered manifestations of pharyngitis more than once. As a rule, these include constant coughing, pain during swallowing and a sore throat.

In the acute form of the disease, the following symptoms are present:

  1. increase in temperature (38 degrees and above);
  2. general malaise;
  3. weakness.

Often the infection tends to spread and after 2-3 days a runny nose is added to the pharyngitis.

Acute pharyngitis often has acute manifestations, but sometimes they are difficult to recognize. At the same time, the patient has no appetite, sleep is disturbed and his mood worsens. In addition, for many people, the signs of pharyngitis are not specific, and they are similar to the symptoms of any cold.

Moreover, pharyngitis can develop into nasopharyngitis, in which copious discharge. In addition, the peculiarity of the acute form is the occurrence of a reflex cough, which is a response to irritation.

The cough with pharyngitis is paroxysmal, unproductive, and sometimes very strong. It develops due to irritation caused by mucus running down the back of the throat.

Symptoms of the chronic form of pharyngitis are less pronounced. It is characterized by such manifestations as:

With this general state doesn't get worse, but local signs cause a lot of inconvenience, which can cause insomnia and severe irritability.

As a rule, this is a manifestation of other gastrointestinal diseases, resulting in symptoms such as discomfort in the intestines and stomach.

Here it is important to understand what antibiotics to take for a sore throat, and Dr. Komarovsky will talk about this.


The diagnosis of pharyngitis is established based on the patient’s complaints and information about the epidemiological situation, taking into account seasonal epidemics caused by viruses. In addition, the doctor performs a pharyngoscopy, during which he carefully examines the pharynx.

If necessary, a scraping is taken from the back wall of the pharynx and tonsils to carry out bacterial culture. This procedure allows you to identify the type of causative agent of the disease.


Local therapy is often carried out aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process of the pharynx. To do this, you can apply a warm and dry compress to the throat, which has a warming effect.

At the same time, it is shown inhalation treatment using medicines, drinking plenty of fluids and using drugs that have antibacterial effect and stimulating the body's defenses.

It is worth noting that a viral infection cannot be treated with antibacterial agents. They are prescribed only if a fungal or bacterial pathogen has been identified. Moreover, antibiotics may be prescribed for prophylactic purposes in the treatment of traumatic pharyngitis.

It is worth noting that rhinitis is often associated with pharyngitis. Komarovsky advises treating it by rinsing the nose with saline solution. And to eliminate the infection from the nasal cavity, the doctor prescribes antiseptic drops.

In addition, treatment of pharyngitis involves keeping the patient in a well-ventilated and warm room. But it is worth remembering that the patient should avoid excessive overheating or hypothermia.

In addition, in the absence of an allergic reaction to herbs, inhalation treatment can be carried out. For this purpose, the patient should inhale the healing vapors of plants.

As a rule, antibacterial agents used to treat pharyngitis contain antiseptic components such as:

In addition, some preparations may contain bacterial lysates (Imudon), antiviral components (interferon, lysocin), vitamins ( ascorbic acid) And natural antiseptics(propolis, plant extracts).

Pharyngitis: treatment with traditional methods

To make the treatment of inflammation of the pharynx as effective as possible, you can watch a video where the doctor talks about the specifics of the therapy.

  • Mix lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l honey. The mass is boiled for 2 minutes, and then cinnamon and cloves are added. The product is infused for 20 minutes and drunk hot.
  • Every day before going to bed, the patient should drink a glass of warm milk with the addition of butter and honey.
  • 3 tsp. chopped carrots are mixed with 1 tsp. honey and a leaf of gold mustache. The resulting medicine should be kept in the mouth for some time and then spit out. This procedure is carried out 5 times a day.

Besides traditional treatment pharyngitis is impossible without the use of propolis. So, 60 g of beekeeping product is mixed with 40 g of wax using an aluminum container, which is placed on water bath. Inhalation procedures should be carried out over heated propolis 2-3 times a day.

In addition, you can do inhalations with the addition of chamomile. For this purpose, the patient bows his head over a container with a decoction, and then inhales the medicinal vapors. After this, you can steam your feet in hot water with mustard. And in conclusion, we offer Komarovsky’s opinion in the video in this article about sore throat, as a disease close to pharyngitis.

Komarovsky Symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis in a child

Pharyngitis is a disease that characterizes the inflammatory process of the mucous surface of the pharynx. During such a diagnosis, in most cases, a modification of the lymph nodes of the throat is observed. This diagnosis has two forms of progression: acute and chronic.

Causes of pharyngitis:

  • freezing,
  • low level of immune protection,
  • Availability infectious agents in the baby's body,
  • allergic reactions various types,
  • mechanical damage to the mucous surface of the nasopharynx,
  • chemical irritation from taking certain medications,
  • presence of chronic diseases digestive system, which provoke the occurrence of pharyngitis.

The main symptoms in a child:

  • wet cough,
  • fever,
  • pain in the throat area,
  • lethargic state
  • temperature increase,
  • dry mouth.

Symptoms may not appear fully, and may also have varying degrees of severity (depending on the individual characteristics and stage of the disease).

Pharyngitis in infants has slightly different manifestations, since the baby is not yet able to talk about his health. Disease in in this case manifests itself in the form of lack of appetite, fever, lethargy, bad sleep and even refusing to drink. Often, parents may confuse the last of the symptoms with the process of teething, but this is not so. It is worth noting that if a child refuses to drink, it is time to sound the alarm, because this can be any disease of any complexity (from a cold to pneumonia with a fatal outcome).

Pharyngitis in children treatment

Treatment of pharyngitis in a child can only be carried out under strict supervision children's specialist in this direction, because any self-prescription will definitely cause serious damage to the baby’s health.

The basic concept of therapeutic effects according to Komarovsky:

  1. Inhalation using a home nebulizer.
  2. Gargling with the addition of specialized medications (recommended from 2 years).
  3. Optimal diet: rich in vitamins food, small portions, fractional meals.
  4. Increasing the volume of drinking (maintaining the optimal temperature of the liquid consumed).

Dr. Komarovsky claims that inhalations can be used to treat children under 2 years of age instead of rinsing the throat. The most convenient devices for carrying out this kind of manipulation can rightfully be considered a nebulizer. To get maximum effect, you should add anti-inflammatory herbs to it.

Komarovsky categorically refuses the algorithm for treating pharyngitis in a child with the systematic use of antipyretic medications, since they have a detrimental effect on the still fragile body of the little man. The doctor believes that such medications do not provide therapeutic effect, only temporarily relieving the symptoms of the disease.

You should also completely refuse self-medication, especially if we're talking about about the child's health. This is due to the absence of parents specific education, which would allow them to qualitatively determine the root cause of the disease, because only in this case is it possible right choice child treatment regimens.

The doctor also insists: therapy can be prescribed only after examining the child and taking all necessary tests. Pharyngitis is not difficult to treat, but the complications are quite serious, so you should not joke with it.

It is worth paying attention to strict control of the dosage of medicine consumed by the child, since only strict compliance with all necessary instructions can give the desired result and contribute to speedy recovery.

How to treat?

As a rule, in such cases, a drug that neutralizes the cough must be prescribed (there are various forms of release according to the age of the child and the wishes of the parents). Pain-relieving aerosols and other medications can also be used locally. If necessary, you should also take an antipyretic. It is important to remember that the temperature is most often not reduced to 38, because the body must fight the infection on its own.

IN in some cases homeopathic and immunomodulating medicines are prescribed. However, the need to take them should be agreed with a specialized specialist. Dr. Komarovsky recommends gargling with chlorhexidine, alternating it with saline solution homemade.

On this moment On the Internet, there are many videos of Dr. Komarovsky, in which the eminent pediatrician tells parents about the treatment of certain diseases. That is why, to reinsure yourself, it is possible to take advantage of the advice of an eminent specialist.

Treatment with folk remedies

Throat treatment can also be done with the help of drugs alternative medicine. However, in this case, you should remember that all your actions need to be discussed with your pediatrician.

To neutralize the disease, you can use freshly squeezed lemon juice and a spoonful of high-quality honey. The contents are mixed and, if desired, boiling water and spices are added to it. IN otherwise- simply give the child a teaspoon as needed depending on the baby’s well-being.

Chamomile decoction is added to the nebulizer for inhalation. If such equipment is not at hand, then it is permissible to use the old-fashioned method with a saucepan. For children, the last option cannot be used.

A proven method also works great: warm milk with added Not large quantity natural oil and honey. This procedure is carried out mainly before bedtime, which contributes to the child’s speedy recovery.

The carrots are grated on a medium grater, then the golden mustache is added to it. This traditional medicine is used primarily for resorption.

A decoction of propolis can also work wonders. That is why, if a child has a cold, a complex of inhalations is carried out with the addition of such a medicine.

The procedure of gargling with water-salt solution, which you can make yourself. In the absence of diseases thyroid gland, I add a few drops of iodine to this composition. For these purposes, you can use absolutely any complex of anti-inflammatory herbs. St. John's wort is not used for human immunodeficiency virus, as it negatively affects overall health and also reduces the body's level of defense.


Incorrect treatment of pharyngitis or the absence thereof in both children and adults provokes various kinds complications that manifest themselves in the form of laryngitis and bronchitis, and even pneumonia. In case of untimely or poor-quality treatment of the lungs, pneumonia may develop, which short term capable of taking a person's life. That's why delay First stage not worth therapy. Only a competent and specialized doctor can prescribe it.


In order to protect yourself and your household from relapses of pharyngitis, you should carefully inspect the apartment for things that contribute to the accumulation of large amounts of dust. Discard them. There is also the practice of hardening a child, even in early age, that at the right approach leads to strengthening of the immune system.

If you have frequent pharyngitis, you should purchase a device that determines the humidity of the room air. It is important to stick to the norm. If the air has an insufficient level of humidity, it is worth working in this direction by installing a humidifier in the children's room. It is also recommended to eat onions or garlic, which can strengthen the protective barrier of the human body.

You should also pay attention to toothbrush baby: harmful microbes and bacteria of various types can also accumulate there. If necessary, you can change it more often. Vitamin C and ascorbic acid will become indispensable assistants in strengthening the immune system. In case of frequent colds, you should include taking a vitamin complex.

It is important to understand that treatment of pharyngitis in a baby should begin after the first symptoms are identified, which will help cope with the disease in a short time.

  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • The child has a sore throat. Grandmothers with the air of experts claim that this is a cold due to an extra portion of ice cream eaten the day before. Moms suspect a sore throat. The last word for a doctor who is urgently taken to see the child or who is called to the house. However, the doctor does not share the points of view of the parents and representatives of the older generation and confidently declares that the baby has pharyngitis. Authoritative children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky will talk about pharyngitis in children.

    About the disease

    Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue throats. If the inflammatory process moves and invades the nasopharynx, this is already rhinopharyngitis (its other name is nasopharyngitis). Inflammation of the pharynx occurs for a variety of reasons:

    • viral infection caused by influenza viruses, adenoviruses;
    • bacterial infection with streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, fungi of the Candida family;
    • allergies that develop specifically in the larynx– due to inhalation of poisonous, toxic substances, dust.

    Pharyngitis can be acute or chronic. Acute develops immediately after a negative impact or infection, and chronic develops against the background of constant or sometimes recurring unfavorable factors that haunt the child for quite a long time. Sometimes chronic pharyngitis is generally independent disease, not viral and not allergic, in no way related to acute respiratory viral infections, influenza or manifestations of an allergic reaction. Moreover, such “independent” pharyngitis can have full periods of exacerbation and remission.

    Evgeny Komarovsky claims that there is nothing unusual in pharyngitis - the disease occurs in childhood more often than parents are used to thinking. There are children who receive this diagnosis 3-4 times a year, but this can no longer be considered the norm. Quite often, inflammation of the pharynx and nasopharynx can be caused by too dry air inhaled by a child, whose parents are very fond of closing all the windows and maintaining a hot microclimate in the apartment.


    Viral pharyngitis is usually acute. It develops against the background of ARVI or influenza, which means that it is characterized by all the symptoms of these diseases - runny nose, running snot, headaches, fever up to 38.0 degrees. With such pharyngitis, the child will complain of pain or a sore throat, and it will be painful for him to swallow. Breast baby who cannot complain about anything will begin to refuse food, cry and worry.

    Another hallmark pharyngitis is a dry cough that torments a child, especially at night. The lymph nodes in the neck often become inflamed. Evgeny Komarovsky claims that this is not surprising, because it is through these nodes that the outflow of lymph from the inflamed larynx occurs. Sometimes large red granular granules can be seen on the tonsils or walls of the larynx. Then pharyngitis will be called granulosa (with damage to lymphoid tissue).

    Allergic pharyngitis most often develops acutely, too, a short time after inhaling chemicals or allergens. There are no symptoms of ARVI, but there may well be a runny nose. The temperature rises slightly - up to 37.0-37.5, higher - extremely rarely. A dry, unproductive cough and pain when swallowing are also quite intense.

    Bacterial pharyngitis is severe, with a temperature rise above 38.5 degrees, with severe painful sensations in the throat. At visual inspection may be noticeable in the larynx and tonsils purulent formations which are often confused with sore throat.

    Main difference acute tonsillitis(sore throat) from acute pharyngitis (for the information of parents) is that with tonsillitis, the tonsils are affected, and with pharyngitis, the inflammatory process is more diffuse, it spreads to the walls of the larynx. With tonsillitis, the child complains of pain when swallowing; with pharyngitis, a dry cough will certainly be observed, as well as other symptoms characteristic of the disease.

    Chronic pharyngitis is less pronounced, and sometimes it is noticed only during periods of exacerbation. A child with a chronic form of the disease often has a sore throat, a feeling of dryness in the mouth and larynx, and a dry cough often appears, but the temperature does not rise (at least until the next exacerbation). An exacerbation will resemble ordinary acute pharyngitis like two peas in a pod.


    The choice of treatment tactics depends on what kind of illness the child has developed - viral, bacterial or allergic. It should be noted that even a very experienced doctor will not be able to answer this important question solely on the basis of a visual examination of the child and an assessment of all accompanying symptoms. The doctor, of course, will say that the baby has pharyngitis, but only two things will help determine its origin: simple analysis: clinical blood test and throat smear for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics.

    Without these studies, says Evgeniy Komarovsky, there can be no talk of any normal, responsible and conscious treatment of pharyngitis. After all, all three types of illness are treated with completely different methods and medications.

    You should not rush to follow the recommendations of a doctor who, having looked into your throat and established the presence of a disease, immediately prescribes antibiotics or prescribes several types antiviral agents. Such a doctor should be asked to write out a referral for tests, which should show how and what is best to treat.

    Viral pharyngitis is more common than other types, since children get sick with viral infections more often than all others. Approximately 85% of acute pharyngitis are viral nature. Such pharyngitis cannot be treated with antibiotics, says Evgeny Komarovsky. Antimicrobial agents are completely inactive against viruses, but increase the risk of developing a bacterial complication by 7-8 times.

    The only correct treatment for viral pharyngitis is plenty of warm drink , sufficiently humidified air in the apartment where the sick child is, irrigation of the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx with saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water). If the child’s age allows, you can gargle the sore throat with the same saline solution. An antiseptic (for example, Miramistin), as well as lozenges with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, are used locally for an inflamed throat. Komarovsky warns that there is no need to use “Lugol” (and even more so to cauterize the tonsils and larynx with iodine), since this is much more harmful to the child than pharyngitis, which is not smeared with anything, not treated or cauterized.

    Allergic pharyngitis will require a more detailed approach. Antibiotics are strictly contraindicated in the treatment of such a disease. The doctor may prescribe antihistamines– depending on the allergen (if its type can be quickly determined). Current salt rinses nose and larynx, as well as local antiseptics (except iodine).

    In addition, you will need to remove from the room all objects that can accumulate dust - carpets, Stuffed Toys, books. The air is humidified to a level of 50-70%, ventilated, and the child’s room is often wet cleaned.

    For bacterial pharyngitis, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, the issue of the need to use antibiotics is decided on an individual basis. Not in all cases antimicrobial agents generally needed. If there is a need for them, drugs of the penicillin group are most often used.

    Pain in the throat bothers children quite often. Examining the baby, the doctor notes severe redness of the throat and hypertrophy of the mucous membrane. The cause may be bacterial or viral pharyngitis in children. Unlike tonsillitis, the disease is characterized by inflammation of the back wall of the throat, without affecting the tonsils. Dr. Komarovsky advises, in addition to basic therapy, to include methods of enhancing immunity, helping the body cope with the infection on its own. Pharyngitis is not a dangerous pathology. However, complications should not be allowed.

    According to Komarovsky, treatment of pharyngitis in children should begin with determining the causes of the disease. The therapy method is directly related to the causative agent of the pathology. Knowing the symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis in children according to Komarovsky is useless if the cause of the disease is determined incorrectly.

    The development of independent pathology is caused by infection in the throat. The mucous membrane is affected by harmful microorganisms, which provokes inflammation and swelling. Pharyngitis in children under one year of age and older also manifests itself as a concomitant illness. Diseases of the nasopharynx, acute respiratory viral infections, and gastrointestinal infections can serve as a background for the development of symptoms of the pathology.

    More often than other forms, acute viral pharyngitis occurs, the causative agent of which is:

    • flu;
    • herpes;
    • adeno- and enteroviruses.

    Virus infection of the throat in children is diagnosed in seventy percent of cases.

    The cause of the bacterial form can be:

    • maraxella;
    • streptococci;
    • hemophilus influenzae;
    • fungi;
    • mycoplasma;
    • chlamydia.

    Diseases that serve as a background for the development of pharyngitis include acute respiratory viral infection, mononucleosis, measles and scarlet fever. Children's pathology occurs due to a burn to the mucous membrane or getting into the throat foreign body. Chronic pharyngitis occurs in case of improper treatment of diseases of the sinuses, throat, oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, due to long-term allergies.

    The reason for incorrect therapy is sometimes one-sided techniques. For example, nasopharyngitis in children is treated exclusively as a disease of the nasal cavity. Without additional procedures for the throat, such therapy will not be effective.

    It is much easier for a baby to get sick. Firstly, children are more prone to hypothermia and allergies. Secondly, their body reacts more sharply to smoke, dust, and junk food. Thirdly, a child’s immunity cannot be called strong. Quality therapy must take these factors into account.

    Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend leaving any form of the disease, even pharyngitis without fever, without attention. The sooner the course of correct treatment begins, the more like a child will get better.

    Why do children develop pharyngitis according to Komarovsky?

    Main symptoms in a child

    Pharyngitis in infants and older children caused by viruses manifests itself acutely. Development against the background of ARVI involves inheritance of the main clinical picture. The child suffers from:

    • runny nose;
    • nasal congestion;
    • frequent headaches;
    • increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees;
    • sore throat and discomfort when swallowing.
    • The child eats poorly, constantly cries, and behaves restlessly.

    The clinical picture of the disease is supplemented by a cough. The sputum does not come out. The symptom is worse at night. Pharyngitis without cough is rare.

    Lymph nodes tend to enlarge. According to Dr. Komarovsky, there is nothing wrong with this, because the formations ensure the outflow of lymph from the area of ​​inflammation.

    The tonsils and larynx may become covered with granules. The formations are distinguished by a reddish tint and granularity. In this case, granulosa pharyngitis is diagnosed in the child.

    Illness due to allergies is different acute development. Pathogens include food, dust, pollen, household chemicals, animal fur and feathers. There are no symptoms of respiratory pathologies, but there is a possibility of a runny nose and skin rash. The temperature practically does not rise above 37.5 degrees. The throat hurts, a cough is possible.

    The bacterial type of disease is characterized by a temperature jump to almost 39 degrees. It is difficult for a child to swallow due to severe pain in the throat. If a whitish purulent coating appears on the walls of the pharynx, the pathology is often confused with a sore throat due to inexperience.

    It is important to remember that tonsillitis affects the tonsils, while pharyngitis also infects the larynx. Cough is not a symptom of tonsillitis.

    The chronic form of the disease does not have a constant, pronounced clinical picture. Exacerbations are followed by periods of calm, when the symptoms are almost invisible. The baby complains of dry mouth and sore throat. The temperature remains normal. The period of exacerbation is no different from ordinary pharyngitis.

    If, based on signs of illness, a parent discovers pharyngitis in a child, Dr. Komarovsky advises immediately consult a doctor.

    What are the signs of pharyngitis in children?

    Treatment according to Komarovsky

    Komarovsky advises that treatment of pharyngitis should be aimed at preventing complications of the disease. The doctor recommends regularly sanitizing the throat, creating an environment unsuitable for infectious agents. Synthetic and natural antiseptics are suitable for the procedure.

    Treatment of nasopharyngitis in children is carried out using washing and rinsing. Decoctions based medicinal herbs(chamomile, St. John's wort, sage) have an antiseptic, mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Saline solution for the nose or throat can be prepared at home. It is enough to chop half a spoon of the substance in a glass of warm boiled water. It is advisable to repeat the rinsing procedure several times a day. Saline solution removes purulent plaque from the throat and nose and moisturizes the mucous membranes. However, the method is not suitable for infants. Children do not know how to gargle or rinse their nose.

    Antiseptics offered in pharmacies are effective and reasonably priced. Dr. Komarovsky identifies the following drugs:

    • Faringosept. Lozenges for resorption. They have a chocolate flavor. They help to endure pharyngitis without sore throat and sore throat. They have an antiseptic effect.
    • Bronchicum. Helps get rid of dry cough and relieve pain in the throat. Additional substances included in the preparation include thyme, natural remedy against inflammation.
    • Doctor Mom. Pastilles with mint and fruit flavors. Helps reduce pain and relieve swelling. Get rid of mucous plaque. From natural ingredients contains menthol, ginger, mint.
    • Falimint. Relieves cough and sore throat. Receives positive feedback from both patients and doctors.
    • Orasept. A local drug with an antiseptic effect. Active against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Children like the medicine due to the unusual taste of cherries.
    • Inhalipt. Spray in the throat. The active ingredient is streptocide. Effective against pathogens various kinds. Relieves inflammation, dulls pain, gets rid of bacteria.

    Komarovsky does not recommend antibiotic treatment without compelling reasons. If there is no danger of complications and the doctor’s prognosis is positive, the disease goes away quickly and unnoticed without medications of this category. Antipyretics are required if the temperature with pharyngitis is 38 degrees or more.

    How to get rid of pharyngitis in a child according to Komarovsky.

    Pharyngitis in children treatment

    Komarovsky about pharyngitis and its treatment argues that first of all it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathology, and only then look for the right approach.

    Even an experienced doctor It is difficult to determine the type of disease based only on the identified symptoms and visual examination. You can understand what triggered the disease with the help of a blood test and a throat smear, followed by a study of the flora and susceptibility to drugs.

    Therapies for allergic, bacterial and viral pharyngitis vary. Komarovsky reminds that antibiotics are not always effective. The viral form of pathology cannot be cured with drugs. The bacterial form, on the contrary, is in most cases eliminated with the help of medications of this category. It is useless to treat allergic pharyngitis without first eliminating contact with the causative agent of the reaction.

    Therapy without tests may not only not help, but also aggravate the course of the disease. Complications are much more dangerous than pharyngitis itself. Therefore, it is impossible to treat childhood pathology at home. At the first symptoms of the disease, you need the help of a doctor.


    Having established a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medications to help the child’s body cope with the disease. Medication therapy depends on the type of pharyngitis and the form of the pathology.

    The most popular treatments include:

    • Rinse solutions. The procedure is simple and does not require much time. Solutions based on iodine and furatsilin are used (2 drops diluted in one glass of water), kitchen salt and soda (one teaspoon per glass of liquid), potassium permanganate and peroxide (a tablespoon per similar amount of water).
    • Antibiotics. Appointed in case bacterial causes infections. Children are prescribed topical medications. Biseptol and Bioparox are prescribed. Oral antibiotics are rarely used. Ampicillin is especially effective.
    • Sprays. They have an antiseptic effect. Pharmacies sell Givalex, Hexasprey, Ingalipt.
    • Solutions active ingredients. Lugol and propolis are suitable for treating the pharynx.
    • Pastilles. Children like them because they have a pleasant taste. They have an antiseptic, analgesic and calming effect. Strepsils, Septolete, Faringosept are popular.
    • Antimycotic agents. Includes Nizoral and Amphotericin.
    • Antifungal drugs.

    Antibiotics do not always have a positive effect on the child’s body. They are reducing protective functions, affect the intestinal microflora. Therefore, children are treated with antibacterial drugs in tablets and injections only in extreme cases. Minimal side effects have medicines local action. Sprays containing an antibiotic are one of the most common medications for pharyngitis in children.

    How to treat inflammation in the tonsils in children.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Treatment according to traditional methodology should take place exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Moreover, it is important to take into account the child’s individual intolerance to individual components. It is important to remember that traditional medicine cannot be considered a complete therapy. They are just an addition to the main method.

    • Herbs. Used as a basis for rinsing. They have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Decoctions based on chamomile, black elderberry, mint, and raspberries are used.
    • Garlic. Two cloves are crushed and poured not cold tomato juice. The course of treatment is a week. Taken after lunch. Contraindications: gastrointestinal pathologies.
    • Inhalation over potatoes. Allowed in the absence of fever and purulent plaque. A sick child breathes over a pan of boiled, steamed potatoes under a cloth for five minutes.
    • Foot baths. For five liters of heated water, take one hundred to two hundred grams of mustard powder. The baby keeps his feet in the bath for 15 minutes. Contraindication: increased body temperature.

    How to eliminate pharyngitis in children using unconventional measures.


    Incorrect or incorrect therapy provokes the development of complications against the background of acute pharyngitis in children. TO negative consequences diseases include:

    • Chronication of the disease;
    • Development against the background of pathology of other ailments due to infection respiratory organs(tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis);
    • Abscess formation;
    • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system;
    • Sore throat, sinusitis, otitis.

    Komarovsky on the treatment of pharyngitis in children

    In addition to medication therapy, Dr. Komarovsky recommends providing the child with special mode, promoting rapid recovery.

    Firstly, the baby must rest. Physical and mental stress during illness exhausts the body too much. The child is not allowed to attend kindergarten or school. Required bed rest. Active physical exercise and games are contraindicated. You can keep your child busy with reading and quiet entertainment.

    Secondly, it is necessary to ensure comfortable conditions in the apartment. The temperature should not rise above 22 degrees and fall below 18. The air humidity in the patient's room should be approximately 60 percent. There are two ways to make it optimal - buy a special device or hang a slightly wet cloth in the room. Regular cleaning of the apartment, dusting and ventilation is recommended.

    Thirdly, the baby’s diet should remain complete while following a diet. Food should be served warm, excluding cold and hot dishes. Spicy, salty foods and soda are prohibited. A sick child needs to drink plenty of fluids.

    What does Professor Komarovsky say about curing children from pharyngitis.

    Preventive measures

    • Regular wet cleaning of the apartment.
    • Freeing the baby's room from objects that can accumulate dust, for example, plush toys, carpeting;
    • Moderate hardening of the child’s body;
    • Compliance comfortable conditions in the apartment - regulation of humidity and air temperature;
    • Free diet - the baby should eat vitamin-containing foods and not abuse sweets, fast food, and carbonated drinks;
    • Mandatory adherence to hygiene standards: washing your hands before eating and after walking, timely replacement of your toothbrush.

    Pharyngitis in children is not a dangerous, but extremely unpleasant disease. To avoid the development of complications, therapy must be fast and correct. Dr. Komarovsky's advice will help cure the baby as soon as possible.

    The next video will talk about how to quickly eliminate pharyngitis in children. Symptoms and treatment Komarovsky.

    Fever, sore throat, pain when swallowing in a child are signs of pharyngitis. This disease, common in childhood, usually occurs in the autumn-winter period due to hypothermia, viral or bacterial infection, and reduced immunity. The disease can occur either independently or in combination with ARVI or influenza. And although pharyngitis is not as dangerous as a sore throat, in the absence of the correct and timely treatment the disease can become chronic.

    What is pharyngitis?

    Pharyngitis is an acute or chronic inflammation that is localized in the pharynx, affects its mucous membranes, and also affects tissues soft palate and lymphoid system. In children under five years of age, an inflammatory process in the pharynx can be either an independent disease caused by a viral or bacterial infection, or a consequence of other diseases: rhinitis, adenoiditis, chronic tonsillitis.

    Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx

    If pharyngitis in adults is mild and does not require emergency measures, then in children they are difficult. In the acute form of the disease, the temperature sometimes rises to 40°C. Inflammatory lesions in the pharynx provoke the development of otitis media.

    Due to severe pain when swallowing, the child refuses to eat, and swelling of the mucous membranes leads to attacks of suffocation. If there is any suspicion of acute pharyngitis in small child Contact your doctor immediately, as self-treatment can harm a fragile child’s body.


    In otolaryngology, there are several forms of the disease, each of which has its own characteristics. So, according to the duration and nature of the inflammatory processes, pharyngitis is:

    • acute, which last up to a month. They develop rapidly - immediately after infectious lesion throat or exposure to irritating factors;
    • protracted, lasting more than 30 days. This form occurs with unqualified treatment of an acute type of disease or with late seeking medical help;
    • chronic, which last more than six months and often recur. This type of pharyngitis is a consequence of other ENT diseases or constant irritation of the child’s throat by harmful factors (dry air, allergies).

    In turn, otolaryngologists divide the chronic form of the disease into three types:

    1. Catarrhal pharyngitis has fairly mild symptoms and occurs without profound changes in the structure of the mucous membranes of the pharynx.
    2. With granulosa pharyngitis, not only mucous membranes are affected, but also lymphoid tissues. In a child, pustules in the form of granules or red nodules form in the throat.
    3. Atrophic form - last stage chronic pharyngitis. The mucous membrane of the pharynx becomes thinner, and dry mouth appears. Sometimes children cannot swallow or breathe, which causes anxiety and sleep disturbances.

    Difference between viral and bacterial pharyngitis

    Depending on the causative agent of the disease, pharyngitis is divided into the following forms:

    • viral - develops after penetration into the child’s nasopharynx pathogenic organism. When infected with the herpes virus (herpetic, or herpes, pharyngitis), aphthae (ulcers) appear on the pharyngeal mucosa, which cause severe sore throat;

      The viral form of pharyngitis is contagious and is recorded more often in children who attend preschool institutions.

    • bacterial - occurs due to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the child’s body. This form of the disease is considered more dangerous, since bacterial infections can cause serious complications in an infected baby - or;
    • fungal - occurs more often in infants. This form is associated with decreased immunity or improper care of the baby. Sometimes develops as a complication of thrush or candidal stomatitis;
    • allergic - occurs due to the action of allergens (pollen, animal hair, house dust, fungus and mold), aggravated by rhinitis, stuffy nose and itching in the nose.

    A detailed classification of pharyngitis helps otolaryngologists when making a diagnosis, choosing a drug and course of therapy. Thus, if the disease is bacterial in nature, treatment with antibiotics is permissible, the use of which is excluded for viral infections.

    Causes of pharyngitis

    The provoking factors of the disease are often of infectious origin. This especially applies to acute pharyngitis, the causative agents of which are:

    • influenza viruses, herpes, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, coronaviruses, enteroviruses;
    • bacteria of the genus staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus;
    • fungi of the Candida species.

    According to statistics, from 70 to 90% of cases acute inflammation pharynx in children is associated with a viral infection. Less common reasons pharyngitis are allergies, foreign body getting into the neck, exposure to hot liquid, alkali or acid.

    The appearance of a chronic form of the disease is provoked by:

    • sluggish viral infections;
    • diseases of the ENT organs: stomatitis, sore throat, sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis;
    • early removal of palatine tonsils;
    • caries;
    • (throwing the contents of the stomach into the throat).

    In addition, pediatricians identify four factors that significantly increase the likelihood of developing pharyngitis.

    1. Reduced immunity, which is associated with disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, lack of vitamins, and early weaning.
    2. General hypothermia of the body. The peak of the disease occurs in the autumn-winter period.
    3. Local hypothermia. Children who love to enjoy ice cream and cold soda are more often susceptible to diseases of the ENT organs.
    4. Early age. In preschoolers and junior schoolchildren The likelihood of getting pharyngitis is much higher than in teenagers.

    Symptoms of the disease in children

    The symptoms of pharyngitis depend on the type of inflammation and its severity. Signs of the disease appear both individually and collectively. The main manifestations of acute inflammatory process of the pharynx include:

    • elevated temperature (up to 40°C with a viral infection);
    • dry cough (after three days it becomes wet);
    • itchy throat, sore throat;
    • dry mouth;
    • pain when swallowing food or saliva;
    • hoarseness of voice;
    • inflammation lymph nodes;
    • conjunctivitis (with viral pharyngitis);
    • rash (if the disease is bacterial in nature).

    One of the symptoms of pharyngitis is a red, sore throat.

    The chronic form of pharyngitis is less pronounced. A child with this disease does not have a fever, there is no visible deterioration in health, but coughing, dryness and a “lump” in the throat persist. The cough is dry, without sputum production.

    In infants, pharyngitis is severe. They are capricious, refuse the breast or bottle, and have a fever. Another common sign is indigestion and excessive drooling. Due to underdevelopment respiratory system swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa and suffocation are possible.


    The diagnosis in most cases is based on the results of pharyngoscopy - examination of the pharynx. During the inflammatory process, the baby experiences:

    • swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa;
    • redness of the throat;
    • granularity and friability of the mucous membrane;
    • inflamed follicles resembling red grains;
    • redness of the palate, palatine arches, lateral ridges.

    A clinical blood test will show an increase in the level of leukocytes, as well as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. If tests indicate an increase in the number of neutrophils, doctors speak of a bacterial etiology. If the number of lymphocytes increases, it is assumed viral nature diseases.

    The main method for diagnosing pharyngitis is pharyngoscopy.

    To clarify the specific type of pathogen, a smear is taken from the back wall of the throat. Infectious disease specialists test microorganisms contained in cultures for sensitivity to various groups antibiotics and antiseptics.

    • exclude from the children's diet foods that irritate the throat: cold, hot, salty, spicy and sour. Suitable for first course chicken soup without frying, for the second - milk porridge or mashed potatoes;
    • diversify children's menu fruits (especially citrus fruits) and various vegetables;
    • Monitor the amount of liquid your child consumes. For a little patient necessary drinking plenty of fluids- drinks with high content vitamin C (cranberry juice, currant compote, Orange juice, warm tea with lemon);
    • for pharyngitis, bed rest is not indicated; on the contrary, walk with the child as often as possible, ventilate the room, and humidify the air in it.

    It will not be possible to defeat a child’s disease with magic lollipops or a miracle spray alone, especially if pharyngitis has become chronic. Required complex therapy, which can only be prescribed by the attending doctor.

    Drug treatment

    The course of treatment depends on the severity of pharyngitis and its origin. Only a doctor can prescribe something that is safe for children. antibacterial drug and solution for inhalation and identify them exact dosage. What do doctors most often prescribe?

    A more gentle way is to take antibiotics and antiseptics local action, which do not have a significant negative impact on the child’s body. In the treatment of pharyngitis, Hexoral, Biseptol, and Bioparox are often used.

    Therapy of granulosa and atrophic types of pharyngitis

    Advanced forms of chronic pharyngitis in children are very difficult to cure using folk remedies or antibiotics alone.

    1. When lymphoid tissue grows, characteristic of the granulosa type of disease, the following medical measures are taken:
      • laser cauterization;
      • cauterization with silver nitrate;
      • freezing granules and side ridges (cryotherapy);
      • removal of granules on the back wall of the pharynx using radio waves.
    2. When treating the atrophic form of the disease, use:
      • inhalation with essential oils of eucalyptus and sea buckthorn;
      • burying oil solutions in the nose (thuja oil, Pinosol).

    Before treating atrophic pharyngitis, all crusts that impede penetration are removed from the mucous membranes of the pharynx. active substances. For this purpose, irrigation is carried out with sea or mineral water, soda solution, and then remove the crusts using a gauze swab or a cotton swab.


    Many parents are afraid to “stuff” their children medicines, preferring unconventional methods treatment. At home, popular methods will help you cope with pharyngitis. folk remedies- compresses, herbal infusions for rinsing, tea with honey. How do they work?

    1. Take fresh garlic, chop it, put it in a saucepan, pour honey. Heat the resulting mass over low heat, wait 20 minutes until the garlic dissolves in honey, and leave the mixture covered for half an hour. Then put it on the fire again, boil a little, stirring constantly. When the syrup has cooled, filter and place in a dark place. Give your baby a teaspoon every day until he feels better.
    2. To prepare an infusion of medicinal herbs for rinsing, take chamomile flowers, sage, calendula and eucalyptus leaves. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave covered for at least half an hour. Ready product strain. Gargle your baby's throat five times a day.
    3. In the treatment of pharyngitis, a herbal mixture of raspberry leaves, immortelle flowers and horsetail. Mix one teaspoon of each component, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Strain the finished product and rinse your throat with it three times a day.
    4. Ginger tea helps reduce the symptoms of pharyngitis and strengthen children's immunity. To prepare it, grate fresh root grated ginger, pour a tablespoon of the product with a glass of boiled water and leave for about half an hour. Add a lemon wedge and a teaspoon of honey to the drink.
    5. Gargling with propolis tincture - good remedy for the treatment of chronic pharyngitis. Brew 20 g of propolis with half a liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos overnight. In the morning, filter the infusion and rinse the neck 4-6 times a day.
    6. Mix equal amounts of honey mustard powder, vegetable oil, vodka, add a little flour to make a stiff dough. Make a cake, apply it to the baby’s neck, excluding the thyroid gland area, leave for an hour, securing with a bandage. You can make honey-mustard compresses for no more than five days.

    Folk remedies are effective at the beginning of an acute inflammatory process and in uncomplicated chronic pharyngitis. If the disease is accompanied by influenza and other viral infections, a comprehensive approach is required, including medications.

    Folk remedies for treating illness (gallery)

    Honey mustard compress helps with cough Infusion of medicinal herbs - effective method treatment of pharyngitis Ginger tea boosts children's immunity Garlic with honey - a natural antiseptic

    Treatment of cough and fever with pharyngitis

    To prevent inflammation from spreading to the larynx, trachea and bronchi, you should not ignore such a symptom of the disease as cough. Doctors offer several ways to help alleviate it.

    1. Dry cough can be eliminated by inhalation of mineral water and infusion of medicinal herbs. You should avoid steam procedures and use a nebulizer.
    2. To suppress the cough center, medications such as Tusuprex, Stoptussin are prescribed.
    3. At wet cough, which appears on days 3–4, mucolytics are used: Bromhexyl, Ambroxal.

    Elevated temperature in children with inflammatory processes in the pharynx lasts no more than five days. If it does not exceed 38°C, you should not take antipyretic drugs. Pediatricians recommend following these rules:

    • do not allow dehydration, give the child as much warm liquid (vitaminized teas and tinctures) as he is able to drink;
    • if the baby has chills, cover him with a warm blanket;
    • use antiviral rectal suppositories;
    • wipe the child with water at room temperature (under no circumstances use alcohol and vinegar for this purpose);
    • Do not cool the baby’s body with a heating pad with ice or a cold sheet.

    Do not give children under 12 years of age medications containing acetylsalicylic acid. They can lead to severe side effects.

    Doctor Komarovsky on the treatment of cough in children (video)

    Features of the treatment of pharyngitis in children under one year of age

    Treatment of the disease in newborns and infants is as gentle as possible. Doctors, if possible, avoid prescribing antibiotics, limiting themselves to the following recommendations:

    • Irrigation of the neck. Sprays and aerosols are contraindicated at this age, as bronchospasm may occur. The medicine is administered using a syringe;
    • It is best to irrigate a baby's throat using a syringe.

      Taking potent medications is justified if the child has:

      • in addition to pharyngitis, catarrhal tonsillitis was diagnosed;
      • holds on heat V within three and more than a day;
      • There is congenital diseases heart and kidneys. In this case, a delay can lead to serious complications.

      Cannot be carried out independent course treatment by taking antibiotics and antiviral drugs without a doctor's prescription. A fragile child's body can react acutely to even the safest medicine.

      Possible complications

      The acute form of pharyngitis usually goes away in children in one to two weeks. Forecast at adequate treatment favorable: the disease rarely becomes chronic. At chronic inflammation pharynx prognosis depends on timely correction of the cause contributing to the onset of the disease.

      Negative consequences more often occur when pharyngitis is of infectious origin. Doctors distinguish between general and local complications. The latter appear in the pharynx or in organs located “next door”. For example:

      • retropharyngeal abscesses - purulent inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes and loose tissue of the retropharyngeal space;
      • diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory tract: otitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia;
      • cervical lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck.

      TO general complications include diseases that arise from chronic autointoxication of the body, which lasts for years. Such diseases include glomerulonephritis, meningitis, acute articular rheumatism.

      Disease prevention

      Preventive measures are not very effective if pharyngitis occurs against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, especially during epidemics. However, compliance following rules will help reduce the risk of developing the disease in children:

      • rinse your child’s nose after visiting educational institutions;
      • teach hygiene: washing hands, brushing teeth;
      • stop smoking in the house to prevent your baby from becoming a passive smoker;
      • harden the child’s body;
      • walk outdoors more often;
      • get rid of foci of infection;
      • treat gastrointestinal diseases;
      • humidify the air in the apartment;
      • provide varied and proper nutrition;
      • take vitamin complexes.

      Pharyngitis is a common disease that children are especially susceptible to. Although it can be managed at home, a doctor's consultation and medical examination are necessary. Children's immunity is imperfect, which is fraught with the development of complications. In addition, the symptoms of the disease are similar to those of other diseases. Seeing a doctor will help clarify the diagnosis, identify the cause of inflammation and select effective methods and methods of treating pharyngitis.

    Children, especially younger age, often complain of a sore throat. Upon examination, you may notice severe redness and swelling of the mucous membranes. This may indicate the onset of pharyngitis. This disease differs from sore throat in that it affects only back wall larynx and does not affect the tonsils at all. Treatment of pharyngitis according to Komarovsky is to provide the child with all the conditions for the body to cope with the infection itself. Famous doctor believes that adults should not panic when a child has pharyngitis, but they should not let the disease take its course.

    How to recognize pharyngitis

    Pharyngitis in children with its symptoms often resembles respiratory diseases or other pathologies of the upper respiratory organs. Not all parents have an exact idea of ​​what the signs of pharyngitis look like. But only a correct diagnosis will help parents treat the baby correctly, monitor the entire path of recovery and not miss the moment when antibacterial drugs will have to be added to the treatment regimen.

    According to Dr. Komarovsky, antibacterial agents for the treatment of pharyngitis are needed very rarely, since the pathology is mainly caused by various viruses. If we compare this disease with sore throat, the latter is caused by group A streptococci and therefore antibacterial drugs are simply necessary to treat sore throat.

    Pharyngitis affects the walls of the pharynx, a special organ that connects the mouth to the larynx and the underlying trachea. When examining a sick child, you can see only a small area of ​​the pharynx, behind the tonsils and the soft part of the palate. Signs of inflammation include:

    • throat hyperemia;
    • swelling of the walls of the pharynx and adjacent areas;
    • small ulcers and barely noticeable bruises may be observed on the walls;
    • the patient complains of a feeling of dryness in the throat, noticeable soreness and severe pain;
    • There are complaints of apathy and weakness.

    It should be understood that with pharyngitis viral origin the tonsils are almost never affected and remain in physiological state. If the tonsils have enlarged and are covered with a layer of purulent plaque, we can talk about tonsillitis. Although occasionally, tonsillopharyngitis, a special type of disease, can be diagnosed.

    Pharyngitis of both a viral and bacterial nature in children is always accompanied by a high temperature, which is especially critical in the first few days.

    Viruses or bacteria

    In most cases, when a child complains of severe sore throat and parents notice severe redness of the mucous membrane, typical pharyngitis of viral origin occurs. Viruses that provoke the development of respiratory infections can cause outbreaks in large groups of children, for example, schools and entire groups of kindergartens.

    Dr. Komarovsky believes that this is an absolutely acceptable phenomenon and a child with good immunity can suffer from respiratory infections, including acute pharyngitis, up to 10 times a year. This means that manifestations of respiratory infections can be observed in young children almost every month. At the same time, immunity to various pathogens is gradually developed, so all subsequent respiratory infections may occur with milder symptoms. This may explain why in adults colds rarely occur with high fever and rarely cause complications.

    Bacterial pharyngitis is rare in children. And in most cases this is simply a complication of the viral form of the disease. Inflammation of the pharynx is conditionally provoked pathogenic microorganisms, which are on the mucous membranes of all people. A bacterial infection usually appears on the 4th day of viral pathology. It is not difficult to determine that the disease is complicated by bacteria; in this case, the child experiences the following disorders:

    • the throat begins to hurt very much, the child may cry about it;
    • you can see a whitish or yellowish purulent coating in the throat;
    • body temperature can rise to 39 degrees.

    E.O. Komarovsky believes that in most cases, a bacterial infection occurs due to improper treatment of a sick child. Basically, excessively dry air in the patient’s room and insufficient drinking regimen can lead to such a complication.

    When treating pharyngitis in a child, it is very important to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician; only in this case can complications be avoided.

    What medications can be used

    According to Dr. Komarovsky, when a child is diagnosed with viral pharyngitis, all treatment should be aimed at preventing complications, which include a bacterial infection. It is worth constantly sanitizing the throat so that there is an unsuitable environment for bacteria to live there. For this purpose, various antiseptics of both natural and medicinal origin can be used.

    Pharyngitis in a child can be treated with a variety of rinses. A decoction of chamomile, sage and St. John's wort has proven itself well. This decoction has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect.

    You can also use the solution to gargle table salt. To do this, dilute half a teaspoon of kitchen salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with the resulting mixture several times a day. The salt solution helps cleanse the throat of purulent plaque and moisturize it. It is worth noting that this method of treatment is not suitable for everyone, as children do not yet know how to gargle.

    To treat pharyngitis, pharmaceutical antiseptics are often used, which are affordable and at the same time effective.

    • Faringosept – lollipops with an original chocolate flavor. This medication relieves pain and soreness well, but the main advantage of these tablets is that they have an antiseptic effect.
    • Bronchicum - Dr. Komarovsky recommends this drug as a nonproductive cough and from severe sore throat. The composition contains thyme extract, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Dr. Mom - These lollipops have a pleasant minty-fruit flavor to reduce swelling and pain and prevent the formation of sticky mucus. Doctor Mom lozenges contain licorice, ginger and menthol extract.
    • Falimint is an excellent antitussive that has a mild analgesic effect, and is often prescribed by doctors for pharyngitis.
    • Orasept – effective antiseptic local action, which has antifungal and antimicrobial effect. U of this medicine pleasant cherry aroma and taste, so children like it.
    • Inhalipt is a spray for treating the throat mucosa. Contains streptocide, which has a detrimental effect on various pathogenic microorganisms. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effects.

    All of these medications can be used to treat both viral and bacterial pharyngitis. But in the latter case Local antiseptics alone cannot be used; treatment must be supplemented with antibacterial drugs.

    It is strictly forbidden to start giving antibiotics to a child without a doctor’s recommendation. We must remember that this potent drugs, which affect the entire body.

    What else is needed for recovery?

    Pharyngitis symptoms and treatment differ from tonsillitis, but in one and the other case, the child needs to create appropriate conditions for a quick recovery. To begin with, the child must be protected from both physical and mental stress. You should not send your child to school with a sore throat or try to quickly catch up on missed school lessons at home. A sick child should spend more time in bed; in addition, you can read, play calm Board games and watch TV. Any entertainment should be calm.

    In the room where the sick child is located, you need to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity. Doctors recommend a room temperature of about 20 degrees, while it is better if it is 18 degrees than 22. The humidity in the room should be about 60%. You can humidify the air using a special humidifier, wet towels, hung around the room, and regular wet cleaning. It is better to dress a sick child warmly, but let him breathe cool and moist air.

    It is worth making sure that the child’s nutrition is complete. Food should be slightly warm and not contain a lot of spices that irritate the throat mucosa. The patient should drink enough, this can be jelly, fruit drink, mineral water, juices and herbal decoctions.

    E.O. Komarovsky believes that excessively dry air is very irritating and dries out the mucous membrane of the throat, due to which recovery is delayed.

    One should not think that a fairly well-known pediatrician advocates self-medication; on the contrary, he advises calling a doctor at the first signs of illness. Only an examination by a specialist can give a complete picture of the nature of the disease. In some situations, you need to immediately call an ambulance. Such situations include too high a temperature in the child, difficulty breathing, cyanosis of the skin, nausea, rashes on the skin and confusion. Pharyngitis may well be confused with more serious pathologies, such as diphtheria or mononucleosis, so adults should be extremely careful.