What happens if you store lenses in water? What can I use as a substitute for contact lens solution in a pinch? Analogues of storage solutions

Popova Marina Eduardovna

Reading time: 4 minutes


A mandatory point when storing and getting used to contact lenses is to keep them in a special solution that cleans, disinfects and moisturizes.

Almost all types are subject to constant cleaning, except for daily ones, which are used as a disposable consumable.

To remove dust particles, bacteria or protein deposits from the surface of products, it is necessary to take care of their proper storage in a container or ways of replacing the liquid itself with other solutions.

Below in the article you will learn in detail how to replace lens fluid if you don’t have a specially designed solution on hand.

Features of choosing liquid for contact lenses

You can satisfy the buyer’s wishes by knowing some of the nuances of choice:

    • Composition plays a big role when choosing liquid for contact lenses, but, as a rule, they choose the most popular brands, such as Renu. Manufacturers create specific formulas for each type of solution, which, in turn, have a bactericidal and disinfectant effect. One of the main components will remain the chelating element and the buffer substance.

  • You need to choose a solution for its intended purpose for every day or a universal one, which is more convenient. In terms of caring for daily products, you do not need much time, since they must be changed constantly.
  • But multifunctional options must be placed in a special solution before going to bed, which will get rid of bacteria, germs, protein deposits, and dust.
  • The label and description of the composition of the liquid should be studied in advance before purchasing, since, for example, peroxide products have very serious contraindications.

Attention! It is important to undergo a preliminary examination and, based on this, determine whether there are any allergic reactions. Only a specialist will be able to select a drug based on individual characteristics. It's quite difficult to do this yourself.

How to properly store lenses?

It is especially important to know how to store products for those who use reusable options and, of course, How can you replace contact lens solution if you don’t have the original one on hand?

If the client will use the same pair of products for a long time, he should familiarize himself with the rules for storing liquids for them.

If the packaging of the vision correction device has not yet been unsealed, the shelf life may last as long as indicated in the corresponding column.

How to use and store products, and what to do if there is no solution for lenses:

  1. Purchasing a special container is a prerequisite for storing this kind of material.
  2. The liquid is used only once to clean the surface of the lenses; it is not recommended to do this again.
  3. It is better to regularly inspect the container with a magnifying glass for contamination.
  4. It is not recommended to mix the remains of the old solution and the new one; each time you should thoroughly rinse the container. If you have completely run out of the branded solution, you can make lens liquid at home (more on this below).
  5. Heat treatment of the container itself once a week is also necessary.
  6. The cleanliness of products that are removed from the solution is ensured by washing your hands well and using tweezers as a holder.
  7. Products should be completely immersed in the solution., some manufacturers even have special marks for correct pouring of liquid.

To keep your vision at the desired level and prevent it from falling, you should follow these simple rules.

Important! As soon as any discomfort or burning is felt after using the lenses, they should be immediately removed, checked for cleanliness and subjected to additional processing.

How to replace lens solution?

Even if you don’t have a special solution for cleaning products at hand, there are substitutes that will do an excellent job of this role.

It is important that alternative methods are safe for the patient, do not cause a feeling of “mote in the eye” and are comfortable to use around the clock.

The most popular options for replacing lens solution:

  • Saline solution is the most suitable substitute for lens fluid. This solution for lenses, at home, can replace a special liquid for some time. The container in which the products are placed must be disinfected; you can even boil it first and only then pour in the saline solution. You can store lenses in this product, periodically replacing it with a new one. The container can only be closed when the products are completely under saline solution.
  • Some eye drops (such as Visine: Clear Tear) are also used as lens fluid, as they prevent the surface from drying out. The composition includes special components that allow the solution to be disinfected and do not pose a threat to humans.

How to make lens solution at home?

With the correct combination of water and salt, you can make your own lens solution, which fights bacteria, deposits, dust.

To do this you will need: a container (that can be tightly closed), salt, clean water and a device to heat the water.

To prepare a composition to replace contact lens solution, you will need to take the following steps:

  • Thoroughly wash and boil the container in which you will store the products;
  • Boil 1000 ml of clean water (filtered or store-bought artesian water);
  • Gradually dissolve 9 grams of salt in boiling water;
  • Cool the resulting solution, pour it into a container prepared for storing lenses, and also rinse the lenses with this solution before final immersion for storage;
  • In the morning, the lenses must be placed in this solution and kept there for 2-3 hours.

Important! Keep an eye on your eyes when putting on lenses after such a self-prepared salt solution. If you experience even the slightest dryness or discomfort in your eyes, remove the products immediately.

Liquids unsuitable for storage

  • Ordinary water will not work in liquid, where to put lenses if there is no solution, since it already contains a large number of bacteria, which, in turn, can lead to the formation of mold. This also includes boiled and distilled water.
  • It is strictly forbidden to wipe the surface of the lens with saliva, for the same reason as with water.
  • If you completely refuse to use liquid, this will lead to drying out of the surface and damage not only to the material, but also to vision.

Attention! It is recommended to use substitutes only in extreme cases, for example, if there is no liquid for lenses, and it is not yet possible to buy a new one.

Useful video

In the video you will see clearly how to prepare a solution for lenses at home using salt and water:

After all, special liquids for storing lenses are created so that the eyes are not exposed to external irritants, feel comfortable with a foreign object, are constantly moisturized and protected from dust and dirt.

In contact with

Contact lenses are a real boon for people who have visual impairments. This is a great alternative to traditional glasses. But at the same time, these devices require very careful and competent care. They have their own expiration date, exceeding which can lead to serious consequences. In addition, improper handling of these optical devices and violation of the rules for their use can greatly damage vision. Therefore, today I will tell you about how long you can use one pair of lenses and what to do if you don’t have a special solution and a container for storing them on hand.

Despite the fact that lenses have their own expiration date, many are accustomed to wearing them until a burning sensation begins to appear in the eyes. This approach is fundamentally wrong and can cause irreparable damage to vision.

Let's figure out how much you can use devices to sharpen your vision.

The expiration date of lenses is usually indicated on the packaging and looks like this: first the year is indicated, and then the month until which they are valid. It should be understood that this period means how long vision improvement devices can be stored in solution before use.

There is also another date: guaranteed service life, which means the period of time a person is recommended to use them. Generally, soft contact lenses have a lifespan of 6 to 12 months depending on their thickness, water content, manufacturing method, and other factors.

There is another category of contact lenses – colored or tint. They can be either corrective or without diopters. But as is the case with special devices that correct vision, colored ones also have a shelf life, which depends on many factors and ranges from one day to six months.

There are several types of lenses based on their service life:

  • Quarterly replacement – ​​use period up to 3 months
  • Scheduled replacement - 1 month of operation is recommended
  • Frequent scheduled changes - no more than 2 weeks of use
  • Daily replacement - must be changed every day

With daily replacement lenses everything is very clear. They only wear them for one day and then change to a new pair. But with other options it’s not so simple. Here you need to know how and in what to store them correctly.

How to care for contact lenses

Daily care includes several successive steps:

  1. Cleaning contact lenses. It is carried out as follows. The lenses are placed on the palm of your hand, a few drops of a special solution are applied to them and gently rubbed over the entire surface.
  2. Washing with solution.
  3. Disinfection of lenses. The lenses are placed in a special container and completely filled with functional liquid, which must remain in it for at least 4 hours. The container must be closed. Also keep in mind that you should never use a used solution for disinfection.
  4. Storage carried out using a special container and solution intended for these purposes.

Choice of solution

Solutions for contact devices for vision correction are also different and differentiated depending on the frequency of use. They are daily, enzymatic, the frequency of use of which is once a week, and multifunctional.

Multifunctional solutions allow you to perform all necessary care procedures in one step, since they can act as a means of cleaning, lubricating, moisturizing and storing lenses.

If you are unsure whether a particular solution is suitable for your lens type, you should consult your ophthalmologist.

Storage without solution

Sometimes there are situations when there is simply no multifunctional disinfectant liquid at hand, but the lenses nevertheless need to be removed. If this is exactly what happened to you, there are several relatively safe ways to cope with the situation.

It is worth noting that they can only be used in extreme situations.

  1. Using saline solution. This option is most optimal if you don’t have a special functional liquid at hand. The container or container in which you intend to store your devices must be thoroughly disinfected. To do this, the container is washed and boiled for 10 minutes. Then saline solution is poured into it and the lenses are immersed. Note that they must be completely covered with liquid. The field of this container is closed.
  2. Using eye drops. Placing the lenses in eye drops will help prevent them from drying out. However, since this product does not have disinfectant functions, they must be put on only after disinfection in a special liquid.
  3. Distilled water. If you don't have any saline solution or eye drops on hand, at worst, you can put the lenses in distilled water. However, remember, you can wear them only after disinfection in a purchased multifunctional solution.
  4. Brine. This liquid is similar in composition to saline solution, but its preparation requires precise proportions. In addition, it is absolutely forbidden to put on lenses after storing them in this homemade product without subsequent disinfection.

What you should not store contact lenses in:

  • Water. Both tap and boiled water cannot be used for temporary storage of optical instruments, since it contains a large number of bacteria.
  • Saliva. The opinion that you can wet your lenses with your own saliva at night is wrong; there are also plenty of microbes in it.
  • The absence of any liquid will lead to the lenses drying out completely and making them impossible to use further.

Container care rules

In order to minimize the possibility of infection of optical devices, it is also necessary to be responsible for the container for their storage.

First of all, do not forget to regularly change it to a new one after a month of use. In addition, the container should be washed with a disinfectant liquid, not tap water.

Do not dilute the liquid in the container. It is always correct to pour new solution. Approximately once a week the container must be treated with boiling water or steam.

And finally, a few rules that, if followed, will help extend the life of your optical devices and avoid eye infections:

  • Lenses should be stored and washed only with a specialized solution.
  • Lenses should be left overnight in a container specially designed for this purpose. This will protect them from dust and various microorganisms, and also prevent dehydration.
  • You should not sleep in lenses. This increases the risk of infection.
  • If your appliances are damaged in any way or have expired, they must be replaced immediately.

Your brownie.

Wearing contact lenses

Timur 01/23/19

Timur 01/21/19

Hello, I have a lens in one eye (ostegmatism). When I close the weak eye with the lens on the healthy eye, I see better, but if I start looking with both eyes it’s cloudy, is this normal? Second 100 percent vision, wear it for 3 days

Timur 01/21/19

Hello, I have a lens in one eye (ostegmatism). When I close the weak eye with the lens on the healthy eye, I see better, but if I start looking with both eyes it’s cloudy, is this normal? Second 100 percent vision, wear it for 3 days

Timur 01/21/19

Hello, I have a lens in one eye (ostegmatism). When I close the weak eye with the lens on the healthy eye, I see better, but if I start looking with both eyes it’s cloudy, is this normal? Second 100 percent vision, wear it for 3 days

Timur 01/21/19

Hello, I have a lens in one eye (ostegmatism). When I close the weak eye with the lens on the healthy eye, I see better, but if I start looking with both eyes it’s cloudy, is this normal? Second 100 percent vision, wear it for 3 days

Timur 01/21/19

Hello, I have a lens in one eye (ostegmatism). When I close the weak eye with the lens on the healthy eye, I see better, but if I start looking with both eyes it’s cloudy, is this normal? Second 100 percent vision, wear it for 3 days

Timur 01/21/19

Hello, I have a lens in one eye (ostegmatism). When I close the weak eye with the lens on the healthy eye, I see better, but if I start looking with both eyes it’s cloudy, is this normal? Second 100 percent vision, wear it for 3 days

Timur 01/21/19

Hello, I have a lens in one eye (ostegmatism). When I close the weak eye with the lens on the healthy eye, I see better, but if I start looking with both eyes it’s cloudy, is this normal? Second 100 percent vision, wear it for 3 days

Amina 04.11.18

Hello! When I washed my face, a little bit of water got into my eye, and the lens literally stuck to my eye. After a few minutes, I somehow took it off, then put it in the solution and now put it on. Tell me, was it possible to do the same?

Natalia Gusakova 09.10.18

Camilla, hello! If the diopters are the same, then it is possible, if they are different, then no.

Camilla 09.10.18

Hello) I would like to know if it is possible to wear daily contact lenses in both eyes, if only in the right eye?

Oleg Olegovich 06/21/18

Hello, is it possible to put the lens from the right eye in the left eye, and the left one in the right eye? If it is not possible, then why, I would like to know the reason

Natalia Gusakova 16.06.18

Diana 03.12.17

Hello. Tell me, do lenses have age restrictions, if so, which ones?

Natalia Gusakova 30.11.17

Hello Alexander! Of course, you can pour the lens solution into the container in advance and use it when the need arises to remove the lenses.

Sasha 11/30/17

Sorry I accidentally asked the question many times

Sasha 11/30/17

Hello. You can, for example, when you go to spend the night on a visit, take only a container with you and fill it with a solution immediately and then put the lenses there. so as not to miss the solution itself

Natalia Gusakova 25.11.17

Nazira, hello! If you removed the lenses and placed them in a solution for one hour (except for peroxide systems), then you can put them on again. Of course, in one hour your lenses will not receive proper cleaning; for this, it is necessary to keep the lenses in the solution for 4 to 6 hours, depending on the solution, and that is why removing the lenses for an hour does not increase the time they remain in them. Let me remind you that the wearing time of hydrogel lenses is 8-10 hours a day, silicone hydrogel lenses can be worn for up to 24 hours.

Nazira 11/25/17

Hello! I have the following question for you... Let’s say I wore the lenses for 8 hours, rested for an hour... can I put them back on?

Vera 05.11.17

Thanks for the answer, Natalya!

Natalia Gusakova 05.11.17

Vera, hello! In your case, there is most likely damage to the cornea, so the safest thing you can do is to instill Korneregel - it is a corneoprotector, it promotes the healing of the damaged cornea. And of course, if possible, see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Vera 05.11.17

Hello! Yesterday I put on contact lenses for the first time. No discomfort, you can see perfectly in them, but it was difficult to remove. I filmed for 5 hours. In the morning I woke up with one eye very swollen, red and stuck together (((I’m dripping sodium sulfacyl, I can’t see the ophthalmologist until tomorrow. Due to the fact that I took it off for a long time, it turned out that I was in the lens on the swollen eye for 7 hours, instead of the prescribed two or three. What can I use in drops? Or can you recommend an ointment?

Natalia Gusakova 10.10.17

Julia, hello!

Lens solution, with the exception of peroxide systems, can, of course, be dripped onto the inner surface of the lens before putting it on, but it is better to use it for this purpose. Solutions are still more intended for storing, cleaning and disinfecting contact lenses, and special drops for lenses are designed to restore the tear film and increase comfort when wearing lenses.

Natalia Gusakova 12.05.17

Oleg, good afternoon! If your lenses have been in the same solution for two months, then it is better not to risk it and replace them with new ones, even if their wearing period has not expired. The lenses, of course, will not deteriorate from such storage, but the fact is that due to the cessation of the disinfecting effect of the solution, bacteria could multiply in it and penetrate the lens.

Oleg 05/12/17

Natalya, let’s say my lenses have a shelf life of 3 months, but they were in solution for 2 months :)

Oleg 05/12/17

Natalya, thank you for your answer. It turns out that lenses can be worn even after a long stay in an unchanged solution, but taking into account the functionality of the solution itself? and the period of wearing lenses? (of course, after soaking them in a fresh solution)

Natalia Gusakova 11.05.17

Oleg, hello! If you are using a multifunctional solution to care for lenses and your lenses have been in the container with the solution whiter for more than a week, then the solution in the container must be replaced with fresh one. The period of wearing lenses is calculated from the moment the blister is opened (one month, two weeks, three months), even if you do not wear lenses during this period or wear them rarely. Therefore, if you rarely use lenses, then change the solution to a new one once a week and after the wearing period of the lenses has expired, replace them with new ones.

Oleg 05/11/17

Hello. Tell me, do I understand correctly that if you leave the lenses in the solution for a long time, they will be considered spoiled?

Natalia Gusakova 16.03.17

Vlada, hello! The part of the lens that is not completely immersed in the solution dries out, microcracks and deformations appear. If, after drying, the lens is filled with solution, it will restore its shape, but the existing microcracks will cause discomfort and can cause damage to the cornea. Therefore, we do not recommend using such a lens.

Natalia Gusakova 05.01.17

Evgenia, hello! Moisturizing and lubricating drops designed specifically for contact lenses can be dropped into the eyes before putting the lenses on, as well as while wearing them. Such drops, as a rule, contain moisturizing components that make wearing lenses easier. Before putting the lenses on, it is necessary to instill drops only if your solution for storing lenses does not have additional moisture or causes discomfort immediately after the lenses are put on the eyes.

Evgenia 01/05/17

Good afternoon. Please advise whether it is necessary to instill drops before putting on lenses for wearing comfort?

Natalia Gusakova 28.12.16

Hello Olga! The wearing period of contact lenses is correctly calculated from the moment the blister is opened. If you do not wear lenses every day, their wearing period does not increase.

Contact lenses can solve many problems associated with poor vision. They allow you to feel comfortable and free from glasses. You need to understand that contact lenses have direct contact with the eye, which means that careless handling of lenses can cause serious problems with vision, contributing to its further deterioration. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to properly care for your lenses and know where to store them.

Storage instructions

Attention! Never store contact lenses in regular tap water! This is an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply.

Storage temperature

At what temperature is it best to store contact lenses?

It is very important to store lenses at room temperature. Contact of lenses and direct sunlight should be avoided, especially in summer. Thus, the ideal temperature for storing lenses is 15–35 degrees.

Lenses and refrigerator

After reading here, a completely reasonable question may arise: “Shouldn’t I store lenses in the refrigerator, since a cold environment prevents the spread of bacteria?” No, it's not worth it. There is no benefit from this, the main thing is to follow the rules for storing lenses that you read about earlier. In some cases, the refrigerator can even damage the lenses due to crystallization of water in them.

Using contact lenses

Of course, contact lenses allow you to see the world in a new light, but, unfortunately, they cannot be used everywhere.

Water and lenses definitely cannot be called friends. Avoid getting water on the lenses. Although clean water cannot do much harm to the lenses, it can easily wash them away. You can go to the pool with lenses, but it is not recommended. The water in swimming pools is treated with various disinfectants and chlorine, which can harm lenses.

Still, swimming in a pool is less harmful to lenses than swimming in the sea or in various fresh water bodies.

Rivers and especially lakes are a stronghold for bacteria that can harm the lens and your vision. You cannot swim in rivers and lakes - you can “earn” serious diseases, for example, ring infiltration.

Note. When swimming in pools, disposable lenses are more suitable. When using regular lenses, there is a risk of damage.

Lenses in the bath

The bathhouse always maintains a high ambient temperature. As we already know, the lens contains a large amount of water. In the bath it will simply evaporate. This will lead to loss of lens properties and make it unsuitable for further use. So, you can’t wash in a bathhouse wearing lenses. It happens that people forget about the harm that a bath can cause to lenses. There is a way to try to save them: you need to dip the lenses in a disinfectant solution and wait a few hours. If the lens absorbs liquid, then it was saved, but if upon further use of the lens you feel a burning sensation and discomfort, then it is damaged and its further use is prohibited.

In cold weather, when the temperature drops to - 20 degrees, lenses can be used. There is no harm to them, because they are constantly warmed by the eye, the temperature of which is always high, about 35 degrees. Serious changes in the structure of the lens can begin only during severe frosts, when the temperature drops to around - 50 Celsius. But such temperatures can only be encountered in the Far North, where the temperature drops down to -60. So, you can wear lenses in cold weather, the main thing is that the lenses themselves are worn and do not get cold.


Lenses are a wonderful invention of mankind - they allow you to look stylish, beautiful and forget about glasses. You just need to follow simple rules that will preserve both your lenses and your vision.

Some contact lens wearers may have encountered a situation where they did not have a special solution on hand. Did you go camping overnight or are you traveling on a train for a day, but you forgot the liquid or it ran out? There is no pharmacy nearby, so sleeping in lenses is not an option? The situation is quite unpleasant. Is it possible to solve the problem?

It is not for nothing that a special multifunctional solution is used for storage. It not only preserves lenses, but also disinfects them. This point is very important because it is very easy to get an infection in the eye.

The methods that we offer will only allow you to preserve the lenses themselves, but not to disinfect them. They should absolutely not be placed in a dry container, because they will dry out and become deformed. And even the proposed methods are recommended to be used only in the most extreme cases!

So, a multi-purpose, moisturizing and disinfecting liquid can be replaced with solutions like these.

Distilled water with salt

This solution is somewhat close in composition to tears, so it can preserve lenses for some time. The proportion is 0.9 grams of salt (regular without iodine and other additives) per 100 ml of water.

First, disinfect the container in boiling water in which you will then place the lenses. Then pour 100 ml of water (preferably filtered) into a saucepan, boil and add salt in small portions. It is important that each subsequent portion is added only after the previous one has completely dissolved.

Cool the solution and pour it into a disinfected container, and then put the lenses there. Close the “container” tightly; if there is no lid, then cover it with a sheet of paper.

Remember that such a solution (as well as ordinary water) can cause lenses to swell, especially silicone hydrogel lenses.

Saline solution (pharmacy solution of sodium chloride 0.9%)

About 15 years ago, when lenses were more rigid and special solutions for them had not yet been imported, many people used saline solution for storage.

But saline solution does not have cleansing and disinfecting properties, so even then the lenses were only stored in it and sterilized by boiling.

Eye drops

Another relatively safe method that can be used as a last resort. Use various moisturizing drops that save our eyes from dry eye syndrome, for example. They will also cope with moisturizing lenses.

Of course, this option is not suitable for disinfection.


The most undesirable, but still acceptable, as a last resort, option. If you don't have suitable drops on hand and you can't prepare a saline solution, you can put your contact lenses in your own saliva. It contains substances natural to the body that will not harm the lenses. But, I repeat, it is categorically not recommended to resort to this method: germs!

Boiled water

Boiled water is comparable to saliva. It will save the lenses from drying out, but will not kill germs and may even add more germs. But it's good for preservation.

Please note that if you have allergies, hypersensitivity of the eyes, suppuration, etc., it is better not to use such liquids.


  • It is better not to put on lenses that you put in these solutions right away. If you cannot do without them, then after putting them on, carefully listen to your feelings. If you feel the slightest dryness or discomfort, remove immediately.
  • As soon as you get to the pharmacy or home, be sure to transfer the lenses from temporary solutions to a special one and it is better to leave them there for 2-3 hours to remove the infection.

How to avoid problems while traveling?

Buy a travel kit for contact lenses and carry it with you always. It is not expensive at all, takes up little space, but it contains a small bottle for the solution.

On a trip, you can buy one-day contact lenses, which do not require solution at all. They are quite inexpensive.

Let us remind you once again that all these “recipes” can be resorted to only as a last resort, when there is no way to find a store-bought solution.

Prepared using materials: linzopedia.ru, linza.com.ua, medglaza.ru, viewangle.net.