Is it worth telling dreams? How to get rid of bad sleep. Is it possible to tell others your dreams?

Dreams are partly a mirror of our soul. They can be prophetic or false, but in any case, for the peace of mind of the person who saw the dream, it is necessary to know the decoding. Before sharing your dreams with someone, think about whether it is worth doing. After all, sometimes a harmless story about dreams can become a source serious problems in reality.

Is it possible to tell dreams?

If you saw beautiful dream, and you understand that you were able to look into the future, you cannot categorically tell anyone about it. By at least, until all the events seen turn into reality.

The fact is that projections of our future tend to be created on subtle plans, and it is at such special levels of our consciousness that we can see some of the plots presented by phantasmagoria. Only in our physical life are temporary factors indicated by a clear sequence, which is difficult to notice in other forms.

Projections can become real if they are created in a series of events. It will be best if no one interferes with future plans, the same applies to harbingers important events in life.

There is an assumption that it is precisely such dreams that are prophetic, since they can to some extent predict the future. On this night, events are under the control of Saturn - the planet that personifies order, discipline, and security.

Dreams during this period can be quite realistic and suggest behavior patterns in the near future. There are several points that you should pay special attention to when dreaming this night.

Colorful moments that are filled with positive emotions and vivid impressions.

The most important role goes to sleep, which directly tells about upcoming events in a literal sense.

If you saw a dark dream filled with painful emotions, it can suggest what you can avoid in the future. real life.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

Many scientists are convinced that sleep is a very common human state, when the body can rest and the brain can free itself from unnecessary details accumulated during recent events.

But in the kingdom of Morpheus, not everything is as calm as it would seem. In fact, one could consider the brain to be resting, if not frequent dreams. The appearance of deceased relatives with their warnings and advice, ordinary objects, and so on. What should you expect from a dream seen from Saturday to Sunday, and is it possible to tell it to someone?

This dream is usually light, sunny, creative in nature and can tell about internal state, intersecting with a romantic mood. This ease can be ensured by the influence warm sun, which acts as the patron saint of the day.

Our ancestors believed that dreams seen on the night from Saturday to Sunday were light and did not carry a colossal burden on a person’s life. It was believed that if the vision came true, it would happen before 12:00 on Sunday.

Regarding dreams, people's opinions are divided into two main groups. Skeptics believe that dreams are nothing more than Nice picture, a figment of our imagination. And the rest believe that not a single dream can be dreamed just like that, it necessarily carries some meaning: a warning against troubles and misfortunes, a warning about disasters.

From a psychological point of view, a dream is a projection of the work of the brain, this is information that has not had time to be analyzed, and the main task of the phenomenon is to provide us with the opportunity to carry out analysis directly in a dream.

Therefore, if you have a dream, it means that we are in other world, we have some kind of series of events that needs analysis and decoding.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether dreams should be told to anyone remains unanswered. This is a personal matter for each person. But if you are the one who dreams about the dream, then it is you who should know about it, and no one else.

According to Sigmund Freud, dreams are designed to satisfy the dreamer's desires, even the most secret ones. If you evaluate the plots of dreams from this point of view, you can be endlessly surprised at the absurdity that you sometimes dream about, because this is the scenario.

Those dreams that satisfy our not yet realized desires, or those that we are afraid to even think about, will seem like delirium, horror or a nightmare.

But sometimes dreams bring real gifts: the most cherished wish is fulfilled, and so realistically that the awakened person experiences emotional uplift for a long time.

In this article: what to do to make a good dream come true. Simple rules will help to fulfill a dream in reality, provided that it is remembered.

Six basic rules for remembering your dreams

Patricia Garfield, a world-renowned dream scientist, gives the following recommendations:

1. Turn to your Higher Power and communicate your readiness to receive her messages through dreams:

“I ask you, Creator (Creation, Universe, etc.), communicate with me through dreams, I believe that they are for me, let me remember my dreams” (the content of the address can be arbitrary).

2. Plan your sleep in the evening. Set yourself a task:

“Today I get a hint in a dream on how to solve such and such a problem. Thank you, subconscious (Higher Power, Creator)” (the content of the phrase is at your discretion).

3. Wake up softly, without loud sounds And bright light, without sudden and quick movements, so as not to frighten the dream. Without opening your eyes, try to remember the plot of the dream, your feelings.

4. Remember the dream backwards: you must first remember the last “frame”; the moments of the dream preceding it will themselves emerge in memory.

5. If nothing else comes to mind, but you know for sure that you didn’t remember the whole dream - carefully change it to another comfortable position.

6. Tell the dream to yourself, or better yet, write it down. In the process of retelling or recording, new details emerge. An excellent assistant in remembering and interpreting dreams - Dream Diary, your personal and most

Prayer before bed: to have a good dream

Before going to bed it is necessary and physical stress, about everyday matters and cleanse the soul. The surest way to peace of mind is prayer or a useful statement (affirmation).

Start with breathing. While inhaling and exhaling, direct your consciousness to the area of ​​the heart. Imagine how, during inhalation, the energy of the surrounding space enters your body, and while exhaling, you direct this energy to the heart, direct your consciousness there.

At the same time as energy exercises, say affirmations or prayers; they should evoke feelings of peace and tranquility. Start your appeal to the Creator with gratitude for all the blessings that you have. Only after sincere gratitude do you ask for anything.

Prayer for sleep:

“And grant us, Master, when we go to sleep, peace of body and soul, and save us from the dark sleep of sin, and all dark and nightly voluptuousness. Calm the desire of passions, and extinguish the kindled arrows of the evil one, even flatteringly driven towards us. Quench the rebellion of our flesh, and put to rest all our earthly and material wisdom.

And grant us, God, a cheerful mind, a chaste thought, a sober heart, light sleep, and all satanic dreams changed. Rise us up during prayer, confirmed in Your commandments, and holding the memory of Your judgments firmly within us. Grant us the All-Night Doxology, so that we can sing and bless and glorify the most honorable and magnificent your name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Example of affirmation from Louise Hay:

“Joy, joy, joy, I send joy to the very center of my heart, I express my love to everyone. I am happy to let a stream of joy flow through my mind, body, and life.”

An example of an affirmation from Emile Coue:

“I’m doing better every day in EVERY way.”

The purpose of prayer and affirmation is to feel the response of the soul. When this happens, you can fall asleep with the confidence that you will only have good dreams that night.

1. Remember the dream. Try to remember the dream in as much detail as possible (see above) and especially the joyful feelings that you experienced. To do this, immediately after waking up, do not rush to jump up, scroll through the dream picture in your thoughts again, remember all the details and the most bright image what you want to get in reality.

Say the phrase: “What I saw in a dream, I took everything for myself” and cross yourself.

If you don’t remember the dream well, but you really want it to come true, figure out its plot and details yourself. In this form, the dream will also come true.

2. Write it down. It would be good to write down a dream, because when we write it down (by hand, not on a computer keyboard!), our consciousness is involved in the work, and the conscious desire is better fulfilled.

3. We send the order to the Universe. After recording the dream, make an appeal to the Higher Powers so that your order is guaranteed to be heard. To do this, add the following words: "Thank you, High power, for fulfilling my wish."

Warning. Be careful: sleep is an introduction to secret knowledge, work to change your destiny, which means a great responsibility. First of all, you need to be aware of whether you need it, whether it will bring you happiness and whether it will be safe for others.

Listen to your soul; to do this, imagine that the dream has already come true. What feeling are you experiencing, joy, fear? If there is no clear answer, whether following the dream predictions will lead to good or bad, then you should not follow them! The opportunities that open up to us in dreams are not always what we need.

4. Security of desire. Add the phrase at the end of the dream recording: “May my desire be safe for the world around me, and may my plan, or something more, enter my life harmoniously, bring happiness and joy to me and everyone whom the desire touches.”

5. Visualize. Remember the pleasant dream and the emotions you experienced as often as possible. Visualization is a powerful tool for making wishes come true. Try to remember a happy story with all the details, feelings, sounds, smells.

6. We don’t tell anyone! Try not to tell others about your dream. Other people's pessimism, doubts, and envy can prevent the fulfillment of any desire. Our ancestors associated dreams with fate, so it was customary to hide the content of a prophetic dream so as not to frighten favorable development fate.

7. The power of self-hypnosis. Visualize what you want immediately after waking up. Use it truly Golden time for the fulfillment of desires: the conscious mind falls asleep and stops its endless chatter, and your soul hears your order and understands what you really want.

8. Amulet. Make an amulet (some kind of trinket-reminder) so that, looking at it in Once again, remember and visualize what you want.

9. Don't interpret a happy dream. Just believe in him. Rely on your intuition, on the feelings of happiness and inspiration that you experienced. No interpretation (other than personal interpretation or personal dream book) will not give you the correct answer. But you can get disappointment, which means failure to achieve what you want. Do you need it?

Remember that emotions and thoughts are your delayed reality: the happier and more confident you feel now, the more favorable your tomorrow will be. Therefore, support yourself with all the strength of your soul. Until your wish comes true, “put on” rose-colored glasses and look at the world through their prism.

Do you want a good dream to come true? Expect only good events from life, visualize what you want, and help your subconscious understand what exactly you want.

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

Sources: Irina Smorodova “Interpreter of Dreams of the Pechora Healer Maria Fedorovskaya”, Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov. “Special Advice for Every Dream, Patricia Garfield “Creative Dreaming.”

Parents can open the closet so that the child can make sure that no one is there. So it is in a dream. The moment we wake up from the nightmare, we realize that there was no one in the closet. But my heart is still pounding with fear, my breath is catching, my head is ringing, and my body is wet with cold sweat. Dream images are not real, it is true, but the feelings we experience in dreams are real. Sometimes they are more real than life itself. In life, we tend to suppress our feelings and hide them. In dreams they spill out and are experienced by us in full force.

In distant Indonesia there lives such a Senoi tribe. Every morning, boys and girls of the tribe tell their parents and relatives about their dreams - and receive advice on how to behave in a dream, what to do if they encounter terrible dream monsters and other creatures. And it turned out that everyone in this tribe is happy. there is not a single person there who suffers in any way mental disorders. They do not have depression or psychosis, their relationships with each other are extremely harmonious.

Since the emergence of humanity, when people sleep, they see a wide variety of events and pictures. These visions are usually called dreams. Since the time people saw their first dreams, they have been trying to figure out what meaning they have. Why do they arise? Can they come true? What should you expect from them? And is it possible to tell dreams to other people?
Known a large number of true and not so true stories of people about their vision coming true or that someone received a sign from above in a dream, and this helped him solve a difficult everyday situation. Some may see deceased relatives, acquaintances or friends. Of course, the question arises: how is this possible? Or maybe the signs received in a dream and what happened next in real life are just a coincidence? Let's look at this in more detail.


Visions on Monday night

There are rumors that dreams that a person saw on Monday night tend to come true. It is unclear what the source of such rumors is. Experts in this field argue that such visions do not carry any meaning.
They are called empty, not leading to any consequences. People who are seriously engaged in studying the science of dream interpretation consider those who believe such a feature of dreams from Sunday night to Monday to be short-sighted. In their opinion, dreamed events from Friday to Saturday are much more likely to come true. In any case, this is the opinion of experts in these matters.

Prophetic dreams

It happens that visions can be repeated several (2-3 or more) times. Such visions deserve special attention, and experts often classify them as prophetic. This means that the probability of the events seen in such dreams occurring is very high. The vast majority of such dreams come true before nine months have passed. Dreams seen during lunar eclipse are also considered prophetic. If they were seen between three o’clock in the morning and dawn, then the speed of their execution will be almost instantaneous.

To talk or not to talk about events in a dream?

Sometimes people are visited by beautiful or romantic scenes, sometimes bad or downright scary events occur. More than once the question has been raised: which visions can and cannot be told? Experts in this field advise not to hide any dreams from those you trust infinitely. And yet, should you trust the contents of your dreams to others?

There is another clear opinion: no! Is it possible to tell bad dreams? Visions with bad content, bad dreams, nightmares, or those that appeared during nap, should not be revealed, especially to those with whom you are not trust relationships. Most often, these dreams do not entail anything.

Belief about the story before lunch

There is a widespread belief that in order for a pleasant vision to come true, it must be told to someone before lunch. The witches also say this.
However, another sign is no less rarely mentioned. It states that it is inadmissible to tell a dream if the person who saw it wants it to come true. It turns out that two beliefs came into conflict with each other. And this does not clarify at all whether it is possible to tell good and bad dreams.

Dreams about friends

Let's say a person is haunted by dreams about something bad that could happen to a loved one or even just an acquaintance, and quite long time. Is it necessary to tell these people what awaits them based on the dream? They advise you to listen to your own feelings, and if these feelings prompt you to tell, it’s worth doing. Especially if these are bad dreams and relate to loved ones. It often happens that in your dreams you can see events that will happen in the very near future. And if you take into account the scenario of events from a dream, then this can sometimes even save a life. They say that during unconscious night travel a person can receive warnings, hints and even direct instructions on how to avoid certain troubles in the future. And in the event that such help was not rejected, troubles were indeed avoided.

What do witches think?

Professional researchers this question witches believe that dreams come true in different ways. But there is a certain dependence, thanks to which it is stated: whether the vision will be fulfilled can be calculated. The calculations are based on the day of the month in which the dream was seen. The countdown starts from the new moon.


It is worth stating a fact: there is no consensus even among experts. So, is it still worth telling the events you dreamed about, bad or good dreams? A person’s feelings must answer this question. We must not forget that the future depends on the person himself, and any factor can influence its change.
If you dreamed about something pleasant that could happen in the future, you should not tell it until it comes true. And if you have bad dreams that would better not come true, then you should do the same without telling them. This is motivated by the fact that during the story the dream is comprehended, it is given a form, and no one has canceled the idea that thoughts are material.

Few doubt the existence prophetic dreams. History and human experience are replete with examples of how images of the future come in dreams. It happens that dreams foreshadow misfortune. But knowledgeable people They say that there is nothing fatal in the world, any dream can be “cancelled”.

So, if you dreamed unpleasant dream When you wake up, immediately say: “Where night goes, sleep goes.” When you get out of bed, repeat this phrase open window. After that, without talking to anyone, go to the bathroom and wash your face three times. cold water from the tap. Then place your hands under the running water and repeat the above phrase three times. Now head to the kitchen, pour a glass of water there and dissolve one teaspoon of salt in it. Say: “As this salt melts, so my dream will not come true.” Then turn your back to the sink and left shoulder Throw the water out of the glass.

There is another way to avoid the consequences of a negative dream. You need to say without getting out of bed and without looking out the window: “Rise up the good, and crack the bad in half.”

To prevent bad things from coming true, some experts recommend not telling anyone about bad dreams. Even given special reception: If you tell the content of a dream to three people, it will lose its evil power. But in reality, this can only worsen the situation and lead to the materialization of the dream. You shouldn’t tell anyone your dreams before lunch. An exception can be made only for those who interpret dreams well.

Sometimes adjustments can be made to dreams. Try this. Let's say if you dreamed of a black cat, imagine that you have a brush with white paint in your hands. Mentally repaint the animal in White color- and troubles will pass you by! If you dream that you are falling into an abyss, imagine that you are growing wings. Then in real life you will be able to “soar” above a negative situation and find a non-standard way out. Try to destroy any image that frightens you in a dream - tear it into pieces, set it on fire, throw it into a hole, bury it or blow it up.

It happens that somehow relatives and friends don’t have very good dreams: they get sick, find themselves in unpleasant situations. Try, without waking up, to replace the negative with the positive, imagining the person as healthy and prosperous. This will help remove negativity.

And one more thing: there is no need to wait for unfortunate events to occur after a nightmare. After all, your thoughts can attract negativity. If the same nightmare or “not good” dream is repeated more than once, write down its contents. This will help protect you from harm. A glass or cup of water will help you escape from obsessive nightmares. clean water(better with holy water). You need to put it on at night. It will absorb negative energy. Under no circumstances should you drink this water or wash your face with it. The next morning you need to pour it out, and put it fresh in the evening.

What should you do to make good dreams come true? In this case, it is useful to remember the details happy sleep. This must be done until the dream comes true. But you can’t tell anyone a good dream: when it comes true, then share it. The fact is that others may be skeptical about your story and thus interfere with the fulfillment of the dream.

It's clean and clean magical ways. When you wake up in the morning, without opening your eyes, say: “What I saw in my dream, I took everything for myself.” After this, clearly imagine the image of the desired event. You can also now find on sale an amulet called “dream catcher”. As experts note, it relieves nightmares and takes away bad dreams, but for "salability" good dreams does not affect. It should be borne in mind that some dreams come true in the opposite way. So, kissing someone in a dream can warn of an upcoming quarrel or even a breakup with this person. If you dream that you got the job you dreamed of, or successfully passed the exams and entered a university, then in reality you may face complete failure. But dreams in which you fail in some area, on the contrary, can portend success.

I would also like to note that it is not always and not in all cases necessary to turn to dream books and dream interpreters. If the dream left behind a vivid impression, a certain mood, then perhaps you should not watch its “scientific” interpretation. Just believe that positive dream will come true, and the negative will bypass your life.