Small blisters in the throat. Treatment for blisters on the back of the throat in a child

Clinical picture, accompanying the corresponding symptom, depends on the pathogen that caused the appearance of pimples in the throat. Effective treatment is aimed at eliminating the bacteria or virus with the parallel use of symptomatic medications.


Blisters in the throat are a visual manifestation of the activity of microbes (in most cases). If a corresponding symptom occurs, it is necessary to establish the cause that caused its progression. Depending on the pathogen, the nature of the development of the corresponding tubercles in the pharynx or oral cavity differs.


Glossitis is an inflammation of the tongue that occurs due to injury, the activity of microorganisms or a lack of vitamins (B12). Pathology develops independently or as a symptom of more serious diseases.

The problem is characterized by pain and an increase in the size of the tongue. A white coating appears on the surface of the organ. At severe forms pathologies: blisters appear on the tongue closer to the throat, white or gray.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease that progresses in the body after hemolytic group A streptococcus enters the patient’s body.

The clinical picture of the pathology is accompanied by a complex of characteristic signs, one of which is glossitis. Pimples on the tongue closer to the throat cause the patient discomfort when swallowing and chewing food. Timely therapy ensures the patient’s recovery without negative consequences for the body in the future.


Stomatitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx. White pimples in the throat that hurt at the slightest contact with food or nearby tissues is a typical patient complaint.

Despite their visual similarity to bumps, these structures are small ulcers that occur in areas primary lesion. Pimples filled with serous contents appear only in severe forms of the disease without appropriate therapy.


Candidiasis – fungal infection mucous membrane, which progresses mainly against the background of immunodeficiency. White film or raid - typical sign corresponding problem. The pathology is accompanied by the patient’s weakness and discomfort when eating food.

White pimples in the throat of a child under 1 year of age are often a symptom of thrush. The problem arises due to the immaturity of the flora in the baby’s mouth and body. In 70% of cases, specialized treatment for thrush in children is not required. However, candidiasis that progresses against the background of immunodeficiency should be treated comprehensively, taking into account the root cause of the disease.


Follicular tonsillitis is a common pathology, accompanied by the appearance of blisters on the tonsils, which appear 2-3 days after invasion of staphylococcus or streptococcus.

The disease is predominantly localized in the area of ​​the patient's arches and palate, however, with high aggressiveness of the pathogen and the absence of appropriate treatment, the infection spreads to the back wall of the throat.


The herpes virus affects the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx. Pathological elements are located in groups, close to one, causing pain upon mechanical contact. Gray blisters on the tonsils clear liquid inside is a sign.

White pimples in a child’s throat are one of the symptoms chickenpox, which appears in the background herpetic infection. IN in this case It is not recommended to remove tubercles mechanically. Pathological elements regress over time.


Allergies are a common cause of rashes. If red pimples on the tongue closer to the throat occur sporadically after taking a certain product or contact with a specific substance, then it is necessary to suspect individual hypersensitivity of the body to the specified agent.

Red pimples small size, located in groups - a typical visual characteristic of an allergic rash.


Traumatic injuries to the mucous membrane can cause the formation of tubercles due to disruption of tissue regeneration processes.

Other reasons

In addition to the reasons described above, the occurrence of acne in the throat or mouth is caused by the following pathology:

  • Abscess. One large, painful blister with yellow contents appears, requiring surgical removal.
  • Chronic pharyngitis. The symptom is the appearance of many small red pimples in the throat, which cause virtually no discomfort to the patient.
  • Atrophy of the pharyngeal mucosa. The appearance of tubercles is a consequence of disruption of tissue regeneration processes.


Blisters in the throat are classified depending on the cause of their occurrence. Traditionally they are divided into:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • traumatic.

Depending on the nature of the contents of the blisters, there are:

  • purulent pimples with yellowish liquid inside;
  • serous. Contents are transparent or grey.

The type of pathological elements influences the nature of treatment of the primary problem.

Associated symptoms

Blisters that occur on the mucous membrane of the mouth or throat are always accompanied by secondary manifestations underlying disease.

Associated symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature. The sign is characteristic of bacterial diseases(angina, scarlet fever).
  • Discomfort when swallowing.
  • Hoarseness of voice (rare).
  • Nasal congestion. The symptom occurs secondarily when the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is drawn into the process.

The severity of symptoms affects the patient’s well-being and the severity of the pathology.

Which doctor should I contact if I have blisters in my throat?

In 85% of cases, treatment of pimples in the throat is the responsibility of an ENT specialist. The doctor evaluates the root cause of the disease, uses best practices treatment of the corresponding problem.

Scarlet fever is a disease that requires consultation with an infectious disease specialist. Bubbles in the oral cavity are a reason for additional visits to the dentist. In 50% of cases, the first person to encounter the corresponding symptom is the local therapist or Family doctor, who refers the patient to a specialist to select the optimal health-improving tactics.


The effectiveness of treatment for a patient directly depends on the root cause of the pathology. Blisters are only a symptom that occurs as a specific disease progresses. To establish an appropriate diagnosis, the doctor analyzes the patient’s complaints, the time of occurrence of lumps in the throat, and the nature of the progression of the symptom.

Additionally, the following examinations are carried out:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Examination of the oral cavity and pharynx.
  • Bacterioscopy of scrapings from affected areas if microbial invasion is suspected.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes additional diagnostic procedures in order to clarify the genesis of the disease (radiography, virological analysis, etc.).

General principles of treatment

Treatment for blisters that occur in the throat depends on the cause of the appearance of the corresponding elements. By eliminating the underlying trigger, you will be able to completely get rid of acne.

Groups of medications used to improve the health of patients:

  • Antibiotics (Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin). The drugs are used for purulent acne in the throat. The goal is to destroy the pathogen.
  • Antihistamines (Diazolin, Loratidine). Medicines reduce the severity of inflammation and help reduce swelling.
  • Local antiseptics (Oracept, Lugol's solution). Target - local processing affected areas.
  • Immunomodulators (Timalin, Thymogen). The goal is to stimulate endogenous protective forces body for independent struggle with viruses and bacteria.

The occurrence of an abscess in the throat additionally requires surgical intervention. After opening the cavity and removing the pus, the patient continues the drug therapy described above.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the pathology, the aggressiveness of the pathogen, individual characteristics body of a specific patient. Selection therapeutic methods carried out individually, depending on the characteristics of the clinical case.


There is no specific prevention for the occurrence of blisters in the throat. To reduce the risk of the corresponding symptom appearing, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system and avoid contact with carriers of viruses and bacteria.

Basic aspects of prevention:

  • Complete nutrition.
  • Normal sleep.
  • Timely treatment of ENT pathologies and diseases of internal organs.

Blisters that appear in the throat are a signal that the patient’s body is weakened and requires help. To successfully combat this symptom, it is enough to establish underlying reason and act directly on it.

Useful video about tonsil blockages

A healthy mucous membrane of the throat retains the appearance of a smooth surface with a pinkish color. Any minor changes in the body and any pathogenic microbes may cause blisters in the throat. A person may not be immediately alarmed by certain pimples, but when other signs of an obvious health problem begin to appear, namely a severe sore throat and fever, there will be no doubt that something is wrong.

When a throat begins to hurt and a person decides to examine it for illness, in most cases he does not even know what he should look for and what he can see. Remembering from childhood how therapists talked about redness of the walls of the throat every time it hurt, people managed to learn: colds and all sorts of diseases are accompanied by redness of the mucous membrane.

This is partly true, the throat cannot just change its color and texture - everything happens for a reason. Even if the supposed redness is not detected (which few people notice anyway), it’s still worth taking a closer look or asking someone to do it for you. The fact is that the cause of the pain may well be back wall blistered throat.

It is quite easy to notice strange formations; they mostly look like red, white, yellow color. However, sometimes it may look like white threads branching out.

Suspected diseases:

  • follicular tonsillitis;
  • herpetic sore throat;
  • lacunar tonsillitis;
  • abscess;
  • allergy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • enteroviral pharyngitis;
  • granulosa pharyngitis;
  • herpetic stomatitis;
  • chicken pox;
  • candidiasis.

There are quite a lot probable diseases, and they are all similar to each other, which complicates the diagnosis. But if you look at characteristic features each of the listed ailments, even without the help of a doctor, you can understand what’s wrong.

Follicular tonsillitis

This form of sore throat is very common and most often affects people under forty years of age, others are less susceptible to the disease. Palatine tonsils become very inflamed, swollen and red, small purulent, grain-sized blisters appear in the throat. They can be either yellow or white.

Other symptoms include:

  • severe sore throat;
  • intoxication (weakness and drowsiness);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • temperature increase;
  • swelling of the tonsils;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • dry throat and painful cough;
  • tingling in the heart in adults;
  • frequent shallow breathing associated with pain;
  • lack of stool (constipation);
  • joint pain;
  • difficulty turning and other head movements;
  • headache.

The symptoms are somewhat reminiscent of the flu, so you need to carefully examine your throat for blisters so as not to make a mistake and treat the wrong thing.

Causes of inflammation

It can also provoke a sore throat. cold air, And weak immunity With poor nutrition, and bacteria like staphylococcus. You can become infected in any way: bacteria can be carried by some object in the house, food or water.

Treatment of follicular sore throat

There is no need to hope that everything, including blisters on the back of the throat, will somehow go away on its own. In this case, you will most likely develop complications and worsen the process of suppuration. This stage of sore throat requires problem-free treatment under the supervision of a doctor, so you should not put off going to the hospital and wait until the situation gets worse.

The otolaryngologist will prescribe necessary antibiotics, prebiotics, agents for relieving swelling and lowering temperature. But this does not mean that you cannot speed up the recovery process with home treatment.

To eliminate blisters on the tonsils, you can gargle with chamomile decoction or ready-made solutions from the pharmacy. Required to comply bed rest, drink plenty of warm liquids (especially good warm milk with diluted soda) and have your own set of linen and a towel to protect other residents of the house from infection.


Herpangina is a serious airborne infection, which is why it has the ability to quickly spread among people interacting with each other. Bacteria entering blood vessels, ultimately end up in the lymph of the oral cavity, where inflammation begins. Almost the same pimples form in the larynx as with follicular sore throat, only with a whitish filler. Then these bubbles on the throat burst and the liquid contained there flows out. These outgrowths are called vesicles, which quickly infect the mucous membrane, clustering and capturing the following places.

Other symptoms include:

  • rapid development of infection;
  • extremely heat;
  • severe runny nose (rhinitis);
  • intoxication (lethargy, body aches, abdominal pain, nausea and, as a result, loss of appetite);
  • swelling of the tonsils and palate;
  • a sore throat;
  • copious amounts of saliva;
  • scabies;
  • problems swallowing (severe pain);
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

It is interesting that blisters with a pus-like fluid appear in one place, while in another they burst and gradually form scars; the disease recedes.

Causes of the disease

Most people get this disease through contact with its carrier, although rare cases when the infection was transmitted from animals. Streptococcus and staphylococcus may also be to blame. Bacteria are transmitted through the air, through feces, animals and contact with people.

Treatment of herpangina

After the diagnosis is made, the patient is prescribed a whole range of drugs: antihistamines, antibiotics, antipyretics, antiseptics, antivirals. You need to keep the same bed rest, potentially not eat junk food and forget about alcohol.

Need to gargle herbal decoctions, drink propolis tincture, moisten your throat beet juice and in general, drink more if you want to get rid of red blisters on your throat, photos of which can be seen in the article, to recharge your motivation.

Lacunar tonsillitis

This type of sore throat involves severe purulent inflammation with blisters on the tonsils. IN pure form usually manifests itself in adolescents, when in adults it is a consequence of an aggravated infection.

Symptoms of lacunar tonsillitis:

  • enlargement of lymph nodes, tonsils, palate and pain in them;
  • intoxication ( headache, chills, weakness);
  • swelling and redness of the tonsils;
  • temperature increase;
  • cardiopalmus.

The main thing is that white tubercles appear on the tonsils and lacunae (depressions in the tonsils), more like a slightly swollen film. This plaque is easily and painlessly removed.

Causes of sore throat

Nothing new: the same streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, viruses, Klebsiella, bacteria, Preiffer's bacillus. You can become infected simply by breathing in the air or eating a contaminated product.

Treatment of lacunar tonsillitis

As always, you need to monitor your regime, analyze your well-being and take further measures.

A healthy throat is the key to the health of the whole body. This is because his illnesses often become the beginning of diseases digestive tract and intestines. Throat in in good condition must be uniform Pink colour. The presence of any changes in the mucosa and the appearance of neoplasms on it should alert you. Especially if there are blisters on your child's throat. Let's try to figure out why bubbles appeared on the throat and what they indicate.

Common causes of blisters on a child's throat

Often, the appearance of bubbles is a symptom. Some diseases are easy and simple to treat, while others require surgical intervention doctors A simple blister or pimple may conceal a virus or bacteria that can lead to the development of a serious illness.

If you see blisters, blisters or pimples on your child's throat, you should immediately consult a doctor. Any rash may indicate chronic inflammation, abscess, sore throat and even bacterial infection. But we have listed the worst. Most often they indicate a common respiratory disease.

Let's look at several of the most common diseases in children, the symptom of which will be blisters on the throat.


Surely every mother has encountered this disease. It is associated with sore throat, fever and general intoxication body. There are two types of sore throat: follicular and herpetic.

During follicular tonsillitis, blisters appear on the child's tonsils, which become inflamed and cause pain during swallowing. In this case, they are called follicles or lymph nodes. Lymphatic tissue accumulates inside them and this causes inflammation, as a result of which an abscess appears at the end of the vesicle.

Herpetic sore throat manifests itself as characteristic transparent blisters on the back wall of the pharynx. There can be a lot of them and this disease is caused, most often, by viruses and bacteria, especially staphylococcus and streptococcus. The main symptoms of this disease will be high fever and pain during swallowing. But the most indicative of them are nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Pharyngitis in the throat

Pharyngitis is not a disease, but its consequence. Mostly occurs after acute respiratory diseases. It is not dangerous, but it requires special approach and caution. The main symptom of pharyngitis will be transparent blisters on the child’s throat. They are filled with lymphatic tissue and arise in last days diseases.

There is no need to panic again. If your child has a cold, continue the treatment prescribed by the doctor and the blisters in the throat will go away in a few days. If you are particularly concerned, you can gargle with chamomile infusion or soda solution.

If you see blisters on your child's throat, take a closer look, it might just be a symptom. old illness, and it will soon pass. True, you should not treat their appearance too carelessly, because this can lead to the emergence of more serious problems that will require surgical intervention by doctors.

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In most cases, blisters appear in the group of people whose immunity has weak protective functions.

Important: Weakness immune system may be caused various factors In order for treatment to be as effective as possible, you should understand them and make efforts to restore the body’s strength.

As for blisters in the throat directly, they can be distinguished by appearance(red blisters on the back of the throat, white blisters in the throat) and location, after which it will become clear what kind of infection caused the pathology. Diseases that are accompanied by the formation of blisters in the throat are listed in the table.

Follicular tonsillitis


This uniform is for everyone known disease quite dangerous and very severe, characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process on the follicles and lymphadenitis.

This disease is caused by bacterial infection, most cases of the disease occur in people with weak immune systems.

Follicular structures begin to increase in size and change color during the course of the disease. Due to the filling of the follicle cavity with pus, such “blisters” have White color. The main location of purulent blisters is the back wall of the throat.

The development of the disease is acute and is accompanied by fever, headaches, elevated temperature, severe sore throat. In addition, one can observe the appearance white plaque on the surface of the throat and tonsils (on the tonsils), as well as redness.

Despite the severity of the symptoms of the disease, it can be misdiagnosed and confused with mononucleosis developing in the body, which has similar manifestations.

Cough, fever and severe sore throat, especially when swallowing, are the most basic signs of this disease. In addition, the blisters are located mainly in the area of ​​the tonsils and are white in color due to the presence of pus.


Herpetic stomatitis

Provoke this disease streptococcal infection, or staphylococcal infection. In this case, blisters filled with clear liquid may be observed in the throat. The locations of such formations are mainly on the back of the throat or on the palate. In addition, blisters typically appear temporarily, after which they may disappear and reappear. This disease is dangerous because in some cases it can cause sinusitis.

In addition to these manifestations, it is accompanied by fever, unbearable sore throat and fever.

The manifestation of blisters in this case can be observed both on the back of the throat and on the gums or in any other place in the mouth. Basically they look like ulcers that are filled with a clear liquid, in some cases they can be white.

The provoking factor is the herpes virus, which long years may be in the body and not manifest itself, but with a weakened immune system will develop into a disease. Acute symptoms in comparison with other diseases, it does not have, but the presence of blisters in the throat indicates that the disease is in a fairly advanced form.

Photo of blisters on the back of the throat

This is what the back of the throat looks like with small blisters:

Inflammatory processes in the throat

In this case, blisters can be observed on the back of the throat, which are white in color due to the presence of purulent fluid. The location of the blisters can be the palate or any other part of the oral cavity.

The causes of inflammatory processes are mainly a previous sore throat, throat injury and an accompanying bacterial infection.

In addition to the indicated manifestations in the form of blisters, there is also intoxication, pain syndrome in the throat, redness of the neck, Strong smell from mouth.

Therapeutic measures

Complex therapeutic measures can be divided based on the nature and location of the blisters in the throat. From general measures accepted for get well soon The only thing that can be highlighted is the obligatory gargling throughout the day.

Nature of formations

On the back wall

The treatment package for this manifestation of the disease is as follows:

The drug "Lavomax" is taken in the first two days, 1 tablet once, after which the dose is repeated eight times, every other day, one tablet. The course is resumed according to a similar scheme after a two-week period.

Gargling chamomile decoction or oak bark.

Irrigation of the throat with Miramistin at least three times a day.

If the treatment is carried out by a person who smokes, then you can additionally use “Lizobakt” to provide protective functions to the mucous membrane of the throat, and will also prevent the effects of tar and nicotine.

On the tonsils

Drugs for treatment are selected depending on what is the source of infection. A specialist can select medications after receiving test results.

Drugs containing antibiotic and antibacterial effect, will help suppress the spread pests through their destruction.

Drugs with an immunostimulating effect enhance protective system the body, which helps eliminate the infection “on its own.”

Gargling procedures using herbal decoctions and infusions, as well as pharmaceutical drugs contribute to the rapid elimination of swelling from the tonsils and throat.

Preparations intended for irrigating the throat are necessary in case of severe forms of the disease, when it is necessary to fight the infection not only from within the body, but also to directly eliminate blisters.

White blisters

Semi-synthetic or inhibitor-protected drugs are primarily prescribed. Such means have wide range actions and are able to inhibit staphylococcal and streptococcal infection. The duration of treatment is 10 days. The use of Amoxycycline, Ecoclave, Augmentin, Amoxiclav is acceptable.

Secondary antibiotics in this case include drugs from the macrolide group, such as Azithromycin and Clarithromycin.

The course of such drugs can reach a maximum duration of five days. Due to its accumulative properties, the substances in the body will continue to act for another five days after completion of administration.

The level of effectiveness of drugs with antibiotic action should be monitored by a doctor during the first three days. The assessment is carried out on the elimination of signs of disease, temperature and improved general condition body.

If the prescribed drug turns out to be ineffective, the treatment is subject to review. In addition, after all the symptoms and manifestations of the disease have been eliminated, treatment cannot be completed, as this promises a relapse of the disease.

If the course is interrupted earlier due date, that is, the likelihood that the pathogen will become resistant to this drug, and in the event of a relapse, it will be extremely difficult to choose treatment, which can lead to serious complications.

Red blisters

Red blisters on the throat (photo in the article) often indicate a severe stage of the disease. How to treat blisters in the throat? Antibiotics are used for treatment, with additional medications from the group of prebiotics that are necessary for the regeneration of microflora in the intestines.

In some cases, drugs with antihistamine action help eliminate swelling and reduce the degree of inflammation in the throat.

An important procedure is rinsing. Your doctor will help you determine which remedy is best to use. You can use both herbal decoctions and chlorophyllipate or chlorhexidine.

You should definitely treat the accompanying manifestations in the form of cough, runny nose and others.

In the case of a correctly selected treatment regimen, a noticeable improvement in the body’s condition and recovery should occur after 10 days. The effectiveness of the measures taken to cure the disease can be observed after two days.

Important: Do not under any circumstances self-medicate for red blisters on the wall of the throat (blisters mean all types), especially with regard to the selection of drug treatment.

The drugs are indicated for information, correct and effective treatment Only a specialist can choose. Otherwise, significant harm to the health of the body can be caused.

Using the remedies offered by traditional medicine, you can prepare it for daily rinsing. special drug, which will not only help relieve symptoms, but also affect the very source of the blister in the throat:

  1. Chamomile, sage or linden.

    To prepare the infusion, you need one tablespoon of raw material, which you need to pour boiling water over, then wait up to half an hour for the herbs to infuse.

    This infusion is prepared for one time. Rinsing is carried out three to four times a day for three days.

  2. Flax seed. First, fill a teaspoon with water at a temperature no higher than 60 degrees, then strain the released mucous liquid through a sieve.

    A glass of this product is designed for one-day rinsing, which is carried out at least three times a day. The product accelerates the healing of ulcers and blisters in the throat.

  3. Instead of rinsing or together with them, you can use sea buckthorn, calendula or rose oils. The procedure involves lubricating the walls of the throat and the areas where the blisters are located.
  4. Relieve painful sensations capable of tea drink containing mint and linden.
  5. For speedy deliverance from viral diseases You can use echinacea, rose hips, leuzea and eleutherococcus. You can prepare decoctions or infusions from them, or you can also purchase them already. ready-made products at the pharmacy.
  6. In addition to these gargles, you can use pharmaceutical ones, such as Lugol, Chlorhexidine. The use of drugs should be carried out as specified in the attached instructions.

If formations in the form of blisters are detected in the throat, you must consult a doctor and begin treatment.

  • try to clear the surface of the throat yourself. Such an event will not eliminate the disease, but will damage the throat tissue, which promises complications;
  • start reception medicines without consulting a doctor or test results. This action can make it impossible further treatment medications, which will definitely entail consequences;
  • do various warming procedures at home. Not every throat problem needs extra heat. In some cases this may create comfortable conditions for the development of the disease;
  • use drugs that contain iodine due to the possibility of provoking the appearance of swelling and complications.

Important: Treatment should be started immediately upon detection of signs of any of these diseases. Otherwise, you can provoke the appearance of a more serious and severe illness.

Preventive actions

Any preventive measures can only consist of a responsible and regular approach to your health. The most important point is to restore the normal functioning of the immune system.

To do this, you must comply:

  • a routine and daily routine that is comfortable for the body;
  • eat healthy food and have a balanced diet;
  • avoid stress and overwork;
  • prevent hypothermia of the body;
  • additional use of immunostimulating drugs or agents traditional medicine, having a similar effect.


The discovery of blisters in the throat indicates not only that there is an infection in the body that requires immediate treatment, but also that the body requires care and restoration of the immune system. After past illness Every effort should be made to prevent a relapse.

The mucous membrane of the throat in normal condition should have a uniform color and structure.

But sometimes blisters form on it, which can cause discomfort. They also pose a risk of infection and complications.

Therefore, it is necessary to know what causes their appearance. It is best to contact a specialist to identify the reasons, regardless of whether the formations are small or large.

The sooner it is determined what it is, the easier it will be to get rid of the problem.

Causes of blisters in the throat

The presence of blisters in the throat causes significant discomfort. In addition, they can be very dangerous. If they burst, there is a risk of infection in the wound, after which an inflammatory process develops.

The problem is that their formation indicates the presence of certain disorders in the body, which may intensify due to secondary infection. Therefore, it is very important to detect them in time and begin treatment.

Deviation may have different character. Bubbles vary in size and appearance and can be located in different places: on the tonsils, inner surface of the cheeks, back of the throat. The reasons for the development of blisters also vary.

Sometimes this symptom is a consequence serious illness. In other cases, the problem does not pose any particular danger, but even then it is worth consulting a doctor. To better understand possible risks, should be considered possible reasons their appearance.

Sore throat of follicular type

This type of sore throat is the most dangerous; it is associated with inflammation of the follicles. It is caused by an infection. But no less important is the presence of favorable factors for its development, the main one of which is the weakness of the immune system.

The most striking feature of the disease is the increase in size of the follicles, this makes them look like blisters. They are small and white at first. Then their color changes as the internal contents turn into pus.

The disease requires compulsory treatment, since it progresses very quickly and is dangerous with complications.

Its presence is indicated by such features as:

  • sore throat, which tends to get worse;
  • febrile manifestations;
  • headache;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • elevated temperature;
  • muscle pain;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat.

Self-medication in case of follicular sore throat not allowed. This is very risky because this disease requires quick and correct actions. And its similarity with often makes it difficult to choose therapeutic tactics, especially in the absence of medical knowledge.

Herpangina in the throat

The appearance is caused by the Coxsackie virus. This disease is also accompanied by the formation of blisters in the throat area.

At first the bubbles are transparent, but later they become cloudy and may burst. They are located on the back of the throat, but can be found on the tonsils or uvula.

The pathology is not considered dangerous. At the right approach it can be quickly eliminated, and the blisters that have formed disappear without a trace. But for this it is necessary that herpetic sore throat be detected in time.

They will help you do this associated symptoms, which include:

  • sore throat, especially when eating and swallowing;
  • increased temperature (although it happens that the disease occurs without fever);
  • general weakness;
  • febrile manifestations;
  • sinusitis (occurs occasionally).

These features can be signs of many diseases. And they do not always appear when herpetic sore throat. Therefore, one should not make hasty conclusions. It is necessary to undergo examination by a doctor - this will determine accurate diagnosis and the correct treatment is prescribed.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky about various types sore throats:

Manifestation of pharyngitis

This disease is the most common cause the appearance of blisters in the throat area. It can be found in both adults. Typically, pathological formations appear on the tonsils and can persist there long time. In the absence of therapy, the disease is complicated by the reintroduction of infection into the wounds formed when the blisters were opened.

This is indicated not only by red blisters that appear in the oral cavity.

Other manifestations of the disease include:

  • increasing sore throat;
  • cough;
  • temperature increase.

This symptomatology is characteristic of many infectious viral diseases, so you should not try to independently identify the cause of the problem phenomena. You should contact the clinic to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Abscess development

An abscess is a severe inflammatory process associated with the formation of pus. With a throat abscess, the pharynx is damaged, and it is there that blisters with purulent contents form.

An abscess is a consequence of other diseases. It develops if it has not been eliminated infectious pathology. Very often, the primary disorder is injury to the mucous membrane. Bacteria penetrate the wounds and provoke a strong inflammatory process that spreads to large areas.

If in this case the patient was not provided necessary help, pathological process progresses, resulting in the development of an abscess. A sore throat can also lead to this condition.

The cause of its development is also an infection, and inflammation is one of its symptoms. If left untreated, the inflammatory process progresses greatly, leading to an abscess.

Guess this diagnosis possible if features such as:

  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • sore throat;
  • heat;
  • redness skin in the neck area;
  • appearance unpleasant odor from mouth.

You can prevent the development of an abscess timely treatment infectious diseases oropharynx. Therefore, patients should not be careless. A red throat is a symptom of many diseases, and not all of them are easily cured. If it is detected, it is better to undergo examination at the clinic.

Herpetic stomatitis

Sometimes watery blisters form on the different areas oral cavity. The cause of this disease is infection.

If the pathology develops due to, then stomatitis is of the herpetic type. When it is present, blisters are formed that are similar to herpes rashes, only they appear in the oral cavity.

Blisters can only form when severe course disease, and in most cases the rash looks as if the patient has ordinary herpes.

Additional signs of stomatitis may include:

  • the appearance of white plaque on the cheeks and tonsils;
  • discomfort when chewing;
  • temperature increase.

This disease usually does not carry serious risks and is quite easily cured. But it is necessary to properly organize therapy in order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Differential diagnosis and treatment

Differential diagnosis is used to distinguish one disease from another. Because the formation of blisters in the throat can be caused by various pathologies, in the manifestations of which there is a certain similarity, then without medical knowledge it is difficult to understand what caused the symptom.

Therefore, self-medication is prohibited, even if the patient seems to have the information - after all, he looked on the Internet for photos of blisters that arise from various diseases, and have become savvy on this issue, but this is completely wrong.

An experienced specialist, whom you should contact, can make a presumptive diagnosis based on the appearance of the mucous membrane. In addition, he takes into account the symptoms detected by the patient, the characteristics of the patient’s lifestyle, existing concomitant diseases and other circumstances.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky:

In addition to this, methods are used laboratory diagnostics(blood analysis, histological analysis), the results of which help confirm the assumption.

Treatment is organized based on the diagnosis, as well as the individual characteristics of the case.

Among the most commonly used medicines can be called:

  • antibiotics (in severe cases of the disease they are required);
  • probiotics (they are necessary for recovery intestinal microflora, which can be disrupted by antibacterial therapy);
  • antihistamines (they relieve allergic manifestations, reduce swelling and eliminate inflammation);
  • (they are recommended for use when viral origin illness);
  • antipyretics (they are needed if available);
  • analgesics (they should be used for severe pain in the throat);
  • antiseptics (they should be used to treat the throat when blisters break and there is a risk of infection in the wound);
  • anti-inflammatory (they are prescribed for severe inflammatory process);
  • (these remedies help restore the immune system, which will help avoid repeated cases occurrence of the disease);
  • (they help overcome vitamin deficiency and supply the body with missing elements).

Combine with each other to improve treatment results. But you need to know which of them can be combined and which cannot.

As helper method For treatment, doctors recommend rinsing the mouth. This ensures the elimination of pathological microorganisms and accelerates healing. What exactly should be processed? oral cavity, you need to check with a specialist, because any remedy has contraindications. The most commonly used are Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt, a decoction of calendula or chamomile, a solution of iodine, soda and salt.

During therapy, it is very important to maintain good oral hygiene. This will minimize the risk of infection. It is also necessary to choose soft products that do not irritate damaged mucous membranes. Drinking should be warm and plentiful. Almost always, the patient is prescribed bed rest to prevent the development of additional diseases.

Self-medication can be harmful, so be sure to consult a doctor. You can learn from him how to act correctly in a given situation, as well as find out what not to do.

Undesirable actions in the presence of blisters in the throat include the following:

  • carrying out inhalations;
  • applying compresses;
  • hot baths;
  • removal of blisters;
  • treatment pathological formations alcohol.

The listed actions can lead to the spread of infection to neighboring areas, cause a burn to the mucous membrane and worsen the condition, and injure.