Removal of tonsils, tonsils and adenoids from a child. Period after removal. Retronasal tonsillitis or adenoiditis in children: symptoms and treatment, general recommendations for a speedy recovery

Adenoiditis or hypertrophy of adenoid tissue is quite common in children under the age of 14 years. The main group of young patients with retronasal sore throat are preschoolers with a weak immune system.

Acute inflammation of the adenoids with improper treatment and weakness of the body often develops into chronic inflammation. Sometimes the hypertrophied tissue bothers the child so much and noticeably worsens his health that the adenoids have to be removed. Find out what signs accompany adenoiditis in children, how to recognize the disease in time, how to treat acute and chronic inflammatory processes.


Pathological changes in the pharyngeal tonsil occur in the following cases:

  • frequent viral infections, colds;
  • weakened immunity due to illness, strong antibiotics, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins;
  • inflammation, enlargement of tonsil tissue;
  • chronic;
  • accommodation in conditions bad ecology, severe air pollution;
  • low immunity in artificial children;
  • hypothermia;
  • communication with people who have been diagnosed with retronasal tonsillitis.


  • pneumococci;
  • streptococci;
  • viruses;
  • staphylococci.

Provoking factors:

  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased immunity;
  • features of the immunological reaction;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx (acute and chronic form).

Types and symptoms of pathology

Depending on the nature and duration of the pathology, two forms of the disease are distinguished: acute and chronic. With timely treatment and strengthening of the body, the pathological process can be stopped.

Parents often self-medicate, giving their children herbs and medicinal teas instead of antiviral and antibacterial drugs, they seek help from a pediatrician late. Incorrect treatment methods lead to the spread of infection to other parts of the body, chronic retronasal tonsillitis develops. The disease is accompanied unpleasant symptoms, prolonged course, relapses in the autumn-spring period.

Acute adenoiditis

After penetration of pathogenic bacteria or dangerous viruses a rapid form of retronasal sore throat develops. The pharyngeal tonsil becomes inflamed, the child does not feel well.

Main symptoms:

  • the nose is stuffy, a runny nose develops;
  • when examining the nasopharynx area, purulent mucous fluid is noticeable;
  • the jaw and cervical lymph nodes become inflamed and enlarged;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the Eustachian tube often becomes inflamed;
  • from ear canal pus is released;
  • There is severe pain inside the ear.

Chronic form

The pharyngeal tonsils have been inflamed for a long time. Often, adults are to blame for the development of a recurrent form of adenoiditis because they do not take all measures to treat the disease in the acute period.

Main features chronic adenoiditis in children:

  • mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx;
  • snore;
  • sometimes hearing levels deteriorate;
  • headache;
  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • the temperature remains at 37.1–37.3 degrees;
  • the mental and psychological development of the little patient suffers;
  • cough appears at night;
  • appetite decreases;
  • concentration deteriorates;
  • Poor health over a long period often leads to problems with academic performance.

Note! In the chronic form of adenoiditis in children, a serious problem is mouth breathing due to nasal congestion. Constantly inhaling air through the mouth provokes side effects. Colds often develop inflammatory processes. Reason: without passing through areas of the nasal mucosa with special cilia, dust particles and microbes easily enter the body.

Learn about the symptoms and treatment of other ENT diseases in children. Read about rhinitis; about pain in the ear - ; an article was written about tracheitis; about laryngitis - page; about false croup is written to the address. Read about the treatment of green snot in a child; folk remedies from a runny nose are described; We have an article about the treatment of snot using inhalation with a nebulizer.

Danger of disease

In addition to mouth breathing and problems caused by this symptom, the clinical symptoms of retronasal sore throat in children cause other negative phenomena.

Enlarged pharyngeal tonsils lead to negative consequences:

  • in severe cases, nasal breathing is practically absent;
  • the function of the pharynx is impaired;
  • ventilation of the auditory tubes deteriorates;
  • congestion develops in the paranasal sinuses;
  • with the severity of the case, the long course of the disease, heart defects, rheumatism appear, and problems with the digestive tract arise.

Other complications noted:

  • constant presence of purulent in the nasal passages and sinuses, thick mucus negatively affects overall well-being. A persistent focus of infection weakens the immune system and interferes with normal growth and baby development;
  • One of the complications of retronasal sore throat is a nasal, muffled voice. Violation of phonation often provokes ridicule from peers and reduces the social circle of a sick child;
  • over a long period of time, facial features change and the wings of the nose thicken. A narrow alveolar process in the upper jaw provokes an incorrect arrangement of dentition units. Sometimes the face takes on an indifferent expression, the child’s mouth is often open, upper jaw has a wedge shape.


If you have symptoms of adenoiditis, visit your pediatrician with your child. The doctor will examine the baby, record complaints, and talk with the parents. To complete the picture, a blood test and purulent mucus from the nasopharynx are often required.

The next stage is a consultation with an ENT doctor, anterior or posterior rhinoscopy. Often, the help of an allergist is required, conducting tests to identify the irritant. If adenoiditis is suspected, a test (throat culture) is performed to determine the pathogen and drugs that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Methods and rules of treatment

How to treat adenoiditis in children? Treatment methods depend on the form of the disease. Treatment of retronasal sore throat in children of different ages is carried out under the guidance of an otolaryngologist or allergist.

Important! An integrated approach is required with mandatory strengthening of the immune system and reducing sensitization of the body. Self-medication and the use of only folk recipes drive the problem deeper and help the infection spread freely throughout the body. If your child has symptoms of adenoiditis, be sure to consult a doctor.

Conservative methods

Effective treatments:

  • phytotherapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • special breathing exercises.


  • antibiotics (if pathogenic bacteria are detected). A good effect in inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract is provided by drugs from the macrolide group, Augmentin, Amoxicillin;
  • if viruses are detected, the doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs taking into account the type of pathogen;
  • local treatment to relieve nasal congestion is carried out vasoconstrictor drops(Nazol Baby, Nazivin, Dlyanos) for 7–10 days, no more;
  • at allergic reactions, helps swelling of the nasal passages;
  • immunomodulators, compounds for strengthening protective forces body. Effective drugs: Bifidumbacterin, Immunoforte, Anaferon for children, Cycloferon, Viferon;
  • If the allergic nature of the disease is detected, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines. Symptoms of increased sensitization of the body are effectively relieved by many compounds. It is advisable to purchase medications of the 3rd or 4th generation with a prolonged action: one tablet is enough for a day. Modern drugs: Cetrin, Claritin, Telfast, Suprastinex, Fexofenadine.

There is a page written about inhalation for dry cough with a nebulizer for children.

Read here about the use of Gerbion syrup with primrose against wet cough in a child.


In case of frequent relapses, severe retronasal tonsillitis, repeated tonsillitis, or a sharp decrease in hearing, the hypertrophied adenoids are removed. Many doctors believe that if surgery (adenotomy) is not performed in time, the source of infection will significantly worsen the health of the young patient.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia using sedation to eliminate fear of manipulation. Many clinics use a gentle method - endoscopic adenotomy. The method has many advantages over traditional surgery; it is performed under general anesthesia and allows for complete removal of inflamed adenoids.

Rules for a speedy recovery

Mandatory measures:

  • proper nutrition, avoidance of excess carbohydrates and fats. More fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, low-fat fermented milk products, cereals;
  • The cause of adenoiditis was a tendency to allergies? Eliminate foods that cause rashes and redness from the menu. skin, swelling of the mucous membranes, allergic rhinitis and cough. Honey, chocolate, fatty foods are prohibited cow's milk, nuts, red fruits, berries, vegetables. Do not give your children seafood, citrus fruits, drinks with preservatives, dyes, Exotic fruits, red fish;
  • sufficient time for sleep and rest, measured loads in school, clubs, sections. Be sure to find time for walks in the park, among coniferous trees (they release phytoncides, making breathing easier);
  • vitamin therapy. Recommended for children multivitamin complexes: Multitabs, Vitrum for children, AlfaVit, Centrum for children;
  • Give the little patient daily healthy tea from flowers and berries. A healing decoction strengthens the immune system, reduces fever, and saturates the body with vitamins. Doctors recommend tea with lemon, lime color, raspberries, mint, chamomile, rosehip decoction with honey;
  • Always consider allergies. In case of increased sensitization, give herbal infusions, medicinal teas only with the permission of an allergist.

Preventive measures

  • pay attention to the symptoms that often accompany adenoiditis in children. In the early stages/chronic form, the following are noted: difficulty breathing through the nose, open mouth during sleep, snoring;
  • be sure to conduct an in-depth examination of the baby if there are frequent colds, weakness, or low immunity; (We have an article on how to strengthen a child’s immunity at home);
  • If inflammatory processes are detected in the respiratory organs, carry out full course treatment. Competent, timely treatment of colds, bacterial and viral infections of the nasopharynx will prevent the transition of adenoiditis to chronic form;
  • during ARVI/flu epidemics, rinse children's nasal passages water-salt solution. A good option– water of the Adriatic Sea (the drug AquaMaris and its analogues, read the article for more details);
  • strengthen the immune system: offer healthy foods with vitamins and minerals, reduce the amount of sweets and baked goods in the diet, harden the baby, provide walks, fresh air in the room. Adequate sleep, reasonable workload at school and extracurricular activities are required;
  • From autumn to spring, carry out vitamin therapy. The ENT doctor will prescribe multivitamins. Special honor to ascorbic acid (vitamin C) for strong immunity, retinol (vitamin A) to maintain the health of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Give more vegetables, fruits (buy frozen types in winter), offer tea with lemon, black currant, rosehip decoction;
  • Timely visits to a pediatrician and ENT doctor are one of the methods for preventing complications with retronasal sore throat in children. The sooner parents take their little patient to see a doctor, the lower the likelihood of chronic adenoiditis in children. Remember: an untreated disease disrupts the functioning of the body, provokes problems with the heart and kidneys, an adenoid face is formed, children often suffer from ARVI.

At the first signs of adenoiditis in children, consult a pediatrician, Conduct an examination of the young patient with an ENT doctor or allergist. If the diagnosis of retronasal sore throat is confirmed, begin treatment without delay.

Medical video - reference book. Treatment of adenoiditis in children with folk remedies:

Contents [Show]

Adenoids are a pathological growth of the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils. The causes of adenoids can be frequent colds, viral infections, weak immunity and much more. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in preschool children, less often in adolescents over 12 years of age. Removal of adenoids in children is radical measure aimed at eliminating the problem if drug treatment turned out to be ineffective.

Treatment of first-degree adenoids is usually conservative. Surgery to remove adenoids in children is performed in the second and third stages of the disease.

There are several types of surgery: endoscopic, laser, removal by radio waves, cold plasma and classical surgery using a scalpel. The choice of type of operation and method of pain relief is chosen by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Adenoid grades

There are 3 degrees of adenoid enlargement:

  • First degree. Lymphoid tissue grows and covers approximately 1/3 of the area of ​​the nasopharynx. This condition does not disrupt the child’s usual rhythm of life. During the day, nasal breathing is practically unchanged; at night, the child breathes through the mouth. The point is that in horizontal position body, the location of the tonsils changes, they almost completely close the nasal passages, and the child is simply forced to breathe through his mouth in his sleep. This explains nighttime snoring, as well as nightmares and complaints of lack of sleep.
  • Second degree. In this case, overgrown adenoids close the lumen of the nasopharynx by 2/3. As a result, the child practically stops breathing through his nose even during the daytime due to a significant narrowing of the nasal passages. Sleep is complicated by snoring and apnea attacks. In the morning, the child may complain of lack of sleep and fatigue. Improper breathing causes chronic oxygen starvation - brain hypoxia. This affects memory and attention. It has been noted that children with grade 2 and 3 adenoids have reduced school performance.
  • Third degree. Hypertrophied adenoid tissue closes the lumen of the nasopharynx, breathing through the nose is excluded. The child develops speech problems: a nasal, unpleasant voice, inarticulate phrases. Also among the symptoms can be noted chronic rhinitis, constant nasal congestion, hearing loss and sore throat. Grade 3 adenoiditis can be complicated by enuresis, the development of bronchial asthma, an adenoid-like structure of the facial part of the skull, neurotic disorders, convulsive seizures, attacks of suffocation when the tongue sinks into the nasopharynx during sleep.

Treatment of adenoiditis must be done at any stage of the disease. If the doctor suggests removing the adenoids, parents do not need to refuse the operation. This means this is the only way to restore nasal breathing and save the child from problems in the present and future.

Indications for adenoid removal

Every person is born with normal-sized tonsils. Due to certain factors (frequent colds, weak immunity etc.) the lymphoid tissue that makes up the tonsils begins to grow.

As a result of the examination, the ENT doctor diagnoses the child with “adenoids” and specifies the degree of their growth.

At stage 1 of adenoiditis, the clinical symptoms are smoothed out and do not greatly affect the child’s usual lifestyle, so there are no indications for surgical intervention. In this case, the disease is treated with medication.

Grades 2 and 3 adenoiditis are complicated by symptoms such as constant coughing, frequent colds, chronic rhinitis, snoring and apnea, headaches and sleep disturbances.

Then these symptoms are supplemented by hearing impairment, delayed intellectual development, and disturbances in facial structure. Therefore, at stages 2 and 3 of the disease, surgery to remove adenoids and trim the tonsils in children is indicated.

Direct indications for adenoid removal in children:

  • chronic otitis with exacerbations more than 2 times a year;
  • persistent hearing loss;
  • snoring, apnea;
  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and larynx;
  • ARVI more than 6 times a year;
  • history of peritonsillar abscess;
  • serious violation of nasal breathing;
  • anomalies in the structure of the maxillofacial part of the skull.

At what age are adenoids removed in children? Experts believe that the optimal age is 5 years. But if there are any of the direct indications for surgery listed above, age already matters.

Removal of tonsils and adenoids in children can also be performed in one year old, and after 12 years, if there are indications for this.

Removal of adenoids in children: methods

Excision of affected tissue with a scalpel

The operation is performed under local anesthesia(Lidocaine). The surgeon uses a ring-shaped scalpel to excise the adenoid tissue.

Disadvantages of this treatment include:

  • physical and psycho-emotional resistance of the child;
  • the risk of causing him mental and physical harm;
  • the operation is performed blindly, which reduces the effectiveness of adenectomy;
  • the child experiences pain if, after surgery, he is prescribed electrocoagulation of tissues.

The advantage of treatment is only one factor - the absence of general anesthesia.

The operation will not be effective if the doctor leaves at least one piece of tissue affected by inflammation in the tonsil area.

Laser removal of adenoids

This operation is a successful alternative to the classical operation. The specialist replaces the scalpel with a laser beam, and the technique of performing the manipulation has two goals:

  • coagulation - a focused laser beam removes adenoids of any size;
  • valorization - the affected lymphoid tissue is evaporated layer by layer.

The advantages of laser adenoid removal are:

  • formation of a minor wound surface during manipulation;
  • painless and bloodless procedure;
  • quick recovery period - no more than 12 days;
  • low probability of recurrence of adenoiditis.

The disadvantages of laser therapy include a list of contraindications to the operation (heart and vascular disease, etc.), as well as an insufficient percentage of the effectiveness of the operation if the adenoids are too large - in this case, the laser should be an additional means, and the operation itself should be performed endoscopically .

Endoscopic adenomectomy

Endoscopic removal of adenoids in children is the most effective and in a safe way surgical intervention. With its help, you can not only successfully remove the affected lymphoid tissue, but also prevent the risk of bleeding with the help of a turunda pressed against the wound surface for several minutes.

Removal of adenoids in children is performed under general anesthesia. In this case, the doctor has the opportunity to more thoroughly remove pathological growths, which maximizes the effectiveness of the operation. Apart from the need for general anesthesia, this type of surgical treatment has no disadvantages.

Nowadays, methods for removing adenoids in children can be combined with each other. IN modern clinics endoscopic surgery as helper method can be supplemented by radio wave or laser treatment of the wound surface. Thanks to this, the likelihood of relapse of the disease is reduced to zero.

Cold plasma surgery

The method is based on the use of cold plasma - coblator. Currently this method adenectomy is considered to be the most progressive. The temperature values ​​of the coblator beam are not higher than 60 degrees, so the manipulation is almost painless.

The advantages of cold plasma adenectomy are:

  • the operation is almost completely bloodless, which is important for people suffering from poor blood clotting;
  • absence of pain before and after surgery to remove adenoids in children;
  • successful removal of growths located atypically;
  • quick intervention.

The disadvantages of this method are: this moment not found.

Recovery after surgery

To prevent complications after adenoid removal in children:

  • the patient is placed on his side;
  • saliva is asked to spit into a previously prepared towel;
  • a few hours after the operation, pharyngoscopy is performed, the purpose of which is to prevent blood from entering the back wall nasopharynx;
  • the lymphoid tissue remaining after the operation is additionally removed using forceps;
  • on the first day the child is fed only warm liquid food;
  • for at least 3 days the patient must comply bed rest;
  • The patient should avoid rough and hot foods for 3 weeks.

Parents should receive instructions from a doctor to prevent the consequences of adenoid removal in children. During the first 24 hours after surgery, the child may complain of a sore throat and nasal congestion. Usually in this case, drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect are prescribed.

Often, after removal of the adenoids, children experience an increase in body temperature. This condition is quite acceptable. If the temperature is above 38°, it is recommended to give the child an antipyretic based on Paracetamol.

If in the postoperative period a child experiences bleeding from the wound surface, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Most likely, particles of adenoid tissue remain in the nasopharynx, and their urgent scraping is required.

On average, rehabilitation after adenoid removal in children lasts no more than 3 weeks.

Complications after adenectomy are extremely rare. In 0.4% of cases, bleeding from the wound occurs. In the operating room where children's adenoids are removed, the doctor can stop the bleeding by cauterizing the blood vessels or using packing on the wound.

In 0.03% of cases, velopharyngeal insufficiency may occur after surgery. This condition means that the soft palate, after removal of the tonsils, cannot completely close the nasal cavity, as it normally does during the process of swallowing and pronouncing individual sounds.

In this case, the child may mumble consonant sounds; they seem to resonate in his nose. The problem is solved by repeated surgery or with the help of a speech therapist.

It is extremely rare that after adenoids are removed in children, throat stenosis develops - a narrowing of its lumen. To rid the child of this condition, a repeat operation is performed.

Inflammation of the adenoids is common. IN Lately the increase in incidence is increasingly associated with the deterioration ecological situation. Some children successfully get rid of this disease in a conservative way.

Others, with advanced adenoiditis, require surgical care. There is no need to be afraid of surgery. Removing the adenoids allows you to restore lost vital functions ENT organs and avoid a number of complications.

Useful video about how to remove adenoids in children

One of the most pressing problems in otolaryngology is tonsils, adenoids and related diseases, which often cause serious complications and provoke chronic diseases. Most often, children suffer from tonsil diseases. Therefore, timely diagnosis and qualified treatment are necessary, and if it does not produce an effect, tonsil removal is performed.

Tonsils and their role in the body

Nature has endowed our body with protective lymphatic system, which produces the main protective cells - lymphocytes. It is represented by accumulations of lymphoid tissue in the form of lymph nodes and lymph glands.


Lymph nodes are dispersed literally throughout the body, located near every organ, forming, as it were, “guard posts” in case of foreign invasion of microbes or toxins in any part of the body, reacting with an increase and increased production of lymphocytes.

The tonsils are concentrated in the area of ​​the upper respiratory tract and form their own “guard post”, protecting against microbes entering through the nasal cavity and mouth. They form the protective Waldeer-Pirogov lymphatic ring, named after those who studied it famous doctors. This tonsil ring contains:

  • palatine tonsils - paired formations located on both sides in the recess between the tongue and soft palate(in the arches), they are also called tonsils;
  • pharyngeal tonsil - an unpaired formation located in the center of the nasopharynx;
  • tubal tonsils - paired, located at the openings of the Eustachian (auditory) tubes on both sides;
  • lingual tonsil - unpaired, located at the root of the tongue.

The most problematic parts of this lymphatic ring are the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils.


The tonsils (from the Latin glandula - gland) are paired palatine tonsils, which cause a lot of trouble for both children and adults. Their structure is such that they have many grooves and cells where microorganisms enter. Ideally, there they should be neutralized by lymphocytes, but this does not always happen.

When the immune system is weakened, microbes successfully “settle” in the tonsils, causing acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), which often becomes chronic. Mainly streptococcal infection, which enters the body from the tonsils and can cause complications:

  • inflammation of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis);
  • inflammation of the membranes of the heart (myocarditis, endocarditis);
  • inflammation of connective tissue - joint damage;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis);
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enterocolitis).

Acute tonsillitis occurs with typical symptoms - sore throat, headache, increased body temperature to 38 degrees and above. Sometimes it can be complicated by peritonsillar infiltrate or abscess requiring surgical treatment. Enlarged tonsils are clearly visible to the naked eye and may be covered with purulent plaque or contain purulent plugs.

Not typical for chronic tonsillitis acute symptoms. More often it is a sore throat, low-grade fever (37-37.5 degrees). With chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism often develops, affecting the joints and inner lining of the heart, followed by its sclerosis and the formation of heart valve defects.


The reasons for the appearance of adenoids are improper formation of lymphatic glandular tissue, as well as exposure to infections.

Adenoids do not normally exist as such. They are hypertrophied tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which extends to the nasal passages. As a rule, adenoids form in children aged 1 to 14 years, most often at 4-7 years.

A typical symptom of adenoids is worsening nasal breathing, the child constantly breathes through the mouth. There may be a chronic runny nose, constant nasal congestion. As adenoids grow, they lead to a number of diseases in children:

  • frequent colds;
  • development of chronic bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis;
  • hearing loss;
  • development of chronic ear inflammation - otitis;
  • development of a pathological position of the lower jaw - prognathia (malocclusion) due to a constantly open mouth;
  • mental retardation, behavioral disorders.

Advice: if your child is often sick colds If you constantly breathe through your mouth, if you become disobedient and inattentive, this may indicate the presence of adenoids. It is necessary to contact an ENT doctor for examination.

Indications for tonsil removal, surgical technology

Laser removal of adenoids

Removal of the palatine tonsils (tonsils) is indicated for chronic tonsillitis with frequent exacerbations, when conservative treatment is ineffective.

Removal of adenoids is indicated when nasal breathing and hearing are impaired, that is, starting from the 2nd stage of their enlargement. In the 1st stage, conservative treatment is prescribed (nasal drops, inhalations), and if it does not have an effect and the adenoids enlarge, only in these cases is their removal indicated.

Removal of tonsils is usually performed starting at 5 years of age. There are 2 methods of operation - classical and minimally invasive (laser, radiofrequency microwave ablation). In children, the laser method is more often used, which is the safest, does not cause bleeding, and the child does not need hospitalization.

Removal of adenoids in young children is performed under anesthesia, more often endoscopic method, using laser, ablation or surgical loop. Laser removal adenoid surgery in children today is the “gold standard”, it is practically painless and is not accompanied by bleeding, children tolerate such an operation well.

Advice: If a child is indicated for removal of tonsils or adenoids, there is no need to be afraid of the operation, refusing it or postponing it until later. This can lead to the development of serious chronic diseases.

Postoperative period

Removal of adenoids, as a rule, is not accompanied by any consequences

As a rule, operations to remove tonsils using modern methods proceed without complications. The consequences of tonsil removal are quite rare. In children, they are manifested by increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting, and changes in voice. These phenomena are associated with swelling of the pharynx, and usually disappear after a few days.

The consequences of tonsillectomy in adults are also rare; they can include a sore throat and sometimes bleeding. As a rule, this operation proceeds more favorably in childhood.

Sometimes both tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy may not be effective, meaning that the tonsils and adenoids may grow back over time. You need to remember this and see an ENT doctor.

The operation of removing the tonsils (tonsils and adenoids) is a necessary procedure that has strict indications. It is performed in the name of health, and with modern technologies the operation proceeds favorably.

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for independent treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!

» Adenoids in children

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Home ENT diseases Consequences of enlarged adenoids and tonsils

Consequences of enlarged adenoids and tonsils

As a rule, enlarged adenoids and hypertrophied tonsils are observed simultaneously. Moreover, the tonsils in some children are so enlarged that they almost close together; It is clear that a child with such tonsils has problems swallowing food. But the main thing is that the child is not able to breathe freely either through his nose or his mouth,

And it often happens that breathing difficulties cause the baby to wake up at night. He wakes up afraid that he will suffocate. Such a child is more likely than other children to be nervous and out of mood. It is necessary to immediately consult with an otolaryngologist, who will decide when and where to remove the adenoids and trim the tonsils.

Excessively enlarged adenoids and tonsils can also cause bedwetting in a child. One or two nighttime troubles that have happened to a child do not mean bedwetting. But if this phenomenon occurs constantly, you should consult a doctor.

Quite often, hearing loss occurs in children due to enlarged adenoids. You should not be afraid of such violations, since they disappear completely as soon as the cause is eliminated. Hearing loss can be of varying degrees. With adenoids - moderate hearing loss.

You can check whether a child has a hearing impairment at home using so-called whispered speech. Normally, a person hears a whisper from across the entire room (six meters or more). When your child is busy playing, try calling him in a whisper from a distance of at least six meters. If the child heard you and turned around, his hearing is within normal limits. If you don’t respond, call again - maybe the baby is too passionate about the game, and the problem at the moment is not at all a hearing impairment. But if he doesn’t hear you, come a little closer - and so on until the child definitely hears you. You will know the distance from which the child hears whispered speech. If this distance is less than six meters and you are sure that the child did not respond to your voice not because he was too carried away, but precisely because of hearing loss, you should urgently seek advice from a doctor. The urgency is explained by the fact that hearing impairment occurs due to various reasons(not only due to the fault of the adenoids). One of the reasons is neuritis. If the neuritis has just begun, the matter can still be improved, but if you hesitate, the child may remain hard of hearing for life.

Some doctors prescribe a 2% solution of protargol to be instilled into the nose for children with enlarged adenoids. Practice shows that this does not significantly improve the child’s condition, but it has been noticed that protargol somewhat dries out and slightly shrinks the adenoid tissue. Of course best effect occurs when you instill protargol into a previously washed nose - the solution acts directly on the adenoids, and does not slide into the oropharynx along the mucous discharge.

To instill the medicine, the child must be placed on his back and even tilt his head back (this is easier when the child lies on the edge of the couch). In this position, instill 6-7 drops of protargol into the nose, and let the child lie down without changing position for several minutes - then you can be sure that the protargol solution is located exactly on the adenoids.

This procedure should be repeated (without skipping) twice a day: morning and evening (before bed) for fourteen days. Then a month - a break. And the course is repeated.

It is very important to know that protargol is an unstable silver compound that quickly loses activity and is destroyed on the fifth or sixth day. Therefore, you need to use only freshly prepared protargol solution.

It also happens that, according to indications, the doctor will prescribe an adenotomy - an operation to cut off the adenoids. The technique of this operation is more than a hundred years old. It is done both on an outpatient and inpatient basis, but due to the fact that after the operation there is still a possibility of; bleeding from the wound surface, it is preferable to remove the adenoids in a hospital, where the person being operated on is under the supervision of experienced doctors for two to three days.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia with a special instrument called an adenotome. The adenotom is a steel loop on a long thin handle, one edge of the loop is sharp. After the operation, bed rest is observed for several days, and body temperature is monitored. Only liquid and semi-liquid foods are allowed to be eaten; nothing irritating - spicy, cold, hot; Only warm dishes. For several days after adenotomy, you may complain of a sore throat, but the pain gradually decreases and soon disappears altogether.

Additional information from the section

To remove tonsils and adenoids or not

Removal of tonsils and adenoids is considered a simple procedure, however, every year there are reports in the press about the tragic complications of these operations. What should you know before agreeing to deletion?
Palatine tonsils, also known as tonsils, were removed from 50 percent of children born in the 1970s and 1980s. This was the approach to tonsil diseases back then: no organ, no problem. However, further observations showed that not all children got rid of health problems after the operation. On the contrary, frequent sore throats were replaced by a chronic runny nose or sore throat. The fact is that the tonsils and adenoids form part of a special organ - the lymphoid pharyngeal ring. It creates a protective barrier and traps germs from the air, preventing them from entering the respiratory tract. Removal of this barrier often deprived the body necessary protection.
Today, tonsils and adenoids are removed much less frequently than before. Still, sometimes surgery is unavoidable.

When should tonsils and adenoids be removed?

The need for surgery arises for several reasons, but the most common of them is chronic enlargement of the tonsils or adenoids. A child with this problem snores in his sleep, suffers from a runny nose and nasal congestion, he breathes only through his mouth and sleeps poorly. Such children go with open mouth, wheeze when breathing, they have poor appetite, and also they for a long time wet the bed at night. All these are the consequences of a chronic lack of air, which simply cannot get through the enlarged tonsils and adenoids! Lack of air has a bad effect on a child's health. It can lead to growth retardation and mental development, since intermittent sleep reduces the release of growth hormone, memory deteriorates. Appearance suffers: constant breathing through the mouth changes the shape of the jaw, spoils the bite, and distorts the contours of the face. But that's not all. With prolonged and severe lack of air, pulmonary hypertension develops, gas exchange in the lungs is disrupted, which can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the heart. Israeli doctors also advise removing the tonsils in cases where the child suffers from frequent acute inflammation of the tonsils, and the adenoids in cases of recurring otitis media and some forms of fluid accumulation in the middle ear.

How tonsils are removed

Before suggesting surgery, the doctor carefully studies the child’s medical history and asks both him and the parents about how troubling the symptoms are. If we are talking about tonsils, the doctor will examine the throat and determine their size. It is impossible to see the adenoids in this way, so their condition is checked using an X-ray or an endoscope. Then the issue of the operation is discussed with the parents again and a date is set. Usually you have to wait several weeks. A few days before the operation, the child will be examined again by three doctors - an otolaryngologist, a pediatrician and an anesthesiologist.

But then the big day comes. The baby is already dressed in hospital pajamas, worried parents are standing next to his bed. What will happen next? Then the child is transported to the operating room, where one of the parents is allowed. In his presence, the baby will be given anesthesia. Once the child is in deep sleep, the parent will be asked to leave and the surgeon will take over.
After the operation, the child is transferred to the ward, where he recovers from anesthesia, and from there to the department. After removal of the adenoids, children are discharged on the same day, after removal of the tonsils - the next day.
Removal of tonsils and adenoids is the most common operation in childhood. This procedure has a long history; the first mentions of it were found in the works of the ancient Roman physician Celsus. But, of course, in our time medicine has gone far ahead. Today, different methods are used to remove tonsils and adenoids - cryosurgery (freezing), diathermy and coblation (tissue destruction electromagnetic waves), as well as a microdebrider - a high-precision surgical instrument that cuts tissue with a rapidly rotating blade. Surgeons have not yet come to a consensus which method is better. Each has its own pros and cons.

Complications and recovery

Postoperative bleeding is very rare complication. In most cases, it is minor and does not require the child to return to the operating room. Only in very rare cases is the surgeon's help required again. However, be aware that bleeding can occur several weeks after surgery and can be life-threatening. In this case, you need to urgently take the child to the hospital, where he will receive help.
Nowadays, the risk of surgery to remove tonsils has decreased significantly due to the increased qualifications of surgeons and the emergence of new safe technologies.
Recovery after tonsil removal surgery lasts a week, and even faster after adenoid removal. If your child complains of pain, you can give him a painkiller. After a month, the child needs to be seen by a doctor at the hospital outpatient clinic. The doctor will check how the recovery is going and wish the child success. Most children quickly forget about their experiences, and their health rapidly improves. It has been proven that children who have undergone surgery to remove tonsils and adenoids begin to learn better after it than those who suffer from the same problem and refuse treatment.

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Adenoids and tonsils: cannot be removed

Adenoids are pathologically enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsils, which are located in the arch of the nasopharynx and are not visible to the naked eye. And the tonsils are the palatine tonsils, which are located on the sides of the pharynx at the root of the tongue. The tonsils and adenoids are protectors of the nasopharynx and the entire body from pathogenic bacteria and viruses; they are gates through which pathogens cannot pass. These formations, in the form of large nodes, consist of lymphatic tissue that collects and filters intercellular fluid from the nose and oropharynx. Immune cells, which are located in these tonsils, kill pathogens.

Why do tonsils become inflamed?

When viruses or bacteria large quantities enter the oropharynx, for example, with the flu, they cause inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the larynx and tonsils. With weakened immunity, the tonsils do not have time to cope with pathogenic microflora, microbes settle in the tonsils, due to the complex folded structure of the tonsils, microbes are difficult to remove from there, and the tonsils turn into a constant source of infection in the body, which itself provokes inflammatory processes. They can cause bad breath. Overgrowth of tonsils can be caused by improper or untimely treatment.

Treatment of inflamed tonsils and adenoids

Adenoids are nasopharyngeal tonsils and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

A disease in which chronically enlarged tonsils are diagnosed is called chronic tonsillitis. Periodic exacerbations of the disease - tonsillitis.

An increase in the size of the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids) leads to nasal breathing problems and hearing impairment. Otolaryngologists, based on the degree of enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil, distinguish adenoids of the first, second and third degrees. Enlarged adenoids cause inflammatory processes and increase the likelihood of sore throat, laryngitis, tracheitis, and bronchitis. pneumonia.

For inflammation of the tonsils and related diseases - tonsillitis, tonsillitis, the otolaryngologist usually prescribes local procedures - gargling, rinsing the nasopharynx with special antiseptic solutions. It is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs; in case of acute inflammation, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. The main thing is that treatment is timely.

Enlarged adenoids are treated with restoratives (vitamins, immunostimulants), and nasal rinses with special solutions. Instillation of anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antimicrobial agents is recommended.

If all these treatment methods do not help, the question arises of surgery to remove the adenoids.

When exactly is surgery needed?

To delete or leave is not a completely correct question. There must be certain strict indications for prescribing surgery; surgery is offered only in situations where the harm from inflamed tonsils and adenoids outweighs the loss of immunological protection.

Enlarged adenoids and tonsils are a problem that worries parents. Should they be removed or is it better to leave them as an immunological defense? If you do delete it, when is the best time to do it and what method should you choose?

  • when the patient suffers from tonsillitis more often than four times a year or five times every two years;
  • when the patient suffers from snoring during sleep, which is accompanied by interruptions in breathing every few minutes.

There are alternative treatments for adenoids, such as cryodestruction. The procedure takes several minutes, after which the adenoids do not disappear, but are significantly reduced in size.

Indications for removal of adenoids are severe difficulty in nasal breathing, snoring, and sleeping with your mouth open. Another indication is frequent otitis media and hearing loss. Adenoids should be removed only when both the doctor and the parents are sure that this needs to be done.

Parents often ask questions about when it is better to remove adenoids or tonsils - in winter or summer. The time of year for surgery only matters if the patient has some kind of seasonal allergy, for example to flowers. Then the operation is carried out during the off-season.

Today, during removal, different types of anesthesia are used: local and general. Recently, doctors prefer operations under general anesthesia. The older the child, the worse he tolerates surgery to remove adenoids or tonsils under local anesthesia.

What are the consequences of removing tonsils and adenoids?

Surgery to remove tonsils or tonsils takes just a few minutes

Removal of the tonsils and adenoids negatively affects the body’s defense against harmful microbes, because they are involved in the development of immunity, and the tissues of the pharynx feel pain for a long time after the operation.

It is undesirable to perform adenotomy after infectious diseases or during influenza epidemics.

The recovery period proceeds quickly; on the day of surgery, the temperature may rise; for one or two days it is advisable to limit physical activity and not eat solid or hot foods.

Pay attention to the fact that, regardless of the professionalism of the surgeon, it is impossible to remove the pharyngeal tonsil completely; after the operation, at least a millimeter of tissue will always remain. This means that there is always a chance that the adenoids will grow back.

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Tonsil trimming or tonsillotomy is only performed on children. In adult patients, they are usually removed completely. This operation is called tonsillectomy (complete removal of the tonsils, including the connective tissue capsule). The difference of a few letters seems insignificant, but the technique and goals of these interventions are different.


The standard indication for tonsillectomy is chronic tonsillitis with regular exacerbations that threaten serious complications. Tonsillotomy (partial resection) is performed when the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils grows irreversibly (hypertrophy).

In children, tonsil trimming is required if these glands significantly increase in volume and provoke:

  • Dysphagia (impaired swallowing).
  • Disruption of normal nasal breathing.
  • Sleep apnea syndrome and hypoxia with all its consequences.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Chronic otitis media.
  • Breathing with your mouth slightly open.
  • Dysarthria is a violation of the pronunciation of sounds. In childhood this leads to correct formation speech.

Impaired nasal breathing and breathing with a half-open mouth increase the risk of developing acute respiratory infections. The number of diseases caused by opportunistic coccal flora is increasing, including sore throats and standard complications after them (rheumatism, inflammatory diseases kidneys, etc.). Frequent tonsillitis leads to the proliferation of lymphoid tissue of the tonsils and their loosening.

Disease risk purulent inflammation in children it is much higher due to the anatomy of the tonsils. Their lacunae (ducts) are narrow. This creates deep “pockets” with a minimum of oxygen access and a temperature comfortable for pathogens. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle, which tonsillotomy is designed to break.

Enlarged tonsils not only interfere with swallowing, but also disrupt air circulation in the mouth-nose-auditory tube system. During the act of swallowing, air is “squeezed” into the Eustachian tubes under high pressure and damages eardrum. The child experiences the same thing that a passenger on an airplane has to endure during a sharp takeoff.

Normally, membrane rupture is unlikely, but damage is possible. It increases the risk of developing otitis and the disease becoming chronic.

The consequences that a small patient faces with apnea and hypoxia are no better:

  1. Chronic hypoxia of the brain during the period of maximum “saturation” of information leads to the fact that the child absorbs less knowledge and masters fewer skills and abilities than he could. He gets tired, cannot fully play, sleeps poorly (at night and nap accompanied by snoring and nightmares), becomes irritable, even neuroses. In the mornings he suffers from headaches.
  2. The lack of oxygen is acutely felt by cardiomyocytes - the muscle cells of the myocardium. When there is a lack of O2, the heart works harder. As a result, the patient requires drugs that improve resistance to oxygen starvation in order to avoid damage to the organ.

Hypertrophy of the palatine glands usually coincides with an increase in the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids). The latter is removed during the operation, and the palatal lymphoid tissues are reduced in size. Removing the adenoids and trimming the tonsils is called adenotonsillotomy.

Delete or leave?

The volume of lymphoid tissue of the tonsils varies throughout a person’s life:

  1. In children of the 1st month of life, the tonsils are poorly developed. Only by three months does the “launch” of their functions occur. Before this, they “work” very poorly.
  2. The described organs grow fastest at 2–3 years of age if you vaccinate your child, and at 3–4 years of age if you don’t, and the child gets little sick. The growth of lymphoid tissue is a unique response of the immune system to the “invasion” of pathogens.
  3. The tonsils “grow” to their maximum by age 7 if you don’t get vaccinated, and by age 5 if you do.
  4. With age, the child’s body accumulates antibodies to various pathogens and no longer needs to grow exponentially in the tissues of the pharyngeal ring. Therefore, by the age of 9–10 years, the tissue of the tonsils decreases, being replaced by connective tissue.
  5. 18-year-old young people have only pieces of the lymphoid ring that “served” them on the threshold of school.

If the palatine tonsils are injured, damaged or removed, their functions are partially taken over by the remaining lymphoid tissues of the pharyngeal ring. For adults, for the reasons stated above, losing tonsils is not as problematic as losing them in childhood.

But if apnea, impaired nasal breathing, pallor of the child’s skin are detected, even if the degree of tissue proliferation is small, treatment with conservative methods is necessary (growth of adenoids in children, accompanied by hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils to grade 1-2, is usually treated conservatively). If they are ineffective, the doctor recommends surgery. Surgery is indicated for tissue proliferation up to grade 3–4.

Tonsillotomy, unlike tonsillectomy, is good because part of the lymphoid tissue is preserved. Even when cut, the tonsils can continue to serve as the “first line” in the body when pathogenic agents enter the body.

If a child is diagnosed with the presence of “adenoids” and the growth of tonsils, this is not a reason to rush to surgery. Even severe hypertrophy in the absence of certain symptoms does not require surgical intervention.


Eliminating the problem surgically is not possible in all cases. There are time restrictions, for example:

  • After a viral or bacterial infection, affecting the upper respiratory tract, even if a complication in the form of a sore throat did not arise. In case of exacerbation of chronic ENT pathologies and acute rheumatoid attack, children are not operated on for a month (according to the doctor’s decision, in this case the pause may be longer).
  • After chickenpox, the pause should be at least 3 months, whereas with other childhood illnesses, it lasts about six months.
  • If a child has had meningitis or viral hepatitis, the possibility of surgery is not considered for the next 1–2 years.

Trimming is not performed on children with untreated dental pathology until the situation is corrected in order to avoid infection of the wound surface.

For a child under 3 years of age, a tonsillotomy is performed only in case of serious indications; for newborns and infants - if there is a threat to life. The main peak of operational solutions to this problem occurs at the age of 3–7 years.

You cannot operate on children with severe heart or kidney failure, diabetes in the stage of decompensation (we are talking about diabetes mellitus), blood pathologies associated with impaired blood clotting, malignant formations, pulmonary tuberculosis. If the child’s life is threatened, the doctor considers the situation individually. If the risk is justified, a tonsillotomy will be performed.

Unless life-threatening, surgeries are rarely recommended for children with deformities of the facial and cranial bones caused by genetic abnormalities (cleft palate). Such interventions are not recommended for persons with Down syndrome due to concomitant pathologies of internal organs.


Preparation for the procedure begins with an examination by a pediatrician, blood and urine tests, a coagulogram, smears from the throat area and diagnostic procedures: ECG, FLG. The child must have vaccinations according to age.

Tonsillotomy is performed:

  • Using a tonsillotome (Sluder or Mathieu).
  • Laser.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the first one is more “bloody” and requires more time (about half an hour). The advantage is that in rare cases, regrowth of lymphoid tissues is observed. It should also be taken into account that the technology has been developed over the years, so the tissue surrounding the tonsils is damaged less frequently.

When using a laser, the operation is faster and, one might say, bloodless. But tissues take longer to regenerate. There is a higher risk of damaging surrounding structures. Postoperative bleeding occurs more often. The cost of such an operation is significantly higher.

Tonsil trimming is performed under anesthesia (local or general). Moreover, anesthesia is often used for adenotonsillotomy.

At normal course After surgery, the baby stops bleeding after a maximum of 20 minutes, and he is transferred to the ward, lying on his side to avoid aspiration. At first, especially if anesthesia was used, the patient is under constant supervision. Already 4 hours after the operation he can drink warm liquid. The child can eat (but only liquid food) after 8 hours.

After removal of the adenoids and partial resection of the tonsils recovery period will take place individually - it may go smoothly, but some consequences are possible:

  • Severe sore throat.
  • Temperature rises to 38 degrees in the morning or evening for several days (if the temperature is higher, you should contact your doctor). It is important to remember that children should not be given antipyretics that affect blood clotting, because bleeding may occur.
  • Vomiting 1-2 times due to blood entering the stomach. Epigastric pain or bowel irregularities may also be a concern. These phenomena pass quickly and do not require correction.
  • If, after being discharged from the hospital, the child begins to bleed and its signs remain (blood, nasal ichor, saliva streaked with blood), the child should be immediately shown to the ENT surgeon who operated on him.

Normally, after surgery, the child’s nasal breathing improves almost immediately. But for some time (up to 10 days), due to swelling of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion and nasal sound may be observed.

In the postoperative period, physical activity should be excluded from the child’s schedule for at least 4 weeks. If the baby has undergone only partial tonsil trimming, and the operation went without incident, you can shorten this period to 2 weeks.

Other useful tips:

  1. The patient's nutrition for 3–10 days should be gentle thermally, chemically, and also physically - the child should not receive rough food that injures damaged tissues or drink something very hot/cold or eat spicy food.
  2. For the first 3 days, refrain from bathing your child in hot or even very warm water, so as not to provoke bleeding. Avoid keeping it in stuffy and hot rooms, under the scorching rays of the sun or in crowded places.
  3. At the same time (the first 3 days), the child may complain of pain and discomfort in the throat. Under no circumstances allow him to rinse, even with folk remedies.
  4. You need to do this with a child breathing exercises, which must be demonstrated by the doctor before discharge.

In order for healing to proceed more successfully, especially with double surgery (removal of adenoids and resection of tonsils), children are often recommended:

  • Vasoconstrictor drugs for 5 days (Tizin, Nazivin, Ximelin and others).
  • Drying solutions of local antiseptics (Protargol, Collargol). They are used for about 10 days.


An operation such as tonsillotomy is well tolerated by young patients. As an exception, in rare cases complications are recorded:

  • Bleeding after surgery.
  • Suppuration of the wound surface. IN severe cases with the development of paratonsillitis or sepsis.
  • Injuries to structures close to the tonsils. This may simply be painful, or it may cause articulation problems or difficulty swallowing.

If tonsillotomy is performed correctly and all rules of asepsis and regimen are observed, in most cases the postoperative period passes without serious complications. The operation is a gentle surgical method and helps both maintain the child’s health and the correct formation of his speech.

Removing tonsils and adenoids helps relieve a child from night snoring, apnea, otitis media, constant nasal congestion and throat diseases. The operation can be performed under either general or local anesthesia.

In the distant past there are operations to remove tonsils and adenoids “live”, performed under the frightened screams of the operated ones, without any anesthesia. Modern adenotomy and tonsillotomy are safe, effective surgical procedures that can significantly make a child’s life easier.

Indications for removal of tonsils and adenoids

The main indication for removal of tonsils and adenoids is their chronic hypertrophy. Children with excessively enlarged tonsils and adenoids suffer from frequent respiratory viral diseases, nasal congestion, chronic runny nose, throat diseases and otitis media. Adenotomy is also performed in case of hearing impairment and fluid accumulation in the ears.

IMPORTANT: The body of a child with hypertrophied tonsils does not have enough air, which simply cannot enter the required quantity. The baby is trying to get more oxygen, so he breathes through his mouth. Such breathing is very dangerous, as it can provoke the development of laryngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia and a number of other serious diseases.

The portrait of a child who is undergoing surgery to remove tonsils is very sad: an open mouth, pale skin, an elongated puffy face, unemotional, poor facial expressions, a narrow upper jaw, crooked upper teeth. Experts call this type of face adenoid. Half of the children who resemble the described portrait have mental retardation, which appears due to a lack of oxygen in the brain.

IMPORTANT: Surgery to remove tonsils is performed at any age. Usually doctors prescribe adenotomy and tonsillotomy if conservative treatment does not bring positive results.

Grade 1 adenoids in a child

Grade 1 adenoids are characterized by slight growth. At this stage, the adenoids grow only a third of their possible volume and still allow air to freely penetrate the body. The openings through which the nose communicates with the pharynx are less than half closed. This allows the child to breathe normally through his nose throughout the day and snoring or noisy breathing is observed only during night sleep. A child sleeps with his mouth slightly open.

IMPORTANT: Grade 1 adenoids do not require surgical treatment unless they cause hearing problems.

Adenoids grade 2 in a child

The second degree of adenoid proliferation is said to occur when the child develops predominantly mouth breathing, and nasal breathing is very difficult. At night the baby snores heavily, sometimes apnea attacks with prolonged breath holdings. Adenoids of the 2nd degree close the holes that allow air to pass through by more than half. Parents can detect the disease on their own, but their suspicions must be confirmed by an otolaryngologist.

IMPORTANT: Stage 2 adenoids can be treated with medication. To reduce them, doctors prescribe hormonal and homeopathic remedies. If treatment does not produce positive results, the adenoids are removed.

Adenoids grade 3 in a child

Grade 3 adenoids are characterized by the maximum possible proliferation of lymphoid tissues. They completely block the holes through which air must flow. Symptoms in grade 3 adenoids are much more pronounced than in grade 2 adenoids.

IMPORTANT: Grade 3 adenoids are not treated with conservative methods, but are removed through surgery.

Enlarged adenoids in a child. Adenoid hypertrophy in children

Enlarged adenoids in most cases are a consequence of frequent colds. Adenoids and tonsils together play the role of a so-called protective barrier in the child’s body. During illness, the tonsils increase in size to more effectively repel viral attacks.

If a child continually picks up new infections, the tonsils simply do not have time to return to normal condition. Increasing more and more with each disease, the adenoids grow so large that they themselves become a source of infections.

Symptoms of enlarged adenoids in a child

Symptoms of hypertrophied palatine tonsils in a child include:

  • chronic or frequent runny nose
  • snoring in sleep, apnea
  • difficulty breathing through the nose
  • open mouth
  • nasal voice
  • hearing impairment
  • restless sleep
  • adenoid type of face
  • frequent colds

IMPORTANT: If a child experiences delayed breathing during sleep, a sharp deterioration in hearing, or pain in the ears, you should immediately contact a pediatric ENT specialist.

Symptoms of inflammation of the adenoids in children

Adenoids in children can become inflamed periodically or be constantly in an inflamed state. In this case, body temperature can vary from 37.5 to 39.5˚C. The child complains of a burning sensation in the nasopharynx and severe nasal congestion. Sometimes ear pain, fatigue, and loss of appetite are added to the general symptoms.

Night sleep is often interrupted by bouts of severe coughing, with mucus and pus from the nasopharynx entering the respiratory tract.

IMPORTANT: Against the background of inflamed adenoids, allergies can develop in a short time.

How are adenoids removed in children?

Removal of adenoids is the most common surgical operation in children of preschool and primary school age. It can be carried out either under local(traditional adenotomy), and under general(endoscopic adenotomy) with anesthesia.

For traditional adenotomy The doctor drops a solution of lidocaine or another pain reliever into the child’s nose. The child is seated on a chair and his arms and legs are tightly fixed. The doctor quickly cuts out the adenoids with a special tool, but he acts at random due to the inability to see the surgical area.

The advantage of performing adenotomy under local anesthesia is the minimal time spent on the operation and the elimination of the risks associated with the introduction of general anesthesia.

However, the method has significant disadvantages, including:

  • child is frightened by the sight of blood
  • serious mental disorder of the child
  • risk of damage to teeth or soft tissues of the nasopharynx during surgery
  • the likelihood of relapse of the disease due to incomplete removal of the adenoids

IMPORTANT: Adenoid tissue does not have nerve endings, so the child will not feel pain even without pain relief.

Endoscopic adenotomy under general anesthesia guarantees complete removal adenoid growths and allows the surgeon to perform his work efficiently.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to prepare for surgery under general anesthesia and undergo a number of examinations. A few days before the operation, the anesthesiologist is provided with the results of a general blood and urine test, a blood clotting test, and an ECG of the child. You also need to obtain permission for the operation from your pediatrician and pediatric dentist.

General anesthesia ensures complete loss of consciousness and insensitivity to the doctor’s manipulations. In order to maintain the flow of air through the respiratory tract, an endotracheal tube or mask is used.

Endoscopy allows you to stop bleeding in time and treat the operated area with a laser. In order to cut out the overgrown lymphoid tissue, the surgeon uses a circular scalpel or microdebrider - a shaving instrument that is inserted into the nasal cavity up to the nasopharynx and begins to work.

IMPORTANT: Excision of the tonsils is carried out quickly, the total operation time usually does not exceed 20 - 25 minutes.

The child recovers from anesthesia under the supervision of an anesthesiologist for about 30–40 minutes. Then the baby is transferred to the mother’s room. There he rests or sleeps for several hours. The doctor assesses the child's condition, examines him and, in most cases, sends him home.

Laser removal of adenoids in children

Laser adenotomy is performed to remove small adenoids. The essence of the procedure is that instead of a scalpel, the surgeon holds a laser in his hands, the beam of which carries out the necessary manipulations.

Laser removal of adenoids can be coagulation or valorization. In the first case, the growths are removed completely at once, and in the second - layer by layer.

The advantages of the laser adenotomy method include:

  • quick painless recovery after surgery
  • minimal tissue trauma
  • good quality work
  • low chance of relapse

The disadvantage of this type of adenotomy is its low effectiveness for large adenoid growths.

Postoperative period after removal of tonsils and adenoids in children

Postoperative period First of all, it depends on the type of operation performed and on the characteristics of the child’s body. If adenotomy was performed under local anesthesia, the postoperative period, during which medical support and observation will be required, is several hours.

When the operation is performed under general anesthesia, the child recovers from anesthesia and is under the supervision of a doctor until the evening. If there are no complaints or complications, then the little patient is sent home on the same day.

IMPORTANT: The only unpleasant postoperative moment is Great chance The child discharges bloody mucus from the mouth or nose.

It is advisable to follow the home regime for 2 weeks to a month, despite the fact that the child’s condition is completely normalized already on the third or fourth day. Avoid children's groups so much long time necessary to allow children's immunity to fully recover.

For several weeks after surgery, the child is limited to physical activity and are fed mainly with pureed dietary food.

IMPORTANT: After surgery, there may be a slight increase in body temperature, weakness, lethargy and sore throat. But that's it listed symptoms disappear within a few days, and the child continues to live a normal life.

What to do if the temperature rises after adenoid removal in children?

A slight increase in body temperature after surgery (usually from 36.8 to 37.8˚C) is considered normal. If the temperature rises above 38˚C, you should immediately inform the doctor who performed the operation. He will examine the child, determine the cause of the high temperature and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Under no circumstances should you lower your temperature with medications containing aspirin. This drug greatly changes the structure of the blood, thinning it. Offering your child an aspirin tablet can cause severe bleeding. To normalize body temperature and eliminate pain Nurofen (ibuprofen) is used.

IMPORTANT: Treatment of diseases that arose during the postoperative period and are accompanied by an increase in body temperature should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Consequences of removal of tonsils, tonsils and adenoids

The consequences of removing tonsils and adenoids are more positive than negative. The child begins to breathe well through his nose as soon as the swelling subsides, night snoring stops, and apnea recedes. After a few weeks, the nasal tone disappears from the voice.

The number of colds is reduced, and those with which the child does get sick pass quickly and without complications. Otitis and sore throats end. The child attends children's groups without risk short term“catch” another infection.

About the appearance negative consequences Operations can be considered within a two-week postoperative period. At this time, there may be an increase in body temperature, pain and discomfort in the throat, fast fatiguability. If the operation was performed under local anesthesia, and the child is very frightened, he may wake up at night and cry for some time.

Varvara: Last week my daughter (4.5 years old) had her adenoids and part of her tonsils removed. The operation took place under general anesthesia. It all started when my daughter’s hearing began to deteriorate. When we got an appointment with an ENT specialist, I was dumbfounded. Based on the results of the audiogram, he determined that hearing was impaired due to the constant presence of water in the ears. If you do not undergo urgent surgery to remove the adenoids, the situation may worsen until complete hearing loss. In addition, after suffering from a sore throat at the age of 2, my daughter’s tonsils became greatly enlarged and remained that way forever. They almost completely blocked the gap in the throat. The doctor decided to also perform a partial tonsellotomy. The operation went quickly and without complications. The anesthesiologist brought my daughter to the ward on a gurney and talked about the peculiarities of recovering from anesthesia. My daughter just slept for a few hours, then woke up and asked for a drink. While she was recovering from anesthesia, the anesthesiologist and the doctor who performed the operation kept popping into the room. They completely monitored the child’s condition and made recommendations. In the evening we were allowed to go home. Already on the first night after the operation, my daughter breathed very quietly in her sleep. I was even scared. I listened to her breathing all the time. For several days after the operation, on the doctor’s recommendation, I gave my daughter Nurofen syrup for pain relief. The temperature at this time increased slightly, to 37.5 °C. I really hope that after this operation my daughter will stop getting sick as often as she did before.

Marina: At the age of 5, my daughter spoke very poorly. Despite the fact that she chatted constantly, it was almost impossible to make out the words. On the advice of a friend, I turned to an ENT specialist, who explained to me that our problems with speech arose due to enlarged adenoids. The doctor recommended adenotomy. We passed the necessary tests and went for surgery. Anesthesia was general. I was immediately very worried about this, but subsequently I never regretted the decision to have the operation under general anesthesia. The daughter didn’t even understand where she was and what was happening to her. The postoperative period was easy and quick. I did not notice any negative consequences of anesthesia.

Katya: My son’s adenoids were removed under local anesthesia at the age of 9. Before this, I often suffered from colds and snored heavily at night. The operation was not complicated, after 2 hours we were allowed to go home. The son did not cry, although he understood well where and why we were going. After the operation, the constant nasal congestion disappeared, and my son stopped getting sick. I am very glad that we finally had the operation. My only regret is that I didn’t decide on this earlier.

Tonsil removal- a simple surgical operation that is performed on every fourth child. You should not avoid removing adenoids or tonsils if they significantly worsen the child’s health. Only by saving the baby from constant runny nose, colds and otitis media, both parents and child can finally breathe easy.

Video: Should children have their adenoids removed?

In childhood, there is a high probability of developing complications in the throat and nose area. Vegetations of the adenoids remain the most dangerous. As ENT diseases, they can only be treated at certain stages. It is also possible for surgeons to intervene on the advanced stage- third. Surgery to remove adenoids in children can be performed in different conditions, and depending on the method it can have different durations. Postoperative rehabilitation is always necessary.

How to prevent the appearance of adenoids in a child? Many doctors recommend prompt treatment of even mild colds.

Some characteristic manifestations Adenoidal vegetations in children can be prevented by observing the behavior of the child himself. By carefully looking at the behavior of the baby, you can detect symptoms of adenoiditis in the baby. This:

  • Problem breathing through the nose. The child may spend more time with his mouth open; quite often there are cases where he sleeps with a sniffle. Periodic snoring occurs during sleep.
  • The child often asks again - there may be hearing problems. Connections - ear-nose-throat-symptoms cause diseases in a vicious circle, the inflammatory process in one of the links can be transmitted further and the longer this happens, the more difficult it will be to undergo treatment. Children can be registered with an ENT specialist.
  • Rhinitis appears quite often. Nasal discharge in a child without visible signs A cold can also mean the development of tonsil disease, irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. These characteristic features also appear due to the presence of an allergen.
  • Deterioration of the immune system. The child often suffers from ENT diseases that are associated with otitis media, rhinitis or acute respiratory infections. Deterioration in the pronunciation of sounds by a child can be caused by inflammation of the tonsils.

Most often, the manifestation of adenoid vegetations can be caused by the simultaneous presence of several of the listed symptoms. Then you need to undergo examination by a specialist who will advise therapeutic treatment or a series of procedures, you can do them at home.

A doctor may prescribe surgical intervention if there are significant complications or progressive stages of the disease, or if there is no effect after a conservative course. For neglected adenoids in children, surgery will be the last option to remove inflammation.

How is the operation performed?

The development of adenoid vegetations is assessed in three degrees. The first and second degrees can be treated with a simpler conservative method; the symptoms during this period are not so dangerous. A solution is instilled to narrow the blood vessels in the nasopharynx area. Further washing causes a significant reduction of the adenoids themselves to normal size. A product based on collargol or protargol is used - it is worth following all the prescriptions of specialists. Lubricate lymphoid tissues with additional antiseptics. The condition of the mucous membrane at the site of the adenoids after surgery is monitored by an otolaryngologist.

Adenotomy is performed under general or local anesthesia; there are no pain receptors in the organ, but the environment itself can be traumatic. The adenoid is excised with a ring-shaped modification of the scalpel.

With the development of adenoids III degree Operations using endoscopy, laser intervention and radio wave removal are possible. On modern stage Cryotherapy, which is accompanied by the introduction of nitrogen vapor at low temperatures into the nasal mucosa, has become widespread. The use of plant-based homeopathic remedies is also common in treatment.

Laser removal of adenoids in children

When using the classical method of treating adenoids, you may not get the desired result, the symptoms do not disappear, then more modern methods using laser technologies. Laser therapy has become analogous to the use of a hand scalpel in precise surgical interventions. The use of the beam results in minimal tissue incision and low blood loss. Moreover, this operation requires rapid response and the accuracy of the doctors. Both patients and their parents are satisfied with the results of the work. Russian-made lasers can compete in the global laser ENT surgery market. The future result will depend on the choice of the type of beam by a qualified doctor.

Cauterization of small adenoid formations is performed using a special laser. In cases of large vegetation, repeated surgery is possible. Due to repeated operations, the adenoids will be completely removed.

Laser therapy is quite accurate in treating the nasal mucosa and does not involve any complications after surgery. The rehabilitation process goes very quickly. The procedure is more expensive than the traditional mechanical method, but certain cases justified. Therefore, after finding out how much the procedure costs, it is wiser to contact a specialized medical center.

Endoscopy as a remedy against adenoids

This method is used in cases where:

  • The process of breathing through the nose is disrupted
  • Uncaused inflammation of the throat occurs
  • followed by complaints of ear pain
  • There is significant swelling of the adenoids.

In order for the chosen method to be effective, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient. It is required to undergo tests for contraindications and allergic components, know exactly the reaction to the drugs that will be used during surgery. Most often it is performed using lidocaine, a solution for local anesthesia.

The endoscopy procedure itself involves surgically removing the adenoids using a scalpel or using an “electrocoagulative loop.” This is a method of capturing the adenoid itself around with a special device, the “loop” itself is heated to a temperature of no higher than 60 degrees, and thereby reduces the possibility of bleeding during surgery. The swollen adenoids are cut off, and the resulting wound is baked. The advantages of this method of adenoid removal:

  • Low probability of damage to healthy mucosal tissue.
  • Avoid heavy bleeding.
  • The patient does not feel pain due to the low temperature of the working mechanism.
  • The small size of the device helps to carry out a delicate procedure with ease.
  • The time of surgical intervention is reduced to a minimum.

How long does the operation take?

In surgery, the concept of “tonsillotomy” is also used, which may be called removal of tonsils. This is also an intervention for unusual vegetative development of lymph tissues. It is worth noting the fact that sometimes the tonsils are not removed, but they are cut to normal sizes.

However, the adenoids must be completely removed. The operation process lasts no more than 10 minutes, and the duration of the cutting or removal itself is 3-4 minutes. In the case of tonsilotomy, removal takes place in mandatory, the doctor traces the entire process of postoperative rehabilitation of the patient.

Cryotherapy and adenoids

An indispensable tool in modern therapy becomes the use of nitrogen vapor at low temperatures. Cryotherapy is very common and does not require complex surgical operations, its price is affordable. The process uses nitrogen vapor cooled to a low temperature, at which point the vapor becomes a liquid and irrigates the affected adenoid tissue. This simultaneously causes a stimulating effect on the child’s immune system.

The advantage of using cryotherapy is that there is no need for the services of an anesthesiologist, the operation is completely painless. After the intervention, the patient’s well-being does not deteriorate. Body temperature does not change. It is also characteristic that the healing process takes place without scars and does not last long. During the operation, which is called “Dragon Breathing,” the patient exhales nitrogen vapors like a dragon and the session is not painful for him.

When frozen, adenoids can increase in size, and they are destroyed; cryotherapy becomes cryodestruction. Partial loss of adenoids is possible even during the operation. This procedure can be carried out in several stages. An additional check of the respiratory system takes place: is there any noticeable relief in the child himself.

Strengthens the immune system, its activity in the fight against viruses and pathogenic bacteria increases. The process of rapid neutralization of viruses occurs; they do not have time to develop in the body.

Cryotherapy is prescribed for children over two years of age. After the operation, auditory and respiratory processes significantly improve, headaches go away, and the child’s pronunciation of sounds improves. Hardening the patient is considered useful and later he does not get colds so often.

The advantage of cryotherapy is that it can be used at any time of the year and is not affected by allergenic factors.

Child after surgery

The postoperative period progresses according to individual characteristics child. After removal of the adenoids, physical work or other types of stress should be avoided. Replace physical education lessons with special exercises prescribed by the treating specialist, who will observe the child until complete recovery.

Food should also be chosen that is not rough and not very hot. You need to take more liquid food, fresh grated foods that are rich in vitamins of all groups. After surgery to remove adenoids, a special diet is required, but this will not last longer than two weeks.

Doctors prescribe special antiseptic aerosols and drops, and breathing exercises. Swimming is possible in warm, but not hot water. Postoperative wounds heal completely by the 10th day and subsequent examination by a doctor can be carried out. A month that has passed safely after adenotomy means that the disease has been defeated.

There is an opinion that recurring sore throats can only be dealt with through surgery. How true is it?

Consults with Candidate of Medical Sciences, chief physician medical center "Guta Clinic" in Moscow, otorhinolaryngologist-surgeon Oleg Aleksandrovich Merkulov.

- Is surgery really the only cure for sore throats?
- I would not say so unequivocally. Because in some cases, surgery is a necessary measure that solves the problem once and for all. In others, it is only one of the possible ones, since there are many simpler and gentler methods.

The last statement refers to a mild, or compensated, form of chronic tonsillitis. With it, the structure of the palatine tonsils changes, local immunity is partially disrupted, but this form of the disease does not cause any special problems. Although sometimes you may experience discomfort in your throat. Many people describe this condition as “something that hurts or makes it difficult to swallow.” Another nuance - colds and other viral diseases are more common.

In this situation, conservative treatment methods help well. There are a lot of them now: various washes, rinses, medications, physiotherapy. Your doctor will determine which one is right for you.

But in any case, tonsillitis, even in a mild form, always requires attention. And he doesn’t like being forgotten about for a long time or ignored altogether. Therefore, regular - once every six months - examinations and seasonal preventive courses are simply necessary.

- All the methods you named are quite traditional. What do you think about manual therapy, which is sometimes used for chronic tonsillitis?
- All methods of reflexology, including manual treatment, are based on the fact that the human body is something unified and integral. And the impact on one organ necessarily affects others. It is believed that certain manipulations on the spine allow you to improve the condition of everything breathing apparatus. And, of course, the functions of the palatine tonsils.

This point of view has a right to exist, but only as one of the alternative treatment options. It can be considered as an additional method, and not at all the main one. Still, the palm in the fight against tonsillitis remains with conservative and surgical approaches.

- In what cases is surgery preferred?
- When chronic tonsillitis passes from a mild form to a more severe, decompensated one.

In this case, the body can no longer cope with the problem on its own, and difficulties begin. One of the most characteristic is recurrent sore throats: one or two per year for the last 3-4 years. You should be wary if a high temperature rises during illness and the recovery period is prolonged. And then for 2-3 weeks there is weakness and a general loss of strength.

All this suggests that the situation has become more complicated. The tonsils begin to show their “tough temperament” and from the organs immune defense become a source of chronic infection. Bacteria that have already settled in the tonsils, with such powerful support, dare to become overtly aggressive. And they actively spread throughout the body.

If they are not stopped in time, then later they will have to deal with more serious problems. Currently there are about 100 known various diseases, which largely owe their origin to chronic tonsillitis.

It promotes the development of dermatoses and worsens the course of existing diseases, in particular psoriasis. Very often, especially in women, it leads to serious joint damage: arthritis, polyarthritis, dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus. Chronic tonsillitis can provoke eye diseases. For example, the well-known myopia often arises thanks to it.

Sometimes neuroendocrine disorders occur against its background: obesity, weight loss, problems with appetite, thirst, hyperhidrosis, menstrual irregularities, decreased sexual potency. You can continue for quite a long time, the essence remains the same. Chronic tonsillitis is a serious problem that requires a solution.

The most correct thing in this case is to have an operation. Tonsillectomy, or removal of the tonsils, helps get rid of the source of infection and radically change the situation.

But in fairness, it must be said that the operation is justified only when it is carried out strictly according to indications.

- What does it mean?
- As a rule, you can determine the complex form of chronic tonsillitis at the first glance at a sore throat. But the decision to operate must be made on the basis comprehensive research. It includes a consultation, a visual examination by a doctor and a number of laboratory tests. This general analysis blood, test for the presence of antistreptolysin O, study of rheumatoid blood factor and C-reactive protein.

If all changes visible to the eye are confirmed by the data of the tests performed, then there are indications for surgery. If the tests do not reveal any pathology, then you can be content with conservative methods.

You need to be especially careful when diagnosing and deciding on surgery with children. Their tonsils have a slightly enlarged, altered shape, and this is quite normal. Therefore, you can be deceived and make the wrong diagnosis.

And surgery in childhood is generally undesirable. Since the palatine tonsils are very important immunoprotective organs. And it is not recommended to remove them at this age, so as not to expose the immune system to unnecessary stress.

- But what about the widespread opinion that if a child is often sick, then in childhood it is necessary to remove the tonsils and adenoids?
- The situation with adenoids is completely special. In some cases, cutting them out is simply necessary, but that's a separate conversation.

With the tonsils, or, scientifically, the palatine tonsils, everything is different. If earlier they really advised to get rid of them, now views on this problem have changed. Children can undergo surgery only after puberty, for girls it is 12-16 years old, for boys - 14-18. And, of course, as in the case of adults, only according to indications.

- There is an opinion that if a person has chronic tonsillitis and asthma, then it is better to have an operation. Regardless of what form the disease takes?
- There is indeed data confirming this opinion. It has been proven that chronic tonsillitis in an asthmatic can provoke the appearance of cross allergies or aggravate an existing disease. This happens because an infection constantly lives in the body, which at some point begins to negatively affect the immune system. He is already constantly under tension, and now there is an additional burden. It cannot stand it and fails - the course of asthma worsens or a new allergic reaction appears.

But surgery is not necessary here. If chronic tonsillitis is mild, then simply keeping the situation under control is enough. Get tested regularly and undergo seasonal preventive treatment courses. The operation in this case is considered as a possible, but not necessary measure. It can be carried out with a view to the future, so that there are no exacerbations in the future.

If an asthmatic has severe chronic tonsillitis, then there is only one option - surgical treatment. Otherwise, serious problems cannot be avoided.

- Another opinion: nulliparous women chronic tonsillitis can lead to infertility. Is it so?
- There is no direct dependence here. It can hardly be said that a sore throat affects a woman’s ability to get pregnant and give birth to a child.

However, in those who suffer from infertility, a thorough examination often reveals tonsillitis. The thing is that the presence of an infection in the body, as in the case of asthma, intensifies the problems that already exist. As they say, “where it’s thin, it breaks.”

If a woman already has some gynecological difficulties, which she may not know about for the time being, then they may appear against the background of throat problems. By the way, this happens not only with chronic tonsillitis, but also in other cases when an infection settles in the body for a long time. For example, with caries or sinusitis.

The algorithm of action is simple - if such a problem exists, it must be solved without delay.

- And if you still have to have an operation, what should you know about it?
- It is carried out in the postmenstrual period, before and during critical days it is not advisable to do it. The operation itself lasts 3-40 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia. After it, you need to spend 2-3 days in the hospital.

Painful sensations persist for another three days, by the 4-5th day the condition improves.

- Are there any contraindications? I read that surgery cannot be performed in acute forms of renal failure or severe forms of diabetes.
- There are no direct contraindications, there are only general rules. As with any other surgical treatment, it is undesirable to perform surgery during an exacerbation of the disease. First you need to normalize the condition, achieve a stable situation, and then perform the operation. This applies to everyone chronic diseases, including kidney failure and diabetes.

The same is true with infectious diseases - acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza. Even a common runny nose is a good reason to postpone treatment.

There is no point in taking risks if a woman is carrying a child. Either perform the operation before pregnancy or after the breastfeeding period ends.

- How should you behave after the operation? Are any examinations or lifestyle restrictions required?
- After some time - when exactly, the doctor will prescribe - you need to conduct a follow-up examination. But this is a purely formal measure, because after the operation all problems disappear and never return. And, as practice shows, people simply forget the way to the doctor.


Hmm... I didn't know what I would mean. I like to drink chamomile, hibiscus tea, and chamomile with mint... But you must admit, no matter what folk remedies are, they are suitable for prevention, but when the first symptoms of a cold appear (even a slight sore throat), I take Septolete lozenges. Anesthetizes and eliminates redness.

Comment on the article "Recurring sore throats"

Removal of tonsils from an adult aunt. Tips, recommendations. Medicine and health. Removal of tonsils from an adult aunt. If anyone has had the experience of removing tonsils in an adult, it was less than an hour, for sure. my son had his adenoids removed, and my roommate had his tonsils removed. after...

Removal of adenoids and trimming of tonsils. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visits. My Romka was scheduled for surgery in November to remove the adenoids and partially trim the tonsils. We will remove it in Morozovskaya, at...


Hello. Be sure to remove. the adenoids. After the operation, the child will feel better. I had my 4-year-old son's adenoids removed, went and had his mendalines cut off. Everything is fine. I was more afraid, like you. But it was all in vain!!! Everything will be fine. But not stick with it.

04/18/2018 10:59:44, Verochka.

DEAR GIRLS! Thank you! Until 3 am I read about anesthesia, surgery, etc. I calmed down with your advice, then I read on a popular medical thread that it turns out that for us moms this is an operation, in ENT surgery it has ceased to be an operation, it is just manipulation, and anesthesia is a relief.
The exact date of the operation has not yet been set; at the end of October there will be a schedule of operations for November and there will be a distribution of payers immediately. The queue for free at the end of April is terrible...(((((and even if it weren’t critical to wait, the asking price is like 25-30 thousand. Therefore, on Monday I’ll run for directions for an ECG, tests, etc.

Are tonsils adenoids? It is necessary, of course, to look at the child, the severity and frequency of ENT diseases. I first showed mine with a referral from the ENT specialist to the head of the department at the hospital, she said that there is no need to remove it. And so the operation is bloody and fraught with relapses.


Positive result there will be, of course. There will be no tonsillitis, since tonsils are needed for it to occur. Well, what kind of torment? This is a simple operation. For the rest of my life chronic pharyngitis, that’s how it is for me anyway.

We have this problem now. Anya fell ill with purulent tonsillitis for the fourth time in a row in two months; she is now being treated in a hospital, since the pathogen is sensitive only to reserve group antibiotics. The ENT specialist categorically insists on a tonsillectomy, but for this you need to have at least some clear interval after the sore throat, and a week after stopping the antibiotic, she starts again.
I don’t recommend anything, just a personal cry. Until this summer, she had not suffered from sore throats at all.

Tell me, removal of tonsils and adenoids. Need some advice. Pediatric medicine. Adenoids grade 2, tonsils are loose and large, chronic. tonsillitis, without angina form. I have never had a sore throat, but the rate is always 37.2 and the cervical lymph nodes are enlarged. There is often swelling in the nose, mucus flows...

Who cut out the adenoids + trimmed the tonsils? Diseases. Pediatric medicine. Child health, illnesses and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. Who cut out the adenoids + trimmed the tonsils? We are undergoing surgery to remove the adenoids and trim the tonsils.


We only removed the adenoids, but that day we removed the adenoids and trimmed the tonsils of another child. We were discharged the next day, but they were still left. I talked with the mother of that child, one said that my throat hurt very much, they gave me Nurofen.
And the day before our operation, 2 in 1 was given to the boy, so he was discharged the next day. But his mother is a doctor, maybe she took him herself, but I saw this baby, playing cheerfully with other children. Apparently everyone reacts differently.

When I was 6.5 years old, such an operation was performed in Filatovka, under general anesthesia. The first day after the operation I really complained that my throat hurt, I even cried... On the second day it was already easier, and on the third everything went away.

Glands and adenoids. Dear mothers, please advise anyone who has experience. My son (3.5 years old) was prescribed removal of his tonsils and adenoids. Since he was three months old, he had been constantly catching colds, sniffles, coughing, and this is the result: everything is so inflamed that at night, not only through the nose, but also through the mouth, he can’t breathe.


My baby has adenoids. But the ENT specialist does not advise us to operate, because in 70% of children under 5 years of age, after removal of the adenoids, they grow again. The doctor’s recommendations are not to overcool, do not feed ice cream, and harden them at sea in the summer. As for the tonsils, it is more complicated. Think before you operate. There are a lot of “+” and a lot of “-”. Inflamed tonsils are a constant source of infection. The whole body suffers from a sore throat. And first of all the heart.
My husband had it removed in childhood, and I have always had chronic tonsillitis (there were also indications for removal, but my IAIA was afraid). As a result, my husband “gets” a sore throat five times more often than I do, and gets sick more severely.

In general, I will completely rely on the doctor and on the good outcome of the operation. Then I’ll tell you what and how.

On Tuesday, the child had his adenoids and partially tonsils removed. Removal of adenoids and trimming of tonsils. Girls, I ask for advice and moral support. As for anesthesia, yours will be given a light mask, two hours after the operation you won’t even remember about it.


Recently my daughter and I were hospitalized with otitis media. In the ward with us was a 6-year-old boy whose adenoids and tonsils were removed. He slept well, but snored very heavily. White plaque- its from liquid nitrogen, now the tonsils are not cut out, but burned out. It goes away gradually. His throat hurt and he barely ate for several days. But they sprayed something down the throat once or twice a day, went to the nurse’s station and sprayed it there. They didn't do anything else. For several days the boy was lethargic and in no mood, last days ran around like crazy (they lay there for 7 days)

From the words of friends (I haven’t personally encountered it) - it’s not normal. When a tooth is removed, the wound surface is treated with antibiotics, and in case of complications, they are given something to drink. The temperature is? If it’s normal, then I don’t know. If it’s elevated... 4-5 years ago, my son fell ill on Saturday with something with a rash. I called an ambulance, asked for an infectious disease specialist (you can call and ask to talk to a specialist), they gave me the phone number. children's emergency room and such a good doctor came across. They then arrived immediately.
It’s better to “be on the safe side”... Call an ambulance, ask for an ENT specialist, describe the situation somehow more accurately (less about the hospital doctors, more about the plaque in the throat and the disgusting state of health).

And the question is sore for us too - the child sleeps, snores and snores.

Who removed tonsils? Diagnosis. Pediatric medicine. Child health, illnesses and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. We go for washing, warming, etc. We agreed that if there are no sore throats this year, then there is no need to remove the tonsils.


As someone who had her tonsils removed on April 25, 2006, at the age of 33, and who has talked a lot with great ENT specialists, I say (and I’ve had tonsillitis since childhood):
1) If it affects the heart, joints, kidneys, then it’s not only TIME for you, it’s LONG TIME for you to remove them!!!
2) If you have completed 2 courses of rinsing (with a tonsillor or manually by a doctor), for example, in spring and autumn, or 2 years in a row, and after that the problems return - IT’S TIME TO CUT!!! Such tonsils no longer give a person a drop of immunity, but are only a constant source of infection that ruins the body (staphylococcus sits there permanently, poisoning the child with waste from activity and infecting other organs).
I took care of them, took care of them - the result: pyelonephritis, arrhythmia.. The girl with me (26 years old) got to have them cut out only when she developed daily allergic swelling of the larynx and face (6 hormone tablets a day, so as not to suffocate). We were examined at the Institute of Immunology, and the diagnosis was an allergy to decay products from the same staphylococci that live in diseased tonsils. She was immediately brought under the knife to the ENT department...
3) Compare for yourself: I (an adult) was under anesthesia for 1.5 hours, then spent 6 days in the hospital and another 2 weeks at home. And children 5-6 children (with me) came with their mother, 20 minutes of anesthesia, 2 hours later an examination by an ENT specialist and - home today, at home for no more than a week. Feel the difference, don’t feel sorry for the child to cut now, then it will be worse for him... how I died from mixed anesthesia for an hour and a half, who would have known - all my bones ached for 3 days. And the kids jumped after 20 minutes of crying and 1 hour of sleep. They (tonsils) are still small, they were cut off - that’s all. And they had already excised my long-term scars, I even had to stitch them up - the blood was gushing out so much (said the doctor, professor).
4) How many obscenities I sent to my parents, who did not operate on me on time, and to myself, who was waiting for it to get too hot - I can’t express it!!! I have one regret - that I didn’t do this earlier. By the way, 4 of my friends who already had their tonsils cut out as adults say the same thing - from 8 to 5 years ago (that is, they have already felt the effect). No one started getting sick with bronchitis or pneumonia (as opponents of tonsil removal often frighten - I was among them for many years), on the contrary - everyone practically stopped getting sick even with acute respiratory infections!!!

05/21/2006 13:00:39, umklaidet

The tonsils are removed only if chronic tonsillitis (tonsillitis) has already begun to affect the functioning of the heart and rheumatism develops. This can happen at any age, but according to statistics, after 40 years, sore throats occur less frequently. So there’s definitely no need to rush.


Under no circumstances should the tonsils be removed. I myself suffer from tonsillitis and pharyngitis, so I know what it is. I'm seeing Burdenko. There the doctor showed me the consequences of removing the least frequent bronchitis, at the maximum - in general, I will not scare you, but I will only advise you to treat the child thoroughly, and not try to get rid of the problem with a knife. After all, tonsils are nothing more than the same lymph nodes that are responsible for purifying the blood. You may be prescribed physiotherapy. You can subscribe to the removal of tonsils only in severe forms of heart complications, rheumatism

It’s not true, we’re collecting tests :) We will all have adenoids and tonsils together. But the tonsils will not be completely cut, they will only be trimmed a little.