The cat is constantly sneezing and her eyes are watery. What to do if your cat sneezes and his eyes water? Medications for the treatment of tearing in cats

Love to for a pet, whether it is a cat or a Madagascar cockroach, is always accompanied by worries about its well-being and health. Many people often become wary when they notice that a cat’s eye is watering, and begin to assume the worst - conjunctivitis or rare cat disease brain What to do if you furry friend Are your eyes wet?

Let's keep calm! The situation when a cat's eye waters is widespread and - good news- in most cases is not associated with serious pathologies. Therefore, you should not run after your pet to look for tears. Danger only exists if similar condition has become chronic and/or is accompanied by other alarming symptoms.

Why are our little brothers crying?

The reasons why an animal’s eyes water can be divided into two groups - safe (lack of disease) and pathological. The peculiarity of the latter is the presence of additional alarming symptoms.

When you don't need to worry

  • If the cat has one eye watering for the first time and not too much. Most likely, dust, dirt, and lint got there. Given the lifestyle of these animals, this happens often. For example, the cat’s fur may accidentally get on the mucous membrane.
  • If we're talking about about a small kitten (up to 4 weeks old). Children's eyes often water. This is due to the fact that the animal cannot yet independently monitor its hygiene, as well as its reaction to lighting (remember infants - they also have this problem).
  • In some breeds (for example, sphinxes and Persian cats) anatomical features eye (their large sizes, wide projection) contribute active work lacrimal glands. There is nothing you can do about it, you can only pay attention additional hygiene animal - ensure removal heavy discharge to avoid their accumulation. By the way, there are special wet wipes on sale for caring for the eyes of pets of these breeds.
  • If a cat's eye is swollen and watery for several days, the cause may be associated with conjunctivitis - a disease caused by irritation of the organ of vision by dust, household chemicals, or decorative cosmetics(eau de toilette, deodorant). Acute form Conjunctivitis is accompanied by weakness of the animal and redness of the eyeball.

Read also:

  • When to spay a cat?
  • A cat is walking: how to calm the animal and what to do

More serious problems

  • If your cat has snot and watery eyes, this could be a sign of a common cold. If your pet also sneezes or suffers from apathy, then most likely this is the reason.
  • The organ of vision may become watery as a result of mechanical shock. If your pet has recently gotten into a fight with friends or had an unfortunate fall, then you should examine the animal’s head. If there is damage to the back of the head, jaw or ears, tear production may be additional manifestation injuries.
  • Presence of fleas and worms. Haven't checked in a while? Go to the vet immediately! Especially if tearing is accompanied by scratching of the animal, excessive friction against furniture or the owner.
  • Infectious diseases. If a cat often comes into contact with other cats and periodically goes outside, then infection, fungus or dysbacteriosis cannot be ruled out. "Crying" may be one of the symptoms. If your cat has watery eyes, discharge Brown of these, in 90% of cases they indicate an infection (most likely, they have a purulent composition).
  • Microtraumas on the surface of the organ of vision. If they are present, the eye will water very much (usually one). If this problem has not disappeared after a couple of days, you need to see a doctor for an examination: it is impossible to examine the damage yourself.
  • Allergy. Sensitizing substances for animals can be food, household cosmetics, household chemicals, flower pollen - in general, everything is like in humans. Only a veterinarian can identify the allergen. Therefore, if a cat is sneezing and its eyes are watery, how to treat this condition can only be understood after analysis for allergic reactions.
  • Often accompanied by excessive tearfulness tear ducts. It could be congenital pathology or acquired - due to mechanical damage or poor hygiene, previous cold or infection. Obstruction can only be corrected through surgery.
  • The special shape of the eyelids may cause them to roll up. This is accompanied by irritation of the surface of the eyeball by the cilia. In this case, surgery cannot be avoided either.

Action tactics

If your pet is seen crying, there is no need to panic. Instructions for solving the problem:

  1. Observation. We evaluate the frequency of symptom manifestation. If the animal feels normal, you can wait a day.
  2. If after 24 hours the problem has not been resolved, we examine the cat’s head for abrasions and bruises. If they are absent, we look at the nature of the discharge (is there pus), check whether the eyes are swollen, whether additional symptoms described above.
  3. If the tears do not disappear, and especially if the poor condition of your furry friend worsens, a visit to the veterinarian is necessary.


It is impossible to prevent this problem 100% from occurring, since its cause may be related to circumstances beyond our control. To try to minimize its risk, you must:

  • monitor animal hygiene. It is important to remove discharge from the eyes and prevent their accumulation (this can cause inflammation and infection) by treating with a special liquid. You can find out about it from the pet store seller;
  • prevent hypothermia, do not let the animal out onto a cold balcony or outside in damp and frosty weather;
  • visit the veterinarian periodically (prevention never hurts anyone);
  • if the cat has long wool, you need to trim it a little: coarse hair can get into the eye and damage its membrane.

Hello Vasily!

Infectious rhinotracheitis of cats- acute and chronic contagious disease characterized by fever, catarrh upper respiratory tract and eye damage.

The disease is more often observed in spring and autumn.

All breeds of cats are affected, regardless of age, but young ones are much more sensitive. Morbidity reaches 50%, mortality - 5-10%.

The source of the infectious agent is sick and recovered cats, which secrete the virus for 9-19 months after recovery. The virus is released through nasal secretions, discharge from the eyes, milk, urine, and feces. Transmission factors can be contaminated air, food, care items, vehicles, as well as people who have had contact with sick animals. Clinical signs.


Incubation period (the period from the moment the virus enters the body until the manifestation of clinical signs) lasts 2-10 days. Typical symptom the animal is depressed, accompanied by sneezing, body temperature often rises to 40˚C and above, eye damage is observed with swelling of the conjunctiva and regular transparent discharge.

In the second stage of the disease, discharge from the eyes and nose becomes profuse and often purulent. The cough gets worse, and the accumulation of secretions in the throat sometimes leads to blockage and vomiting. Possible drooling, ulceration of the mucous membrane oral cavity. Often the animal stops taking food and fluids, which leads to dehydration.

Recovery occurs within 7-10 days from the onset of the disease. Mortality despite severe course illness, low; The exception is kittens or weakened animals.

In older cats, the disease progresses more favorably and is usually accompanied by only one symptom - rhinitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity).


Treatment of sick animals is carried out individually, taking into account the clinical signs of the disease. First of all, it is necessary to ensure free breathing through the nose, especially with heavy serous or purulent discharge, and treatment of the eyes. Antibiotics are prescribed at the same time wide range actions in order to prevent the proliferation of opportunistic microflora living on the mucous membranes of the cat’s respiratory organs and eyes.

To eliminate dehydration, various fluids and electrolytes are used. Vitamins A, B and C ensure the vitality of the body. Multivitamin preparations are indicated.

Apply symptomatic remedies: drugs that support heart function, mucolytics (sputum thinners) and expectorants.

Among the specific agents for treatment and prevention, domestic polyvalent immunoglobulin against panleukopenia is used, infectious rhinotracheitis and calcivirosis of cats "Vitafel". Vitafel creates passive immunity within 2 weeks, but its effectiveness has not been proven. Immunomodulators can be used.

TO specific prevention includes vaccination.

It also cannot be ruled out that in in this case all symptoms are simply related to inflammatory process upper respiratory tract and conjunctivitis. In this case, light antibiotics and eye drops will lead to your pet’s recovery.

Diseases such as immunodeficiency and feline leukemia cannot be ruled out (see article "Some dangerous diseases cats")

Many owners often wonder why their cat sneezes and his eyes water. Some consult a veterinarian, others try to overcome it on their own by washing eyeball herbal or tea infusions, while others hope that it will go away on its own.

Often the owner still pays attention to the fact that the animal is sneezing. If it sneezes due to dust particles getting into the nasal passage, then there is no need to worry. But when a runny nose and sneezing become permanent, it is necessary to figure out why the animal is sneezing and eliminate the disease.

Tears in animals perform a protective function, which is similar to the processes occurring in humans. Tears appear if dust or speck gets in. This normal phenomenon. But if the cat behaves restlessly and the flow of tears continues for a sufficient time, then this process must be stopped.


What should you do if your cat sneezes and his eyes water?

Watery eyes and sneezing can occur either from ordinary litter or from a serious infection. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is recommended to see a specialist.

The most common reasons why a cat's eyes are watery are:

Allergy. This phenomenon is quite common. Allergic reactions can be caused by various household products, perfumes, deodorants, pollen, mold, and even cat litter.

Happens often baby sneezes on his own fur, falling into different organs. Irritation and fluid discharge from the eyes can be caused by blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes and fleas.

In case of allergies, you need to find sources and methods to eliminate them.

  • Conjunctivitis. Many bacteria and infections can cause inflammation of the organ mucosa. Conjunctivitis is accompanied by itching, the eyelids become swollen, and pus may drain from the eyes. For complex manifestations of this disease a fever may occur. The cat will be weak. There may also be a lack of appetite.
  • Children's age of a cat. Strong discharge Tears are typical for newborn kittens who have opened their eyes for the first time. Usually the mother cat does the washing. But if she is not nearby, then the kitten’s eyes should be wiped boiled water or infusion of weak tea.
  • Breed personality. There are special breeds of cats, such as Persians, Britons and Sphynxes, in which lacrimation occurs due to their anatomical shape of the eyes and structure of the skull. Such animals require careful care.
  • Weakened immunity. Such cats are more often exposed to diseases and infections. Often with the following symptoms: sneezing, coughing, watery eyes. To strengthen the immune system and to never hear the animal sneeze, you should get special vaccinations and monitor the cat’s diet.
  • Infectious diseases. The eyes are watery, the pet is sneezing - all this can occur with the following infections: chlamydia, calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis and others. Some of them are transmitted by airborne droplets, so the owner is at risk of becoming infected. To prevent various infections, and also to avoid identifying the reasons why your friend is sneezing and his visual organs are watery, it is recommended to vaccinate the animal on time.
  • Eye diseases. Of these, glaucoma and cataracts are well known. This is very serious illnesses, which appear due to improper metabolism and can lead to loss of vision in the cat. On early stages The disease is quite easy to recognize. On late stage The cat's vision decreases, the lens becomes cloudy, and lacrimation appears.
  • Helminths. When cats develop worms, vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, and excessive lacrimation are possible.
  • Eye damage. If a cat has an injury in the area of ​​these organs and they are tearing a lot, then it is necessary to inspect this area. If the wound is not severe, then simply treating it with Furacilin solution will help. For severe bruises, you should consult a doctor.

When is help needed?

If the animal following symptoms, then a trip to the veterinarian is required:

  • his eyes are watering;
  • irritation and itching in the area of ​​the visual organ;
  • the eyes became a different color and became cloudy;
  • the animal is very lethargic or, on the contrary, overexcited;
  • available deep wounds and cuts.

The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the right treatment, thanks to which you will not hear or see your baby sneezing or his eyeballs watering.

Treatment options

In response to the question of how to treat a cat’s sneezing at home, either medications or traditional medicine are usually prescribed.

With the help of drugs

When an animal sneezes and its pupils are watery, the doctor suggests treatment with the following means:

  • Anandin. This medicine helps in fast healing wounds and has an antimicrobial effect;
  • Maxidin. Has good immunostimulating properties. May help with inflammation of the eyes and rhinitis;
  • Thymogen. This is a drug that regulates the immune system.

If no positive trends are observed, then, on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision, the following pills should be taken:

  • Naphthyzin. It comes in the form of nasal or eye drops. Has the property of constricting blood vessels and has an antiphlogistic effect;
  • Dioxidine. Used when purulent rhinitis and has disinfectant properties;
  • Derinat. Helps strengthen the immune system, used mainly for rhinitis and conjunctivitis;
  • Nazivin. It comes in the form of drops: both for the nose and for the eyes. Used to reduce inflammation in these areas.

If the cat has a serious illness, then the following medications are prescribed:

  • Drops "Diamond eyes". They have an antimicrobial and restorative effect thanks to components such as chlorhexidine, sodium succinate and taurine;
  • Furacilin. It is contained in the drug "Bars", which fights microbes well. Novocaine, which is part of it, anesthetizes. Prescribed for severe keratitis;
  • “Iris” is the name given to the drops that are used to treat a corneal ulcer. The composition contains the antibiotic gentamicin and many healing elements;
  • To treat inflammation of the conjunctiva, Ciprovet is used, which contains the antibiotic ciprofloxacin.

How to carry out the procedure?

It is very important to hold the cat well with a towel during any medical procedure. Because any flick pet can cause even more harm to him.

How to do it? First you need to prepare the place for burial. It is wiped with a cotton pad pre-moistened necessary solution. Withered purulent discharge soften and are easily removed.

The next step is to take the following steps:

  • prepare medications;
  • pull back the eyelid;
  • instill the drug;
  • after penetration of the medicine, the cat should remain motionless for about 5 minutes for good absorption of the medicine;
  • pet the cat and give him treats.

Traditional methods

If a cat is sneezing and his eyes are watery, then the owner may need folk remedies for his recovery. It is advisable that these measures be agreed upon with a veterinarian.

The following folk methods can be used to treat the fact that a cat is sneezing and his visual organs are watering:

  • Warming up. Place heated salt, collected in a bag, on the cat’s nose.
  • Washing. Prepare a solution of salt or soda, fill a syringe with it and gradually spray it into the nostrils.
  • Burial. Beetroot juice is good for this.

It is important to remember that treatment at home is a long-term process, but not complicated.


To ensure that your cat is less likely to suffer from infectious diseases, you need to keep an eye on him. immune system and get vaccinated on time. Kittens are vaccinated at eighteen months of age at intervals of 2 to 4 weeks.. This helps strengthen the body and prevents illness throughout the year. Adult cats need vaccinations annually. This will make them less likely to sneeze and prevent them from coughing.

Often a large number of pet owners turn to the veterinarian with the question: “The cat’s eyes are watering, what should I do?” Some try their best to help by using various ways starting with wiping strong tea, ending with store-bought drops, while the rest consider this normal, attributing everything to physiology, and do nothing. Is it worth paying attention to this problem, and why the cat’s eyes are watery, we’ll figure it out in this article.

It should be remembered that we are responsible for the one we have tamed, therefore, first of all, you need to contact a veterinarian and not try to help the cat yourself, in order to avoid more serious problems and diseases.

Possible reasons

  1. If you find in the morning that your cat or kitten has accumulated fluid in the corner of its eye, this does not mean anything serious. It all depends on compliance elementary rules hygiene. The animal is not able to look after itself on its own, so it is necessary to wipe its eyes as often as possible with a damp, clean cloth or gauze. In this case, special drops will also help, which will put the cat’s eyes in order.
  2. In small kittens, this problem may arise due to not yet fully developed immunity, as well as due to the lack of necessary vaccinations. That is why they can “walk” and develop in the animal’s body. various kinds viral infections that cause tearing in our furry pets.
  3. Another reason why a cat's eyes water is a disease called entropion. It can only be treated surgically. Tearfulness does not appear from the volvulus itself, but from cracks and microtraumas that appear as a result of this disease.
  4. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye can also lead to “cat crying”. Medical name This disease is conjunctivitis. It is caused by various pathogenic microbes. It can be treated exclusively with medications that must be prescribed by a veterinarian.
  5. Another reason why a cat’s eyes are very watery may be an allergy to various kinds irritants. This can be any cleaning products, washing powder, aerosols, deodorants and much more. Poplar fluff can also cause allergies. In this case, treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and hormonal therapy is most often prescribed.
  6. Viral infections herpesvirus and calicivirus can also cause tearing. Timely vaccination will help to avoid these diseases.
  7. Keratitis (inflammation of the membrane of the eye). The cat's eyes regularly begin to become cloudy, which causes them to water.
  8. Injuries.
  9. Cataracts cause clouding of the lens, which can cause it to appear white. This is the cause of tearing.
  10. Glaucoma, which can lead to blindness.

Symptoms of serious diseases with tearing in cats

  1. Edema or swelling.
  2. The discharge changes from thin to thicker.
  3. Hair loss around the eyes.
  4. Red or brown channel in the corner.
  5. The cat has a runny nose, watery eyes, and itching. At the same time, the pet regularly scratches its face with its paws, further injuring it.
  6. Brown dried discharge inner corner eyes.
  7. Photophobia appears, body temperature rises, and depression is observed.

As the disease progresses, the symptoms worsen each time, and treating it, accordingly, becomes much more difficult.


If a cat's eyes are watery, then the diagnosis in this case should be made by a competent doctor - a veterinarian. The doctor should find out from the owner of the animal how the pet behaved on the eve of the onset of this disease, what it ate, and also be sure to ask about vaccinations.

To identify the causes of tearing in a cat, a swab can be taken from the conjunctival sac and sent for analysis to the laboratory. Based on this, appropriate treatment will then be prescribed.

What to do?

In each specific case, you should act differently, because there are a great many causes of this disease. Therefore, again, the first thing to do is to show the animal to a veterinarian. Only he can deliver correct diagnosis, determine the cause of the cat’s tearing, and also prescribe a treatment that is suitable for your pet.

In some severe cases The cat may be placed in a veterinary hospital for several days. Well, if there is nothing serious, then the doctor will recommend how to properly care for your pet in order to get rid of this problem.

Possible diseases and their treatment

For example, if the doctor notices signs of allergies in your pet, then you will probably be prescribed anti-allergy medications. In most cases, it will be enough to use the medicine only once for it to work for a long time.

If your cat sneezes and his eyes become watery due to an infection, you should immediately consult a doctor. Adult pets tolerate diseases more easily, but if the infection affects little kitten, then this may provoke dangerous diseases, which sometimes lead to the death of the animal, so treatment must be started immediately and in no case should you do it yourself.

Medications for the treatment of tearing in cats

If the doctor finds signs of conjunctivitis in your cat, then most likely treatment will be carried out with the help of antiseptic solutions- the drug "Furacilin" or potassium permanganate, which are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5000.

If a cat's eyes are watery due to swelling and pain, then in this case an injection into the eyeball with a solution of Hydrocortisone and Novocaine is used.

Medicines "Levomycytin", "Sodium Sulfacyl", "Kanamycin", "Sofradex" - aqueous solutions, which are buried in case bacterial conjunctivitis. Basically, 2-3 drops are prescribed 5 times a day in both eyes. These drugs have proven themselves to be excellent.

Surgical intervention

If you get into an animal's eye foreign object, then before removing it, an anesthetic drug should be injected into the eye sac. The eyelids are turned outward and the trapped body is removed using an injection needle, a swab soaked in a solution of sodium chloride (8.5%), or tweezers.

In some situations it will be necessary to surgical intervention. It is needed when the animal has suffered an eye injury, for example, it was hurt on a branch or got into a fight with another cat. If the wound is minor, then in this case you can do it on your own - buy a special ointment at a pet store or wait until the crack heals on its own.

When turning the eyelids, surgical intervention is also used. This operation usually goes well. Before her, the doctor must find out the main reason that caused this disease.

To keep your cat's eyes healthy, you must follow these instructions:

Delete eye discharge only sterile wipes or gauze;

Make sure that the fur does not get into the cat’s eyes;

Before bathing your pet or treating it with insecticides, upper eyelid ointment should be applied;

Once a week it is necessary to wipe the hair around the eyes with solutions to remove stains from tears;

Do not use chamomile infusion for wiping, as many owners do, otherwise it will lead to loss of hair around the eyes.

Regardless of what breed your cat has, if you notice he has tearing, you should urgently find out the cause. Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis in time and prescribe treatment.

Sneezing is a protective process that removes unnecessary substances and components from the upper respiratory tract. However, if the cat sneezes long time, this may be a symptom of a serious illness. From the article you will learn why a cat sneezes and when it needs help.

If dust, pieces of wool or other small substances sneezing occurs on the nasal mucosa. This normal reaction body on irritant. The body thus tries to remove foreign particles and cleanse nasal cavity.

Another natural cause is dry air. Low humidity can cause dry nasal mucosa, which often results in sneezing. A kitten that cannot yet adapt to changes in the external environment reacts especially sharply.

Please note that in case natural causes the cat will lack any other pathological symptoms. In addition, the cat will sneeze periodically, and not constantly.

Video “What to do if your cat sneezes”

In this video, an expert will tell you why a cat might sneeze and how to treat your pet.

Pathological factors

In some cases, sneezing is not only a protective process, but also a symptom of a disease. There can be many reasons for the development of symptoms: viral infections, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, foreign body, allergic reactions and even bronchial asthma.


Allergies are often the cause of prolonged sneezing. Allergic reactions in a cat can develop to food, pollen, house dust, household items. The onset of symptoms is usually associated with seasonality (for plant allergies) or cleaning.

Allergies can be so severe that they interfere with general state pet. In these cases, sneezing occurs many times in a row, the cat's eyes runny and breathing becomes difficult.

Oral problems

Diseases of the teeth and gums can also cause activation protective reflex. Especially it concerns inflammatory diseases: stomatitis, gingivitis.

Besides frequent sneezing, the cat will have bad breath and may refuse to eat. To determine the cause, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the oral cavity.


Systemic infections, both viral and bacterial, can also cause your cat to sneeze. Infectious diseases are accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • intoxication syndrome - the pet is lethargic, weak, drowsy;
  • runny nose - with a viral infection, the snot will be clear, and with bacterial diseases discharge may turn green;
  • With some infections, your cat's eyes may become watery.

At home it is quite difficult to distinguish common cold from a serious infection. Therefore, if the above symptoms appear, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Helminth infection

The presence of polyps in the nasal cavity irritates the mucous membrane and provokes sneezing. Polyps can be identified through a thorough examination of the nasal cavity.

If there are tumors in the nose, in addition to sneezing, the cat may experience difficulty breathing, and the discharge will be bloody.


At bronchial asthma The cat not only sneezes frequently, she also exhibits other symptoms:

  • labored breathing;
  • noises are heard in the distance;
  • the general condition is disturbed.

If you suspect asthma, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

What symptoms should you be wary of?

In some cases, sneezing is not just a symptom of a disease, but indicates dangerous condition, which poses a direct threat to the life of the pet. The presence of the following signs should alert the owner; in these cases, you should immediately contact a veterinarian:

  1. Simultaneously with sneezing nose goes blood.
  2. Nasal discharge is so profuse that it makes breathing difficult.
  3. In addition to sneezing, symptoms of infection are present and the cat's consciousness is impaired.

If at least one symptom appears, you need to seek help; if you do not treat your pet, it may die.

Treatment rules

Sneezing is not a separate pathology, but just a symptom of the disease. How to treat snot and sneezing in a cat depends on immediate cause appearance of these signs:

  1. At bacterial infections antibiotics are used. Antibacterial agents can be either local or systemic action. Local preparations Available in the form of ointments or drops. The ointment should be placed in a thin layer into the nasal cavity, the nose should be cleaned beforehand.
  2. You need to start treating allergies by eliminating the influence of the pathological factor. At food allergies change food if allergic reaction arises on detergents, you need to purchase hypoallergenic ones. If eliminating exposure to the allergen does not help, treatment consists of prescribing antihistamines.
  3. The first thing to do when infected with helminths is deworming.

Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian after examining and examining the pet.

Prevention of violations

In order to prevent the development of pathology, you need to adhere to the following measures:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • carry out timely vaccination and deworming - to prevent the development of viral infections and helminthic infestations;
  • organize proper nutrition for a cat;
  • eliminate exposure to allergens;
  • treat concomitant diseases;
  • undergo regular medical examinations at the veterinarian.

Cure a pet is always much more difficult than preventing the development of the disease. Therefore, the owner needs to take prevention seriously and strictly follow the recommended measures.