Stellanin ointment - reviews and effectiveness of use. Choosing an antibacterial agent: Levomekol or Stellanin Is Stellanin allowed for children?

Stellanin ointment is a drug with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and tissue regeneration improving effects.

Protects the surface of the wound from infections, suppresses the course of the infectious process and promotes healing.

Has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity. The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (staphylococcus), Clostridium dificille, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae (Klebsiella), Streptococcus viridans (streptococcus), Streptococcus haemolyticus, Proteus mirabilis (Proteus), Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli), Neisseria spp. are sensitive to Stellanin; fungi Candida albicans (candida) and some other pathogens.

Active iodine, which is part of the active substance, inactivates bacterial wall proteins and bacterial enzyme proteins, thereby exerting a bactericidal effect on microorganisms. The pronounced antimicrobial effect of the drug prevents wound infection.

Along with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, the ointment has a low osmotic potential, which is especially important in the treatment of dry wounds and those in the third stage of the wound process. The price, reviews and effectiveness of Stellanin ointment in comparison with many analogues allow us to characterize the drug as an inexpensive and effective remedy for the treatment of skin lesions and other indications, especially in combination with Stellanin PEG.

The active substance is 1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide.

Indications for use

What does Stellanin ointment help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Treatment of acute purulent processes (wounds) of the skin and soft tissues (boils, carbuncles, hydroadenitis, phlegmon, abscesses).
  • Additional treatment of purulent complications of postoperative wounds (after excision, coagulation, episiotomy, for the treatment of skin cracks, wounds and sutures).
  • Thermal lesions of the skin and soft tissues of I-III degrees, complicated by an infectious process.
  • Trophic ulcers, bedsores, complicated by an infectious process.
  • Abrasions, cuts, scratches, cracks, scratches.
  • Stellanin drops for oral and topical use:
  • Chronic tonsillitis;
  • Pharyngitis in the acute stage.

Instructions for use of Stellanin ointment, dosage

The ointment is applied in a thin layer of about 1.5-2 mm directly to the wound surface, after which a sterile gauze bandage is applied, or the drug is applied to the dressing material and then to the wound.

The ointment layer should exceed the circumference of the wound by at least 5 mm. According to the instructions for use of Stellanin ointment, the cavities of purulent wounds after surgical treatment are filled with tampons soaked in the drug, and gauze turundas with ointment are inserted into the fistula tracts.

Dressings are changed once every 1-2 days when treating burns and 1-2 times a day when treating wounds and trophic ulcers. With the open method of treating burns, the drug is applied 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the dynamics of wound epithelization.

If the wound is localized in a place that is inconvenient for bandaging, it is permissible to use an adhesive bandage or adhesive bandage.

The daily dose of ointment should not exceed 10 g. The duration of treatment is on average 5 – 15 days.

According to the instructions, for minor skin damage (abrasions, cuts, scratches, cracks, scratches), Stellanin ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected surface twice a day.

The ointment should not be applied to mucous membranes; if it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, rinse with warm water.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Stellanin:

  • in rare cases, allergic skin reactions (itching, skin hyperemia) are possible; if these occur, you should stop using the drug.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Stellanin ointment in the following cases:

  • BPH;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • children under 18 years of age, due to lack of experience in use;
  • acute renal failure;
  • simultaneous treatment with iodine preparations;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Should not be used in combination with other antiseptics containing mercury, oxidizing agents, alkalis and cationic surfactants. An alkaline or acidic environment, the presence of fat, pus, and blood weaken the antiseptic activity.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the use of ointment is possible only if the expected benefit outweighs the possible risks to the fetus.

The use of the drug during breastfeeding is possible only after consultation with a doctor and under his supervision. The ointment should not be applied to the mammary gland area.


Cases of overdose have not been described.

Analogues of Stellanin, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Stellanin ointment with an analogue for the therapeutic effect - these are the following drugs:

  • Miramistin ointment;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Betadion.

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Stellanin, price and reviews do not apply to drugs with similar effects. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Stellanin ointment 3%, 20 g - from 409 to 487 rubles, according to 291 pharmacies.

Store in a cool, dark place out of reach of children. Shelf life – 2 years.

Even the smallest wound can cause a serious infection. Therefore, it is very important to properly treat the damaged area. Serious skin injuries require a special approach. Bedsores, burns, purulent inflammations cannot be treated with bandages alone. It is often necessary to use special ointments. The medicine “Stellanin” has excellent characteristics. Reviews about the medicine can also be heard mostly positive. But it is recommended to use it strictly according to the instructions.

Release form and composition

The medicine "Stellanin" is produced in the form of an ointment for external use. The main active ingredient is diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide. The ointment is packaged in aluminum tubes and packed in cardboard boxes. The main component of the ointment has a regenerative effect. Damaged skin areas are quickly restored.

The drug “Stellanin” is often used together with antibiotics. The composition of the drug does not allow it to fight various bacterial infections. At the same time, the ointment has a gentle effect on the skin. As a result of treatment, scars may even disappear.

Stellanin ointment is available only by prescription. Reviews from experts show that this measure prevents possible self-medication. Patients must use the medication strictly as directed. In order to purchase it at a pharmacy, you must first seek advice from a specialist.

The drug can have a positive effect on the body for much longer if the medicine is stored correctly. Stellanin ointment should not be left in direct sunlight. The medication is stored in a dark place, away from children, at room temperature. There is no need to leave the medicine in the refrigerator.


Before purchasing the medicine "Stellanin", the instructions for use should be studied first. Particular attention should be paid to the indications. The ointment is not used to treat minor scratches and abrasions. Such injuries heal quickly after initial treatment with an alcohol solution or Stellanin ointment can be prescribed for the treatment of trophic ulcers of the extremities, bedsores, first and second degree burns, insect bites, accompanied by severe pain and suppuration.

“Stellanin” (ointment) can also be used in surgery. Reviews from experts show that the drug helps to quickly heal incision areas. The medication can also be used for skin transplantation. To avoid the development of a bacterial infection, therapy also involves the use of antibacterial agents.


Only after consultation with a specialist should you use Stellanin ointment. The instructions list a number of contraindications. These are conditions in which the use of medication is strictly prohibited. The drug cannot be prescribed for thyroid adenoma, acute renal failure, or thyrotoxicosis. Many wounds and abrasions are treated with radioactive iodine. Using ointment together with this substance is strictly prohibited!

The medicine "Stellanin" has age restrictions. The ointment cannot be prescribed to minor patients. Women should use the medicine with caution during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the possibility of absorption of the main component into the blood. You should refrain from using the ointment in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is undesirable to use the drug for people with chronic renal failure.

It is strictly forbidden to apply Stellanin ointment to the mucous membranes. Reviews from patients show that the medicine can provoke the development of a burn. If the medication gets on the mucous membrane of the organs of vision, rinse the eyes thoroughly with plenty of warm water.


It is necessary to correctly apply Stellanin (ointment) to the damaged area. Reviews show that the medication has a positive effect if it completely covers the site of a burn or bedsore. The ointment should be applied in a thick layer. The duration of the course and frequency of application of the ointment may depend on the location of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. To treat mild damage, apply the medication to the sore spot only once a day. The course of treatment can last about a week.

Trophic ulcers and granulating burns are treated in a special way. The ointment is applied completely to the damaged area with a layer of 2 mm and a sterile gauze bandage is applied on top. Dressings are done several times a day. If positive dynamics are noticeable, the dosage of the medicine is reduced. When the damaged area begins to heal, there is no need to use a sterile dressing.

For minor injuries, Stellanin PEG ointment can also be used. Reviews show that the medicine quickly heals minor burns. To improve the process, the drug is applied to the damaged area in a thin layer 1-2 times a day.

Overdose and side effects

Cases of drug overdose were not previously known. Most often, only the necessary part of the ointment is absorbed by the skin. The excess remains. Taking the medicine orally is strictly prohibited. Symptoms of poisoning, such as vomiting, may occur. Treatment of this condition is carried out through gastric lavage. This can be done both at home and in a hospital setting.

Adverse reactions are possible if you are hypersensitive to the drug "Stellanin". The use of the drug must be discontinued if treatment is accompanied by allergic reactions in the form of rashes and skin itching. In rare cases, swelling of the larynx and extremities may occur. Quincke's edema is considered the most dangerous. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to remove the remaining ointment from the skin and call an ambulance.

In rare cases, the use of Stellanin ointment is accompanied by disorders of the nervous system. Headaches and insomnia may occur. If such side effects do not prevent the patient from leading a full life, there is no need to discontinue the medication.

Drug interactions

It is not recommended to use the drug "Stellanin" together with other antiseptic medications. It is also undesirable to use it together with medications containing mercury, alkalis, oxidizing agents and cationic surfactants. Neglecting this rule will lead to a decrease in the bactericidal effect of the drug "Stellanin".

The ointment is available for external use. Therefore, in most cases it can be used in conjunction with any medications that are taken orally. To avoid the development of side effects, it is better to consult a doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to use it together with Stellanin ointment. The instructions for use state that the interaction of these two medications can lead to the development of a severe burn. Treatment of serious skin injuries should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist in a hospital setting.


It is not always possible to purchase the necessary medicine at the pharmacy. The doctor will always be able to tell you what to replace Stellanin with. The ointment has a huge number of analogues - excellent antiseptics at an affordable price. For example, Boro Plus cream is popular. The cost of the medicine in pharmacies does not exceed 150 rubles. The drug can be used to treat cuts, abrasions, minor burns and purulent inflammation of the skin. In addition, the medication can be used to treat acne in adolescence.

Boro Plus cream has a natural base. Therefore, there are practically no contraindications for use. The medicine is not prescribed only to children under three years of age. Pregnant and lactating women should use the medicine with caution. It is not recommended to use the drug for people prone to allergic reactions.

Levomekol is another popular drug that is widely used to treat bedsores, burns and abrasions. The main active ingredient of the drug is chloramphenicol. The ointment is suitable for the treatment of patients with chronic diseases and a tendency to allergic reactions. The medication is not suitable only for people with hypersensitivity. The drug "Levomekol" has no age restrictions. It can even be used to treat newborns, after consulting with a pediatrician.

Many of us, if we have a boil or pustular wounds, are looking for effective antibacterial creams or drugs for treatment. In the pharmacy, to accelerate the healing of wounds, as well as to restore the structures of damaged skin tissue as quickly as possible, they mainly offer to buy Stellanin or cream. Each drug acts simultaneously as a reparative and an antibiotic. These drugs are prescribed for the quick and effective treatment of boils and other festering wounds.

Instructions for use Levomekol

The drug is used to treat boils and other wounds as an effective antibacterial agent. Used to treat mild purulent wounds and the most serious ones. The cream not only quickly draws pus from the wound, but also helps restore the skin.

The composition of the medicine includes:

  1. Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action.
  2. Methyluracil is a drug that stimulates regeneration processes and also improves tissue trophism
  3. Polyethylene oxides are auxiliary substances for faster penetration of the product into the skin and its uniform application.

The combination of such components promotes accelerated healing of wounds and boils.


The ointment has regenerating, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. Quickly penetrates into damaged layers of skin and draws out pus. It has a medium density or homogeneous structure. The medicine is released in dark glass jars, and sometimes in tubes.

Effectively affects E. coli, staphylococcus and other gram-negative microorganisms.

The drug easily penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, regeneration of damaged cells occurs, and then the growth of new ones is accelerated. Wounds, boils and cuts heal much faster, as do scars after surgery.
The effectiveness of this medicine is not affected in any way by the presence of pus or excess dead tissue.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for wounds with mixed infectious pathogenic microflora.

  • Cuts
  • Furuncle
  • Postoperative sutures
  • Inflammatory and purulent diseases
  • Bedsores
  • Eczema
  • Wounds, calluses.

Mode of application

Use – external. The ointment should be applied in a fairly thin layer to the wound, and then tied tightly with a bandage or any other clean material. Treatment can be repeated up to several times a day. Treatment usually lasts from 7 to 10 days, until the wound is completely cleared of pus. It is not recommended to use the treatment simultaneously with other antibacterial ointments.


  • Allergy to any substance contained in the drug
  • Use with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Instructions for use Stellanin

Stellanin ointment is used for weeping, purulent wounds. Has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, restorative effects. Accelerates healing of wounds.
Stellanin contains:

  1. Diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide – a product with regenerating properties
  2. Active iodine - inactivates proteins of bacterial walls.


The ointment effectively suppresses the course of injection processes, provides protection to the skin, rapid healing and complete recovery of the wound.
Stellanin has a wide spectrum of action. The ointment is sensitive to the following bacteria and fungi: Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans, Neisseria spp and other pathogens. The product is available in a convenient form - tubes.

Indications for use

Prescribed for wounds with mixed infectious pathogenic microflora.

  • Furuncle
  • Subcutaneous hematoma
  • Burns
  • Bedsores
  • Scratching, cracks
  • Postoperative wounds
  • Wounds caused by insect bites.

There is practically no absorption of active ingredients, even if the skin is damaged. Side effects are observed extremely rarely, only in the presence of allergic reactions to the constituent components of the drug. Apply a thin layer of ointment to the damaged area of ​​skin.


  • First trimester of pregnancy
  • Kidney diseases in the acute stage
  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • Treatment with iodine preparations
  • Allowed only to persons over 18 years of age
  • Thyroid adenoma
  • Allergic reactions.

Comparisons of two drugs


Both medications have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and restorative effects. Both drugs are prescribed for wounds with mixed infectious pathogenic microflora. Effectively promote healing and regeneration of damaged tissues.


Levomekol is almost 300 rubles cheaper.

Side effects

Both drugs have side effects in the presence of allergic reactions to the constituent components.


The composition of both drugs is completely different. Levomekol contains chloramphenicol, methyluracil, polyethylene oxides, and Stellanin contains only diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide and active iodine. Levomekol is undoubtedly better than Stellanin, because its components ensure faster penetration, which means the wound will heal faster.


Stellanin has many more contraindications than Levomekol. For example, Levomekol can be used by everyone except those who are in the first trimester of pregnancy and who have allergic reactions to the composition of the drug. Stellanin has the same contraindications as Levomekol, but in addition, it cannot be used by those who have thyroid adenoma, acute kidney disease, thyrotoxicosis and who are under 18 years of age.

Regardless of what ointment your doctor prescribes for you, you can be sure that it will effectively cure wounds, burns, and cuts. If you decide to purchase the product yourself at a pharmacy, consult a pharmacist. A specialist will help you make your choice and also tell you which antibacterial ointment is best in each specific case. Read the instructions carefully.

Thanks to their effectiveness and balanced combination of active medicinal components, both products can claim to be present in every home medicine cabinet.

In our country, many innovative enterprises are emerging and developing, which provide good competition in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals to similar enterprises in other countries.

The innovative medical company "Pharmpreparat" has developed a unique product that has wound-healing and regenerating, as well as immunostimulating properties - Stellanin.

This drug has a combined anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and regenerative effect.

A specially developed formula of the drug helps reduce healing time several times.

In this way, the fastest possible effect of regeneration of skin and tissue in the body is achieved, regardless of the depth of damage.

Instructions for use

Stellanin especially helps people in that category whose restorative properties of the body are slowed down or impaired: the elderly, patients with diabetes, in the postoperative period, bedridden patients.


In addition to everyday cuts, abrasions and scratches, Stellanin is used as a wound healing agent that restores the skin structure in the most serious cases:

Composition and release form

Stellanin is available in the form of ointments and drops for internal and topical use.

The ointment contains the active substance diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide. Additional substances: dimexide, petroleum jelly, glycerol, povidone.

The medicine is available in 20 g tubes, which are packaged in a cardboard box.

Stellanin drops also contain the active ingredient diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide.

The drops are available in darkened 25 ml bottles, packaged in a cardboard box.

Ointment. A thin layer of ointment is applied to the wound and covered with a gauze bandage. You can directly soak the bandage in ointment and apply it to the wound. The peculiarity of the application is that the wound completely or beyond (half a centimeter for granular wounds and burns) must be covered with ointment. If the purulent wounds are deep, they are completely filled with a loose bandage soaked in ointment.

If it is not possible to bandage the wound, you should not resort to using adhesive tape or similar adhesive materials. It is recommended to change the bandage twice a day.

Apply minor wounds (scratches, abrasions, light cuts) twice a day. The amount of ointment used per day is no more than 10 grams. Use the drug until complete healing.

Drops. Use internally. Dilute 50 drops of the drug in a quarter glass of water at room temperature to obtain a solution. Before taking the medicine, gargle with Stellanin solution.

Half an hour before meals, take 1 g of the drug 2-3 times a day. Do not eat before taking the medicine. Without exceeding the daily dose (3 ml), take the drug for up to 10 days.


  • oxidizing agents, alkalis;
  • antiseptics;
  • containing mercury.

If there is blood in the wounds, the effect of the drug weakens. Drops should not be used in parallel with other medications or in combination with iodine therapy with radioactive iodine.

Side effect

In rare cases, redness of the skin and itching may occur. If such a reaction occurs, it is recommended not to use the drug again. Drops can sometimes cause insomnia and tachycardia.


  • women in the first stage of pregnancy (first trimester);
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • patients with acute kidney pathology (severe renal failure),
  • patients with a tumor or hormonal disorders of the thyroid gland.

In the presence of chronic renal failure, the medicine should be used under the supervision of a physician.

During pregnancy and lactation

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and during lactation, the drug should be used with caution.

The ointment must not be applied to the mucous membranes of tissues! If the drug gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, they must be rinsed with plenty of water.

Storage conditions and periods

The storage location should be out of reach of children, dry and dark.


In Russia the price range of the ointment is from 380 rubles to 500 rubles.

In Ukraine- from 370 hryvnia to 530 hryvnia.

The cost of drugs in pharmacies is determined by regional authorities and should not exceed the established maximum, so the price fluctuates within the average value.


According to indications for use, analogues do not differ from the original drug: they may contain additional components and have similar properties.

However, the specially developed formula of the molecular component of Stellanin has no analogues yet. Drugs that have wound healing properties:

  • Betadine (ointment). Manufacturer: Hungary. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The active ingredient is iodine.
  • Bepanten (ointment). Manufacturer Germany. The ointment has a regenerating effect. The active substance is dexpanthenol.
  • Brownodin B. Brown (solution). Manufacturer Germany. Has antiseptic properties. The active substance is povidone-iodine.

Analogues effectively cope with the problem of tissue regeneration, however, clinical studies have shown that Stellanin copes with it faster and better.

Stellanin ointment contains components with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The drug improves skin regeneration processes, which leads to rapid restoration of damaged tissue. Instructions for use of the ointment indicate the possibility of its use both for the treatment of minor scratches and for the healing of extensive bedsores and ulcers. In practical surgery, in addition to Stellanin, the ointment Stellaninpeg 3 20.0, which is similar in properties and medicinal base, is used.

Composition and pharmacological action of Stellanin ointment

One hundred grams of ointment contains 3 grams 1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide– the main active ingredient. The ointment also contains auxiliary components - dimexide, povidone and polyethylene oxide.

The pharmacological activity of the drug Stellanin is explained by the properties of 1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide:

  • Active diethylbenzimidazolium iodine inactivates the enzyme proteins of bacteria and proteins contained in the walls of these microorganisms, which provides a bactericidal mechanism of action.
  • Osmotic potential, that is, the ability to draw liquids. This property of the ointment is used in the healing of wounds with purulent discharge.
  • Acceleration of physiological regeneration of damaged tissues. A study of the drug showed that applying the ointment increases the number of fibroblasts in the wound by 7.5 times.

The use of ointment prevents infection of the wound surface, which allows you to bypass the stage of inflammation. This leads to the fact that the wound quickly heals and the acceleration of the cell regeneration process prevents the formation of scar tissue.

Stellanin PEG ointment, like regular Stellanin, does not have a systemic effect. The components of the drug do not penetrate into the general bloodstream even if the medicine is applied to an open wound surface. Despite this, the therapeutic effect remains at the site of application for a long time.

Indications for use

Instructions for use of Stellan ointment indicate several pathological conditions in which the use of this drug is justified, these are:

  • Acute purulent processes of soft tissues and skin. The ointment has shown high effectiveness in the treatment of carbuncles, boils, abscesses, cellulitis, and hidradenitis.
  • Purulent complications after surgical operations and interventions. The ointment can be used as part of complex therapy after coagulation, tissue excision, episiotomy, and in the treatment of postoperative sutures.
  • Bedsores complicated by inflammatory and infectious processes.
  • Trophic ulcers of the extremities.
  • Scratches, cracks in the skin, abrasions, cuts.
  • Thermal burns 1-3 degrees.

The use of Stellanin ointment is justified in the treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin that occur after insect bites. Positive reviews of this drug are also left by those who use it immediately after burns. Applying the ointment reduces the likelihood of blistering and promotes rapid recovery of the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

The composition of Stellanin ointment is universal, and therefore the drug is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases and injuries of the skin. But at the same time, this medicine cannot be used:

  • Before reaching 18 years of age.
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Patients with thyrotoxicosis and thyroid adenoma.
  • In acute renal failure.
  • In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • During treatment with radioactive iodine.

Stellanin ointment 3% must be prescribed only by a doctor in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in case of chronic renal failure.

Side effects may include skin allergies such as rash, irritation and itching.. There have been no cases of overdose of Stellanin when used externally.

Important! If the ointment is accidentally or intentionally taken orally, nausea and vomiting may occur. You need to immediately rinse your stomach and go to the hospital. The doctor will prescribe treatment based on the symptoms of poisoning.

Rules for using ointment

Stellanin ointment helps restore the integrity of the skin in a short time, provided it is used correctly.

  • Apply ointment to the wound surface with a layer of 1.5-2 mm.
  • The ointment can be immediately distributed over the required area of ​​the body or first applied to a gauze bandage and then applied to the skin, secured on top with a bandage or adhesive plaster.
  • The ointment must be applied so that it covers not only the wound itself, but also the healthy skin around it by about 5 mm or more.
  • Stellanin ointment for trophic wounds is used in a special way. First, you need to soak gauze swabs with the drug, which are loosely placed in the cavities of purulent wounds.
  • If necessary, treatment of postoperative fistulas is done using gauze turundas soaked in ointment.
  • For first- and second-degree burns, abrasions and scratches, the ointment is applied openly, that is, there is no need to cover it with a bandage on top.

The frequency of applying the ointment per day is 1-2 times, the total daily dose of ointment used should not be more than 10 grams. It is recommended to use the drug for 5 to 15 days.

When using regular Stellanin in the form of an ointment and PEG 3 20.0, you must always adhere to a number of rules:

  • If there is pus and blood in the wound, they must be removed before application, as they weaken the antiseptic activity of the ointment components.
  • To clean the wound, use only boiled water or warm Furacilin. The use of potassium permanganate, peroxide, drugs with enzymes and blood components (for example, Solcoseryl, Derinat or Actovegin) before applying Stellanin ointment weakens the effect of this medicine. If the old bandage is stuck to the wound, then it is first moistened with warm water and removed after softening.
  • Positive reviews and high effectiveness of Stellanin-Peg ointment are noted in the treatment of wounds with a weeping surface. After application to the wound surface, the ointment base begins to melt and the medicine spreads over all channels and irregularities of the damaged area, which ensures a good therapeutic effect of the medicine.
  • Optimal results of skin regeneration are observed if the ointment is used twice a day. If there is heavy exudate, the dressings can be changed earlier. Stellanin ointment for bedsores is used three times a day. It helps to cope with both the initial forms of bedsores and in cases where trophic changes have already affected the deeper layers of the skin. Simple Stellanin is prescribed for the treatment of non-purulent bedsores, Stellanin-Peg for the treatment of bedsores with purulent discharge.

If it is necessary to treat an extensive wound surface, 10% lidocaine is used to reduce pain at the time of dressing; this drug can be either in the form of a spray or in the form of a regular solution. First, the required surface of the body is moistened with Lidocaine, then after about 5 minutes you can clean the wound and apply Stellanin.

Features of the use of ointment depending on the type of skin damage

Stellanin ointment has proven to be highly effective in the treatment of many dermatological pathologies; it is often used to eliminate diseases not specified in the instructions for the drug.

  • Stellanin ointment for acne is used as a remedy with anti-inflammatory properties. Application of the drug avoids infection and further increase in inflammation. When a pimple appears, it is recommended to apply a small amount of ointment to its surface, cover the top with a tampon and secure with an adhesive plaster. The procedure is done at night. The use of Stellanin not only interrupts the process of microbial reproduction, but also prevents acne scars.
  • Stellanin ointment for herpes is recommended for use at the first symptoms of burning and itching. In the event that herpes has entered the active stage and ulceration has begun, you need to use Stellanin-Peg.
  • For diabetes, Stellanin ointment is recommended for use for the most minor damage to the skin. It is no secret that elevated blood sugar levels lead to the fact that even the slightest damage to the skin can cause a large purulent wound. The use of Stellanin greatly reduces the risk of developing such complications.
Important! Only a doctor can choose the correct treatment for any disease. A number of skin pathologies require not only local, but also systemic therapy.

Stellanin ointment substitutes

The cost of Stellanin ointment starts at 400 rubles per tube with 20 grams of the drug. The price depends on the markups of the pharmacy chain.

Analogues of Stellanin ointment are selected when contraindications are identified. Ointment has similar effects on the skin Betadine And Bepanten, Braunodin solution B. Brown.