How to treat a child's throat with a high fever. Red throat and high fever in children: main causes and treatment features. When you need urgent medical help

Parents love to observe their child’s behavior during active games, and are always happy with his new inventions, enjoying his positive mood and excitement. But this also happens: the baby was just laughing merrily and enjoying his new toy, when suddenly his mood changed, he became lethargic and suddenly lost interest in the game. This is exactly how a sudden rise in temperature can affect a child’s mood, especially when it is also accompanied by a sore throat. A red throat and a temperature reaching 39 degrees can shock any parent.

Consultation with a professional doctor in this case is necessary, especially when it involves a child. After all, fever and sore throat are most likely the development of an infectious disease or acute respiratory infection, and most often of viral or bacterial origin. In this case, a jump in temperature can occur as hyperthermia or manifest itself in the form of fever.

Temperature indicator and disease dynamics

In accordance with the indicator on the thermometer, you can determine the severity of the disease and its dynamics. That is, if the temperature rises to 38 degrees, then in medicine this is considered a subfebral temperature, which does not require churning and indicates that the baby’s body is actively resisting the penetration of viruses.

When the reading is 38-40, that is, febrile temperature, from the word “febris”, which means “fever”, a doctor’s intervention is required, because this temperature already needs to be brought down or, at least, prepared for the fact that the child will need help antipyretic drugs. An indicator of 41 and above indicates immediate assistance from specialists and often in such cases children are hospitalized in a hospital. Especially if the high temperature is combined with redness of the throat.

Fever and fever are often accompanied by loss of appetite. Parents make a mistake if they force their child to eat, saying they need strength. Eating too much food can cause a gag reflex, which will aggravate the child’s general condition.
During illness, a child needs strength primarily so that his body can fight infection, and not with digestion. The temperature of 39°C also limits the physical activity of children, which in turn also saves energy.

Symptoms of fever

But in the case when the throat is red, in addition, the temperature rises to 40, the child may also experience an unpleasant state of fever. How does she show herself?

1. With a temperature of 39 and a red throat, the child feels discomfort in the throat, it is difficult for him to swallow food, his head hurts, he feels either cold or hot, and besides this, his whole body aches.
2. There is a loss of fluid, which is necessary not only for the normal functioning of the immune system, but also for the removal of harmful substances.
3. The need for oxygen increases.
4. Convulsions may occur.

Therefore, first of all, the child must be provided with the correct treatment, which is aimed at the source that caused the temperature to rise to 39 and above. However, he must be provided with plenty of fluids. The room where it is located must have a normal level of humidity, so if necessary, you can use humidifiers. In addition, the room should be well ventilated and cool.

Based on the above, it becomes clear what first aid is in case the temperature is above 39 and the throat is red. It is possible that the first symptoms that appear indicate the penetration of a bacterial or viral infection. As a rule, after a thorough examination, doctors identify one of the most common diseases that can manifest themselves with similar symptoms:

In the case of tonsillitis, the infection settles on the tonsils. After a professional examination of the child’s throat, the doctor notes that the tonsils and throat area are noticeably red, but there are no plaques on the tonsils. These symptoms may include a cough and runny nose.

Bacterial tonsillitis is popularly known as tonsillitis. Sore throat is characterized by rapid development, at the same time the body temperature rises to 39 degrees. It is painful for the child to swallow, the tonsils are enlarged, and the throat is red. When palpating nearby lymph nodes, the doctor notes their slight enlargement and thickening. With a sore throat, a runny nose and cough do not occur only if the infection has not spread to the throat. There are several types of sore throat, so only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment.

Scarlet fever

There is also a disease called scarlet fever, which is also accompanied by a sore throat. In this case, tonsillitis acts as a symptom. The patient's pharynx and throat are severely inflamed, swelling, high fever, and a red throat are observed. But, with scarlet fever, you can observe a small rash and symptoms of fever on the body. In this case, for treatment, the doctor must prescribe penicillin antibiotics to the patient.

In the case of pharyngitis, the patient experiences a combination of high fever and red throat. In this case, the temperature can go off scale above 38-40 degrees. Viral pharyngitis is usually accompanied by a dry and suffocating cough. Moreover, severe coughing attacks are especially noticeable in the morning.

With nasopharyngitis, all of the above symptoms are also accompanied by a runny nose, which must be treated by instilling oil drops. When pharyngitis appears as a symptom of another disease, severe intoxication may be present. For example, with flu or measles. Body temperature rises above 40 degrees.

The development of a disease such as laryngitis is promoted by hypothermia, dusty air, strong tension in the larynx, as well as alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. There are two types of laryngitis:

1. Spicy.
2. Chronic.

The onset of laryngitis occurs suddenly. The patient feels pain when swallowing and a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in it. In this case, the temperature may remain normal or rise slightly. Sometimes with laryngitis, patients complain of headache and cough. Everyone's voice sags to the point of losing sound.

When examining the larynx, a red throat is observed. The danger is that in young children this disease develops sharply, causing false croup, that is, swelling of the mucous membrane blocks the airways. In especially severe cases, when air access is blocked due to lack of oxygen, brain function is impaired and there is a risk of coma.
It is undeniable that treatment of such a disease occurs directly in the hospital under the supervision of ENT specialists.

Therefore, each parent should become familiar with the forms of laryngitis and their symptoms. There are the following types of laryngitis:

Atrophic laryngitis.
Occupational laryngitis.

So, how to treat a child’s red throat, especially when the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees? If the cause of a red throat is a viral infection, then doctors recommend, in addition to antipyretics:

Gargle the child’s throat with decoctions of medicinal herbs,
drink plenty of fluids, preferably vitamins,
lubrication with eucalyptus, sea buckthorn and rosehip oils with propolis,
lollipops with mint, lemon or sage (if the baby is over 2 years old).

If the cause of the red throat is a sore throat, that is, a bacterial infection, then the child’s tonsils may be covered with whitish plaques. In this case, the throat is red, and the temperature rises sharply, up to 40 degrees or more. Most often, throat damage occurs under the influence of bacteria such as streptococci. The child becomes capricious, nervous and irritable. This is not strange, because a sore throat is always accompanied by painful sensations and an accelerated increase in symptoms. As a rule, treatment is carried out with antibiotics, but only after examination by a doctor and with his agreement.

Never start treating a sore throat on your own, especially when it comes to a child. Remember that angina is a serious disease that is easy to treat, but if treated inadequately, angina can lead to serious complications.

Sea salt solution

decoctions of medicinal herbs,
green tea with added salt,
soda solution,
propolis solution,
carrot or beet juice,
diluted lemon juice.

Also, such drugs as Furacilin, Malavit, Miramistin show good effectiveness.

If you approach treatment correctly, then such a symptom as a red throat can be easily cured. Therefore, be sure to show your child to a doctor who will help you determine the true cause of this symptom and suggest the right medications that will alleviate the baby’s condition in a short time.

Symptoms of fever

And finally, let us remind you once again about the symptoms of fever in children. If your baby is still small, then he can frolic even when his temperature is already rising. At the same time, he becomes less active and often sits down to rest. And at that time the disease was already in full swing. Therefore, parents must correctly assess the condition of their baby.

If the child refuses to eat and you notice signs of lethargy, then you can already suspect the onset of the disease. Breasts react to an increase in temperature in a unique way - they may cry for no reason, turn away from the breast during feeding, nervously wave their arms and wriggle their bodies.

If you have such symptoms, you should make sure that they are within normal limits. If the reading on the thermometer reaches 39, which happens quite often with a sore throat, first of all, try to give the baby something to drink and call a doctor.

If the temperature indicator is within the normal range, then it is worth rechecking its condition after an hour.

You should not lower your temperature, which does not exceed 38.5, because the body intensively produces interferon, which is necessary to fight the virus.

But if at such a temperature a child experiences convulsions or other suspicious phenomena, then it is even necessary to bring it down, or even better, immediately call an ambulance.

Remember that in children under three years of age, a temperature of 37.5 is considered normal, so there is no need to panic prematurely. This is just a suspicion of a disease. Therefore, make sure that the baby does not have a runny nose, and when examining the throat there is no redness.

If a child has a red throat and fever, then the first thing parents try to do is show the baby to the doctor. A red throat and a high temperature of over 40 in children are the main signs of ailments such as tonsillitis or pharyngitis. These diseases are formed due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. After all, millions of new bacteria enter the body every day along with the inhaled air. The child’s immune system is not yet familiar with these bacteria, so it does not have time to fight them, resulting in diseases.

Main causes of red throat symptoms in children

A red throat and fever in a child are classic signs of acute respiratory illnesses. Moreover, these can be not only respiratory diseases, but also rotavirus diseases (ARI and ARVI). Some of the most common diseases in which the baby develops a fever and a red throat are:

  1. Acute pharyngitis. This type of disease is the development of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the throat. If the baby’s throat turns red and a fever or fever is diagnosed, which depends on the form of the disease, then doctors immediately suspect pharyngitis. With pharyngitis, people complain of pain when swallowing, and they also refuse to eat food. Redness is observed directly on the surface of the tonsils.
  2. Acute tonsillitis. This disease is popularly called tonsillitis. A high temperature in a child, together with swelling and redness of the tonsils, indicates an exacerbation of catarrhal tonsillitis. The main signs of catarrhal tonsillitis are a transparent coating, and with purulent tonsillitis, the coating is predominantly white with the discharge of pus. The development of inflammatory processes in the tonsils is accompanied by an elevated temperature above forty degrees, the appearance of symptoms of severe pain in the throat, especially aggravated when swallowing. For children of any age, this disease is dangerous, since the lack of treatment can lead to irreversible consequences.
  3. Diphtheria. It is an acute form of an infectious disease, the main symptoms of which are: high fever and red throat, weakness and exhaustion of the body, inflammation of the tonsils. With diphtheria, even if the child has a high temperature, the skin becomes pale. Diphtheria is characterized by symptoms such as increased salivation, a nasal voice, as well as difficulty and rapid breathing. A temperature of 39 and above indicates the development of a toxic form of diphtheria. To treat diphtheria, a special vaccine is required, so you should not give your child various medications that are simply useless.
  4. Infectious mononucleosis. This disease is quite common, especially among children under one year of age. The main symptoms of the disease are very similar to tonsillitis. The child has a temperature of 38 and above, the tonsils swell and turn red, the lymph nodes enlarge, the baby becomes weak and exhausted. The child looks sick, so you should definitely consult a doctor. A reddened throat with mononucleosis can cause complications in such organs. Like the liver, spleen and middle ear.
  5. Laryngitis. The disease occurs suddenly, and the child experiences pain when swallowing, and also feels signs of a foreign body in the larynx. With this disease, the temperature is 37 degrees and can rarely rise to 38. With laryngitis, children complain of cough and headaches. Children's voice becomes hoarse or disappears altogether.

A red throat and high temperature confuse parents, since there are more than enough reasons for the development of these symptoms. It is strictly forbidden for parents to diagnose themselves. To carry out the correct treatment measures, it is necessary to make a diagnosis. Children should definitely call an ambulance, since these diseases often cause a rapid rise in temperature.

Features of treatment

If a child has a high temperature, then the first step is to resort to antipyretics. For children, only children's antipyretic drugs should be used. But reducing a high temperature is not yet a cure for the disease.

It is important to know! The temperature should be lowered if the thermometer reading exceeds 38.5 degrees.

How to treat red throat in children if the cause of these symptoms is a viral infection? Treatment of red throat should begin with a correct diagnosis. If the disease is provoked by signs of acute respiratory viral infection, then treatment begins with local therapy based on gargling, irrigation, and sucking lozenges and tablets. Children under two years of age should not be given lollipops or tablets. Children under one year of age should irrigate the neck with various preparations, if they are approved for infants.

You can gargle with salty warm water. You can prepare a solution for rinsing at home, for which you should add one spoon of soda and salt to a glass of water, then stir thoroughly. The procedure is allowed to be carried out 4-6 times a day. Rinsing should be done immediately after meals and before bed.

For children under 2 years old, gargling is quite difficult, so it is necessary to carry out treatment procedures with antiseptic sprays: Orasept, Hexoral, Ingalipt. Before using antiseptic sprays, be sure to read the instructions for use. The instructions indicate age restrictions that must be adhered to. A child over 5 years old can be given lozenges to dissolve in the mouth:

  • Strepsils;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Grammidin.

The advantage of treating the throat with lozenges is the stimulation of saliva production, as well as the inhibitory effect on the vital activity of microorganisms. Most drugs not only have an inhibitory effect on pathogens, but also help strengthen the immune system.

Often, the use of local treatment methods does not allow one to overcome the disease, so an integrated approach to therapy is required. For this purpose, both antiviral drugs are prescribed, for example, for acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, and antibiotics for sore throat. It is very important to take timely measures to treat the developing disease. You should be careful with children, since in addition to the positive effects of medications, the development of allergic reactions to the composition of the drugs can be observed.

Features of the use of antipyretic drugs for children

A red throat and a temperature of 38 indicate the development of the child’s disease. Often, at the first symptoms of the disease, parents resort to the help of antipyretics, without thinking that they are intended directly to reduce extreme fever. To prevent antipyretics from harming your child, you should know how to use them correctly.

Initially, you need to make sure that the thermometer readings are high enough to resort to the use of antipyretics. If the baby's temperature does not exceed 38-38.5 degrees, then the use of antipyretics is prohibited. The body is able to fight the infection on its own, and the use of an antipyretic will only worsen the situation. If a baby’s temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, then you can’t hesitate, you need to use an antipyretic.

Children over one year old should be given antipyretics if the signs of hyperthermia increase and exceed 38.5-39 degrees. High temperature is quite dangerous for a child’s health, especially when it comes to babies and infants. If the baby is sick, then temperature measurements should be taken regularly every 3-4 hours.

Antipyretic drugs should always be available at home so that parents can always turn to their help if the need arises. Antipyretic drugs are produced in various forms: syrups, suppositories, suspensions and tablets. Children can lower their temperature using tablets no earlier than 7 years of age. Each release form has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, syrups and suspensions are quickly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, so the effectiveness of the effect occurs 20-25 minutes after administration. Rectal suppositories have a positive effect 30-40 minutes after use. But it is candles that are recommended for use for infants.

One of the safest types of antipyretics are paracetamol-based drugs. These drugs can be given to children from 2 months. In addition to the antipyretic effect, paracetamol has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Preparations based on paracetamol:

  • Efferalgan;
  • Panadol;
  • Acetalgin;
  • Paracetamol.

If a child has a severe sore throat, then the use of antipyretics based on paracetamol will reduce the signs of pain, but do not forget that the duration of action of the drug is temporary and lasts up to 4-6 hours. Another popular antipyretic drug is ibuprofen. Ibuprofen-based medications can be given to children from 3 months of age. What to do if the temperature rises in a child under 1 month of age? Lighter versions of antipyretics are available for infants, but they can be used as prescribed by a doctor.

When a baby gets sick, it is always unexpected and alarming. Parents are wondering why their child has a red throat and high body temperature, how to eliminate a runny nose, what to do to speed up the baby’s recovery. The main rule of treating children is to do no harm. Since a child’s temperature of 39 degrees is not normal, therapeutic actions must be correct and quick.

Possible reasons why a child has a temperature of 39 and a sore throat

There are several reasons why a child may have a runny nose, sore throat and fever. Each disease has characteristic symptoms that you should pay attention to. Similar symptoms appear when:

  • ARVI, flu, colds;
  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • mononucleosis;
  • sore throat, laryngitis;
  • teething

Important! A temperature of 39 degrees indicates an infection in the body, which the body cannot cope with on its own. This is often how complications of a common cold manifest themselves if it is not treated in a timely manner or is tolerated on your feet.

Respiratory infection

The first thing you might think about if a child has a temperature of 39 and a red throat is the flu or a cold. Symptoms appear in the autumn-winter period or at any time if the baby goes to kindergarten or school. In this case, a red throat in a child is accompanied by:

  • unproductive cough;
  • general deterioration of condition;
  • severe runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • headache;

You need to carefully examine the child's throat. In cases of respiratory diseases, the red throat has a uniform shade, without spots or purulent discharge. An acute respiratory viral infection always begins with rhinitis, later accompanied by sore throat and nasopharynx. Initially, the snot is transparent, but after a few days it turns green.


This disease is an inflammation of the throat mucosa. It is a complication of a cold or flu. It can be catarrhal, hypertrophic and subatrophic. Each form of the disease involves tissue swelling, the throat is red and painful, and the walls may be thickened.

Symptoms of pharyngitis in a child:

  • unproductive coughing;
  • dryness, sore throat;
  • heat;
  • Hoarseness or changes in the sound of the voice are often observed.

Pharyngitis may be accompanied by clear or purulent snot, and occasionally the baby will experience nausea or vomiting from a strong cough. A whitish coating can be seen on the tonsils; pain appears only when swallowing. The advanced form of the disease develops into a sore throat.

Sore throat, laryngitis in a child

A sore throat can be caused by a virus or a complication of previous respiratory diseases that were not treated. Sometimes the catalyst for the disease is hypothermia of the body or decreased immunity in the autumn-winter period.

Symptoms that distinguish a sore throat:

  • constant pain (when talking, eating);
  • red spots in the throat, mucous swelling;
  • an increase in the size of the tonsils;
  • soreness of the parotid lymph nodes.

A child may be bothered by a runny nose if the sore throat is viral in nature. The infectious form is accompanied by suppuration and symptoms of general intoxication of the small organism.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is a serious infectious disease that occurs with high fever and symptoms of sore throat. The disease is predominantly childhood and is caused by streptococci. Infection occurs by airborne droplets or contact. How does scarlet fever manifest:

  • red spots on the body;
  • temperature 38-39 degrees;
  • "flaming" face;
  • symptoms of sore throat.

The throat may turn red after a couple of days of infection only if the nasopharynx was the entry point for the infection. When infection has occurred through a lesion in the epidermis, all signs will be observed except for the affected throat.


The disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is a type of herpes. Most often it affects lymphoid tissue: tonsils, lymph nodes, liver or spleen. It is almost impossible to distinguish mononucleosis on your own. The disease is accompanied by a blurred clinical picture, so it can only be diagnosed in the laboratory.

Symptoms of mononucleosis:

  • high body temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • snoring due to swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • lack of appetite;
  • general weakness of the body.

Mononucleosis is often mistaken for a sore throat or acute respiratory viral infection. However, there is still a difference from a respiratory infection. This disease lasts much longer than a cold; symptoms can remain for more than 3 weeks. For an accurate diagnosis, you will need to take a blood test.


Measles is also predominantly a childhood disease, and one of the most contagious. The incubation period is at least 1 week, but not more than 14 days. It begins like a common cold, and later other symptoms appear.

Main symptoms of measles:

signs of general intoxication (weakness, drowsiness, refusal to eat);
runny nose;
A white coating appears in the child’s throat (mainly on the back of the cheeks). After a few days, the body becomes covered with a rash, the spots merge with each other and increase in size. With timely treatment, measles recedes within a couple of weeks.


If the child is very young, snot and fever may be signs of new teeth growing. Such symptoms last no more than 2-3 days. If the throat turns red after teething, this indicates the presence of an infection in the body.

The disease is predictable, since during this period the baby’s immunity is not stable. The new stage of development of the baby is accompanied by lack of sleep, anxiety, and constant crying.

Important! With such symptoms, the child must be shown to a doctor to rule out serious infectious diseases.


Treatment of any disease that is accompanied by high fever and sore throat should be carried out under the supervision of a local pediatrician. Treatment is symptomatic, aimed at eliminating symptoms. In addition, complications are prevented and measures are taken to strengthen the immune system.

Medicines used for therapy:

  • Antibiotics. They are prescribed after the infection has been cultured, as well as its resistance to this group of drugs has been determined. It is not recommended to take medications on your own, as the bacteria may develop resistance, after which it will be more difficult to cure the disease.
  • Antipyretics. Indicated for a single dose if the child’s body temperature reaches 38 degrees or higher. It is prohibited to reduce low-grade fever, as such actions cause infectious complications.
  • Painkillers. Local anesthetics are used to relieve sore throat. If your baby has a headache due to intoxication of the body, it is recommended to take a complex remedy based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  • Nasal drops to relieve a runny nose. If snot bothers an infant, an aspirator is used to remove it. A child over 3 years old can clean his nose by rinsing it with a teapot.
  • Mucolytics thin the mucus, and expectorants promote its rapid release from the bronchi.
  • Parents should provide the sick child with rest and bed rest.
  • Recommended room temperature is 22 degrees, humidity is 40-45%.
  • With the doctor's permission, medications to enhance immunity, dietary supplements or vitamin complexes are used.

Particular attention should be paid to the baby's nutrition. It is better to feed an infant on demand; an older child should not be forced to eat. Food should not be hot or cold, or contain fried foods or spices.


Children are susceptible to many diseases due to the weakness of their immune system, so the baby must be protected from diseases.

  • You should avoid visiting crowded places during periods of exacerbation of respiratory infections. However, you should not keep the baby “under the hood”. It is recommended to strengthen his immunity by taking walks in nature more often.
  • There is no need to take medications unnecessarily, especially for prevention. Such actions spoil the child’s immunity, preventing him from fighting infections.
  • Timely treatment of colds or acute respiratory viral infections plays a special role in the prevention of serious diseases. By attending medical consultations in a timely manner, you will be able to avoid many problems with your baby’s health.

The main causes of redness of the throat are viruses and bacteria; under the influence of infection, the tissues of the throat become inflamed, and there is a rush of blood to them. The intensity of redness and loose structure, accompanied by temperature, will indicate possible diseases.

How are infections different?

Viruses and bacteria have different effects on the child’s body, and accordingly, diagnosis and treatment are also different.

Viral Bacterial
  • are more common and have a wide variety
  • incubation period 5-7 days
  • main accompanying symptoms: temperature 39℃ and above, sore and red throat, associated symptoms: snot and cough
  • complications as with ordinary acute respiratory infections
  • resistant to antibiotics
  • With a virus, the skin of the body turns red.
  • are less common
  • the incubation period is 2 weeks, and all this time the child is a carrier of the infection
  • accompanying symptoms do not appear immediately, but over a certain period they “come out” in full bouquet
  • often have complex consequences
  • can be easily treated with properly selected antibiotics
  • When bacterial, the skin of the body turns pale.



In this case, the infection is projected onto the tonsils; they become very red, which can be seen upon visual inspection, but there is no plaque on them. Associated symptoms in 2-year-old children include runny nose and cough.

Bacterial tonsillitis is better known to many mothers as tonsillitis. With this disease, the temperature in 2-year-old children rapidly rises to 39℃ and above, the baby’s tonsils become enlarged, the throat becomes bright red and it hurts to swallow. The lymph nodes are slightly enlarged and denser in structure.

There are several types of tonsillitis, and to properly prescribe treatment, you need to consult a specialist.

Scarlet fever

When suffering from scarlet fever, sore throat acts as a concomitant symptom. The child’s pharynx and pharynx have clearly defined inflammation, swelling is observed, and the temperature is usually high 39-40℃. But the main difference between scarlet fever is that a small rash forms on the body.



Most often, laryngitis is a consequence of hypothermia, severe tension in the larynx, or infection. In addition to high fever and sore throat, the main symptom is hoarse voice.

If proper treatment is not started in time, laryngitis can develop into false croup and the airways become blocked, which in turn leads to disruption of the brain.

There are several types of laryngitis

Type of laryngitis Nature of the disease
Catarrhal Dry cough, hoarse throat, temperature 38-39℃
Stenonizing The symptoms are the same as those of the catarrhal form, only the lumen of the larynx decreases, and in an advanced form it can lead to such a dangerous disease as croup
Hypertrophic Consequences of catarrhal form, the distinctive symptom is complete temporary loss of voice
Hemorrhagic Often develops against the background of toxic flu, initially the cough is dry, and when over time sputum streaked with blood begins to come out
Diphtheria There is a whitish coating on the tonsils, and its detachment can cause blockage of the respiratory organs
Phlegmous Purulent inflammation of the throat, this type of laryngitis is rare in children, all the symptoms are present as in the catarrhal type, only more pronounced

Localized diphtheria

From the first days of the disease, the child begins to feel weak and have a high fever, the tonsils are inflamed and have a bluish tint against a red background, despite the high temperature, 39.3-39.7℃ and above, the skin is pale.

The toxic course of the disease is accompanied by a nasal voice and difficulty breathing, and in this case you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible, conventional antibiotics are useless, and an antitoxic serum is needed.

Infectious mononucleosis

Almost 50% of children under 5 years old suffer from this disease. Main symptoms: body temperature rises to 39.6℃ and higher, lymph nodes are enlarged, there is redness and swelling of the tonsils, and general weakening of the body. The baby's throat hurts, but not as severe as with tonsillitis.

As you can see, there are many causes of red throat and high hyperthermia in a child, but in each case the treatment is different, in some cases antiviral drugs are sufficient, and in other cases antibiotics are indispensable. Therefore, if there is any alarming symptom, the child should be shown to a doctor as soon as possible.

Is topical treatment for red throat helpful?

The principle of treatment for red throat primarily depends on the causes of the disease; if this is a harbinger of a common ARVI, it is optimal to start with local treatment: irrigation, rinsing.

This will help:

  • relieve pain symptoms;
  • reduce swelling and redness of the throat;
  • prevent the growth of bacteria;
  • reduce the risk of complications and purulent infections.


You can gargle at home with warm salted water with the addition of 3 drops of propolis infusion; the procedure is carried out after meals 5 times a day.


An antiseptic spray is required for irrigation; children can use Orasept, Ingalipt, but first read the instructions for use. After irrigation, do not drink liquid or eat for 30 minutes.

How to avoid illness?

If, with the onset of cold weather, a child often gets sick, preliminary prevention is useful; for children of our age group, Lymphomyazot and Anaferon can be given.

A drug Description Indication Application
Anaferon Homeopathic remedy, immunomodulatory, antiviral. Relieves the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, prevents the attachment of other bacteria to a weakened body. Treatment of chronic and acute infections, prevention of complications after influenza and acute respiratory diseases, complex treatment of viral and bacterial infections. For prevention, 1 tablet per day for a course of 3 months. For treatment, 1 tablet 3-5 times (depending on the complexity of the infection) per day for a course of 10 days.
Lymphomyazot Homotoxic agent, has decongestant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, disinfectant properties. Removes toxins at the cellular level. Improves the immunity of mucous membranes. Useful in the treatment of tonsils and chronic tonsillitis, general intoxication of the child’s body (temperature, fever), and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx area. Children 2 years old: 7-8 drops 3 times a day, diluted in a teaspoon of water, poured under the tongue, taken 30 minutes before or after meals.

Folk remedies

There are many traditional methods for treating red throat with fever, but not all are suitable for small children. Here are some of the most effective, but gentle options:

  • warm milk with butter;
  • warm compresses on the lymph nodes (can only be done when the temperature has subsided);
  • weak chamomile tea;
  • grated ginger with aloe (coat the mouth with the paste, hold for a bit so that the ingredients are absorbed, then spit out).

At the first symptoms, you need to call a doctor to prescribe adequate treatment. An untreated infection can lead to serious complications in the future.

For any parent, a child’s illness is very scary. We often say: it’s better that we ourselves get sick than our kids. Unfortunately, all children get sick. Even if the child is a month old, both he and those who are older and have a strong immune system can have a red throat. But their body is hardened.

The most common illness is a high fever and a red throat in a child. All parents should know what they need to do and how to behave if their baby gets sick. After all, from competent and timely actions, a positive effect will occur very quickly, preventing the disease from developing, much less moving into the chronic stage.

In this article we will talk about the causes of sore throat in children and treatment methods. We will talk about both folk remedies and traditional ones from the pharmacy.

Important point!

Don’t think that traditional medicine won’t have any effect and you don’t need it. Since ancient times, people have used natural remedies in treatment, the effect of them is no worse than that of expensive drugs, and sometimes much better.

A competent approach and comprehensive treatment will help achieve the desired result in a short time.

Fever and sore throat. Why?

A child’s high fever and red throat may be the result of an infection.

There are two options here:

Viral infection;


You definitely need to know the reason. After all, treatment tactics will depend on this. Some drugs may help, others may not. The point is that for different types of infection it is necessary to select appropriate medications. Otherwise, you will simply be giving your child unnecessary chemicals, which is not good for his health.

The difficulty lies in the selection of drugs. Of course, you cannot give medicines for adults to children, and not every medicine for children helps.

If we consider most cases, then a red throat in children is an erosive lesion. Namely, the disease appears in the oropharynx. The infection affects the mucous membrane, and defects appear on the epithelium.

Recovery depends on how quickly the defects are eliminated. Proper treatment will relieve symptoms and alleviate the child’s condition.

Difficulties at this stage

The fact is that conventional drugs cannot restore the damaged integrity of the oropharyngeal mucosa. In the case of ARVI, antibiotics are useless. When a child has a viral infection, no specific treatment is required. The effect of medications on viruses is very weak, often non-existent. Therefore, in this case, measures should be aimed at alleviating symptoms. And the disease itself can go away in 3-5 days.

Inflammation and fever - what to do?

What to do if a child has a red throat and a temperature of 39? In this case, it is necessary to adhere to different tactics.

If the thermometer shows up to 38, this means that the body is fighting the infection on its own. At this time, it will produce its own interferon.

If the temperature has crossed the mark of 38 degrees, then it must be brought down. In this case, you need to give medications and follow simple steps.

What medications should I use for high fever?

Of course, all treatment that you will carry out with your child should be started only after agreement with the attending physician. In this case, you definitely need to know whether there are any allergic reactions to any drugs. Therefore, each step must be clearly thought out and previously agreed upon with the pediatrician. A red throat and a temperature of 38.5 in a child indicates that it is time to start using antipyretic drugs.

The most common antipyretics are:

  • "Panadol";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Nurafen";
  • "Ibufen."

Medicines can come in different forms. These are tablets, syrups, suppositories. Most drugs for children these days have a very pleasant taste, which does not cause disgust or screaming in children. Often the child may ask for more tasty syrup. But, of course, you shouldn’t do this. No matter how harmless and tasty the syrup is. It should be understood that this is primarily a medicine, and they cannot cure a red throat in children. Therefore, the dosage must be strictly followed according to the recommendations on the package or as prescribed by the pediatrician.

Allergic reactions have already been mentioned above; most prelates contain honey. For some children and even adults this is a strong allergen.

What additional measures should I take?

The simplest remedy is to open the window so that there is no draft and it does not blow on the baby. In this case, the child must be dressed in tights and a thick sweater. The room should become a little cooler. The baby’s body, with a temperature according to the elementary laws of physics, will begin to give off heat into space. This is what you need at high temperatures.

But the old grandmother’s method of drinking hot tea and lying under a warm blanket to sweat causes mixed opinions among different people. Some people just use it, and they manage to fight the temperature very well. Others, on the contrary, say that such sweating does not lead to anything, but only harms.

Another very simple method is to wrap your head or body in a damp towel. Most often used for complaints of hyperthermia in one place on the body.

Important point!

During illness, it is imperative to restore water balance in the body. Otherwise, the child may become dehydrated. It is imperative to give your child plenty of warm water, tea, compote or fruit drink to drink. If you give teas, they should be based on medicinal herbs.

They will be discussed below.

Red throat in children and fever. Folk recipes

We have already mentioned above that treatment should be comprehensive. In addition to traditional drugs from pharmacies, be sure to use traditional ones. Don't underestimate their capabilities. After all, in ancient times there were no medicines, and people used exclusively those remedies that they took from living nature.

To treat red throat in children, you can use:

Teas, decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs.

Honey softens perfectly, but you need to use it knowing for sure that the child does not have allergies. It can be added to tea or warm milk. By the way, you can also add butter or rendered pork fat to the latter. Of course, the product is not pleasant to taste or smell, but it is very effective. Another recipe is to give a spoonful of honey to the child, but so that he does not swallow it. The honey should flow down the sore throat, softening it.

You can and should use rinsing. To do this, take ordinary soda, iodine and salt. Babies can be taught to rinse as early as one and a half years old. The recipe is simple: take one teaspoon of salt, soda and a drop of iodine per glass of water.

Another effective remedy is inhalation. For them, you can use medicinal herbs such as sage, eucalyptus, and calendula. Coltsfoot has expectorant properties.

Children after three years old can make an infusion of propolis for rinsing.

Berry decoctions are very useful not only when a child has a red throat and a temperature of 39, but as a preventive measure and a good remedy for immunity. Lingonberries, rose hips, and cranberries are suitable for this.

An old and proven method is boiled potatoes. You need to breathe over it, just be sure to monitor the child’s temperature.

Important point!

Many of us are accustomed to putting honey in boiling water, this is a big mistake. At high temperatures, it completely loses its healing properties. Therefore, you should only put honey in warm tea, milk or water.

To achieve a positive effect, rinsing should be done every half hour.

A child has a red throat. Pharmacy treatment

We have already talked about antipyretic drugs above, now we should talk about those medications that will help for a sore throat.

In order to alleviate the pain and alleviate the condition, it is necessary to use a spray or sucking lozenges if the child has a red throat. Komarovsky (a famous pediatrician) generally excludes the use of any chemicals.

Important point!

You should not give medicated lollipops to small children, because there is a risk that the child may choke.

Red dots in a child's throat

Very often there are problems with a child’s throat, such as red dots. Parents always say to each other simply “red throat.” As a rule, this indicates a disease such as pharyngitis.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

Red dots in a child's throat are a symptom of pharyngitis. It also causes pain, discomfort, fever, general lethargy, lack of appetite, and a sore throat. As a rule, the disease does not begin on its own. It accompanies ARVI, influenza.

It can be superficial and in the deep layers of the pharynx. Not always, but the temperature can rise above 39 degrees. The prerequisites for pharyngitis can be many factors - dirty air, hypothermia, infection, weak immunity, cold drinks or food. In adults, smoking.

Treatment of pharyngitis

It is prescribed by an ENT specialist or a pediatrician if he sees a red throat in children. Treatment is accompanied by complex actions.

Fighting fever.

If it reaches above 38 degrees, then with the help of antipyretic drugs.

Throat treatment.

Medicines plus rinses, inhalations.

Eliminating foods from the diet that can irritate the throat, impeding healing.

Additional measures.

Foot baths in hot water plus compresses on the chest.

A high temperature in a child and a red throat are common occurrences that require immediate treatment.