Is ascorbic acid beneficial? Video: what happens if you eat a lot of ascorbic acid. What are the benefits of ascorbic acid

A scattering of bright yellow dragees with an acidic filling - vitamin C, is loved by both adults and children. From time immemorial, vitamin C was worth its weight in gold, it was called the “royal vitamin,” and its existence was known several centuries before its laboratory discovery. Sailors, who spent months on end in the open ocean and suffered from scurvy ulcers, discovered this thing: on tropical exotic islands, where the main decoration was trees with citrus fruits growing on them, the locals never suffered from scurvy. And all because these fruits contained a record amount of vitamin C, which helps fight for our beauty, youth and longevity.

Ascorbic acid (in common parlance, vitamin “C” or “ascorbic acid”) is a compound of organic origin, an essential component of metabolic processes. Distinctive feature vitamin “C” is the body’s ability to synthesize it, therefore systematic and daily use in food products is simply necessary for the body to comfortably maintain the content of this acid. A huge advantage is the ability to replace acid with vitamins sold in every pharmacy. But they should be consumed exclusively if there is a lack of acid in the body, otherwise it is better to replace the acid by eating foods enriched with vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid as a useful product

Anyone who did not consume packs of ascorbic acid in childhood did not experience all the delights of this wonderful, carefree time. Bright yellow vitamins, similar to the sun, are characterized by a pleasant sweet and sour aroma and leave behind a special aftertaste. And also ascorbic acid– a kind of conductor’s baton that controls all processes occurring in our body. Thus, vitamin C effectively stimulates tissue regeneration, increases blood clotting, makes artery walls more elastic, and also enhances collagen production. If you want your skin to be velvety and soft, like a baby’s, do not limit yourself in the use of ascorbic acid, but know that everything is good in moderation.

Judging by the attached instructions, vitamin C is useful for the following conditions:

1. Gastrointestinal ailments.

2.Eczema, urticaria, and psoriasis.

3. Depression, stress, alcoholic psychosis.

4. Diseases of the adrenal glands, cholecystitis.

5. Colds, bronchitis, flu.

You should enrich your body with vitamin C in case of inflammation of the lymph nodes. Ascorbic acid effectively cleanses the blood of free radicals, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, giving them firmness and elasticity.

Vitamin C stimulates the synthesis of hemoglobin, improving the absorption of the microelement - iron, and increases blood resistance.

Benefits of ascorbic acid:

  • firstly, it is an excellent oxidation retardant in the body ( powerful antioxidant) normalizes oxidative processes;
  • secondly, it performs the function of hematopoiesis in the body, while synthesizing hemoglobin;
  • thirdly, it cleanses the vessels, gives them natural elasticity, strengthens their walls for less penetration;
  • fourthly, it has a general strengthening and restorative effect, connecting bone tissue with the help of collagen fibers, which directly affects the rate of healing various kinds damage and wounds;
  • fifthly, it strengthens the immune system and acts as a prophylactic agent colds.

Stop - it is forbidden to use acid!

In general, ascorbic acid is safe. However, if you uncontrollably feast on vitamins and do not know the restrictions, then negative consequences can't be avoided. If you don’t want to run into trouble, avoid using “horse” doses of ascorbic acid.

By itself, ascorbic acid in pure form– a powerful aggressor that can be dangerous in diseases of the stomach and intestines.

With a lack of vitamin C, the following negative processes occur in the body:
- blood vessels are weakened, which affects their functioning leading to fragility and brittleness, including nails, constant bleeding gums, baldness, pallor, dullness, long-term healing of injuries and wounds, decreased memory, decreased performance, weakened immunity and weakness in action pathogenic microorganisms.
Everything is clear with a deficiency, but what happens with a so-called overdose?

Of course, excessive consumption of vitamin “C” will negatively affect the functions of the body, which will primarily reduce the content of vitamin “B12”, lead to gastrointestinal upset, and severely thicken the blood (which is dangerous for people suffering from thrombosis and diabetes).

And do not forget that ascorbic acid is primarily an acid and its use with other acids (aspirin and others) will definitely contribute to irritation of the stomach and mucous membrane.

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Ascorbic acid, vitamin C is the elixir of life, which is valued on all continents. Everyone has heard that vitamin C saves you from colds, so winter time Everyone is pouring heavily into tangerines and oranges, and buying sweet ascorbic acid from pharmacies and supermarkets. Why is this substance so famous?

The history of the discovery of ascorbic acid is connected with the diseases of sailors. Sailors whose food was lacking fresh vegetables and fruits, because the diet consisted mainly of cereals and salted meat, they suffered from bleeding gums, painful sensations in muscles, weakness. Eventually, their teeth would fall out and they would die from constant bleeding. To prevent scurvy in the diet of sailors at the end of the 18th - early XIX centuries introduced lemon and tomato juice, cranberries that could be stored in barrels for about a year. In the 1900s, when vitamins were discovered, scientists hypothesized the presence of a hypothetical anti-scurvy agent in fresh fruit and vegetables. Ascorbic acid was isolated by 1932.

IN THE USSR essential vitamin At first it was synthesized from the fruits of wild rose hips, but already in the late thirties the production of synthetic ascorbic acid gained momentum. In the post-Soviet space, vitamin C for many decades was the first remedy that was used for the prevention and treatment of colds in combination with other drugs. “Ascorbic acid” is by far the most widespread and accessible vitamin.

Anti-scorbutic vitamin

For a long time, ascorbic acid has been worth its weight in gold - for some reason Wikipedia talks about this miracle vitamin in a dry and incomprehensible way: “ organic compound", "restorer of metabolic processes", "includes 4 diastereomers" ... Understand chemical composition There is no need for ascorbic acid (we are not chemists), one thing is interesting - its L-form, popularly known as the familiar vitamin C, is most active.

Vitamin C has always been known, several centuries before its laboratory discovery. Sailors, who spent months at sea on dry rations and suffered from scurvy ulcers and falling out teeth, noticed an unusual thing: on tropical islands, where citrus fruits were the main dish, local residents had never heard of any scurvy... Since then, lemons and oranges have become part of the marine diet, and one of the main supporters of the citrus diet was Peter the Great himself, a famous lover of the sea and ship travel.

In 1928, the age of ascorbic acid came: a biochemist from Hungary, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, isolated this substance from cabbage and red pepper, and off we go: vitamin C got its official name, and soon they were able to synthesize it artificially, calling it ascorbic acid (from the Latin “skorbut” - scurvy) acid. Since then, the debate about the favorite vitamin of all times has not subsided: experiments are being conducted endlessly, in Europe they are trying to ban drugs with increased content vitamin, and scientists are putting forward new versions of its miraculous properties.

What are the benefits of ascorbic acid?

The structure of ascorbic acid is very similar to glucose, but it has a slightly different range of effects on the body.

The main functions of vitamin C include:

  • Restorative. This substance is involved in the formation of collagen fibers, it heals wounds and various damages on the body. You cannot do without the use of vitamin C if it is necessary to restore the functions of connective and bone tissue.
  • Powerful antioxidant. Ascorbic acid is useful in that it normalizes redox processes in the human body, and also fights free radicals. It also cleanses the blood vessels, making them less penetrating, more elastic and strong. Under the pressure of vitamin C, dense cholesterol is removed from the body and cholesterol plaques dissolve.
  • Participates in the process of hematopoiesis. Ascorbic acid is very useful for anemia, as it helps the absorption of iron and stimulates the production of hemoglobin.
  • Antioxidant. This substance helps eliminate various compounds from the body heavy metals– mercury, lead, copper.
  • General strengthening effect. By stimulating the synthesis of interferon and antibodies in the body, vitamin C significantly enhances the immune system. This is great prophylactic, which helps with colds and flu.
  • Participates in metabolism. This substance enhances the effect of tocopherol - vitamin E - and ubiquinone, and also promotes the production of L carnitine (responsible for the breakdown of fats).

Benefits of ascorbic acid for brain health

The brain retains vitamin C at the expense of other tissues when chronic deficiency and can maintain its concentration 100 times higher compared to other organs.

Ascorbic acid plays an important role in many brain functions, including cleansing active forms oxygen, neuromodulation, development of new blood vessels(angiogenesis):

  • Modulates the neurotransmitter systems of the brain (neurotransmitters create the ability to unite individual neurons into a complete brain and function successfully) - cholinergic, catecholinergic.
  • Helps in general development neurons (cells nervous system) through the maturation, differentiation and formation of myelin (the electrically insulating layer around nerves).
  • Maintains the integrity and function of multiple processes within vascular system brain
  • Prevents neuronal damage.

Accordingly, adequate intake of nutrients into the body is important.

Ascorbic acid: harm and contraindications

Despite all the benefits and seemingly harmlessness, even this vitamin should not be abused.

This substance can increase the concentration of salts in the body, thereby complicating the functioning of the kidneys. Don't forget about possible allergic reactions.

Excess vitamin C may be accompanied by:

  • rash;
  • itching;
  • abdominal pain;
  • gas formation;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia.

In addition, some people should not take ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • diabetes;
  • ulcers and gastritis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • renal failure;
  • allergies to talc, starch, fructose and other substances in the medication.

If none of listed diseases you do not have and you strictly follow the dosage, you can be sure that you will benefit from the use of ascorbic acid.

Excess vitamin C in the body

Vitamin C is considered safe even in large quantities, since the body easily removes unused vitamin residues.

But still, excessive consumption of vitamin C can lead to:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating and cramps;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • stones in the kidneys.

Large doses of vitamin C are dangerous!

The beginning of the theory " horse doses» vitamins were prescribed by an American scientist, winner of two Nobel Prizes Linus Pauling. In his book Cancer and Vitamin C, he argued that very large doses of ascorbic acid improve the condition of patients with certain types of cancer and significantly prolong life.

Many people began to take ascorbic acid in large doses to prevent various diseases. Problems were immediately noted with gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis and ulcers worsened, and allergic manifestations were noted.

Back in 2000, at the annual conference of the American Heart Association, a group of scientists made a statement that large doses of vitamin C cause more rapid development of atherosclerosis. The study involved 570 people. Comprehensive examination of volunteers, average age who was about 54 years old, showed that their blood vessels were normal. A year and a half later, the examination was repeated, and it turned out that atherosclerosis carotid arteries, supplying blood to the brain, was 2.5 times more likely to be noted in those who were overly fond of ascorbic acid. It is noteworthy that people took 500 mg of vitamin C per day just to prevent atherosclerosis.

Pediatricians note an increase in allergies in children who were actively fed for preventive purposes» increased doses of vitamin C. Children's doctor Anna Timofeeva recalls: “Vitamin C is not a medicine, but a vitamin! In some children, the breakdown of vitamin C into its final products may be impaired due to a lack of enzymes that regulate metabolism. With normal doses of the vitamin, these disorders would be compensated, but with large doses, decompensation occurred. Under-digested metabolic products - oxalates - cause allergies, can injure the renal tubules and become a source of their diseases (nephritis), and subsequently give rise to kidney stone disease.”

How to understand that you lack vitamin C

There are several external signs, by which it can be determined that there is an acute shortage of ascorbic acid in the human body. These include:

  • constant pain in feet and heels
  • general malaise similar to flu symptoms
  • wounds and cuts do not heal for a long time
  • pale skin
  • strange anxiety and disturbing dreams
  • wobbly teeth, bleeding gums
  • general weakening of the immune system, tendency to colds

But it should be noted that only external signs are not enough. For staging accurate diagnosis need to contact qualified specialist. Because the signs listed above may be symptoms serious illnesses, and not just a lack of vitamin C. And you certainly cannot self-medicate by simply eating ascorbic acid. In some cases, a vitamin supplement may not only be useless, but also cause even more harm.

Sources of ascorbic acid

The best source is rose hips

In our area, rose hips can be considered the richest source of vitamin C. There are more than 20 of its species. The fruits of each of them are very valuable product nutrition. 100 g of rose hips (canine rose) contain from 800 to 900 mg of vitamin C. Garland rose hips (cinnamon rose) contain more vitamin C than any other form: up to 2400 mg per 100 g. The flowers are red, slightly flattened, with protruding with entire sepals, round fruits, bears fruit in August. On level ground it can form a creeping hedge. Rose hips are rich not only in vitamin C, but also in many microelements. Of course, it is best to use fresh fruits. Children most often do this. For adults, you can prepare infusions and juices from rose hips. Rose hips can be dried, brewed and drunk as tea. All parts of the plant are valuable, especially its leaves. Tea made from rosehip leaves is rich in a complex of vitamins.

In second place after rose hips in terms of the richness of multivitamins and polyminerals is parsley. It is especially rich in vitamin C: 128-193 mg per 100 g.

The richest sources

Here is a table of foods that contain vitamin C in the largest quantities.

  • Wild rose hips 550
  • Rose hips without seeds 660
  • Dried rose hips 160 – 1140
  • Rubbed rosehip 840
  • Sea buckthorn berries 200 – 600
  • Strawberry 46 - 234
  • Blackcurrant 148 - 258
  • Lemons 20 – 70
  • Oranges 16 – 47
  • Grapefruits 24 – 45
  • Horseradish 105 - 138
  • Sweet pepper about 125
  • Parsley 128
  • Green dill 100

Other vegetables and fruits contain less vitamin C: apples and pears, for example, contain small amounts. In addition, ascorbic acid easily decomposes during heat treatment. It is almost absent in cooked foods. It also decomposes when exposed to iron; with prolonged storage and freezing of products, its content also decreases.

Does vitamin C help with colds?

It is necessary to understand that although a lack of vitamin C in the diet does lead to a decrease in immunity, this does not mean that large doses of ascorbic acid can cure viral diseases or “improve” immunity. Scientific research They have long refuted the myth that colds go away faster when taking vitamin C.

The same principle applies to most other vitamins and Omega-3 fats - although fish fat and is necessary for correct exchange substances, there is no need to expect any improvement in health when taking it in excess. We are always talking about covering the daily requirement of vitamins, and not about the fact that any diseases can be cured with their help.

Ascorbic acid in cosmetology

Many modern fashionistas are interested in why ascorbic acid is needed in cosmetology. Beauty experts claim that vitamin-rich skin takes it much better. nutrients various cosmetic products - lotions, creams, and also lends itself very well to the popular peeling procedure. However, you can get the maximum effect from using ascorbic acid by following the recommendations of experts:

  1. An excellent effect is obtained by combining ascorbic acid with retinol and tocopherol.
  2. Masks with ascorbic acid and fruits and vegetables are useful. This combination is excellent as a treatment against wrinkles and age spots.
  3. There is no need to combine vitamin C and glucose. IN otherwise can cause allergies and skin rashes.
  4. In cases where the skin is injured, it is necessary to avoid cosmetic procedures using ascorbic acid.
  5. Should not be applied cosmetical tools on the skin around the eyes.
  6. Cosmetologists do not recommend combining ingredients in metal containers, since vitamin C may be destroyed when touching metal.
  7. Ascorbic acid should not be stored in refrigerators.
  8. Apply a mask or cream to your face in the evening.

How to take ascorbic acid

People should get ascorbic acid from their diet. In humans, as well as in other higher primates (dry-nosed monkeys), the gene responsible for the formation of one of the enzymes for the synthesis of ascorbic acid is non-functional. However, for example, in the body of a cat (as in many other mammals), vitamin C is synthesized from glucose.

The physiological need for adults is 90 mg/day (pregnant women are recommended to consume 10 mg more, nursing women - 30 mg). The physiological need for children is from 30 to 90 mg/day, depending on age. Upper permissible level consumption in Russia - 2000 mg/day. For smoking people and those who suffer from passive smoking, it is necessary to increase the daily intake of vitamin C by 35 mg/day.

All mothers know about the benefits of vitamin C, so its intake in children's body attention is paid from birth, making up rational menu for the baby. If it is not possible to provide the child with a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid in food, they resort to vitamin supplements. From what age is it permissible to give pharmaceutical drugs with vitamin C to prevent its deficiency and for what diseases they are needed childhood?

Release form

Ascorbic acid is produced:

  • In tablets. These round tablets may be white, pink, orange or another color depending on the composition. They include 25 mg or 100 mg of ascorbic acid, but also produce a preparation with 50 mg, 75 mg, 300 mg or 500 mg of this vitamin compound. One pack contains 10, 50 or 100 tablets.
  • In jelly beans. Often these are small spherical vitamins yellow color. Each tablet contains 50 mg of vitamin. One package contains 50, 100, 150 or 200 tablets.
  • In ampoules. This form of ascorbic acid is intended for injection into a vein or intramuscular injections. This is a 5% or 10% transparent solution, bottled in 1 or 2 ml ampoules. One package includes 5 or 10 ampoules.
  • In powder. A solution is prepared from it, which must be taken orally. The powder is colorless or white crystals that have no odor. It is packaged in bags of 1 or 2.5 g. One pack contains from 5 to 100 such bags.

Ascorbic acid is available in various flavors and is very popular with children.


The powder form contains only ascorbic acid. In addition to the main substance, tablets and dragees may contain sucrose, wax, calcium stearate, dye, dextrose, starch, lactose, talc, crospovidone and other auxiliary ingredients. IN injection form in addition to vitamin C, water, sodium sulfite and bicarbonate, cysteine, and disodium edetate may be present.

Operating principle

Once in the body, ascorbic acid has the following effect:

  • Normalizes the permeability of small vessels.
  • Protects cells and tissues from toxic substances (antioxidant effect).
  • Strengthens protective forces, preventing viral infections And colds due to activation of the formation of antibodies and interferon.
  • Helps absorb glucose.
  • Has a positive effect on liver functions.
  • Regulates blood clotting.
  • Accelerates skin healing in case of damage.
  • Participates in the formation of collagen.
  • Helps absorb iron and folic acid.
  • Activates digestive enzymes, improves bile secretion, pancreatic function and thyroid gland.
  • Reduces the manifestations of allergies and inflammation by inhibiting the formation of mediators involved in these pathological processes.

How vitamin C affects the body and what are the indications and contraindications for the use of ascorbic acid - see short video:


  • If his diet is unbalanced and there is a risk of hypovitaminosis.
  • During active growth child's body.
  • To prevent ARVI. This reason is relevant in autumn, during winter cold and early spring.
  • If the child has increased emotional or physical stress.
  • If your baby is recovering from injury or surgery.

WITH therapeutic purpose Vitamin C preparations are prescribed:

  • With diagnosed hypovitaminosis C.
  • With hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • For nosebleeds and other bleeding.
  • At infectious diseases or intoxication.
  • With excessive use of iron supplements for a long time.
  • For acute radiation sickness.
  • For anemia.
  • For liver pathologies.
  • For colitis, peptic ulcer, enteritis or achylia.
  • For cholecystitis.
  • With sluggish healing of burns, ulcers or wounds on the skin.
  • For bone fractures.
  • With dystrophy.
  • For helminthiasis.
  • For chronic dermatoses and some other skin diseases.

At what age can it be given?

Give medications with ascorbic acid one year old child it is forbidden. Tablets containing 25 mg of ascorbic acid are prescribed from 3 years of age. Dragees containing the vitamin in a dose of 50 mg are prescribed for children over 5 years of age.

Such age restrictions associated with difficulty swallowing the drug in early age, as well as the risk of inhaling the pills. If necessary, your doctor can prescribe vitamin C earlier, but you should not do this on your own. Even when the child is already 3 years old or older, you should consult your pediatrician about the use of such a vitamin.


Instructions for use prohibit ascorbic acid in the following cases:

  • If the patient has an intolerance to such a vitamin.
  • If there is a tendency to thrombosis or thrombophlebitis is detected.
  • If the child diabetes(for forms with sugar).
  • If a blood test shows too high a hemoglobin level.
  • If little patient severe renal pathology was diagnosed.

Child less than a year old cannot take vitamin C in the form of tablets and dragees

Side effects

Sometimes a child’s body reacts to taking ascorbic acid with an allergy. These are often skin changes that manifest themselves as redness, itching, and rashes.

Treatment with vitamin C may also lead to:

  • Thrombocytosis, erythropenia, leukocytosis due to neutrophils.
  • Weakness and dizziness (if injected into a vein too quickly).
  • Diarrhea (at high dosage).
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Damage to tooth enamel (with prolonged absorption in the mouth).
  • Fluid and sodium retention.
  • Education in urinary tract oxalate stones (with long-term use high doses).
  • Disruption of metabolic processes.
  • Kidney damage.
  • Pain at the injection site (if administered intramuscularly).

Sometimes children develop an allergy to vitamin C, which manifests itself as rashes on various parts of the body.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • Ascorbic acid tablets with glucose or dragees are offered to the child after meal.
  • Prophylactic dose for children 3-10 years old it is represented by 1 tablet containing 25 mg of vitamin, and over the age of ten years this daily dosage is increased to two tablets (50 mg per day).
  • Treatment dose is 2 tablets of 25 mg of ascorbic acid per day under the age of 10 years (daily dosage 50 mg) and three to four tablets of the drug over the age of 10 years (daily dosage 75-100 mg).
  • It is recommended to take ascorbic acid prophylactically from two weeks to two months. Duration treatment course determined by the doctor.
  • If the dosage of the active substance in a tablet is 100 mg, then this ascorbic acid is given in a dose of 1/2 tablet per day to children over 6 years of age.
  • Dragees are given for prevention to children over five years old, 1 piece per day, and for treatment - 1-2 dragees up to 3 times a day.
  • Only a doctor should prescribe Ascorbic acid in injections to children. Daily dosage is 1-2 ml of the drug, but a more precise dose, route of administration and duration of therapy should be determined by a specialist, taking into account the disease in a particular child.


Since ascorbic acid is a water-soluble compound, hypervitaminosis does not develop with an excessive dosage of this vitamin. However, excessively high doses of such a substance can damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which leads to abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, vomiting and other negative symptoms.

Also, poisoning with a very large amount of vitamin C is manifested by weakness, sweating, hot flashes, insomnia, and headaches. In addition, an excess of this substance will reduce capillary permeability, which will impair tissue nutrition, increase blood pressure and can lead to hypercoagulation.

To prevent ascorbic acid from causing illness, you should be aware of the maximum recommended dosages of this vitamin:

  • For children under 3 years old this is 400 mg per day.
  • For a child aged 4 to 8 years maximum dose per day is called 600 mg.
  • For children 9 to 13 years of age, dosage should not exceed 1200 mg per day.
  • At the age of over 14 years, the permissible maximum ascorbic acid per day is 1800 mg of this vitamin.

Watch an educational video that explains what can happen if you allow excess vitamin C in the body:

Interaction with other drugs

  • The use of ascorbic acid will increase the blood levels of penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics, as well as salicylates.
  • At joint reception vitamin C and acetylsalicylic acid Ascorbic acid absorption deteriorates. The same effect is observed if you drink ascorbic acid with an alkaline liquid or fresh juice.
  • Simultaneous use with anticoagulants will reduce their therapeutic effect.
  • Taking vitamin C together with iron supplements promotes better absorption of Fe in the intestines. If you prescribe ascorbic acid and deferoxamine, iron toxicity will increase, which will negatively affect the heart and its function.
  • It is not recommended to mix the injection form of vitamin C in the same syringe with any medications, since many drugs react chemically with ascorbic acid.
  • At simultaneous treatment Barbiturates increase the excretion of ascorbic acid in the urine.

Terms of sale

You do not need a prescription to purchase Ascorbic Acid in pharmacies. The price of 10 ampoules of 2 ml with a 5% solution of ascorbic acid is about 40 rubles. A jar of 50 mg tablets of vitamin C costs 20-25 rubles, and a package of 25 mg tablets, which contain glucose, costs about 10-20 rubles.

Ascorbic acid can be bought not only at the pharmacy, but also often at the checkout in the supermarket

Storage conditions and shelf life

The place where you need to place Ascorbic acid for better preservation should not be very humid, hot or lit. In addition, you need to keep the drug where small children cannot reach it.

The shelf life of tablets with ascorbic acid is 1-3 years. different manufacturers, 5% solution for injections is stored for up to a year, 10% solution and pills - 18 months from the date of release.


Parents generally speak well of ascorbic acid preparations. Sweet ascorbic acid is liked by children and is considered by most adults to be a useful supplement, especially during the cold season. Moms are attracted by the ability of such a medicine to prevent ARVI, strengthen the immune system and blood vessels. In their reviews, they also praise Ascorbic acid for pleasant taste, low cost and availability in pharmacies.

Most reviews do not mention any disadvantages of this drug. Only in some children Ascorbic acid causes allergies, but larger number Young patients tolerate the drug well.


Ascorbic acid for children in tablets, dragees or injection form can be replaced with other drugs that can compensate for the lack of vitamin C or prevent hypovitaminosis. These include:

  • Asvitol. The drug is presented with vitamin C in tablets (25-50 mg each) and chewable tablets(200 mg).
  • Ascovit. This vitamin C is produced in powder (packaged in 1 g bags), from which a drink with green tea and hibiscus flavor or orange flavor is prepared. This drug is also available in effervescent tablets 500 or 1000 mg of ascorbic acid with orange and lemon flavor.

The most commonly used drug during colds is not the newfangled fast-acting antivirals, and this is ascorbic acid. It is purchased not only during illness or to prevent any infection, it is used to strengthen blood vessels and normalize the functioning of the entire body.

Why is ascorbic acid so popular everywhere in the post-Soviet space and what effect does it have on the body? Is this substance so useful and what dangers does ascorbic acid cause if used incorrectly? The benefits and harms of ascorbic acid - everything about this drug.

What is ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is found naturally in many plant products. This is a water-soluble vitamin. He belongs to the group biologically active substances, which are involved in almost all life processes and are required in small quantities. What you need to know about ascorbic acid?

  1. It is not synthesized in the human body.
  2. How much ascorbic acid can you take per day? Daily norm for an adult - 100 mg; during a cold, its amount should be doubled.
  3. Ascorbic acid is a very unstable substance and it oxidizes under the influence of oxygen at room temperature.
  4. Ascorbic acid poisoning natural origin(found in products) or an overdose of vitamin C is almost impossible and occurs in rare special cases.
  5. Vitamin C is not only a participant in the reactions, it helps the work and absorption of other vital substances.

The benefits of ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid in its pure form and in combination with other substances has a positive effect on many body systems. With regular use, it is easier for the body to cope with infections. What else does vitamin C help with?

  1. Improves iron absorption.
  2. Participates in many reactions: stimulates the liver to cellular level, takes part in tissue respiration and redox reactions.
  3. It is part of more complex reactions: the synthesis of thyroid and adrenal hormones, steroid hormones.
  4. Promotes normal process restoration and healing of wounds and ulcers.
  5. An overdose of ascorbic acid in a child is rare, and its deficiency leads to disruption of the formation of bones, collagen and dentin of the teeth.
  6. Ascorbic acid increases the human body's resistance to stressful situations, infection and cold.
  7. Normalizes vascular permeability.

Ascorbic acid is beneficial for everyone, especially in the optimal daily dose. If you eat fruits and vegetables every day, then this is quite enough. Vitamin C is found in green onions, peppers, garlic, dill, cabbage (most of all in sauerkraut), all citrus fruits, black currant, rosehip, rowan, kiwi.

Is it possible to be poisoned by ascorbic acid? Yes, if the product is of poor quality or there are problems with organ function digestive system. This often happens when using a synthetic “pharmacy” vitamin. You can't eat more than normal natural vitamin, that is, the one contained in products. Ascorbic acid is quickly excreted by the kidneys, so there is no excess of it in the body.

The benefits of ascorbic acid with glucose

In addition to pure vitamin C, there are several compounds on the market with other drugs. Most often it is included in complex vitamins. But there is another drug that is familiar to everyone since childhood - ascorbic acid with glucose. What do you need to know about this two-component compound?

  1. Synthetic vitamin C is obtained from glucose.
  2. Working together, these two substances improve liver function.
  3. This is a good energy boost for the body.

But you shouldn’t use it in large quantities - even such a seemingly safe product can lead to irreparable changes.

How is ascorbic acid with glucose useful and when is it used? Indications for the use of the vitamin and the drug combined with glucose are as follows:

Is ascorbic acid harmful?

What can be the consequences of an overdose of ascorbic acid? The drug is freely available at pharmacies; to purchase it there is no need to write a prescription from a doctor. Is it really that safe?

Vitamin C overdose a rare event, the body does not have a reserve of this substance. Everything that is consumed with food is immediately consumed by the body, and the excess is excreted by the kidneys, through the intestines and sweat glands. But when using synthetic ascorbic acid or injecting the substance, some difficulties may arise.

What to do if you have too much vitamin

When weakness, heartburn and abdominal pain appear, it is difficult to suspect an excess of ascorbic acid in the body. Only a carefully collected anamnesis can help make such a diagnosis. What to do in case of an overdose of ascorbic acid? Any of the developed conditions associated with excess ascorbic acid in the body requires medical supervision. How you can help to a loved one for symptoms of poisoning? What you need to know about overdose?

What is ascorbic acid needed for? It helps cope with changes in a growing body and is indicated for severe physical and mental stress. Vitamin C hypervitaminosis can only be associated with misuse synthetic drug in the absence of supervision of children. How to avoid it dangerous influence? You should not abuse ascorbic acid in tablets, and if you take it systematically, you should be observed by a doctor.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is probably the most studied, well known and frequently used food additive worldwide. In addition, it is safe, cheap and accessible. Vitamin C is soluble in water, its main function in the body is like fat-soluble vitamin E, - work as an antioxidant.

Ascorbic acid is essential for the biosynthesis of several enzymes in the body, and when combined with garlic, vitamin C is beneficial for increasing nitric oxide levels and blood flow.


  1. Frequency of sexual intercourse

A study in healthy young men found that 3 g of vitamin C per day significantly increased the frequency of sexual intercourse. The authors of the experiment noted that vitamin C improves “catecholaminergic activity, reduces stress reactivity, anxiety and prolactin excretion, improves vascular function and increases the release of oxytocin” - the hormone of hugs and affection. All of these can improve potency, desire and satisfaction.

Several studies have shown that vitamin C intake correlates with improved cognitive function and neuroprotection. However, in some other experiments this relationship was not revealed. However, most observations show that there is still some benefit to the brain from supplementing with vitamin C.

  1. Blood Flow, Nitric Oxide and Erections

There is evidence that vitamin C can significantly help men struggling with endothelial and erectile dysfunction.

  1. Weight loss

Researchers found that “vitamin C status is inversely related to body weight. Men with adequate vitamin C oxidize 30% more fat during moderate exercise. physical activity than people with low amounts of ascorbic acid. Thus, men with reduced content vitamin C levels in the body may be more resistant to fat loss." This statement works when the vitamin C content in the body is really low. Take megadoses of ascorbic acid for weight loss, having a normal level of vit. C in the blood, ineffective.

  1. and stress reduction

Many experiments conducted on humans and animals have proven that vitamin C is effective during stress. In this case, dosages of about 1-3 grams were used.

Vitamin C protects collagen, a key anti-aging component important for skin and appearance. There is no study yet that has shown that oral administration Vitamin C reduces wrinkles and sagging skin. However, it is likely that vitamin C does reduce or at least protects the skin from wrinkles on a small scale. Researchers also recently discovered that vitamin C protects the DNA of skin cells through stimulation of fibroblasts, which they believe will actually help heal the skin. In addition, it is known that vitamin C can reduce wrinkles when applied topically.

  1. Immunity

Ascorbic acid has immunity-boosting properties. Most experts believe that vitamin C actually reduces cold and flu symptoms. The worst thing about colds and flu is that they last a week or two and are accompanied by... unpleasant signs. Vitamin C seems to help combat these symptoms to a large extent, so it can be loosely classified as a "pain reliever" as it makes a cold or flu easier to bear.

  1. Mood

The above study and several others also found that vitamin C improves mood and reduces depression.

  1. H. pylori

A large percentage of people are infected Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that often leads to gastritis and stomach cancer. The experiment showed that taking vitamin C eliminated Helicobacter pylori in a third of infected patients. Every day they were given 5 grams of ascorbic acid.

  1. Lead

Megadoses of vitamin C significantly reduce baseline levels lead, scientists say. For example, one experiment on smokers showed that 1 gram of vitamin C taken daily reduced lead levels by 80%.

  1. Inflammation

There is a lot of evidence that vitamin C can reduce inflammation, especially in men with increased risk its occurrence. One notable example was a 2009 study that showed that CRP C-reactive protein) may be reduced by 25% in men (and women) at levels >1.0 mg/L. These results were achieved by taking 1 gram of vitamin C per day.

  1. Homocysteine

Even normal levels homocysteine ​​(an amino acid) may lower nitric oxide and increase the risk erectile dysfunction and heart disease in men. Vitamin C protects against oxidation of LDL (low-density lipoprotein), which can increase the risk of developing atherosclerotic plaques.

  • How the world's most used vitamin affects men's testosterone levels

In an in vitro (test tube) study, vitamin C was found to be able to repair damaged testosterone molecules by up to 58%. In a similar study, vitamin C was able to increase testosterone levels in Leydig cells in the testes. Several animal experiments have shown that vitamin C protects testicular cells from oxidative stressors and thus maintains testosterone levels. Similar protective effects have been observed in humans.

  • Ascorbic acid does protect testosterone molecules from oxidative damage, but can it increase testosterone levels in healthy gonads?

Studies in rodents and humans have shown that vitamin C significantly increases sperm quality, volume, and sperm motility. For this reason, ascorbic acid is useful for men when planning pregnancy. However, the only two human studies that examined the direct effects of vitamin C on testosterone levels did not show a significant increase in T after supplementation with ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C is also known for its cortisol (stress hormone) lowering effect. This in turn should have a positive effect on testosterone, creating a more anabolic environment in the body.

  • Does Vitamin C Increase Testosterone Levels?

Indirectly, supplemental ascorbic acid does protect testosterone molecules from oxidative damage during stress. Therefore, most men can benefit from vitamin C supplements, as the modern processed diet food products, toxins environment, obesity and sedentary lifestyle In most men's lives, oxidative stress occurs in the testes.

  • Who can benefit from taking vitamin C supplements?

Almost every man who wants to protect his testes from oxidative damage. Also, if a person is exposed frequent stress, smokes, or drinks alcohol, then increasing your intake of ascorbic acid (and other antioxidants) would be advisable to protect testosterone molecules from cellular damage.

Another group of people who may benefit from supplemental vitamin C intake are men who exercise actively. Ascorbic acid helps suppress inflammation caused physical exercise increasing cortisol and therefore improving the testosterone to cortisol ratio in favor of anabolism.

However, if a man does not exercise, both his diet and general state health are in excellent condition, adding vitamin C will probably not affect his hormonal levels in any way.


How much ascorbic acid should a man take?

The daily requirement of vitamin C for men (without health problems or those planning fatherhood) is approximately 60-100 mg daily. This a small amount of which can be obtained from food.

However, if you are in under stress and/or are exposed to compounds that cause oxidative stress in the body, higher levels of daily dose(1-5 g) vitamin C.

To reduce cortisol you will need 1-3 grams of ascorbic acid.

You can take regular cheap ascorbic acid supplements, which are sold in pharmacies, but buffered or liposomal vit is more modern, harmless to the gastrointestinal tract and effective. WITH.

  • How to take vitamin C: harm from ascorbic acid if taken incorrectly

3 rules for using ascorbic acid:

  1. Buffered vitamin C is taken on an empty stomach.

Regular intake of ordinary acidic ascorbic acid can upset the stomach, but now vitamin C is being produced in other forms. The buffered form is softer, better absorbed and does not have such a negative effect on the stomach. These bioavailable forms are commonly referred to as Ester-C. You can also buy liposomal vitamin C, which is not destroyed and is absorbed up to several times better than regular ascorbic acid.

Why is it important to take on an empty stomach? The reason is that vitamin C can enhance iron absorption. This is potentially dangerous and can increase ferritin and iron stores, which is associated with various types chronic diseases. Equally important, easily digestible forms of the vitamin should not irritate even an empty stomach.

  1. 500 mg, 2-3 times a day

Some experts believe that vitamin C is best taken several times throughout the day. In this case, its plasma levels remain high constantly. This can increase nitric oxide levels and possibly collagen formation. Also, if a man combines vitamin C with garlic, he can get a much more noticeable increase in nitric oxide than when taking ascorbic acid alone (it's important to note that this may lower blood pressure).

Previously, it was believed that taking dosages greater than 200 mg/day was useless, since it did not lead to a significant increase in plasma vitamin levels. However, this was refuted in a study with liposomal vitamin C, the authors of which showed that this form of ascorbic acid can be absorbed and retained in the body significantly better.

  1. Do not take vitamin C with fatty foods

If a person takes vitamin C with food or shortly before a meal and what he eats has more than 10% fat, vitamin C may increase the formation of nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are carcinogenic chemicals that exist, for example, in certain types of processed meats. Ascorbic acid, taken on an empty stomach or with low-fat food, on the contrary, destroys these carcinogenic substances.


Many products have high content vitamin C, below are 5 of them that are suitable for a testosterone-boosting diet. These foods are fruits that contain fructose. Fructose protects liver cells and increases speed carbohydrate metabolism. It is the main sugar involved in the function reproductive system and sperm production. Fructose also and thus leaves more bioavailable free testosterone in the bloodstream. In addition, it enhances metabolism.

  1. Squeezed orange juice

Orange juice is one of the best natural sources vitamin C. A glass of freshly squeezed juice contains up to 108 mg of vitamin C, which is 120% of the daily value.

  1. A pineapple

A proteolytic enzyme called bromelain, found in pineapples, may support testosterone levels during intense exercise. Bromelain also breaks down the peptide chains that bind amino acids, improving protein digestion in the body. Pineapples are also rich in fructose.

100 grams of fresh pineapple pieces contain 47 mg of vitamin C, which is 52% of the daily requirement.

  1. Sweet potato

Sweet potato is one of the best sources carbohydrates in the diet to increase testosterone. They contain vitamins A and C. 100 grams of sweet potatoes provide 19 mg of vitamin C (21% of the daily value).

  1. Mango

Mango is beneficial for men who want to boost their metabolism and testosterone levels. They contain 27 mg (30% DV) of vitamin C per 100 g.

Kiwis are natural source vitamin C. In one study, scientists found that kiwi juice taken 1-2 hours before bedtime has a positive effect on subjective and objective measures of sleep quality. This is also useful because quality sleep Connected with high level testosterone in men.

These products will help you get daily norm vitamin, but if you need more high dosage(to increase nitric oxide production and testosterone levels), taking supplements is more effective.