What to do when you are lazy and apathetic. The right psychological approach. ③ Lack of clear intentions and current goals

Fatigue and apathy after a long day of work are normal and natural. To get back to normal healthy person It’s enough to get a good night’s sleep or just survive until the weekend. But if even rest doesn’t help you get back on track, it’s time to think about visiting a doctor.

When you wake up in the morning, do you find it difficult to get dressed and feel lethargic for the rest of the day? On weekends, do you lack the strength and desire to even go for a walk, and even more so on weekdays? After walking a couple of flights of stairs, are you ready to fall down from weakness? All these signs may indicate serious problems with health; Some of them, however, can be solved on your own, while others require the help of a specialist. The authors of the book “Your Body's Red Light Warning Signals,” published in America, named the 8 most common causes of constant fatigue.

1. Lack of vitamin B12

This vitamin helps the functioning of nerves and red blood cells your body. The latter, in turn, are involved in transporting oxygen to the tissues, without which the body cannot process nutrients into the energy it needs. Hence the weakness due to B12 deficiency. This condition can be identified by other signs: for example, it is very often accompanied by diarrhea, and sometimes by numbness of the fingers and toes and memory problems.

What to do. Vitamin deficiency is detected by a simple blood test. If it shows a positive result, you will most likely be advised to eat more meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. The vitamin is also available in medicinal form but is poorly absorbed and is usually prescribed only in extreme cases.

2. Vitamin D deficiency

This vitamin is unique because it is produced on our own our body. True, for this you need to spend at least 20-30 minutes in the sun every day, and the latest criticism of tanning enthusiasts does not help this at all. The press is full of warnings that the hobby sunbathing threatens premature aging, age spots and cancer. This is partly true, of course, but excessive caution is no less dangerous to health. Vitamin D deficiency, doctors warn, can lead to heart problems. high blood pressure, neurological disorders and some types of cancer.

What to do. Vitamin D levels are also checked with a blood test. You can top it up fish diet, eggs and liver. But sunbathing is also necessary. 10 minutes for fresh air per day will be enough to get rid of fatigue.

3. Taking medications

Read the package insert for the medicine you are taking. Perhaps among side effects Fatigue, apathy, and weakness are indicated. However, some manufacturers may “hide” this information from you. For example, antihistamines (used for allergies) can literally drain your energy, although you won't read it on the label. Many antidepressants and beta blockers (hypertension medications) have a similar effect.

What to do. Each person reacts to medications differently. The form and even the brand of the drug may matter. Ask your doctor to find another one for you - maybe changing pills will get you back into shape.

4. Malfunction of the thyroid gland

Problems with the thyroid gland can also manifest themselves in changes in weight (especially difficulties with weight loss), dry skin, chills and irregularities. menstrual cycle. This typical signs hypothyroidism - decreased activity thyroid gland, due to which the body lacks hormones that regulate metabolism. In an advanced state, the disease can lead to joint diseases, heart disease and infertility. 80% of patients are women.

What to do. Go to an endocrinologist and decide how intensive treatment you need. As a rule, patients have to remain on replacement therapy for the rest of their lives. hormone therapy, although the results justify the means.

5. Depression

Weakness is one of the most frequent companions depression. On average, about 20% of the world's population suffers from this scourge.

What to do. If you don't want to take pills and go to a psychologist, try playing sports. Physical activity is a natural antidepressant, promoting the production of the “happy” hormone serotonin.

6. Intestinal problems

Celiac disease, or celiac disease, affects approximately 1 in 133 people. It consists in the inability of the intestines to digest gluten cereal crops, that is, as soon as you sit on pizza, cookies, pasta or bread for a week, bloating, diarrhea, discomfort in the joints and constant fatigue begin. The body reacts to a lack nutrients, which cannot be obtained due to the inability of the intestines to absorb them.

What to do. First, undergo several tests to make sure that the problem is really in the intestines. In some cases, confirmation of the diagnosis requires endoscopic examination. If the answer is yes, you will have to seriously reconsider your diet.

7. Heart problems

About 70% of women who have had a heart attack complain of sudden and prolonged attacks of weakness and constant fatigue, preceding heart attack. And although the heart attack itself is not so painful in the fair half of humanity, the percentage deaths among women is constantly growing.

What to do. If you have other symptoms of heart problems - decreased appetite, difficulty breathing, rare but sharp pains in the chest, it is better to consult a cardiologist. You may need an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, or ultrasound examination of the heart. Treatment depends on the results. To prevent heart disease, you can change your diet to a low-fat diet and do light exercise.

8. Diabetes

This one insidious disease There are two ways to wear you down. First: when a patient's blood sugar level is too high, glucose (that is, potential energy) is literally washed out of the body and goes to waste. It turns out that the more you eat, the worse you will feel. By the way, the condition is constant high sugar in the blood has its own name - potential diabetes or prediabetes. This is not yet a disease, but it manifests itself in the same way in persistent fatigue.

The second problem is extreme thirst: the patient drinks a lot, and because of this he gets up several times a night “out of need” - what kind of healthy sleep is that?

What to do. Other symptoms of diabetes - frequent urination, increased appetite and weight loss. If you suspect you have this disease, The best way check your suspicions - get your blood tested. If you have diabetes, you will have to follow a diet, regularly check your blood sugar, take medications, and possibly exercise. If you are diagnosed with prediabetes, increased weight loss physical activity can prevent the condition from getting worse.

Laziness is a serious virus, the carrier of which is every person, especially children. It sounds scary, but that's how it really is. How to overcome laziness? After all, it “eats” a person from the inside, and in the most advanced cases provokes his complete degradation. Once we give in to it, it gently and imperceptibly takes over our entire being. It entangles the body and mind in its networks, so much so that it can be oh so difficult to get out of these bonds.

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There are people who still manage to find strength in themselves every day and overcome this “disease.” But, more unfortunately, some people cannot boast of such willpower and endurance, so they allow laziness to completely consume them. Since you found the strength to search the Internet for a cure for laziness, and now you are reading this post, it means that your episode is not yet the most hopeless, and we can still help you.

First of all, you must admit honestly to yourself that you suffer from this vice. Although, if you are here, then you are aware of it and everything is in order. Do not attribute your own laziness to trivial fatigue. Of course, if you worked hard all day in the office, at school or at home, then you can allow yourself to be a little lazy. In this case, it would be more appropriate to say take a break. But if all you do all day is take a breath away from thoughts of getting up and doing something useful, then this, excuse me, is genuine laziness. And this risks turning into chronic apathy or even depression.

Before embarking on an entrepreneurial struggle, you need to understand the causes of laziness. Among them, the most common are the following:

  • Fatigue, emotional and energy exhaustion.
  • A feeling of uselessness (uselessness) of one or another task that needs to be implemented.
  • Fear of implementation difficult task. For example, let’s take a diploma - do you remember how many approaches you did before you finished it (if, of course, you wrote it yourself).
  • Lack of faith in the success of the task.

Along with the above reasons, there is one more, the most important one. And understanding this reason will help answer the question “how to overcome laziness.” Psychology judges laziness as a lack of motivation. Yes, in fact, insufficient motivation or its complete absence becomes the basis for laziness in its most advanced forms. Will a person be lazy, knowing that a decent reward awaits him in the end? Unlikely, unless he is in a state deep depression. But that is another story.

How to overcome laziness yourself

Oh, how wonderful it would be if the medicine for laziness was sold in a pharmacy in the form of potions or tablets. Dreaming, of course, is not harmful, but dreaming alone will not cure laziness. This is where action needs to be taken.

So, how to overcome laziness? Psychology, a truly good science, will help you understand the causes of laziness, and useful tips will give you how to eliminate them.

Let's start, perhaps, by analyzing the essential, deepest cause of laziness - insufficiency or lack of motivation.

Absolutely all people have a dream in life. And those who claim that they have no dreams, then they are blatantly lying. In reality, for such a person the dream is unrealistic and unattainable, and he simply does not want to talk about it.

A dream remains a dream if no methods are taken to realize it. Remember successful great people and their achievements. Do you think the world would know about them if they were lazy? All the things that are indispensable in a modern home would never have come into being if their creators had simply dreamed while looking at the ceiling on the sofa.

Achieving a secret dream is the strongest motivation for a person and, accordingly, the most effective means from laziness. Maybe your dreams are not aimed at transforming the world, and are quite mundane, for example, to learn English, get a diploma, find a prestigious job, meet your loved one or visit some place or country. But they are also worthy of implementation. There is no big or small dream. All the greatness of dreams is determined by the degree of your desire.

So, the dream was formed. Now we need to determine the steps that will need to be taken to implement it. To strengthen your own motivation, we advise you to perform the following exercise during each attack of laziness.

First, imagine your own dream in the most picturesque colors, for example, you are lying on a lily beach, slowly drinking mango juice and reveling in an incredibly beautiful view of the ocean. Then return to reality - it became sad. Now imagine your own life, for example, in a year. What will happen to her if you don't stop being lazy? The answer is undeniable - absolutely nothing will change in your life.

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Do you think your dream is unattainable? Very in vain. thoughts are material. People who believe in the power of thought and use visualization techniques have had their wildest dreams come true. Moreover, in such ways and ways that they did not even think about. But the essence of materializing thoughts and desires is not only to sit from morning to evening in the lotus position and imagine. Here you need to act, and not miss the opportunities that life will throw at you. And, believe me, she will find something to give to those who believe.

How to overcome laziness and apathy if the cause is not motivation, but fatigue and overwork? In this case, your cure for laziness is simply rest. It is not necessary to go on vacation and go to distant lands, although this is perfect option. It is enough to get enough sleep and find something you like that will help relieve emotional stress.

If you find it difficult to force yourself to work because you feel it is useless, change your job to one that you like. Don't be afraid of changes in your life. After all, if you do something reluctantly, through force, then it will not be better for anyone, and above all, for you. At least start looking at job openings.

Often people are lazy to do the main big things. For example, it is very difficult to start working in the morning or after lunch; at this time the prospect of starting to do something serious and voluminous is simply frightening. Psychologists recommend starting work with the implementation of small tasks, so that the body, as they say, is “tuned” to work. Large amounts of work, the completion of which will take a couple of hours or days, are better divided into several parts and completed in stages.

Well, when you are stuck mired in laziness due to depression, then welcome to a psychotherapist. A competent specialist will help you find the causes of such a depressed state and eliminate them. The main thing here is not to refuse the help of doctors. Depression is a serious thing, but reversible.

How to overcome a child's laziness

The fight against laziness in children should begin as early as possible, in otherwise Over time, it will be extremely difficult to eradicate it. Until a certain age, a child, like a sponge, absorbs the behavior of his own parents. Therefore, when he begins to show signs of laziness, it is partly your fault. After all, how can one overcome children’s laziness if the parents themselves suffer from this vice?

So, the first way to overcome a child’s laziness is to overcome your own laziness. Also, if you see that your child is reluctant to do something or is lazy, talk to him and try to find out the reason for his laziness. Usually, a child's laziness is combined with some household responsibilities and homework preparation. And motivation will be a great way here. Of course, there is no need to overdo it in this matter either, otherwise you risk spoiling your child, but in an acceptable amount this will help you cope with his reluctance. Praise your child if he does something around the house, especially at his own request, praise him for good grades - this is also an effective solution to overcome a child’s laziness.

If a person has a desire, then he is capable of much, even overcoming his own laziness!

It’s sad, but these illnesses have no age limit – both young and old suffer. Great importance has presence chronic diseases, activity, nutrition, sleep and condition nervous system.

So, for example, you shouldn’t be surprised if you have a whole “bouquet” of diseases that affect the condition of blood vessels, stomach, liver, and brain. The most common clinical manifestation Most chronic illnesses are caused by weakness and an excessive desire to sleep.

As for activity, there is a kind of paradox here - what more people protects himself from physical activity, the less energy he feels in his body. If your job requires little mobility, then try to carve out a couple of hours a week to visit the pool, go to the gym, or just walk in the fresh air.

We also advise you to reconsider your diet. There is no need to blame nature and circumstances if you yourself supply your body with harmful and high-calorie foods. Excess weight, blockage of blood vessels, formation of waste – these are the main factors emanating from poor nutrition, which deprive you of tone and joy in life.

Healthy sleep is also important for our life. On average, a person needs about 7-9 hours to feel well-rested. It is very important to respect your biological rhythm.

The concept of larks and owls is not an empty phrase, so try to adjust your activities to “your hours.”

And the most common reason, leading people to weakness and drowsiness is a condition of the nervous system. Stress, neuroses, hysteria and depression - all this takes away our vital energy. Of course, it’s difficult to completely protect yourself from such experiences, but at least try to minimize them through self-discipline and positive thoughts.

How to get rid of weakness and the desire to constantly sleep

Fortunately, there are many natural energy drinks and simple ways suppressing these symptoms. Food includes natural coffee (no more than 2 cups per day), black and green tea, freshly squeezed juices (preferably a combination of several fruits or vegetables), drinks with the addition of ginseng or ginger extract and dark chocolate.

TO physical methods giving strength and energy include: a small 10-minute exercise (in the morning and in the middle of the working day). Also, try to breathe deeply. Additional saturation of the body with oxygen has a beneficial effect on your performance.

Everyone is well aware of the master Oblomov, whose name has already become a household name for a lazy person. In this article we will figure out where the feeling of apathy, fatigue comes from and how to overcome laziness.

Almost everyone in life sometimes doesn’t feel like going to work, doing something around the house, studying homework, etc. Does this mean everyone is lazy? No. Man is not born lazy, and it doesn’t become so in one day. In fact, there are a number of factors or conditions that lead to the fact that after a sufficiently long period of time a person turns into Oblomov.

HOW TO OVERCOME LAZINESS: understand yourself

Indifference to everything that happens in life, the appearance of complete indifference is a sign that a person has chosen the wrong life path or failed to cope with it. Many people do not understand where laziness comes from in an active teenager, an energetic worker, and it is the clarification of the cause of this condition that leads to healing from laziness. Experts believe that the development of inactivity and apathy give the following reasons:

  • prolonged imposition of certain actions or behavior on a person;
  • psychological models of behavior imposed from childhood, which consist in the fact that it is better to be in the middle and not stick out;
  • brokenness due to prolonged complexes, frequent troubles and psychological problems;
  • the presence of a person’s fear that, having reached certain peaks in a profession or society, he will slide down again and will be laughed at;
  • disappointment in life and lack of self-confidence;
  • self-flagellation for actions or deeds that seem wrong or unworthy to a person;
  • low self-esteem, inferiority complex and many others

If you notice that you have a reluctance to do work or do current affairs, The main thing is to listen to yourself, understand your feelings and thoughts. It is important to understand that, knowing the cause of apathy and indifference, it will be easier to understand how to overcome laziness and develop determination in yourself.

Many smart and educated people understand what is happening to them, and strive to find special methods and teachings to combat laziness, proprietary developments. However, most often this does not help. After a certain time, the person again plunges into a state of indifference. This is due to the fact that not everyone has enough motivation to radically change their lifestyle, daily habits, type of activity, social circle, etc.

HOW TO OVERCOME LAZINESS AND APATHY AT HOME: we are aware of the problem

According to experts, awareness of the problem is the first step towards searching for a method on how to overcome laziness and return to active and happy life. Laziness is an invented state. Such a phenomenon simply does not exist, and the methods that prophesy getting rid of it are fraud. Reluctance to go somewhere, do something, finish what you started, loss of interest and enthusiasm for everything around you - all these are manifestations, but not the cause of laziness.

Basically, they lead to apathy and laziness:

  • dislike for unloved work, study, the need to do unloved things;
  • energy and emotional imbalance;
  • lack of clear, specific intentions and aspirations for the current period and mental stagnation;
  • lack of global goals and lack of understanding of the reasons why something needs to be done, go somewhere, etc.

Each of the above reasons provokes the most different symptoms and often they are similar and are called in society by one word - laziness. However healing medicine in each case its own. For example, dislike of studying can be treated by changing the educational institution, teachers, or the direction of the chosen profession. The lack of large-scale goals in your studies is cured not by changing universities, but by setting new, more ambitious goals for yourself: to become a professor, to invent perpetual motion machine or a vaccine against a deadly disease.

In a state of apathy, it is important to understand that you need to look for the reasons that cause it. This is sometimes much more difficult than dealing with symptoms by flying on vacation to warm countries, plunging into alcohol anesthesia and idle entertainment. All this on a short time will distract, but will not cure.


Let's look at all the main reasons for the development of apathy, point by point.

① Dislike for work, school, etc.

Professional activity that does not bring pleasure and satisfaction, study and other activities that cause internal opposition for some moral or other reasons cause a mental crisis and contribute to the emergence of laziness. A person simply cannot bring himself to do something. The stronger the need for meaningless actions, the greater the counteracting force of laziness. At the same time, a clear understanding of the full depth of the problem can provoke severe conditions apathy.

In this situation, the simplest and most effective answer to the question of how to overcome laziness is the solution quit your job, go to another educational institution and so on. However, after being fired in an uncertain state, the person also does not feel better and laziness does not go away.

During this period, a person must understand what he loves and wants to do, and find a new meaning in life. He must choose what he will do with his soul, devoting himself completely to this matter. And this must necessarily be the desire of the person himself, his true desire, and not imposed by parents, family, friends, society or anyone else.

Often, after spending a long time doing a job they don’t like, it is difficult for people to start doing something, giving 100%, but it is this attitude that will help get rid of laziness and fill life with new colors. By giving a piece of yourself, a person will receive much more in return. This is worth remembering. It is important to overcome the consumerist attitude towards the world - “come up with and give me something I love.” Love for the business will show with receipt of the first positive results, after overcoming problems and fears.

② Energy and emotional imbalance

Energy stagnation and decline can manifest itself not only in creative people, but also in ordinary people. An intensive work schedule, even at the job you love, leads to overwork.

Stressful situations also weaken the circulation of energy and gradually give up. At the same time, it is important to understand that this is not from unloved work, but from emotional and physical fatigue. The solution to this problem is a good and good rest. However, this does not mean that you need to lie flat throughout your vacation. It is important to reboot yourself.

Restore energy balance and to minimize subsequent possible downturns, sport will allow proper nutrition, active recreation, meditation, reading books and watching films, communicating with people who inspire you. It is important to fill every day with these components, and not 2 weeks a year. Thanks to this, the question of how to overcome laziness and fatigue will be completely resolved.

③ Lack of clear intentions and current goals

How to overcome laziness and develop determination in yourself, if you don't know what you want? If human activity has no direction, then it gradually weakens and the person falls into apathy. He eats when he doesn't want to, sleeps even when he's not tired, and is generally in a state of indifference to the world around him. Everyone knows that a person quickly gets used to everything and to this state of affairs in his life too. Getting out of this apathy becomes more difficult the longer it lasts. Willpower gradually also fails and it becomes difficult to return to tone.

The way out of this situation is to realize the problem of stagnation and set yourself a very real, feasible current task. Let it not be very grandiose and large-scale. Even insignificant at first glance goal achieved can radically change your life.

Some people, having finished knitting a sweater, finishing a painting, or repairing a car, feel a surge of new energy and emerge from a state of indifference and apathy. This helps them understand that in life everything is much simpler and easier than they thought.

④ Lack of global and grandiose goals

A state of indifference and apathy can often, paradoxically, develop against the background of a completely successful and happy life.

Rapid success, stability and daily repetition of the same scenario can hinder personal development and lead to fatigue. How to overcome laziness in this case? Set yourself larger goals, unattainable horizons and develop further.

No matter how life turns out, you shouldn’t stop there. You need to move on, even if it’s scary. It’s interesting to earn your first million, buy a more expensive and stylish car, buy an apartment, fly around the Earth, visit places that have always attracted you, invent something new, etc. If you have outgrown your current goals, in order not to fall into apathy, you need a new challenge to yourself and life will gain meaning.

Having a big vision will make your daily routine more enjoyable and easier. It helps you understand why all these actions are needed, and overcome them more effectively and easily.

But you can live perfectly well without a large-scale vision, without grandiose goals. There is also such a meta-program of life - a person every day, at every moment in time, when he has to make a choice, even if not very global and even very small, makes a choice towards increasing the amount of goodness and love in our world. Agree, this is also a wonderful goal in life without a goal!

If you still can’t get out of the state of laziness and apathy on your own, don’t hesitate, contact a psychologist or come to our training “ Maximum Life" You can be sure that a complete reboot awaits you there!

If the problem is recognized and the cause of the development of the state of apathy and laziness has been established, then action should be taken. Here are a few effective advice How to overcome laziness and develop determination in yourself:

1. Prove to yourself that you are a goal-oriented person.

Yes, it's hard to start new life . You’re scared that it won’t work out, and you want someone to organize for you, for example, new business. But still, gather all your will in life and do what you really want, what you are afraid of, proving first of all to yourself, and then to those around you, that you strong man. You can start with small things, for example, stop being late for work by getting up a couple of minutes earlier in the morning and preparing your things the night before.

2. Thank yourself for a positive result

One of effective methods training– this is treating an obedient animal with his favorite delicacies. Man, although a rational being, comes from the animal world. Therefore, it is easy to develop reflexes. Clean the apartment, get a prize - a trip to the cinema. Finished a project at work - get a vacation in warmer climes. Got up earlier in the morning– a mug of aromatic coffee at work as a gift.

3. Forced laziness

One effective answer to the question of how to overcome laziness, apathy and fatigue, is idleness. Are you laughing? In vain. Do you think it's easy and simple? Try sitting on a chair, closing your eyes, putting your hands on your knees and sitting. Do an experiment. How long can you sit like this? Do you think it will take a very long time? Tested, even the most lazy man will not be able to stay. It’s enough to just sit silently for a couple of minutes and you’ll want to get up and start doing something. The experiment counts if you did not run to the computer or in front of the TV, but instead started cleaning, cooking dinner or other useful things.

4. Load reduction

If there is too much work, and he also doesn’t really like it, then, of course, this makes a person feel unwilling to do it, and he looks for any excuse not to do it. However, if, for example, you leave part of the work for tomorrow, then the thought of completing the remaining amount will no longer be so scary. This method is actively used in the “fly lady” system, which involves only 15 minutes of cleaning the house, but every day. This approach allows you to clean almost the entire house within a week and spend only 15 minutes of your life on unloved cleaning.

5. Rational organization of labor

You need to be creative when doing any kind of work. and divide the entire volume into small blocks. At the same time, alternate work with rest or, for example, a more complex activity with an easier and more enjoyable one. This is called time management.

6. Replace your unloved job with an even more unloved one.

For example, you need to clean and wash your balcony after winter. Due to the large volume of dirty work, there are constant excuses for postponing this work. However, if you go before washing the balcony and wash greasy pans or, for example, an oven, then cleaning the balcony will become more attractive and will bring more pleasure.

7. No “I’ll think about it tomorrow”

So, tomorrow does not exist, it will not come, there is only today and everything that is planned must be done in the present, not in the future. This method is suitable for people who can fantasize and are highly suggestible. They will easily imagine that tomorrow has disappeared or that if they don’t do a task today, tomorrow their boss or someone else will literally kill them.

9. Reason why you should do this

The reluctance to do something boring and even go to work will quickly pass if you think about it and find a compelling reason argument why this was done day after day. For example, you need to wipe the dust at home, because it is very pleasant to be in a clean, ventilated room afterwards. But you need to go to work and conscientiously perform your duties in order to receive a bonus and spend it on yourself, buying something that you have been wanting to buy for a long time. It is important to correctly place emphasis and motivate yourself.

10. Kaizen to the rescue

Eastern sages often force us to look at ordinary things from a completely unexpected point of view. Japanese technique"Kaizen" proposed by Masaaki Imai, can be easily used as usual Everyday life, in building personal relationships, as well as in business and professional activity. Translated from Japanese, “kai” means change, and “zen” means wisdom, and the main idea of ​​this method is to do something within 1 minute or the “1 minute principle.”

It doesn’t matter at all what a person does, whether he plays sports, cleaning, reading or another activity, the main thing is do this for 1 minute and every day at the same time. 60 seconds is nothing compared to 24 hours of one day. Therefore, you don’t feel sorry for them, and most importantly, it’s not so difficult to spend them on something you don’t like. You can, for example, start pumping up your abs, read an interesting motivational book, but only 1 minute a day. And soon this will become a pleasant habit and in small steps will bring you closer to your goal: to have perfect body, become more successful.

The Kaizen technique helps a person who is in a state of apathy and just a couple of steps away from depression to gradually become more confident and purposeful. Over time, 1 minute can turn into 5, then into 10 or 15, then into half an hour or an hour. It is only important to decide what you want to get from life, and you can experiment and apply the technique.