How to protect yourself from emotional gluttony. How to get rid of gluttony? Deterioration in general health


Set a goal for yourself. To do this, go to an expensive store and buy a skirt, trousers or blouse in the size you want to be. Hang the item at home so that it is always visible. If possible, place it in the kitchen or refrigerator. Clothing in size S or XS will serve as an excellent limit for those who like to enjoy a piece of cake or fried chicken at night.

Don't be afraid that you won't succeed. You will definitely win gluttony, but perhaps not as soon as we would like. It is better to immediately limit the number of calories consumed by calculating your corridor using the formula. To do this, divide the desired weight by 0.453. Then multiply by 14 (for males - by 15). For example, if you want to weigh 60 kilograms, your calculation would look like this: 60:0.453x14=1848. This is how many calories you need to consume per day to achieve required weight.

If you cannot immediately stop consuming the usual amount of food, reduce its volume gradually. Eliminate snacks and replace them with lemon water or green tea. Use sweeteners. Eat fatty and sweet foods only until noon. So, gradually, your taste habits will change, and you yourself will not notice how you stop constantly wanting to eat.

Do not listen to relatives and friends who say that you cannot overcome your appetite. If they can't cope gluttony m, this does not mean at all that everyone is weak-willed.

Find a group of people who want to conquer their appetite. Fight together gluttony m much easier. Get it online and share your successes. Uncover low-calorie foods. Tell us how you managed to stop eating at night, etc.

Photos taken before and after working on yourself are very motivating. Feel free to capture yourself. It is not necessary to post pictures on the Internet. Just save them on your computer and enjoy your success.

Uncontrollable gluttony- a disease that even doctors often do not recognize and recommend eating less. You can cope with the problem on your own, the main thing is to put in a little effort and show willpower. Gradually, appetite normalizes, and overweight will begin to disappear.


Eat often, but in small portions. You will receive fewer calories, and hunger will leave you alone. But if you previously consumed food in unlimited quantities, then temporary discomfort and constant desire have a snack.

Buy fiber or purified bran at the pharmacy. Take a tablespoon three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. Don't forget to drink a full glass of water or unsweetened tea afterwards. Ballast substances will give you a feeling of fullness and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, this feeling can be overcome for a period of time.

Drink a glass of liquid 10 minutes before meals. Strong green tea or coffee without sugar works well. These drinks provoke the breakdown of your own fats, due to which the desire to eat somewhat weakens.

Eat less sweets. Since sugar first rises, and then sharply, appears uncontrollable feeling hunger. It is especially common in those with a predisposition to diabetes. Replace your favorite sweets with dried fruits, nuts or fresh fruits.

A few examples psychological hunger. When you're in a good mood or in good company, you can quietly eat a decent-sized pizza by yourself. If you are overcome by sadness, then you lean on sweets. In hours of loneliness and boredom, you can easily eat several large bags of chips. In these simple ways you satisfy psychological hunger, which has nothing to do with real, physiological hunger. And thus you allow emotions, pleasant and not so pleasant, to leave a mark on your stomach and waist. The danger of these “cute habits” lies in addiction and “if eating emotions becomes a habit, you can forget about being slim. Or exhaust yourself with endless workouts, which will alternate with regular emotional snacks.

How to distinguish psychological hunger from physiological hunger

An “attack” of psychological hunger begins suddenly, at one moment, while the feeling of physiological hunger increases gradually over several hours.

2) When you are overcome by physiological hunger, you are happy with any food. When we're talking about About psychological hunger, the body requires only certain types of food. yearning for only a certain type of food. When you eat to satisfy the needs of physiological hunger, any menu option will suit you, while psychological hunger makes you capricious and overeat.

3) Psychological hunger originates in the head. Not only do you begin to want to immediately try this or that delicacy, but you also see a “delicious” image of the food and feel the smell and taste in your mouth. And with physiological hunger, you are only worried about the rumbling in your stomach and the need to eat something, snack even on a stale crust of bread, throwing away your gourmet habits.

4) Psychological hunger always “goes hand in hand” with emotions, pleasant or negative. And it doesn’t matter that you just recently had a big snack. Physiological hunger appears only a few hours after eating.

5) Psychological hunger is difficult to control and, while satisfying it, you sometimes don’t even notice that you ate a box of cookies or several bars of chocolate in a row. By suppressing physiological hunger, you clearly understand what you are eating and how much.

6) During periods of psychological hunger under the influence of emotions, you continue to eat “through force,” although your stomach has long been full. But the taste and smell of the desired food does not allow you to stop. While the feeling of physiological hunger goes away as you become satiated.

7) Eating due to psychological hunger is often accompanied by feelings of guilt and promises not to overeat or indulge in unbridled gluttony. After satisfying physiological hunger, you will not feel anything like that.

How to get rid of psychological hunger


That you are susceptible to psychological hunger and try to find out what emotions and reasons cause it.

2) Think about what you will do if you feel psychological hunger again. What can you do to overcome the urge to eat?

3) When you start to feel pangs of psychological hunger, keep yourself busy. Go to the store or start doing something that interests you and can really distract you. For example, chat with a friend.

4) “Substitute” food. Instead of chips or cookies, eat low-calorie foods.

5) If you can’t resist eating “something tasty,” it’s easier to satisfy the feeling of psychological hunger than to toss and turn and brush off visions beautiful food. But the “forbidden fruit” can only be tasted by strictly observing the amount of food.

6) If psychological hunger makes you crave sweets, divide the chocolate bar or cookies into several small pieces. Which you then keep in your mouth for as long as possible to prolong the taste and deceive the feeling of hunger.

And the most important thing. If the reason you feel psychological hunger is because of your emotions, then you can get rid of psychological hunger by getting rid of emotions. Be calmer, more restrained, more balanced, and gluttony will not ruin your mood.

Hello dear readers. Do you know what our grandmothers were wrong about? While raising us grandchildren, they fed us to our fullest all the time. They say that another bowl of soup is never too much. No matter how it happens, it happens. Constant and excessive overeating is a disease, and an eternally full belly is a sure sign of it. In this post we will figure out how to get rid of gluttony, what it is and what it leads to.

One of the deadly sins

Binge eating is called a disorder eating behavior. Gluttony is one of them. He was condemned back in ancient Greece. It was believed that gluttony in eating food makes a person physically and spiritually unhappy. The Greeks called the state after gluttony suffering, and called on righteous men not only to limit themselves in food, but to direct their thoughts in the right direction about the place of food in life.

Orthodoxy considers gluttony one of the eight main sins. Eastern Christian ascetics, in their desire for the Lord, limited themselves spiritually and physically, including food. Gastriamargia (this is the name of the phenomenon in Greek) is the first, lowest of the vices. This concept is also reflected in Catholicism, where gluttony is a sin against the second commandment.

Are you a glutton?

It's unpleasant to think that they could call you that, right? Meanwhile, many people suffering from compulsive overeating do not admit it to themselves or others.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

  • frequent cases of overeating during meals;
  • inability to control the amount of food eaten;
  • constant continuation of the meal not to the point of feeling full, but to the state of “full to satiety”;
  • depressed state from heaviness in the stomach after eating.

It is difficult to identify a glutton; a person with a tendency to overeat is hiding a vice. This explains the embarrassment of patients to eat in public. People most often come to a nutritionist and psychologist when obesity prevents them from feeling well.

In order not to bring yourself to a critical state, pay attention to the first “bells” indicating compulsive overeating:

  • while eating, you watch TV, use a gadget, thereby not noticing the amount of food you eat;
  • you chew something all day, the plate of food at your table is constantly replenished with new portions;
  • you cannot do mental work, watch a movie without a snack;
  • Every night the refrigerator door slams in your house - you love late-night snacks.

Many people have one of these weaknesses. But since you are reading this blog, you should understand that these points are a blow to harmony.

Reasons for constant overeating

To treat a disease, it is necessary to find out where it came from and remove risk factors. The causes of gluttony can be both physiological and psychological or as a result of influence environment.

Compulsive eating is hereditary. Option one – problems at the genetic level, where everyone in the family is prone to obesity and overeating, metabolic processes, blood sugar levels. Option two is the influence of home life. In families with a “cult of food,” undue attention is paid to meals; food is a reward.

From a psychological point of view, gluttony is a way to cheer up and calm down. Have you ever wondered why people often gain weight when they quit smoking? One of the reasons is stress eating. Chewing movements and satiation calm the nerves and help cope with difficult situations. back side medals - extra pounds, poor health.

Being inactive also leads to gluttony, sedentary lifestyle life. You constantly chew just out of boredom.

It is believed that after 50 years the risk of the disease increases. In fact, at this age a person moves less, is more at home, in the area where food is available. To eliminate the risk of illness, you should forget prejudices about a “sedate” life, move more, walk, and engage in as much sports as you can. And it doesn’t matter whether you are 20 years old or over 50, you can stop overeating, lose weight, become more active and more attractive at any age.

Affects the process of food absorption and sleep. Have you heard this “life hack”: in order to stay awake, you need to think or chew? There is some truth in the statement; a sleepy person instinctively reaches for snacks in order to remain awake.

That is, the average person, immersed in gadgets, busy with nervous work theoretically prone to gluttony.

How to stop?

How to get out of the slavery of consumption? Treatment lovers folk remedies found a lot of options.

  • phytotherapy. The method is based on the properties of plants to reduce appetite. Brew flax, marshmallow and corn silk, take half a glass several times a day. To strengthen the stomach, normalize processes gastrointestinal tract Cumin and dill will help. They are added to ready meals or make a green decoction.
  • Aromatherapy against gluttony helps because the oily smells of aromatic mixtures have a calming effect, you forget about the feeling of hunger. Light sticks or candles with bergamot and rosemary in your apartment, and the feeling of fullness when eating food will come faster;
  • acupressure of the area under the nose (the depression above upper lip). Acupuncture should be performed using circular movements.

The power of persuasion against overeating

Psychological techniques of self-deception and restrictions will help in the fight against overeating.

The icon of style and femininity Faina Ranevskaya, for example, recommended eating naked in front of a mirror as a diet.

But there are also less radical options for how to deal with gluttony.

Before eating, put on a tight sweater and jeans. Tie a thread at the waist or tighten the corset. So you physically won’t be able to eat much – clothes will get in the way.

After dressing in the appropriate costume, choose the smallest and most elegant tableware. You don't put a lot of food in it, it will be ugly. Even better is to weigh the amount of food you are expecting. And don’t add anything else to the plate.

Force yourself to eat slowly, to feel every bite of what you eat, and not to swallow tons of food. This way you will eat less.

This leads to another simple piece of advice – eat at meals. Allocate for power special time, don’t be distracted by anything, think about satiation, control your thoughts.

It’s not for nothing that a lunch break is given at work - this is a time for rest, general recuperation, and not for quickly eating food and returning to everyday work.

Diet to eat less

So, while eating, you should focus as much as possible on the food itself - extremely important point. At the same time, before a solid meal, eat something protein half an hour. For example, an egg, a piece of chicken, walnuts. Even workaholics should not forget that they need to eat 5-6 times a day, and in small portions.

To treat gluttony, you can establish the following diet:

  1. breakfast - 7.00
  2. snack – 10.30
  3. lunch – 13.00
  4. afternoon tea – 16.00
  5. dinner – 19.00

And most importantly, you need to sleep at night. Provide yourself with a healthy 7-8 hour sleep, then the issue of night snacks will disappear.

What to do if you suffer from “hungry insomnia”? Play sports. The best time for jogging or a quick walk is around 20.00. Drink a milkshake before class and let your muscles work in the evening. After intense exercise and recuperation during dinner, fatigue will take its toll, you will forget about the “night watch”.

How to help yourself become better

Gluttons need to remove all “provocateurs” from the house. These are sweets, buns, snacks, fast food.

It’s worth talking to friends and relatives who always want to feed you. Let them help you in your affirmations - attitudes to combat gluttony.

Come up with motivating phrases for yourself, repeat them and implement them. Write a letter to your future self who has gotten rid of your illness. Here is an example of affirmations for losing weight and getting rid of overeating:

  • Every day I become lighter and better.
  • I can only eat when I'm really hungry.
  • I am free to refuse unwanted food.
  • I let go of overeating.
  • I'm ready to change.

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For many of my students, the issue of gluttony is very relevant. It has different forms and manifestations, but is quite dangerous. We all overeat from time to time, whether it's an extra helping for lunch at grandma's or an extra dessert at a birthday party. However For real gluttons, overeating is regular and uncontrollable.

Using food to combat stress and others negative emotions, we feel even worse. We feel like we're in a vicious circle, but gluttony is treatable. At the right help and support, you can learn to control your eating and develop a healthy relationship with food. I wrote this article using the latest scientific materials from HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL and my experience working with students using my “LOSE WEIGHT EASY AND FOREVER” method.


Gluttony: Key Aspects

Signs and symptoms

Consequences of gluttony

Causes and factors of gluttony

How to stop gluttony

Helping someone with gluttony

Health care

Gluttony: Key Aspects

Compulsive overeating, or simply gluttony, is the consumption of huge amounts of food that is uncontrollable and impossible to stop. Symptoms of binge eating usually begin in late adolescence or early adulthood, often after a major diet. Binges usually last about two hours, but some people manage to binge eat throughout the day. Gluttons eat even when they are not hungry and continue to eat even after they are full.

Key features of gluttony:

  • Frequent attacks of uncontrolled overeating.
  • Feeling depressed or regretful during or after overeating.
  • Unlike bulimia, there are no attempts to correct everything by vomiting, fasting or intense training.
  • Guilt, disgust and depression.
  • A desperate desire to stop overeating, accompanied by a constant feeling of inability to do so.

Overeating may feel good for a moment, but when it comes back to reality, regret and self-loathing sets in. Excessive food consumption often leads to weight gain and obesity, which only increases the desire to overeat. How feeling worse glutton and the more critical his self-esteem is, the more often food is used as a calming aid. Vicious circle, which seems impossible to open.

Signs and symptoms

People who suffer from gluttony are embarrassed and ashamed of their eating habits, so they often try to hide their imperfections and eat in secret. Many of the gluttons have overweight or obesity, but there are representatives with absolutely normal weight.

Behavioral symptoms of gluttony:

  • Inability to stop eating or control what you eat
  • Eating a large amount of food quickly
  • Eating food even when feeling full
  • Hiding and stockpiling food to eat later in secret
  • It's usually okay to eat when surrounded by people and to overeat alone
  • Continuous eating throughout the day, without scheduled meals

Emotional symptoms of overeating:

  • Feelings of stress or tension that are relieved only by eating
  • Feeling embarrassed about how much you've eaten
  • Feeling numb during a binge binge and going into autopilot
  • Lack of satisfaction, regardless of the amount eaten
  • Feelings of guilt, disgust, or depression after overeating
  • Desperate and unsuccessful attempts to control weight and nutrition
  • Express test for gluttony:
  • Is your overeating uncontrollable?
  • Are your thoughts always occupied with food?
  • Does overeating occur in secret?
  • Is it possible to eat food until you feel sick?
  • Is food a means of calming, relieving stress and escaping your worries?
  • Do you feel shame and disgust after eating?
  • Is there a feeling of powerlessness and inability to stop the process of eating?

The more positive answers, the greater the likelihood of gluttony.

Consequences of gluttony

Overeating leads to many physical, emotional and social problems. People with binge eating tend to experience stress, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts. Depression, anxiety and substance abuse are common side effects. But the most well-known consequence of overeating is weight gain.

Over time, gluttony leads to obesity, and obesity, in turn, leads to causes numerous complications, including:

Causes and factors of gluttony

There are many factors, the combination of which contribute to the development of gluttony - including human genes, emotions, impressions. But there are certain factors responsible for compulsive overeating.

Biological causes of gluttony

Biological abnormalities may contribute to gluttony. For example, the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that controls appetite) cannot send messages about true feelings of hunger and fullness. Researchers have also discovered a genetic mutation that causes food addiction. There is also evidence that low serotonin levels, chemical element brain, provokes overeating.

Social and cultural causes of gluttony

Social pressure to be thin and judgment of people who are prone to binge eating only encourages overeating and the desire to comfort ourselves with food. Some parents unwittingly set the stage for overeating by using food to console, encourage, and calm their children. Children who experience frequent criticism of their body and weight are just as vulnerable as those who were sexually abused as children.

Psychological causes of gluttony

Depression and gluttony are closely related. Most gluttons are depressed or have been depressed before. depressed state, some are not able to manage their emotions and feelings. Low self-esteem, loneliness and body dissatisfaction can also contribute to overeating.

How to stop gluttony

Overeating and food addiction are quite difficult to overcome. Unlike other addictions, this “drug” is necessary for survival, so there is no way to avoid its use. Instead, we need to develop a healthy relationship with food - a relationship that is based on meeting our physical nutritional needs, not our emotional ones.

In order to stop the unhealthy pattern of binge eating, it is important to start eating for health and nutrition. Healthy eating involves creating a balanced system, where the choice is made towards healthy foods with sufficient vitamins, minerals and calories.

10 Strategies to Overcome Overeating:

  • Stress management. One of the most important aspects Binge control is an alternative way to cope with stress and other overwhelming feelings without using food. Moderate exercise, meditation, using sensory relaxation strategies and practicing simple breathing exercises are great help.
  • Eat 3 times a day plus healthy snacks. Our metabolism starts with breakfast. It is important not to skip breakfast, which should contain enough protein and the right carbohydrates. It is important to have a balanced lunch and dinner with healthy snacks in between. When we skip meals, we often resort to overeating later that day.
  • Avoid temptation. It's much easier to overeat if junk food, desserts, snacks and other nasty things are nearby. Put everything that tempts us out of reach. Clear the refrigerator and cabinets of stocks of sweets, smoked meats, and snacks. Let everything be in the store. And if we suddenly want something, we will have time while we go to the store to think about how much we need it.
  • Stop dieting. A strict diet that leaves us deprived and starving will only fuel the cravings for gluttony. Instead of dieting, you need to focus on eating in moderation. Find nutritious foods that we enjoy and that make us satisfied. Any abstinence and self-abuse will end in another overeating.
  • Strong exercise. No abuse of your body. If you like to run - run, if you like to walk - walk, if you like to jump rope - jump. Everything should be feasible, not depressing and pleasant. Thus, the process of burning fat occurs, your mood improves and your well-being improves, and stress decreases. And this, in turn, eliminates the need to use food as a sedative.
  • Down with boredom. Instead of snacking when you're bored, you need to distract yourself with something else. Take a walk, call a friend, read, or do something interesting - painting, gardening, knitting, rearranging furniture, constructing a children's playhouse. Start the renovation, after all. Or play with the kids.
  • Dream. Fatigue and sleepiness increase food cravings to boost energy levels. Taking a nap or going to bed early is a great way to avoid overeating.
  • Listen to the body. You should learn to distinguish between physical and emotional hunger. If you have eaten recently and there is no rumbling in your stomach, then this is not hunger. It is enough to drink water to make sure of this.
  • Keep a diary. Recording everything that was eaten, noting the amount, time, and mood that accompanied the meal, makes eating behavior visual, displaying the connection between mood and gluttony.
  • Get support. You are more likely to succumb to a binge eating disorder if you do not have strong support from loved ones or people with similar problems. Family, friends, social media, thematic clubs - all this perfectly serves as support and support in such situations.

Helping someone with gluttony

Signs that your loved one is overeating include piles of empty food bags and wrappers, empty cupboards and refrigerators, and hidden stashes of high-calorie and unhealthy foods. If there is a suspicion that close person is overeating, you need to talk to him. It is difficult to start such a delicate conversation, but silence can only make things worse.

If a person denies, snaps, gets nervous, gets upset, don’t put pressure on him. It will take time for him to be ready to admit the problem and accept help from others.

It is difficult to help a person with gluttony if the initiative does not come from him. loving person can only provide compassion, encouragement and support throughout the restoration of a healthy lifestyle.

5 Strategies for Dealing with Your Loved One's Overeating:

  • Encourage him or her to seek help. The longer the process of restoring healthy eating behavior is delayed, the more difficult it is to overcome binge eating, so you should encourage your loved one to see a personal therapist for timely diagnosis compulsive overeating and take help from specialists.
  • Provide support. Listen without judgment and show caring. If a person experiences setbacks on the road to recovery, it is worth reminding them that it is still possible to quit binge eating for good.
  • Avoid insults, lectures and guilt-provoking. A person with gluttony tends to feel bad enough without further talking. Lecturing, ultimatums, insults will only increase stress and make the situation even worse. Instead, it is necessary to show concern for the person’s health and well-being, making it clear that you will always be there.
  • Set a good example. By personal example of healthy eating, exercise, stress management without food, convince a person that this is real and does not require extreme effort.
  • Take care of yourself. Only by being calm, confident and healthy person, you can help someone else become like that. Monitor your well-being, do not hide your emotions, give vent to your fears. Don't make your loved one a scapegoat.

Health care

For those who are unable to help themselves, there is professional support and medical treatment. Health care professionals who offer treatment for binge eating disorder include psychiatrists, nutritionists, therapists, and eating disorder and obesity specialists.

Exist different types therapy, formal support groups and various medications. But all this, as a rule, gives a temporary result - while the person pays. In fact, greedy weight loss experts only want our money. We can go to them endlessly, but the result will only come when we go to them and pay.

Only by making a firm decision once can you help yourself forever. This is what my methodology teaches.

IN modern society eating disorders are reaching epidemic proportions. Gluttony is considered the most common eating disorder.

However, each of us is a glutton from time to time when we are unable to refuse a delicious favorite dish. But where is the line between normal process food and eating disorders?

Gluttony, as an eating disorder, is when food is given too much emotionally dependent importance. When a person begins to absorb great amount food that is not related to physiological need organism. This is a defensive reaction to stress, anxiety, resentment, anger, uncertainty and other negative personality states. Gluttony inexorably leads to obesity, which further affects self-esteem and self-esteem.

“The best defense against gluttony is food.”
Dr. Craig Johnson, Professor of Clinical Psychology
University of Tulsa, Oklahoma

How to stop binge eating and learn to control your appetite

1. Power mode

First of all, any person suffering from gluttony needs to restore normal nutrition. Make a meal plan. Create a eating routine and stick to it strictly. Eat several times a day at predetermined times. At the same time, you should get enough calories so as not to feel very hungry.

2. Deliberately break the routine

As soon as you begin to notice that your diet is simply ideal, worthy of being described in scientific books, and you gradually become dependent on ideality, consciously break the regime. Perfectionism sooner or later leads to breakdown. A distortion into any state - gluttony on the one hand, or strict control and an ideal regime on the other, can provoke neurotic states. The ratio should be 80% – proper nutrition, 20% – violation of the rules.

3. Legalize all types of food

It is important to get rid of the habit of thinking of one food as “healthy and good”, and another as “harmful and bad”. Food is just food. And there is no need to give it extra meaning. Most people with eating disorders stick to “good” foods during the day, say a green salad, and then reach for “bad” foods like French fries in the evening. To bring your nutrition back to normal, you need to allow yourself to eat everything without feeling guilty. You can eat everything, it’s just a matter of quantity!

4. Be sure to have breakfast

Breakfast should be available under any circumstances. If you ate too much the night before and have no appetite in the morning, still eat breakfast. This way, you'll start your day off right, instead of perpetuating the cycle of hunger and gluttony.

5. Talk about what you're eating now.

Every time you are going to eat something (or are already eating, or have eaten), name to yourself exactly what and in what quantity. For example: “Second eclair”, “Huge piece of pie”, “Cheese sandwich, fifth in a row”. This technique helps the brain realize the true extent of gluttony. Unbeknownst to yourself, you will slow down and stop overeating on emotions.

6. Focus on anticipation

Dopamine is responsible for the pleasure of food. Maximum dopamine is released in the body at the moment of anticipation, when we are just about to start a long-awaited meal. The smell, sight, thought of your favorite food brings dopamine to its maximum level. With each piece eaten, the amount of dopamine rapidly decreases. The peak of food happiness is the first few slices/sips, then you can stop. Therefore, prolonging the pleasure, increasing the time of eating, chewing thoroughly, savoring every bite will help you eat less and get more pleasure.

7. Hugs - as a way to normalize appetite

When we hug people we like or take their hand, the trust hormone oxytocin is produced in the brain, which increases the feeling of affection and need for each other. But oxytocin has one more property: it normalizes appetite and metabolic processes. Hug your loved one, caress your pet, and finally, think about your loved ones, draw their image in your head. When you want to eat away boredom, melancholy, anger, fear, use this method, and you will see how the urgent need to overeat begins to weaken.

8. Include rather than exclude foods.

There is no need to suddenly exclude anything from your current diet; it is better to gradually rebuild your diet. You can start by adding one delicious, healthy and simple dish. In a week it will make a revolution - your taste buds will wake up and demand fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. You will find that you can happily do without sweet, fatty, salty foods. It’s just important that you sincerely like this dish and prepare it for yourself. The School of Nutritional Coaching and high-class professionals will help you learn how to properly rebuild your diet.

Every person experiences a feeling of hunger when food is not supplied to the body. nutrients for long term. This physiological feature considered completely natural. However, there is a category of people with increased and constant appetite. In this case, hunger is always present, regardless of the amount of food received. This is where gluttony develops and, as a consequence, problems with overweight.

Causes of gluttony

  1. Consequences of diet. Many girls push themselves into limits, wanting to get rid of overweight bodies. They are addicted to diets, limiting the body to the right carbohydrates, proteins and complex fats. In the process of losing weight, the body begins to react violently to changes, not agreeing with them. When the diet ends, mass gluttony begins. The body strives to make up for everything that it has not received for many months.
  2. Lack of sleep. During night rest, leptin is produced, a substance responsible for the excitability of appetite. Due to lack of sleep, hormone production is significantly reduced, leading to constant feeling hunger. If lack of sleep develops into chronic form, pronounced gluttony begins.
  3. Psycho-emotional disorders. There are people who eat negative emotions. They literally do not leave the refrigerator, devouring high-calorie foods. Women with mental disorders suffer from a similar feature. The inability to deal with stress leads to the fact that food becomes a kind of psychologist. Even if you start meditating and lead emotional background in order, gluttony will not disappear anywhere.
  4. Lack of vitamins. In most cases increased appetite develops in the cold season, when the body requires more food to warm up. Main role plays vitamin B, which is found in carrots, meat, cereals and legumes, cereals, and vegetables. Combined with a lack of amino acids and Omega acids, hunger is constantly present. This leads to gluttony, which can be eliminated by normalizing the daily diet.

Symptoms of gluttony

  • systematic overeating;
  • inability to control portion sizes;
  • frequent use of the supplement;
  • inability to grasp the moment of saturation;
  • depression after a meal to the fullest.

Signs of gluttony

  1. The amount of food you eat cannot be controlled when you eat in front of a PC monitor, TV or listening to music.
  2. A dish of food is always at hand and is replenished as it becomes empty. A person constantly looks into the refrigerator to try “something tasty.”
  3. If you don't eat while watching a TV series or movie, anxiety begins. The same applies to the inability to perform mental work without a new portion of treats.
  4. Gluttons tend to snack at night, so after 11 p.m. the refrigerator door starts slamming in the apartment. At the same time, you want to eat the most forbidden fruit, for example, a cake.

To prevent constant overeating, you must follow A complex approach. Let's talk about everything in order.

Don't skip breakfast

  1. Never skip your morning meal. Breakfast helps the body wake up and activates metabolism. Start your awakening with a glass of cool water.
  2. About a third of an hour after rising, prepare cottage cheese with berries or muesli. Some girls have porridge for breakfast, which is correct. Breakfast should make up 40% of the total daily diet.

Normalize your diet

  1. If you prefer to sweep food from all the shelves of the refrigerator, it's time to get rid of this habit. Create a five- or six-time meal plan.
  2. In this case, you should have 3-4 main meals and 2-3 snacks. Eat strictly according to the clock so that gastric juice is produced at a certain time of the day. The body itself will send the signal “It’s time to eat!”
  3. Change the menu every week, eat a varied diet. Indulge yourself with delicacies, do not give up sweets completely. If you really want to, you can eat a piece of yogurt cake or a handful of candied fruits in the morning.
  4. Be sure to include cheese, eggs, cottage cheese of any fat content, and other milk in your diet. The menu should also contain meat, seafood, beans, cereals, fish, seasonal berries and fruits, and vegetables.

Have a snack

  1. Never go hungry. Get into the habit of snacking useful products before main meals. If you can’t have a full meal at work, carry food in containers.
  2. As a snack, it is good to eat an apple, banana or pear, grapefruit (burns fat). Low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, bread with red fish, dried fruits, nuts, and a sugar-free muesli bar are also suitable.

Eat desserts

  1. A person prone to gluttony regularly consumes sweets. They, in turn, help the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. If you remove chocolate and sweets from your diet, apathy will begin, your performance will decrease, and your general condition will worsen.
  2. If you want tasty treats, eat dark chocolate. Make it a habit to always keep it in the refrigerator. Daily dose - no more than 30 grams. In this case, you need to feast on it in the first half of the day.
  3. An alternative to chocolate is an apple covered in caramel. Just dip the washed fruit into the mixture and bake it on the grill. Prepare casseroles from cottage cheese and berries (with sweetener or honey), eat dates in moderation.
  4. An alternative to sweets is ripe strawberries or a milkshake based on them, banana, grapes. Always have a small portion of nuts on hand that you can snack on every 4 hours (20 grams each).

Keep drinking regime

  1. You can deceive the stomach with any liquid that you drink when your appetite is raging. At night, use kefir or low-fat fermented baked milk, it will also cope with the task. pure water or herbal tea.
  2. In the first month of fighting gluttony, drink at least 2.8 liters. filtered water per day. When all signs disappear, reduce the amount to 2.4 liters.
  3. Buy a juicer. Prepare fresh juice from carrots, cabbage, celery, strawberries, oranges and other citrus fruits, beets. Thus, you will overcome hunger and saturate the body with extremely useful minerals.

Join the gym

  1. Physical activity suppresses hunger, so start exercising. Sign up for swimming, gymnastics, aerobics, or stretching. Start attending a dance school or boxing class.
  2. It is important to give training at least 4 days a week, while the duration of classes is usually 1.5-2 hours. In your free time from the gym, go for walks fresh air, run.
  3. If you can't buy a subscription, study at home. Bet with your friends that you can pump up your abs in 5 months. Set a goal and move towards it.
  4. Rope, hoop, squats with a barbell, lunges with dumbbells act as effective home workouts. Follow video lessons.
  5. When your appetite makes itself felt again, lie down on the floor and start pumping your abs. Do at least 3 sets of 20 reps, then stand up and evaluate the result. You will notice that you don’t feel like eating at all.

Practice food hygiene

  1. If you are a glutton, do not accept an invitation from friends to sit in a pizzeria or other establishment of this kind. Otherwise, allow yourself only 1 slice of pizza. Find someone who will control you.
  2. In order not to overdo it with the portion, do not sit down to eat empty stomach. 20 minutes before a meal, fill it with a glass of kefir or water, a banana is also suitable.
  3. After eating, leave the table immediately, do not add more. Chew your food at least 30 times throughout your meal. Focus on the sensations, watch the movement of your tongue and jaw.

Always have breakfast, do not give up chocolate, switch to proper nutrition. Don't eat in a noisy environment. Never eat while watching TV or working on a PC. Do not turn off the lights, such an atmosphere promotes overeating. Even the most ordinary bread will seem incredibly tasty.

Video: how to overcome gluttony

Bouts of gluttony and insatiable hunger are summarized by one concept - bulimia. It is an uncontrollable need for large, sometimes huge, amounts of food in a short amount of time.

A single dose is sometimes several times higher in calorie content and volume than the daily food requirement. Physiological urges or the patient’s own invocation of vomiting after eating occur up to several times a day. However, bulimia should be viewed by doctors in a much broader sense.

Food and all the problems associated with it are a kind of distraction, masking emotional problems hidden deep in the subconscious. In addition, the disease has a significant impact on the environment of the person, relatives, and friends of the patient. The patient’s fixation on thoughts about food leads to the fact that it becomes difficult to contact others, interests and plans for the future change, ambitions are not realized, dreams are not realized, the patient is closed within the walls of his own captivity.

When can gluttony be considered a pathology?

It is very important to distinguish common gluttony from uncontrolled overeating(compulsive overeating). Overeating in itself is not a disease.

About availability mental disorder can be suspected by detecting a number of specific symptoms that characterize bulimia. Symptoms – specific signs or complaints of the patient that describe the disease. When there are several of these signs, they can be combined into a syndrome and attributed to any disease. So in the case of bulimia, the symptoms are:

Lack of control over eating - the inability to stop eating, to the point of physical discomfort and pain.
- Secrecy.
- Eating unusually large amounts of food without obvious changes in weight.
- Disappearance and theft of food, the formation of caches of unhealthy food by the sick.
- Alternating between overeating and fasting - “all or nothing” when it comes to food.
- The patient disappears after eating and attempts to induce vomiting or perform an enema.
- The smell of vomit in the bathroom or toilet.
- Excessive exercise, especially after eating.
- Microcracks or scars in the throat from the provocation of vomiting.
- Chipmunk cheeks, due to swelling after vomiting.
- Discolored or yellow teeth from exposure to stomach acid.
- Frequent fluctuations in weight up to five kilograms.

All bulimia attacks reflect the patient's feelings and are a way of getting rid of negative emotions. At this point, one can see similarities with addiction, such as drug addiction. On early stages drug use has a positive effect. As with drug addiction, bulimia can be accompanied by reckless behavior, even petty crimes (stealing food or medicine) occur. Patients often deny that there is a problem, hide their behavior, and try to deceive others.

The problems of a bulimic sufferer are often complicated by others. Conflicts in the family due to the patient eating a large amount of food, social isolation.

Causes of bouts of gluttony

Scientists believe that gluttony is a panicky, compulsive (uncontrollable) overeating, the causes of which lie in a combination of genes with negative emotions. Studies of brain structures have shown that the formation of the disease is based on dysfunction (impaired functions) of the brain, which is responsible for appetite. In addition, the development of bulimia is influenced by genetic predisposition to addiction, education (if food was used in the family as a means to alleviate stressful situations).

When there are other causes influencing the disease, the disorder is classified as “unrefined.” This:
- Ugly body proportions, far from the physical ideal.
- Low self-esteem.
- Mental trauma or illness in the past.
- Lack of a life partner or permanent sexual partner.
- Strong changes in life.
- The period of puberty.
- Public profession or type of activity.

Risk factors for bulimia

Six factors have been identified that influence the development of an eating disorder, four of which are the most important:

Hereditary factor.
It is believed that the disease can be inherited (a factor associated with a distorted understanding of patterns and standards associated with food). Tests conducted on twins show that both subjects have a predisposition to bulimia and this is associated with the 10th chromosome.

Physiological factor.
Bulimia greatly affects hormonal balance in the body, therefore, in the formation of the disease it is extremely difficult to determine the true endocrine disorders that precede the disease. It is impossible to know for sure whether low hormone levels are a cause or a consequence of the disease. However, research shows that endocrine reasons Bulimia should be considered:

Chronically elevated level stress hormones (hormones glucocorticoid group is responsible for the regulation carbohydrate metabolism);
- dysfunction of neurotransmitters (transmitter nerve impulse): serotonin (mood, anxiety, appetite), norepinephrine (stress) and dopamine (stimulant);
- Abnormal levels of the hormone responsible for hunger and metabolism.

Psychological factor.
Personality traits and emotional problems are significant contributors to bulimia. Such as low self-esteem, feeling of hopelessness, panic fear of gaining weight, uncontrolled behavior, emotional instability.
Many features of the human psyche are the result of many years of environmental influence. It is difficult to understand what influences the development of the disease more, cultural or psychological factors.

Examples of psychological influence:
According to studies, 40% of weight loss in girls aged 9-10 years occurred due to the insistence of parents and the mother’s excessive emotionality in this matter;
The disease manifests itself less frequently in families where there are traditions and daily routines and more often where relatives rarely dine together at the same table;
Among victims of violence, bulimia is 35% higher.

Cultural factor.
Thinness in modern world considered an indicator of the success and value of a person. Colorful magazines, television programs and beauty shows promote thinness. A stereotype has formed that only a slender person is beautiful. Sports, work and creative activities force you to monitor your weight, keep fit and appearance. Therefore, the risk of developing bulimia is highest among actors, television workers, athletes and dancers.

Diseases that can cause binge eating

Depression is a mood disorder that may be a precursor to bulimia.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a personality disorder in which uncontrollable behavior is possible, such as overeating.

Schizophrenia - there is one of the forms when patients are dissatisfied with the proportions of their body or believe that food is harmful to them. Delusional judgments and refusal of food, provoking vomiting are characteristic.

Obesity - chronic illness manifested by increased body weight. In order to lose weight, patients may resort to methods such as inducing vomiting or taking special medications for weight loss. The disease can transform into bulimia.

Diabetes mellitus - develops as a result of a lack of the hormone insulin. Patients are on lifelong maintenance treatment with a special drug. Artificial insulin causes strong feeling hunger in patients, bouts of gluttony may occur, and adipose tissue grows.

Injuries and hematomas (hemorrhages) of the brain in the past lead to impaired brain activity. Subsequently it may develop organic disorder personality, when the patient’s behavior becomes not entirely adequate. Overeating or chronic vomiting are possible.

Dependence on psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs) - with coding or prolonged abstinence from these substances, the disease can turn into dependence on bulimia.

Functional disorders thyroid gland: Hypothyroidism - greatly increased appetite, the synthesis of male and female sex hormones is disrupted, patients constantly feel cold. Hyperthyroidism - the function of hormone synthesis is disrupted, patients develop mental insufficiency and are not able to fully control their actions. The nervous and digestive systems are affected, all metabolic processes slow down, and the patient may gain weight.

Stroke is a disorder of cerebral circulation that leads to dysfunction (disorder) of the cerebral and nervous activity. Subsequently, deviations in the norms of eating behavior are possible.

Facts and myths about bulimia.

There are many myths and false beliefs about bulimia. We present the most popular of them.

Myth #1 - “If I don’t vomit, I don’t have bulimia.”
Vomiting is the most common symptom, but there are others that indicate illness.

Myth #2 - Regular vomiting after every meal.
A person suffering from bulimia can eat normally and does not always vomit.

Myth #3 - Only teenage girls suffer from bulimia.
There is evidence that indicates that 1-3% of men are susceptible to this disease. Currently, there is a trend towards an increase in the age of patients.

Myth #4 - A person with bulimia is fat.
Most people with bulimia are in the normal weight range.

Myth #5 - You don't die from bulimia.
The physical consequences of bulimia include electrolyte imbalance (which causes heart problems - weakness of the heart muscle and leads to myocardial infarction), damage to digestive system(including rupture of the stomach or esophagus). Such cases can be fatal. The disease is sometimes associated with depression, which can lead to suicide attempts.

Myth number 6 - "Vomiting is needed only for weight loss, everything is under control."
Bulimia is not a diet, it is an eating disorder. The causes of bulimia often have little to do with weight loss. Vomiting can be seen as an attempt to cope with stress.

Myth No. 7 - The best way treatment for bulimia is to stop vomiting.
When a person is dependent on a disease, it will not be possible to “just” quit by forbidding himself to vomit; the disease will take a different form.

Diagnosis of bulimia

To make a diagnosis of bulimia, the doctor must:

1. Collect anamnesis (medical information) of the patient’s life.
2. History of diseases in the past.
3. Find 3 or more symptoms (see above) characterizing the disease
4. Undergo publicly available examinations to rule out other disorders that may influence the development of bulimia. (CT, MRI, Echo-EG, UC for sugar, biochemical AA, total AA, analysis of sex hormones and thyroid gland)
AK blood test
MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
CT – computed tomograph.
5. Conversation with relatives and loved ones in order to receive additional information about the patient, as well as if the patient hides his illness.
6. Using ICD10 to make a diagnosis ( international classification diseases 10 revision)

In what cases and which doctor should I contact in case of bouts of gluttony?

There is little chance that a person with bulimia will see a doctor on their own. This is only possible when the person suffering from an eating disorder begins to be bothered by other somatic (bodily) disorders.

1. Treatment by a resuscitator takes place in an intensive care unit and patients are delivered, as a rule, by an ambulance team. Patients are hospitalized for loss of consciousness of unknown origin, heart pain, dehydration, fainting, and low blood pressure. The violation is considered “acute” and assistance is provided urgently. In an intensive care hospital, the volume of lost fluid and microelements in the body is replenished through infusion (drip) therapy, then after stabilization of the patient’s condition, the patient is moved to another department according to the profile.

2. Treatment by a therapist, in a therapeutic department, when the consequences of the disease are less severe. Sometimes the patient is transferred to therapy from the intensive care unit with the agreement of the doctors.

3. Consultation with a surgeon for abdominal pain, stool and vomiting with blood. These symptoms indicate injuries or ruptures of internal organs, bleeding hemorrhoids. Surgery may be required.

4. Contact an otolaryngologist if the patient has a nasopharyngeal infection or enlarged cervical lymph nodes.

5. Treatment by an endocrinologist for hormonal and endocrine disorders.

6. In case of carious lesions, weakness of tooth enamel, bleeding gums, sanitation (treatment) is performed. oral cavity at the dentist.

7. Contact a psychiatrist for consultation, prescription of medication or hospitalization psychiatric hospital. Treatment in a special institution (psychiatric hospital) is planned and with the consent of the patient. Forced treatment can only be by court decision.
If necessary, the patient is examined by other specialists before hospitalization.

To enter the clinic, you must have the following tests with you: general analysis blood, urine, certificate of absence of infectious diseases and contacts with infected patients; depending on the receiving institution, analysis for HIV and hepatitis, blood sugar, preferably biochemical analysis blood.
At less severe cases Bulimia can be treated on an outpatient basis. To do this, you need to contact your local psychiatrist at your place of residence or for a paid consultation at any of the clinics.

8. People turn to a narcologist to identify the presence of concomitant addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.), as well as to clarify the degree of dependence on bulimia.

9. Consultation with a neurologist, if necessary, undergo examinations such as CT and MRI. Which can exclude pathology of brain structures that affect the development of the disease.

10. Treatment by a psychotherapist in order to identify the causes of the disease hidden in the patient’s subconscious; it is also possible to adjust or reduce the dose of psychiatric medications.

11. A nutritionist or valeologist will advise you on how to eat properly and talk about a healthy lifestyle.

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of bulimia >>

Psychiatrist Kondratenko N.A.

Literally translated, bulimia means “unbearable hunger, gluttony.” People suffering from this disorder tend to engage in feasting orgies, during which they lose all measure. Most of them try immediately after eating food to get rid of it and the calories it contains by inducing vomiting, taking diuretics and laxatives, or vigorously exercising and physical exercise. How to deal with gluttony and treat bulimia - read in this article.

Bulimia: causes

Bulimia is often compared to addiction. People prone to gluttony, like alcoholics, experience a feeling of guilt and shame after each excess. Many people vow to “never do that again” but find themselves unable to cope with their urges. Willpower alone is not enough here.

How and why bulimia begins

Sometimes bulimia develops during a course of fasting, when hunger and refusal to eat become unbearable. Then the person goes to the opposite extreme and uncontrollably tries to take control of his weight by resorting to artificial vomiting, taking laxatives and diuretics.

It is believed that approximately a quarter of bulimics have had anorexia in the past. In some cases, people with bulimia have previously been unable to keep their weight down with dieting. This means that despite repeated attempts, they never lost enough weight to be considered anorexic.

In most cases, the situation develops like this: a young woman who would like to lose weight, but has never resorted to special diet, learns from her friends about the possibility of controlling her weight by vomiting or taking laxatives and diuretics.

These methods seem to her not only “most the easy way to become slim,” but also meet the accepted separate groups society measures for weight loss. This partly explains the widespread prevalence of bulimia in colleges (from 1 to 5% of all female students) and among highly qualified young women aged 20–30 years.

Bulimia usually begins in adolescence, somewhat later than anorexia, although its first manifestations are possible between the ages of 13 and 30. Just like among patients with anorexia, the majority are women. The onset of bulimia is most often associated with a course of dieting.

For the occurrence of bulimia, there is no single reason that could be considered responsible for the development of the disease. The factors that cause these behavioral patterns are often similar to those that lead to anorexia.

In addition, some researchers note low self-esteem, conflicts associated with a feeling of dependence on someone, and the need to prove oneself. Numerous studies have confirmed the connection between bulimia and depression.

Although some experts consider bulimia to be a form of mood disorder, this hypothesis is considered scientifically unfounded. In patients with bulimia, disturbances in the perception of taste, feelings of hunger and satiety have been established, which, however, cannot be considered the consequences of alternating periods of fasting and overeating.

Symptoms and signs of bulimia

The consequences of bulimia for the body can develop in a wide range from mild to deadly, although in the vast majority they are relatively “benign” compared to the changes associated with anorexia. Overeating can be just as burdensome as trying to lose weight. However, it causes less harm somatic condition, and the mortality rate from it is very low.

In contrast to anorexia, the harm is not caused by weight loss, but by measures taken to lose weight, i.e. use of laxatives and diuretics. Violations are quite common menstrual cycle, but they are not as pronounced as in patients with anorexia. Due to frequent contact with hydrochloric acid due to artificial induction of vomiting, suffers tooth enamel. Therefore, the primary diagnosis of bulimia is often made by dentists.

Parotid salivary glands(those that swell during mumps), located in front of the ears, can increase due to frequent vomiting. Therefore, the face appears more rounded. This feature is very cleverly used by women who strive to lose weight and induce vomiting after a bout of gluttony. Since this makes them look more well-fed, it is easier for them to deny significant loss weight.

Abuse of laxatives can cause serious complications, as it often leads to dependence on them. When patients decide to give up laxatives, it takes several months for normal bowel function to be restored.

Bulimia can also cause certain crisis conditions that require emergency hospitalization. Potentially life-threatening conditions include disorders heart rate caused by sharp fluctuations in metabolism, ruptures of the esophagus caused by vomiting, and perforation of the stomach due to overeating. Deadly damage to the muscles and heart can be caused by excessive use of drugs, vomiting.

Symptoms and treatment of bulimia. Signs of bulimia

Bouts of gluttony.

After eating, the patient goes straight to the toilet or sits in the bathroom for too long.

The patient pretends that he does not know where the missing products went.

The patient denies that there is anything wrong with him, but shows depression, aggression, and fear.

Behavior Changes

Women with bulimia, just like alcoholics, worry about running out of food. They stock up on food and often steal prepared food (and processed foods) or money to buy it. Sometimes they almost tyrannize their loved ones, demanding that the family maintain a supply of food that no one dares to touch.

Compared to anorectic women, who are less able to hide their illness and who generally feel a sense of pride in their self-control and weight loss, women with bulimia keep their intentions secret and make every effort to ensure that their behavior does not cause family members have no suspicions.

They themselves consider their periods of fasting and overeating to be contradictory and destructive. Some call it "my dirty little secret." Anyone who is prone to orgies of gluttony will often stubbornly deny this fact, even if he is presented with irrefutable evidence.

Bulimia sufferers fear their inability to control their binge eating habits. They often exhibit features of obsessive behavior that are also characteristic of anorectics, but they are less likely than the latter to be isolated from society and are more sexually active. Unlike anorectics, they are more prone to addiction psychoactive substances and alcohol and are more likely to experience great difficulty when it comes to controlling impulsive behavior.

In some cases, self-harm and suicidal thoughts or attempts are observed.

Bulimia: treatment

First of all, the efforts of doctors are focused on developing special regime nutrition. Deeper mental problems is engaged behavioral therapy. People with bulimia are asked to describe their eating habits and are taught to record their emotional condition before each bout of gluttony.

In this way, they learn to recognize the signals that precede a bout of binge eating, whether stressful situation, loneliness, boredom, or a long period of time without eating. Patients are taught to cope with these situations through exercise, work, or support from others. At the same time, it is very effective to collaborate with nutrition specialists who will help plan nutritional and healthy diet.

Women with bulimia benefit greatly from their participation in self-help groups. IN Lately Doctors have successfully used some antidepressants to treat bulimia, regardless of whether the patient is currently showing signs of depression.

How to overcome gluttony

If you consume huge amounts of food without realizing it and almost unconsciously, this behavior can be called gluttony. When you begin to pay attention to the reasons why you have a strong desire to eat, consider that you will soon have an answer to the question of how to overcome your gluttony.

Entire institutions are involved in the issue of weight loss and the fight against gluttony, because this is the global problem of the century. It seems that you have been programmed, on autopilot, your hand reaches out for the next portion of candy, cookies, chips, nuts... Scientists surveyed a thousand people, and here are the reasons for endless snacking they named:

The main reason that provokes you to eat something is simple boredom.

Guided by the desire to pamper oneself or reward oneself, a large amount of sweets is eaten.

Spontaneous gluttony distracts from depressive thoughts and lifts your spirits.

TV is the most insidious instigator of overeating. While the “box” is broadcasting, a large amount of food is eaten unnoticed. And 22% of fat people do not eat at the table at all, they eat only in the company of television programs.

Long holidays, weekends or vacations that you spend alone at home are the strongest provocateur for overeating and your legs themselves carry you to the refrigerator.

Nutritionists believe that unconscious overeating is one of the most difficult obstacles in the fight against excess weight. And yet, they know how to overcome their gluttony and give the following advice:

Find something you like that can distract you from constant thoughts about food and captivate you so much that you have a limited amount of time left for food. This could be handicrafts, photography, dancing, get a dog, cosmetics, makeup.

Try to get out of the routine walls of everyday life, gradually expand your horizons. How long have you read interesting book? Of course, because TV has replaced books, museums, and even travel. Get out of your crusty shell! Visit museums, theaters, meet new people and try to spend as much free time with them as possible. Then you definitely won’t have enough time for the blues, stupid watching TV shows and the question: “how to overcome your gluttony” will disappear on its own.

Plan and be sure to implement one joy per day. For example, buy a bouquet of lilies of the valley near the metro, find a book in the library that you have long dreamed of reading, go to a beautician, a hairdresser... Going to a boutique is a universal remedy that can relieve depression and provoke you to give up excesses in food.

How to overcome gluttony

Overeating leads to excess weight, which in turn can cause health problems. Therefore it is important to initial stage do everything to avoid similar situation. You need to know how to successfully fight gluttony.

In most cases, gluttony occurs on the basis of stress due to the peculiarities of the human psyche. And it is mainly women who suffer from this. The perception of food as a pleasure, salvation from a bad mood and a simple distraction gradually leads to a negative habit - gluttony.

The relationship is due to instincts, when the main problem of people was the lack of food. This is why the desire to satisfy hunger arises. With frequent overeating, the stomach is stretched and impulses are dulled, indicating the onset of satiety. Gluttony develops, which is often very difficult to stop. However, there are still methods that provide positive influence on the human psyche.

To successfully combat gluttony, it is important to develop daily ration and learn to differentiate between real hunger in the body and a cold desire to eat something tasty. Thus, the desire to eat the piece of pie left over from lunch soon after eating cannot arise due to the fact that the body is already hungry.

In order to have a clear understanding of the reasons for the desire to eat, you should keep a food diary. At each unplanned meal, you should make a record of the food you ate and the sensations that were present before and after the meal.

If overeating occurs due to stress, you should distract yourself with everything possible ways, which previously brought pleasure - walking, chatting with friends, enjoying music.

Striving for healthy image life and exercise can relieve bouts of gluttony and help you cope with stress or depression faster.

If you want to successfully fight gluttony, while eating it is useful to focus on the chewing process and make it longer. This will help you lose interest in food faster.

First of all, it is necessary to refuse junk food- fatty, high-calorie, as well as from sweets, chips and soda.

Compliance balanced diet, planning meals at a certain time will help get rid of overeating.

In some cases, gluttony appears with childhood and over the years it is very difficult to get rid of it. Gluttony can also develop when hormonal imbalance in organism. This is also one of the symptoms of depression, which should be treated separately.

© Tsapleva Lera
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