When you need a walker. At what months do doctors allow a baby to be put in a walker? Recommendations from children's specialists for safe use of walkers

The musculoskeletal system of infants develops quite quickly. At about six months, the baby is already actively crawling, playing and trying to get to his feet. He is not yet ready to take his first steps, but he is striving for it. To help maintain balance and promote development vestibular apparatus, came up with multifunctional baby walkers. In the article "" we looked at the main aspects that you need to pay attention to before making a purchase. In this article, we will tell you at what age most parents start putting their babies in walkers and give some advice from Daughter-Son specialists.

Walkers for children: at what age should they be used?

The devices, made in the form of a support frame on wheels with an ergonomic seat, are necessary for children aged approximately 6 to 12 months. It is at this time that the child gets to his feet and takes hesitant steps with support. Walkers will help train the legs, the baby will feel confident and safe in them. It is enough to place him in a chair so that he begins to move, holding on to the structure.

When asked at what age baby walkers will be truly useful, pediatricians answer quite clearly - no earlier than five to six months. These conclusions are based on physiological characteristics children's development.

In addition to the main modern models perform many indirect but useful functions:

  • rocking walkers help to quickly lull or calm the baby;
  • models with a gaming center on the table effectively develop logic, creative thinking, fine motor skills, grasp reflex and visual perception;
  • musical devices improve hearing, help entertain and lift your spirits;
  • devices made with a parent handle and a canvas stretched from below are used as a cart or stroller.

Models with a music block and a set of rattles will interest children as early as six months. Such walkers become universal remedy, helping not only to train coordination, but also to develop intelligence.


It is necessary to select the product so that, holding onto the frame, the child can comfortably stand with both legs on the entire foot. Since children grow quickly, manufacturers offer models with height adjustment (three or more positions).

At what age can you use a walker? Babies are planted when they are physiologically ready. It is recommended to purchase walkers for children aged 6 months and older. If the child holds his back confidently and sits well, you can start using the model as early as 5 months, but do this carefully and at intervals.

Expert opinion

Parents choose walkers with an ergonomic soft seat that promotes the formation correct posture. All models are designed in such a way that it is completely impossible for the baby to fall out while playing or moving independently. The BG-0706 design from the Capella brand has proven itself to be excellent. Its rotating silent wheels can be fixed, toys can be replaced with new ones in order to constantly maintain interest in them. We will recommend to each buyer a product that will fully meet his requirements.

Specialist of the online store “Daughters and Sons”
Leonovich Yulia


Walkers are purchased for a child to learn the first independent steps. Parents are always interested in the age at which they can be used so as not to harm their children. Pediatricians recommend mass use of models from 6 months. If your baby is developing ahead of time and you want to start putting him in a walker at 5 months, consult your doctor.

The products are completely safe and provide beneficial influence on the development of coordination, motor skills, logic, sound and auditory perception.

Walkers for children are a child's mobility device. Today they have gained popularity among parents. With their help, the child learns to walk independently without support, learns the world and watches adults.

Note! The design of the walker on wheels allows the baby to sit underneath it, so you can definitely sit the child down after he has sat up on his own.

When determining the age for placing your baby in a walker, take into account the gender of the child.

Does my child need a walker?

As the baby grows up to one year, his activity increases, he learns about the world around him and gets acquainted with new objects. The peak of activity occurs when the baby begins to move independently. And then parents have a question: is it worth buying a baby walker?

Today psychologists and pediatricians are discussing this topic. Some see this mobility device as a threat to the baby’s health, while others claim that it helps him develop fully.

It is impossible to answer definitively whether a baby should be put in a walker. This is an individual choice for each parent. Pediatricians claim that the baby will learn to walk without this attribute, and walkers will harm him and cause health problems.

Evgeniy Komarovsky (pediatrician) does not greet this type transport. In his opinion, walkers are only needed by parents to create free time. The pediatrician claims that the use of this attribute provokes early learning walking, and this is harmful for the baby due to unstrengthened spinal muscles.

Komarovsky claims that early walking provokes an increase in the load on the back and in the future this will provoke serious problems. He argues that a child should learn to walk naturally, and not with the help of this children's device.

Today there are two types of children's transport for independent movement:

  • Walkers - seats. These devices are similar to a chair with a back and holes for baby’s legs. They are supported on wheels for ease of movement.
  • Walkers are pushers. These are panels on legs or wheels. Their principle is to push and support. Pushing and leaning on the play panel, the baby learns to walk independently.

Important! Walkers on wheels are a convenient option to keep your baby occupied and distracted for a while. Doctors advise using this device for no more than an hour a day in total.

Benefits and harms

This type of children's transport has its advantages and disadvantages. But it is worth noting from the outset that great benefit from walkers specifically for parents, as they provide freedom of movement around the apartment or house. At this time, parents relax or do household chores.


  1. The baby has the opportunity to pick up objects that interest him and make new discoveries.
  2. Freedom of movement.
  3. Sitting in a walker, the baby develops better socially and emotionally.
  4. Your baby can be taught to walk in a walker. But it is worth considering that the main word in this phrase is “teach”, and not to make walkers an integral attribute when walking.


  1. Children using this type of children's transport practically do not crawl, and this is very important period development of the baby. Cognitive skills are not acquired with the use of a walker.

    According to research, it is crawling that forms connections between the hemispheres. Crawling children learn to read and count faster, their memory, logic and thinking are better developed.

  2. If used too early, the baby’s bone structure is disrupted.
  3. Restrictions in movement. The baby is not able to lie down or sit down at will due to the forced vertical position in the chair.
  4. Deprivation of the ability to control one's own body.
  5. Using a walker, the baby does not rest on the entire foot as when walking, but only on the toe. This situation provokes the transfer of the baby’s weight to the muscles and perineal area. Also, resting on the toe provokes the development of flat feet.
  6. Slowing down of physical development.
  7. Development of disorientation. While using the mobile chair, the child rests on the tabletop with his hands. This affects the cerebellum. The consequences of this are sad: the baby does not know how to maintain balance and falls when trying to walk independently.
  8. Spinal deformity.
  9. Getting injured. Children in walkers can accelerate to speeds of up to ten kilometers per hour. If a baby on a mobile chair crashes into furniture, he will be injured. Due to their low weight, these devices often turn over.
  10. Risk of hip dislocation. In this case, walkers are not only harmful, but also dangerous. Incorrect or too fast movement provokes dislocation and then the parents will not be able to do without the help of a surgeon.
  11. According to research, children using walkers begin to walk independently after 1–2 months later than their peers.

It is important to consider psychological factor. With constant use of this type of “insurance,” the baby may refuse to walk on his own for fear of losing support.

This factor is serious problem which is experienced by more than 15% of parents who use walkers. It is then difficult to wean the baby off the mobile support and parents go through the baby’s development path from crawling to a vertical position all over again.

How to choose and how much do they cost?

Choosing quality walkers is not difficult. The main thing when choosing is to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Material. Choose thick plastic. Too thin plastic easily cracks and bursts upon impact.
  • The width of the frame should be one and a half times wider than the seat.
  • Wheel size. Larger wheels are safer.
  • Seat design. Choose models with a rigid back to support the spine. The holes for the legs should be soft to prevent chafing of the skin.
  • Height adjustment.

Note! When choosing, give preference to proven global brands. It is worth paying attention to the pricing policy. Too cheap models are made of low-quality plastic, which can cause intoxication in the baby.

Table: best three models.


Marketing Myths:

  1. Walking training. Yes, with the help of this attribute you can teach walking, but you should take into account the shift in the center of gravity and as soon as the baby stands on his own legs, he will lose his balance.

    This applies to children from 9 to 12 months. After a year, children tend to stomp their feet on their own.

  2. Strengthening muscles. It's a delusion. You can strengthen your muscles by walking or crawling.
  3. Fall protection. Children's transport for movement deprives the baby of the feeling of danger and falling. And this is a mandatory skill for a child. He must learn to fall, group his muscles, and protect himself from blows for self-preservation.

Contraindications for use

  1. The baby sits unsteadily, staggers or falls over on its side.
  2. The child has increased or decreased muscle tone.
  3. The baby is sick with rickets.
  4. The baby has problems with musculoskeletal system.

Useful video

Baby walkers are the subject of many questions and debates. Some argue that walkers are undoubtedly necessary, others consider them to be useless and even harmful. We will look into this issue together.

Walkers are a special device for children who cannot walk yet. With the help of a walker, the child can move independently. The device is a frame with a seat for the baby, mounted on wheels.

Many people believe that walkers are a relatively new invention that make life much easier. modern parents. It is worth saying that walkers were invented a long time ago, but at some period of time parents had to abandon this invention.

Also in Soviet time In the 70s, walkers were discontinued. The reason for this was the opinion of doctors that walkers interfere normal development child's feet, reduce muscle tone. In Canada, they not only discontinued the production of walkers, but even banned imports, considering this device dangerous to the health of children.

Now walkers are again on sale, and only parents can decide whether their child needs them or not. It is difficult to say definitively whether walkers are harmful. Opinions were divided into two camps.

Baby walkers

Pros of walkers:

  1. Walkers transfer the child from horizontal position to vertical. New opportunities for learning about the world open up for the baby.
  2. They are not only a device for movement, but also a toy. On the frame of the walker there are rattles, beepers, and music. This allows the child to develop finger motor skills.
  3. Accustom the child to independent movement, learn to walk.
  4. They release my mother for a while. This is important, since it is difficult for a woman to carry a child in her arms all day and devote all her time to him. Walkers can keep the baby occupied for a while, while the mother gets on with her business.

Some people refute the benefits of walkers, their facts seem very convincing.

Harm from walkers:

  1. They squeeze the baby's perineum.
    2. The child cannot learn to coordinate his actions, since the walker protects him from freedom of movement.
    3. The child has only his hands free; he cannot sit, lie down, or crawl. This has a bad effect on his psyche.
    4. The process of independent walking slows down. The baby gets used to being supported by a frame, and therefore it is difficult for him to learn to walk independently.
    5. One of the main reasons is improper formation of the arch of the foot.

Important: If a child has neurological problems or problems with the formation of the foot, consultation with supervising doctors is necessary. There are children for whom it is undesirable and even contraindicated to walk in walkers.

Walkers: harm or benefit

If you decide to purchase a walker for your baby, take care of the following:

  • Walkers must be good quality, safe for the baby.
  • You cannot leave the child for a long time, 30-40 minutes a day in several approaches.
  • You should not put a child in a walker if there is diaper rash or irritation on the skin in the areas of contact with the seat.

How to choose a walker for a child on Aliexpress | Aliexpress?

Push walkers

This model is compact. The walkers can be folded and take up very little space.

Walkers folded

The next walker model will protect mom's back from pain. Constant walking Holding a child's hand puts strain on the adult's back. It is much more convenient to hold a child in a walker while maintaining straight position backs. Convenient to take similar ones walkers for a walk, the child will explore the world, and the mother will help him.

Jumping Walkers

For those who want a no-frills walker, there is classic model without rattles on the frame.

Simple model walkers

How to find and order good baby walkers in the Aliexpress online store | Aliexpress?

You can type the word “walker” in the search bar. Another way: go to the “Everything for Children” tab, then “Children’s Products”.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 1
How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 2

Here you can sort products according to the criteria you need. Search using filters to make your selection easier.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 3

Once you have decided on the model, start purchasing. Select the color of the product, click "Buy Now".

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 4

The next step is to clarify the address.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 5

Check the details of your order - color, quantity, cost. If everything is correct, click “Place an order”.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 6

Choose any convenient payment method and pay for your order.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 7

Video: How to choose a walker?

At what age can walkers be used?

  • Every month the baby masters more and more skills and strives to study the objects around him. The child’s desire to explore the world gives an impetus to parents to quickly put him in a walker, thereby opening up new opportunities.
  • There are cases when babies are placed in walkers at 4-5 months of age. This is, of course, wrong. Parents should not forget that development must be timely, only then will it be beneficial.

Important: The optimal age for using a walker is 7-8 months, when the child learns to sit and stand on his own. Premature use of walkers can lead to improper development of the musculoskeletal system.

What time can boys be put in walkers?

Parents of boys are worried whether walkers will affect the development of the reproductive system. Pediatricians recommend avoiding boys staying in walkers for long periods of time, but this rule also applies to girls.

Boys can be placed in walkers from 7-8 months; the child should be there for no more than 40 minutes a day.

What time can you put boys in walkers?

At what age can girls be put in walkers?

According to statistics, girls are more susceptible to dysplasia than boys. hip joints. Before placing your baby in a walker, you should consult with your pediatrician and surgeon.

As for age, girls, like boys, are not recommended to be placed in walkers before 7-8 months.

What time can girls be put in walkers?

How to teach a child to walk in a walker?

Most children calmly accept the introduction to walkers. But some are still afraid of these new sensations. The task of parents is to help the child get used to the new device and teach how to use it.

  • First, you can bring the child in your arms to the walker, show the toys, let the baby touch them with his hands and carefully examine everything.
  • After this, you can sit the child down, but do not leave him alone.
  • Hold the walker with your hand and pull it slightly. The baby will understand that he needs to move his legs.
  • You can teach your child to walk in a walker by setting a goal for him. For example, take a few steps away and show him his favorite toy. The child will begin to automatically take steps towards his goal.
  • That's right, when the child's foot rests completely on the floor, the baby should not only touch the surface with his fingers. To do this, you should adjust the walker according to the child’s height.
  • Wear shoes on your feet, even if you are indoors. The right shoes will form correct position child's feet.

Important: The first steps in a walker are usually spontaneous; a little time will pass and the child will understand that he is securely held in the seat. Then his steps will become more confident.


Komarovsky walkers: pros and cons

Popular pediatrician Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich expresses his opinion unequivocally - walkers in early age cause harm.

To summarize, walkers free parents, but still, a child’s long stay in them is extremely undesirable. If you decide to use a walker, adjust it according to the child’s height, consult an orthopedist if necessary, and monitor the time the baby spends in the walker.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on walkers

Until 6 months, the baby still cannot walk, so he is mainly in the arms of his parents. But there comes a moment when the child begins to strive for independent movement: he tries to crawl, stands on his legs near the headboard of the bed or sofa. During this period, many parents think about purchasing walkers. But are they really necessary for a child, and at what age can a baby be placed in them? Let's try to answer these questions.

What are walkers for?

A walker is a comfortable seat attached to a special device on wheels. They are designed for the child, placed in them, learned to move independently in space, prepared for walking and was able to stay upright. At the same time, the baby is interested and comfortable.

Available for sale big choice models of walkers that attract with their versatility and unusualness. These can be bright details, educational toys, music on the front panel of the device. Children like it all and are happy to move around in such a device.

As for doctors, their opinions on the advisability of using walkers differ. But still, most experts do not prohibit the use of this device.

At what age can you put your baby in a walker?

Doctors have not come to a consensus regarding the age at which a child can be placed in a walker. Pediatricians recommend using this device when the baby sits confidently, holds onto support and crawls fully. That's why optimal age When he can be put into a walker is 8 months.

All children develop differently and parents should make the decision to use this device taking into account the following factors:

  • the baby sits well on his own and does not require additional support from his parents;
  • he is cheerful, active and interested in the world around him;
  • there is no strabismus;
  • does not suffer from rickets and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • sincerely enjoys new toys.

At the age of 6–8 months, the child begins to develop muscle and skeletal system, and long stay on the legs leads to overload of the still weak bones of the pelvis and spine. It is forbidden to use walkers for up to 6 months to avoid further negative consequences.

Mothers of boys

Many parents of boys are afraid to put them in walkers long time, explaining this by the fact that the device can negatively affect the formation genitourinary system due to compression of the genital organs, friction of the perineum and the appearance of diaper rash.

Pediatricians and pediatric orthopedists disagree with this opinion, but still recommend limiting the time a boy spends in them to 40 minutes with breaks of 2 to 3 hours.

For mothers of girls

Parents of girls also wonder whether walkers will affect the baby's health, since girls are more likely to develop hip dysplasia. This pathology can be aggravated by walkers. Before you decide when placing the baby in this device, you need Special attention give it to physical training. In the future, any girl will become a mother, so it is necessary to take care of the health of her spine, joints and pelvic bones.

Positive effect on the child’s physiology

Walkers have a large number of advantages that can affect physical development and psycho-emotional sphere of the baby:

The last point is the main advantage of using walkers. Parents have the opportunity to do all their business or just relax.

Negative effect on the child’s physiology

Walkers can also have a negative impact on the baby’s health:

The main disadvantage of such a device is that after placing the child in a walker, parents lose vigilance while going about their business. It only takes a few seconds for a baby to harm himself.


Not every child can be placed in a walker, even a short time. There are contraindications, which strictly prohibit the use of such a device:

  • Decreased or increased muscle tone in the baby. When moving, the child’s legs do not touch the floor with the entire foot. He pushes off with his toes, exerting enough effort for this. Such loads aggravate the situation.
  • Rickets or suspicion of it.
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Traces of rubbing with the seat or the appearance of diaper rash.

If parents notice that the baby, trying to take the first steps and holding onto support, does not stand on his full foot, the walker should be abandoned.

How to choose the right walker?

If there are no contraindications to the use of this device, then it can become a wonderful educational toy, but provided that there is High Quality and applied correctly. When purchasing a walker, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

Thus, when asked what time it is recommended to put a child in a walker, we can answer that it depends on individual development baby. This device is contraindicated for some. If the baby is healthy, then the age recommended by pediatricians is 8 months. Early use such a design may lead in the future to various problems with health.

It is most pleasant for a small child to explore the world around him while in his mother’s arms. In this position, he can look around and try to pick up nearby objects.

Many parents prefer baby walkers. This device allows the child to move independently, while giving parents the opportunity for so-called respite. In this case it becomes topical issue, when can you put a child in a walker, from what months is it safe for him? This question is especially relevant for the boy’s parents.

Pros and cons of walkers

Walkers for children have a number of advantages and disadvantages. TO positive aspects Walkers for children include:

  • Many mothers are torn between the baby, the need to do household chores and other family members. As a result, fatigue, irritability accumulate, and mood deteriorates; all this can lead to a decrease in lactation. Purchasing a walker eases the burden of parents; the mother can do other things while watching the child from the side.
  • Many babies enjoy being in this device; — New opportunities are available to a child wearing a walker. He stands and walks, turns - all these movements help strengthen the muscles;
  • A child in a walker develops faster because he is in vertical position and can become more aware of their surroundings. Now from this position he can see much more;
  • Walkers are designed in such a way that a child wearing them will not be able to reach some dangerous items in the house, for example, wires or sockets;
  • The toys with which the device is equipped have a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills;
  • The baby can move actively, play, and experience positive emotions, which has the best effect on his development.

At the same time, this device also has some negative aspects:

  • A child placed in a walker does not strive to independently master new movements; babies in walkers begin to do the first independent steps later children developing without walkers;
  • It is not recommended to stay in a walker for a long time, as this leads to excessive stress on the spine and it can become curved. Also, do not overload your legs;
  • The placement of the feet in a walker is incorrect. The baby stands on tiptoes, as a result, the wrong muscle groups work, but ankle joint develops incorrectly;
  • After using a walker, the child will not want to crawl. And the process of crawling is a natural preparation of the body muscles for walking;
  • The peculiarity of walkers is that they are difficult to overcome doorways in the presence of thresholds, they can also cling to furniture, which will cause inconvenience to the child, he may roll over.

When can you put a boy in a walker?

By 6 months, many babies begin to actively crawl, and by 7 months they are sitting well. Thanks to the new capabilities of his body, the child begins to explore new spaces in the house, more often asks to be held by his mother, trying to see as much as possible.

This is a reason to purchase a walker. Parents are rightly concerned about the question of how many months can a boy be put in a walker.

If you ask pediatricians for advice, you can see that there is no consensus among pediatricians. This device has a large number of both supporters and opponents. Some doctors consider walkers undesirable for use by young children, while others advise purchasing them so that the child can develop faster with their help.

Parents often ask how many months are counted from? safe to use walkers? In any case, if the boy’s parents have decided to purchase baby walkers for the boy, they should be used only after 6-7 months. Moreover, this age is considered conditional. It should be remembered that you cannot put a boy in a walker if he does not yet know how to sit independently and does not know how to hold his back straight without support.

At 7-8 months, the baby is not recommended to stay in one position for a long time, since the condition of the bone and muscular systems is at the stage of formation. Excessive use of walkers poses a risk improper development muscles and bones. Some doctors advise not to put your baby in a walker before 9 months.

Is it possible to put a child in a walker earlier? To avoid future problems with the musculoskeletal system, doctors do not advise doing this.

Features of using walkers for boys

Many parents are interested in whether it is harmful to plant little boy in a walker, will this affect the development of the genitourinary system in the future, since friction occurs in the perineal area. Is there any compression of the genital organs?

Doctors recommend carefully monitoring the baby’s condition and behavior. You can put boys in walkers, but at the same time limit his stay in them. During the day, the baby should stay in them for no more than 40-45 minutes, with one session lasting about 10 minutes.

When is it prohibited to use a walker?

Despite the fact that the opinions of doctors on this issue very contradictory, it should be noted that during Soviet Union production of baby walkers was suspended. As for Canada, their enterprises do not manufacture them; in addition, they are prohibited from import.

Walkers should not be used by children if:

  • The baby has not yet learned to sit confidently without outside help keep your back straight;
  • the presence of diaper rash or inflammation in the area of ​​the body that comes into contact with the device;
  • the baby does not like being in a walker;
  • There are disturbances in the muscle tone of the legs, and symptoms of rickets appear.

Proper use of walkers

If your baby has already reached the age of 7-8 months, and you have decided to use a walker, you should pay special attention to its correct use.

When using the device for the first time, the baby should sit in it for no more than 3 minutes. Every day increasing the stay time by a couple of minutes. How much then maximum time stay for the boy during the day? It is believed that 40-45 minutes a day will be safe for a child.

The rules for using the structure are as follows:

  • No matter how many months the child is, it is necessary to closely monitor him while in the walker;
  • you need to watch the position of your legs. It is necessary for the baby to step on the floor with his entire foot, and not stand on his toes. This will avoid flat feet;
  • You cannot put a child in a walker if it is not possible to individually adjust the height in accordance with his height;
  • It will be useful to wear shoes with a hard sole in the walker;
  • Do not allow a baby in a walker to approach dangerous places, curbs, stairs or other obstacles that could cause falls or overturns.

Before purchasing this device, you must first consult a doctor and assess the child’s condition.

Which walker should you choose for your baby?

When the decision to purchase has been made, and parents have begun choosing a walker, they should pay attention to a number of points.

The walker must have a reliable, wide and stable base. This will help protect the child from falls and rollovers. Preference should be given to walkers with a rubber bumper base; this part helps soften impacts when colliding with obstacles.

Availability is desirable large number wheels This ensures the greatest stability of the walker. The wheels should turn well.

The structure must be height adjustable. To provide the child with the opportunity to place his feet on the floor with the entire surface of the foot. Do not bend your knees or stand on tiptoes.

The middle should be made of dense material, it is good if it is not too hard. It is necessary to have a high-quality frame for the backrest. Positive will be the possibility of removing material. This makes it possible to wash the seat.

A pleasant moment for parents will be the ability to fold the structure. They will not take up much space in the house, and can also be taken with you on a trip.

The presence of musical toys will pleasantly please the baby and will attract his attention, as well as develop fine motor skills as a result of playing with them.

The design must be safe for the child. As a rule, it is designed for a baby’s weight up to 12-14 kg with a height of 80-82 cm. When the child’s parameters do not correspond, this should in no case be neglected.

Since there is no consensus among doctors and experienced mothers Regarding exactly when, from how many months, and whether it is possible to put a child in a walker at all, this issue should be approached with special care, observing the time the baby spends in this device, as well as carefully choosing it for your child. If you take proper precautions, the walker will not cause any harm to your baby's health.