My wife has gardnerella. Gardnerella vaginalis: description of the pathogenic microorganism and the diseases caused. Clinical forms of the disease

Gardnerellosis is an acute bacterial disease of the genitourinary system that can occur in both men and women. The causative agent of this disease is the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis.

The following reasons for the development of such sexually transmitted infections are identified:

  1. Frequent changes of sexual partners (unprotected sexual contact, both in men and women).
  2. Untimely (not frequent enough) replacement of gaskets. This is especially true during menstruation, when the microflora in the vagina is especially vulnerable and susceptible to various pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. A sharp hormonal imbalance (can occur during puberty or pregnancy).
  4. Daily use of thin pads, which creates all the conditions for the spread of infection.
  5. Failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules.
  6. Long-term treatment with antibiotics.
  7. A sharp decrease in the immune system.

In addition, untreated dysbiosis, frequent adherence to an unbalanced diet, various optional pathologies of the reproductive system, as well as long-term use of contraceptives can contribute to the appearance of Gardnerella vaginalis disease.

All predisposing factors to the active progression of the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis are united by reduced immunity, since in this state a person becomes highly vulnerable to this kind of disease. In turn, severe stress, chronic fatigue, physical exhaustion of the body, or recent illness (or surgical interventions) can give impetus to weakening of the immune system.

There are three main ways of infection with this type of bacterial vaginitis:

  1. Sexual penile-genital contact is the most common route of infection with such vaginosis. It is worth noting that the bacterium can pass from a carrier of infection to a healthy person, both through traditional sexual contact and during anal or oral sex. A condom won't help much in this case. In most cases, this type of contraception is aimed only at preventing unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Vertical transmission of Gardnerella vaginalis occurs during childbirth. In this case, the bacterium infects a newborn child, but, fortunately, does not develop further in its microflora, since infants simply do not yet have the substance glycogen, which is so necessary for this bacterium for normal growth.
  3. Contact-household infection can occur when using shared hygiene products (towels, linen, washcloths, etc.). Less commonly, bacteria enter the bathhouse or sauna when a person touches the skin of the genitals to dirty seats.

Based on the above methods of infection, Gardnerella vaginalis cannot be called a disease transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. Despite this, in most cases this pathology is detected precisely in those women who are sexually active and often change sexual partners. This pattern is due to the fact that during unprotected sexual intercourse, the healthy vaginal microflora of a woman collides with the affected male microflora.

After this, the infection-carrying partner simply transmits the bacterium to the woman, who, finding herself in favorable vaginal conditions, begins to actively multiply there. As for carriage of Gardnerella vaginalis only, the incubation period in this case can last for years. In this case, a person may not notice obvious signs of the disease at all. Despite this, the disease will still begin to manifest itself sooner or later.

Moreover, gardella will constantly suppress the immune system, making a person weakened and susceptible to other pathologies. To identify this nonspecific vaginal anaerobe, you should take a DNA test, a culture (smear) from the genitals, and a PCR test. It is also important to do this as early as possible, because timely diagnosis and treatment can protect against the development of dangerous consequences.

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Gardnerella vaginalis: symptoms and diagnosis

In most cases, Gardnerella vaginalis practically does not manifest itself in men, since they are often only carriers of this infection and do not suffer from it themselves (there are no pronounced symptoms). Rarely, minor inflammatory processes in the urethra, slight purulent discharge and pain when urinating can be observed.

In more advanced cases, a man (with prolonged damage to the vaginal gardnerella) may develop infertility, inflammation of the testicles and prostatitis. It should be noted that in more than 95% of all cases, when the vaginalis is affected by Gardnerella, the man will not even realize that he is sick and infects his partner during sexual intercourse.

In women, Gardnerella vaginalis is accompanied by obvious inflammatory processes in the vagina and cervix. The main sign of this disease will be the appearance of mucous or purulent discharge from the vagina, which will have a pronounced nonspecific smell of “spoiled fish.”

This is especially noticeable during sexual intercourse without using a condom. The patient also often experiences itching and burning in the genitals, the appearance of sticky yellowish discharge and pain during sexual intercourse. Less common are discomfort during urination, irritation and redness of the vaginal mucosa.

It is important to know

The situation changes when the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis becomes too numerous and it begins to harm the woman’s microflora. This is especially dangerous in case of low immunity and pregnancy. To detect a Gardnerella vaginalis infection, the patient should take a swab from the vagina (urethra for men) and send it for further microscopic examination.

This is the surest way that will allow you to accurately identify the causative agent (focus) of the disease, its type, etc. As auxiliary diagnostic methods, it is recommended to conduct an examination with a gynecologist (urologist), take an analysis for other anaerobic bacteria and test sensitivity to the bacteria using PCR.

Gardnerellosis in women: features of manifestation, dangers and treatment during pregnancy

The general pattern of manifestations of gardnerellosis in women has three stages: carriage, active phase (the period of manifestation of the disease), microflora disturbance or development of bacterial vaginosis.

After the initial infection, this sexually transmitted pathogen (gardnerellosis in women) “takes root” in the vagina and, under favorable conditions, begins active reproduction.

If a woman has a strong immune system, then most likely most of the bacteria will die without ever taking root. In this case, gardnerellosis in a woman will have a carrier form. After the first phase, a period of active reproduction of the bacterium begins. In this case, the patient will have itching, burning and an unpleasant odor from the genitals. It is also not uncommon for mucous discharge and inflammation to occur. Already at the first appearance of these symptoms, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist, and not wait until gardnerellosis in women begins to manifest itself “in all its glory.”

As medical practice shows, gardnerellosis in women has a long course, often accompanied by complications. The danger of this disease is that the replication of bacteria changes the overall balance of a woman’s microflora. In turn, this provokes the development of vaginal dysbiosis or dysbiosis.

At the same time, this lactobacilli contributes to the fact that a woman becomes very susceptible to various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. It is for this reason that it is very important to promptly diagnose and treat gardnerellosis in women. When gardnerellosis is detected in women during pregnancy, it is prohibited to prescribe traditional antibiotics, as they can adversely affect the fetus.

In this case, it is recommended to use special vaginal suppositories, which have a strong antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. The duration of such treatment should be selected by the doctor individually. Also in this case, the patient’s sexual partner should also undergo treatment.

How to treat gardnerella: different treatments for gardnerella vaginalis

Before finding out how to treat Gardnerella, it is worth mentioning the importance of therapy specifically in males. The fact is that even in the absence of obvious symptoms of the disease, a person will develop chronic inflammation and impaired immunity. This, in turn, can lead to serious disorders of a man’s sexual function (urethritis due to the spread of ureaplasma, prostatitis, urinary disorders and even infertility).

Moreover, if a man is an active carrier, then with each unprotected sexual intercourse he will infect a woman, causing her microflora to be disrupted, a decrease in the number of beneficial lactobacilli and the development of dysbacteriosis. As for gardnellosis in women, it must be treated, because the general functioning of the patient’s reproductive system and even the state of her reproductive function largely depend on this.

How to treat gardnerella with drugs

If you have been diagnosed with Gardnerella vaginalis, a qualified specialist will advise you on how to treat it; long-term therapy and carefully selected medications are often required. Traditional treatment involves the prescription of immunomodulatory drugs and antibiotics. They must be taken for at least ten days in a row. After this, tests are repeated and, if necessary, therapy is extended.

Many people wonder how to treat gardnerella so as not to infect a sexual partner. The answer is simple: for the period of therapy you need to give up intimate relations, especially without using a condom. A gynecologist (urologist) must personally monitor the process of general therapy for the treatment of Gardnerella vaginalis. Only a specialist knows how to treat this infection; under no circumstances take medications without his prescription and do not self-medicate.

Antibiotics are considered very effective in therapy. They are aimed at suppressing bacterial activity. Metronidazole or Clindamycin are usually prescribed for this purpose. They can be used in the form of tablets, vaginal suppositories or gels. The duration of treatment with antibacterial drugs should be ten days.

At the second stage of treatment, the patient needs to “populate” “good” bacteria (lactobacillus) into the microflora.. The most effective drugs in this group are the drugs Acylact, Lactonorm and Lactobacterin. During the treatment period, the patient needs to follow a special diet. The diet includes a complete abstinence from alcohol, fried, fatty, sweet, flour and spicy foods.

The basis of the diet should be porridge, dairy products, soups, fish and vegetables. To prevent the formation of dysbiosis in the intestines, bifidobacteria (probiotics) are prescribed. Linex or Filak Forte are considered the best. A month after the start of treatment, the patient needs to take all tests again. Further therapy depends on the results obtained.

Gardnerella vaginalis: how to treat using traditional medicine

Traditional therapy can be practiced, but only if the disease is not very advanced and under the strict supervision of a doctor. One of the best recipes for such treatment is the use of sitz baths with the addition of a decoction of birch buds, chamomile or oak bark.

These plant liquids have a pronounced antibacterial effect, so they will help quickly eliminate the source of infection. As an auxiliary therapy, women are allowed to install bandage tampons soaked in fresh kefir. It will normalize the vaginal microflora.

Gardnerella infection in men: symptoms, complications and prevention

Gardnell infection in men has the following stages of development:

  1. The period of carriage when the disease does not manifest itself in any way.
  2. The appearance of active bacterial replication and the spread of Gardnerella infection.
  3. The appearance of the first signs of the disease in a man (itching, burning, redness, the appearance of small ulcers on the head of the penis). After this, there will be pain when urinating and a burning sensation during sexual intercourse.
  4. Development of diseases against the background of Gardnerella infection. In this case, a man may experience balanoposthitis or urethritis.

If you do not start timely treatment, the gardnerella infection will begin to spread throughout the body along with the blood, affecting not only the mucous membranes, but also the organs. Thus, the patient may develop lung abscess, bladder inflammation, sepsis and Reiter's syndrome.

It is worth knowing that gardnerella infection, if detected during pregnancy, can cause cystitis, premature birth, infection of the fetus, or its birth with anomalies. Moreover, in a woman, gardnerella infection can cause blood poisoning, chronic inflammation, deterioration of the bladder and impaired reproductive function.

To reduce the risk of contracting a gardnerella infection, you should follow the following medical recommendations:

  1. Twice a year, undergo a control examination by a gynecologist (by a urologist for men) and get tested by a venereologist.
  2. Have a regular sexual partner and avoid casual sex. You should always use a condom with non-regular sexual partners.
  3. Promptly treat all diseases of the reproductive system that increase the risk of developing gardnerella infection.
  4. Wear underwear only made from natural fabrics.
  5. Carefully observe intimate hygiene.
  6. Strengthen your immune system (exercise, avoid stress, eat well).
  7. Under no circumstances should you use other people’s personal hygiene products or allow them to take your own towels, etc. even close people.

In the treatment of gardnerellosis, several types of therapy are used, general and local. For general treatment, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotics and other drugs that reduce the number of gardnerella in the vaginal microflora. Such drugs include trichopolum and metronidazole. Treatment with these drugs lasts one week. It is also important to carry out local treatment with baths, suppositories and douches. Usually, treatment of the vagina with a solution of miramistin or the same metronidazole in a gel, betadine in suppositories and douching with a soda solution or chamomile are prescribed. Local treatment is slightly longer and lasts ten days.

When treating this disease, vitamins and immunostimulating drugs are also prescribed to increase the body's protective functions. It is useful to take medications that normalize the vaginal microflora, for example, containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

Before treatment, it is very important to undergo tests to determine the degree of vaginal dysbiosis, as well as the presence of other bacteria in the microflora, since gardenerellosis often appears when not only gardnerella bacteria are present in the body, but also other bacteria. Also, if these bacteria are detected in a woman’s smear, it is necessary to prescribe treatment for both herself and her partner. A man may simply be a carrier of gardnerella, which, if ingested by a woman during unprotected sex, can cause inflammatory processes.

During treatment, it is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse or use a condom to avoid infecting the partner and re-infection.

Gardnerellosis appears in connection with the bacterium gardnerella, which is not a pathogenic flora, so this disease is not venereal. This bacterium is found in small quantities in the microflora of any woman. This bacterium is activated in women who frequently change partners, during unprotected sex, and when hygiene is not observed when using sex toys.

Vaginal dysbiosis also occurs after using certain vaginal tablets and suppositories such as Polygynax and Betadine, when using local contraceptives, when douching, which is a common causative agent of the disease, as well as when taking antibiotics. All these means lead to the fact that the natural microflora of the vagina changes and the number of gardnerella and other bacteria in its composition increases. These bacteria also become active if a woman has suffered severe stress, if she has a reduced immune system or hormonal imbalance.

Scientists still do not agree on whether this disease is a sexually transmitted disease or not. The fact that this disease can be found not only in women, but sometimes also in men, may indicate that gardnerellosis is sexually transmitted. True, the term “gardenerellosis” is not applicable to men, since it means vaginal dysbiosis, which only women have.

According to statistics, today every fifth woman of childbearing age has this disease. Pregnancy, childbirth, and puberty can also trigger this disease.

Gardnerellosis can only be diagnosed in a laboratory. The following methods are used for this:

Measuring the acid-base balance of vaginal discharge
- microscopy of a vaginal smear
- amino test
- identification of the main cells.

What indicators can indicate the presence of this disease?
First, it is the identification of key cells (cells on which pathogenic bacteria are located). Secondly, there is vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor of spoiled fish. Thirdly, if the acid-base balance is higher than normal, this indicates an inflammatory process in the vagina, most likely caused by gardnerella. And, fourthly, during the amino test, a few drops of a special drug are added to the smear: if the smell of fish appears, this indicates the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the smear.

The doctor makes a diagnosis if at least 3 signs of the disease are present. Very often, the detection of key cells with gardnerella does not indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

Gardnerella is always considered with other bacteria, since this bacterium is present in the body of every woman in any case, albeit in smaller quantities.

Antibiotics are used to treat this disease. Local treatments are also recommended to balance the level of bacteria in the vagina. After treatment, the smell and discomfort should disappear, the smear readings should normalize, and the discharge should disappear. Tests are carried out 7 days after the end of treatment. If necessary, the woman’s partner is also treated, as he may be a carrier of pathogenic bacteria.

Gardnerellosis in pregnant women is not as rare as we would like. Pregnancy stimulates natural changes in a woman’s body, which can cause increased activity of gardnerella, which is contained in small quantities in the body of every woman. A woman’s hormonal background changes, the body’s protective functions decrease, thereby provoking the pathogenic bacteria to become active.
Also, a woman could become infected with this infection from a male carrier even before pregnancy, which could cause an exacerbation of the disease.

This disease does not pose any problem for the unborn child. If a pregnant woman has gardnerella in her smear, there is nothing to worry about, and there is no point in going for an abortion. These bacteria do not come into contact with the fetus in any way, so it cannot become infected. If an infection occurs during childbirth, it disappears without a trace in the newborn, since these bacteria themselves cannot cause inflammatory processes.

What is unpleasant about this disease in pregnant women is that inflammation of the vagina may begin, since the causative bacteria always travels in pairs with other bacteria. To prevent this from happening, a pregnant woman should undergo monthly smear tests in order to begin treatment in time if the need arises.

The main task of a gynecologist when detecting gardnerella in a pregnant woman is not treatment, but to prevent an increase in the number of these bacteria and the onset of the inflammatory process. If a woman has an exacerbation of the disease before giving birth, then local treatment and special preparation for childbirth are carried out. Thorough treatment of the disease is carried out after childbirth.

About 20% of women of reproductive age are faced with such an unpleasant disease as gardnerellosis. In fact, this disease is nothing more than one of the types of bacterial vaginosis - a condition in which the normal composition of the vaginal microflora is disrupted.

Normally, lactic acid microflora predominates in the vagina. When exposed to certain factors (decreased immunity, stress, etc.), lactobacilli are replaced by opportunistic microflora, which can contribute to the development of many diseases. When the number of gardnerella in the vagina increases, gardnerellosis occurs. In themselves, these opportunistic microorganisms are not dangerous, but they create a favorable environment for the proliferation of trichomonas, mycoplasma, and yeast-like fungi, which can lead to the development of serious genital diseases in women. Therefore, you should not delay the treatment of gardnerellosis.

Gardnerellosis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but its development is facilitated by certain factors that predispose to infection with sexually transmitted diseases. Most often, this bacterial vaginosis occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  • a large number of sexual partners;
  • casual sex;
  • hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, menopause;
  • frequent douching, especially with antiseptics (chlorhexidine, Miramistin);
  • use of contraceptives containing 9-nonoxynol;
  • taking broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs;
  • stressful situations.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis

The main symptoms of gardnerellosis: itching of varying intensity in the vaginal area and/or external genitalia, as well as moderate grayish-white or yellowish discharge with the smell of “rotten fish”.

Signs indicating the development of gardnerellosis are very few and are similar to the symptoms of other gynecological diseases. The main, and in most cases the only, sign of the disease is thin, uniform consistency, gray-white or yellowish vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor (the smell of “rotten fish”). The appearance of symptoms such as itching and burning in the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse, indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the vagina and other pelvic organs in women.

Treatment of gardnerellosis

This disease requires treatment aimed at restoring the normal ratio of microorganisms in the vaginal microflora, increasing local immunity in it, as well as strengthening general immunity. Treatment is carried out in two stages: the first is a reduction in the number of Gardnerella in the vagina, the second is the colonization of lactobacilli. The second stage of treatment will not be effective without the first.

In order to reduce the number of gardnerella in the vagina, antibiotics (Trichopol, Metronidazole) are prescribed. If there are contraindications to taking these drugs (pregnancy, lactation), local treatment is prescribed - treatment of the vagina with Miramistin solution, Metronidazole in the form of a gel, and the introduction of Betadine suppositories is also possible.

Restoring normal vaginal microflora is the most difficult stage of treatment. Patients are prescribed medications containing lactobacilli. Such drugs must also be taken orally, since in most cases with bacterial vaginosis, and is detected. The course of taking drugs in this group lasts at least a month.

It is also important to increase the overall immune status of the body. Patients are prescribed vitamin therapy (Biomax, Vitrum, Alphabet, etc.) and natural immunomodulators (Echinacea, Schisandra).

During treatment, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse or use barrier methods of protection (condoms). After completing the course of treatment, you need to undergo a follow-up examination to assess its effectiveness; if necessary, the course of treatment is extended.

Prevention of gardnerellosis

Treatment of gardnerellosis may include drugs for both local and systemic use.

Prevention of the disease comes down to eliminating the factors leading to its development:

  • an orderly sex life, having one sexual partner;
  • avoidance of casual sex;
  • Douching should not be done without a doctor’s prescription, and this procedure should not be abused for the purpose of emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • maintaining intimate hygiene, timely changing sanitary tampons and pads during menstruation;
  • wearing loose underwear made from natural materials;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Many women who have been diagnosed with gardnerellosis are concerned about the need to treat their sexual partner. In men, gardnerella can in rare cases cause urethritis or prostatitis, but gardnerella itself cannot occur in them due to the anatomical structure of the reproductive system. If a woman who has one sexual partner experiences a relapse of the disease, then it is necessary to examine her partner, since he may be the source of infection for her. In such cases, to prevent relapses of gardnerellosis, treatment of the sexual partner is necessary.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge, you can contact a gynecologist or venereologist. Additionally, a consultation with an immunologist will be useful, especially with recurring episodes of the disease.

Any microflora disorder can be resolved naturally without treatment, but this may take not a few days, but months or even years. During this time, under good circumstances, gardnerellosis can be eliminated, but with an unfavorable prognosis, it can become chronic and cause many complications. The opinion of any gynecologist will be clear: gardnerella infection requires treatment.

Typically, treatment for gardnerellosis is carried out in two directions. First, it is necessary to reduce the sharply increased number of Gardnerella infections to normal. Then, with the help of medications, the number of lactobacilli in the vaginal microflora is restored.

Effective treatment of the gardnerella virus is aimed at destroying actively multiplying microorganisms. There should not be many pathogenic bacteria. They can be present in acceptable quantities and this does not cause any alarm. Nor does it cause the smell of rotten fish. As soon as this number begins to increase, immediate diagnosis and treatment of the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis is required.

Any effective treatment for gardnerellosis does not guarantee recovery in one day. This is not just a disease that needs to be cured. Bacterial vaginosis is a special condition of the body that requires intervention. It is much easier to treat anaerobic bacteria or viruses than to completely restore normal microflora by providing it with the necessary amount of lactic acid bacteria. To do this, conditions for recovery must be created, which depend not only on taking medications, but also on regulating sexual relationships, normalizing nutrition, and developing proper hygienic skills for caring for one’s own body. To achieve an effective result, you will have to check other organs that could cause gardnerellosis. Intestinal dysbiosis is often a prerequisite for changes in microflora. Until this disease is cured, no course of treatment for Gardnerella will produce results.

How and with what should gardnerellosis be treated, can it be cured?

Since gardnerella is not a dangerous sexually transmitted disease, some women even ask the question in the doctor’s office whether gardnerella vaginalis should be treated. At the beginning of the article, we talked about what the lack of therapy could lead to. When a diagnosis is made, each patient should immediately ask the attending physician how to treat gardnerella in order to quickly return to normal life and avoid complications.

For an experienced gynecologist, there is no problem in choosing remedies when deciding how to cure gardnerella. Usually, antibiotics are prescribed for this and local treatment is used, which includes traditional medicine recipes, suppositories, tampons and other drugs. You cannot defeat the disease quickly. You will have to wage a comprehensive fight against it, which will be aimed at the complete restoration of the entire body, because this is to a large extent a disease that was not received from a sexual partner, but developed in the body itself due to some kind of malfunction. Before deciding how to treat gardnerellosis, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused it. If it was sexual contact, be sure to end the relationship. If the disease provokes a weakening of the immune system, work on restoring it, otherwise there will be no less virus in the body.

A special approach is required in cases where the question of how to cure gardnerellosis in early pregnancy has to be resolved. Prescribing all those drugs that are used to treat ordinary patients is strictly prohibited for this group of women, so as not to cause pathologies in the development of the fetus. Gardnerella can be treated in pregnant women, but using a special regimen and only under the strict supervision of a doctor. It is better to start such treatment immediately before childbirth, so that in the early stages of embryo formation it does not cause developmental disturbances by taking antibiotics. Sometimes pregnant women ask whether gardnerella can be treated without the use of antibiotics, so as not to harm the baby. You can try using the same remedies in the third trimester, but using them not in the form of tablets, but choosing suppositories or gels.

For anyone who is interested in whether gardnerellosis in pregnant women can be treated with douching, there are disappointing statistics that the disease often develops due to the fact that beneficial lactobacilli have been washed out of the vaginal cavity due to improper intimate hygiene procedures. By choosing douching as a treatment, a pregnant woman aggravates the process, but does not contribute to her recovery. Despite the fact that gardnerella is washed out, the microflora is still in danger, because lactobacilli will never reach normal levels during such procedures.

Don’t ask your friends if you can cure gardnerella on your own. Health does not like to be taken lightly. Bacterial vaginosis is not just a dangerous disease, it is the first alarm signal that something in the body is not functioning correctly and is malfunctioning. Only timely diagnosis and the correct choice of medications will relieve you of worries in the future, whether chronic or advanced gardnerellosis is being treated. This is not only extremely unpleasant, but also much more difficult, and more dangerous for health.

Scheme and course of treatment for Gardnerella vaginalis or how to get rid of it?

Any disease requires not only competent diagnosis, but also a correctly chosen treatment regimen. Gardnerellosis is no exception here. Not everyone will be able to cure it with the drugs that neighbors or girlfriends used. And the first failure will be hidden in ignorance of the reasons that led to the disease. Only a doctor, after diagnosis and a confidential conversation with the patient, can draw up a treatment regimen for Gardnerella vaginalis, which will be applicable to a specific case of the development of the disease.

The course of treatment for gardnerellosis usually consists of two stages:

In different patients, the course of treatment may include completely different drugs, if at the same time other viruses or fungi are found in the body. Often candida or chlamydia become a companion to vaginal bacteriosis, then it will not be possible to manage only with these drugs. You will have to resort to the use of antifungal gels or drugs that act on chlamydia.

There is no exact answer to the question of how long gardnerella is treated. For some, this process will only take a week. This group of patients who quickly get rid of bacteria and restore the microflora in the vagina includes only those women who sought help at the first symptoms of the disease and impeccably followed all the doctor’s recommendations.

Having received bacterial vaginosis, you cannot only look for the answer to the question of how to get rid of gardnerella (gardnerella). This bacterium must be present in the microflora. We need to think about how to strengthen our immunity. To do this, it is important to constantly monitor the health of the reproductive system.

Treatment of chronic gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis)

The course of chronic gardnerellosis, as well as its treatment, has its own characteristics. The disease can manifest itself in periods of exacerbation, which smoothly pass into the latent stage and a lull is observed. It seems to patients that the disease has gone away, and treatment for vaginal gardnerella can be stopped. However, it is precisely this lack of proper treatment that allows bacteria to gain strength while the disease is in a sluggish form and continue its action. After a short lull, the disease begins to progress again and the imbalance of beneficial and harmful bacteria becomes even more noticeable, because now reproduction is even faster.

Chronic gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis requires treatment, which includes both the use of antibacterial drugs and products containing live lactobacilli, and a complex of immunotherapy. In addition to the main course, local therapy can be added, but only the doctor decides how to treat Gardnerella vaginalis.

It will not be possible to defeat chronic vaginal bacteriosis with antibiotics alone. They reduce the amount of harmful virus and prepare the ground for the proliferation of lactobacilli, so you will need to saturate your diet with foods that promote the formation of lactobacilli and take medications that promote this process. Most women are helped by gynoflor E.

Fighting gardnerellosis at home

Since this disease has nothing to do with sexually transmitted diseases, treatment of gardnerella at home using traditional medicine is also possible, but only after diagnosis and doctor’s prescriptions. Herbs that can fight viruses can be very effective in treating gardnerella.

This disease has existed for centuries. And if doctors didn’t call it bacterial vaginosis before, many women were still bothered by the smell of rotten fish from their genitals. I had to be treated by local healers. So they compiled a list of herbs that may be useful in treating gardnerellosis at home.

Any herb can be both a helper and a provocateur of allergies or rashes. You cannot prescribe such therapy for yourself. Having discussed the most acceptable traditional medicine recipes with your doctor, you can begin treatment at home, rather than experimenting with your own health.

To fight harmful bacteria, you can use tampons soaked in a medicinal herbal decoction. Plants can be used individually or in combination, taking them in equal quantities. Birch and plantain leaves, chamomile and calendula flowers, thyme and lavender herbs, coriander and flax seeds, oak bark strengthen the immune system and fight viruses. You can prepare a decoction of violet, mint, and yarrow, using all parts of the plant as raw materials. Take a tablespoon of dry potion per glass of water. It must be brewed in a water bath or allowed to brew in a thermos. A tampon is moistened with a warm solution and inserted into the vagina for 20-25 minutes. The same solution can be added to baths, which are also good to take every evening. From these same herbs you can prepare delicious tea, which will also help restore the immune system.

Although many doctors offer douching with solutions of medicinal herbs, it is strictly forbidden to use such procedures to treat gardnerella at home. The number of lactobacilli in the vagina has already decreased. If you start douching even with a useful solution, their number will become even smaller.

You can treat yourself at home not only using herbs, but also using other substances. Potassium permanganate is an active assistant in the fight against vaginosis. It is recommended to make baths by adding a few crystals of potassium permanganate to the water. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use regular or sea salt. It can also kill bacteria. It is not for nothing that people with vaginosis, after a vacation at the seaside, notice that their disease went away on its own.

Gardnerellosis is an infectious inflammatory disease based on dysbiosis of the natural microflora in the vagina associated with the proliferation of the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis. A minimal amount of the microorganism is found on the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract even in healthy women.

But only under certain unfavorable conditions does the microorganism begin to multiply and thereby cause bacterial vaginosis. If a woman is diagnosed with gardnerella, and the first symptoms of the disease have already appeared, then treatment must be started immediately to avoid complications.

Women are sensitive to their health in the field of gynecology. The appearance of pain, discharge, unpleasant odors, itching and other pathological abnormalities leads to discomfort and panic. In fact, most diseases belong to a harmless group that can be treated with simple medications and prevention. Gardnerellosis is one such disease.

To prevent the development of the disease, it is important to keep the vaginal microflora in proper condition, but it is impossible to constantly monitor this. A decrease in beneficial microorganisms (lactic acid bacteria) for the microflora means a decrease in local immunity, and this becomes the main cause of the development of sexual diseases in women.

It is important to know that thrush or gardnerellosis bacteria are always present in the vagina, but only when the balance is imbalanced do they acquire aggressive qualities and begin to actively multiply.

Gardnerellosis is considered a relatively safe disease that is easy to treat, but it creates a favorable environment for other dangerous diseases (chlamydia, vaginitis, colpitis), which without timely treatment lead to complications and loss of reproductive functions.

It all starts with the growth of pathogenic microbes, which, in the absence of immune protection, fill and infect the genitals, increasing the acidity (pH) to a value of 7 or more. This indicator is considered one of the indicators of development.

After exposure to certain factors and weakening of the immune system, the infection begins to multiply in the vaginal environment. During this, it begins to produce amino acids, which break down into volatile amines. These compounds cause an unpleasant fishy odor, which is characteristic of gardnerellosis.

The pathology is characterized by a significant decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria (lactobacillus) that produce lactic acid. As it decreases, the acidity in the vagina increases and the pH level changes to neutral.

A similar situation can occur in men, but this happens extremely rarely, because most of the bacteria are excreted in the urine, or the male body successfully suppresses their reproduction.

Reasons for development

Most cases of gardnerella infection are through sexual intercourse, but there are other ways to become infected. Doctors list the main causes of the disease as:

  • decreased local immune system due to stress, colds and infectious diseases;
  • taking strong antibiotics that disrupt the vaginal microflora and kill lactobacilli in the intestines and genitals;
  • douching (women often douche with various decoctions, without doctor’s recommendations, thereby simply “washing out” beneficial microorganisms;
  • use of contraceptives (particularly dangerous are drugs containing 9-nonoxyl, which also reduces the number of lactobacilli);
  • promiscuity with frequent changes of partners;
  • pregnancy, menopause and any other hormonal changes (including the use of hormonal drugs);
  • unprotected sexual intercourse.

There are risk factors that can provoke gardnerellosis:

  • pathologies associated with the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland, etc.);
  • improper and irregular personal hygiene;
  • hormonal imbalances (menopause, pregnancy, menstrual irregularities);
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the body, diseases of the genitourinary tract;
  • frequent stress and overexertion;
  • wearing synthetic, tight-fitting underwear.

Most often, gardnerellosis is combined with intestinal dysbiosis. The bacterium is usually activated during other sexually transmitted diseases: chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis.

How is the infection transmitted?

The main route of transmission of gardnerellosis is sexually, during classical and oral sexual contact. The source of infection is a sick woman. The man acts as a carrier of the disease. It is believed that Gardnerella vaginalis cannot live in the male body.

However, recent medical studies show that men who have unprotected sexual intercourse with a sick woman also have Gardnerella bacteria in the urethra. In any case, pathological gardenerellosis bacteria rarely take root in men.

Gardenerellosis is classified as a venereological type only if the bacterium goes through an incubation period, which lasts 4-10 days. Thus, during sexual intercourse a man transmits the disease to a healthy woman, where the microbes take root or stop developing depending on the level of the immune system.

It is possible to transmit gardnerellosis from mother to child during childbirth. But the bacteria cannot multiply in the baby’s body, since the baby does not have enough glycogen, which is necessary for the reproduction and active functioning of the pathogenic microorganism.

Contact-household transmission of infection is rarely possible, for example, through bedding, towels and underwear. You can become infected by using another person’s hygiene products or from someone else’s bedding. Even a carrier of the disease, an infected person who has no clinical manifestations, is dangerous to other people.

First signs

Primary signs can help determine the onset of development. There are not many of them, but they can cause significant discomfort to a woman. The incubation period of bacteria lasts from 4 to 10 days and during this time the following signs appear:

  1. Unpleasant smell similar to “rotten fish” from the genital area. A woman has to wash herself several times in order to get rid of discomfort, but soap does not help, but only worsens the situation. The reason for this smell lies in the breakdown of amines, which are found in the waste products of gardnerella.
  2. Itching external genitalia.
  3. Change in consistency and color of discharge(thicker, with a yellowish tint, can be white, gray or yellow).

The onset of gardnerellosis is similar to some other sexually transmitted diseases, so if symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist so as not to confuse the pathology with another disease.

Classification: types of disease

Anaerobic microorganisms - Gardnerella vaginalis are oval in shape and reach a size of 1-1.5 microns. At low concentrations they do not cause symptoms or complications, but with an increase in their quantity, inflammatory processes appear that can lead to endometritis in women and urolithiasis in men.

Officially adopted classifications not in medical practice, but there are lists that gynecologists use when making a diagnosis. The following types are distinguished:

  • gardnerellosis in the genital tract in men and women;
  • damage to the upper genital tract;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • development of the disease during pregnancy.

Each type requires a special approach to treatment, so it is important to establish a true diagnosis and find the cause of development.

Clinical forms of the disease

Medical classification includes the following forms of the disease:

  • Bacterial vaginosis. It is the most common clinical form. It is characterized by the detection in the vagina, in addition to gardnerella, of other microorganisms - mycoplasma, etc. With bacterial vaginosis, there are no signs of inflammation (swelling, redness, etc.). But there are signs of disruption of the vaginal microflora. The pathogenesis of this form of gardnerellosis is a decrease in general and local immunity.
  • Gardnerellosis of the upper genital tract. Infection in this form is transmitted lymphogenously (through lymph) and hematogenously (through blood). There were cases when this disease was complicated by the development of endometritis and inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. When bacteria enter the bloodstream, shock and septicemia may develop.
  • Gardnerellosis of the urinary tract. This form develops due to the location of the vagina and urethra. Sometimes even a healthy woman can have gardnerella in her urine. Confirmation of this form of the disease will be when more than 1000 CFU of microorganisms are detected in 1 ml of urine.
  • Gardnerellosis in pregnant women. Occurs in 17% of cases. Often the infection is ectopic, since at this time the body’s defense mechanisms increase. With the intrauterine form in women, the risk of premature birth increases several times.

Main symptoms

Gardnerellosis can be asymptomatic or manifest clinical symptoms. In the first case, the disease will not manifest itself externally in any way, but laboratory tests will confirm the presence of infection.

In the second case, the woman will be bothered by symptoms such as:

  • the appearance of atypical discharge (cheesy consistency, grayish-yellow color with a characteristic fishy odor);
  • itching in the external genital area;
  • swelling and hyperemia of the labia;
  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse (occurs due to mechanical irritation);
  • painful and frequent urination.

If the disease is not treated, the unpleasant odor does not go away even after washing. Using soap even increases its spread. During sexual intercourse, the smell also becomes pronounced.

Features of manifestation during pregnancy

Gardnerella in pregnant women has the same symptoms as those who are not pregnant:

  • pronounced fishy smell;
  • swelling of the external genitalia;
  • urinary disorders.

In expectant mothers, the disease is most often accompanied by candidiasis (thrush). In this case, the discomfort is doubly intensified. There is a risk of candidiasis affecting the mucous membranes, skin and internal organs of the fetus.

What are the dangers of infection during pregnancy?

Gardnerella has no direct effect on the fetus, since it does not penetrate the blood-placental barrier. But indirectly, the disease can cause complications during childbirth and gestation.

These will include:

Since the pH of the vaginal environment and the acidity of sperm will become almost identical in gardnerellosis, it will be easier for sperm to reach the egg and fertilize it. To exclude the presence of the disease during pregnancy, a few months before planning pregnancy, you should take smears for the presence of various microorganisms.

If no pathogenic bacteria are identified, then conception can safely begin.

The difficulty of treating gardnerella in pregnant women is that some antibiotics and other medications cannot be used by pregnant women, as this can harm the fetus. Therefore, the likelihood of successfully treating the infection is sharply reduced.

Symptoms of Gardnerella in pregnant women indicate the stage of the disease, the further course of the disease and the possibility of complications.


To diagnose the disease, the following tests are done:

A doctor can assume the presence of gardnerellosis based on an examination of a woman in a gynecological chair and a correctly collected medical history. You can do a general blood test, if there is an infection, it will show an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and an increase in the number of leukocytes. Such tests indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

What should be normal in a smear?

Previously, it was believed that normally a smear should not contain any pathogenic microorganisms other than lactobacilli. Over time, it became clear that it is impossible to keep the vaginal microflora in a “sterile” form; there may still be isolated Gardnerella, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma.

At the moment, there is a certain indicator of the norm called titer. The titer tells how many gardnerella are found in 1 ml of liquid. The normal value is 10*4 CFU/ml. Anything above this titer means the presence of the disease.

The level of gardnerella in the transcript of the analysis in women whose treatment ended favorably should show a titer below 10 * 4 CFU/ml, which will indicate that the patient is healthy.

Treatment regimen

The course of treatment for gardnerellosis usually consists of 2 stages:

Treatment consists of 2 tasks:

  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms,
  • “populate” normal microflora.

Medications are available in the form of tablets, injection solutions, ointments, gels, and suppositories.


Antibiotics used to treat gardnerellosis can be divided into local and systemic drugs.

As local remedies, women are prescribed:

  • Metronidazole (available as a 0.75% gel),
  • Fluomizin (a tablet inserted into the vagina every night),
  • Clindamycin (2% cream).

The course of treatment with the above drugs is 5-7 days.

System tools include:

  • Metronidazole and its analogues (Klion, Metrogyl);
  • Tinidazole;
  • Clindamycin.

All of the above drugs should not be taken together with alcohol.

Otherwise, the following complications may arise:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • collapse;
  • dysfunction of the urinary tract.

Before you start taking medications that restore the normal microflora of the vagina, you need to take repeated tests and make sure that there is no gardnerella in the body. If the treatment was successful and no pathogenic microorganisms were detected, you can start taking medications that contain lactobacilli.

Such means include:

  • Lactobacterin;
  • Acylact;
  • Gynoflor.

The cost of funds is about 200-300 rubles. The course of treatment is usually 12-15 days.

Traditional methods of treatment

It should be noted that folk remedies cannot replace antibiotic therapy; they can only speed up the healing process. Gardnerella symptoms and treatment with folk remedies in women cannot be used as the main one, without auxiliary medications, otherwise it will not be effective.

Recipe No. 1

You can make a bath from 300 g of oak bark. First, the bark is filled with water, brought to a boil, and cleaned. Then the filtered broth must be diluted in 3 liters of water. The procedure should be carried out within 15-20 minutes.

Recipe No. 2

It is necessary to mix juniper fruits, chamomile and walnut leaves in equal proportions. The mixture should be filled with water, boiled for 2 minutes, and then filtered. Next, you need to prepare a tampon from gauze, soak it in the prepared broth and insert it into the vagina.

Recipe No. 3

You can prepare an infusion of chopped sage. To do this, pour 1 tbsp of dry plant into 1 liter of boiling water. Next, the broth should be allowed to brew for 3-4 hours.

The infusion should be taken orally 2 times a day (morning and evening), 1 glass.

Will douching help?

Douching has a positive effect in the treatment of gardnerellosis. The most important thing is to discuss therapy with your doctor, do not overuse medications and follow the dosage described in the prescriptions.

The most popular douching is using apple cider vinegar. It is diluted per 1 tbsp. vinegar 1 glass of water. The procedure must be carried out daily, once a day for 7-14 days. The main effect of this method is aimed at normalizing the acidity of the vagina. In an environment with normal Ph, it will be much more difficult for Gardnerella to reproduce.

Douchings from:

Features of treatment during pregnancy

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using Clindamycin to treat gardnerellosis. In the first trimester, Metronidazole should be excluded from taking. It can be used again in the second and third trimester. The only drug that has no contraindications during pregnancy is Ampicillin. It can be used regardless of trimester.

Pregnant women are allowed to use almost all local products (creams, ointments, gels), since they do not in any way affect the development of the child and his pregnancy.

How long does it take to treat the disease?

The duration of treatment depends on the timeliness of contacting a doctor, the stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the body and the patient’s health status. If the disease is detected in the initial stages, treatment lasts 9-12 days. In advanced cases, treatment may take about 1-1.5 months.

If the process becomes chronic, the path to recovery will be even longer – more than 2 months.

Treatment of gardnerella in women after a favorable recovery should be additionally supported for 1-1.5 months with the help of yoghurts (with lactobacilli) and immunomodulators.

What danger does it pose, possible consequences and complications?

Unlike most diseases in the field of gynecology, gardnerellosis can proceed calmly with little discomfort. Microorganisms in small quantities are not dangerous, and even at the stage of inflammation they only cause unpleasant symptoms. This often causes late visits to the doctor, where patients learn about complications.

Gardnerellosis is not dangerous, but it is these pathogenic bacteria that are conductors for other diseases, including venereal diseases. The main complications include the onset of inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, urethral syndrome, neoplasia, endometritis and even infertility in women.

With timely treatment, the disease goes away without a trace and does not cause any complications, but in some cases(most often with untreated gardnerellosis) may occur:

  • salpingitis;
  • salpingo-oophoritis;
  • endometritis;
  • inflammation in the genitourinary system.

In men, the list of possible complications is not so large, but here cystitis, prostate, non-gonococcal urethritis and balanoposthitis can develop as complications.

If complications are not treated, infertility may result.

Can the disease go away on its own?

Without treatment, gardnerella cannot go away on its own. The pathogenic bacterium will multiply and harm the woman’s body, leading to complications. Gardnerella manifests itself quite quickly in women. The first symptoms can be noticed independently, and treatment must begin immediately when pathology is detected.

An important diagnostic sign of the disease is that when washed with soap, the unpleasant “fishy” smell only intensifies and does not disappear. To protect yourself from gynecological diseases, you should always take a closer look at the condition of your body, lead an active lifestyle and regularly carry out hygiene measures.

By taking preventive actions you can easily protect yourself from the development of gardnerella and related diseases. When the first signs appear, it is important that the doctor quickly determine the source of the infection in order to prevent relapse after treatment.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Vileo about gardnerella in women

Treatment in women with medications, douching and folk remedies: