A girl sniffs butter in a dream. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about butter and sunflower oil?

As you know, in dreams there are many secret messages and encrypted information. Through simple signs and visions you can sometimes learn a lot of important and valuable information, even your own future.

Since ancient times, people have trusted dream books, memorized and interpreted their dreams, listened to the advice and warnings of higher powers in order to live harmoniously and happily. If you remember what you dreamed about, be sure to check what it means!

What can you dream about about butter - butter, sunflower or something else, what does this symbol mean, which in reality is familiar and simple? The dream book has many answers, all of them are available. According to the dream book, oil can symbolize a number of different things, and it all depends on the details, on what it was like, what you did with it, what you saw.

Before you find out the meaning of the dream, remember it in detail, choose your option from the following:

  • Seeing butter in a dream.
  • Eat it.
  • Eat porridge with him.
  • Beat the butter.
  • Buy.
  • Smear yourself with it.
  • Oil your head.
  • See vegetable oil.
  • Spill it in your dreams.
  • Receive oil in a dream.
  • See him on .

Find one or more options that suit your case and find out the meaning of your dream. Remember that dreams are just hints, they should not be perceived with fanatical faith, but you should listen, analyze and draw the right, reasonable conclusions.

Creamy or vegetable?

In general, it is worth saying that oil rarely causes negative associations, and is often associated with good, favorable things.

Once upon a time, this product was a symbol of exceptional wealth and a good life, and not every family could afford to enjoy it every day. Today, the realities of life have changed, this product has become an integral part of the daily table, but the symbolism has remained the same.

  • Butter seen in a dream denotes good luck and happy love. This good sign foreshadows a happy period of relationships, rich in pleasant surprises and events.
  • Sunflower oil is a symbol of peace and tranquility. A wonderful sign that says that problems and anxieties will disappear from your life, a period of peace, confidence in the future, calm happiness and harmony will begin.
  • Olive is a sign of good health and good immunity. If you are sick, the illness will soon recede, healing is near.

Dream Interpretations

1. butter in a dream is a good sign. You dreamed of this as a sign of prosperity, so wait - soon you will become richer than you are now. Don't think that money will just fall on your head, but know that the Universe will find a way for you to live more prosperously.

This could be a new position, a promotion, an increase in salary or a big win, a lucrative deal or something else. Don't miss the chance, it all depends on you!

2. Why in a dream do you see or eat porridge that is very oily and greasy? This is also a very favorable sign, promising you great benefits. Be very careful in your business so as not to miss your chance! Be bold, take chances, and you can make a very good profit!

3. As the dream book says, the butter that you whipped in a dream with your own hands is a symbol of hard and very profitable work. In this case, you yourself will have to work hard, spend a lot of effort and time to achieve results, but know that this is grateful and worthy work that is worth spending time on.

Put in the effort, hard work is your friend now, so you'll rest later. Hard work will pay you very good dividends!

4. If you dream about the oil you bought, vegetable or butter, what is it for? This is a warning. Be careful in matters, especially in “slippery” ones, where you do not fully see the prospects and consequences.

Do not make any decisions “blindly”; take only those matters in which you clearly and clearly see the development of events, the options for this development, and the consequences of decisions. In general, avoid dangerous and vague businesses.

5. Why did you have a dream in which you anointed your body or hands with oil? This is a warning about illness, and for young women - also that they should avoid sensual and thoughtless intrigues and dangerous entertainment. One way or another, seeing this is a signal to be more careful and responsible in your waking life, to take care of yourself.

6. And if you happened to have a dream in which you oiled your head, this is a sign of glory. Be sure that in reality you will reach great heights, your work will pay off, you will be recognized. This is a signal to not deviate from your goal, to work and work, and not to doubt the correctness of your business.

7. Why spill sunflower oil in dreams? Oddly enough, this means making a profit. Money will come unexpectedly, and your well-being will improve significantly!

8. If you dream of the oil that you received - you were treated to it or simply given it to you, this is a symbol that you will make a profit, but only if you show scrupulousness, honesty and accuracy in your work. Only in this way can you achieve what you are trying so hard for.

9. As the dream book says, butter on the table - on a plate, on or in another form, is always a symbol of upcoming fun and joy. Probably, a rich and noisy feast awaits you, a feast with loved ones, some kind of big holiday. You will enjoy good company, delicious food and a pleasant, long-awaited vacation.

Many dream books claim that dreams of oil are always purely fortunate, no matter where it was or what you did with it. Believe in the best! Listen to the wise advice that the interpreter gives, be careful if he warns you, cultivate the best qualities in yourself. And then, regardless of your dreams, you will be happy and will always get what you want!
Author: Vasilina Serova

His appearance in a dream predicts profit, improved financial situation and good health. Everything that happens to this food product in a dream shows how you will manage your money, as well as whether the profit will be easy or elusive, worth fighting for.

Usually butter in a dream means joy, fulfillment of a desire, repayment of a debt and other favorable circumstances in your life. This is how the dream book interprets its appearance most often.

See, buy and sell

Seeing it at the market or in a store is a sign of a tempting offer. Usually, high-quality butter gives a feeling of fullness and satisfaction from eating.

A good product that smells like thick cream and milk means material well-being in a dream, receiving money, profit and happiness in life.

If you dreamed of butter in a store or market, expect an opportunity to get rich or get some money. Usually the appearance of such a product predicts favorable circumstances for you, a profitable job, or the fact that you will be able to find an unexpected source of enrichment and joy.

If there is a person who owes the dreamer money, then the appearance of butter in a dream means that he will return it with interest or someone will thank you for some service and financial assistance.

Seeing oil in a dream that is unaffordable for you is a sign of disappointment. The dream book writes that such a dream means a missed chance or that luxury or something profitable will not be available.

Usually, a price in a dream shows how much effort and work, as well as sacrifices, you will need to get something. And the higher and more inaccessible it is for you personally, the more strength and patience you will need to achieve it.

Too high a price for a product in the absence of money means that in life you will not be able to show the necessary qualities in order to take advantage of some chance in your life.

Why do you dream about the butter you sell? The modern dream book writes that you will be able to warm your hands on something or profitably sell some product, including a completely unnecessary thing.

Sometimes books indicate that you can give valuable advice to a person, help him in a difficult life situation, or show him the path to wealth and happiness. In some situations, this dream predicts joy, pleasant events and a happy turn of fate.

Prepare this product yourself

For villagers who know how to make butter with their own hands, this dream predicts troubles that will later bring great benefits. Some books on dream interpretation write that a bright streak will soon come in your life, and you will be able to earn good money with your work.

A dream in which the butter turned out to be very tasty and tender, moderately fatty, symbolizes money and prosperity in the family.

If everything is not good there at present in material terms, then some books write that an unemployed person will be able to find a job, and a person who is trying to achieve something will get what he wanted.

If you churn the butter yourself and see a nice finished product after a while, then your efforts will be crowned with success. Sometimes the dream book writes that butter, fatty, thick and aromatic, made with love, predicts the imminent arrival of guests and a pleasant treat for them.

Some books indicate that after such a turn of events you will be very happy. Sometimes whipping butter and cooking it deliciously predicts good news for you.

If the product turned out to be of the wrong consistency, bitter and tasteless, then why is this a dream? Modern books say that your efforts will not be successful or that everything will turn out completely differently than you originally planned.

Some sources write that you will either be prevented from finishing what you started, or something will happen that will cancel out all your achievements and plans. It is possible that you will not notice some small but very important detail that will play a significant role in your activities and life. It is this that will influence the final result of the work and bring the corresponding results.

Eating as a guest or treating others

If in someone’s house you were treated to butter or pancakes with it, then soon you will learn important news that will affect whether you can get rich or not. Some interpreters write that this dream predicts unexpected profits, useful advice, or an incident that will greatly please you and lift your spirits.

If you have long been jealous of some successful people and want to find out where their money comes from, then soon you will have such an opportunity.

Stealing a couple of packs of butter without anyone noticing means that you will use cunning to obtain information that is important to you. If someone hands you a couple of packs of butter, it is possible that this person will bring you great benefit.

If a girl or her mother sees a lot of butter in a dream and eats it, puts it in the freezer or cooks with it, then soon you will have a chance to make good money or find a profitable match for your future bride.

Some books indicate that the bride will be happy with the groom and will not lack for anything. Your husband will be very well off, even if at first not everything goes smoothly and the way you want.

If the oil turns out to be spoiled and tastes bitter, then your plans will not lead to anything good. Most likely, you will be dissatisfied with your life, and someone will greatly spoil the pleasure of making profit or money for you.

If you dreamed that someone gave you butter that was completely unsuitable for consumption, do not trust this person.

Most likely, he will not give you the best advice and will pursue his own benefit and desire to get something.

Or the offer that he will soon make to you will turn out to be completely unsuitable for fulfillment.

Heat and cook various dishes with it

If you decide to heat it and cook it in the oven, it means that you will try to take advantage of some kind of profit or money. But feeling the heat from the stove hitting your face is an unfavorable sign.

Often such a dream predicts your temperature, illness and deterioration in health, bad thoughts and experiences. Some books predict that you will soon have a cold or intestinal illness.

Especially if you began to smear yourself with oil, like fat or cream, drink it or mix it with herbal tincture.

If you were treated to ghee at a party or ate it along with other foods, beware of illness or severe poisoning. But spreading it on pancakes, dumplings or pancakes is a good sign.

This dream predicts that you will feel better, will soon receive money and material wealth, unless the product turns out to be bitter, spoiled and unpleasant to the taste.

Spoiling someone’s oil and adding something bad to it is a sign of sabotage or the fact that you will interfere with someone’s implementation of ambitious plans. If your trick is recognized, beware. Your intrigues may come out and lead to serious proceedings.

Should a person who sees butter in a dream be wary? Why do women and men have such a dream? Fortunately, this product is covered in ancient and modern dream books, in which it is easy to find the answer to all questions. Of course, before this you will have to recall all the details of the dream, including those that seem insignificant.

why do you dream about a sandwich

It's no secret that this product is traditionally used to make nutritious sandwiches. It is not surprising that many guides to the world of night dreams present it as a component. Most dream books claim that a person who sees butter in a dream should rejoice. Why dream of a sandwich with this component if the dreamer prepares it in his dreams? In real life, joyful events await him, providing a lot of positive emotions.

However, this does not apply to sleep, the owner of which cannot spread frozen food on bread. In this case, the oil appearing in the dream promises cooling in relationships with loved ones. It is possible that a person will face a quarrel with a lover, conflicts with relatives or friends.

But much more often butter still promises favorable events. Why dream of making a sandwich if the dreamer also uses cheese? In real life, a person will have a series of entertainments; he will finally be able to afford a long-awaited vacation. If butter is spread on a sweet bun, a romantic acquaintance awaits the owner of the dream in reality. It is possible that light flirting will turn into something more. People who already have a partner have every chance of getting married in the near future.

There is butter

What can butter mean in a dream? A lot of butter in the dish that the dreamer eats indicates that he should not worry about upcoming transactions in real life. They will definitely be successful and bring significant profits.

If in his night dreams a person eats butter with pleasure, receiving true pleasure from the process, pleasant events await him in reality. This could be communication with interesting interlocutors, unexpected profits, and so on. If the dreamer eats butter in the company of other people, he definitely needs to remember them. If these were acquaintances, they would soon help him in solving a difficult problem. Strangers are a sign that help will come from an unexpected source.

Dishes with butter

Boiled potatoes are a dish that is traditionally served with butter. Why do you dream of eating potatoes with this ingredient? Such a plot signals that in business the owner of the dream can safely rely on his luck, trust his own intuition, which will not let him down.

Also, night dreams may include porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal) with butter. Such a plot hints that the dreamer will experience prosperity in family life. Current conflicts with household members will soon be successfully resolved. However, if the owner of the dream sees himself putting butter into the porridge, he should be wary of a streak of failures, most of which will be due to his wrong actions and decisions. Semolina porridge generously seasoned with butter indicates that in reality the dreamer is surrounded by flatterers who cannot be trusted. In addition, you should be wary of making new acquaintances in the near future; there is a high probability of meeting a scammer.

Eating (or simply seeing) pancakes with butter means becoming a victim of betrayal in the near future. Moreover, a bad deed will be committed by a loved one, whose betrayal will be a complete surprise and will hurt bitterly.

Pieces and packs

Why do you dream of butter in a pack? Unfortunately, such a dream in most cases informs about impending troubles. Most likely, the problems will affect the financial sector, and it will hardly be possible to prevent losses. However, there is an exception - chocolate butter, which promises prosperity to the owner of the dream. True, for this the dreamer needs to reject existing doubts and move on to decisive action.

Why do you dream of butter in chunks? Unfortunately, this is a bad sign. It is possible that the dreamer’s relationship with his chosen one will deteriorate, and the conflict will occur precisely through his fault. The dream predicts an upcoming separation from a loved one, which may be temporary or permanent. It’s good if the piece of butter is large, in which case you can safely count on an improvement in your financial situation. It is likely that a person will climb the career ladder, achieve a salary increase or receive a bonus.

On the counter

The answer to the question of why you dream of butter in packaging or without it is given above. However, how to understand a dream in which this product appears in a store? For example, should a person who cannot choose oil in a store worry, since there is a wide range of varieties? Yes, because in real life he will face problems in family relationships. Also, such a dream can warn of an upcoming break with your chosen one.

Many dream books insist that a person who buys butter in his night dreams suffers from guilt in reality. It is possible that his life is being poisoned by a bad deed committed recently or many years ago. Perhaps this problem will be resolved if the dreamer brings his changes to the victims and offers them all possible help.

Cooking butter

If a person does not buy, but prepares this product himself, what does the dream book promise him in this case? Cooking butter means starting to solve a difficult task. The result will depend only on how much effort the dreamer puts in to achieve his goal.

It is wonderful if a sick person dreams of melting butter. Such a plot predicts a quick recovery or a noticeable improvement in his well-being. If healthy people in their night dreams see themselves melting butter in a frying pan, the dream has a different meaning. This is a warning that in real life they are not putting enough effort into making useful connections. In this case, you should focus on establishing contact with important people.

If a woman sees a dream

Why does a woman dream about butter? Such a dream has different meanings, which depend primarily on the marital status of its owner. For example, lonely young ladies who saw oil in their night dreams will soon meet an attractive representative of the opposite sex in reality. The relationship may initially seem frivolous, but it is possible that the result will be a successful marriage. It is interesting that for single men, a product that appears in a dream predicts a strong marriage.

Why does a woman dream of butter if she has been married for a long time and is happy with her choice? Such a dream is unlikely to be associated with family life. Rather, such a plot foreshadows a quick career advancement and financial profit. In addition, this product, appearing in a dream, can promise good health to the fair sex.

The oil is spoiled

Obviously, butter in a dream can turn out to be not only fresh, but also spoiled. The last option predicts the hard work that the dreamer will face in the near future. Hopes for a vacation will most likely turn out to be unrealistic. Someone who in reality expects an increase in wealth can whip butter in a dream with their own hands.

Why dream of butter if the owner of the dream discovers that the product is covered with mold? It is possible that in real life a person will soon become disappointed in someone from his inner circle. A similar plot also indicates that one should not be too demanding of other people.

Various stories

Why do you dream of butter if the dreamer is trying to sell it in a store or market? It is very likely that a profit will soon await him, but it will be insignificant and may even bring disappointment. If in a dream a person lubricates his body with this product, in real life he behaves too frivolously. It is possible that it is worth temporarily giving up entertainment and focusing on work; this approach can result in significant profits or a promotion.

Finally, in his night dreams a person may drop oil. Such a dream signals that he spends too much time caring for his own well-being, not paying attention to the needs of the people around him. Such an approach can soon result in significant trouble if the dreamer does not change his attitude towards loved ones.

Since ancient times, people have shown interest in mysticism, and in the modern world everything has acquired an even greater scale. A huge number of people try to remember each of their dreams in order to interpret it and learn about the future. Thanks to numerous dream books, the process of deciphering dreams is simplified as much as possible. The main thing is to remember as many details of the plot you saw as possible.

Why do you dream about butter?

A dream where a person spreads butter on bread is a good sign that promises a holiday. Events will happen soon that will give you a lot of positive things. If in a dream a person eats something and realizes that there is a lot of butter in the dish, it means that in the near future all transactions and agreements will be successful. A night vision where the dreamer independently whips butter from milk indicates that thanks to his own wisdom and calmness he will be able to achieve happiness and harmony in relationships. Seeing sticks of butter in a dream means you should prepare for various troubles and losses. Chocolate butter is a good sign that promises prosperity, but only if the dreamer puts aside all doubts and takes action. A dream in which the oil has spoiled and there is mold on it means that there is a risk of getting into an unpleasant situation because of an insincere acquaintance.

Why does a woman dream about butter?

For single girls, such a dream is a harbinger of a new relationship, which is likely to lead to a strong marriage. For women, butter is a good sign that indicates good health and the successful implementation of plans.

Why do you dream of butter in chunks?

Solid butter in pieces is a bad sign that predicts problems in your relationship with your loved one. There is a big the likelihood that the union will soon fall apart. A large piece of butter in a dream means improvement in the material sphere.

Why do you dream of melted butter?

A dream where you had to melt butter in a frying pan means that you will have to make an effort to please an important person on whom the future depends.

Why do you dream about buying butter?

Such a dream is a good omen, according to which you can soon count on a pleasant acquaintance. Buying butter may also indicate a kind attitude from those close to you.

Meaning of sleep Oil Eating fresh golden oil in a dream is a sign of good health and plans being realized. Rancid oil foreshadows wealth acquired through hard physical labor. Selling oil means a small profit. If a woman has a dream in which she anoints her body with oil, this foretells that she will soon rush headlong into frivolous entertainment. Modern dream book

Dream Oil Eating fresh golden oil in a dream predicts good health and successfully completed plans. This dream promises you the acquisition of wealth and knowledge. If you dreamed that you were eating rancid butter, skill and wealth will be your reward for hard physical work. Selling oil: to a small profit. Modern dream book

Dream Oil Oil, oddly enough, is a very ambiguous symbol. There are a lot of well-known expressions that, translated from the language of the subconscious, can predict the development of your financial affairs, relationships with people, and work situations. They say: “Ride like cheese in butter,” that is, have all the benefits and prosperity. The expression: “Adding fuel to the fire” characterizes human relationships, “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” - your activity, “Buttering someone” - your attitude towards another person, “Everything is going like clockwork” - the state of affairs. Seeing a lot of butter in a dream - such a dream promises the successful development of your affairs, even something that has not been possible for a long time will get off the ground and receive a worthy conclusion. Spreading butter on bread - this dream promises contentment, material well-being, perhaps a bonus or salary increase, and it is also possible that a valuable gift awaits you. If you dreamed that you spilled vegetable oil, then this dream foreshadows unfavorable changes that will soon occur in your life and will be associated with your carelessness and inattention to others. Filling any mechanism with machine oil - in reality, a streak of luck awaits you; things will go especially well at work, you will establish excellent relationships with colleagues and superiors, you will easily do a lot of things and receive encouragement. If you dreamed that you were churning butter by hand, then this is a sign that you are facing a difficult period, you will be tired and work hard, but your efforts will be rewarded. If you dreamed that your hands were covered in oil, then expect a surprise from fate - happiness itself comes into your hands, the main thing is not to miss it, it is very close. Aesop's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Oil Eating butter: good news. If someone is sprinkled with oil, this foretells him the protection of the grace of the Holy Spirit. To be anointed with oil: to wealth, joy, good, both now and in the future. Receive oil: to joy. Medieval dream book

Dream Interpretation Oil Oil is a symbol of prosperity and material well-being; spreading butter on bread means profit. Churning butter by hand means hard but promising work; your hands are covered in oil, expect a pleasant surprise. Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation Oil Seller Oil seller. His vision points to an alim and one who shares his knowledge and wealth with others.
Oil (olive) in a dream Oil (olive) is knowledge, barakat, the true path, spiritual light (nur) healing and a wonderful destiny from Allah.
Butter (butter) in a dream Butter (butter) is a sign of productivity, good earnings, benefits and benefits.
Butter (ghee) in a dream Butter (ghee) is knowledge that is beneficial in the worldly and afterlife. Some say that drinking oil in a dream means illness and the evil eye. Drinking the sediment from the oil means money acquired through humiliation.
Oil (vegetable) in a dream Oil (vegetable) represents wealth and livelihood earned honestly, and healing for the one who anoints himself with it in a dream.
Fat, oil in a dream Anointing the head or beard with fat (oil) indicates beauty and goodness. Anyone who sees a large amount of oil spilled on the floor will experience a lot of distress. Some interpretative scholars say that any fat is a sign of sadness, except oil. If there is musk or other incense in the fat, then this is praise for him for a good deed that he did not commit. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Oil Eating butter in a dream, spreading it on bread or a roll, means upcoming disputes with relatives regarding the division of property and real estate - disputes that will be resolved in your favor if the butter is fresh and appetizing, and if it is old and rancid, this means that you will lose. Buying loose oil in a store portends peace and tranquility in the home, complete prosperity and prosperity. Oil packaged in packs or jars promises inevitable loss of time and money in a stupid enterprise. Buying village yellow oil at the market means you will make a profit in reality. Chocolate butter is a sign of luxury and abundance, which you will achieve by implementing your planned project. Salted butter - you will shed a lot of tears when you marry your chosen one. Sunflower oil seen in a dream foreshadows good health and constant prosperity, while olive oil, on the contrary, portends illness and losses. Corn oil is a sign of flattery, deception and hypocrisy of people around you. Flaxseed oil is a harbinger of a large monetary win or award. Wooden oil predicts a sad event among close relatives and a forced trip to them. Camphor oil - to sadness over irreparable losses. Household engine oil is a sign of upcoming expenses for the purchase of an absolutely necessary for the home, but very expensive item. Car oil portends a fun trip to distant lands with a dear friend. Gun oil - you will experience anxiety about the fate of your children. Cooking something with butter or vegetable oil predicts troubles and preparations for welcoming dear guests. Adding oil to some dish (porridge, salad, etc.) - such a dream does not bode well in terms of material wealth; most likely you will have to switch to saving mode. If you spilled oil in a dream, it means that in reality you will be persecuted and held accountable. Lubricating something with oil means success in business and prosperity. Oiling your body or hair means that friends will help you get back on your feet after a crushing failure in business or entrepreneurship. Seeing burning oil means serious life trials will fall to your lot, overcoming which you will achieve a stable position and family happiness that you have dreamed of. Buying or selling oil in a dream foretells a small profit from a dubious and too troublesome business. A large amount of oil seen in a store or warehouse is a sign of great activity and good luck. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Oil OIL - good, respect; shoot down - get rich; cow - fulfillment of the desired; eat - kiss, respect from someone, well-being; smear - they are talking about you, promotion; drinking vegetable oil is a disease; pouring - recovery; spill - loss; getting wet is a benefit. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Oil If you dream of fresh golden oil, it foretells good fortune, love and a profitable marriage. A woman who dreams that she is anointing her body with oil will frivolously indulge in entertainment, which will arouse the disapproval of her lover. Dream book for lovers

Dream Interpretation Oil Oil. To dream that you are eating fresh golden butter is a sign of good health and plans being fulfilled. This dream will bring you property, wealth and knowledge. Eating rancid oil means prosperity, a fortune acquired through hard physical labor. Selling oil promises you a small profit. If a woman has a dream in which she anoints her body with oil, this foretells that she will soon become immersed in frivolous entertainment. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Oil If in a dream you ate fresh, golden butter, then your plans will come true and your health will not let you down. You will also gain wealth and knowledge. Rancid oil also dreams of prosperity, but acquired through hard physical labor. If you sold oil in a dream, do not expect big profits. A woman who lubricates her body with oil in a dream will plunge headlong into frivolous entertainment. If you saw in a dream how someone spreads butter on bread, you will meet a pleasant person. If in a dream you had difficulty spreading cold butter on bread, then you will not immediately find harmony in your relationship. Dropped oil on the floor - offend your partner without meaning to. If you bought oil at the market in a dream, you will feel guilty before your partner and will try with all your might to appease him. Beat the butter - peace and tranquility await you. Spilled melted butter - loss is possible. If you spill oil on yourself, expect profit. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation: Churning butter In a dream you seem to be churning butter - you will cope with a difficult task thanks to your perseverance and diligence - the dream seems to emphasize these qualities of yours; If you are busy with gardening or gardening, then a good harvest awaits you. The girl dreams that she is churning butter - fate has prepared for this girl a hardworking, economic husband.
Castor oil in a dream You see castor oil in a dream - your loved ones will stand up for you and get into trouble as a result; but their troubles will be insignificant compared to what you might have. It’s as if you are taking castor oil - out of a sense of revenge, you will want to annoy someone, but you will only make things worse for yourself; as if the Creator himself will show you that your strength and talent are worthy of better use than moving along the path of evil, Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream Interpretation Oil Oil, whether in a butter dish, on bread or in porridge, is always a good dream; it is a harbinger of holiday and fun. It promises a quick wedding for a lover. For those who are tired of litigation, the case is promised to win. After such a dream, your friend will finally return home safe and sound and will forever remain for you that true friend who is “known in trouble.” If you were in danger, now it will certainly pass you by. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Oil Oil: flattery, deception of employees. See olive oil: illness and loss Spill: you are being persecuted. To be doused: good deeds To drink: friends will make your life's path easier. Seeing something blazing: joy and pleasure Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Oil Oil. Eating butter in a dream means being hated by relatives for something. Churning butter means peace and tranquility. Spilling melted butter (or any liquid butter in general) is an inevitable loss; spilling oil on yourself is a profit. Culinary dream book

Dream Interpretation Oil Oil: This may indicate flattery. Is anyone trying to flatter you? Are they doing it sincerely? Perhaps you yourself should use flattery instead of aggression to achieve the final result? Oil can symbolize: “lubrication” in difficult life situations. Sometimes, when a situation seems to be at an impasse, all it takes is a little gentleness to smooth over the misunderstanding. Anointing is a sign of blessing. Oil can symbolize: your blessing. To "anoint" someone's hand means to give a bribe or tip. Are you trying to bribe someone or is someone trying to bribe you? Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Oil Oil: good, respect to knock down: get rich cow: fulfillment of what you want eat: kiss, respect from someone, prosperity spread: they talk about you, increase drink vegetable oil: illness pour: recovery spill: loss pour over: benefit. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Oil Eating fresh golden oil in a dream is a sign of good health and plans being realized. Rancid oil: portends wealth acquired through hard physical labor. Selling oil: to a small profit. If a woman has a dream in which she anoints her body with oil, this foretells that she will soon rush headlong into frivolous entertainment. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Oil A dream in which lubricating oils appear: first of all, indicates sad thoughts. In addition, your health may deteriorate and you will have to go on a diet. However, a large amount of oil: to success in entrepreneurship. Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Dream Interpretation Oil Oil: to profit from an unexpected expensive gift. A puddle of oil: you may be humiliated or have to humiliate yourself. Olive oil: you will bribe an official. Sunflower oil: the law will hinder your initiative.