Could there be a delay from a severe cold? Is it possible to delay your period due to a cold? Menstruation after an illness of infectious or viral origin

Most often, when talking about menstrual irregularities, the cause is cited as hormonal imbalance in the body. In turn, hormonal imbalances have their own causes, including colds.

The connection between the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels

A woman's hormonal system is controlled by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The hypothalamus is a very sensitive part of the brain, susceptible to the slightest stress, disorders, and infections. That is why acute respiratory infections can cause disruption in its work. In turn, this affects the functions of the pituitary gland - the main organ of the endocrine system, which produces hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle - follicle-stimulating and luteinizing.

Follicle-stimulating hormone accelerates the growth and maturation of the follicle, and also affects the production of estrogens (estradiol). Luteinizing hormone is responsible for ovulation and progesterone production.

Colds and the menstrual cycle

Any disease, including colds, is stress for a woman’s body. In a state of stress, it slows down the production of luteinizing hormone. This is why a cold can cause your period to be delayed. However, there is no need to worry too much: usually, menstrual cycle disruptions of this nature are a temporary phenomenon. The restoration of its regularity occurs within one to two months.

Cycle disorders

Delayed menstruation usually lasts from 2 to 6-7 days, depending on the severity of the cold. For longer delays, you should consult a doctor. There are also other menstrual disorders (which may be accompanied by a delay): spotting after the end of menstruation or their appearance in the middle of the cycle, pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, longer and heavier periods than usual or vice versa.

What can you do if your period is late?

The main thing to do if you have a delay caused by a cold is to get treatment and rest, and avoid hypothermia. There is no need to endure the illness “on your feet”; it is better to take a sick leave and be at peace: on days of illness you especially want to sleep, and this is the body’s natural reaction to an infection.

During this time, intense physical activity and alcohol consumption are not recommended. It is necessary to ensure a flow of fresh air into the room, and also monitor humidity: lack of moisture contributes to the spread of colds.

You need to drink a lot of liquid - chamomile or linden tea with honey, tea with lemon, ginger, currants, raspberries, hot milk with cocoa butter, and also take vitamin C. To prevent the development of sore throat, you need to rinse your mouth and throat after eating (with chamomile decoction, for example). ), brush your teeth more often.

Delayed menstruation due to colds and flu: can it affect it?

In terms of fragility, the female body can be compared to a crystal vase. One crack is enough to put the entire vessel at risk of breaking.

Problems with the menstrual cycle, in particular its delay, can be associated with a huge number of reasons. And one of them is the flu.

What is delay?

A missed period should not always cause a panicky search for a pregnancy test. Most likely, this is just a violation of the cyclical process, which can be caused by a number of reasons. Most often, the duration of the menstrual cycle is from 28 to 35 days. A little more, a little less – the figure still fluctuates within these limits.

When the female body experiences any stress, this cycle can be disrupted. In some cases, these violations are considered normal, in others they can lead to serious problems, even severe illnesses.

Regular periods up to 45 years of age indicate that processes in the reproductive system are proceeding as they should and at the right time, and can signal that fertilization has occurred. If there is some problem, and the delay occurs without a “good” reason, this signals that you urgently need to consult a gynecologist and undergo a series of tests.

What is the connection between periods and the flu?

The norm is considered to be monthly recurring periods at the same time. They should start on the same day as always and end the same. The cycle and duration of menstruation depends on several factors:

  • Woman's body weight;
  • Genetically predisposed (usually, coincidences of this process can be traced in women of the same gender).

The normal duration of menstruation is from three to seven days. It can reach up to 10, and this is considered normal if the woman does not experience more discomfort than she should have. If monthly bleeding is profuse and accompanied by weakness and severe pain that does not allow you to live normally during this period, you should consult a doctor.

If for many years, the duration of menstruation was 5 days, and suddenly they became more or significantly less, and the discharge itself became too abundant or, on the contrary, scanty - this is also a serious reason to visit a doctor.

A delay in menstruation is quite acceptable for up to ten days. After that, there is a reason to sound the alarm, because this is exactly how much is allocated in nature for the development of diseases. And this event cannot be ignored. Any woman should monitor this area of ​​her life - negligence here is unacceptable.

Symptoms of flu and colds can disrupt your cycle and delay your period. Factors such as:

  • Weather;
  • Climate change;
  • Nervous breakdowns and worries;
  • Diets;
  • Lifestyle changes.

If there are any doubts about the influence of one factor or another, you should definitely go to the doctor.

After all, allowing diseases and not treating them in a timely manner can lead to the inability to bear and give birth to a child, and subsequently to infertility.

How to understand that there has been a delay?

A woman’s body is sensitive to any changes. Be it a strict diet, severe anxiety, ARVI or any symptoms of the onset of the flu. He immediately responds to unusual factors that lead to even minor changes. By the way, it is important to know what antibiotics to take for ARVI and influenza, so as not to harm the body.

The first symptom of abnormally late menstruation is pain. Even if the delay is caused by pregnancy, pain symptoms are not normal in any case.

A delay in menstruation is an abnormal phenomenon for the natural functioning of the reproductive system, and after this the body does not immediately come to its senses. For some time, the discharge may be scanty, painful, and short-lived.

Frequent delays are like a distress signal. As a result, serious diseases can form: polycystic disease, fibroids, ovarian dysfunction. The first symptoms of such diseases are as follows:

  1. Sharp and frequent pain in the lower abdomen, independent of menstruation;
  2. Constant delays;
  3. Painful periods;
  4. Uneven bleeding: sometimes abundant, sometimes scanty;
  5. Chest pain, lumps in it (in this case mastopathy is possible)

If the delay was caused by influenza or ARVI, it will pass quickly and after it the body will immediately recover. But long-term observation of such symptoms can lead to bad consequences.

What to do if there is a strong delay and a negative test?

In any case, in this case there is no absolutely precise determination of the reason for the delay. And after a severe cold, a delay may be a consequence of pregnancy. If the illness is over and you still don’t have your period, first of all you need to measure the temperature in the rectum. It should be no more than 37 degrees. Otherwise, this is a clear sign of pregnancy.

The next step, after measuring the temperature, should be to test the urine for hCG. You can do this yourself by purchasing a regular pregnancy test. The protein formed in the body after fertilization easily manifests itself within the next 6-24 hours.

The third and final step is going to the hospital, taking blood and urine tests for the same protein and the final “verdict” of the gynecologist.

But what to do if the tests do not show pregnancy, but there is still a delay? Perhaps the fertilized cell died without reaching the uterus, or began its development outside the fallopian tube.

This is very dangerous for a woman, as it leads to an ectopic pregnancy.

Is it possible to induce menstruation if there is a delay?

With the help of hormonal drugs, you can urgently induce menstruation during a cold, flu, and in general, in any circumstances. But doing this often leads to big troubles. After all, this does not solve the real problem, but only veils it.

You can induce menstruation in two different ways: with medications and folk methods. Both of them will not bring anything good if you use them without consulting a doctor and too often.

Hormonal drugs:

  • Postinor;
  • Mifegin;
  • Non-ovlon;
  • Pulsatill;
  • Duphaston.

Folk remedies:

  1. Blue cornflower tincture. For a glass of boiling water, add 2 teaspoons of dried flowers. Leave for about an hour and drink a spoon 4 times a day;
  2. Gladiolus root. It is necessary to make a candle from the upper part of the rhizome and insert it into the vagina. Your period comes the very next day;
  3. Decoction of onion peels. You need to drink it once a day, a glass;
  4. Ordinary ascorbic acid. They just take it in large quantities.
  5. Hot bath. You can add some herbs, but regular hot water is fine. The only thing is, if you have an ulcer or gastritis, it is better not to do this.

A delay of more than 5-10 days is considered abnormal. Even if a woman has suffered severe ARVI or flu. Following frequent delays, weight changes may occur (loss or, on the contrary, gain) - this is affected by hormonal imbalance.

Constant nervous tension, breakdowns, and mental instability may begin. Inflammation or some other problem will develop.

It is very important for any changes in the reproductive system to consult a gynecologist, undergo a series of tests and undergo an ultrasound. It must be remembered that there is only one positive reason for a delay in menstruation - pregnancy, and its absence during a delay signals danger.

In conclusion, we suggest that you watch the video in this article on the difference between flu and colds.

Can menstruation go if a girl has a cold or if a girl has a cold they won’t go



I wrote to everyone else with a question earlier and I’ll write the same to you! The female body is individual and unique! Anything can affect our cycle! weather, stress, illness, banal jet lag (for example, I was a night owl - I went to bed late and got up late, but I started getting up early), physical activity and exercise! in general, any little thing! if you are late, take pregnancy tests every 2 days (because this is how the hCG level increases!) and go to the gynecologist without fail!


Your period will come in any case, with the exception of pregnancy... A cold doesn't affect your cycle...

Tarasova Tatyana

As I understand it, you want to understand whether a cold can affect me. cycle... maybe something else. Well, before, at least for sure. happened more than once

Fedor Banar

Each organism has its own individuality and yet I do not accept that the absence of menstruation is associated with a cold. If a girl has a cold, then there may be a slight change in the cycle, but there cannot be drastic changes. In such cases, you need to get checked by a gynecologist so that it doesn’t turn out to be pregnancy instead of a cold. Take care of your health.

gold fish

There may be a delay or it may start earlier, but in any case, if you suspect pregnancy (you had dangerous sexual intercourse), take a test.


It depends on how you catch a cold! If, for example, you sit on a cold concrete slab, then a malfunction may occur and your period will not come or will come later, but this will already be a very severe cold and it’s better not to catch a cold!!!

Marina Kostromicheva

It depends on how sick you are. If with a high temperature, then the cycle may move forward or backward (((((

Casting with a motor

Your period may not come if you have a cold, sit in a cold place, or are frozen. For example, I froze like this. And they didn’t go for 2 weeks.

Can a cold cause a delay in menstruation?


Sergey Fedorenkov

Quite. And for how many days? ! It all depends on how quickly your body recovers from the disease!! ! It happens that the cycle is restored after a few weeks or even months!!!

Natalia Lukyanova

Probably due to a cold...


It’s easy - it might even be postponed for a month! But the test is still worth buying)

Elina Repina

Maybe. It can also be due to stress and diet.


Of course it can. And for how long, it all depends on your cold. Drink ascorbic acid, sometimes it helps (unless you have a sore stomach).

Menstruation is like guests - once long-awaited, sometimes it would be better not to come, at times you think - well, just not today, but a situation arises that you don’t know whether to be happy or upset.

The joy of their absence occurs in rare cases of long-awaited pregnancy, perhaps this is the only reason for a happy woman... In all others, periods are a symbol of health, and their delay is a reason for worry, sometimes emotional shock! The fear of getting pregnant if your plans do not include becoming a mother is the worst.

There can be so many reasons that there are a dozen for one female body, a woman lives her entire young life within the boundaries of one cycle to another, and we are talking about some kind of freedom! Stress, hard work, and acute respiratory viral infections can cause hormonal imbalances, and against this background, a delay is inevitable.

How does a cold affect

After a cold, the vital forces of the body are weakened. Viruses and infections become attached and reduce immunity. The female hormonal background is such a delicate physics, so many functions are involved in order for menstruation to occur on time!

Braking in one link of an orderly chain - and the delay is guaranteed. There may be a short delay, up to a maximum of 7 days, and the cycle can last up to 35 days, with a mild cold or hypothermia.

Delays longer than 7 days require special attention. It is necessary to check the pregnancy version. Tests after ARVI are negative, the absence of menstruation continues, this can be a signal of serious disorders in the female body. Seeing a doctor should be an emergency.

Due to a severe cold, not only can the cycle be disrupted, but inflammation of the ovaries, cystitis, and other infectious problems are quite possible, and a delay in menstruation in this case is obvious.

A delay in menstruation after an acute respiratory viral infection for more than a calendar week can be a sign of pregnancy. With an increase in body temperature and a shift in the ovulation period due to illness, fertilization of the egg may occur much faster. Be careful after illness.

When to visit a doctor is inevitable

A common cold can affect a woman’s general well-being, worse if stress is added to it:

  • exams;
  • argument;
  • financial problem;

Taken together, all this affects all chemical and biological processes and disrupts the menstrual cycle.

Weakened immunity allows any infection to take over the body.


  • viral infections;
  • fungal;
  • bacterial;
  • herpes.

A serious cold or hypothermia of a woman’s body can harm the entire genitourinary system.

Inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs are harmful to the female body. Against this background, a delay in menstruation may seem like the least evil.

After severe hypothermia or a cold, you should pay close attention to all manifestations:

  • frequency of urination;
  • urine color;
  • color of discharge;
  • the smell of discharge.

If pain in the lower abdomen and a delay in menstruation are accompanied by the above symptoms, you should urgently visit a doctor.

Keep yourself healthy

Often disruptions in cycles occur at a young age. Girls who are not fully mature emotionally and physiologically begin to have an early sexual life. For them, this irregular connection itself is stressful.

Experiencing, changing partners, or taking breaks from intimacy for a while carry certain risks.

Girls who maintain a strict diet, actively engage in sports and study, often complain of irregular menstruation or its absence. Poor nutrition and heavy workload lead to this result. After experiments and tests on the body, and even as a result of suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold, the body suffers severe disruptions.

Hormonal changes provoke a change in the cycle towards an increase in duration. A delay in menstruation from 2 to 5 days is perceived as the norm. After a cold, this period increases to 7 - 15 days. A delay of more than 15 days cannot be considered normal.

It is advisable to postpone the beginning of sexual activity until adulthood, spiritual maturity. If you have a permanent loved one as a partner and eat right, the female body can avoid serious problems, cycles and ovulation will run like clockwork.

It's better to be healthy than to be notorious

  • Avoid hypothermia by dressing appropriately for the weather. Take special care of your lower body.
  • Keep your feet warm in the autumn slush, winter cold and unstable early spring.
  • Eat right. Avoid overeating or undereating. Give up alcohol and cigarettes - it's fashionable today.
  • Do as much physical labor as you can. Walking in the fresh air and doing gymnastics will help improve your health.
  • Don't stay at the computer until midnight; healthy sleep strengthens the nervous system.
  • Alternate work and rest. Learn to relax, this will relieve stress.

By following these simple rules, you will increase your immunity and strengthen your physical condition. Colds will not overcome you. A missed period can happen when these rules are ignored.

Not every small cycle failure is dangerous. But you should never let your guard down. If there is no regularity of menstruation at all, this is a reason to go for a consultation with a gynecologist.

Irregularities in the menstrual cycle can signal existing diseases in the body. This is especially true for the absence of menstruation at the expected time, in which pregnancy has already been ruled out. As a rule, the delay can be caused by excessive or uncharacteristic physical activity for the body, as well as severe stress experienced as a manifestation of a mental problem. It is also possible to delay your period due to a cold, especially when it comes to serious viral infections and a weakening of a woman’s defense system (her immunity).

Delayed periods and colds are related to each other in the following way: if the body cannot resist existing viral infections, then the pathogenic bacteria themselves have the opportunity not only to multiply, but also to influence the process of producing the necessary hormones. This also applies to those that affect the functioning of the body’s reproductive system, and therefore disrupt the menstrual cycle.

The effect of a cold on the cycle

In each individual case, the disease can have a completely different effect on menstruation. An existing cold, namely a viral infection, can accumulate harmful toxins on the tissues of internal organs, which by their very presence can disrupt the hormonal balance and cause disruption in the menstrual cycle in many women. In this case, menstruation may begin either too early or not come for too long. In the absence of any serious violations, menstruation can be delayed for no more than seven days.

If menstruation has not begun since the beginning of the eighth day of delay, you should definitely contact your gynecologist.

If a viral infection is manifested by a runny nose, a sore throat and a slightly elevated temperature (up to 37.2), then before consulting a doctor, you should take a pregnancy test. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease are often similar to the signs of pregnancy in its early stages.

It has its own effect on hormonal balance and prolonged hypothermia of the body, which can provoke inflammatory processes in the ovaries, appendages or uterus. In such cases, not only can the cycle go astray, but also uncharacteristic painful sensations in the abdominal area appear.

Too much deterioration in health with a delay in menstruation due to colds is a reason to contact a specialist and conduct detailed research.

Colds and delayed menstruation

Hormonal balance tends to change due to a cold, this is especially true for the period associated with the activity of premenstrual syndrome. The predominant part of hormones is produced by the ovaries, the functioning of which is closely related to the work of other systems, including brain structures, which in turn are extremely sensitive to various viruses and diseases. Failures in the operation of these systems slow down the functioning of the reproductive system for about a week, in particular, delaying the moment of ovulation. This is why after a cold your period may be delayed by seven days.

If the onset of menstruation does not occur a week after the expected date, the reasons for the irregularities may be more serious. For example, a delay is possible due to the onset of inflammatory processes in the body, the presence of pathologies in the genitourinary system (cystitis), endometriosis, as well as infection with fungal or viral infections.

Character of menstruation

In addition to disruptions in the timing of the expected onset of menstruation, the periods themselves may also change due to a cold. First of all, this concerns:

  • the appearance of slight spotting, which replaces heavier periods;
  • the presence of uncharacteristic dark clots of menstruation, provoked by increased blood clotting due to increased body temperature;
  • manifestations of painful sensations during uterine contractions, which are caused by intoxication of viruses, affecting the functioning of the nervous system.

In addition, spotting may last more than a week. If the viral illness is too severe, patients may also experience nausea and intestinal or stomach upset. In the absence of any serious disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system of the body, menstruation after ARVI is completely restored after 1 - 2 months.

In case of the most serious disruptions in hormonal balance, additional treatment with the use of hormonal drugs or special medications may be required. In such cases, the entire therapy process occurs under mandatory medical supervision. At the same time, not only the timeliness of the onset of menstruation is controlled, but the very nature of the discharge itself.

Reason to see a doctor

If it is discovered that menstruation due to ARVI does not occur on time, you should wait no more than a week, but at the same time clearly record sensations that are uncharacteristic for this period. If after seven days your period is still late, you should take a pregnancy test and be sure to make an appointment with your doctor. The manifestation of sharp pain in the abdominal area is a serious argument for visiting a doctor, regardless of the number of days of delay.

During an examination by a specialist, as a rule, the following is prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
  • thorough examination of the thyroid gland;
  • kidney examination.

Depending on the results of the studies, the specialist should prescribe full treatment for the detected diseases. At the same time, it is important to remember that an overly weakened body, which devotes all its strength to renewing the uterine mucosa, is the most vulnerable target for various dangerous viral infections. This is why colds are so often the result of suffering from hypothermia, too low indoor humidity levels, as well as being in crowded places during numerous flu infections.

As an auxiliary treatment, when no pathologies are detected, the doctor may prescribe vitamin complexes or a more serious course of hormonal drugs. During the process of recovery from a respiratory infection or simply a severe cold, patients are not recommended to engage in excessive physical activity, drink alcohol, or uncontrolled consumption of fried, spicy, unhealthy and too sweet foods. The room needs regular ventilation and sufficient moisture.


Too long a delay in menstruation may indicate:

  • the presence of pathological disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • inflammation of the ovaries, disease of the appendages or endometriosis;
  • the presence and proliferation of fungal infections of organs;
  • activation of the herpes virus;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis;
  • the presence of viral or bacterial infections.

During the observation process, mandatory attention is paid to the color and smell of urine, the appearance of possible spotting, the frequency of the urge to urinate, as well as the presence of even the most minimal discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Ignoring such problems can provoke more serious complications, so if the delay in menstruation lasts more than a week or is accompanied by uncharacteristic symptoms, you must immediately contact your gynecologist, and then scrupulously follow all his recommendations and prescribed dosages for taking medications.

For a woman, menstruation is a kind of “beacon” of health. If there is a delay, it means something went wrong, which means you need to look for the reason. There can be a great variety of factors that provoke a delay: stressful situations, excessive physical activity, sometimes a delay in menstruation occurs due to a cold.

The monthly cyclical processes that occur in the reproductive system of the female body are supplied by sex hormonal cells. Most of them are produced by the ovaries, and they, in turn, depend on the work of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus (they also produce hormones).

In order for the endometrium (more precisely, its layer) to renew itself in a timely manner, a lot of reactions (both chemical and biological) must occur in the body. Many factors can prevent their formation, a cold is also one of them. After all, ARVI is stress for the body.

Does a cold affect the menstrual cycle? Sometimes not, and sometimes quite significantly. The bacteria that cause the infection multiply, leaving the fruits of their activity, toxic substances, in the tissues of the body. Toxins disrupt natural processes in the body, which include the formation of hormones. It is impossible to say exactly how the virus will affect the reproductive system in general; each organism is individual.

The nature of menstruation during a cold

A cold can not only cause a delay in menstruation, but also slightly modify it.

During the period of illness, a woman may experience:

  • Spotting at the beginning of menstruation and after it ends.
  • Change in the duration of menstruation. Menstrual flow during ARVI can drag on and last for more than a week. In this case, the saturation will be different.
  • The presence of small bloody clots and their darkening. An increase in body temperature increases the thickness of the blood and, therefore, affects its clotting.
  • Increased pain during menstruation. Intoxication affects the nerve endings, and this, in turn, provokes increased sensitivity during uterine contractions.

The menstrual cycle and women's health

If everything is in order with the menstrual cycle, then periods should begin and end after an equal period of time. For the vast majority, the period between the onset of menstruation is 28 calendar days, less often – 21 or 30. The duration of the cyclic period in a healthy woman should last from three days to a week.

Alternating spotting and heavy discharge, irregular menstrual flow, and delays may indicate that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the body, such as a cold.

Why do colds and periods often come at the same time? This is explained by the influence of external factors. A viral infection is added during menstruation due to the fact that this period is characterized by a weakened immune system. Due to the hormonal surge that characterizes menstruation, the work of metabolic processes is inhibited, as well as the formation of protective mechanisms when an infection enters the body.

When to see a doctor

The delay can be caused by many reasons, including a cold. Hormones and endocrine glands usually react sharply to the appearance of a virus or infection in the body. That is why, with a cold, there is a high probability that a malfunction will occur in the formation of female sex hormones that affect the cycle.

This information applies to minor delays that do not exceed a week. For longer delays, you should first rule out pregnancy and then consult a doctor.

The following studies are usually prescribed:

  • blood analysis;
  • thyroid examination;
  • kidney examination;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

If even after a doctor’s examination no pathology is detected, then you should direct all your efforts to strengthen your immune system. You need to start by taking a vitamin complex. This often helps restore the cycle without the help of hormonal drugs.

If there is a delay caused by a cold, the woman should first of all begin intensive treatment and rest as much as possible without getting too cold. During the illness that caused the delay, physical activity and drinking alcohol are not recommended. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and monitor the humidity level.

Every woman should remember that no matter what factors provoke a delay in menstruation, it cannot be ignored. A delay can occur either from a cold, overwork at work or a banal climate change, or from quite serious illnesses. A timely visit to a doctor will prevent the development of complications and free you from unnecessary assumptions and worries.

If a woman did not plan to become pregnant in the near future, a delay in menstruation begins to raise various guesses. Could there have been a delay due to a cold, or was it influenced by other factors and what is the relationship between them.

The menstrual cycle is a systematically repeating state of the female body, which depends on many internal and external factors. Menstruation helps to assess the general condition of a woman’s body by the systematicity, completeness of the discharge and its nature.

If the body undergoes any changes, relapses of chronic diseases, exacerbations, infections, all this immediately affects the menstrual cycle, most often in the delay of menstruation.

Since a viral infection, after entering the body, causes an inflammatory process, and the product of their vital activity is toxins, a delay in menstruation due to a cold is completely justified.

Since the menstrual cycle is a kind of preparation of the body for motherhood, nature is designed in such a way that any factor threatening health will interfere with this process, which is why a cold before menstruation delays the appearance of discharge.

Impact of viruses

A viral infection, entering the blood, begins to actively multiply and cause an inflammatory process in target organs. The reaction to this is the enhanced functioning of the immune system and the production of antibodies.

The endocrine organs – the hypothalamus and pituitary gland – are particularly stressed. Since the hormones they produce regulate the menstrual cycle, periods may be delayed.

When the inflammatory process subsides, hormonal balance begins to be restored, and menstruation will still begin in this cycle, but with a delay. While the body copes with the virus, the maturation of the egg slows down due to a decrease in hormone concentrations.

Colds and cycle

Menstruation can be delayed not only because a woman has a cold, but also for related reasons, since colds are usually accompanied by:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Low physical activity;
  • Bad sleep.

Even these factors alone can cause a delay. When wondering whether there could be a delay in menstruation if a woman is sick, it is worth remembering that the delay is no more than a week. Delays of a month or more indicate other reasons, including:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • Venereal diseases;

Such delays require urgent consultation with a doctor. In addition, when considering whether a cold can affect your period, you should find out whether it really is a cold. For many women, pregnancy also manifests itself in cold symptoms: runny nose, cough, and weakness. This is due to a general decrease in immunity and increased sensitivity to infections during pregnancy.

Nature of the discharge

Menstruation can not only be delayed after a cold, but also change in qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Basically, they remain the same if the disease passes without complications and its causes are eliminated.

You should seek help if you have the following symptoms:

  • Spotting, scanty discharge at the beginning of menstruation. This is caused by hormonal imbalance and uneven development of the endometrium as it should. Sometimes hormonal levels after the flu require adjustments to prevent endometritis and other complications.
  • Periods are too long compared to normal. The amount of discharge may vary.
  • The presence of a large number of clots due to increased body temperature. In this case, blood clotting increases and the clots acquire a brown tint.
  • Pain syndrome due to increased sensitivity of nerve endings, which are affected by the waste products of viruses. It is difficult for a woman to straighten up and turn around, since contractions of the uterus are accompanied by increased pain when moving.

What your periods will be like, and how much a cold can affect them, depends on how the woman tolerates the disease. Is bed rest and drinking regime observed, or is only symptomatic treatment carried out?

In addition, the disease can cause the symptoms of PMS to drag on, and you will feel drowsiness, irritability, and weakness longer. Intoxication of the body is reflected in chest pain, indigestion or nausea.

Simultaneous menstruation and ARVI

The coincidence of these states is possible for several external reasons. The most influential of them is a decrease in immunity during the period of discharge, therefore it is much easier to catch an infection. The hormonal change that accompanies menstruation slows down metabolic processes in the body and the production of antibodies, among other things.

The same reason has an increased incidence on the eve of a new cycle - all the body’s forces are aimed at renewal, the production and activation of antibodies decreases. You should be especially careful about a sore throat and runny nose - in combination with a delay, they can become symptoms of pregnancy.

After illness

Not all colds and viral diseases disappear without leaving a trace on the body. For example, severe diseases such as influenza can cause serious complications if not treated promptly. They can affect any system of the body. Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular, urinary, endocrine, and digestive systems will certainly affect the menstrual cycle with a delay.

If complications affect the reproductive system, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • Discharge with a white tint, coating;
  • Unpleasant, sour smell of discharge;
  • Pain in the pelvic area;
  • Frequent urge to urinate;
  • Pain when emptying the bladder;
  • Itching, redness of the genitals.

These symptoms are the most common in women who have had a viral disease. Due to weakened immunity and increased vaginal acidity, candidiasis may develop and herpes may worsen.

If such phenomena occur, specialist consultation is required. Typically, local treatment is prescribed with agents that stabilize the acid balance, as well as Acyclovir-based drugs in the treatment of herpes.

If not treated in a timely manner, thrush and herpes can affect the urinary canals and cause inflammation with acute pain, so elimination of complications is required as soon as possible.