What can be cured with salt and saline solutions. How to use. Salt bandage for feet. Hypertonic solution

A 10% solution of mumiyo, no matter water or oil-based, is perhaps one of the strongest concentrations of this substance used in folk medicine, and therefore it is very important to know how to properly prepare a medicine of this type.

Mumiyo is usually taken in very small dosages - 200-300 milligrams of the substance per glass of water. But in some cases, when it is necessary to provide a strong and rapid therapeutic effect, it becomes necessary to increase the concentration of the mumiyo solution to 10%. And here a problem arises, since not all patients know how to prepare a 10 percent solution of mumiyo in order to obtain a truly effective medicine that will be able to cope with the tasks assigned to it.

It should be understood that the concept of “mumiyo solution” does not mean only an aqueous solution, since in some cases mumiyo can be combined with some specifically required vegetable oil, honey or cream. And, depending on the chosen base in which the “mountain wax” will be dissolved, the procedures for making a 10 percent mummy solution will be slightly different from each other. Below we will look at all possible variations in preparing a 10% solution so that you are armed, so to speak, for all occasions.

10% aqueous solution
We measure out 5 or 10 grams of the mumiyo substance and dissolve it in 45 or 90 ml of boiled warm water (this is a quarter and half a glass, respectively, in approximate measurement). The solution is ready for use. The general principle is that for 1 part mumiyo you should take 9 parts of water.

Oil solution
Measure mumiyo with oil - as in the aqueous solution described above. However, you can’t just dissolve mumiyo in oil. To prepare a 10% oil solution of mumiyo, you will need to heat the selected oil to a temperature not higher than 60º C using a water bath, then place the mumiyo there and wait for it to dissolve. After natural cooling, the medicine is ready.

Mumiyo with honey
A level teaspoon of mumiyo must be mixed with nine identical teaspoons of honey - and the honey must be liquid. Leave the mixture for a day, stirring occasionally. Within 24 hours the mumiyo should completely dissolve. You should not heat honey to speed up the process. This medicine can be stored in the refrigerator.

Mumiyo with cream (ointment)
Medical Vaseline should be used as a base for the ointment. Having measured out 90 ml (not a gram!) of Vaseline, heat it in a water bath to 70-80º C, then pour in 30 ml of water, in which we first dissolve 10 grams of mumiyo. We begin to mix Vaseline with the mumiyo extract, without removing it from the water bath, until we get an ointment of a characteristic brownish color.

Approximate solutions. When preparing approximate solutions, the amounts of substances that must be taken for this purpose are calculated with little accuracy. To simplify calculations, the atomic weights of elements can sometimes be taken rounded to whole units. So, for a rough calculation, the atomic weight of iron can be taken equal to 56 instead of the exact -55.847; for sulfur - 32 instead of the exact 32.064, etc.

Substances for preparing approximate solutions are weighed on technochemical or technical balances.

In principle, the calculations when preparing solutions are exactly the same for all substances.

The amount of the prepared solution is expressed either in units of mass (g, kg) or in units of volume (ml, l), and for each of these cases the amount of solute is calculated differently.

Example. Let it be required to prepare 1.5 kg of 15% sodium chloride solution; We first calculate the required amount of salt. The calculation is carried out according to the proportion:

i.e. if 100 g of solution contains 15 g of salt (15%), then how much of it will be required to prepare 1500 g of solution?

The calculation shows that you need to weigh out 225 g of salt, then take 1500 - 225 = 1275 g of iuzhio water.

If you are asked to obtain 1.5 liters of the same solution, then in this case you will find out its density from the reference book, multiply the latter by the given volume and thus find the mass of the required amount of solution. Thus, the density of a 15% noro sodium chloride solution at 15 0C is 1.184 g/cm3. Therefore, 1500 ml is

Therefore, the amount of substance for preparing 1.5 kg and 1.5 liters of solution is different.

The calculation given above is applicable only for the preparation of solutions of anhydrous substances. If an aqueous salt is taken, for example Na2SO4-IOH2O1, then the calculation is slightly modified, since the water of crystallization must also be taken into account.

Example. Let you need to prepare 2 kg of 10% Na2SO4 solution based on Na2SO4 * 10H2O.

The molecular weight of Na2SO4 is 142.041, and Na2SO4*10H2O is 322.195, or rounded to 322.20.

The calculation is carried out first using anhydrous salt:

Therefore, you need to take 200 g of anhydrous salt. The amount of salt decahydrate is calculated from the calculation:

In this case, you need to take water: 2000 - 453.7 = 1546.3 g.

Since the solution is not always prepared in terms of anhydrous salt, the label, which must be stuck on the container with the solution, must indicate what salt the solution is prepared from, for example, a 10% solution of Na2SO4 or 25% Na2SO4 * 10H2O.

It often happens that a previously prepared solution needs to be diluted, i.e., its concentration must be reduced; solutions are diluted either by volume or by weight.

Example. It is necessary to dilute a 20% solution of ammonium sulfate so as to obtain 2 liters of a 5% solution. We carry out the calculation in the following way. From the reference book we find out that the density of a 5% solution of (NH4)2SO4 is 1.0287 g/cm3. Therefore, 2 liters of it should weigh 1.0287 * 2000 = 2057.4 g. This amount should contain ammonium sulfate:

Considering that losses may occur during measuring, you need to take 462 ml and bring them to 2 liters, i.e. add 2000-462 = 1538 ml of water to them.

If the dilution is carried out by mass, the calculation is simplified. But in general, dilution is carried out based on volume, since liquids, especially in large quantities, are easier to measure by volume than to weigh.

It must be remembered that in any work with both dissolution and dilution, you should never pour all the water into the vessel at once. The container in which the required substance was weighed or measured is rinsed several times with water, and each time this water is added to the solution vessel.

When special precision is not required, when diluting solutions or mixing them to obtain solutions of a different concentration, you can use the following simple and quick method.

Let's take the already discussed case of diluting a 20% solution of ammonium sulfate to 5%. First we write like this:

where 20 is the concentration of the solution taken, 0 is water and 5" is the required concentration. Now subtract 5 from 20 and write the resulting value in the lower right corner, subtracting zero from 5, write the number in the upper right corner. Then the diagram will look like this :

This means that you need to take 5 volumes of a 20% solution and 15 volumes of water. Of course, such a calculation is not very accurate.

If you mix two solutions of the same substance, the scheme remains the same, only the numerical values ​​change. Suppose that by mixing a 35% solution and a 15% solution, you need to prepare a 25% solution. Then the diagram will look like this:

i.e. you need to take 10 volumes of both solutions. This scheme gives approximate results and can be used only when special accuracy is not required. It is very important for every chemist to cultivate the habit of accuracy in calculations when necessary, and to use approximate figures in cases where this will not affect the results work. When greater accuracy is needed when diluting solutions, the calculation is carried out using formulas.

Let's look at a few of the most important cases.

Preparation of a diluted solution. Let c be the amount of solution, m% the concentration of the solution that needs to be diluted to a concentration of n%. The resulting amount of diluted solution x is calculated using the formula:

and the volume of water v for diluting the solution is calculated by the formula:

Mixing two solutions of the same substance of different concentrations to obtain a solution of a given concentration. Let by mixing a parts of an m% solution with x parts of a p% solution we need to obtain a /% solution, then:

Precise solutions. When preparing accurate solutions, the calculation of the quantities of the required substances will be checked with a sufficient degree of accuracy. Atomic weights of elements are taken from the table, which shows their exact values. When adding (or subtracting), use the exact value of the term with the least number of decimal places. The remaining terms are rounded, leaving one decimal place after the decimal place than in the term with the smallest number of decimal places. As a result, as many digits after the decimal point are left as there are in the term with the smallest number of decimal places; in this case, the necessary rounding is performed. All calculations are made using logarithms, five-digit or four-digit. The calculated quantities of the substance are weighed only on an analytical balance.

Weighing is carried out either on a watch glass or in a weighing bottle. The weighed substance is poured into a clean, washed volumetric flask in small portions through a clean, dry funnel. Then, from the washing machine, the glass or watch glass in which the weighing was carried out is washed several times with small portions of water over the funnel. The funnel is also washed several times from the washing machine with distilled water.

To pour solid crystals or powders into a volumetric flask, it is very convenient to use the funnel shown in Fig. 349. Such funnels are made with a capacity of 3, 6, and 10 cm3. You can weigh the sample directly in these funnels (non-hygroscopic materials), having previously determined their mass. The sample from the funnel is very easily transferred into a volumetric flask. When the sample is poured, the funnel, without removing it from the neck of the flask, is washed well with distilled water from the rinse.

As a rule, when preparing accurate solutions and transferring the solute into a volumetric flask, the solvent (for example, water) should occupy no more than half the capacity of the flask. Stopper the volumetric flask and shake it until the solid is completely dissolved. After this, the resulting solution is added to the mark with water and mixed thoroughly.

Molar solutions. To prepare 1 liter of a 1 M solution of a substance, 1 mole of it is weighed out on an analytical balance and dissolved as indicated above.

Example. To prepare 1 liter of 1 M solution of silver nitrate, find the molecular weight of AgNO3 in the table or calculate it, it is equal to 169.875. The salt is weighed out and dissolved in water.

If you need to prepare a more dilute solution (0.1 or 0.01 M), weigh out 0.1 or 0.01 mol of salt, respectively.

If you need to prepare less than 1 liter of solution, then dissolve a correspondingly smaller amount of salt in the corresponding volume of water.

Normal solutions are prepared in the same way, only by weighing out not 1 mole, but 1 gram equivalent of the solid.

If you need to prepare a half-normal or decinormal solution, take 0.5 or 0.1 gram equivalent, respectively. When preparing not 1 liter of solution, but less, for example 100 or 250 ml, then take 1/10 or 1/4 of the amount of substance required to prepare 1 liter and dissolve it in the appropriate volume of water.

Fig. 349. Funnels for pouring the sample into the flask.

After preparing a solution, it must be checked by titration with a corresponding solution of another substance of known normality. The prepared solution may not correspond exactly to the normality that is specified. In such cases, an amendment is sometimes introduced.

In production laboratories, exact solutions are sometimes prepared “according to the substance being determined.” The use of such solutions facilitates calculations during analysis, since it is enough to multiply the volume of the solution used for titration by the titer of the solution in order to obtain the content of the desired substance (in g) in the amount of any solution taken for analysis.

When preparing a titrated solution for the analyte, calculations are also carried out using the gram equivalent of the soluble substance, using the formula:

Example. Suppose you need to prepare 3 liters of potassium permanganate solution with an iron titer of 0.0050 g/ml. The gram equivalent of KMnO4 is 31.61, and the gram equivalent of Fe is 55.847.

We calculate using the above formula:

Standard solutions. Standard solutions are solutions with different, precisely defined concentrations used in colorimetry, for example, solutions containing 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 mg, etc. of dissolved substance in 1 ml.

In addition to colorimetric analysis, such solutions are needed when determining pH, for nephelometric determinations, etc. Sometimes standard solutions are stored in sealed ampoules, but more often they have to be prepared immediately before use. Standard solutions are prepared in a volume of no more than 1 liter, and more often - Only with a large consumption of the standard solution can you prepare several liters of it, and then only on the condition that the standard solution will not be stored for a long time.

The amount of substance (in g) required to obtain such solutions is calculated using the formula:

Example. It is necessary to prepare standard solutions of CuSO4 5H2O for the colorimetric determination of copper, and 1 ml of the first solution should contain 1 mg of copper, the second - 0.1 mg, the third - 0.01 mg, the fourth - 0.001 mg. First, prepare a sufficient amount of the first solution, for example 100 ml.

We take salt for granted as a necessary seasoning for dishes. Meanwhile, this substance, important in cooking, is a healer, a magical protector and an assistant in the household.

For treatment, salt is often used in dissolved form. The methods have a number of nuances that you definitely need to know about. For example, how to make a 10 percent saline solution if you don’t have chemicals or beakers at home? How much salt and water should I take? Let's look at simple options for preparing medicinal solutions.

What salt is needed to prepare medicine?

Before preparing a 10% saline solution, you need to carefully study the recipe. What substance does it mention? If it is table salt, then the packages that indicate:

  • kitchen salt;
  • sodium chloride;
  • table salt;
  • rock salt.

The word “salt” is used in everyday life, although this term refers to many complex substances formed by metal ions or atoms and acidic residues. In addition, Epsom salt - magnesium sulfate - is used for medicinal purposes. Substances are extracted during the development of deposits in the earth's crust.

If you evaporate, you get sea salt, which contains sodium, magnesium, iodine, chloride, sulfate ions and other components. The properties of such a mixture differ somewhat from the individual substances. Usually, a 1-10% saline solution of sodium chloride is prepared to treat wounds, sore throats, and teeth. The chemical formula of a compound that has amazing properties is NaCl.

What should be the degree of purity of the components?

How to make a 10 percent saline solution at home so that the medicine does good and not harm the body? Salt should also be as pure as possible, but salt purchased at the Stone store is often contaminated with impurities. There is a purer finely ground product.

Some recipes recommend using snow or rain water, but this is a bad idea from the point of view of modern ecology. The purity of the liquid that flows in drinking water supply systems also raises many complaints. It, like snow and rain, can be contaminated with chlorine, iron, phenol, petroleum products, and nitrates. Let us clarify that distilled or demineralized water is used as a solvent in medicine. At home, you can use filtered or boiled water to prepare the solution.

If you put plastic molds with water in the freezer, the clean water will freeze first, and impurities will accumulate at the bottom. Without waiting for complete freezing, you need to collect the ice from the surface and melt it. The result will be very clean and healthy water.

How to measure the mass of salt and the volume of water to prepare a solution?

Everything you need should be collected in advance, before making the 10 percent. You will need water, a beaker, a bag of salt, scales, a glass and a spoon (table, dessert or tea) for the work. The photo below will help you determine the mass of salt contained in a dessert spoon and a teaspoon.

Then you need to decide on the units of measurement for the liquid. It is believed that the mass of 100 ml of pure fresh water is equal to 100 g (the density of fresh water is 1 g/ml). Liquids can be measured with a beaker; if you don’t have one, then an ordinary glass of those called “faceted” will do. Filled to the top, it contains 200 ml of water (or g). If you pour to the very top, you get 250 ml (250 g).

What does the expression “10 percent solution” mean?

The concentration of substances is usually expressed in several ways. The most commonly used quantity in medicine and everyday life is the weight percentage. It shows how many grams of a substance are contained in 100 g of solution. For example, if a recipe states that a 10% saline solution is used, then every 100 g of such a preparation contains 10 g of the dissolved substance.

Let's say you need to prepare 200 g of a 10% salt solution. Let's carry out simple calculations that don't take much time:

100 g of solution contains 10 g of substance; 200 g of solution contains x g of substance.
x = 200 g x 10 g: 100 g = 20 g (salt).
200 g - 20 g = 180 g (water).
180 g x 1 g/ml = 180 ml (water).

How to prepare a 10% saline solution?

If you have scales and a beaker in your house, then it is better to measure the mass of salt and the volume of water with their help. You can also take a full teaspoon and pour a glass of water up to the mark, but such measurements are prone to inaccuracies.

How to make a 10% saline solution to make 100 g of the drug? You should weigh out 10 g of solid sodium chloride, pour 90 ml of water into a glass and pour salt into the water, stirring with a spoon until dissolved. Mix salt with warm or cold water, and then heat the dishes with the ingredients. For better cleansing, the finished solution is passed through a ball of cotton wool (filtered).

You can prepare 50 g of a 10% solution from 45 ml of water and 5 g of salt. Saline is made from 1 liter of water and 100 g of sodium chloride (4 tablespoons “without top”).

Treatment with 10% saline solution

In medicine, a 0.9% solution of salts is prepared using fresh distilled water, which is called “physiological”. This liquid is isotonic with respect to the internal environment of the human body (has the same concentration). It is used during various medical procedures, in particular as a blood substitute, to eliminate the effects of dehydration and intoxication.

A hypertonic solution contains more salt; when it comes into contact with an isotonic or hypotonic liquid, it attracts water until the concentrations equalize. This osmotic effect is used in folk recipes to cleanse wounds of pus. Salt has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties; its hypertonic solutions are used in alternative medicine:

  • for diseases of internal organs - in the form of a salt bandage on the source of pain;
  • as lotions, compresses and applications for skin and other infections;
  • as salt baths for fatigue and pain in the hands and feet;
  • to cleanse purulent wounds.

Treatment with hypertonic 10% saline will take time and may take several days or weeks. The minimum number of procedures is 4-7. For sore throat, use a 3-5% hypertonic solution for gargling in the morning and evening. The nasal cavity is washed. To prepare it, you need to add 1.2 g of sodium chloride and 2.5 g of baking soda to 237 ml of boiled water.

Salt is necessary for normal human life, but it is very important to maintain a balance in its use. Lack of salt, as well as its excess, harms the body. A lack of salt causes headaches, weakness, nausea, and an excess causes damage to some internal organs. In addition to food use, salt is used to treat many diseases, and saline solutions are used as rinses, washes and used as dressings, depending on the disease.

It is difficult to imagine our life without salt. There is always enough of it in our homes. We don’t think about its significance, but wars were once fought over it!

The healing properties of salt

The therapeutic effect of salt lies in its ability to “suck” fluid from tissues, from which microbes, bacteria, viruses, toxins, and pus come out. Thus, the pathogenic factor is gradually destroyed and the inflammatory process is eliminated.

Treatment with salt, saline solution or bandages is carried out at home for one to three weeks.

For what diseases can salt treatment be used?

You can use salt dressings or saline solution for:

  • colds;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • for healing wounds, suppurations, burns;
  • joint diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • diarrhea;
  • poisoning;
  • toothache;
  • dandruff;
  • diseases of internal organs.

Making saline solution at home

To carry out home treatment, it is necessary to properly prepare a saline solution (hypertonic solution).

Use regular table or sea salt for the solution; it must be natural without additives. Do not use iodized salt or with preservatives.

For medicinal purposes, a 9% saline solution is prepared (small deviations are allowed, for example up to 8 or 10%). If the solution is of lower concentration it will not bring the desired effect, if it is more concentrated it may damage the capillaries. So the preparation of the correct saline solution must be approached with the utmost seriousness.

What is 9% saline solution? Dissolve 90 grams of salt (3 level tablespoons) in 1 liter of water. This will be a 9 percent saline solution. It is difficult to more accurately calculate the proportion for a smaller volume. If you don't need all the solution, use the rest next time. Store the saline solution in an airtight jar for no more than a day.

It is better to take purified (filtered) water for the solution. But if you don’t have one at the right time, use regular tap water.

At home, preparing a saline solution is very simple: pour a liter of water into a pan, add 3 tablespoons (without top) of salt, stir and put on fire. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat.

For dressings, use a warm solution. If you are using a pre-prepared solution, warm it up. But not in the microwave!

How to make a salt dressing

  1. Fold four layers of thin cotton fabric or eight layers of gauze.
  2. Immerse the prepared cloth in the hot saline solution for one minute. The fabric must be completely immersed in the solution. Then lightly wring out the fabric and apply a bandage to the sore spot. There should be no ointments or creams at the application site! A dry cloth can be placed on top, the bandage is secured with a plaster or bandaged.

Do not apply any cellophane, the saline dressing must breathe - this is not a compress!

  1. The bandage is applied in the evening before bedtime and removed in the morning.
  2. The fabric should fit snugly to the treatment site.
  3. When treating wounds, the procedures are repeated until healing.
  4. When treating inflamed joints and diseases of internal organs, salt dressings are applied daily for 9 days, after a week's break the course is repeated, then again a week's break and treatment is carried out for another 9 days.
  5. Treatment with salt dressings does not replace drug treatment, but complements it.

Application of saline dressings

Salt treatment with bandages is used for headaches, the first signs of acute respiratory infections or flu . In these cases, a bandage is placed around the head.

For sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis make a salt bandage on the neck and back.

In case of poisoning put the cloth on the stomach.

Saline dressings are used in complex treatment with medications for diseases of the spine, sprains, burns, liver diseases .

In the treatment of liver diseases the bandage is applied from the right chest to the middle of the abdomen and to the spine (wrap) for 10 hours. Then it is removed and a heating pad is applied to the epigastric region to dilate the bile ducts so that the bile mass can freely pass into the intestines. If you do not use a heating pad, blockage of the bile ducts may occur.

Saline solution can be cure bursitis, abscesses, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis . A saline solution, which has absorbent properties, absorbs liquid from tissues, but does not harm red blood cells, leukocytes, or living tissue cells.

When coughing You can also use saline dressings. In this case, they are secured to the back. Usually after four to five procedures the cough disappears.

For sinusitis or severe runny nose The water-salt dressing is secured so that the fabric covers the forehead, nose and most of the cheeks. It will be difficult to do this with one piece of fabric - use 2 and carefully secure them so that they do not fall off during sleep.

For toothache Make a small lotion and apply it to the gum near the sore tooth. Using a salt lotion will relieve toothache, but caries must be healed after this.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis , for example, lumbar or cervical, a bandage soaked in a 10 percent salt solution is applied to the sore spot for at least 2 weeks before going to bed at night and carefully secured. According to numerous reviews, this method of salt treatment brings tangible relief after the first course of use.

A few more folk recipes

Salt shirt

In addition to using salt dressings, treatment can be carried out using a salt shirt.

This method is good because it covers most of the body and does not cause discomfort when used.

Salt shirt is good to use for diseases of the joints (shoulders) and back.

Take a light, soft nightgown or T-shirt (made from natural fabrics), soak it in a 9 percent salt solution for 15 minutes. Squeeze and dry. Put on a dried shirt at night. Repeat this for three nights. Then rinse the shirt and soak it again in the saline solution. Sleep in it for three nights. Then rinse and soak again. Sleep in it for three more nights. Then take a week break and repeat the course again. If necessary, a third course of treatment with salt can be carried out.

Treatment of joints with salt and snow

In folk treatment there is a recipe that relieves joint pain and swelling, it is especially good for. To do this, you will need 1 part table or sea salt and 2 parts regular snow (it’s easier to measure in glasses). Quickly mix the ingredients, apply a thick layer to the sore or swollen joint and leave for 5 minutes. Then wipe it dry and then do not wet the area for 8-10 hours. Best done before bed. It helps quickly, but in case of advanced pain, it is recommended to carry out procedures every other day for 10 days.

How to treat a runny nose by rinsing your nose

If you have a persistent runny nose, it is recommended to rinse your nose with saline solution at home. Of course, the solution should not be so concentrated: for adults - 1.5 teaspoons of salt per glass of warm water, for children 1 teaspoon per glass will be enough. Before rinsing, free your nose from snot, fill a large syringe without a needle with a saline solution and irrigate each nostril with a gentle stream, spending half a glass on this. This method is easiest to use for children.

For adults, salt water can be poured into the nostril directly from a small teapot, after tilting the head to the side over the sink. Thus, the solution, entering the “upper” nostril, pours out of the “lower” nostril. This is the most effective nasal rinse that can be done three times a day at home. It allows you to effectively fight viruses and swelling and quickly brings significant relief to the patient.

Heel baths

For heel pain and for the treatment of heel spurs, baths with the addition of sea salt are very helpful.

Before going to bed, keep your feet for 15-20 minutes in a warm 8 - 10 percent water-salt solution, then blot them, lubricate the heels with anti-inflammatory ointment, put on socks.

Carry out the procedure for five days. If necessary, repeat the course after a week. Usually two courses are enough.


  • high blood pressure;
  • migraine;
  • heart diseases;
  • kidney diseases.

This bandage is very effective for sprains and associated tumors. Salt dressing cures inflammatory processes and tissue swelling. Typically an 8 or 10 percent solution of table salt is used. That is, to prepare a 10% solution of table salt (rock and no other) salt, take 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water.

How to prepare the solution

Not all water is suitable for preparing a hypertonic solution. Tap water, spring water, artesian water, sea water, and especially water containing iodide salts, which neutralize table water in solution, are not suitable for this purpose. It is best to use distilled (from a pharmacy) water or, in extreme cases, rain or snow water to prepare a saline solution.

The salt dressing is made only from hygroscopic, well-wetted cotton material - repeatedly washed, not new, not kitchen or starched “waffle” towels in 3-4 layers and thin, also well-wetted medical gauze in 8-10 layers, as well as hygroscopic, preferably viscose, cotton wool for tampons.

Mode of application:

If the joints are swollen, they are bandaged with large gauze bandages with 10% saline solution at night every day for two weeks. Not only the joints are bandaged, but also the limbs above and below by 10-15 cm. The salt dressing acts locally - only on the diseased organ or area and to the entire depth. As fluid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer, tissue fluid from deeper layers rises into it, carrying with it the pathogenic principles - the elimination of the disease. The action is gradual, over 7-10 days or more.

For runny nose and headaches, apply a circular bandage of 8% solution to the forehead and back of the head at night. After 1-2 hours, the runny nose goes away, and by morning the headache disappears.

Conditions for treatment with table salt:

● The dressing with saline solution should be loose, hygroscopic (breathable); For this purpose, high-quality material is selected. To do this, it is best to use linen or cotton fabric (towel), which has been used many times and washed several times. The concentration of the solution should not exceed 10%, that is, no more than 1 kg. per 10 liters of water, or 100 grams per 1 liter of water. If these requirements are met, salt draws out all pathological material, all kinds of rubbish from the affected area.

● The salt dressing should be applied locally - on the diseased area of ​​the body or organ; over time, the pathogenic fluid is absorbed, tissue fluid (lymph) is attracted from deeper layers, destroying all pathogenic microbes along the way. That is, while the bandage is applied, fluid is renewed in the body, cleansed of pathogenic material and eliminated the disease.

● Please note that this treatment affects the body gradually: the therapeutic effect occurs after 7-10 days, sometimes more.

● The solution must be prepared with care so as not to exceed the 10% barrier; for this it is best to use an 8% solution: 80 grams of table salt per liter of water or 800 grams per 10 liters of water. If you are bad at mathematics and chemistry, any pharmacist can prepare the solution.

● Saline solution is used as a bandage and in no case as a compress. The concentration of the solution should not be higher than 10% and lower than 8%.

● When applying the dressing, the saline solution must be sufficiently hot.

● The dressing material is squeezed out moderately: not very wet and not very dry.

● You cannot put anything on the bandage: attach it with an adhesive plaster or bandage it with a bandage.

Other uses of table salt

● For chronic rhinitis and tonsillitis, rinse the nasopharynx with a salt solution (half a teaspoon per 200 ml of boiled water): pull the liquid out of the glass and spit it through the mouth or from one nostril to the other.

● Pain in the heels can be cured if you pour three handfuls of coarse salt into a bowl of snow, mix and immediately put your feet in there, waiting for 2-4 minutes. After a five-day course, the pain will subside.

First aid for many diseases - treatment with salt (author Shestoperova T.V., Yaroslavl region)

● A solution of table salt and a bandage soaked in it is the most accessible and cheapest remedy when you need to relieve swelling and pain. Dilute two teaspoons in 200 ml. water, and if a child needs a salt dressing, then 250 ml. water. It is advisable not to exceed the dosage! Please note: the treatment does not use a compress, but a saline bandage. It is a universal remedy for many ailments and ailments.

● Fold the gauze into 8 layers, soak it in saline solution and apply it to the sore spot. Secure the bandage with a bandage or cotton scarf. It can be kept for 10-12 hours. It not only relieves pain and swelling, but also alleviates the condition of patients with tonsillitis, bronchitis, cervical osteochondrosis, abdominal pain, bruises, and diseases of the female reproductive system. This technique has been tried more than once and on many patients - the result is excellent!

Examples from life.

● Once I broke my toe and also seriously bruised my leg. By evening my leg was swollen above the ankle. After applying the saline dressing, the swelling subsided very quickly, the bruises disappeared in a matter of days, and the fracture healed within a month. I fixed the broken finger to the healthy one with a bandage.

● Another case... My sister's daughter suffers from chronic appendicitis. She is a medical college student. And then, before taking the exams, severe attacks of illness began. Doctors suggested surgery, but the niece did not agree. They gave her a lot of painkillers and sent her home. You won't believe it, but she was saved with salt bandages. She managed without surgery and has now been working in Moscow as a medical professional for three years.

● Once the son-in-law, being clumsy, fell down the stairs coming from the attic. Luke pinched his arm, on which he hung with his 90-kilogram weight. Long story short, he skinned his hand, sprained a ligament, and couldn't move it at all. We treated my son-in-law with salt bandages in combination with an infusion of golden mustache, and he left absolutely healthy, and never complained about his arm again.

● I stepped on a nail with my heel, the next day it was impossible to step on my heel. I started applying a salt dressing...