An experienced specialist will determine a mammologist. Mammalogy. How is the appointment with the doctor

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Of all malignant tumors in women, breast cancer is the most common. Every year in Russia more than 50,000 new cases of oncology are registered. And in order to save such a patient's life, doctors have to perform a mastectomy - removal of the mammary gland and nearby lymph nodes. After removal, treatment begins: hormone therapy or chemotherapy. And then you need to re-learn to live with your cosmetic defect, not to fall into depression, not to give up on yourself, not to close yourself in four walls and not start to hate yourself and the whole world. But all this can be completely avoided if you regularly visit a mammologist. Moscow now has everything necessary to help a patient with a tumor at an early stage.

Who is a mammologist

This is a specialist who deals with the problems of the female breast. Mammology is a relatively new area of ​​medicine, which in Russia has not yet been included in the nomenclature of specialties for municipal healthcare institutions. That is, there is a huge problem, but there are no doctors in the district clinics. And if a woman wants to make an appointment with a mammologist, then at the reception she will most likely be offered a ticket to a gynecologist. But since this is not his specialty, if a pathology is suspected, he will send his patient further, for example, if a tumor is found, he will give a referral to an oncologist.

This is the main reason for such a catastrophic situation with breast cancer in Russia. But 20-30 minutes spent on visiting a doctor preserve health and save lives. You just need to contact a good mammologist in Moscow right away, and not travel from office to office. There is such a doctor in almost every paid clinic in the capital.

What does he do

A mammologist in Moscow is engaged in the prevention of breast diseases, the diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies. It can be not only cancer, but also mastopathy or cyst, fibroadenoma (benign tumor), lactostasis or mastitis in a nursing woman.

A mammologist in Moscow not only examines and treats, but also tells women how to maintain breast elasticity or tighten mammary glands that have sagged after losing weight with the help of exercises and massage, how to choose a bra, what to be afraid of and how to avoid diseases, for example, during hormonal changes .

Why contact this specialist

A mammologist in Moscow recommends that mothers bring the girl to an appointment for the first time at the time of the onset of puberty, when the breasts are just starting to grow. Teenage "hormonal storm" often at this age becomes the cause of fibroadenomas - the disease is diagnosed in every 10th.

Girls should visit a mammologist at least once every 2-3 years (if nothing bothers you, if there are complaints - immediately, as soon as you see any changes: discharge from the nipple, hard "balls", pain in the lymph nodes under the armpits or on the neck etc.). And for women over 40, a visit to a mammologist once a year and a mammogram should become as good a habit as visiting a hairdresser.

Sign up for a mammologist

Every woman needs her own good mammologist in Moscow who will observe her. Remember that a routine check-up can save your life. Do not be afraid to go to a mammologist for an appointment - but cancer does not develop in 2-3 months! It is easy to detect even at the zero stage, when the tumor is still only in the area where it originated (for example, inside the duct). In 85-90% of cases, breast cancer at the 1st stage is completely curable with preservation of the mammary gland and without consequences.

Make an appointment with a doctor!

  • How to get a consultation?
  • Instructions from a mammologist: how to conduct breast self-examination - video
  • Oncologist-mammologist: diagnosis of breast cancer (mammography, ultrasound, tomosynthesis) - video
  • Mammologist: risk factors for breast cancer (age, hormones, breastfeeding, abortion and miscarriage, overweight, alcohol), self-examination, diagnosis - video
  • Breast cancer: statistics, causes, diagnosis of breast lumps, treatment (says oncologist-mammologist, head of the oncology dispensary) - video
  • Radiologist-mammologist about gynecomastia and breast cancer in men: causes and risk factors, signs and diagnosis, treatment - video
  • Advice from a mammologist: breast cysts - symptoms, types, conservative and surgical treatment, ultrasound. Cysts in teenagers - video
  • Recommendations of a mammologist: who needs to be examined, what to do with pain and tightness in the chest, diagnostic methods (mammography, X-ray) - video

  • The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

    Sign up for Mammologist

    To make an appointment with a doctor or diagnostics, you just need to call a single phone number
    +7 495 488-20-52 in Moscow

    +7 812 416-38-96 in St. Petersburg

    The operator will listen to you and redirect the call to the right clinic, or take an order for an appointment with the specialist you need.

    Or you can click the green "Sign Up Online" button and leave your phone number. The operator will call you back within 15 minutes and select a specialist that meets your request.

    At the moment, an appointment is being made with specialists and clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Who is a mammologist?

    Mammologist is a doctor specializing in the prevention, detection and treatment of various diseases of the mammary glands in men and women. Mammologists, depending on the nature of the disease, can perform both surgical (surgical) and conservative treatment of various pathologies of the mammary glands.

    To carry out activities within their competence, mammologists work in departments of multidisciplinary hospitals or conduct outpatient appointments based on polyclinics, diagnostic centers or private medical clinics. On the basis of multidisciplinary hospitals or specialized oncological hospitals, mammologists perform surgical treatment of diseases of the mammary glands, removing tumors, mastitis, etc. And on the basis of polyclinics, diagnostic centers or private clinics, mammologists carry out conservative treatment of breast diseases that do not require surgical intervention.

    In addition, all preventive medical examinations and diagnostics of many diseases of the mammary glands are also carried out by mammologists on an outpatient basis at polyclinics, diagnostic centers or private clinics.

    A mammologist deals with a whole range of various problems related to the health of the mammary glands in men and women. So, a mammologist will help men get rid of gynecomastia, and women to identify and cure mastitis, mastopathy, as well as various tumors of the mammary glands (malignant and benign).

    A mammologist in his practice uses the methods of clinical, x-ray, ultrasound and radiological examinations, puncture biopsy, as well as assessing the family history of a woman or man, assessing the genetic and hormonal status.

    Oncologist-mammologist and surgeon-mammologist

    Mammology is a very narrow specialty, singled out as a separate branch of medicine due to the wide spread of breast cancer. In order to effectively prevent, diagnose in the early stages and treat breast cancer, the direction "mammology" was singled out. However, in addition to the problem of breast cancer, any breast diseases in men and women were included in the scope of activities of mammologists.

    At present, in the CIS countries, there is no large medical specialty "mammology" due to its narrowness. In fact, mammology is a "minor" specialty that doctors can master, one way or another, by the nature of their main "big" specialty, related to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the mammary glands in men and women.

    Therefore, in order to obtain the narrow qualification of a mammologist, one must first complete a major specialization in general surgery, gynecology, radiology, ultrasound diagnostics, or oncology. This means that first a graduate of a medical higher education institution must complete a residency or internship in the specialty "general surgery", "oncology", "obstetrics and gynecology", "radiology" or "ultrasound diagnostics", and after that undergo additional improvement in thematic courses majoring in mammology. Only after that the doctor can work in the field of mammology.

    Due to the fact that doctors of various general clinical specialties become mammologists, a double spelling of the specialty is used to indicate the direction of their activities and indicate the main qualification, such as, for example, "surgeon-mammologist", "oncologist-mammologist", "radiologist-mammologist", " gynecologist-mammologist", etc.

    Accordingly, the entry "mammologist surgeon" means a doctor who has a basic specialization in general surgery and an additional advanced training in mammology. A doctor of such qualification, as a rule, is engaged in the identification and treatment of such diseases of the mammary glands that require surgical therapy. A mammologist surgeon usually works on the basis of a surgical department with specialized mammology beds, or on the basis of clinics of the mammology department of a medical higher education institution.

    The entry "oncologist-mammologist" means that the doctor has a basic specialization in oncology, and an additional improvement in the field of mammology. A doctor of this qualification usually works on the basis of oncological dispensaries or oncology research institutes, and is engaged in the detection and treatment, mainly of breast tumors. In addition, breast oncologists are often referred for consultation by fellow mammologists who have specialized on the basis of another major medical specialty (surgery, gynecology, radiology, or ultrasound diagnostics) to distinguish whether there is a breast tumor disease in a particular case, or speech is a non-tumor pathology.

    Recording "gynecologist-mammologist" means that the doctor received additional specialization in the field of mammology on the basis of the main specialty of obstetrician-gynecologist. As a rule, such specialists are engaged in the identification and treatment of various non-tumor (mastopathy, etc.) and non-surgical (mastitis) diseases of the mammary glands. A gynecologist-mammologist usually works on an outpatient basis, conducting an appointment on the basis of gynecological rooms of polyclinics, diagnostic centers or private clinics. A gynecologist-mammologist conducts conservative therapy for various diseases of the mammary glands that do not require surgical treatment.

    Recording "radiologist-mammologist" means a doctor with a primary specialization in the field of radiological diagnostics, and an additional one in the field of mammology. A doctor of this specialty deals exclusively with the diagnosis of diseases of the mammary glands. The radiologist-mammologist always works in tandem with the oncologist-mammologist, surgeon-mammologist or gynecologist-mammologist. The pair work of doctors of these specialties provides effective diagnosis and subsequent treatment of various diseases of the mammary glands.

    Recording "doctor of ultrasound diagnostics - mammologist" means that the doctor has a main specialization in the field of ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound), and an additional one in the field of mammology. The spectrum of his activities is similar to that of a radiologist-mammologist, with the difference that a specialist in the field of ultrasound diagnoses diseases of the mammary glands using ultrasound diagnostic methods, and a radiologist uses an X-ray examination.

    What diseases does the doctor treat?

    A mammologist is engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases:
    • Tumor formations (both benign and malignant) in the mammary glands: cancer, sarcoma, lipoma, fibroadenoma, etc.;
    • Inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands (mastitis of various origins);
    • Hormonal diseases of the mammary glands, such as mastopathy, gynecomastia, fibrocystic disease;
    • Congenital anomalies in the development of the mammary glands (both in women and men).
    You should know that the competence of a mammologist includes tumor formations, hormonal diseases and congenital anomalies in the development of the mammary glands. And inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands are mainly within the competence of surgeons, since mastitis is treated exclusively with surgical intervention. Of course, oncologists-mammologists can also treat mastitis, because they also perform surgical operations. But since surgeons still work with purulent processes that require surgical treatment, and mastitis is precisely purulent inflammation of the mammary glands, surgeons still most often treat this disease.

    When and how often do you need to undergo a mammologist during prophylactic examinations?

    Opinion on how often and when women need to visit a mammologist varies. Thus, most doctors practicing in the countries of the former USSR recommend that women, starting from the age of 20, undergo a preventive examination by a mammologist once every three years, and women over 40 years old - once a year.

    However, in addition to this, a number of doctors have a different opinion, recommending women over 30 years of age who do not have any chest complaints to visit a mammologist for a preventive examination once every one and a half years. And women over 30 years of age who have suffered in the past or in the present mastopathy or other diseases of the mammary glands are recommended to undergo preventive examinations by a mammologist 1 to 3 times a year. Women over 30 years old, whose relatives suffered from any diseases of the mammary glands, regardless of whether they themselves have breast complaints, should visit a mammologist for preventive examinations at least twice a year.

    How is the appointment with the doctor?

    On what day of the cycle should I come to an appointment with a mammologist?

    If a woman is going to visit a mammologist for a preventive or diagnostic examination, and the existing problem does not require an urgent solution (there are no chest pains, discharge from the nipples), then it is necessary to come to the doctor on certain days of the menstrual cycle. It is optimal to come to the mammologist after the end of menstruation, but before the onset of ovulation in the current menstrual cycle. That is, it is best to visit a mammologist on the 5th - 7th day of the menstrual cycle.

    If a woman needs an urgent consultation with a mammologist (for example, if there is discharge from the nipples, pain in the mammary glands, etc.), then you can come to the doctor on any day of the cycle.

    What examinations and analyzes does a mammologist perform?

    At the appointment, the mammologist without fail probes the mammary glands with his fingers in order to determine seals, nodes, etc. In addition, the doctor asks the woman what her breast complaints are (eg, chest pain, nipple discharge, breast engorgement).

    If necessary, if during probing or on the basis of complaints, the mammologist suspects the presence of a tumor formation, the doctor prescribes the following additional instrumental examinations:

    • Mammography (x-ray examination of the mammary glands);
    • Fine-needle aspiration biopsy followed by a histological examination of a piece of tissue (using a thin needle, a small piece of tissue is taken from a suspicious area in the mammary gland, and then examined under a microscope to find out if there is a tumor degeneration in the breast);
    • Ductography (X-ray examination of the ducts of the mammary glands);
    • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
    • MRI of the mammary glands;
    • Breast scintigraphy.
    In addition, for the diagnosis of diseases of the mammary glands, a mammologist may prescribe the following laboratory tests:
    • A smear from one or two nipples of the mammary gland with a study of the material under a microscope;
    • Puncture of a suspicious formation detected during palpation, followed by examination of the material under a microscope.

    In what cases should you contact a mammologist?

    You need to see a mammologist urgently if a woman has the following symptoms or complaints:
    • Pain in one or both mammary glands;
    • Seals in the mammary glands (if such seals are tightly soldered to the tissues and cannot be moved when probing);
    • Discharge from the nipples of a bloody or sanious nature;
    • Change in the size of the mammary glands (reduction or increase);
    • Asymmetry of the mammary glands (one breast is much larger than the other);
    • Redness of the skin or nipples of the mammary glands;
    • Indrawing or bulging in the nipple.
    Besides, it is necessary to visit a mammologist in the near future (within 3 months), but not urgently, but on a planned basis if you have the following symptoms or conditions:
    • Unusual discomfort in the mammary glands, such as a feeling of engorgement, fullness;
    • Discharge from the nipple that is not bloody (for example, watery liquid);
    • Seals in one or both mammary glands (if such seals move when probed);
    • Existing or past diseases of the genital organs;
    • Past trauma of the mammary glands;
    • The existing pregnancies proceeded unfavorably;
    • There are violations of the liver;
    • Are there any hormonal diseases;
    • In the past, they experienced long and severe psychotraumatic situations;
    • Blood relatives suffered from breast cancer.

    How to prepare for a doctor's appointment?

    Before you go to the mammologist, it is recommended to prepare for a visit to the doctor. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to remember how and when complaints and symptoms disturbing a person appeared. It is optimal to write down all complaints on a piece of paper, the approximate moment of their appearance, as well as the nature of their changes over time. And from the doctor you can get a "cheat sheet" compiled in advance and read it or tell it in your own words, controlling yourself according to the list written in advance, so as not to miss or forget anything.

    If we are talking about a preventive examination, then it is necessary to mentally describe the state of the mammary glands and all the sensations in them, and tell the doctor at the reception. It is very important for prophylactic administration to tell about all the sensations in the mammary glands, since a woman may not attach importance to any serious symptoms.

    Before taking it, you do not need to take any tests - if necessary, the doctor will prescribe them, but you can go through a regular mammogram. Accordingly, it is necessary to come to the appointment with a ready-made mammography result and the conclusion of a radiologist.

    Since the mammologist will definitely probe the mammary glands with his hands, for which he will have to undress, in order not to be embarrassed and not feel awkward, it is necessary to put on underwear (bra) and clothes in which a woman feels confident.

    Where does the doctor take?

    A mammologist conducts an appointment either on the basis of multidisciplinary large diagnostic centers, or in an oncology clinic, or in private medical clinics.

    Mammologist at the polyclinic

    In ordinary polyclinics, the rate of a mammologist, as a rule, is not included in the staff list, and therefore there is simply no doctor of such specialization. The functions of a mammologist for conducting preventive examinations or for the primary diagnosis of breast diseases in ordinary clinics can be performed by a gynecologist or oncologist. Doctors of these specializations palpate the mammary glands, ask women about their complaints, after which, if there is any suspicious information, they refer the patient to a consultation directly with a mammologist. Usually, a referral is issued to an oncological polyclinic or to a multidisciplinary diagnostic center, if there is one in the region.

    If a woman or a man wants to get advice from a high-class mammologist, then she / he needs to contact a doctor working on the basis of an oncology clinic, diagnostic center or private clinic.

    Mammologist in the hospital

    Mammologists, as a rule, work on the basis of departments of oncological dispensaries, in the oncology research institute or in the clinics of the mammology department of any medical university. However, mammologists from the departments of oncology hospitals, as a rule, do not conduct outpatient appointments for everyone, but doctors of various specialties usually refer to these specialists if there is a suspicion of a tumor disease of the mammary glands in a woman. This means that you can get to a mammologist in a hospital by getting a referral from a polyclinic doctor who performs the function of a mammologist.

    Mammologists who work in a hospital usually perform surgical treatment of diseases of the mammary glands. But the conservative therapy of breast pathologies is carried out by mammologists who conduct outpatient appointments based on polyclinics or private medical centers.

    How to get a consultation?

    General provisions

    There are two ways to get an appointment with a mammologist. The first method is the simplest, but costly from a financial point of view. And the second method is somewhat more complicated, but inexpensive. So, the first way to get to a mammologist is to go to a private clinic, which accepts a specialist of this profile. In this case, you can get to the mammologist without a referral, but simply by signing up for the next free time. But in a private clinic, the appointment of a mammologist will be paid.

    The second way to get to a mammologist is to take a referral for a consultation of this specialist from the district

    The current level of development of medical science makes it possible to detect pathological changes in the female breast almost immediately after their appearance. Therefore, the medical community recommends not to wait for the appearance of various complaints about the condition of the mammary gland, but to undergo an annual preventive examination by a specialist. The mammologist deals with the issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases in women and men. Depending on the characteristics of the pathological process, he uses conservative or surgical (surgical) methods to combat the disease.

    The answer to the question of where to find a mammologist is not a problem. There are such specialists in multidisciplinary medical institutions, they receive patients on an outpatient basis at district polyclinics, diagnostic centers, and private clinics.

    In multidisciplinary hospitals and specialized oncology departments, surgical treatment of neoplasms in the mammary glands (mastitis, cysts, tumors, etc.) is performed. Preventive examinations and conservative treatment, if no surgical intervention is required, are carried out by specialists from private clinics, diagnostic centers, and polyclinics.

    Women should contact a mammologist to identify and combat mastitis, mastopathy, various tumors of the mammary glands (benign and malignant). Doctors today use modern methods of clinical, ultrasound, X-ray, radiological examinations, use a puncture biopsy, analyze the patient's family history, examine his genetic and hormonal status.

    When to contact a mammologist

    Regular preventive examinations are the best way not to start a breast disease, not to allow pathologically altered benign tissues to transform into malignant ones. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the more likely it is to avoid complications and completely cure the patient.

    To visit a mammologist, choose from the 5th to the 12th day of the menstrual cycle. Women who have entered the period of menopause can devote a visit to the doctor any day convenient for them.

    Doctors recommend that healthy women from the age of 20 regularly visit a mammologist every 1-1.5 years and do an ultrasound of the mammary glands. And after 45 years of age use to do a mammogram. Since mammography is the most informative type of analysis of breast tissue using x-rays. In some cases, you need to check your health more often. This applies to women who previously had diseases (tumors) of the breast, injured the mammary gland, and whose close relatives on the maternal side suffered the disease with the formation of benign or malignant tumors.

    A number of symptoms may indicate the presence of a breast disease and are the reason for an urgent decision on where to go to a mammologist and a visit to a specialist:

    • pain in the mammary glands, between the shoulder blades or in the armpits;
    • discharge from the nipples, having the appearance of an ichor or with inclusions of blood;
    • the appearance of fixed seals in the glands;
    • a sharp visible change in the size of the mammary glands, swelling;
    • asymmetry of the left and right breasts;
    • redness (hyperemia) of the breast area;
    • change in the shape of the nipple.

    Mammologist specialization

    When choosing a place where a specialist in diseases of the female breast takes, and the doctor himself, you need to take into account the features of his specialization. A mammologist is a narrow specialization where doctors from related general clinical areas come. Therefore, for clarification, a double definition of specialties is used: “gynecologist-mammologist”, “surgeon-mammologist”, “oncologist-mammologist”, “radiologist-mammologist”.

    • Surgeon-mammologist. The doctor, as a rule, takes in the surgical department of a specialized medical institution, where there are separate places for patients of this direction. He diagnoses, treats, and, if necessary, is able to operate neoplasms in the mammary glands.
    • An oncologist-mammologist specializes in the treatment of malignant tumors and can accept a patient in the conditions of an oncology research institute or an oncology dispensary. Also, the oncologist-mammologist is referred for a consultation with a doctor from other areas in order to confirm / exclude the malignant nature of the tumor.
    • But you can come to a gynecologist-mammologist for an outpatient appointment at the gynecological office of a district or private clinic, at a diagnostic center. The receiving gynecologist-mammologist treats various diseases of the mammary glands only conservatively.
    • The definition of "radiologist-mammologist" means the narrowest specialization of those listed above. He diagnoses diseases of the mammary glands, working together with a gynecologist-mammologist, a surgeon-mammologist, an oncologist-mammologist,

    Mammologist's appointment

    An examination by a mammologist is necessary for every woman who cares about her health and wants to preserve the beauty of her breasts until old age. A visit to a doctor involved in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the mammary glands has become especially relevant in recent years, when the number of malignant and benign diseases of the mammary glands has sharply increased. Regular visits to the mammologist are the key to female longevity.

    Who is a mammologist

    A mammologist is a specialist who deals with the treatment of functional and organic diseases of the mammary glands. The scope of his work includes the following types of pathologies:

    • benign, malignant neoplasms of the breast: fibroadenoma, lipoma, sarcoma;
    • inflammatory, infectious diseases (mastitis);
    • pathologies resulting from hormonal imbalance: fibrocystic disease, mastopathy, gynecomastia in men;
    • congenital malformations of the mammary glands in women, men.

    A mammologist is a narrow specialty that has been singled out as a separate branch of medicine due to the widespread prevalence of breast cancer. However, at the moment, in the CIS countries, a mammologist is not included in the official list of medical specialties, so patients who want to make an appointment with a doctor in a district clinic are sent to an appointment with a gynecologist or oncologist.

    There are several main specializations of doctors involved in the treatment of diseases of the mammary glands. This is how a breast surgeon detects and treats breast diseases that require surgical intervention (for example, mastitis). An oncologist-mammologist is engaged in the study of neoplasms of the mammary glands, it is he who can recognize a tumor at an early stage of development.

    Prevention is a guarantee of health and longevity

    Every woman needs to make an appointment with a mammologist at least 1 time in 1-3 years. It is advisable to start visiting a doctor at the age of 18 or an earlier age. The first visit to a mammologist is recommended to be made in youth, when the reproductive system is being formed. At the appointment, the doctor will not only examine the breasts of a young girl, but also talk about methods for preventing diseases, about the rules for caring for the mammary glands.

    It is advisable for women from 18 to 30 years old to undergo a preventive examination at least 1 time in 3 years, patients over 30 years old with an unaggravated history should visit a doctor 1 time in 1.5 years. If a woman has had breast diseases in the past or if her close relatives suffered from severe breast diseases, then she should visit a doctor annually.

    Many representatives of the fair sex underestimate the importance of preventive examinations of the mammary glands. But it should be remembered that the most severe breast diseases, such as cancerous tumors, are asymptomatic in the initial stages. The first signs of the disease appear at later stages. But the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of a full recovery. It is possible to detect oncological diseases at asymptomatic stages only if a woman undergoes regular mammological examinations.

    Patients with an increased risk of developing breast disease should pay special attention to prevention. These are women who have gynecological diseases caused by metabolic disorders, as well as endocrine pathologies, liver disorders, any hormonal disruptions, constant stress and nervous shocks. The risk group also includes patients who have had unfavorable pregnancies.

    In what cases you need to see a doctor

    An appointment with a mammologist is necessary if any unpleasant symptoms appear. You should be concerned about:

    1. Pain, swelling or any other discomfort in the mammary glands. With advanced forms of mastopathy, patients may complain of pain in the armpits, shoulder blades, shoulders, and collarbones. In the initial stages of the development of pathology, pain often appears only in the second half of the menstrual cycle, and women mistakenly take it for manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.
    2. Change in size, swelling or asymmetry of the mammary glands.
    3. Thickening in the tissues of the breast. Of particular concern should be seals that are tightly connected to surrounding tissues and do not move when probed.
    4. Nipple retraction or bulging.
    5. Discharge from nipples. The most formidable symptom is the presence of bloody, brown discharge. They may indicate the development of malignant neoplasms that destroy the small blood vessels of the milk ducts.
    6. Changes in the skin of the chest: redness, peeling, itching, expansion of skin pores.

    Also, a doctor's examination is required for women who have had chest injuries (even minor ones) in the recent past.

    What happens at the doctor's appointment

    A woman who has decided to make an appointment with a mammologist needs to properly prepare for the upcoming visit. If a visit to the doctor is due to the presence of any unpleasant symptoms, then you need to remember when these sensations appeared, what is their nature. If the patient is to have a preventive examination, then it is necessary to mentally describe the condition of the breast.

    To visit the doctor, you should choose the right day, the best option is after the end of menstruation, but before the onset of ovulation, that is, 5-12 days of the cycle. After ovulation (12-15 days), changes occur in the breast tissues, making it difficult to diagnose. If a woman needs emergency care, then you can visit the hospital any day. There are no restrictions on the days of the cycle in women during menopause, as well as in patients taking oral contraceptives.

    At the consultation, the mammologist records the patient's complaints, examines and palpates the mammary glands. If necessary, he prescribes additional studies: mammography, ultrasound, tissue biopsy, MRI, ductography or nipple swabs. According to the results of the research, the doctor prescribes treatment to the patient.

    Choice of clinic

    The first step to your health is to decide to examine the mammary glands, the second step is to figure out how to make an appointment with a mammologist. First of all, you need to find out where the relevant specialists are accepted. Depending on her needs and priorities, the patient can choose either a municipal polyclinic or a private medical center.

    The advantages of the polyclinic are that doctors are received there completely free of charge, the disadvantages of public hospitals are the inability to make an appointment at a convenient time, the presence of large queues. The main advantage of a private center is the ability to visit a doctor at any convenient time, the main disadvantage is that the examination is carried out for a fee.

    To make an appointment at the clinic, you need to go or call the reception. If there is no mammologist in the hospital, then the patient may be referred to a gynecologist, therapist or surgeon, depending on the complaints. Now in many hospitals you can make an appointment with a doctor online, but still not all public medical institutions provide such a service. You can make an appointment in a private center in any convenient way: by visiting the reception, by calling on the phone or by going to the website of the medical center.

    Doctor's Choice

    The easiest way to choose a mammologist and make an appointment with a doctor is to use our online service. Thanks to a handy widget presented on this page, you can choose a doctor according to a number of parameters: by the address of the place of work, by the cost of a consultation, work schedule, user reviews. Here you can also read a detailed profile of each mammologist.

    The information provided by our service is constantly updated, so we offer you only the most popular and highly qualified doctors. If you cannot choose a mammologist after reading the list presented, then our consultants will answer all your questions by phone and help you make the right choice.

    There are two ways to make an appointment with a doctor: by filling out an electronic form on our website or by calling the specified phone number. After completing the application, the clinic staff will call you back to confirm the appointment. Take care of the health and beauty of your breasts - make an appointment with a mammologist right now!